Lancaster era. Weapons of caliber .366 TKM and 9.6/53 Lancaster

Cartridge 366 TKM (9.5x38) is a hunting cartridge developed in Russia for smooth-bore weapons with a partially rifled Paradox-type barrel, as well as for barrels with Lancaster drilling. According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, it is considered a smoothbore cartridge, while its ballistic characteristics are close to cartridges for rifled weapons.

History of creation

The 366 TKM cartridge is the first hunting cartridge developed and put into production in Russia since 1991.

The cartridge was developed in 2014 (Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic) and JSC VPMZ "Molot" (Vyatskie Polyany, Kirov region).

The created cartridge was called “.366 TKM”. 366 is the caliber of the cartridge in fractions of an inch, and the letters “TKM” designate the developers of the cartridge, where “TK” is JSC Tekhkrim and “M” is JSC VPMZ Molot.

The 366 TKM cartridge was certified in Russia in 2015 as a cartridge for smoothbore weapons, intended for hunting animals weighing up to 200 kg at distances up to 150-200 meters, training shooting and self-defense.

The actual bullet diameter of the 366 TKM cartridge is 9.53-9.58 mm. The caliber of the smooth part of the barrel is 9.50 mm, and in the rifled part it is 9.40 mm for rifling and 8.90 mm for rifling. The length of the 366 TKM cartridge case is 37.5 mm. According to the metric system, the caliber of the 366 TKM cartridge can be designated as 9.5 × 38 mm, or as .375/38 mm. The caliber was named “.366TKM”, since the .366 caliber cartridge was first developed and certified, but after experiments and tests it was decided to increase both the bore diameter to 9.50 mm and the bullet diameter to 9.58 mm (. 377 inches), but the name of the cartridge remained the same .366TKM.

The cartridge was created on the basis of the 7.62×39 cartridge case. 1943, the overall length of the cartridge case was shortened by 1 mm, and the barrel of the cartridge case was flared to accommodate a bullet with a diameter of 9.55 mm.

In appearance, the 366 TKM cartridge is completely different from a typical smoothbore cartridge. In appearance, this is a typical rifled cartridge: a metal sleeve, a lead bullet in a jacket.

The basic idea of ​​the 366 TKM cartridge is to use surplus 7.62x39 weapons that have accumulated over the years in military warehouses. The barrels of SKS carbines and Kalashnikov assault rifles of 7.62×39 caliber are drilled out or the barrel is completely replaced. This is how military weapons with a rifled barrel are made into civilian smoothbore weapons.

The demand for weapons of caliber 366 TKM is formed by novice young hunters who would like to purchase a rifled weapon in order to make accurate shots at long distances, but who cannot do this because they do not have the 5 years of experience necessary to purchase a rifled weapon. By purchasing a weapon chambered for 366 TKM, they are acquiring a smooth-bore weapon, which in its properties and appearance is as similar as possible to a rifled one.

Weapons chambered for the 366 TKM cartridge must have rifling at the end of the barrel no longer than 140 mm, the so-called “Paradox” or a barrel created using Lancaster drilling technology.

It is the rifling at the end of the barrel of the “Paradox” type or the “Lancaster” drilling that makes it possible to give the bullet rotation in flight and thereby increase the accuracy of the cartridge.

The 366 TKM cartridge is suitable for independent equipment, but due to its low distribution, it is quite difficult to find components for it.

Description and characteristics of the cartridge

The .366 TKM cartridge (9.5*38) was developed by JSC Tekhkrim in Izhevsk specifically for smooth-bore weapons with a partially rifled barrel (rifling length up to 140 mm), as well as for shotguns with a Lancaster type drill. It was the first hunting ammunition to be produced and put into mass production in the last 25 years. The special ballistic characteristics make the cartridge similar in properties to those used for fully rifled weapons, which is considered a unique phenomenon in the field of hunting equipment. Despite this, the product is positioned as being used in smooth-bore weapons.

The performance characteristics (TTX) are as follows:

  • caliber of the smooth area of ​​the barrel in millimeters - 9.5 (0.374 inches);
  • sleeve length – 37.5 mm;
  • bullet weight – 8-15 g (depending on the base material and coating);
  • bullet speed – 530-800 m/s;
  • kinetic energy – 1895-2040 J.


The 366 TKM cartridge is designed for use in long-barreled smoothbore weapons. In terms of its ballistic characteristics, the cartridge is close to cartridges for rifled weapons. This convergence of the characteristics of a smoothbore cartridge with the characteristics of rifled cartridges is unique both for Russian and foreign cartridges.

From the point of view of Russian legislation, the 366 TKM cartridge is a cartridge for smooth-bore weapons.

The 366TKM cartridge is intended for hunting animals weighing up to 200 kg at distances up to 150-200 meters, training shooting and self-defense purposes.

  • At a distance of up to 50 meters, the 366TKM cartridge is inferior to the 12 gauge in terms of stopping power, due to its smaller diameter (9.58 mm for the 366TKM, 18.4 mm for the 12 gauge) and bullet weight (13.5-16.25 grams for the 366TKM, 36-42 grams for 12 gauge). However, at a distance of more than 100 meters, the 366TKM cartridge is superior in stopping power to the 12th gauge.
  • At a distance of 100-150 meters, the 366TKM cartridge has a better stopping effect than the basic 7.62x39 mm rifled cartridge, due to the larger diameter and mass of the bullet.
  • At a distance from 150 to 300 meters, the cartridge is inferior to rifled cartridges, including 7.62x39, both in speed and flatness of the trajectory (the drop of the bullet on the trajectory is much greater than that of 7.62x39), but is superior to the 7.62x39 cartridge in energy, approximately correspond in this parameter to cartridges of 308Win and 7.62×54R calibers.

From a ballistics point of view, the main disadvantage of the cartridge is poor flatness, that is, the bullet’s trajectory drops at a distance, but if you hunt with it at a distance of 100-150 meters, then you can put up with poor flatness.

The most rational use of weapons and the 366 TKM cartridge is driven hunting for small and medium-sized ungulates; during such hunting, the cartridge does not require high accuracy and accuracy at long distances and does not need a high stopping effect like 12 gauge. But the hunter should not be embarrassed by the fact that he is standing on the number with a Kalashnikov assault rifle in his hands.

If we consider the use of the 366 TKM cartridge for self-defense purposes, then, according to the manufacturer, the cartridge has the following ballistic indicators:

  • Confidently hitting a chest target at a distance of 150 meters (trajectory drop when zeroing a weapon at 100 m is 16 cm, energy 1250 J, dispersion diameter 30 cm)
  • Confidently hitting a tall target at a distance of 200 meters (trajectory drop when zeroing a weapon at 100 m is 45 cm, energy 1080 J, dispersion diameter 40 cm)

Advantages and disadvantages of caliber 366 TKM


  • Weapons chambered for 366 TKM are legally smooth-bore, therefore, to purchase them, as for any smooth-bore weapon, 5 years of experience is not required, as for rifled weapons.
  • The accuracy of weapons chambered for 366 TKM is comparable to the accuracy of rifled weapons, so its owners can own smooth-bore weapons with the properties of rifled weapons.
  • For weapons manufacturers and the state, this is an excellent opportunity to dispose of the huge amount of military weapons stored in military warehouses, pledged for storage to create a mobilization reserve.
  • The sufficiently high stopping effect of the 366 TKM cartridge bullet allows you to hunt large animals with it.
  • According to the law, weapons chambered for 366 TKM, like long-barreled smoothbore weapons, can be used as a weapon of self-defense. Let us remind you that, according to the law, rifled weapons cannot be used for self-defense.


  • Unstable quality of 366 TKM cartridges. Numerous customer complaints were noted about the quality of cartridges of this caliber: when oil got into the gunpowder of the cartridge, a firecracker shot occurred, as a result of which the bullet remained in the barrel and a subsequent shot could cause the barrel to rupture. Sometimes, when firing, the energy of the powder gases was not enough for the automatic operation of the automatic gas system and the carbine did not reload. Quality problems were also noted with cartridges with the SP13 bullet; when fired, due to the too large diameter of the lead core and, as a result, the bullet itself, the bullet jammed in a paradox. Hunting large game with a weapon of this caliber can be unsafe.
  • Cartridges of caliber 366 TKM are produced by only one manufacturer, JSC Tekhkrim. If the factory stops producing cartridges, the owner of such a weapon will be left without factory cartridges. Moreover, rumors that the plant may reduce or even stop producing 366 TKM cartridges are constantly circulating due to low demand for them.
  • The price for the 366 TKM cartridge is expensive, which is approximately twice as high as the price for the basic 7.62×39 rifled cartridge. The future of the 366 TKM caliber depends on whether cartridge manufacturers can offer an affordable cartridge that will make training and recreational shooting possible with weapons chambered for this cartridge. Otherwise, the 366 TKM cartridge will face gradual oblivion.
  • The cost of weapons chambered for the 366 TKM cartridge is significantly more expensive, almost twice as much, than for the 7.62×39 rifled cartridge.
  • Self-equipping 366 TKM cartridges is, in principle, possible and permitted by law, but in practice it faces great difficulties. In order to equip such cartridges, you need to purchase specialized ones: a decapsulator, dies and a press. In principle, it is possible to find them, but it is not very easy.
  • The 366 TKM cartridge is ineffective at firing distances greater than 200 meters.

.366 TKM cartridges

Cartridge .366 TKM "Cone"

The first semi-jacketed bullet called “Cone” for the 366 TKM cartridge was created in 2015. The “Cone” bullet had a conical shape, a brass shell, very soft lead due to which it was easily deformed at the target. Bullet weight 15 grams, initial bullet speed 600 m/s, bullet energy 2700 J. Accuracy at 100 meters 80 mm.

Cartridge .366 TKM "Dary"

In 2015, cartridges with a cast bullet “Dary” with two grooves appeared; a little later, to improve accuracy, the shape of the groove was removed. The bullet is made of harder lead. The bullet has a polymer coating, which reduces the friction of the bullet in the bore, reduces the lead lining of the barrel, reduces heating and extends the service life of the weapon. Cartridges with a Dary bullet are intended for hunting animals weighing from 10 to 100 kg at a distance of up to 150 m and for target shooting. Bullet weight 15 grams, initial bullet speed 550 m/s. Accuracy at 50 meters 75 mm.

Cartridge .366 TKM "Gexa"

In 2016, cartridges with the Hexa expansion bullet appeared. The bullet has a brass jacket, a profiled jacket with a thick bottom. The bullet has six longitudinal concentrators to facilitate the expansion of the bullet into the target. The Hexa bullet is a hunting bullet with a good stopping effect, good expansion and mass retention when hitting the target. Bullet weight 15.5 grams, initial bullet speed 550 m/s, bullet energy 2334 J. Accuracy at 50 meters 45 mm.

Cartridge .366 TKM "SP13"

The cartridge with the SP13 bullet was also certified and put into production in 2016. The SP13 bullet is a semi-jacketed bullet with a lead nose. The ogival shape of the front of the bullet is better suited for hunting purposes than the previously released semi-jacketed "Cone" bullet. The bullet jacket is brass, the bullet core is made of soft lead. In 2022, a modification weighing 15 g was released with a bimetallic shell and an expansive recess in the nose of the bullet. Bullet weight 12.6 grams, initial bullet speed 620 m/s, bullet energy 2746 J. Accuracy at 50 meters 60 mm.

Cartridge .366 TKM "FMJ"

In 2022, the "FMJ" type bullet was released, it consists of a soft lead core covered with a tombac jacket. The “FMJ” type bullet is intended for hunting small game species, since when passing through soft tissue it does not deform and does not leave serious damage to the body of the game. The FMJ bullet is well suited for recreational target shooting. Bullet weight 14 grams, initial bullet speed 600 m/s. Accuracy at 50 meters 65 mm.

Cartridge .366 TKM "Etna"

A cartridge with a copper bullet of the expansive type "Etna" was released in 2017. The Etna bullet has a special profiled cavity in its nose, which provides programmable expansion of the bullet at a depth of 2-2.5 bullet lengths after the bullet hits the target. The Etna bullet has a high stopping effect. To improve aerodynamics and accuracy, the hole in the bullet nose is covered with a fairing. Bullet weight 12 grams, initial bullet speed 810 m/s. Accuracy at 50 meters 80 mm.

Cartridge .366 TKM "Eco"

The cartridge with the ECO bullet was certified and put into production in 2022. The “ECO” bullet is very light, it weighs only 6.5 grams, the bullet material is soft zinc alloy. The bullet has a flat trajectory. The bullet has a conical shape, which was done to improve the full load in standard AK magazines. The internal rear cone and two knurled grooves on the cylindrical part of the bullet, according to the manufacturer, reduce barrel wear and ensure good accuracy. The cartridge with the "ECO" bullet is intended for target shooting, but can be used in hunting small animals. Bullet weight 6.5 grams, initial bullet speed 810 m/s. Accuracy at 50 meters 80 mm.

Cartridge .366 TKM with Kion bullet

In 2022, the Kion semi-jacketed bullet was released with a radius shape with an expansive recess and a durable bimetallic jacket with a thick layer of copper, 0.45 mm thick, to uniformly open the bullet when it hits the target, maintain bullet weight and reduce barrel wear. Bullet weight 13 grams, initial bullet speed 650 m/s. Accuracy at 50 meters 40 mm.

Shot cartridge .366 TKM No. 10

In 2022, Techkrim also released a shot cartridge with number 10 shot. The cartridge has a bullet-shaped plastic container filled with shot, which protects the lead shot when the cartridge is fed and is destroyed when passing through the “paradox”. According to the manufacturer, .366 TKM No. 10 cartridges are intended for hunting small game birds at a distance of up to 25 m.

The Techkrim company is constantly working to expand the range of 366 TKM cartridges and improve previously released cartridges. You can get acquainted with the products offered by Techkrim on the company’s official website.

Components of the carbine

The Kalashnikov TG2 smoothbore carbine consists of the following elements:

  • Receiver assembly with barrel
  • Lever
  • Trigger hook assembly
  • Trigger
  • Shutter assembly
  • Bolt frame assembly
  • Return mechanism
  • Gas tube
  • Receiver cover
  • Butt
  • Handguard
  • Muzzle brake
  • Shop

Weapons chambered for 366 TKM


The first weapons created for the 366 TKM caliber cartridge were the VPO-208 and VPO-209 carbines produced by Molot-Oruzhie LLC.

The VPO-208 carbine is based on the Simonov self-loading carbine (SKS) and is its complete analogue, with a replaced barrel chambered for 366 TKM cartridge and a modified ammunition magazine. The bolt, trigger mechanism, butt, everything is completely from the SKS carbine.


The VPO-209 carbine was created on the basis of a Kalashnikov assault rifle, the barrel was replaced with a smooth one with Paradox-type rifling, the ability to fire automatic bursts was removed, and the magazine for cartridges was modified.


The VPO-212 carbine is based on the Vepr-Pioneer rifled hunting carbine (SOK-97-R). It is a smoothbore weapon. All characteristics correspond to those of the rifled Vepr-Pioneer: wooden hunting stock, barrel 520 or 650 mm long, push-button safety and detachable magazines for 5 or 10 rounds.


The VPO-213 carbine is based on the VPO-148 carbine; the carbine uses a heavy receiver from a Kalashnikov light machine gun with a heavy barrel. The carbine is available in 6 barrel lengths from 350 to 700 mm. There are modifications with a folding buttstock on the left and right sides, as well as a modification with a telescopic buttstock. The carbine has a side Picatinny rail, as well as a Picatinny rail on the receiver cover for mounting sighting devices.


, which is also located in the city of Vyatskie Polyany, Kirov region, also developed its weapons chambered for 366 TKM. To create its AK-366, AKS-366 and SKS-366 weapons, the company also used the SKS carbine and the Kalashnikov assault rifle, but did not use a barrel with Paradox rifling, but barrels with Lancaster drilling. The barrel with a Lancaster drill has an oval cross-section, which is twisted along the entire length of the barrel, making a full turn in 50 cm.

The AK-366-Lancaster, in its design, is almost completely identical to the VPO-209 carbine, the only difference is in the barrel, “Lancaster” instead of “Paradox”.


A smoothbore carbine based on the Simonov self-loading carbine, it differs from military weapons only in the barrel chambered for .366 TKM and the Lancaster barrel drilling.


The AKS-366-Lancaster smoothbore carbine is based on the Kalashnikov assault rifle with a folding stock (AKMS). It differs from the base weapon in that it lacks the ability to fire automatically in bursts and has a barrel chambered for the .366 TKM cartridge and a Lancaster barrel drill.

The AKS-366-Lancaster carbine has several modifications that differ from each other in small nuances; the basic modification has a stock that folds down, the AKS-366-Lancaster-02 modification has a frame stock that folds to the left, and the AKS-366-Lancaster-03 modification has a shortened stock barrel, like a Kalashnikov AKS assault rifle. Otherwise, all modifications are identical.

Kalashnikov TG2

The Kalashnikov concern also did not stand aside and created its own model of weapons chambered for the 366 TKM cartridge. The Kalashnikov TG2 smoothbore self-loading carbine is based on the Saiga self-loading carbine chambered for 7.62x39. Externally, the TG2 carbine is similar to the AK-103 combat assault rifle.

The forend and butt of the Kalashnikov TG2 are made of impact-resistant plastic, the butt folds to the left. The length of the TG2 carbine when folded is 705 mm, when unfolded it is 945 mm, the weight of the carbine is 3.5 kg. The barrel of the Paradox carbine is 415 mm long. There is a side Picatinny rail for attaching sighting devices. The carbine comes with a plastic magazine for 10 rounds.

JSC Concern "Kalashnikov"

Saiga TG2

The first smoothbore carbine in .366 TKM caliber from JSC Kalashnikov Concern . Developed on the basis of a rifled carbine 7.62/39 version 030. The forend and butt are made of impact-resistant polymer, the butt folds to the left. The length of the carbine when folded is 705 mm, when unfolded it is 945 mm, the weight of the gun is 3.5 kg, and the barrel length is 415 mm. To attach the sighting device there is a side dovetail strap secured with 3 rivets. Includes 1 plastic magazine for 10 rounds.

The price for the TG2 smoothbore carbine for the 1st quarter of 2022 is RUB 36,990.

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