Questions and Answers on Knowing Gun Safety in 2022

Any citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to purchase and carry civilian or hunting weapons. You should know that you will need a license to purchase it. The procedure for obtaining such a license is carefully controlled by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Weapons can only be purchased after passing the exam. Only persons who have undergone training and have mastered the basics of handling weapons are allowed to access it.

How to get a weapons license

Since the number of crimes using civilian weapons has increased in recent years, internal affairs authorities have insisted on tightening the rules for issuing weapons licenses.

The list of weapons available for purchase by civilians is quite wide:

  1. Weapons for self-defense;
  2. Weapons for sport shooting;
  3. Signal weapons (so-called “starter” or noise pistols);
  4. Hunting firearms and bladed weapons;
  5. Bladed weapons.

Not all applicants are issued licenses for civilian weapons. The main conditions are a minimum age of 18 years and the absence of medical contraindications - mental disorders, drug addiction, substance abuse and serious visual impairment.

After the law on weapons was tightened, new clauses were added to these requirements:

  1. Having an outstanding conviction for an intentional crime will not allow you to get a license, just like serving a sentence;
  2. Committed administrative violation for hooliganism (if less than a year has passed);
  3. If you do not have a permanent place of residence, you will not be given a license either;
  4. If you have been convicted of distributing drugs or similar substances, then you can forget about a weapons license.

Questions and Answers on Knowing Gun Safety in 2022

A list of questions and the correct answers to them for passing certification of citizens of the Russian Federation on knowledge of the rules for safe handling of weapons, in other words, for passing a theoretical exam to obtain or renew a weapons permit. These theoretical exam questions are used in a number of training centers. Information is current as of January 2022.

There are 107 tickets in total. On each exam card, the correct answer option is highlighted in blue. For convenience, at the end of the article there is a downloadable archive (text document) with the same tickets, where the correct answers are also highlighted in color, plus a very useful phone application, using which you can easily prepare for passing the exam in one day.

1. In accordance with the Federal Law “On Weapons,” citizens of the Russian Federation may use the weapons they legally possess:

1) To protect the honor and dignity of citizens in the event of any threat to these legally protected interests.

2) Only to protect life and health in a state of necessary defense or extreme necessity.

3) To protect life, health and property in a state of necessary defense or emergency.

2. In accordance with the Federal Law “On Weapons”, the use of a weapon must be preceded by a clearly expressed warning about this to the person against whom the weapon is used:

1) In all cases of use of weapons

2) Except in cases where the offender flees the scene of the offense

3) Except for cases where delay in using weapons creates an immediate danger to human life or may entail other grave consequences

3. In accordance with the Federal Law “On Weapons”, the use of firearms by citizens against women, persons with obvious signs of disability and minors, when their age is obvious or known, is permitted:

1) In the case of the use of weapons in limited visibility due to weather conditions.

2) In case of a significant crowd of people.

3) In case of a group or armed attack by the indicated persons.

4. In what cases is the fact that a citizen has previously been convicted of a crime not an obstacle to issuing him a license to purchase weapons?

1) If a citizen has a criminal record for a crime committed through negligence, or in the case of expungement or expungement of a criminal record (except for the case of expungement or expungement of a conviction for a serious or especially serious crime committed with the use of a weapon).

2) If a citizen has a criminal record for a crime committed through negligence, or in the case of expungement or expungement of a criminal record (including the case of expungement or expungement of a conviction for a serious or especially serious crime committed with the use of a weapon).

3) If a citizen has a criminal record for a crime committed through negligence, or is given a suspended sentence.

5. Are citizens (with the exception of specially authorized persons) who are passengers of a civil aviation aircraft required to hand over their weapons to authorized persons for temporary storage during the flight?

1) Obligated in all cases.

2) Obligated, except when the weapon is in his luggage.

3) Not required.

6. In case of necessary defense, the subject of the attack repelled by the defender is:

1) Person (individual).

2) Element (forces of nature).

3) Source of increased danger (weapons, cars, etc.).

7. Can the actions of citizens to protect other persons be regarded as actions in a state of necessary defense:

1) They cannot under any circumstances.

2) They can, if the conditions of necessary defense provided for by law are met.

3) They can only in cases of immediate threat to life.

8. Is it permissible to cause harm to third parties in a state of necessary defense?

1) Yes, in a group attack.

2) Yes, in case of an armed attack.

3) No.

9. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, harm caused in a state of extreme necessity:

1) Non-refundable

2) In all cases, compensation is subject to full compensation by the person who caused the harm

3) Subject to compensation by court decision

10. Causing harm less significant than the harm prevented is a prerequisite for the legality of actions:

1) In a state of necessary defense

2) In a state of emergency

3) Both in a state of necessary defense and in a state of extreme necessity

11. Careless storage of a firearm, which created conditions for its use by another person, if this resulted in the death of a person or other grave consequences, entails:

1) Criminal liability.

2) Administrative responsibility.

3) Criminal and administrative liability.

12. Violation by citizens of the rules for carrying weapons and ammunition entails:

1) Criminal liability

2) Administrative responsibility

3) Criminal and administrative liability

13. In accordance with the Federal Law “On Weapons”, hunting pneumatic weapons can have muzzle energy:

1) No more than 3 J

2) No more than 7.5 J

3) No more than 25 J

14. When and where, in accordance with the Federal Law “On Weapons”, is the owner of a weapon obliged to report each case of its use?

1) Immediately, but no later than 24 hours, to the prosecutor and health authorities at the place where the weapon was used

2) Immediately, but no later than 24 hours, to the internal affairs body and the territorial body of the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms trafficking at the place where the weapon was used.

3) Immediately, but no later than 6 hours, to the prosecutor, health authorities, internal affairs bodies and territorial bodies of the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms trafficking, at the place where the weapons were used.

15. Is a citizen obliged to immediately inform the internal affairs body and the territorial body of the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms trafficking if he used a weapon to fire a warning shot?

1) Is obliged to inform the internal affairs body and the territorial body of the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms trafficking at the place where the weapon is used

2) Not obliged, since there are no victims

3) Obliged to inform the internal affairs body and the territorial body of the federal executive body authorized in the field of arms trafficking at the place of registration of the weapon

16. The rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation stipulate that chambering a cartridge is permitted:

1) Only when it is necessary to use weapons or to protect life, health and property in a state of necessary defense or emergency

2) If it is necessary to use weapons, as well as in any other dangerous situations

3) If it is necessary to use weapons, as well as when protecting funds and valuable cargo

17. Based on the Rules for the circulation of civilian and service weapons on the territory of the Russian Federation, citizens carrying weapons must have with them:

1) Documents proving their identity, a passport for the weapon from the manufacturer

2) Permission issued by the internal affairs body to store and carry weapons they have, medical certificate form 002-О/у

3) Documents proving their identity, as well as a license or permit issued by the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation or its territorial body to store and carry their weapons

18. In accordance with the Federal Law “On Weapons”, the main parts of firearms include:

1) Barrel, bolt, drum, frame, receiver

2) Barrel, bolt carrier, receiver cover, butt, handle

3) Barrel, magazine, drum, frame, receiver, cartridge

19. In accordance with the Federal Law “On Weapons”, firearms of limited destruction may include:

1) Short-barreled weapons and long-barreled weapons using traumatic cartridges

2) Short-barreled weapons and barrelless weapons using traumatic cartridges

3) Short-barreled, long-barreled weapons and barrelless weapons using traumatic cartridges

20. In accordance with the Federal Law “On Weapons”, gas weapons include:

1) A weapon designed to hit a target at a distance with a projectile that receives directional movement due to the energy of compressed, liquefied or solidified gas

2) Weapons intended for temporary destruction of a living target through the use of tear, irritant, or traumatic cartridges

3) Weapons intended for temporary chemical destruction of a living target through the use of tear or irritant substances

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Passing the weapons test: what you need to know

In order to pass the weapons exam, you need to know the following things:

  1. Before taking the exam, you must read the Law on Weapons. Particular attention should be paid to articles 17, 22 and 24;
  2. It will be useful to learn five articles of the criminal code, namely articles 37, 38, 39, 222 and 224;
  3. In the administrative code, special attention should be paid to articles 20.8, 20.11, 20.12, 20.13.

Although the owner of a civilian hunting weapon is not required to provide first aid, still study the procedure for providing it, because such questions may be asked during the exam.

It would be a good idea to practice on sites where you can take a virtual weapons exam. In addition, on similar sites (and there are many of them on the Internet) there are detailed answers to exam papers. Although the type of test and exam on the site and in the institution where you will take it may differ, it will still be easier for you to pass the official exam.

Before the exam, you will need to take special training courses, where they will tell and show you everything, although independent work will also help you consolidate the material and make you feel more confident when passing the exam.

You must have with you:

  • original passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • originals of medical certificates of form 002-o/u and 003-o/u, certificates from mental and drug dispensaries;
  • certificate of no criminal record;
  • one matte photograph 30*40 mm

Get quality training without wasting time and money. Phone numbers for registration: main ext.2 additional,

Moscow, st. Poklonnaya, 11, building 1A (metro station "Victory Park"). E- mail : mgsskschool @ gmail . com

How the training and passing the exam take place using the example of one of the training centers

The duration of training including passing the exam is three working days. Before starting training, you need to submit documents, pay for training and write an application.

The first day of training is entirely devoted to theory. All tickets are explained, laws and regulations are studied. In addition, various situations of using weapons in real life are considered. You will have to write a lot, so those who are hoping for a formal pass will be disappointed (there is a fee for retaking). Three brochures are immediately issued:

  1. On legal preparation of the future gun owner (50 questions);
  2. Fire training (30 questions);
  3. And first aid (30 questions).

As a rule, the address of a website is given where you can practice taking the exam.

On the second day you will get to know the weapon in practice. The most commonly used rifles are TOZ-38 and IZH traumatic pistols. In the first half of the lesson, you become familiar with the structure of the weapon and consolidate practical skills: loading and unloading, how to hold the weapon correctly, stances and basic movements.

The second half of the day is devoted to shooting. First, blank cartridges are used, and after students begin to confidently hold the weapon in their hands, they shoot with live cartridges. In the case of a rifle, the practice is quite simple, you first need to fire a test shot, then two shots in 25 seconds.

With a pistol it is much more difficult: you need to pull it out of the holster in five seconds and fire two shots at the target. A mandatory requirement in this exercise is the need to at least hit the target markings.

In practical shooting exercises, all errors are taken into account. For example, correct hand placement, stance, barrel rotations. If you fail, you have to pay extra and retake it in two weeks.

The third day is completely devoted to the exam. First, the theory is given on the computer (ten tickets). After successfully passing the theoretical part, they move on to practice. It consists of two stages: blanks and firing with live ammunition. It is worth noting that the pass rate for beginners is usually very low. It is not easy to teach shooting skills to a person who has never held a gun before in three days (or, in fact, one). For people familiar with weapons from the army, shooting with a pistol will not present any difficulties, but others are advised to practice in advance on pneumatic models. You just need to choose copies of combat models, with a moving shutter and simulated recoil.

The procedure for submitting a package of documents to obtain a permit for a hunting weapon

Obtaining a license to use smooth-bore weapons begins with an application to the special permitting and licensing departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is advisable to call there in advance and find out if it is possible to obtain a permit to carry a weapon from them. There you can also find out the list of documents required to obtain a license for a hunting weapon.

If you have already decided what kind of hunting weapon you want to purchase, then take the time to choose a gun safe. If you have not yet decided what kind of hunting rifle you will have, buy a safe of larger dimensions; any hunting weapon will fit there. Plus, you may want to purchase a few more guns for hunting in the future, and one large safe can easily accommodate them.

If you don’t worry about buying a gun safe in advance, the local police officer may not issue a certificate stating that you can store weapons at home, since the conditions for storing them are inadequate. And your explanations that there are no weapons yet will not help. It is better to buy and install a safe right away. It is better to purchase it not in hunting stores, but directly from the manufacturer, this will help you save up to 50 percent of the purchase amount.

Next, you should find out the bank details for paying the state duty on weapons and provide the inspector with a package of documents, which includes:

  1. Application (in the form of a card) for a weapons license;
  2. Copies of several pages of the passport (includes 2 and 3 page spreads plus a copy of the page indicating the place of residence) and the original passport for verification;
  3. Three 3x4 photographs;
  4. A medical certificate, which should indicate whether you have any contraindications to owning a weapon;
  5. Receipt of payment of the duty;
  6. Photocopy of the hunting license.

After the month has expired, your license will be ready. With it you can go to a hunting store and buy weapons. The purchased weapon is presented to the authorities that issued the license, and the license itself is surrendered. After 10 days have expired, you need to appear again at the authorities, where you will be given a special card that allows you to store and carry weapons. If, after purchasing a weapon, you do not hand over your license within 14 days and do not receive storage cards, you will be subject to administrative charges.

Weapon highlights

The procedure for issuing licenses is under strict control of law enforcement officials. Without prior training in the safe handling of weapons and testing of acquired knowledge, there can be no question of any license.

The purpose of such training is to comply with personal safety measures, the legality of using weapons, and mastering basic knowledge of handling weapons.

You should not expect a simplification of the procedure for issuing permits, since recently the trend towards offenses involving the use of hunting and civilian weapons has increased.

All types of civilian weapons that can be purchased at a weapons store are divided into subgroups according to their main characteristics.

  • Weapons used for self-defense are also divided into limited-kill firearms, gas weapons, stun guns, etc.
  • Sports weapons. It is used exclusively for those sports in which its use is intended (biathlon, sport shooting, sport hunting).
  • Signal weapon. In common people it is better known as a rocket launcher. In fact, it is designed to provide a sound or light signal.
  • Hunting smooth-bore and rifled weapons. Moreover, if to use a smooth-bore weapon it is enough to obtain a license, then for a rifled weapon you will have to document that carrying this type of weapon is related to work.
  • Steel arms.
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