Airborne combat vehicle: why does the Russian army need a BMP-light?

In the “cargo” section – is there also military equipment? Yes! The January issue talked about the BTR-82A, and now I was the first among journalists to get acquainted with the newest airborne combat vehicle BMD-4M. All day long at the army training ground I compared the new product with the well-deserved BMD-2, drove these vehicles, took part in shooting... And, paraphrasing the motto of the paratroopers “no one but us,” I can say about the “baemdashki”: no one but them can do this!

A command sounds over the radio - and fire flies out of the barrels, and shell casings rain down onto the concrete platform with a ringing sound. “Ta-ta-ta-ta” - the 30-mm BMD-2 cannon hits like a machine gun. It is echoed, only not so often, by a similar cannon of the newest BMD-4M, and then the powerful 100-mm gun of this vehicle also fires, throwing out a thick piglet cartridge case behind the turret.

A short break, and the “baemdashes” go into the field: shooting on the move, overcoming obstacles. When three tracked vehicles, shrouded in a snow whirlwind, synchronously cross the bridge, almost rearing up - this, brothers, is strong!

The BMD-2 crew fires from a 30-mm automatic cannon; behind her is a BMD-4M

Autoreview readers are accustomed to comparative tests of cars. But comparative tests of tracked armored vehicles? Having received an invitation from the military, I did not expect this. I thought a lone car with a crew was waiting for me at the training ground, but I found myself in the thick of things. There are plenty of combat vehicles. People too. Engines are roaring, paratroopers are running around quickly, and here - .

This is “controlled military exploitation”, which our army owes to the current Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu. If previously years passed from the appearance of new military equipment to its adoption into service (and the results were often unsatisfactory), now new items are immediately sent to the troops, where they are driven “in tail and mane”, identifying weak points and shortcomings. “And the factory workers are surprised: everything worked fine for them,” the military men laugh.

The BMD-4Ms that will be discussed have been in this type of operation since the end of last summer, but before my visit to the paratroopers, I didn’t really know what kind of vehicles they were. No wonder: the first ten copies are being tested.

Two extremes

As usual, there are no analogues to our BMD-4M. Why? Let's take as a basis only the main indicators of the car for now. Its weight is 14 tons, length is 6.1 meters, height is 2.2 meters, the power of the UTD-29 diesel engine is 500 hp. For comparison, the BMP-3M, unified with it in a number of units, produced by the same Kurganmashzavod, has the following indicators: 22.7 tons with dynamic protection, 7.1 and 2.3 meters, 500 hp. with diesel engine UTD-29 or 660 hp. with UTD-32. It is a bit heavy for landing purposes.

The rare BMD-4 vehicle is the predecessor of the BMD-4M.

The rare BMD-4 vehicle is the predecessor of the BMD-4M.

Abroad, tracked analogues of BMD and BMP are developing in a slightly different direction. Some countries are increasing their defense and thereby dispersing the mass beyond all limits. Here are examples. The American M2 Bradley gained weight from 23 (early modifications) to 30 tons (M2A3 version), while maintaining its buoyancy. Dimensions of the machine: 6.5 and almost 3 meters. Armament: 25 mm cannon and 7.62 machine gun. German Marder: 33 tons, 6.8 and 3 meters, 20 mm cannon, 7.62 machine gun. Can't swim. And finally, the newest German infantry fighting vehicle Puma: 43 tons, 7.3 and 3.1 meters, 30 mm cannon, 5.56 machine gun. Excuse me, but this is the mass of the KV-1 heavy tank from the war. Exactly! Moreover, the height of the promising infantry fighting vehicle is greater than that of the Leopard 2A6 tank. These are the infantry fighting vehicles of a number of NATO countries. Too tall, too heavy, armed only with small-caliber guns. What are the needs of landing and parachute drops? The same Puma can even be transported by air only by the A400M transport aircraft, and only if it is a very lightweight infantry fighting vehicle with a significantly reduced level of protection! It turns out that when transporting by air, we lose what we fenced the garden for.

It is easy to distinguish the “four” from 4M. It has an exhaust system at the stern, while the new one has one on the starboard side at the rear.

It is easy to distinguish the “four” from 4M. It has an exhaust system at the stern, while the new one has one on the starboard side at the rear.

Performance characteristics of BMD-4M

Crew, people: 3 Troops, people: 5 Years of production: since 2004

Weight BMD-4M

— 13.6 tons

Dimensions of BMD-4M

— Hull length, mm: 6000 — Length with gun forward, mm: 6780 — Hull width, mm: 3256 — Height, mm: 2227 — Base, mm: 3323 — Track, mm: 2700 — Ground clearance, mm: 100...500

BMD-4M armor

— Armor type: bulletproof

Armament BMD-4M

— Caliber and brand of gun: 1 x 100 mm 2A70; 1 x 30 mm 2A72 - Gun type: 100 mm rifled semi-automatic gun-launcher; 30-mm rifled small-caliber automatic cannon - Gun ammunition: 38 for 2A70; 464 for 2A72 — Firing range, km: up to 4 — Sights: periscope, commander’s panorama, PPB-1/2 — Machine guns: 1 x 7.62 mm PKTM

Engine BMD-4M

— Engine type: 2В-06-2 — Engine power, l. pp.: 450

Speed ​​BMD-4M

— Highway speed, km/h: 67.5 — Cross-country speed, km/h: 10 afloat

— Cruising range on the highway, km: 500 — Cruising range over rough terrain, km: 350 — Specific power, l. s./t: 33 — Suspension type: independent, individual pneumatic — Specific ground pressure, kg/cm²: 0.45 — Climbable grade, degrees: 35 — Climbable wall, m: 0.7 — Climbable ditch, m: 2.0 — Fordability, m: floats

Sit down and gasp

The BMD-4M also belongs to the category of lightly armored combat vehicles, although it is heavier than its predecessors. Its body is made of aluminum armor with a bulletproof level of protection. It cannot be otherwise - airborne equipment has strict restrictions on size and weight. Unlike an infantry fighting vehicle, it cannot be given a lot of protection and cannot be turned into an “almost tank”. There’s nothing you can do; you have to design an infantry fighting vehicle with an eye on the size of the compartments and the payload capacity of transport aircraft, and the characteristics of parachute systems. Today, two BMP-4M BMPs can be dropped from the Il-76 transport aircraft. But work is underway to improve aircraft and strapdown parachute systems in order to drop three units of military equipment, that is, a platoon, from one side. Therefore, airborne vehicles should not be criticized for weak armor. In this case, thin armor is better than no armor at all. Of course, there is a reserve for enhancing protection within reason. The vehicle can be equipped with additional steel sheets on the front and sides and modules with ceramic armor. Photos of such BMD-4M can be found on the Internet.

The BMD-4M is equipped with the most modern fire control system and is capable of hitting ground and air targets around the clock.

The BMD-4M is equipped with the most modern fire control system and is capable of hitting ground and air targets around the clock.

As for driving capabilities, in this regard the BMD-4M is a typical representative of the domestic design school. Agile, fast, maneuverable. The power plant is a powerful naturally aspirated diesel engine and a semi-automatic gearbox. Among the car's talents are light steering, a solid power reserve, and the ability to swim with the help of water jet engines (10 km/h with waves up to 3-4 points). Another undoubted advantage is the ability to camouflage. The BMD-4M is already low in comparison with foreign tracked vehicles. Moreover, it is equipped with hydropneumatic suspension with variable ground clearance. The working ground clearance of the BMD-4M is about 450 mm, but it can be increased to 530 or reduced to 130 mm. The military values ​​this ability to “squat”—there are stories that combat vehicles can crawl through a wheat field undetected.

But the main advantage of our lightly armored BMD-4M is its powerful weapons. This is where we are ahead of foreign infantry fighting vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles. Moreover, both light and most heavy ones. The armament block consists of an automatic 100-mm gun-launcher 2A70, a rapid-fire (up to 330 rounds per minute) 2A72 cannon with a caliber of 30 mm and a 7.62 PKTM machine gun.

The armament of the BMD-4M has been stabilized. You can fire on the move.

The armament of the BMD-4M has been stabilized. You can fire on the move.

A single main-caliber automatic loader contains 34 ZUOF19 high-explosive fragmentation projectiles of increased power and firing range and 4 Arkan anti-tank guided missiles with a tandem cumulative warhead. The gun's rate of fire is 10 rounds per minute, and the firing range of shells is up to 7 kilometers. Armor penetration of missiles is 750 mm (equivalent to homogeneous armor with dynamic protection), range is 5500 meters. That is, the BMD-4M can hit any tank.

The small-caliber, rapid-fire 2A72 with a moving barrel is a gun with reduced recoil. Designed for installation in weapon modules with thin armor. The longest firing range at ground targets is 4 kilometers. The ammunition load can include high-explosive incendiary fragmentation, fragmentation tracer, armor-piercing tracer and armor-piercing sub-caliber projectiles with improved penetration (ZUBR8 “Kerner”). The gun is equipped with a double-sided belt feed with automated and manual feed switching.

It should be noted that the BMD-4M is equipped with a modern and effective fire control system. It allows you to hit ground and, importantly, air targets around the clock. From a place and on the move. The complex includes a weapon stabilizer and a ballistic computer, laser rangefinders, a thermal imaging sight with automatic target tracking and a panoramic thermal imaging sight for the commander. By the way, the fire control system provides for complete duplication of firing by the commander with all types of weapons, in case the gunner-operator cannot do this.

The conclusion suggests itself - a pair of two guns is much better than just a small caliber. And the gun-launcher is a real gift - working with external (turret-mounted) ATGMs often requires leaving the vehicle, but here all operations are performed by the automatic loader.

When afloat, the combat vehicle moves at a speed of 10 km/h due to water jet propulsion.

When afloat, the combat vehicle moves at a speed of 10 km/h due to water jet propulsion.

I will list the advantages of the BMP-4M. A mobile and maneuverable airborne combat vehicle with powerful weapons and good maneuverability. Floating, airborne.

Among the shortcomings, and how could we live without them, are a complex chassis, problematic for repairs in the field, difficult exit of troops due to the layout, and a small number of paratroopers on board. But the last drawback can be considered eliminated - the Airborne Forces units are receiving tracked armored personnel carriers MDM Rakushka armored personnel carriers with a capacity of 13 people, not counting two crew members. These vehicles are widely unified with the BMD-4M in terms of chassis and must work together. The strong point of one is firepower, the other is the number of places for paratroopers.


Length Width Height

6100 / 3150 / 2227 mm
Ground clearance
variable 130–530 mm
Number of seats crew + troop
3+4 (5) people.
14000 kg
Maximum speed
70 km/h
Speed ​​afloat
10 km/h
Cruising range on the highway
500 km


diesel, multi-fuel, naturally aspirated

Rear transverse
location Model
Configuration / number of valves
V10 / 20
26.5 l
2600 kW/l. With. at 331/500 rpm




rolled aluminum armor



gun-launcher 2A70 / 100 mm, automatic cannon 2A72 / 30 mm, machine gun PKTM / 7.62


34 rounds + 4 ATGMs, 500 rounds, 2000 rounds

Airborne combat vehicle: why does the Russian army need a BMP-light?

What kind of BMD are there?

Having seen the new “baemdashka”, I decided to show that I already knew something about it from the Internet.

- This is the Gardener? - I say.

It would be better to remain silent, honestly. It turned out that the name “Gardener”, which was assigned to the new combat vehicles on the Internet, has nothing to do with them, just like “Bakhcha-U”. All this is a designation of turrets with weapons, but neither one nor the other is installed on the new vehicle. Therefore - just BMD-4M. "Fourth generation, modernized." And to be precise - completely redesigned.

1986, BMD-1 in Afghanistan: the short 73 mm cannon is clearly visible

The BMD-1, put into service in 1969, made a real revolution: the paratroopers received a hitherto unprecedented vehicle - light, compact, floating... And most importantly, parachuted.

I remember well our long-ago report about the first parachute landing experience of a KAMAZ: after a hard landing, its front end was dented. And the "bamdashes" must land not just unharmed, but with the crew inside - and immediately enter into battle!

BMD-4M ammunition (from left to right): 30 mm shells, 7.62 mm machine gun ammunition and 100 mm gun shells

Therefore, the suspension was made hydropneumatic, the body was welded from durable but light aluminum armor (they say for the first time in Soviet history), and since 1971, the driver-mechanic and commander parachuted along with the car - in additional seats, like cosmonauts.

Over ten years, more than two thousand BMD-1s were produced - during this time the model underwent a number of upgrades and managed to fight in Afghanistan. There it turned out that the 73-mm Grom cannon was ineffective. It did not have a stabilizer, it did not allow shooting at mountain tops, and the shells did not penetrate Afghan mud walls well.

After firing in the BMD-2 turret - a natural smoke curtain!

Therefore, the gun of the BMD-2, which entered service in 1985, was replaced with another - automatic, 30 mm caliber (it is called a “helicopter gun” because it is also installed on combat helicopters). And the vehicle turned out to be so successful that it is not only still in service, but also remains the main “armor” of the Russian landing force.

But the BMD-3, which appeared at the turn of the nineties, on the contrary, turned out to be unsuccessful: it received a new armored hull, became larger and much heavier... But the weapons did not change! And since production took place during the era of economic collapse, in eight years the Volgograd Tractor Plant assembled only 137 copies.

I took this photo from the BMD-2 turret: the flames on the sides are from the previous shot

Finally, at the beginning of the 2000s, the BMD-4 appeared - essentially the same three-ruble note, only with a turret from the BMP-3. But this car almost suffered the same fate as its predecessor: the plant in Volgograd went bankrupt, introduction into the troops was incredibly delayed...

And the military didn’t just ask, they demanded new equipment. Here is a quote from an interview with the Commander-in-Chief of the Airborne Forces, Vladimir Shamanov, to Rossiyskaya Gazeta in 2012: “The machine is needed like air. Even in the fight against gangs in the North Caucasus, we lacked firepower. What if the enemy is more serious? With one 30-mm cannon and one anti-tank missile on the turret that fires every once in a while, you can’t fight much today!”

“Hood covers” are removed: in the foreground - BMD-2, in the back - BMD-4M

He was echoed by Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Federation Valery Gerasimov (quote from a speech published in 2013 in Nezavisimaya Gazeta): “BMD-2s are outdated both morally and physically. The cars are 20-25 years old, and sometimes more. The wear and tear of the main components and assemblies does not allow the use of combat capabilities. For this reason, during the march to the training ground (we are talking about a sudden check of the combat readiness of the troops - F.L.), two BMD-2 units failed.”

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