10 best fighters of the 20th century according to Military Channel

In the modern civilized world, military conflicts are rare, but if they arise, then a huge advantage will be on the side of the country that has more powerful air technology . This is not at all strange, because flying combat vehicles are capable of causing irreparable damage to the enemy. It is for this reason that the military aviation of each country equips its arsenal with aircraft capable of destroying ground threats instantly.

Millions of aircraft designers compete with each other to create the best fighter aircraft in the world, paying great attention to even the smallest details. In order to understand which of the fighter aircraft existing today really deserves the title of the best, you should pay attention to the criteria that are set for the ideal combat aircraft.

Criteria for modern fighter aircraft

The decisive step in military operations, as the practice of the wars in Korea, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Iraq and other countries shows, is aviation. In order to determine which fighter is capable of bringing victory to its country, it is necessary to take a more detailed look at the operational characteristics and features of each of the contenders.

It is possible to understand which fighter is better only by observing a real collision between them, but such a development of events is unlikely, since in the civilized world all problems and disagreements are resolved peacefully. There are, of course, a number of criteria that, according to experts, are the main ones. So, the important features of aircraft are:

  • fighter speed;
  • its survivability;
  • set of weapons;
  • maneuverability in the air;
  • detection protection;
  • flight length and duration.

The criteria that an ideal military aircraft must have are constantly changing, as each new model is modified and re-equipped. Unfortunately, in order to gain experience and understand what exactly is needed to create a powerful fighter, you have to pay a high price - the size of human lives.

Dassault "Rafale" (France)

The pinnacle of thought of French aircraft designers in the context of fourth-generation fighters. The only drawback is the high cost of production, which requires the involvement of many precision engineering facilities. Having started its journey with the war in Afghanistan 15 years ago, the Rafale has proven its effectiveness in the fight against the Libyan army. It should be noted that “Rafael” most often became domestic fighters and helicopters that were in service with the Libyan Air Force. In modern times, Dassault participates more frequently in exercises and has only hit Islamic State forces in Iraq a few times. It is also associated with many accidents when the plane crashed or exploded in the air, but the manufacturer has proven that very often the cause of such situations is the human factor.

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As you know, each “air fighter” has several of its own characteristics, which we will now try to figure out, and at the end we will sum up the results and make assumptions about who can really be among the top 10 best fighters in the world. For comparison, we selected representatives of various manufacturing countries, but Russian and American developers are still in the lead in the top.

  • F-22 raptor;
  • Su-35S;
  • F-35 Lightnig;
  • T-50;
  • Messershmitt Me.262 "Schwalbe";
  • Mig 25;
  • British Aerospace Sea Harrier;
  • Mitsubishi A6M;
  • F-16 Fighting Falcon;
  • German Typhoon;
  • Gripen;
  • Rafale;
  • F-15 Eagle.

F-22 Raptor

Let's start with the development of a well-known company called Lockheed Martin - the F-22 Raptor.

F-22 Raptor

This model is the most expensive fighter in the world. A total of 145 such combat vehicles were produced. This is the only multi-role aircraft of its kind that can reach speeds greater than Mach 1.5 without afterburner. It is equipped with two engines, so it has greater survivability. As the saying goes: “Whoever finds the enemy faster wins the fight.” Thanks to the Stealth technology the fighter is equipped with, it is less noticeable in the air.

Video about the F-22 Raptor aircraft:

We identified the Su-35S as the second contender for the title of best.

This is a combat vehicle that most consider the most powerful development belonging to the 4++ class.


The only factor that separates the Su-35 from the fifth generation of aircraft is the lack of Stealth technology. But despite this, the fighter includes several types of weapons:

  • guided air-to-ground missile bombardment;
  • unguided rocket;
  • guided air-to-air missile;
  • small arms and cannon bombardment;
  • bomb.

In order for the fighter to operate autonomously in extreme situations in which there is no connection with satellite navigation systems, and for the pilot to maintain contact with ground services, it is equipped with an inertial electronic navigation system SINS-SP2. A feature of this model, as experts note, is its maneuverability. It is capable of making a turn in a horizontal plane without significantly reducing flight speed. The maximum speed at high altitude is 2500 kilometers per hour. Flight range - 3600 kilometers.

Video about the Su-35S aircraft:

North American P-51 Mustang

This fighter became the first aircraft to receive a laminar wing. This configuration gave the American model additional lift, which led to lower fuel consumption. At the same time, the laminar wing increased the flight range.

The Mustang also stood out from the fighters of World War II in that the design of the aircraft included the ability to install additional fuel tanks. This, combined with improved high-altitude characteristics, made the American model an optimal escort car. On this basis, the Mustang was superior to analogues that were produced until the middle of the last century.

Thanks to additional fuel tanks, this aircraft could take off from airports in northern England, carry out raids on Berlin and return back without refueling.

F-35 Lightning

This is a fifth-generation combat air vehicle, which is equipped with one Pratt & Whitney engine.

F-35 Lightning

The power plant for this model was developed by Rolls-Royce employees. There are three types of modifications to the F-35 Lightning fighter:

  • F-35A - standard development;
  • F-35B is a version of the fighter with a vertical landing and a significantly shortened takeoff;
  • F-35C is a version designed for carrier-based aviation, catapult-type take-off, landing - aerofinisher.

A special feature of the F-35 Lightning is its unique pilot helmet. It is still under development, but its functionality is simply amazing. Thanks to modern innovative technologies, the pilot can see through the cockpit of a fighter even at night and in the infrared range. The crew's visors are supplied with all the most necessary navigation information for combat. Capable of reaching speeds of 1900 km per hour.

Video about the F-35 Lightning aircraft:


It can claim a place in the line of the best, it is still in development, the start of its production is planned for 2015.


The main characteristic of the aircraft should be a large radius of destruction. The fighter's combat arsenal will include high-precision weapons and a radar with a phased array antenna. The take-off weight of the fighter is 20 tons. It reaches a speed of up to 2.5 M. The average speed is 2600 kilometers per hour.

Passenger airliners

Passenger aircraft are equipped with reliable electronic and mechanical equipment. Every year, more and more demands are placed on the creators of new generation aircraft, because people’s safety is paramount.

Boeing 777

It is one of the largest airliners in the world, and the engines installed on it are considered the most powerful in aviation. This Boeing can accommodate 550 passengers and cover a distance of up to 17,500 km. Since the start of production in 1993 to date, 1,616 units have been produced. The cost of one reaches 330 million dollars. Length - 63.7 m, width - 60.9 m, maximum weight of almost 250 thousand tons. With such dimensions, the aircraft is capable of reaching speeds of up to 965 km/h.

Boeing 737NG

The most common passenger aircraft in the world, which began production in 1968 and is still in production. Depending on the modification, the length of the device varies between 31-42 m, and the width is 34 m. The power plant is equipped with two engines with a thrust of 8.9 to 12.4 tf each. Covers up to 1750 km at a top speed of 850 km/h. Passenger capacity – from 130 to 215 people.

Boeing 747

The first double-deck airliner in the history of aircraft manufacturing. Capable of accommodating up to 467 people in a three-class cabin, or 581 in a two-class cabin. There are options with a single-class cabin accommodating up to 624 people. Measuring 76.3 m long and 68.5 m wide, its maximum weight is 442 tons. A fuel reserve of 243 tons is enough to cover a distance of up to 14,815 km, at speeds of up to 988 km/h. Equipped with four motors, each with a power of 296 kN.

Airbus A330 and Airbus A340

The only difference between these passenger aircraft is the number of engines installed on them. In the first there are two, and in the second there are four. Production began in the first half of the 90s of the twentieth century and continues to this day. They have a passenger capacity of up to 440 people. Depending on the modification, sizes vary from 58 to 75 m in length and 60 m in width. Flight range 13000-16000 km.

Messershmitt Me.262 "Schwalbe"

This is the world's first combat fighter that was capable of reaching 900 km per hour.

Messershmitt Me.262

Its onboard weapons include four 30-mm cannons with hundreds of shells, as well as 24 unguided missiles.

Video about the Messershmitt Me.262 “Schwalbe” aircraft:

Mig 25

The development of Soviet scientists, which has come a long way to perfection and now belongs to the fifth generation.

Mig 25

This supersonic interceptor at one time set 29 records. In reconnaissance mode, the aircraft becomes much lighter and accelerates to 2.8 M. A special feature of the fighter is its ability to catch more than 2 tons of bombs in flight.

Video about the Mig 25 aircraft:

British Aerospace Sea Harrier

A vertical takeoff and landing fighter.

This aircraft has been in service with the US Marine Corps for a long time.

British Aerospace Sea Harrier in the sky

The secret to the development was the creation of a lifting rod, on which British aircraft designers worked for many years. The developers used a single power unit - Rolls-Royce Pegasus with deflectable thrust vector.

Video about the British Aerospace Sea Harrier aircraft:


At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, German aviation did whatever it wanted in the skies of the USSR. Only in 1942 did a Soviet fighter appear that could fight on equal terms with the Messerschmitts and Focke-Wulfs. It was La-5, developed at the Lavochkin design bureau. It was created in great haste. The plane is designed so simply that there are not even the most basic instruments in the cockpit, such as an attitude indicator. But the La-5 pilots immediately liked it. In its first test flights, it shot down 16 enemy aircraft.

"La-5" bore the brunt of the battles in the skies over Stalingrad and the Kursk Bulge. Ace Ivan Kozhedub fought on it, and it was on it that the famous Alexei Maresyev flew with prosthetics. The only problem with La-5 that prevented it from rising higher in our ranking is its appearance. He is completely faceless and expressionless. When the Germans first saw this fighter, they immediately gave it the nickname “new rat.” And all because it was very similar to the legendary I-16 aircraft, nicknamed “rat”.


Mitsubishi A6M

They call it a “mystery plane”, since Mitsubishi developers managed to combine the incongruous - maneuverability and a record flight range for a fighter, amounting to 2600 km when equipped with 2.5 tons.

Mitsubishi A6M

Mitsubishi A6M is the embodiment of the samurai spirit, which with its appearance despises death and everything connected with it. This can be understood by the fact that the Japanese-made fighter is completely devoid of armor.

Video about the Mitsubishi A6M aircraft:

Dassault "Mirage" 2000 (France)

French aviation grew greatly after World War II, when it was destroyed by the German army by the thousands. Attempts to conduct an independent foreign policy required a strong army, so 30 years ago the Mirage military aircraft appeared, which immediately became the main fighter of the French Air Force and for two decades did not give up this position, since it showed itself excellently in peacekeeping operations in North Africa, as a result of which it was launched bulk buy India. It was in this area that he found himself: the successful destruction of enemy aircraft and headquarters, as well as missile attacks, broke the rebel resistance in a couple of days. According to some reports, despite the fact that production of the Dassault 2000 was discontinued in 2006, it participated in the Libyan war, where it caused staggering damage to the military equipment of Gaddafi's army.

F-16 Fighting Falcon

It has a huge advantage in optical visibility, as it is equipped with a non-binding flashlight.

F-16 Fighting Falcon

The fighter's turn speed is 21.5 degrees per second. In a second, the fighter gains a height of 294 meters. This is a pretty good indicator. The F-16 Fighting Falcon is equipped with a huge set of weapons; it is capable of using unguided and guided missiles, as well as anti-radar missiles in combat.

Video about the F-16 Fighting Falcon:

Messerschmitt Bf.109

The famous Messerschmitt Bf.109 is the main fighter of World War II. It was he who reigned supreme in the Soviet skies until 1942. An exceptionally successful design allowed Messerschmitt to impose its tactics on other aircraft. He picked up speed well in a dive. A favorite technique of German pilots was the “falcon strike,” in which a fighter dives at the enemy and, after a quick attack, goes back to altitude.

This aircraft also had disadvantages. His short flight range prevented him from conquering the skies of England. Escorting the Messerschmitt bombers was also not easy. At low altitude he lost his speed advantage. By the end of the war, the Messers suffered greatly both from Soviet fighters from the east and from allied bombers from the west. But the Messerschmitt Bf.109, nevertheless, went down in legends as the best fighter of the Luftwaffe. In total, almost 34,000 of them were produced. This is the second most popular aircraft in history.


F-15 Eagle

According to the BBC, this is a real “killer”; during its history, it brought its owners 104 victories without a single defeat.

F-15 Eagle

No one managed to shoot down this air machine. None of the existing fighters today can boast of such a performance as the F-15 Eagle. The fighter model is capable of conducting active combat even in extreme conditions - in the daytime or at night, in any unforeseen meteorological conditions, at low and high altitudes.

Fifth place. Sukhoi Su-30

Another representative of domestic aviation. This fighter model is one of the most reliable. It demonstrates itself perfectly during exercises, but is also widely used in other areas. For example, with its help, training battles were carried out with England and America, where the Su-30 showed complete superiority.

This fighter forms the backbone of the Indian Air Force. He played a huge role in the operation in Syria, and it was largely thanks to him that it ended successfully. Sukhoi was no less important during the liberation of Palmyra.

However, not everything is so rosy. Incidents have occurred with this aircraft. During its existence there were nine of them, which is a fairly low figure. However, the incidents were related to a lack of fuel and an engine fire rather than human error.


It should also not be ignored, since Chinese aircraft designers did their best.


This fighter is called the "duck" because of its specific design. The horizontal rudder of the fighter is moved more forward and is located almost in front of the wing. When the pilot needs to point the plane upward, instead of the usual tail down, the aircraft's layout raises its nose and thereby increases its rate of climb. The tailless system of the J-10, with all its features, is aerodynamically unstable, especially when it comes to supersonic speeds. The crew of a fighter can consist of one or two people. There is a refueling function in flight mode.

Video about the J-10 aircraft:

Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress

The most famous US bomber of those years is, of course, the Boeing B-17 “Flying Fortress”. The four-engine, heavy Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress bomber, hung on all sides with machine guns, gave rise to many heroic and fanatical stories. On the one hand, the pilots loved it for its ease of control and survivability, on the other hand, the losses among these bombers were indecently high. In one of the flights, out of 300 “Flying Fortresses”, 77 did not return. Why? Here we can mention the complete and defenselessness of the crew from fire from the front and the increased risk of fire. However, the main problem was convincing the American generals. At the beginning of the war, they thought that if there were a lot of bombers and they were flying high, then they could do without any escort. Luftwaffe fighters refuted this misconception. They taught harsh lessons. The Americans and British had to learn very quickly, change tactics, strategy and aircraft design. Strategic bombers contributed to the victory, but the cost was high. A third of the Flying Fortresses did not return to the airfields.


German Typhoon

It amazes with the variety of materials from which it is made.


Carbon composite ribs, carbon composites, titanium, and even aluminum-lithium alloys took part in the production. Stealth technology makes the aircraft visually invisible even at a short distance from the enemy. Armed with a Mauser VK27 cannon, as well as air-to-air and air-to-ground missiles.

Video about the Typhoon aircraft:

Gripen - Swedish fourth generation fighter

Today it is one of the main air combat vehicles of the country.


This fighter is capable of flawlessly performing several combat missions simultaneously, namely, being an attack aircraft and a reconnaissance aircraft. Equipped with a Volvo Aero RM12 turbofan, thanks to which it is capable of a flight range of 2800 kilometers.

Video about the Gripen aircraft:


It is a French combat aircraft that can perform a wide range of missions at short and long distances from the enemy, including flawlessly hitting its enemy both at sea and on land.


The French government allocated 3 million euros for the development of this fighter. In March 2007, NATO adopted this fighter. It is equipped with a two-circuit turbojet engine. It develops a speed of 1900 kilometers per hour, the combat radius is 1800 kilometers.

Video about the Rafale aircraft:

Each war and air combat conflict introduces its own rules and features of combat operations, therefore, reading the characteristics of all the above air fighters, it is quite difficult to determine at first who is the leader among them. So far, the F-22 raptor takes the lead, but each of the fighters is constantly undergoing modifications and updates, so the top 10 is changing very quickly. Today there are five generations of aircraft, the sixth generation, which will have even greater innovations, is still under development and completely classified. How the sixth generation fighter will surprise the world, we can only guess.

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