Extensive collection of various cutaway cartridges

Drive battle

With a shotgun, it is necessary to analyze the thickness of the shot at a specific distance and area. This is the accuracy of the battle.

The initial firing distance of a shotgun is 35 m. The diameter of the target is 75 cm. The impact of the shot is expressed in two options: the total number or hundreds.

The number of pellets in a single charge is 100%. The number of shot that hit the target becomes the basis for the division of hundreds of units from the total fractional charge.

Butt. Think like this:

  • cartridge caliber - 16;
  • number of pellets - 150;
  • Its number is 5;
  • distance - 35 m.

If pressed, 105 pellets come out. The accuracy is 70%.

modification 7, 62

Today, the manufactured Myslyvtsy carry three different types of cartridges with calibrations of 7, 62 mm. Apparently, the caliber depends on the distance between the protrusions in the thread of the drill tunnel.

Variations are as follows:

  • 7, 62x39. Particularity - shell cule.
  • 7, 62x51. Specificity - expansive cule.
  • 7, 62x53. Kulya is athletic.

They all have a different parameter for the diameter of the culm separation at the time of shooting at 300 m. Its spectrum: 6-12.5 cm.

Tsikavo, that since recently the view has been 7, 62x53, having taken away the designation 7, 62x54. The price of knowledge is standard and beyond the border.

These models have been expanded into the following categories: “Tiger”, “KO-44” and “SV-40”. All these are mysly carbines.

In a combined drill with markings, MC and IZh can be used with care - the diameter of the drill threaded channel should be 7.925 mm.

When purchasing a property, it is necessary to emphasize someone's respect.


Abstract » Viyskova on the right, DPY » Budova patrona

A live cartridge consists of a cooler, a cartridge case, a powder charge and a capsule (small 87). Patroni zrazka 1943 r. are produced from basic bullets and from special-purpose bullets: tracers and armor-piercing-firing ones. The main parts of the special sacks are to be produced in a factory. The sack is intended: primarily - to reduce the manpower of the enemy, deployed openly and behind the covers, which can be broken through with sacks; traversing - to increase the enemy's manpower, as well as to adjust fire and target designation; armor-piercing-firing - for igniting flammable areas and reducing the enemy's manpower, who is located behind light armored shelters at a distance of up to 300 m. The primary bullet consists of a shell, a steel core, a lead shirt; Tracing and armor-piercing-firing coolers tow the folding budova (small 88).

The purpose is to connect all parts of the cartridge, to protect the powder charge from external injections and to reduce the leakage of powder gases at the side of the bolt. The vessel consists of a body, a neck and a bottom.

The gunpowder charge infuses the coulees of the advancing roc. The wine is made from peroxyline powder.

The capsule is used for firing a powder charge. The wine is made from a brass bucket, a striking bag and a foil round.


An inspection of the machine is carried out to verify its serviceability, cleanliness, cleanliness and preparation before firing.

You need to look at the machine every day: before going out to work; before intercession with the outfit; in a combat situation - periodically as the day progresses and before the end of the battlefield.

After an hour of looking around, you can check: all the parts of the machine; there are no dents, dents, nicks, nicks, or other damage on the outer parts of the frame that could disrupt the normal operation of the machine’s mechanisms; there are no cracks, chips or bruises on the wooden parts; and the cleaning rod is securely fastened. In addition, it is verified: the machine's parts are made of oil, as can be seen without disassembly; presence of belt, magazines, bags for them; the presence and usefulness of the knife blade.

Before going to work, when entering the outfit and when cleaning, the same things that were checked during inspection are checked, and in addition: the suitability of the sight and front sight; barrel bore (so that it doesn’t get lost); work of parts and mechanisms.


The preparation of the machine gun before firing is carried out to ensure the safety of its invisible robot. To prepare the machine, you need to: clean it, inspect the machine in a good way and lubricate it; take a look at the machine gun from the bright side; look around the store; Before firing, wipe the barrel bore, rifle section and chamber dry. If the machine gun has been in the cold for three hours, then before charging it is necessary for the loaders to manually forcefully pull back and push the bolt frame forward several times with the magazine released.

Preparation of live ammunition is carried out before firing. When checking that there is no iron or bent in the cartridges, that the cartridge is not caught in the cartridge case, that there is no green bead on the capsule and that the capsule does not protrude from the surface of the cartridge, and that there is no middle of the live cartridges private If the cartridges have become fermented, they are covered with a small green liquid and need to be wiped off with a clean plaster cloth. Cartridges at shooting ranges and in shooting ranges must be stored in a dry place, protected from sleepy exchanges.


The simplicity of the machine will ensure high reliability and safety of its work. However, due to clogging of the mechanisms, wear of parts, heavy handling of the machine gun, and also due to malfunction of cartridges, jamming may occur when firing.

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Acceptable gunpowder and powder

Can 7, 62x54 be replaced with other types? It is possible, if the type of cul is expansive. And their wired warehouse has a diameter of 7.92 or 7.83 mm. Another important nuance is the threaded diameter parameter - 7.925 mm.

The next day, the actual food burns up the gunpowder. Can you take it with modification 7, 62x39 and 7, 62x51 for version 7, 62x54 with a weight of 13 grams? The gunpowder from them burns faster, lower for 7, 62x54. And if you put powder in them, there is a high risk, so when you shoot, the pressure will rise to critical values.

7, 62x51 is suitable for the model that was created for him. It is not reasonable to place a different type of food into your body. The reason is that it is crooked across the diameter of the drill threaded channel. For version 7, 62x51 vin, set to 7, 83 mm.

For version 7, 62x39, the diameter is the same as 7, 925 mm, as for 7, 62x54. They have similar diameters of the wire storage bin. And in order to reduce the impact of 7, 62x54, it is logical to use non-expansive coolant options for 7, 62x39.


When sticking out the cartridge 7, 62, it is necessary to take a look at its modification. The following diagrams were laid out:

  • 7, 62x39.

  • 7, 62x51.

  • 7, 62x54.

Budova cartridge 7, 62, or more precisely, its variation, has several similar designs. Their reciprocity is possible for singing minds. These clever people competently adjust the calibers. However, experts recommend choosing those models that are optimally suited for singing.

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