Despite all the strengths of the TT pistol, this model has one drawback. It concludes
Meet a new article from Arsenal Masters RU specialists. All about sharpening stones. Classification, types
History of caliber: 6.35 mm Browning We tell the story of the creation of the Browning cartridge and its development in
Signal flares are the main means of signaling in any conditions. They do not have this quality
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Snowmobiles are self-propelled vehicles designed for movement across snow-covered fields and frozen bodies of water. Externally
The armor is strong. Technical features of the T-34 armor protection The armor scheme of the T-34 tank of the first production version.
A critically important factor in ensuring superiority over the enemy today is the level of information support for combat operations.
AIMED SHOOTING AT NIGHT AIMED SHOOTING AT NIGHT When shooting at night, the main burden falls on the trained
Attention! Hunting with air guns on the territory of the Russian Federation is prohibited; this information is provided only in