Discovering the secrets of the Mosin rifle - cross-section of the mechanism

The Mosin rifle helped defeat German forces during World War II. This is a cult and very famous weapon that has recognizable outlines and an attractive appearance. Many would like to have a model of such a weapon in their collection, but a high-quality MMG will be expensive. But what if you sometimes want to shoot with such a weapon? The answer will be the M1944 air rifle from the American company Gletcher. It is a fairly accurate copy of the firearm prototype, and the main advantage is that you can shoot from it. By the way, the operation of the components and their design are quite similar to that of the original Mosin firearm.

What is included

Gletcher has always been known for striving to please all groups of potential buyers. Some people prefer to use a rifle for hunting, and they require an optical sight in the kit. Others praise the kits, which contain a large number of consumables intended for target practice. Therefore, the arms factory decided to release three official sets for Mosin:

  1. “Connoisseur” (from 25 thousand rubles) is the most modest of the configurations, which is most suitable for those who do not plan to use weapons too often, for example, collectors. The set contains the Gletcher M1944 rifle itself, a weapons passport with technical characteristics, a warranty card, and an instruction manual.
  2. “Sportsman” (from 28 thousand rubles) - suitable for those who plan to use a rifle for target practice. In addition to the weapon with all the documents, the kit includes consumables: a box of bullets (500 pieces), a bottle of gun oil (240 milliliters), 50 shooting range targets, 10 spare cylinders, as well as a simple repair kit.
  3. “Hunter” (from 35 thousand rubles) is the best package for a person planning to use a rifle to hunt game. In addition to the weapon itself and papers, the kit includes a quadruple-range optical sight, an improved repair kit, and a reinforced gas cylinder (30 J).

It is also worth remembering that stores can create their own configurations in order to sell goods that have been lying around for a long time. You should be extremely careful about such offers, since in most cases they are nothing more than a well-planned marketing ploy.

Analogues and prices

Immortal "three-ruler".
history of the legendary Mosin rifle If we consider the M1944 model as a hunting carbine, we will have to admit that the weapon has many analogues that are distinguished by improved technical characteristics. Here are just a few of the most popular models:

ModelShort descriptionPrice, rub
Crosman Fury NPA legendary model from an American manufacturer, which is among the top 10 best air rifles in the world. With a muzzle energy of only 7.5 J, the speed of the ballistic projectile reaches 380 m/s. In addition, the kit comes with a quadruple-range optical sight, making the weapon very popular among hunters. 13000
Stoeger X50 WoodOne of those rifles that comes to mind when most people imagine a hunting weapon. The model is completely tailored for hunting. It comes with an optical sight and a reinforced gas cylinder. And thanks to the high-quality wooden stock, resistant to mechanical damage, it will retain its beautiful appearance for many years. 24000
Hatsan Dominator 200SOne of the best rifles from the Turkish manufacturer, which not only surpasses the M1944 in terms of performance characteristics, but is also distinguished by the presence of a unique design with fundamentally new systems. Just look at the cost of full automatics, as well as a 30-round magazine. And the excellent modern design and almost complete absence of recoil will not leave anyone indifferent. 27000

Gletcher M1944: pneumatic replica of the Mosin carbine

Review of the Izh-22 air rifle

Developing the success of a pneumatic copy of a sawed-off Mosin rifle mod. 1891, the Gletcher company prepared a similar copy of the carbine mod. 1944 - the latest modification of the legendary Russian “three-line”.

7.62 mm carbine mod. 1944 with a permanently folding bayonet designed by N.S. Semina

A young but very dynamically developing company, Sport Manufacturing Group Inc., founded in 2008 and producing pneumatics under the Gletcher brand and knives under the Steel Will Knives brand, is step by step expanding its production program with high-quality and accurate copies of the legendary small arms, starting from the period of the First World War. World War and ending with modern models. Most of them are replicas of Soviet and Russian weapons, which is understandable, since key positions in the company are occupied by immigrants from the former USSR.

Gletcher M1944 carbine, right view

A rather successful discovery of recent times, which supplemented the company’s production program along with replicas of the Nagan revolver, Tokarev, Makarov, Stechkin and Yarygin pistols, was the Gletcher M1891 model - a pneumatic copy of a sawn-off shotgun of a three-line rifle mod. 1891 years of the Mosin system.

The sawn-off shotgun is a simple and affordable handicraft weapon that was born during the Civil War as a result of folk art and was used by rebels, partisans, various anarchist gangs (for example, the Makhnovists), as well as peasants for self-defense.

Gletcher M1944 carbine, left view

Later, during the NEP, the sawed-off shotgun became the favorite weapon of criminals and members of the peasant resistance - that’s why it was popularly called the “kulak sawed-off shotgun.” Gletcher has released a high-quality and so far the only replica of this model of historical weapon in the world and has now decided to build on its success by developing a pneumatic copy of the carbine mod. 1944 based on the Mosin rifle, called Gletcher M1944.

Gletcher M1944 carbine, fixed-folding bayonet

7.62 mm carbine mod. 1944 was created at the end of the Great Patriotic War and differed from the rifle in its shorter barrel length and the presence of a permanently folding bayonet of the N.S. system. Semina. It was produced in Izhevsk and Tula until the start of serial production of the Kalashnikov assault rifle. But even in the post-war years, it was in service with VOKhR shooters for a long time and is still used by hunters in a demilitarized form.


Sv-98: performance characteristics, price and photo of the Russian sniper rifle

What was the Mosin rifle famous among Soviet soldiers for? That's right, with its simple design, which allowed the model to be disassembled even by someone who was not very well versed in weapons. The Gletcher company tried to retain this advantage, but add several design features that would make the rifle stand out from the general background:

  1. 16-round magazine – allows you not to worry about running out of ammunition while hunting.
  2. A 200 atmosphere gas cylinder is a good choice so as not to frequently change the energy source.
  3. Sound moderator - a system that muffles shots (useful for hunting).
  4. Long barrel made of weapon steel – ensures shooting accuracy at long distances.
  5. Quat Trigger system - allows you to adjust the rigidity of the trigger.

Also worthy of special mention are the wooden parts of the weapon, which are made of high-quality American walnut. The stock and stock have good ergonomics and impressive dimensions, but do not weigh too much. In addition, American walnut gives the model authenticity and maximum resemblance to the original.

Possibilities for increasing power

For most people, the issue of increasing the power of a Mosin rifle is very relevant. You can increase the combat characteristics of weapons in the following ways:

  1. Installing a high-capacity gas cylinder is the simplest, but most expensive option. It is best to opt for a tank with the possibility of additional pumping, so as not to constantly spend money on cylinders.
  2. Trimming the trunk is the most radical, but quite effective way. The fact is that while the bullet travels 890 millimeters, it will lose a lot of energy. However, trimming not only increases speed, but also reduces the accuracy of fire at long distances.
  3. Installing additional barrel gaskets reduces the flow of bleed air. The less CO2 that comes out of the cracks in the body during a shot, the higher the muzzle energy will be.

Also possible to increase power is the use of high-quality gun oil. It is best to give preference to mineral compositions produced abroad. This will significantly increase the bullet speed and also extend the service life of the rifle.

Which optics should you choose?

This Mosin rifle does not have any mounts for installing modern optical sights, which makes this procedure extremely difficult. If appearance is not as important to you as functionality, you can turn to the developments of American colleagues. Their mount is an adapter for the Weaver bar. However, it is worth noting that this device was developed for installation on a receiver made of durable weapon steel, which is why the reliability of the alloy on our sample is in question. By the way, it is quite cheap.

If you get such a device, then any scope will do, since the muzzle energy of a Mosin rifle from Gletcher is very low. Of course, another question will arise about why there is an optical sight for a weapon with a firing speed of 130 m/s? It's up to you to decide.


Firstly, if you want to really improve your weapon without reducing its efficiency, you need to lengthen the barrel, since the original one does not cover the entire length of the false barrel. For this procedure, it is better to give the weapon to a specialist, since you will not be able to make a new one yourself, and it will be quite difficult to install it correctly.

Secondly, the bed can be replaced with a wooden one, but there is one catch. It will not match the original, although it is not difficult to get it. But it is quite possible to order it to be turned. Then you can simply coat it with varnish. After this procedure, your weapon will sparkle with new colors.

Otherwise, there are a lot of options for tuning gas-cylinder weapons and they all lead to a very strong increase in gas consumption, which is why it’s better to think 10 times whether you need it, since you still won’t be able to achieve a decent speed, and the metal ball is deadly and accurate not comparable to pneumatic bullets.

What is included

Gletcher has always been known for striving to please all groups of potential buyers. Some people prefer to use a rifle for hunting, and they require an optical sight in the kit. Others praise the kits, which contain a large number of consumables intended for target practice. Therefore, the arms factory decided to release three official sets for Mosin:

  1. “Connoisseur” (from 25 thousand rubles) is the most modest of the configurations, which is most suitable for those who do not plan to use weapons too often, for example, collectors. The set contains the Gletcher M1944 rifle itself, a weapons passport with technical characteristics, a warranty card, and an instruction manual.
  2. “Sportsman” (from 28 thousand rubles) - suitable for those who plan to use a rifle for target practice. In addition to the weapon with all the documents, the kit includes consumables: a box of bullets (500 pieces), a bottle of gun oil (240 milliliters), 50 shooting range targets, 10 spare cylinders, as well as a simple repair kit.
  3. “Hunter” (from 35 thousand rubles) is the best package for a person planning to use a rifle to hunt game. In addition to the weapon itself and papers, the kit includes a quadruple-range optical sight, an improved repair kit, and a reinforced gas cylinder (30 J).

It is also worth remembering that stores can create their own configurations in order to sell goods that have been lying around for a long time. You should be extremely careful about such offers, since in most cases they are nothing more than a well-planned marketing ploy.


Despite the fact that most people prefer to buy a Mosin rifle solely because of its similarity to the original, the Glethcer company decided not to stop at producing just one variety. Here is a brief description of the official modifications that are most popular:

  1. The Gletcher M1944S is a shortened version of the standard Mosin rifle, which has not only reduced dimensions, but also an increased muzzle energy. However, the weapon is not very well suited for long-range shooting.
  2. Gletcher M1944 Titan – modification with a reinforced gas cylinder. A larger energy source allows you to achieve improved technical characteristics, as well as use the rifle for hunting larger animals.
  3. Gletcher M1944 Camo - many hunters did not like the fact that the Mosin rifle has a wooden butt, which is difficult to disguise. This modification with a plastic body painted in camouflage was developed especially for such people.

And these are just three of the most popular modifications from the official manufacturer. If desired, you can also purchase models created by gun stores. Well, or you can simply choose the configuration that best suits the individual requirements of the future owner.


What was the Mosin rifle famous among Soviet soldiers for? That's right, with its simple design, which allowed the model to be disassembled even by someone who was not very well versed in weapons. The Gletcher company tried to retain this advantage, but add several design features that would make the rifle stand out from the general background:

  1. 16-round magazine – allows you not to worry about running out of ammunition while hunting.
  2. A 200 atmosphere gas cylinder is a good choice so as not to frequently change the energy source.
  3. Sound moderator - a system that muffles shots (useful for hunting).
  4. Long barrel made of weapon steel – ensures shooting accuracy at long distances.
  5. Quat Trigger system - allows you to adjust the rigidity of the trigger.

Also worthy of special mention are the wooden parts of the weapon, which are made of high-quality American walnut. The stock and stock have good ergonomics and impressive dimensions, but do not weigh too much. In addition, American walnut gives the model authenticity and maximum resemblance to the original.


Caliber, mm: 4.5 mm (.177)
Shot speed, m/s: 120
Magazine capacity: 16
Weight, kg): 2,450
Energy Source: CO2 canister 12g.
Bullet type: BB steel shot caliber 4.5/.177
Material: metal
Power: up to 3 J
Price: About 11,000 rubles.

A low initial speed, a magazine for 16 balls, a plastic finish, a high price - all this on the market is still excusable for the manufacturer, because no one else has anything like it.

Main characteristics of different types of rifles of 1891

TypeCartridgeWeight, kg (without bayonet/with bayonet)Length, mm (without bayonet/with bayonet)Barrel length, mmMagazine (number of rounds)Number of shots per minuteSighting range, mInitial bullet speed, m/s
Infantry rifle7.62×54mm R4 / 4,31310/ 17408004+1102200690
Dragoon rifle3,9 / 4,21240/ 16707304+1102000660
Cossack rifle3,9 /—–1240/—7304+1102000660

The first half-million batch of Mosin rifles was manufactured in France (Chatellerault plant); later, in 1893-1894, domestic production was established at the factories of Sestroretsk, Tula, Izhevsk.

The main complaints were that without a bayonet it was impossible to shoot accurately. If it is not attached to the rifle, then the balance of the weapon is disrupted and the accuracy of the shot is lost, the shooting accuracy deteriorates significantly, and with a bayonet the rifle is very bulky and heavy. Read on to find out what is the best 4.5 caliber air rifle.

Disassembly of the “three-line” was not intended, and certainly with fixed bayonets. Only in 1930 was it possible to eliminate this shortcoming. Then the most significant changes were made to the design of the dragoon “three-line”, and it slightly changed its name (became “model 1891/30”).

Characteristics of the air rifle Gletscher M 1944 (Mosin)

Housing material Metal
Equipment Rifle, packaging, brief documentation, copy of certificate (upon buyer's request), belt
Caliber 4.5 mm
Speed 130 m/s
Number of charges 16 pcs
View Pneumatic rifle
Sighting rail Weaver (Picatinny) / Dovetail 11 mm Yes, dovetail
Fuse Eat
Manufacturer Gletcher
Shooting mode Single
Combat prototype Mosin rifle M 1944
Country of Origin USA
Type Gas pneumatics
Stock material Plastic
Length (mm) 1340
Weight 3.7 kg
Type of ammunition BB, steel balls
Color Tree
Barrel type Smooth
Energy source CO2 cylinder for 12 grams of gas
Blowback No
Product weight3.75 kg

Air rifle Gletcher M 1944 (Mosin) buy in the Popadiv10 online store. Air rifle Gletcher M 1944 (Mosin) at a low price of 24,190 rubles. You can pay for your order by mail upon receipt in any part of the Russian Federation. Before placing an order, be sure to check the price and contents of the product by phone (during business hours) or by e-mail and feedback system (at any time convenient for you).

Information on the product “Gletcher M 1944 Air Rifle (Mosin)” is for informational purposes only and is not a public offer as defined by the provisions of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation; characteristics, appearance, color and equipment may be changed by the manufacturer without notice.

Review of the Gletcher M1891 air pistol

The device is compact (a little more than half a meter) and quite weighty - almost two and a half kilograms. The stock, which from afar appears to be wooden, turns out to be plastic upon closer inspection. But the bolt is steel, its appearance completely imitating the one on the original Mosin three-line. In addition, it is longitudinally sliding, which gives special pleasure when shooting.

All owners speak well of such qualities as accuracy and accuracy. The sawn-off shotgun, which has a smooth barrel and shoots small round metal balls, is in this regard ahead of most models of this type from the Glatcher brand. And not only.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive qualities of the pneumatic edger Gletcher M1891:

  • Realistic (both in appearance and during use) steel bolt, which is easily removed, just like the original.
  • Accuracy, as well as accuracy, is excellent.
  • The hex key for pressing the cylinder fits into a special recess in the magazine. This way you won’t forget it and won’t lose it.
  • Original appearance, great resemblance to the legendary “mosinka”.
  • The magazine is made of metal for 16 balls, solid and full-weight.

Disadvantages of the model:

  • The force applied to pull the shutter is rather weak.
  • The plastic butt spoils the appearance.
  • Very small key.
  • Loading is not very convenient - you need to catch a certain angle so that the balls go into the barrel channel without getting stuck in it. They should be placed one at a time.

Photo of the Gletcher M1891 air pistol

Application area

The well-made, pleasantly heavy-handed sawed-off “mosinka”, so similar to the real thing, will appeal to fans of plinking, hunters of crows and small pest birds. And it can be used to hit training targets quite accurately, so this device is also suitable for training.

Out of the box, the pneumatic gun has a firing range of up to 15 meters. And by increasing the bullet ejection power through a small upgrade, you can make shooting even more spectacular and effective, and at longer distances.

Review of the Gletcher M1944 air rifle

The Gletcher M1944 is a gas-cylinder type pneumatic weapon that is a fairly accurate copy of the Mosin rifle. The compartment size is at a fairly high level, making it quite difficult to distinguish it from a combat prototype from a distance of more than a meter. Just like the original, after each shot you need to reload the weapon using the bolt. The package includes a folding bayonet, which has some pretty good detailing, and you will also find an authentic weapon belt.

The barrel is smooth, but its large length compensates for this shortcoming, making the rifle quite accurate. The sights are only mechanical, but they will be quite sufficient, since the firing range is quite short.

Metal magazine. It holds 18 balls, as well as a 12-gram CO2 cartridge. It is on the store that the valve is located, which is a standard solution for such placement of a gas cylinder. Actually, this also contributes to the fact that the weapon does not have to be completely disassembled for maintenance, since the important part itself is very easily removed. It is worth noting that the hex key is located in the magazine itself, so you don’t have to carry extra tools in your pockets.

The receiver, as well as the barrel itself, is metal, which makes the weapon quite strong. The bolt shutter is also made of metal. All this adds strength and weight to the rifle, making it not feel like a toy.

Now let’s write about the unpleasant aspects of the Gletcher M 1944 rifle. Firstly, the stock is completely plastic. Outwardly, it looks like wood only due to high-quality painting, but over time, when the plastic wears away, the external resemblance will be irretrievably lost. However, it is worth noting that the plastic is quite thick and durable, so you can not be afraid to use this weapon.

Secondly, the rifle only looks impressive and possible in appearance, but in reality it only shoots metal balls, and the shot speed does not exceed 130 m/s. As a result, the feasibility of purchasing such pneumatics is completely lost. In general, this is not surprising, since the company initially created a pistol based on a sawed-off Mosin rifle. And only then a full-fledged weapon was created, but with an old mechanism, which is why the speed remained quite pistol-like.

Photo of the Gletcher M1944 air rifle

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the Gletcher M 1944 air rifle with 4.5 mm caliber:

  • The exterior of the Mosin rifle is copied quite accurately;
  • The standard package includes a fairly accurately copied model of a bayonet knife;
  • Authentic gun belt included;
  • The operating principle is similar to that of the firearm prototype;
  • Good workmanship;
  • Accurate reproduction of shutter operation;
  • Quite a small gas consumption when firing, which is achieved due to the absence of the Blowback system and the low power of the shot;
  • The cylinder is pressed with a hex key, which does not spoil the appearance of the magazine.
  • The magazine is quite spacious, and given the low rate of fire, purchasing an additional one is not at all necessary.

The model also has disadvantages:

  • The stock is made of plastic;
  • The resemblance to wood is achieved only through paint, which will wear off over time;
  • Poor shooting accuracy;
  • For an air rifle, the firing speed is very low;
  • Quite a high price for a plastic toy.


What is such a toy for? It would probably look best on your wall if you like collecting firearms models. From a distance of more than a meter, it will be quite difficult to distinguish this specimen from the real one, however, coming closer, you will notice certain details that will give away the pneumatic model.

You can buy this weapon for simple recreational shooting, however, given the “pistol” parameters, the rather large weight, size and not at all affordable price, the feasibility of such a purchase is a big question.

However, even such a model will find fans who will soon prefer to use it as a decorative interior detail rather than as a main air gun.

The main pros and cons of the rifle

Perhaps this firearm does not have any shortcomings, but the same cannot be said about the air-powered copy, which, although it turned out to be good, still has a small number of disadvantages. Therefore, before purchasing, we recommend that you thoroughly familiarize yourself with the information in the following block:

Appearance (the weapon almost completely copies the legendary Mosin rifle of the 1944 model)Cost (not every Russian resident is ready to pay 25 thousand rubles for a rifle)
Possibility of modernization (if desired, any “body kit” can be installed on the weapon without any problems)Power (by default, the rifle has a weak muzzle energy and muzzle velocity)
The presence of a sound moderator (thanks to the “silencer” you can safely take the rifle with you hunting)Recoil (despite the fact that the model has good ergonomics, the recoil is felt quite strongly)
Several sets to choose from (the buyer can choose the set that suits him)Defective models come across (bolt cocking is especially common)

To be fair, it is worth noting that the positive qualities of the rifle almost completely cover the negative ones. If a person plans to purchase an exact external copy of the legendary rifle, and he is not concerned about the price issue, then he should definitely buy this model. But if the main goal is to buy a powerful weapon, then it is better to take a closer look at other analogues or be prepared for the fact that you will have to upgrade the M1944 yourself.


The Gletcher M1891 model is a copy of the Mosin rifle of the 1891 model. It fully reproduces the weight and size characteristics. There is a manual reloading system. Hidden container and magazine with bullets. The pistol is manufactured in a single modification and has no differences in appearance or tactical and technical characteristics.

What is included

Having unpacked the large cardboard box, which is decorated with an image of the Gletcher M1891, you can see the explosion diagram inside, as well as the pistol itself.

The basic package includes:

  • hexagon for pressing the cylinder (located in the store);
  • rear sight and front sight;
  • manual.


It makes little sense to completely disassemble the weapon, since the valve group is located in the magazine and can be simply removed from the rifle for further maintenance.

Partial disassembly is also quite easy. The shutter must be pulled back. Then we press the trigger and pull out the bolt completely. This completes the incomplete disassembly.

You shouldn’t do a full one, as there is no need for it, and if you don’t have enough experience working with pneumatics, you can simply ruin the appearance of your rifle.

Analogues and prices

ModelShort descriptionprice, rub.
Umarex Legends MP German-Legacy EditionPopular German PP Schmeisser MP-40, made as a copy of pneumatics. Excellent detailing will help you feel the historical spirit. The body of this model is made of steel with its surrounding abrasion, the cheeks are plastic, in a dark brown design. When shooting, you need to install two gas cartridges; the magazine holds 50 rounds. The model can shoot in single and automatic mode, the shutter moves (blowback) this allows you to feel a slight recoil while shooting. 17200
MP-661K-08 (Bunker)This automatic pistol, which operates using a gas cylinder system, is a godsend for people who are looking for an original gift for pneumatic lovers. The main advantage of this pistol is its hopper-type magazine, which can hold 400 rounds of ammunition at a time. Also, 3 gas cylinders (12 g) are connected to this model at once. This reserve will make it possible not to be distracted by charging during shooting, and to shoot in single or automatic mode. 11750
Gletcher UZMThis is a popular model of an air pistol from the famous manufacturer Glatcher. Already from the name it is clear that this is a replica of the Israeli ultrasound, which in appearance accurately copies this weapon. Even the color and weight of these pistols are the same. The pneumatic submachine gun is designed exclusively for sport shooting. The initial speed of the bullet reaches up to 100 meters per second. The magazine holds 24 rounds. Copper-plated explosive balls of 4.5 mm caliber are used as ammunition. The UZM glacier is equipped with a blowback system, which made shooting quite realistic. An automatic and mechanical fuse is installed. Like the original combat pistol, this pneumatic replica has a folding stock. By and large, users do not use the butt often, but for realism, the designers decided to install it on this air pistol. 11450

Description of the air rifle Gletcher M 1944 (Mosin)

the first air rifle from the American company Glatcher, supplied to the territory of the Russian Federation.

The Gletscher M 1944 rifle is an expanded version of the M1891 (Mosin sawn-off shotgun).

Shoots standard 4.5 mm balls, the magazine holds 18 balls . Thanks to its decent length of 1340 mm, it has good accuracy and accuracy of fire.

The front sight and rib are the only sights on this model. It is possible to adjust the bar for different shooting distances.

Balls fly out of a Gletcher M 1944 air rifle at a speed of about 130 m/s


The energy source in the rifle is a 12 gram CO2 cartridge; it is installed in the rifle magazine and tightened with a hex screw, which is also located in the magazine cavity.

The stock and butt of the rifle are made of high-quality plastic painted to resemble wood, and the level of similarity to natural wood is very high and it is practically impossible to distinguish it from natural wood from 1 meter away.

Another interesting point is that the rifle is equipped with a folding bayonet; it completely replicates the technology of the bayonet from a combat rifle.

The Gletcher M 1944 rifle weighs about 3.75 kg , so it belongs to the middle class of rifles in terms of weight, but is also an excellent gift for collectors.

Like its combat counterpart, the Gletcher M 1944 requires the bolt to be pulled before each shot.

The store recommends this model as a gift option; it will decorate any wall, and can also be used for theater decorations, etc.

Disassembling a Mosin air rifle

As mentioned earlier, the Mosin air rifle from Gletcher has a rather simple design. Carrying out partial disassembly of a weapon is not difficult even for an inexperienced gunsmith. The most important thing is to carefully handle the details and do everything step by step:

  1. We remove the magazine with cartridges.
  2. We pull back the shutter.
  3. We take the bullet out of the barrel.
  4. We remove the weapon from the safety.
  5. We fire a blank shot.
  6. Unscrew a couple of bolts on the body.
  7. We remove the wooden bed.
  8. Remove the return spring.
  9. Unscrew the gas cylinder.
  10. We unscrew the trigger.

After all this, you can service the rifle using a special kit. Assembling the model should be done in reverse order. If repairs are required, it is recommended to first completely disassemble the mechanism, checking the instructions.

Options and packaging

The rifle is supplied in a cardboard box with color printing, in which it is fixed using special inserts. Inside you will find the weapon itself with a mounted but folded bayonet. There is also an entourage weapon belt. Also included is a passport and a special hex key that fits inside the magazine, so don't be alarmed by finding it dangling inside the box.

It is also worth noting that the boxes of weapons from the Gletcher company always show a diagram of the weapon inside, so you can easily understand how to disassemble it, as well as what parts it consists of.

Description of technical characteristics

The technical characteristics of the pneumatic variation of the Mosin rifle are presented in more detail in the table. Despite its long history, such weapons in various versions continue to be very popular even today. This is primarily due to its ease of operation and reliable design.

Caliber (mm)4,5
Shot speed (m/s)120
Magazine capacity16
Weight, kg)2,450
Energy sourceCO2
Bullet typeFraction
Power3 J
Barrel typeThreaded
Price11000-15000 rubles

The Mosin rifle is also used as a base for sniper weapons. This variation of the rifle is distinguished by a higher quality finish of the barrel bore and the most precise fitting of the bolt parts. Here you should also add the installation of an optical sight for the most accurate shooting.

A sporting version of the rifle for target shooting has been developed since the sixties. Today, this product continues to be very popular.

Regarding the design of the safety in such a rifle, it is more convenient in comparison with the Mauser rifle.

Despite this, when operating weapons in the winter season, certain difficulties may arise. To put it on safety, you need to make a considerable physical effort.

The rifle barrel has a rifled design. A chamber with smooth walls and a threaded part are connected via a “bullet” entrance.

In the combat version of the weapon, the frame sight was equipped with two rear sights. One of them was used when shooting at close targets, and the second - at longer distances. The front sight is located near the muzzle.


Technical characteristics of the Gletcher M1944 air rifle:

ManufacturerGletcher (USA)
Pneumatic typeGas cylinder
Caliber, mm4,5 (0.177)
AmmunitionMetal explosive ball
Nutrition12 gram CO2 cylinder
Muzzle energy, JUp to 3 J
Magazine capacity18
Availability of Blawback systemNo
Shot speed, m/sUp to 130
Length, mm1340
Weight, kg3,7

Possibilities for increasing power

Even before the pistol appeared in stores, many pages were written on thematic sites. And this is quite logical, since many future owners immediately had the idea of ​​​​installing a wooden stock, and the original one, “Mosinsky”. This is what a lot of people are doing successfully now. It turns out quite well, but there is one problem: you need to bore a groove for the cross pin, which does not fit. There is no need to throw away the pin, deciding to do without it (as many people think).

Next, about increasing the initial speed of a bullet. The simplest thing is to replace the mainspring (it is not pressed very effectively - tested). You can use, for example, a spring from a VAZ brake cylinder.

The barrel, which is 15 cm in length, is also lengthened by the owners of the sawn-off shotgun. As a rule, up to 35-45 cm. We must not forget that it is absolutely necessary to lengthen two trunks: internal and external (it is often made from an unnecessary ski pole). For the first, brass tubes are suitable, which are selected taking into account the appropriate cross-section. A thin barrel can be mounted in a false barrel using a plastic bushing.

Another option for increasing power is changing the valve. You can make a couple more holes in it with a diameter of 1.7-1.9 mm. Trying not to touch the edges of the valve so as not to break it. The washer is completely removed - it only takes up space in the chamber.


To get started, I offer a short video showing the Gletcher M1891 model from its best sides.

As you can see, this is not an original rifle, but a classic sawn-off shotgun, which was also common in our amateur wars. The manufacturer tried to maintain the weight and size characteristics; the original wood was replaced with plastic, but the main functionality is still implemented in metal.

For cocking, an imitation of the original longitudinally sliding bolt is used, with the need to reload for each shot - quite attractive. For shooting, contrary to the original rifle accessory, it is not spring-piston circuits that are used, but a CO2 cartridge standard for glacier pistols. The cylinder is secured in a wide magazine using a hidden clamping screw, which is tightened using a hexagon. Here in the store there is a groove for it so as not to lose it. Loading balls into the magazine is carried out as usual - we pull back the spring and pour it on top. Holds 16 balls.

M1891 magazine

The sights of the Gletcher M1891 air pistol are represented by an adjustable rear sight and a non-adjustable front sight, everything as it should be. There is a safety lock on the back of the bolt mechanism.

Fuse M1891


The gun itself is small (a little longer than half a meter) and quite heavy - almost 2.5 kg. The stock, which in appearance from a distance resembles wood, turns out to be plastic upon closer inspection. But the bolt frame is metal, in appearance reminiscent of the one located on the original Mosin rifle. In addition, the bolt is longitudinally sliding, and this gives great pleasure when shooting a pistol.

The elegantly made sawn-off shotgun of the Mosin rifle, which fits comfortably in the hands, is very reminiscent of the real original; it has attracted the attention of plinking enthusiasts, shooting beginners and small game hunters.

Out of the box, the air rifle has a firing range of up to approximately 12 m. And by increasing the initial speed of the bullet with a little tuning, the shooting will be even more effective and spectacular, and at longer distances.

The Gletcher M1891 casing is made of plastic, the trigger mechanism, receiver and clip are made of steel. The bolt frame is metal, movable. The safety block is bolted. To activate it, you need to pull the trigger towards yourself and move it to the left. The pistol is smooth-bore, steel, fixed. It is slightly smaller than the false barrel, which has a good effect on accuracy.

The gas cartridge is installed in the holder, and 16 copper-plated BB cartridges are placed in it. The trigger is not elastic. The release mechanism is aluminum. It makes it possible to fire only single cartridges.

At the end of the barrel there is a fixed ring front sight. The rear sight is adjustable. The standard sighting bar is removable. To install an optical sight there is a dovetail (under the rear sight).

Having slightly loosened the clamping screw, you need to install a gas can into the magazine and tighten the bolt back. Afterwards, you need to fill the magazine with steel balls by pulling the feeder spring. Place the clip in place, pressing until it clicks. Tighten the bolt frame, so the bullet is fed into the barrel. Or, to do this, you can only move the bolt lever from a horizontal to a vertical position.

Now you just need to pull the trigger. At this time, the firing pin, which is located in the bolt cylinder, hits the valve located in the cage. The bullet, which is subject to carbon dioxide pressure, is fed from the barrel and flies at the target.


The basis, of course, is a casement box, which in front has only a metal false barrel, and the barrel itself is much shorter and located inside. The trigger is located like the original. The safety is manual and located behind the bolt.

The bolt is worth mentioning separately, since it is quite similar to the real one, but the action cylinder is divided into two parts. One with a striker is located on the bolt itself, and the second is located on the inside of the magazine.

The valve group is located in the magazine, and when installed, it is tightly fixed in the bolt frame, so that the seals perform their role and excess gas is not lost.

The history of the Mosin rifle

At the end of the 19th century, many European countries were armed with repeating rifles, which allowed their soldiers to fight much more effectively. At that time, the Russian army still used single-shot weapons using a large-caliber cartridge and black powder. Based on the experience of the Russian-Turkish war, during which soldiers used a single-shot Berdan rifle, the Russian authorities announced a competition to create the latest type of weapon. The event was held in 1890 and featured approximately 20 examples of repeating weapons. After testing, two finalists were selected: the rifle of Captain Mosin and the rifle of the Belgian Leon Nagant. After all the necessary tests, already in 1891, a vote was held, as a result of which the Belgian development won (14 votes against 10), but influential Russian officers insisted on the approval of the domestic model. As a result, it was the Mosin rifle that was adopted, but slightly improved by Nagan’s ideas, namely the cartridge feeding mechanism. This weapon was in service with Russia for many years; the army went through many wars with it: two world wars, the Russian-Japanese and the Finnish. The caliber of the Mosin rifle is 7.62 mm (three lines of 2.54 mm).

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