Impenetrable "Pantsir-S2": what the updated anti-aircraft missile systems can do

Under the protection of the sea "Shell"

On July 1, the electronic publication “Strategic Culture Foundation” posted on its website a publication stating that the Pantsir-M naval missile and gun installation had been put into mass production. A statement about this was made by Alexander Zhukov, chief designer of sea-based anti-aircraft systems at the Tula Design Bureau named after A.G. Shipunov, at the International Naval Show (IMMS-2015), taking place these days in St. Petersburg.

Model of the Pantsir-M sea-based installation

Pantsir-M is a modification of the latest Russian ground-based anti-aircraft missile and gun system (ZRPK) Pantsir-S and is designed for installation on naval ships. As previously reported by Dmitry Konoplev, managing director of the A.G. Shipunov KBP developer, several destroyers and other large surface ships of the Russian Navy will be modernized in order to accommodate new air defense systems. From his words it followed that such work was already underway on some ships.

Option for mounting the Pantsir-M installation on a ship

In August last year, Aleksandrov Denisov, General Director of the High-Precision Complexes holding (an enterprise that produces naval modifications of the air defense missile system), announced that the planned delivery dates for the Pantsir-M air defense system to ships of the Russian Navy are scheduled for 2016. It has become known that an export version of the Pantsir-ME sea-based anti-aircraft system is in development, which has good prospects in the international arms market, given the high interest of foreign buyers in Russian ground-based weapons systems.

Sea-based anti-aircraft missile and artillery complex (ZRAK) "Kortik"

The newest naval modification of the Pantsir anti-aircraft complex is demonstrated at IMDS-2015 only in the form of a model and illustrations on printed posters, but from the appearance of the sample one can judge the differences between the naval version and the land version. Thus, instead of coaxial 30 mm caliber 2A38M machine guns, which are used in ground-based Pantsirs, the naval air defense missile systems are equipped with six-barreled automatic guns of the 6K30GSh type. It is reported that the Pantsir-M installations will eventually replace the Kortik ship-based anti-aircraft artillery systems in service with the Russian Navy.

ZRPK "Pantsir-S" on a wheeled chassis of a MAN vehicle (export version)

The Pantsir mobile anti-aircraft missile and gun system was developed in the early 90s by the Tula-based Instrument Design Bureau. The first prototype was built in 1995 and was first demonstrated in the same year at the international aerospace exhibition in Zhukovsky, but the units went into mass production only five years later. The first major buyer of the complex was the United Arab Emirates, which ordered a batch of 50 units, and in November 2012, the Pantsir-S1 air defense system was adopted by the Russian Armed Forces.

Anti-aircraft missile and gun complex "Pantsir-S"

With its appearance on the arms market, the missile and cannon “Pantsir” made a strong impression on everyone. Almost for the first time, a potential client was offered a universal weapon, capable of independently detecting and effectively combating almost any target in its range, hitting them at medium and short distances. The 57E6E anti-aircraft missiles of the complex (12 units) can shoot down up to four air targets simultaneously at distances from 1 to 20 km and altitudes up to 15 km, and the 2A38M rapid-fire automatic guns are capable of hitting both air targets and lightly armored objects at distances of up to 4 km.

Operation of the Pantsir-S air defense missile system

The modular design principle allows the complexes to be installed on almost any wheeled or tracked chassis. At the Moscow parade of military equipment in honor of Victory Day, which took place in May 2015, Pantsir-S installations were presented on the chassis of a KAMAZ vehicle. Earlier, at the exhibition “Technologies in Mechanical Engineering-2012”, the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system was demonstrated on the GM352M1E tracked chassis. Several units on tracked chassis have already been delivered to the air defense units of the Russian army.

ZRPK "Pantsir-S" on a tracked chassis

ZRPK "Pantsir" are an effective means of air defense of strategically important objects (from administrative buildings and enterprises to artillery or missile positions). Highly sensitive locators (3 units per vehicle, one of them is a phased array early detection and target designation radar), working in conjunction with optical-electronic and infrared guidance systems, provide early detection and reliable tracking up to the destruction of the smallest airborne objects - from UAVs to precision weapons. Pantsir-S installations can operate autonomously and in a coordinated manner - as part of batteries with a separate command post. Each Pantsir-S air defense missile system is operated by a crew of two to three people.

Control panel of the Pantsir-S air defense missile system

The Pantsir anti-aircraft missile and gun system is in high demand on the international arms market. Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said that today Russia has a package of orders for these complexes until 2022. The Russian air defense missile system has foreign analogues, but competitors are not yet able to offer the buyer better technical parameters, greater firepower and more favorable prices. Among the first buyers of the Russian Pantsir are such countries as Algeria, Brazil (scheduled delivery in 2016), Iran, Iraq, UAE, Oman and Syria. In addition, it is reported that the developers are preparing to release new, improved versions of the Pantsir-2S anti-aircraft gun for the Russian army and foreign buyers.

Table of comparison of parameters of the Pantsir-S1 air defense system with the best foreign analogues

Technical characteristics of the Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system

Ammunition: – SAM on launcher – rounds12 1400
Damage zone, m: – missile weapons (range) – missile weapons (height) – cannon weapons (range) – cannon weapons (height)1200-20000 10-15000 200-4000 0-3000
Response time, s4-6
Number of people in the combat crew3
Speed ​​of targets hit, m/s1000
Productivity, targets fired per minute8-12
Detection and target designation station 1RS1
Target detection range with EPR 2m2, km36
Range of radial velocities of detected targets, m/s30-1000
Viewing area: – in azimuth, degrees – in elevation, degrees360 0-60; 0-30; 40-80; 0-25
Zone review period, s2; 4
Number of simultaneously tracked targets20
Operating rangeS
Target and missile tracking station
Work area: – in azimuth, degrees – in elevation, degrees±45 -5 to +85
Maximum target detection range, km: – with EPR = 2m2 – with EPR = 0.03m224 7
Simultaneous automatic tracking of: – targets – missilesup to 3 to 4
Operating rangeTO
Anti-aircraft guided missile 57E6-E
Weight, kg – in container – starting – warhead94 74,5 20
Caliber, mm – launch stage – sustainer stage170 90
Rocket length, mm3160
TPK length, mm3200
Maximum rocket speed, m/s1300
Average flight speed, m/s: – at 12 km – at 18 km900 780
Automatic 2A38M (double-barreled)
Caliber, mm30
Projectile weight, kg0,97
Projectile speed, m/s960
Rate of fire1950-2500
Shooting control methodremote
Possibility of operation, °C±50

The incredible adventures of “Pantsir” in Karabakh: Was there a boy?

Modern wars are also wars of fakes called information technologies. They sometimes hurt more painfully than shrapnel and shells, but they have the same goal - defeat the enemy, even moral or psychological. In the armed conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh between Armenia and Azerbaijan, propaganda methods are now being actively developed, in which, apparently, the famous commandment of the Nazi ideologist Joseph Goebbels is used: “We do not seek the truth, but the effect.”

If you follow the reports of the propaganda structures of the two sides, then during the conflict, which lasts on the territory of Karabakh for a month, an amount of each other’s equipment was destroyed that exceeded its actual number. All the tanks have already been burned, an unimaginable number of drones have been destroyed, there is no artillery or missiles left - it seems like there is nothing to fight with. Victory reports have “destroyed” everything possible; we have to invent something extravagant to have more effect. The weapons of third countries, which are considered indirect participants in this conflict - Russia and Turkey - have already been used. As they say, for greater effect, or, recalling another quote from the past: “The more monstrous the lie, the more willingly they believe in it.”

Photo of Pantsir-S1 air defense missile system


S-75 air defense systems Dvina, Desna, Volkhov. Compound. Rockets. Damage range

S-350E Vityaz air defense system. Compound. Rockets. Damage range

ZRPK Pantsir-S1. Armament. Price. Detection range

ZSU-23-4 Shilka. Rate of fire. Armament. Dimensions. Weight

ZRK 2K12 KUB. Damage range. Rocket speed. Principle of operation

ZSU 2S6M Tunguska-M. Damage range. Rockets. Compound. Dimensions

OSA-AKM air defense missile system. Firing range. Rockets. Compound. Dimensions. Weight

SAM S-200 Angara, Vega, Dubna. Damage range. Compound. Principle of operation

SAM Buk-M1-2. Detection and destruction range. Rockets. Possibilities

MANPADS Verba. Damage range. Rocket. Composition of the complex

S-400 Triumph air defense system. Damage range. Rockets. How does it work

SAM S-300PMU2 Favorite. Damage range. Compound. Rockets

SAM 9K331 Tor-M1. Damage range. Rocket. Principle of operation

MANPADS 9K310 Igla-1. Damage range. Weight. Possibilities

SAM S-125 Neva (Pechora) Range and height of destruction. Rockets

SAM Sosna. Armament. Damage range. Rockets. Compound

SAM 9K35 Strela-10. Damage range. Modifications. Rockets

SAM S-25 Berkut. Range and altitude of damage. Rockets

Naval air defense missile system Dagger. Damage range. Compound. Rockets. On what ships is it installed?

ZRK 2K11 Circle. Damage range. Modifications. Compound

American Patriot air defense system. Damage range. Compound. Rockets

Anti-aircraft gun ZSU-57-2. Armament. Dimensions. Booking

KTPU "Gibka" (3M-47) Damage range. Rockets. Principle of operation

MANPADS 9K34 “Strela-3”

"Osa-M" - shipborne anti-aircraft missile system

S-300V (9K81) – anti-aircraft missile system

9S482M7 (PU-12M7) – battery mobile control station

SAM "Avenger" - American mobile anti-aircraft missile system

FIM-92A Stinger - American MANPADS

MANPADS 9K32 “Strela-2”

MD-PS – anti-aircraft missile system

SAM M-1 "Volna" (4K90) - ship-based anti-aircraft missile system

ZSU-37 – self-propelled anti-aircraft gun

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In service

It is known that there is a portfolio of orders for Pantsir-S1 worth $2.5 billion. Based on the cost of each air defense missile system, this means a total order of more than 175 units.

  • Algeria - 12 Pantsir-S1E complexes and 250 9M331 missiles were delivered in 2012, a total of 38 Pantsir-S1E complexes and 750 9M311 units were ordered in 2006 (Contract amount: more than $500 million).
  • Brazil - in February 2013, an agreement was signed on the intention to purchase several Pantsir-S1 batteries in the future (from 12 to 18 complexes)
  • Iran - 10 Pantsir-S1E complexes, as of 2012
  • Morocco - 50 Pantsir-S1E complexes have been ordered.
  • Brazil - intends to purchase Pantsir-S1 complexes.
  • UAE - 44 Pantsir-S1E systems and 1000 9M311 units were delivered from Russia between 2009 and 2011 (initially, the first delivery was planned for 2003). The supply is carried out under the 2000 contract, which provides for the supply of 50 96K6 units and 1000 missiles for them. The contract amount is $800 million (including partial development financing).
  • Oman - up to 12 Pantsir-S1E complexes, as of 2012
  • Russia - 28 complexes as of September 2013. (10 in 2010, 6+6 in 2012) (6 in 2013)
  • Syria - 36 96K6 systems and 700 9M311 units were supplied from Russia between 2008 and 2011. The supply is carried out under a 2006 contract, which provides for the supply of up to 50 96K6 systems and up to 700 missiles for them.

Information war on the arms market

In May 2022, information appeared that Pakistan was considering purchasing Pantsirs. Moreover, the newspapers of India were the first to write about this - a country with which Pakistan has difficult relations, balancing on the brink of war. Therefore, the tone of the publications was concerned. But the publication, citing a high-ranking Russian military officer, Fr. At the same time, in January 2020, The Economic Times wrote that India still refused to purchase the Pantsir-S1 because its military experts were “disappointed with the actual characteristics of the complex.” Despite this, the Pantsir-S1E export model was previously purchased by Algeria, Iraq, Serbia, and Syria.

Last year, Pantsir appeared in Libya among the troops of Field Marshal Haftar

For the first time, the transfer of the Pantsir S-1 complex to this country from the UAE was reported on Twitter by the military observer of the portal (the Arabic edition of the authoritative resource DefecnceNews) Mahmud Gamal
in June 2022.
In May 2020, during a reconnaissance operation, government troops in Tripoli opposing Haftar’s army managed to capture one Pantsir-S1. In addition, in May, Western media, not without pleasure, reported on the destruction of nine complexes by Turkish Bayraktar TB2 drones. As you know, Ankara is on the side of the government in Tripoli in the intra-Libyan conflict. After this, British Defense Minister Ben Wallace
said that “the effective use of Bayraktar TB2 medium attack drones against the Pantsirs made it possible to change the balance of power in Libya and Syria.” The American publication Defense Express called the successful attack by Turkish drones “a real genocide of Pantsir.”

Loading of Pantsir-SM complexes for shipment to the Kapustin Yar and Ashuluk training grounds at the Bataysk railway station in the Rostov region. Photo: Sergey Pivovarov/RIA Novosti

“In that situation, the Arabs incorrectly used the Pantsir,” explained Yuri Knutov. – It should be used in a battery of four complexes, and in extreme cases, repel an attack with two. While the first one tracks and destroys the target on one side, the second one controls and prevents an attack on the other. The Arabs used only one, which led to such sad consequences. But generally speaking, in terms of price-quality ratio, the Pantsir air defense system, of course, has no analogues in the world. This also applies to the costs of shooting down an enemy target. Therefore, the extensive information campaign against Pantsir in the foreign press is planned and well organized. One source of these attacks is Ukraine, which hopes to push Russian air defense systems out of the market and replace them with its own. These are methods of competition for a place in the market.

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