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Wehrmacht (from the German words Wehrmacht, from Wehr - “weapon”, “defense, resistance” and Macht - “strength, power; power, influence”, “army”) - The Armed Forces of Nazi Germany in 1935-1945. Historically, the word "Wehrmacht" in German-speaking countries denoted the armed forces of any country.

Panzer Division (tank division) - a combined army formation of the Wehrmacht, which included tank units and motorized infantry, as well as artillery and other auxiliary units. The composition of the divisions, as well as the share of tank and motorized units in the divisions, changed. Wehrmacht tanks became the basis of blitzkrieg tactics.

Tank Pz.Kpfw ITank Pz.Kpfw II
Tank Pz.Kpfw II "Lux"
Medium tanks
Tank Pz.Kpfw IIITank Pz.Kpfw IV
Panther tank
Heavy tanks
Tank "Tiger"Tank "Royal Tiger"
Super heavy tank "Mouse"
Self-propelled anti-tank guns
"Panzerjager" I"Marder" II
"Nashorn""Marder" III
"Marder" I"Marder 38"
Tank destroyers
"Hetzer""Jagdpatser" IV
"Jagdtiger""Sturer Emil"
Self-propelled units
Anti-aircraft self-propelled gun "38""Wirbelwind"
600-mm self-propelled mortar "Karl"
Assault guns
StuG III"Brummber"
Wehrmacht armored vehicles
Armored car 222Armored car 231
Armored personnel carrier 250Armored personnel carrier 251

The Wehrmacht tank division had its own motorized infantry, and since 1943, self-propelled artillery, which allowed the tanks to conduct independent operations (in the armies of the world, tanks were used to support other types of troops). The transfer of the leading role to tanks ensured the decisive success of the Wehrmacht in the initial period of the Second World War. Panzer divisions were divided into two categories: the standard Wehrmacht panzer division and the SS panzer divisions.

The concept of “Wehrmacht” acquired its meaning during the rise to power of the National Socialist German Workers' Party. The law on the creation of the armed forces was adopted on March 16, 1935, that is, two years after Hitler came to power. The "armed forces" consist of the ground forces (German: Heer), the navy (Kriegsmarine) and the air force (Luftwaffe). At their head, the corresponding governing bodies are created - the Supreme Commands.

High Command of the Wehrmacht

On February 7, 1938, the Wehrmacht High Command (OKW) was created from the Armed Forces Directorate of the War Ministry, subordinate directly to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, Adolf Hitler, and called the Fuhrer's Headquarters. There is no post of Minister of War. The OKW had four directorates:

  • Operations Department - A. Jodl;
  • military intelligence and counterintelligence - Abwehr - V. Canaris;
  • economic department (supply and armament of the army) - G. Thomas
  • general purpose control. General (from 1940 - Field Marshal) Wilhelm Keitel was appointed chief of staff of the Supreme High Command of the Armed Forces.

USSR technology

Light tanks
  • I MS-1
  • II BT-2
  • II T-26
  • II T-60
  • II Tetrarch
  • III BT-7
  • III T-46
  • III T-70
  • III M3 light
  • III T-127
  • IV A-20
  • IV T-50
  • IV T-80
  • IV Valentine II
  • VI MT-25
Medium tanks
  • I T-62A SPORT
  • IV T-28
  • IV A-32
  • V T-34
  • V Matilda IV
  • VI T-34-85
  • VI A-43
  • VII T-43
  • VII KV-13
  • VII A-44
  • VIII T-44
  • VIII Object 416
  • IX T-54
  • IX Object 430 Option II
  • X T-62A
  • X Object 140
  • X Object 430
Heavy tanks
  • V KV-1
  • V KV-220 Beta Test
  • V Churchill III
  • V KV-220
  • VI KV-1S
  • VI KV-2
  • VI T-150
  • VII
  • VII KV-3
  • VIII IS-3
  • VIII IS-6
  • VIII KV-4
  • VIII KV-5
  • IX ST-I
  • IX IS-8
  • X IS-4
  • X IS-7
Tank destroyer
  • II AT-1
  • III SU-76
  • IV SU-85B
  • V SU-85
  • V SU-85I
  • VI SU-100
  • VI SU-100Y
  • VII SU-152
  • VII SU-100M1
  • VII SU-122-44
  • VIII ISU-152
  • VIII SU-101
  • IX Object 704
  • IX SU-122-54
  • X Object 268
  • X Object 263
self-propelled guns
  • II SU-18
  • III SU-26
  • IV SU-5
  • V SU-122A
  • VI SU-8
  • VII S-51
  • VII SU-14-1
  • VIII SU-14-2
  • IX 212A
  • X Object 261

1) Brazilian who defeated Abrams

Brazil is a country “where many, many wild monkeys live in the forests.” They also make tanks there. More precisely, they did. In the 80s of the last century. Moreover, the tanks were of a completely modern level - not only for themselves, but also for sale; for example, to Saudi Arabia. They even installed a 120mm French gun for high-end buyers, but they wanted a 105mm British gun for themselves. The engine was German, and the sight was generally Belgian.

EE-T1 "Osorio" (photo: Source)

(the largest arms exporter) named the tank in honor of the Brazilian General Osorio, a hero of the war with Paraguay. In tests in 1987 and 1988, Osorio seemed to have already defeated all competitors. However, the United States gave a subtle hint to the Arabs - and the deal did not work out. And in 1993, Engesa went bankrupt, and Brazil had no time for its own tanks. There are only two Osorios left.

German technology

Light tanks
  • I Leichttraktor
  • II Pz.Kpfw. 35(t)
  • II Pz.Kpfw. II
  • II Pz.Kpfw. I
  • II Pz.Kpfw. 38H 735 (f)
  • III Pz.Kpfw. 38(t)
  • III Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. A
  • III Pz.Kpfw. I Ausf. C
  • III Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. G
  • III Pz.Kpfw. II Ausf. J
  • III T-15
  • IV Pz.Kpfw. II Luchs
  • IV Pz.Kpfw. 38(t)nA
  • V VK 16.02 Leopard
  • VI VK 28.01
  • VII Aufklarungspanzer Panther
Medium tanks
  • III Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. A
  • III Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f)
  • IV Pz.Kpfw. III
  • IV VK 20.01 (D)
  • IV Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D
  • V Pz.Kpfw. III/IV
  • V Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H
  • V T-25
  • VI VK 30.01 (P)
  • VI VK 30.01 (D)
  • VI VK 30.02 (M)
  • VI Pz.Kpfw. V/IV
  • VI Pz.Kpfw. V/IV Alpha
  • VI Pz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm
  • VII Panther
  • VII VK 30.02 (D)
  • VII Panther/M10
  • VIII Panther II
  • VIII Indien-Panzer
  • IX E 50
  • IX Leopard Prototype A
  • XE 50 Ausf. M
  • X Leopard 1
Heavy tanks
  • IV Durchbruchswagen 2
  • IV Pz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f)
  • V VK 30.01 (H)
  • VI VK 36.01 (H)
  • VII Tiger I
  • VII Tiger (P)
  • VIII Tiger II
  • VIII VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. A
  • VIII Lowe
  • IX VK 45.02 (P) Ausf. B
  • IX E 75
  • X Maus
  • XE 100
  • X VK 72.01 (K)
Tank destroyer
  • II Panzerjager I
  • III Marder II
  • IV Hetzer
  • IV Marder 38T
  • IV StuG III Ausf. B
  • V StuG III Ausf. G
  • V Pz.Sfl. IVc
  • VI Jagdpanzer IV
  • VI Nashorn
  • VI Dicker Max
  • VII Jagdpanther
  • VII Pz.Sfl. V
  • VII E 25
  • VIII Ferdinand
  • VIII Jagdpanther II
  • VIII Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager
  • VIII 8.8 cm Pak 43 Jagdtiger
  • IX Jagdtiger
  • IX Waffentrager auf Pz. IV
  • X Jagdpanzer E 100
  • X Waffentrager auf E 100
self-propelled guns
  • I Karl
  • II G.Pz. Mk. VI(e)
  • III Sturmpanzer I Bison
  • III Wespe
  • IV Sturmpanzer II
  • IV Pz.Sfl. IVb
  • V Grille
  • VI Hummel
  • VII GW Panther
  • VIII GW Tiger (P)
  • IX GW Tiger
  • X GW E 100

3) “Ariete” - quadratish, praktish, gut

Once upon a time, the reputable Italian companies Iveco, Fiat and Oto Melara got together and made a tank. Why are you laughing right now? Yes, Italian. Yes, a tank. True, the engine turned out to be not very powerful, and I would like to have less weight - not every bridge will withstand it. But trouble crept up out of nowhere.

C-1 "Ariete"

By 2016, as many as 200 tanks had been made, but only 30 remained combat-ready. And those that still drive shoot, but... don’t hit. So Italy has a chance to purchase German Leopards. Or a new version of theirs.

US technology

Light tanks
  • I T1 Cunningham
  • II M2 Light Tank
  • II T2 Light Tank
  • II T1E6
  • II T7 Combat Car
  • III M3 Stuart
  • III M22 Locust
  • IV M5 Stuart
  • V M24 Chaffee
  • VI T21
  • VII T71
Medium tanks
  • II T2 Medium Tank
  • III M2 Medium Tank
  • IV M3 Lee
  • V M4 Sherman
  • V M7
  • V Ram II
  • V M4A2E4 Sherman
  • VI M4A3E8 Sherman
  • VI M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo
  • VII T20
  • VII T23E3
  • VIII M26 Pershing
  • VIII T26E4 SuperPershing
  • VIII T69
  • IX M46 Patton
  • IX T54E1
  • X M48A1 Patton
  • X M60
Heavy tanks
  • V T14
  • V T1 Heavy Tank
  • VI M6
  • VII T29
  • VIII T34
  • VIII T32
  • VIII M6A2E1
  • IX M103
  • X T110E5
  • X T57 Heavy Tank
Tank destroyer
  • II T18
  • III T82
  • IV T40
  • IV M8A1
  • V M10 Wolverine
  • V T49
  • VI M36 Jackson
  • VI M18 Hellcat
  • VII T25 AT
  • VII T25/2
  • VIII T28
  • VIII T28 Prototype
  • IX T30
  • IX T95
  • X T110E4
  • X T110E3
self-propelled guns
  • II T57
  • III M7 Priest
  • IV M37
  • V M41
  • VI M44
  • VII M12
  • VIII M40/M43
  • IX M53/M55
  • X T92

7) “Altai” - cavalry tank

No, the Turks did not name their tank after distant mountains. And in honor of the general - a cavalryman and hero of the war for independence of Turkey (aka Greek-Turkish).

"Altai" (photo: Source)

It's good to have your own tank. But not having a powerful engine (without which a tank of modern weight drives slowly and sadly) is bad. The Turks had almost reached an agreement with the Austrian AVL List on the production of diesel, when an ambush happened. The Europeans refused to cooperate with Turkey: they allegedly violate human rights there.

Bottom line: Turkey has “all” tanks - two beautiful demonstrators.

French technology

Light tanks
  • I Renault FT
  • II Hotchkiss H35
  • II D1
  • III AMX 38
  • IV AMX 40
  • VI AMX 12t
  • VII AMX 13 75
  • VIII AMX 13 90
Medium tanks
  • III D2
  • IX Lorraine 40 t
  • X Bat.-Chatillon 25 t
Heavy tanks
  • IV B1
  • V BDR G1 B
  • VI ARL 44
  • VII AMX M4 ml. 45
  • VIII AMX 50 100
  • VIII FCM 50 t
  • IX AMX 50 120
  • X AMX 50 B
Tank destroyer
  • II Renault FT AC
  • III FCM 36 Pak 40
  • III Renault UE 57
  • IV Somua SAu 40
  • V S35 CA
  • VI ARL V39
  • VII AMX AC mle. 46
  • VIII AMX AC mle. 48
  • IX AMX 50 Foch
  • X AMX 50 Foch (155)
self-propelled guns
  • II Renault FT 75 BS
  • III Lorraine 39L AM
  • IV AMX 105 AM mle. 47
  • V 105 leFH18B2
  • V AMX 13 105 AM mle. 50
  • VI AMX 13 F3 AM
  • VII Lorraine 155 ml. 50
  • VIII Lorraine 155 ml. 51
  • IX Bat.-Chatillon 155 55
  • X Bat.-Chatillon 155 58

6) Tank biathlete

Type 96. The basis of the tank power of the Celestial Empire. For the first time for China, there is a 125 mm cannon and an automatic loader. Powerful engine. Beautiful. It was this car that the Chinese comrades sent to the tank biathlon.

Alas, during the races the lightweight tank lost its roller.

Type 96 (photo: Vitaly Kuzmin)
But now the Chinese are building Type 99 - with a combat (well, almost combat - blinding) laser.

UK technology

Light tanks
  • II Cruiser Mk. I
  • II Cruiser Mk. III
  • II Light Mk. VIC
  • III Cruiser Mk. II
  • III Cruiser Mk. IV
  • IV Valentine
  • IV Covenanter
  • V Crusader
Medium tanks
  • I Vickers Medium Mk. I
  • II Vickers Medium Mk. II
  • III Vickers Medium Mk. III
  • IV Matilda
  • V Matilda Black Prince
  • VI Cromwell
  • VII Comet
  • VIII Centurion Mk. I
  • IX Centurion Mk. 7/1
  • XFV4202
Heavy tanks
  • V Churchill I
  • V Excelsior
  • VI Churchill VII
  • VII Black Prince
  • VIII Caernarvon
  • IX Conqueror
  • XFV215b
Tank destroyer
  • II Universal Carrier 2-pdr
  • III Valentine AT
  • IV Alecto
  • V AT 2
  • VI AT 8
  • VI Churchill Gun Carrier
  • VII AT 7
  • VII AT 15A
  • VIII AT 15
  • IX Tortoise
  • X FV215b (183)
self-propelled guns
  • II Loyd Gun Carriage
  • III Sexton II
  • III Sexton I
  • IV Birch Gun
  • V Bishop
  • VI FV304
  • VII Crusader 5.5-in. SP
  • VIII FV207
  • IX FV3805
  • X Conqueror Gun Carriage

5) Juche combat combine

According to legend, Comrade Stalin once, looking at the model of the proposed tank, said: “Why make a Muir and Meriliz out of a tank?” (aka the current Central Department Store in Moscow, with many turrets). However, the Korean comrades, relying on their own strength, had to improvise. Therefore, every Songun-915 tank studded with missiles is a Swede, a reaper, and almost a fire support helicopter. It might come in handy.

Chinese technology

Light tanks
  • I Renault NC-31
  • II Vickers Mk. E Type B
  • III Type 2597 Chi-Ha
  • IV M5A1 Stuart
  • VI 59-16
  • VI Type 64
  • VII Type 62
  • VII WZ-131
  • VIII WZ-132
Medium tanks
  • V Type T-34
  • VI Type 58
  • VII T-34-1
  • VIII Type 59
  • VIII T-34-2
  • VIII T-34-3
  • IX WZ-120
  • X 121
Heavy tanks
  • VII IS-2
  • VIII 110
  • VIII 112
  • IX WZ-111 model 1-4
  • X 113

4) Black panther with squint

K2 "Black Panther"
The Republic of Korea also makes tanks - K2 "Black Panther". True, the engine, transmission and gun have slightly German roots. We tried to replace the Aryan engine with our own - it was difficult. And the tank was already one of the most expensive in the world. But yours!


The Merkava, which means “chariot” in Hebrew, is an Israeli tank, the first version of which was created in 1979. Later, several modifications were released, the last of which was the Merkava Mk.4. The tank owes its appearance to the fact that Great Britain refused to sell the Chieftain, which was in service in the sixties and seventies, to Israel.

A special feature of the Merkava is the location of the engine and transmission compartment. It is located in the front of the case. Thanks to this design element, crew protection has been enhanced. However, the tank has one more feature that is considered almost unique. The vehicle has a compartment for transporting wounded or landing troops, although it is also used for additional ammunition.

As a result of a number of design solutions, the Merkava is capable of performing various tasks. Depending on the situation, the tank can play the role of an infantry fighting vehicle, an armored personnel carrier or a tactical element. The main weapon is the M68 rifled cannon, and the secondary weapon is a coaxial MAG machine gun.

8) Type 90 - tank without girls

After the taming of Japanese militarism in 1945, the Land of the Rising Sun officially only had self-defense forces left. And cartoons about tanks and schoolgirls. But you won’t be satisfied with cartoon tanks alone.

At the end of the 70s, Japan began developing a new tank, with a gun from the Germans and its own electronics. It turned out well (Type 90). But it’s expensive—more than seven million dollars apiece. And it’s too heavy for Japanese bridges. We tried Type 10 - super new, with modular armor and more sophisticated electronics, giving an overview of everything. Even more expensive (eight million apiece). And without schoolgirls in the carriage.

Type 90

The best tanks from the most exotic countries are a little surprising with their, hmm... parameters. However, what else can you expect from exotics? Or is this a signal that good tanks are still weapons of the past?

T-14 "Armata"

Country: Russian Federation Russian Federation Years of activity: in the phase of military testing Crew: 3 people. Combat weight: 48.0 t Engine power: 1350/1 500/1 800 hp Highway speed: 80-90 km/h Armor type: combined multi-layer

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The T-14 is the latest Russian main tank with an uninhabited turret based on the Armata universal tracked platform.

The T-14 was presented to the public at the Victory Parade in 2015 along with other products for the army. As part of the state armaments program, a state order was issued for the production of 2,300 T-14 tanks until 2020. In 2015, a pilot batch of 20 tanks was produced. In 2016, mass production of tanks began, which should not be reduced even during a crisis. At the same time, the procedure for acceptance and elimination of deficiencies was started.

The T-14 could become the world's first "invisible tank" not only with a sharp decrease in visibility in the infrared, radio and magnetic ranges, but also with the use of innovative "signature distortion" technologies. Its visual image is in the specified ranges, which makes it difficult to detect a Javelin, Spike or JAGM ATGM class tank between launched infrared traps and dipole clouds.

Export of tanks based on the Armata is possible after fulfilling the requirements of the state defense order. Uralvagonzavod announced that in order to obtain permission to export the T-14 in the future, the secrecy mark will be removed from it. India, China, Egypt and the countries of Southeast Asia showed interest in the tank.

BM Oplot

BM Oplot, which was called Oplot-M before being put into service, is a battle tank created on the territory of Ukraine. The placement of weapons, protection, chassis, crew and other elements is done in a classical manner. Thanks to the presence of an automatic loader, three people can be inside - the commander, the gunner and the driver. Each crew member has his own hatch for disembarkation and landing.

Among its peers, Oplot stands out:

  • A system for accounting for the bending of the barrel bore;
  • Modified fire control system;
  • A panoramic sight that has night and day channels, as well as a laser range meter.

In terms of protection, the tank boasts a new welded turret shape, electro-optical active protection "Gate", as well as large side screens, making the chassis and hull better protected from hand-held anti-tank grenade launchers. The latest models of the Oplot BM are in many ways comparable to the T-90. This tank is capable of reaching speeds of up to seventy kilometers per hour.


Western tanks have much more mass and a tall silhouette than Russian ones.

Domestic vehicles have a greater firing range due to the use of guided missiles and a higher rate of fire, which does not slow down over time, thanks to automatic loaders. However, the latter are often called the Achilles heel, since detonation instantly destroys the tank along with its crew.

The T-14 Armata was a workaround, having received a crew separated from the ammunition, the highest security due to passive and dynamic armor, as well as an active protection complex. At the same time, its size began to impress even against the background of foreign MBTs.

We can say that in recent years the vector of development of our armored vehicles has sharply turned. Great attention began to be paid to the protection of vehicles and their crew, ergonomics improved significantly, and digital systems became familiar.

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