Why do police officers wear blue uniforms? There are more reasons for this than you might think.

Rosgvardia is the generally accepted short name for the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation (FSVNG). This structure was formed in 2016 on the basis of the Internal Troops of the Russian Federation. The troops included mobile special forces (OMONs), special rapid response units (SOBRs), previously under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as bodies and units carrying out private security and monitoring compliance with legislation in the field of arms trafficking and private security activities.

Due to the short existence of this structure, the insignia and uniform of the Russian Guard are in the process of regular changes. It is taken into account that the specifics of service in the FSVNG require not only special weapons and equipment, but also uniforms and equipment that should provide maximum comfort to personnel when performing their duties.

Rosgvardia: military uniforms

At the time of the creation of the Russian Guard, the army and police special forces units included in its composition, as well as private security, had their own uniforms, and this uniform was standardized and often did not correspond to the tasks performed.

Since 2022, new samples of clothing for the National Guard have been approved, satisfying the specifics of the activities of each of the units, in the following main options:

  • Uniform for everyday wear (“office”);
  • Equipment for military special forces and intelligence units;
  • Equipment and uniforms for riot police and special forces.

Each type of uniform for military personnel includes winter and summer sets of clothing. New field equipment allows you to perform assigned tasks not only in central Russia, but also in regions with extreme climatic conditions - both particularly cold and hot.

The ceremonial uniform of military personnel of the Russian Guard must be used during official events, parades, on holidays, and when receiving state awards. It is completed with approved clothing supplies. The dress uniform in the summer can be a white shirt, a gray jacket, blue trousers, a tie, and low shoes. In winter, it is permissible to wear a winter jacket, a hat made of astrakhan fur, a jacket, woolen trousers, a tie and a muffler.

It should be noted that in the Russian Guard, senior officers and captains of the first rank will retain the right to wear fur collars, but they are now required to wear astrakhan hats with a visor instead of hats. For all other ranks, winter hats will consist of hats with ear flaps (for men) and “pill” hats (for women).

Types of units of the Russian GuardCamouflage colors of caps and suits
Riot policeGray-blue
Other divisionsBlue

The new uniform allows us to preserve the distinctive features of each of the units that are part of the Russian Guard. The combined arms camouflage “Digit” is being withdrawn from the FSVNG supply, and is being replaced by relatively recently developed camouflage patterns:

  • "Moss" (for special forces). The colors of the amoeba-shaped spots are selected in such a way as to smooth out the boundaries, and the tones smoothly transition from one to another. This allows you to create an even pattern without a single break;
  • “Kink” (for operational units). It is a combination of small torn spots of five protective colors.

The new uniform is intended for active employees of the Russian Guard and, as of 2022, is included in the standard clothing allowance for military personnel. In addition, you can purchase standard uniform options in Voentorg stores.

Private security

Employees of private security units received camouflage uniforms designed for round-the-clock and all-weather duty. The summer men's set consists of a cap, cap, suit, uniform shirt and boots. In addition, their uniform includes winter and demi-season clothing: fur-lined jackets, waterproof windbreakers, sweaters made of natural wool, warm mittens. Women are entitled to the same equipment.

The new uniform has solved the long-standing problem of distinguishing private security officers from the patrol service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: despite the external similarity of cut, the color of the uniform of the National Guard is now not blue, but gray. Outerwear - winter jackets and windbreakers - now has not only the usual side pockets, but also chest and even sleeve pockets, and all fasteners are made with zippers.

Security and cargo escort units

The cargo security service is provided with field and daily uniforms. Its summer version includes: a headdress (cap or cap), a uniform shirt, a set of outerwear (jacket and trousers), boots. The winter uniform includes warm overalls and a peacoat, warm underwear, combined gloves, a scarf-muffler and a sheep's wool hat. The uniform also includes a sweater, boots with ankle boots, a vest, a belt and a bag.

The equipment of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Okhrana" in the structure of the Russian Guard began to receive camouflage suits made from materials with the property of infrared remission. On such fabrics, camouflage spots of varying intensity of light reflection are used. As a result, the silhouette of a fighter in the action spectrum of night vision sights is divided into fragments and ensures their “invisibility” by the devices.

Special forces units

The previous colors of the field equipment of the special forces of the Russian Guard were two colors - black or khaki. The servicemen also wore vests, like those of the Airborne Forces. The version of the “black” uniform with knee pads and elbow pads, which is complemented by bulletproof helmets and class 5 body armor, has been retained. It is used as a combat weapon during the most dangerous special operations.

Now an important update has been made to the current set of clothing supplies for the special forces of the Russian Guard - durable summer clothing "Lynx", as well as vests and T-shirts or tank tops with maroon stripes. The design of 100-liter raid backpacks includes 20-liter removable modules.

The color for the uniform beret of a riot police officer is black, and the color for a SOBR officer is dark blue. The famous Krapovyi beret is not included in the uniform standard for special forces soldiers of the Russian Guard, since it is a special highest insignia. The right to wear a maroon beret can be obtained only after successfully passing the most difficult qualification tests.

Special forces of internal troops - camouflage

Photo: Dmitry Brushko, TUT.BY

Judging by the photographs, this is the 3rd separate Red Banner special forces brigade of the internal troops, also known as military unit 3214. It was this, apparently, along with the special forces from Maryina Gorka, that Lukashenko had in mind when speaking about “two dual-purpose brigades” for operations and military , and in peacetime.

The unit is intended to work both to suppress street riots and counter-terrorism operations. Little is known about the details of the fighters’ training, but they are well armed: for example, modern foreign-made pump-action shotguns regularly appear in the photos.

The special forces soldiers of the internal troops are dressed in spotted camouflage, helmets, wear the same black arm and leg protection as the riot police, and black boots. Body armor - black or olive. The uniform is completely new, it was adopted only in 2022 - before the fighters dressed differently.

The helmets of the soldiers of military unit 3214 often have marks on the back - for their own. However, helmets may be missing. And there are almost always black masks.

What is regulated

Clause 20 of the Decree of the President of Russia on the creation of the FSVNG allowed the National Guard to wear the uniform of military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the police until the government of the Russian Federation approves new models of uniforms and the procedure for providing appropriate uniforms. In this regard, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2022 No. 580 “On uniforms, insignia and standards for the supply of clothing for persons serving in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation and having special police ranks” appeared.

This document is currently the main legal act regulating the uniform of the Russian Guard military personnel, including in the following variants:

  • By categories of military ranks;
  • For men and women;
  • For winter and summer periods;
  • Depending on the climatic conditions of the regions of the Russian Federation.

As a feature of the uniform of FSVNG employees, it has been established that those performing service-combat (operational-service) tasks in mountainous and wooded areas, as well as in states of emergency, armed conflicts and counter-terrorism operations, are allowed to use items of special uniforms and items of special clothing camouflage colors.

Employees of the Special Purpose Center for Rapid Reaction Forces and Aviation of the FSVNG, as well as riot police and special forces, when performing their assigned tasks, are allowed to wear special uniforms of camouflage colors on a daily basis.

Storage and care rules

Navy uniform: review of casual and formal uniforms of sailors

The main thing that is prescribed in the instructions for wearing protective clothing is careful handling, as well as use strictly for their intended purpose. Wearing dirty, wrinkled, or deformed items of clothing is strictly prohibited.

Workwear requires the same care as regular clothing, the only thing that is not recommended is washing. Dry cleaning is preferable.

The new uniform for police officers cost the manufacturers 30-35 thousand rubles per set. In total, more than 16.5 billion rubles were spent on clothing reform. It is not without reason that we can say that a lot has been done for the successful, efficient and effective work of the employees of these structures.

Form of conscripts of the Russian Guard

Compulsory conscription service in the structures of the Russian Guard is allowed in the territorial military units of the VNG. The recruitment of conscript soldiers into these services is carried out irregularly and not in all regions, and the possibility of this option for serving, as a rule, arises in the event of prior agreement between the military commissariat of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation and a specific military unit of the VNG.

In this case, when leaving the assembly point, recruits of the National Guard troops receive the same standard set of army casual uniforms for ordinary personnel as when conscripted into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, but without issuing the corresponding distinctive insignia according to their affiliation (they are received at the training center). Conscript soldiers, as a rule, receive a new model of the Russian Guard uniform after completing their studies, when filling the corresponding official position, and often with the simultaneous conclusion of a contract with the VNG of the Russian Federation.


Recently, information has appeared that the army was deployed in Brest to suppress the protests - namely, units of the 38th Separate Guards Vienna Red Banner Airborne Assault Brigade from the Special Operations Forces. Or, to put it simply, paratroopers.

These are the photos that were in the community on VKontakte.

Brest / VKontakte» border=»0″ data-x-height=»562″ data-x-src=»https://www.21.by/pub/news/2020/08/1597341373322817.jpg» data-x -width=”750″ data-y-height=”539″ data-y-src=”https://dh.img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/it/02/10/voennye_brest_2020_1.jpg” data- y-width=”720″ data-zoom=”1″ height=”540″ hspace=”0″ loading=”lazy” src=”https://dh.img.tyt.by/720x720s/n/it/ 02/10/voennye_brest_2020_1.jpg" title="Photo: Virtual Brest / VKontakte" vspace="0″ width="720″>Photo: "Virtual Brest" / "VKontakte"Photo: Virtual Brest / VKontakte

They don’t have any “police” weapons like shields - this is a purely army unit.

The fighters are dressed in camouflage jackets, pants and body armor and black high-top boots. Some are wearing black or camouflage masks. The helmets have a characteristic shape, covered with camouflage material.



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Not only riot police. We are trying to determine which units are involved in suppressing protests. The information agenda of recent days often mentions riot police. There is a feeling that any security forces involved in the dispersal of protests in Minsk and others...

Insignia of Russian Guard military personnel

On the uniforms of Russian Guard servicemen, state and departmental awards, shoulder straps with insignia, various types of special stripes (chevrons), departmental insignia (including class insignia for officers, contract soldiers and conscripts, badges for distinction in service) and other heraldic insignia are worn. established in accordance with the established procedure. The location of insignia on the VNG uniform is generally determined by the general principles characteristic of military personnel of the Russian army and police.

What insignia are there?

The main insignia of the VNG on uniforms include shoulder straps. They carry information about the military rank of a serviceman in accordance with the same principles as adopted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They are distinguished from the army version by the maroon color of the edging and gaps, and the dark blue color of the weave of everyday shoulder straps.

In addition to other standard types of insignia for Russian military personnel (cockades, lapel emblems, etc.), the uniform of all National Guardsmen includes two sleeve insignia (chevrons) indicating both affiliation with the VNG and the functional characteristics of the branch of the military.

In the latter case, the chevron, if the Russian Guard belongs to units and divisions of one of the seven territorial districts of the FSVNG, in its upper part bears the emblem of the district. Common chevrons are worn by employees of the central apparatus of the Russian Guard and troops (forces) under their direct subordination.

The full list of VNG chevrons was established by order of the Russian Guard No. 6 of January 11, 2022. Among the emblems he established for the types of troops (forces) are the following:

  • Devices and controls (for each of them);
  • Military support units (including separate ones for engineering, communications and automation, educational, medical);
  • Military units for operational purposes and special motorized;
  • Military units for the protection of important government facilities, structures, special and military cargo;
  • Special Forces

In addition, separate emblems by branch of the military are installed for aviation, naval, artillery military units, riot police, special forces, private security units, licensing and permitting activities, as well as for military bands.

The background color of each type of chevron reflects the application of the uniform:

  • Maroon color - everyday and formal;
  • Protective (pistachio-olive) color - camouflage for all branches of the military;
  • Black color is a black version of the special forces combat uniform.

At the same time, the chevrons of the daily and dress uniforms of the naval units and units of the VNG have a black background, and the aviation ones have a blue background.

Where are they located?

Sleeve insignia (chevrons) are attached to the outside of the sleeve. The distance of the top edge of the chevron from the shoulder seam is eight centimeters. A sign of general affiliation with the FSVNG is attached to the left sleeve. On the right sleeve is attached a sign of belonging to specific military formations with an established emblem of the functional characteristics of the branch of the military. Chevrons are used to equip uniform woolen tunics, jackets, jackets, all types of jackets (everyday, demi-season, winter, all-season, field), as well as shirts for the “office” type of uniform.

On casual (office) uniform jackets, the “ROSSGUARD” badge is attached above the left breast pocket. On the field uniform of special forces (and in some cases, security and cargo escort units) a larger patch in the “OMON”, “SOBR” or “ROSSGARDIA” variants is placed on the back.

How to fix it correctly

Depending on the type of uniform, the patches can be attached with Velcro or sewn on. For removable patches, the main thing is to ensure the accuracy and correctness of their location. On the field uniform, the chevrons are located in the center of the sleeve pocket.

The main rule for placing the sleeve insignia of the Russian Guard is their location 8 centimeters from the shoulder, that is, from the seam that connects the sleeve and shoulder. In addition, the chevron must be placed exactly under the shoulder strap.

In order to sew on a chevron, you must first measure the required distance from the shoulder seam. The insignia should be placed there, fixing it exactly in the place under the shoulder strap. Then the chevron needs to be secured with several stitches. Next, you can put on a jacket (tunic) and check how the chevron looks, so that if necessary, move it slightly to the right or left. After the chevron is correctly installed on the sleeve, you need to finally sew it with thread.

"Alpha" or "Diamond"? Olive uniform and advanced weaponry

Some identified the fighters in olive uniforms with a variety of weapons as the KGB special forces unit "Alpha", but we were still inclined to believe that they were the special forces unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs "Almaz". Moreover, their weapons, equipment, and list of tasks are similar.

After the article was published, they explained to us that in the photo, apparently, it was still “Alpha”. The fact is, our source noted, that the uniform of the fighters in the photo includes pants with integrated knee pads - and Alpha wears these, but not Almaz.

The second sign, as they explained to us, is a bulletproof vest. Each special unit purchases personal armor protection equipment for its own needs, and Almaz uses the Fort Defender model with oblique slings on the chest. Alpha fighters have already abandoned these and wear lighter modular kits, in which the level of protection can be adapted to their needs.

The fighters, who can be seen on the street in recent days, wear olive-colored uniforms with reflective armbands, helmets with goggles, masks and trekking boots. Their weapons are excellent. A distinctive feature is the Austrian Glock 17 pistols, known for their angular shapes, made partly of polymers, lightweight and extremely reliable.

Among the weapons also seen were shotguns and the most advanced and modern weapons - GM-94 multi-charge grenade launchers. Apparently, pump-action shotguns fire rubber bullets, and grenade launchers fire flash-bang ammunition.

Some were seen carrying Kalashnikov assault rifles.

Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY Photo: Daria Buryakina, TUT.BY

Military personnel do not go into close combat with clubs and shields. Even when they form a chain, some are armed with firearms, some with batons, they do not carry large shields, but some, as can be seen in the photo, have small bulletproof hand shields.

Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

So far we have photographed only one serviceman of the convoy battalion of internal troops.

He is noticeably worse equipped than the BB soldiers of military unit 3214. The fighter in the photo is wearing black pants and a jacket, camouflage high-top boots, a camouflage bulletproof vest and an olive-colored helmet. Armed with a Kalashnikov AK-74 assault rifle without an attachment for firing blank cartridges.

Photo: Vadim Zamirovsky, TUT.BY

However, as a former VV serviceman explained to us, the fighter is simply dressed in “what was issued from the warehouse,” and the uniform of others may be slightly different.


Recently, information has appeared that the army was deployed in Brest to suppress the protests - namely, units of the 38th Separate Guards Vienna Red Banner Airborne Assault Brigade from the Special Operations Forces. Or, to put it simply, paratroopers.

These are the photos that were in the VKontakte community “Virtual Brest”.

Photo: “Virtual Brest” / “VKontakte” Photo: Virtual Brest / VKontakte

They don’t have any “police” weapons like shields - this is a purely army unit.

The fighters are dressed in camouflage jackets, pants and body armor and black high-top boots. Some are wearing black or camouflage masks. The helmets have a characteristic shape, covered with camouflage material.

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