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On Russia Day, June 12, 2020, the Navy was officially replenished with an underwater missile cruiser called “Prince Vladimir”. It is safe to say that the new Russian submarine 2022 is a unique strategic ship. Next year, 6 more submarines will appear in the fleet, four of which will be nuclear. This number of boats will be handed over for the first time in 28 years.

This year there are also plans to receive other submarines, for example, the Belgorod nuclear submarine, which can easily carry Poseidon devices. Of all the boats of this type that are to be transferred, 4 are nuclear powered.

Nuclear submarine "Prince Vladimir"

On June 12, the website of the Ministry of Defense announced that the new Russian submarine “Prince Vladimir” had been accepted into the Main Fleet of the Russian Federation.

The 955A Borey-A was used as the basis for building the submarine. It was named in honor of Grand Duke Vladimir, under whom the baptism of Rus' took place. All work related to construction began a long time ago, if the hull was created in 2009, but the date of the official ceremony of laying the submarine is considered to be July 30, 2012. On 11/17/17 she was launched, and 3 years later she was accepted into the Navy, specifically the Northern Fleet of the Russian Federation.

The main technical and tactical advantages of the submarine

The nuclear ship, like other Russian submarines of 2022, was created using advanced technologies and taking into account the modern knowledge of scientists and shipbuilders. The crew has the skills and abilities that they acquired through training under new programs. Successful tests allow us to confidently conclude that the submarine is ready for operation.

"Prince Vladimir" is the fourth nuclear submarine of the "Borey" project. The main distinctive features of the submarine are:

  • excellent maneuverability;
  • effective weapons control system;
  • low noise;
  • ability to dive to depths of up to 400 m;
  • Duration of autonomous navigation – 3 months.

Such technical characteristics make it possible to hide the boat from enemy anti-submarine aircraft. Moreover, stealth will help you quietly reach the required position and launch missiles.

The crew consists of 107 people. Despite the impressive dimensions of the submarine, control is quite easy - it is equipped with an on-board information management automated system, thanks to which any tasks in the field of ship control are much easier to perform.

Armed with Bulava missiles

The submarine's armament deserves special attention. "Prince Vladimir" contains six vehicles with 533 m caliber torpedoes and sixteen "Bulava" missiles. Each of the latter has six nuclear units, so guidance allows you to hit a target at a distance of 10 thousand km. The probable deviation is only from 120 to 350 m. Analysts believe that nuclear-powered ships of this category are one of the significant components of the nuclear triad of the Russian Federation and an important factor in global deterrence. Therefore, the enemy is unlikely to expect missile strikes of such force.

What other additions will the Russian Navy have?

The program for the next two years includes the transfer to the Russian Navy of the 885M Yasen-M multi-purpose nuclear submarines and the 955A Borey-A nuclear-powered missile submarines.

Project "Borey"

The project began to be created back in the 1980s. New nuclear-powered ships will replace Soviet ships of the 3rd generation. The latter include:

  • 667BDR "Squid". Variant with intercontinental liquid rocket;
  • 667BDRM "Dolphin". They are distinguished by weapons in the form of ballistic missile launchers;
  • 941 "Shark". Heavy strategic cruisers.

It is now known that Sevmash, a shipbuilding corporation, has 3 models:

  1. The main ship called “Yuri Dolgoruky” is included in the Northern Fleet.
  2. "Alexander Nevsky" - part of the Pacific Fleet.
  3. "Vladimir Monomakh."

Construction of Boreev will be completed in 2023. In the future, it is planned to develop new submarines. It was decided that the latter would have cruise missiles with the ability to hit targets at long range.

Project "Ash"

Also, the construction and transfer of Project 885 Yasen to the Severodvinsk fleet has already been completed. The Kazan submarine and 5 more new Russian submarines 2022, which are still being built, are currently undergoing testing.

Nuclear submarine (95 photos)

Initially, in underwater shipbuilding, one of the most important problems was increasing the time spent under water and increasing the underwater speed, as the most important characteristics of submarines. Progress in this area was hampered by the imperfection of power plants, and in particular by their low power and the dependence of the time spent under water on the oxygen content in the air inside the boat. At first, these problems were solved by increasing the power of electric motors, battery capacity, increasing the supply of liquefied oxygen, high-pressure air, and regenerative cartridges. During the Second World War in Germany, for the first time, a device for operating diesel engines under water - a snorkel (RDP device) and a steam-gas turbine power plant of the Walter system - began to be commercially used. In the post-war period, nuclear energy appeared in the USA and the USSR, and then in other countries, beginning a new stage in the development of the submarine fleet. A nuclear submarine is presented in this collection.

Nuclear submarine

Yuri Dolgoruky Ascent At full speed Dive

Floating boat Black boat Floating among the ice floes Blue water Black sea

Flag on the boat

People on top Boat on vacation

On the move People with flags

Pop-up liner Flags on the boat

Among the ice floes An approaching ship Nuclear submarine

In black water

In the cold sea View under water Kuzbass Breaks through the ice

Holiday on the ship

Boat in motion

Foam after eyeliner

Black beauty Hull in ice In the bay Tail Water intake

Strong waves Tail in the water Unusual sky Sunset in the sky

The front of the boat Antennas Flags along the boat Path after the boat The sun is shining

Cloudy sky

Boat underwater

Went out for a walk Parade on the surface

The reflection of the sun floats away from the shore


Restless sea

Blue water off the coast

Boat tail in foam

Black submarine

Floating eyeliner

At full speed Ripples on the water Red sky The sea is raging Shackled by ice

Submariner sailors in vests

Beautiful lighting

Observation devices

Hooked with ropes

Winter season

Cloudy sky

The liner guards the shores

White circles ahead Emblem

Against the backdrop of snowy mountains

Blue sky

Submarine at the pier


Russia's nuclear shield and sword

Nuclear submarine Excitement at sea Boat with a mustache Against the backdrop of the sunset Floats under water Pot-bellied surface

Cuts through the waves

Swim into the bay Evening

Not far from the shore

Waves on the water

Russian eyeliner

During surgery

Missile submarines

In cold waters

Protecting Russia

Submarine of the Russian Navy Gold color Navy

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