PMM Makarov pistol modernized 12 rounds. Device

What's good about the store?

The “desert eagle meteorite” pistol is a skin that every gamer should have. combination of character and style

In fact, the only negative difference between a magazine and a clip is the greater weight - this has already been discussed. Well, the advantage is ease of use, much greater capacity. Replacing a magazine, even in the heat of battle, with very trembling hands, is much easier than replacing a clip. And it’s much more convenient to carry a store using either a regular belt bag or a special unloading vest. When connecting magazines in pairs, so-called “sandwiches”, the reloading speed further increases.

True, clips are not forgotten today. Some experts believe that they can be used to equip magazines to save time in battle - the low weight of the clips hardly weighs down a bag or backpack, allowing you to equip a magazine with 30 rounds in a matter of seconds. However, this idea was not widely adopted.

New solutions

How many cartridges are there in a Makarov pistol
? It is worth noting that in the armed forces, police and other law enforcement agencies of Russia today there is virtually no single service pistol.

The most popular type of personal weapon in Russia is the PM, which was developed in 1948 and for a long time was the main personal weapon of Soviet officers. In the early 1990s it was modernized into PMM.

  • Makarov pistol and Yarygin pistol "Rook"
  • RIA News

In addition to the PM, the USSR used the Stechkin automatic pistol (APS), which had the ability to fire in bursts. It was used by special forces officers, pilots, and other special categories of military personnel.

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In the mid-1970s, the APS was replaced by a shortened modification of the Kalashnikov assault rifle - AKS-74U.

At various times, attempts were made to introduce various pistols into the army that could replace the PM. Thus, in the early 2000s, the Yarygin “Rook” pistol of 9 × 19 mm caliber was adopted for service, but it was not widely used.

"Rooks" have been supplied to various units of the armed forces, internal troops and special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs since 2010, but have never become a full replacement for the Makarov pistol.

Now all the leading armies of the world are reconsidering the concept of personal small arms and the models in service, experts say. This is due to the development of new alloys and plastics, allowing the use of new solutions in the design of pistols, as well as the advent of modern technologies in weapon ballistics.

Thus, in 2022, the US Army replaced its standard 9 × 19 mm M9 pistol (a modification of the Italian Beretta 92 pistol), which had been in service since 1985.

It was replaced by the SIG Sauer M17 (a modification of the P320 pistol). It will use 9×19mm Parabellum ammunition, specifically the dedicated XM1152 full metal jacket ammunition. The magazine capacity is 17 rounds - one less than the Russian Boa constrictor.

  • Pistol "Boa"
  • RIA News

The trend towards replacing service weapons in Russia, many of which have been in service since the middle of the last century, may cause increased interest in the Boa constrictor complex among foreign buyers, experts believe.

“I think this pistol will be of interest to the countries of the Middle East and Africa, with which Russia has already signed arms contracts, because the Boa Constrictor is a modern weapon. It has a large magazine, improved accuracy, and the ability to hit an enemy protected by body armor. In the new market, which the Russian Federation is currently introducing and gradually conquering, such weapons will be in demand,” noted Yuri Knutov.

In turn, Viktor Murakhovsky stated that the presence of such a pistol is fully consistent with new trends in the doctrine of the use of personal small arms thanks to a powerful cartridge that is capable of hitting targets wearing body armor of a standard protection class.

How many rounds are there in a Makarov pistol?

This weapon has a standard magazine that holds 8 rounds. Once the magazine is inserted into the grip, the pistol is not yet ready to fire. First you need to wait for the characteristic click, which will indicate that the magazine is tightly installed. In order for the weapon to be fired, it is necessary to move the ammunition along the barrel into the chamber of the device. After this, you need to remove the gun from the safety lock.

How to choose?

A specialist will help you select products after examining the person. In order to choose daily colored or colorless lenses, you should contact a specialist in a private or public clinic. He will examine the condition of your eyes and conduct a general examination. After this, the doctor, based on the patient’s wishes and examination results, will help choose the most suitable optics option for the person. When selecting optics, the following details are taken into account:

  • the most comfortable way to wear;
  • possibility of changing eye color;
  • presence of a feeling of dryness in the organ of vision.

History of creation

At the end of the 20s of the last century, Red Army officers used pistols of a rather outdated design for personal protection. First of all, revolvers of the Nagant system and German Mausers.

Their fighting qualities no longer corresponded to the needs of the new time. In order to re-equip personnel, the leadership of the USSR People's Commissariat of Defense announced a competition to create a modern army pistol.

TT pistol

18 pistols of different designs were presented to the commission for consideration. After the trials and tests, the acceptance group led by M. Grushetsky selected a pistol from the Tokarev gunsmith. The model was named TT (“Tula Tokarev”).

The designer took the Browning pistol – M1911 – as a basis. The main difference was the redesigned trigger system, the absence of fuses and a different cartridge.

Despite the approval of the selection committee, the TT system pistol did not go into production immediately. Tokarev needed to revise the entire structure. After several months of hard work, the shortcomings were eliminated and in December 1930 the weapon, the TT pistol, was sent for a new series of tests.

02/12/1931 The Tula plant received an order for the first batch of 1000 pieces

Based on the results, it was decided that the new TT pistol would win the competition. On February 12, 1931, the Tula plant received an order for the first batch of 1000 pieces. In the same year, the new TT was put into service.

After combined arms tests, a number of unpleasant features emerged. In particular, the lack of a normal fuse, the likelihood of the magazine falling out, and the heavy weight of the TT. In a real battle, these shortcomings could lead to negative consequences.

Disassembled TT

In an effort to eliminate the shortcomings, Tokarev modified the pistol. As a result, the reliability of the mechanics increased, a safety cocking mechanism appeared, and the magazine latch system was changed. At the same time, work was carried out to improve manufacturability and reduce cost. The new model began to be produced in 1934.

In 1939, a group of designers under the direct supervision of M. Tokarev worked to improve the pistol. The main focus was improving ergonomics and increasing the number of cartridges in the magazine. The outbreak of the Great Patriotic War prevented further work.

Another attempt to refine the TT was made by the designer of the Izhevsk plant - G. Sevryugin. His modification of the pistol was tested in 1944. The main feature was the 16-round magazine.

The last modernization of the TT was carried out in 1947. The main goal was to try to reduce the cost of manufacturing a pistol. For these purposes, work was carried out to optimize the technological process.

TT pistol with cartridges

Despite the fact that the TT became one of the best pistols of the Second World War, it was no longer produced in 1952. It was replaced by the Makarov Pistol. But it was finally removed from service with the Soviet army in the 60s of the last century. The reason for the failure was the too high power of the cartridge and low safety when worn.

The TT was finally phased out in the mid-80s. Today, there are many samples of these weapons left in warehouses. It goes under the designation - weapon of mobilization of the last wave.

1980s during this period TT was finally put out of use

After the end of World War II, a large number of these pistols fell into the hands of criminal elements. This state of affairs was facilitated by the high saturation of these weapons on the black market at that time.

In addition, 7.62*25 ammunition was also widespread and there was no shortage of it. The situation has not changed even now. And today TT pistols are popular.

The TT pistol is manufactured under license in many countries around the world; purchasing it is not difficult. Since the 1990s, they began selling mufflers for it.

TT pistol with silencer

During the Second World War, TTs captured during battles from Soviet soldiers were used by the German army. The pistols were mainly used to arm security units of prisons and camps. To supply ammunition to TTs with a barrel diameter of 8 mm, 7.63*25 cartridges were used.

Military professions


Our tricolor flag is on the mast, A sailor is standing on the deck. And he knows that the seas of the country, the boundaries of the oceans, both day and night, must be under vigilant guard!


Everywhere, as if an all-terrain vehicle, a tank will pass on its tracks, a gun barrel in front, it’s dangerous, enemy, don’t come near! The tank is protected by strong armor and will be able to face the battle!


Here is a marvelous picture - A steel submarine emerges from the depths, as if it were a dolphin! Submariners serve in it - They circle both here and there Under the surface of the water, Protecting the border!


Paratroopers descend from heaven in minutes. Having untangled the parachutes, they will comb the dark forest, ravines, mountains and meadows. They will find a dangerous enemy.


The war ended a long time ago, But it left a trace - Sometimes shells are buried among the beds. And a sapper will come with the equipment to neutralize the field. From now on there will be no explosions, no troubles, no tears, no pain!

Military doctor

A soldier at enemy heights was wounded early in the morning. The brave military doctor will save, He will bandage the wounds! The doctor will remove two small fragments from the soldier’s wounds and say: “Don’t be discouraged! Live long, brother!”

Irina Gurina

Anti-aircraft gunners

The rumble of an airplane is heard. Someone is wandering in our sky at a great height, in the clouds and in the dark. But on moonless nights, from dawn to dusk, the sky is probed with the rays of combat lanterns. It's hard for a pilot to fly - The beam interferes with the plane, And from the ground Towards the roar, the guns are raised: If the enemy - He will be shot down! If a friend - Let him fly!

Irina Gurina

Border Guard

The border guard at the post vigilantly looks into the darkness. Behind his back the country is immersed in a peaceful sleep.

On the border the night is alarming. At night anything is possible, But the sentry is calm Because our army stands behind us, Protecting people’s work and sleep; That our peaceful country is rich and strong.


My husband is a military man. And this means that we rarely see each other. After all, the most important task for him is to be where he is needed.

It happens, only on the threshold Appears: “Here I am!” - How the alarm was announced again! - “Such is my fate!”

Having stroked his son’s head, winked at me and said, don’t worry, he will leave us again for a long time. I just followed him: “Serve!”

All their worries and ups and downs - This is our happy day: The sky is blue over the roof of the house, And the lilacs are blooming,

And the carefree laughter of a child, And the crimson sunset, And the happy girls, Who are still waiting for their soldiers!

Ivanova Larisa

Luxurious look: glitter of gold shoulder straps and a dagger with a gilded handle. It seemed to her that he was destined for an idle life. Service is for order.

It’s good to be with him, he’s caring and sweet, he’s a wonderful dancer, the guy is just what we need... A lot of effort was put into decorating the wedding dresses.

And the table choir shouted “bitterly.” The honeymoon is the most wonderful time. But the lieutenant's leave is too short, the ticket is in my pocket to Vladivostok.

The comfort of the big city is forgotten, the husband leaves for the sea ranges. And expectations, and harsh life, And black shoulder straps on the jacket...

She waited for a week, a month, a year, and the days flew by like an arrow from a bow. It became clear to her that she was not waiting for a husband, but only an end to wanderings and separations.

Everything is smoked. The suitcase is packed. And a note on the table with a white flag. Farewell forever, Pacific Ocean, The path ahead through the country is not short.

And the lieutenant was at sea, and he was wearing a frayed jacket. And in the closet, unused, His jacket with gold embroidery hung for a month of voyage...

Valunsky V.

I really want to be a pilot

There is an air parade in the festive sky. Russian knights are soaring in the sky. The beauty of the fighters took the spectators' breath away. Five planes, wing to wing, They fly towards the sun like an arrow, They do an acrobatic coup like one plane. Birds envy brave pilots, The wind sings about brave pilots. All. I will urgently apply to become a pilot and get ready to fly. Dad and mom said: “Son, the baby won’t make a pilot. The pilot needs to grow up a little, they only accept people from six.” In order not to argue with my elders, I will fly today in my dreams. Maybe even tomorrow my parents will let me into the fighter planes.

Tankers - hurray!

Both my great-grandfather and grandfather were tank crews. I, too, am dressed in a tank uniform. I must take care of the tank so that my tank is always ready for attacks. After all, a tank is like a fighting friend to a tanker, Like a horse to a brave cavalryman. And he thinks with the tower as with his head - This is what electronics are like now. And in a real toy tank I will crush barriers like tin cans, I will sweep away a windfall, I will jump over a ravine - The enemy will not be able to hide from the tank anywhere. Heroic tanks T-34 Shot at the target like snipers at a shooting range. Now our tanks shoot more accurately, Now our tanks are faster and more powerful. - Hurray for the tankers! Hurray for the tankers! - All the little ones in the yard are running. And every kid smiles at me, And the girl in the window waves her palm.

Military pilots

The Defenders of our country fly on silver wings. Here the speeds are supersonic. Here knowledge is very important.

Becoming a pilot is not easy. At least the sky is calling the boys. Courage and boldness are important here; a lazy person will not fit into their squad.

Vasilisa Svetlaya

Military captain

I'm a military captain! I'm not afraid of a hurricane! The whole team is recruiting, We are leading the ship into the storm. It’s not in vain that we stand at our post! We will protect you, the country of Vasilisa Svetlaya

Border Guard

There is a border guard guarding the border. He carries out his duty very faithfully. The enemy will not pass here. How a criminal doesn't get angry He won't find his way to Russia here. Vasilisa Svetlaya

And finally the most important lines:

Let the sky be blue...

Let the sky be blue, Let there be no smoke billowing in the sky, Let the menacing guns be silent and machine guns not fire, So that people and cities can live, Peace is always needed on earth!

This is such a patriotic selection that we have. Be sure to read poems about the army, service, and the military with the whole family. Take care of the world, men and be happy, friends!

How to make a tank from sweets and socks and other gifts for February 23

With love,

"Flowers of life".

Technical characteristics of PB-4-1

  • Caliber: 18×45
  • Length: 119 mm
  • Height: 114 mm
  • Width: 39 mm
  • Weight without cartridges: 320 g.
  • Block capacity: 4 cartridges
  • Trigger force: 3.5-4.5 kgf

Power supply:

  • for shooting - lithium battery type CR123
  • for laser center - CR123 lithium battery

Temperature range of application:

  • shooting from -30° to +50° C,
  • LCC – from -10° to +40° C;

Firing accuracy at a distance of 10 meters:

for a series of 4 shots no more than 220 mm

Traumatic self-defense weapon - ooop

Bullet caliber designation

In the metric system, a cartridge is designated by the caliber of the bullet and the length of the cartridge case. For example, 7.62x25 and 9x17. Orally, these designations are read as “seven point six two hundredths by twenty-five millimeters,” or simplified as “seven sixty two by twenty five.” The cartridge case can have either a cylindrical or conical shape. If the cartridge case has a protruding rim, the suffix R is added to its designation. Like a revolver 9x32R (.357 Magnum). In the case of a slightly protruding edge and the presence of a groove for the ejector, HR and sometimes SR are added to the designation. For example, the 7.65×17HR pistol cartridge, often designated without a suffix, or as 7.65mm Browning. Also, in many cases, an abbreviation is added to the cartridge designation. For example, 6.35mm Browning, 9mm Parabellum or .45 ACP (from Automatic Colt Pistol - “Colt automatic pistol”). In the USA and Western European countries, the suffixes +P or +P+ can currently be added to the designation of a particular cartridge. They denote powerful cartridges loaded with an increased charge of gunpowder compared to the standard version of the equipment. With a more powerful powder charge, the maximum pressure in the barrel bore during firing, as well as the energy and initial speed of the bullet also increase. Moreover, the assignment of these suffixes is not regulated by any standards. There are only general ideas about maximum pressure. Thus, the +P suffix is ​​assigned to cartridges with a maximum pressure exceeding the standard by approximately 10%, and the +P+ suffix is ​​assigned to cartridges with a pressure exceeding the pressure by more than 10% and, generally, with an excess of up to 25%. Regardless of the designation, the most important element of the cartridge is the bullet, or rather its design.

Parameters of the Makarov pistol cartridge

9 mm ammunition is considered the most popular not only in military affairs. This type of ammunition was developed specifically for Makarov, but then began to be used in other firearms. The 9mm cartridge can be used in almost any weapon. The main thing is to choose the right charge of the required power. The main pros and cons of PM shells:

Advantages and disadvantages

Compact cartridges are easy to load. This is due to the fact that the lead core is soft, and such a metal is heavier than its harder counterparts

Unique and simple design. This fact does not reduce the versatility of the product

The unique shape of the cartridge case allows the ammunition to be used in almost any type of pistol weapon. The cartridges enter the barrel with tension, which guarantees they will not fall out

The unique shape of the cartridge case allows the ammunition to be used in almost any type of pistol weapon. The cartridges enter the barrel with tension, which guarantees they will not fall out

The ammunition can be used for firing from any type of pistol gun, which, according to the design idea, uses 9 mm caliber bullets

This type of cartridge can be used in any weapon for self-defense if a person has the appropriate permission

To create PM ammunition, only high-quality steel raw materials are used. Consumer reviews show that there are no problems in purchasing shells

The usual version of PM cartridges cannot be used as armor-piercing ones. Ammunition for Makarov only has a stopping effect

There are many fakes of this cartridge on the market.

The initial speed is significantly less than specified in the technical characteristics of the charge. This is due to the fact that some manufacturers still use brass in combination with steel

Test shooting showed that already at a 40-meter distance there are deviations in the performance, although the manufacturer claims that the error begins only at 50 m

A conventional PM cartridge in its technical characteristics is significantly lower than those of other variations of this projectile

This type of ammunition is capable of penetrating only thin metal sheets and from a distance of no further than 15 meters. If you increase the distance, the bullet will ricochet

If you do not regularly clean the gun, the likelihood of a bullet getting stuck in the barrel increases significantly, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

The material is high quality, therefore, with proper care, the Makarov will last for many years.

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