Russian aviation emblems. Civil aviation emblems.

Russian aviation emblems. Civil aviation emblems.

Aviators have many different identification marks. Official images of the emblems of the Russian Air Force are approved by the defense department.

According to the current order of the Ministry of Defense “On Military Heraldic Signs”, the small aviation emblem consists of horizontally deployed (floating) wings crossed with the image of a screw propeller and an anti-aircraft gun. The anti-aircraft gun in this “set” represents a symbol of defense.

small emblem of Russian aviation

The small emblem of Russian military aviation is similar to the lapel badge of general aviation pilots with the difference that on the latter the wings are crossed with only two propeller blades (there is no gun). In Soviet times, the emblem of civil aviation also consisted of unfolded wings with a five-pointed star in the middle. In short, unfolded soaring wings are a universal symbol of aviation that signifies flight and speed. Wings, in one form or another, are often depicted on their own emblems and identification marks of various air units, aviation educational institutions, and so on. Depending on the type of troops, the emblem in the form of wings may contain private identification marks: for example, the emblem of the Air Force engineering staff also has a crossed hammer and a sliding key.

The average official emblem of the Russian Air Force is a golden image of a double-headed eagle. The double-headed eagle is a very ancient symbol. In the middle emblem of Russian aviation, the bird also has outstretched wings. The type of troops is indicated by a crossed two-blade propeller and an anti-aircraft gun, which the eagle holds in its paws. The image of the eagle is complemented by a red shield on its chest, where the image of a horseman with a spear is placed. The stricken dragon wriggles under the horse's hooves.

Medium official emblem of the Russian Air Force

The large aviation emblem (coat of arms of the Air Force of the Russian Federation) repeats the image of the wings of the small emblem on a round blue field. The blue color of the heraldic shield has always been the traditional color of aviation. The field is framed by a golden wreath of celery leaves. Sometimes on the Internet you can find “variations” on the theme of the coat of arms of military aviators, which place a blue field in a wreath of laurel leaves, as well as oak and even palm leaves. Photoshop masters do this out of ignorance or as a joke. In fact, it should be celery leaves, and no others. Celery is an old heraldic sign, symbolizing, in this case, high honor and loyalty to military duty. At the top of the celery wreath is a gold double-headed eagle (the middle aviation emblem).

Large aviation emblem

Reference: On March 8, 1908 , in the stronghold of capitalism - the city of New York - a rally was held, followed by a march-parade, in which about 15 thousand women took part. They demanded equal working conditions and pay as men, as well as equal voting rights.

In 1921, the Communist Women's Conference decided to establish a single date for this holiday - March 8 (before that it was celebrated on different days, usually weekends). And since 1966, in the Soviet Union this day has become a public holiday and a day off. For more detailed history of the holiday, see


Early morning...March 8th.

The alarm clock rang - and, without even having time to properly begin its song, it fell silent under the pressure of my finger.

Almost in the dark, I got dressed, quietly closed the front door, and headed towards the market. It’s getting a little light...

I wouldn't say the weather was like spring. The icy wind tried to get under my jacket. Raising my collar and lowering my head into it as low as possible, I approached the market. I decided a week before - no roses, only spring flowers - It’s the Spring ...


….Now I can’t say what exactly, but something about his appearance attracted me.

An old-fashioned raincoat, style 1965 - there was no place on it that was not sewn up. But this darned and mended cloak was clean. Trousers, just as old, but insanely ironed. The boots were polished to a mirror shine - but this could not hide their age. One shoe was tied with wire. (I understand that the sole just fell off on it). An old, almost shabby shirt was visible from under the cloak - but it was clean and ironed.

Face... His face was the ordinary face of an old man - only there was something adamant and proud in his gaze - no matter what.


I approached the bazaar. Right in front of the entrance there was a huge basket with very beautiful spring flowers. These were Mimosas.

I went. Yes - the flowers are really beautiful.

- Who is the seller? - I asked, hiding my hands in my pockets. Only now did I feel how icy the wind was outside. “And you wait, son, she went away for a while - she’ll be back right now,” said the aunt who was selling pickled cucumbers next door.


I stood aside, lit a cigarette and even began to smile a little when I imagined how happy my women would be - my daughter and wife...


An old man stood opposite me.

Today was a holiday, and I already realized that my grandfather could not NOT be shaved on such a day. There were a dozen cuts on his face, some of them covered with pieces of newspaper. Grandfather was afraid from the cold, his hands were blue...

He very afraid, but he stood in the wind and waited...

Some kind of bad lump rolled up to my throat.

..I started to freeze. But the saleswoman was still not there...


I continued to look at my grandfather. Based on many little things, I guessed that my grandfather was not a drunk - he was just an old man, exhausted by poverty and old age. And I just clearly felt that my grandfather was embarrassed by his current position below the poverty line...

The saleswoman approached the basket.

Grandfather moved towards her with a timid step. I also followed...

Grandfather approached the saleswoman, I remained a little behind.

“Housewife... dear, how much does one sprig of Mimosa cost?” the grandfather asked with lips trembling from the cold. - So... Get out of here, you drunk! Look, you’ve decided to beg... Come on, get out, otherwise... - the saleswoman growled at her grandfather. “Mistress, I’m not a drunk, and I don’t drink at all, I would like one sprig... How much does it cost?” the grandfather asked quietly.

I stood behind him and slightly to the side. I saw my grandfather have tears in his eyes.


- Alone... Let me mess with you, you drunk... LET'S GET OUT OF HERE! - The saleswoman growled again. “Mistress, just tell me how much it costs, and don’t yell at me...” the grandfather said still quietly. “Okay, for you, drunk... FIVE RUBLES A BRANCH,” the saleswoman said with a kind of grin. A malicious smile appeared on her face.

The grandfather pulled his trembling hand out of his pocket; on his palm lay three ruble bills. “Mistress, I have three rubles, maybe you can find me a twig worth three rubles?” the grandfather once asked very quietly.

I saw his eyes. Until now, I have never seen so much melancholy and pain in a man’s eyes. Grandfather was afraid from the cold, like a sheet of paper in the wind.

- Find you three, drunk... Gaga-ga-ga! ..I’ll find it for you...” the saleswoman had already babbled. She bent over to the basket and rummaged through it for a long time...

- Here you go.. Run to your drunk - give... Ha-ha-ha-ha! - this fool laughed wildly.

In my grandfather’s hand, blue from the cold, I saw a branch of Mimosa - it was broken in the middle. Grandfather tried to give this branch a divine appearance with his second hand, but it, not wanting to listen to him, broke in half - and the flowers looked at the ground...


A tear fell on the grandfather's hand... The grandfather stood, held a broken flower in his hand and cried.

- Do you hear, you bastard... What are you doing ? – I began, trying to maintain the remnants of calm and not hit the saleswoman in the head with my fist. Apparently, there was something in my eyes that made the saleswoman somehow turn pale and even decrease in stature. She just looked at me like a mouse at a boa constrictor and was silent.

“Grandfather, just wait,” I said, taking my grandfather’s hand and turning to the saleswoman. “You stupid chicken - how much does your bucket cost, answer quickly and clearly so that I don’t strain my ears,” I hissed, barely audible, but very clearly. “Eh...a...well...I don’t know,” the saleswoman mumbled. “I’m asking you for the last time - HOW MUCH IS A BUCKET COST!?!” The saleswoman uncertainly stated the amount

All this time, my grandfather looked blankly, first at me, then at the saleswoman. I threw a bill at the saleswoman’s feet, pulled out flowers and handed them to my grandfather. “Father, take it and go congratulate your wife,” I said.


Tears, one after another, rolled down the grandfather’s wrinkled cheeks. He shook his head and cried... He just cried silently.

I myself had tears in my eyes. The grandfather shook his head as a sign of refusal, and covered his broken branch with his other hand.

“Okay, father, let’s go together,” I said and took my grandfather’s arm. I carried flowers, grandfather carried his broken branch, we walked in silence. On the way, I took my grandfather to the grocery store. I bought a cake and a bottle of red wine. And then I remembered that I didn’t buy myself flowers. - Father, listen to me carefully. I have money, these 50 hryvnia won’t matter to me, and it’s no good for you to go to your wife with a broken branch - today is the Eighth of March ... Take flowers, wine and cake and go to her, congratulate her.

Grandfather's tears flowed. They flowed down his cheeks and fell onto his cloak, his lips trembled...

I couldn’t look at it anymore—there were tears in my eyes. I literally forced flowers, cake and wine into my grandfather’s hands, turned around, and, wiping my eyes, took a step towards the exit.

“We... We... have been together for 45 years ... She got sick... I COULD NOT leave her today without a gift,” the grandfather said quietly. - Thank you…

I ran, not even understanding where I was running. Tears flowed from my eyes...


A bucket of mimosa... The saleswoman is a bitch... And two men are in line behind her... That old grandfather was the first in line - He stood sad, and his face was darker... And the saleswoman rudely refused And laughed, not selling the branch - Pointed to poverty with a laugh, And from driving away the buckets of mimosa... Well, who will save the old man from his rudeness? I couldn’t keep silent - “A bucket of mimosa for me!” I bought it and gave it to my grandfather - let him give it to his sick and old wife... (Larisa Shahbazyan)

Do good




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