The best bullets for pneumatics. Detailed review and recommendations

Every airgun owner wants the best airgun bullets available to shoot out of their rifle. Every day such people are tormented by doubts about the choice of bullets.

All their free time is spent testing various models of bullets, which can be bought in any gun store in a single box. As soon as you enter another store, your eyes run in all directions, because the choice is very large.

Every boy in childhood dreams of shooting with pneumatic guns, which are often called air guns. If you remember your childhood, the desire to have an air rifle was so great that you had to make various devices yourself, similar to a rifle, in order to slightly extinguish your youthful ardor.

Times were hard then, so you could only dream about a rifle, or just go to the shooting range and shoot at a target there. As a rule, the pneumatics at the shooting range were trashed, so I didn’t get any particular pleasure.

With age, the childhood dream faded a little, but did not disappear. The moment came when I was able to buy an MP-512M air rifle, which I still use now. After the purchase, I wanted to shoot the best bullets for pneumatics, because the weapon was bought with my own money, and for my favorite thing I don’t mind even the most expensive bullets.

Immediately a lot of thoughts began to appear in my head regarding the choice of a specific bullet model. I wanted to shoot at different distances and at different targets in order to maximally test the combat qualities of the rifle.

The results of the tests showed that first of all you need to read the passport, which always indicates the recommended bullet for a given weapon model. You should not start shooting with bullets of other modifications.

After a long period of test firing, my attention was drawn only to the Diabolo bullets, which the manufacturer recommended to use. No other options showed good results.

Thus, always use those bullets that the pneumatic manufacturer recommends for the first shooting, and then you can experiment. In addition, you can always consult with specialists or weapons sellers on this issue.

Unfortunately, not everyone gets the chance to talk to a real professional. I think that I need to tell you about some models of pneumatic bullets, their varieties, and give advice on choosing one specifically for your rifle.

Caliber and weight

When seriously studying pneumatics, you can pay attention to a hundredth of the thickness of the projectile. Reputable manufacturers indicate the diameter of the skirt down to hundredths of a millimeter, allowing you to accurately select the desired option for different types of weapons. In this case, the head part has a smaller size. When choosing a suitable diameter, you should first of all rely on matching the width of the trunk. If an ideal option is not available, preference should be given to a bullet with a larger diameter. They are much better stabilized by the rifling of the barrel and lose less air passing through the rifling channels. This option is ideal for powerful types of weapons used for hunting. The opposite situation arises when selecting a caliber for low-power rifles.

The selection must be made based on the rifle manufacturer. The most common caliber varieties are 4.5, then 5.5 and 6.35. The wider diameter is not popular in our country because it is very difficult to find guns for them.

As a rule, all pneumatic bullets are manufactured for public use or for hunting. True, shells of the same caliber can be used for rifles of different types. However, the main disadvantage of this solution is the expediency of use. It is irrational to use heavy projectiles for weapons with low power. This will greatly affect the flight characteristics and trajectory. The same situation applies to light bullets used in high-power rifles. The device is not designed to use a light weight projectile, so it will quickly lose speed after leaving the barrel. The loss of ballistic coefficient will be noticeable after 10-20 meters.

The design of some rifles not used for hunting allows the projectile to be accelerated to supersonic speed. The weight of a bullet in such a weapon is only half a gram. However, this greatly affects the accuracy of fire, since supersonic laws of physics operate differently than aerodynamic ones. Therefore, we can rightly assert that the Diablo is unsuitable for such rifles.

Pneumatic bullets JSB Diabolo Exact King 6.35 mm

Also worth noting are the shells for CO2 pistols. They are much lighter than regular ones and have a shape close to a ball. Their weight is no more than 0.35 grams. Such weapons are of little use. The most commonly used are large-caliber air rifles. They are great for hunting even ungulates.

FX Hybrid Slugs .22

Not long ago, the Swedish arms company FX developed new Hybrid Slugs .22 bullets. The name "hybrid" is quite justified. Indeed, in these bullets they tried to combine the positive aspects of three types of pneumatic ammunition.

In practice, types such as “shuttlecocks” or “reels” are now usually used. Ogival shaped bullets are used quite rarely, they are good in powerful PCP rifles of 25 caliber and above.

Swedish developers decided to reduce the weight of large “zhivivalok”, since their weight is too large for an air gun. The weight of the pellet was reduced by adding a large internal cavity. It is much larger than that of empty-headed ammunition. In addition, an expansive effect has been added to the bullets.

According to the creators, the new product is suitable for long-range shooting at targets and will be convenient for hunting. However, skeptics still have no doubt that all innovations will negatively affect the movement of the bullet. True, according to the tests carried out, the bullets fly very well. They deservedly take first place in the ranking.

Blunt head

Bullets that do not have a pointed tip are suitable for short distances and shooting at paper targets. They are capable of piercing a thick sheet of paper at a distance of up to 20 meters. With sufficient weapon power, smooth edges will remain on the target. However, if the speed reaches the required mark below 100 m/s, the edges of the hit will be jagged. This implies the unsuitability of using this type of projectile for long distances. The loss of speed is due to the high resistance of the frontal part. The ballistic coefficient for them is no more than 0.012.

Pneumatic bullets JSB Diabolo Match with a blunt head

Of course, this method can be used when hunting. Small animals that you can get close enough to will be an excellent target, since the bullet will get stuck in the carcass and have a shock effect on the victim. Also, one of the features of this form is the absence of ricochet when colliding with a water obstacle. However, it is recommended to use expansion bullets for such purposes.

JSB Exact Jumbo Monster

These bullets have recently received a design update and are now available in tins of 200. Despite the update, heavy cartridges are still used only for hunting purposes. They are suitable for PCP rifles with an energy of about 50-70 joules. This is rare in 22 gauge. Wonderful high-precision cartridges are convenient in magnum and super-magnum rifles, which means you can’t put such a bullet in every barrel.

Air guns on a cylinder are quite weak for this; not all Russian rifles are suitable for cartridges. Perhaps only MP 512 will do, and then it needs to be upgraded first. The bullets are not the most budget-friendly; a pack of 400 rounds costs about 400 rubles.

The cartridges are suitable for those who respect weapons and do not want to “kill” them in vain; such people will not spare money for high-quality bullets. Such cartridges have the highest speed, this must be remembered. When buying them, consider the features of your personal rifle.

Hemispherical head

Bullets of this shape have the highest aerodynamic performance. They are most convenient to use when shooting at long range, as they have an excellent ballistic coefficient. Large caliber hemispherical projectiles are often used for high power air rifles . This allows you to achieve maximum effect from shooting and use the weapon for any purpose, including hunting large animals.

Pneumatic bullets H&N Baracuda Match 4.5 mm with hemispherical head

Manufacturers prefer this form, so these bullets are easiest to find in stores. They are made from various alloys, which makes it possible to choose the most suitable option for each type of rifle. Heavy projectiles are made from soft lead with the addition of antimony. This composition provides high strength, which has a positive effect on the stability of the bullet on the rifling in the barrel.

However, it is worth considering that not every air rifle can effectively shoot such bullets. Pneumatics with fairly high power characteristics are required, since the weight of a 4.5 mm caliber can reach up to 1.05 grams. The required shot can be achieved only by giving the projectile an acceleration equal to 270-300 m/s.

JSB Diabolo Exact Jumbo Heavy .22

Heavy Diablo cartridges are very popular in pneumatics because they perfectly combine penetration and ballistic properties. In shape, they look like two cones with a cross-section, located towards each other. Their appearance makes it possible to reduce the friction of the bullet against the walls of the barrel. This reduces the rate of energy loss as the cartridge passes through the barrel.

Why are heavy bullets good, since light bullets fly out at a higher speed? The fact is that with lighter cartridges the velocity drops faster. That is, the further the bullet flies, the lower its initial speed. Therefore, the cartridge does not move along the initial trajectory, but deviates from it. Moreover, lightweight bullets are more strongly affected by wind.

Heavy ammunition has less speed, but it has greater penetrating power. This is very important when using a Magnum type shotgun - its shot must have maximum power. For such airguns as Hatsan Torpedo 155, Gamo Hunter 1250, Diana 54, heavy Diablo Jumbo Exact Heavy cartridges are perfect.

They are called universal for many types of pneumatics. The bullets contain a lead alloy of good hardness, so the cartridge easily “withstands rifling” in weapons of any power. And the weight of the bullets makes it possible to use them in almost all types of air guns.

Conical head

This form of bullet is excellent for hunting large ungulates, but is used extremely rarely. This is due to its high penetrating ability. However, there is also a drawback - poor shooting accuracy. This is due to the complexity of making the projectile.

Pneumatic bullets Crosman Pointed 4.5 mm with a conical head

It is technically quite difficult to produce a bullet with equal longitudinal axis at both ends. Since there are differences in shape during manufacturing, it is difficult to predict the exact location of the next projectile impact. This feature does not allow achieving the desired effect and is used by experienced hunters quite rarely.

JSB Exact Diabolo .177

The mass of the shells is 0.547 grams, the bullets are completely weightless. The cartridges are light, fast and accurate. These positive characteristics are facilitated by the absence of stopping factors. Due to “weightlessness”, they are not suitable for hunting. However, the bullets can be used for sporting target shooting. The shells are used at a distance of 30 meters, and in the absence of wind or indoors, Czech shells fly well. All other things being equal, they are used even at a distance of 50 meters.

For recreational shooting in good company, like other JSB products, they are not suitable due to their high cost. True, this parameter depends solely on personal financial capabilities. In principle, they also shoot at beer cans with simpler bullets, for example, the Luman brand.

Expansive bullets

There is a recess in the head of the projectile. This design feature was created specifically for hunting. The void in the center is designed to rupture the warhead when a projectile hits the carcass. Thus, the bullet is destroyed, which entails an increase in the diameter of the lesion. This eliminates the possibility of wounded game and its escape.

However, this form cannot be called ideal. Design features have a very negative effect on aerodynamic performance. And yet, their ballistic coefficient is higher than that of bullets with a blunt tip. Due to these features, hunting at long distances is not possible. The effect of a hit is achieved only when the projectile develops a speed of 200 m/s. At a distance of more than 20 meters, the speed begins to decrease significantly, making it impossible to achieve the required result.

Expansive heavy hunting bullets Predator+JSB 6.35 mm caliber

A small improvement to the negative effects can be a plastic insert located in the recess of the tip. One example is the bullets produced by the JSB Predator. This significantly increases the aerodynamic performance of the projectile and allows shots to be fired at a distance of up to 50 meters.

There are also hollow-point bullets called "dum-dum". Their characteristic feature is the presence of a cross-shaped notch on the head. When colliding with a target, the projectile is divided into four equal fragments along with the tail section . Their penetrating ability is lower, however, their destructive power is several times greater than that of Diablo-type bullets.

JSB Hades .25

A fairly new type of JSB Hades .25 hunting cartridges, they have relatively recently occupied their niche in the global weapons market. Even earlier, a variant of 22-caliber bullets appeared, and later cartridges for more powerful pneumatic weapons appeared.

According to test firings of the FX Impact rifle, their ballistic coefficient was 0.026. The expansion of the bullet was also tested using a commercial bar of soap, with encouraging results. JSB Hades weigh approximately 1.7 grams, and experts note their stable flight speed. Accordingly, the parameters of technical accuracy will also be at their best.

Ogival form

As mentioned above, bullets of this shape are very similar in structure to projectiles used in firearms. As a rule, they are used only in heavy-duty air rifles that can accelerate a bullet to 300 m/s. At the same time, the shells themselves have quite a lot of weight.

Pneumatic bullets Quintor caliber 4.5 mm with ogive head

A 5.5 caliber bullet weighs 2 grams. However, heavy weight does not affect aerodynamic performance. The speed is maintained even at long distances, ensuring good shooting accuracy.

JSB Exact King .25

The cartridges are presented by the Czech manufacturer JSB. Twenty-five caliber bullets are considered the main one for hunters who use pneumatics in America. The 6.35mm capacity is suitable for most types of game. For certain types of birds (wild pigeons, crows and others), as well as small animals such as rabbits, this is not the best choice.

The shells are not heavy - weight 1.645 grams. Bullets with quality ballistics are useful for medium to short range shooting.

BB balls

Small-sized projectiles made of copper-plated steel. They have the shape of a ball of small diameter. Most often, such shells are used for CO2 pistols. Very light and inexpensive bullets.

Explosive balls for CO2 gun

True, the use of such bullets implies poor shooting performance in all directions. Most often, balls are used for outdoor activities. It is highly not recommended to shoot such shells from rifled weapons, since they very quickly damage the barrel.

Flash and noise

This type of bullet got its name due to the explosive charge used in the head. Upon collision with a target, detonation occurs. However, the explosion does not have global consequences. All that can be seen is cotton and a slight haze. It is especially effective to use flash and noise charges at night. The damage from them is minimal, so they can only be used for entertainment.

Stun bullets for pneumatics

In addition to the main types, there are also many other shapes and types of bullets. However, their use is not popular. It is also not recommended to use bullets and various darts that are incompatible with the rifle. They will cause irreparable damage to pneumatics.

Crosman Premier Hollowpoint .22

Popular among airgunners, 14.3-grain hunting cartridges are available in many gun stores. Their price is low, and the shells are used together with various 22-caliber rifles.

The cartridges have sufficient destructive power. And this is despite the fact that, thanks to the “walls” of the bullet, the initial velocity is low, even if you are shooting from a powerful weapon. But the ballistics of bullets, which don’t seem to fly very well, are 0.023. This is a much better result than the same Premier Domed Ultra Heavy. Thus, among ammunition of a similar class, Crosman shells are considered excellent in terms of price/quality selection.

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