Shackles to restrict movement, the history of handcuffs

How to properly wear handcuffs during a security guard exam

Labor arbitration, created both from representatives of the employer and the team of employees, and authorized government bodies. This method can be used by those who have debts on tax payments or to creditors.

How to pass testing for special equipment of a security guard of 4, 5, 6 categories

Appendix: Agreement between the ministry and the administration of the Novosibirsk region on joint participation in the implementation of Program activities on 5 sheets in 2 copies. Additionally, the document covers issues related to the management of the branch, financial and economic activities, staffing, accounting reporting and conditions for termination of work.

What types of special equipment are allowed to be used in private security activities? In case of necessary defense, the subject of the attack repelled by the defender is:. In accordance with current legislation, in case of necessary defense, it is allowed to cause harm:. Can the actions of a security guard to protect the life and health of another person be regarded as actions in a state of necessary defense:. Is it permissible to cause harm to third parties in a state of necessary defense? Causing harm less significant than the harm prevented is a prerequisite for the legality of actions:.

How to put on handcuffs for a grade 4 exam

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Calculation of dividends under the system 6 example 2022. The dismissal of an employee who has not passed the qualification test must be documented. If there are several heirs, the state fee is paid by each of them. The device was completely discharged. The 24-hour contact center of Sberbank is also always at the service of clients; by calling there, you can quickly find out if there is a branch nearby with a schedule 7 days a week. Only investors who opened their deposits in the period from 01.01 will not have such an amount.

How to tie yourself with tape?

Procedure for using handcuffs
Please note that the most complex restraints are usually carried out using ropes. They are mainly made of jute and are sold in any hardware store.

The main thing is not to make a mistake with the diameter of the rope, not to buy a very thin one that will dig into your wrist or, on the contrary, a very thick one that will be difficult to work with and thread through the holes. You can tie yourself with tape.


  • Double-sided products are best suited for this purpose. You need to make a loop through which you will put your hands.
  • Now just pull the corner that is left free
  • First unwind a little tape and wrap it around your wrist with your teeth.
  • Prepare scissors or a knife in advance, securing it so that you can easily cut off the tip and eventually free yourself from makeshift handcuffs
  • Otherwise, it will be quite difficult to free yourself, because the tape is very dense and tightly fits your hands.

Tie hands with tape

As you can see, tying yourself to a helpless state on your own is quite simple. You need to have some skills. The bandage uses several simple knots. They are simple and easy to remember when used over and over again. You will be able to tie knots with your eyes closed and tie yourself or a partner who wants to be in a motionless state.

If you are going to tie up your partner, we do not recommend training on her. It is best to master the knots yourself and practice on regular plush toys or pillows. This way you will learn how to knit the simplest knots and master them. This will help you save time in the process of tying your lover.

Please note that if you plan to keep the girl tied up for a long period of time, you cannot use self-tightening knots or very tight bindings. Because bandaging is a rather dangerous practice

Especially if it is performed by unskilled hands with very strong tugging and pressure on soft tissues. In addition, bandaging the breasts is dangerous. Due to lack of blood circulation, injuries can occur, which subsequently lead to the formation of tumors.

Handcuffs: description, technical characteristics, how to put them on correctly

These tips can help if a person is in trouble and attackers try to immobilize him with handcuffs or a plastic zip tie. Let's highlight rule number one: always carry a paperclip, hairpin or similar thin metal object in your pocket . Make this your habit. One day, it might come in handy.

Method 1: getting rid of handcuffs using the “key”

  • Watch how to do this in the video :
  • A similar method works if the arms are tied behind the back .
  • We hope you find these tips helpful when entertaining your guests with Houdini-style tricks.
  1. Peerless in translation sounds like “incomparable”. Patented in 1912, the patent became invalid in the 70s, which made it possible for other companies to copy them. These devices have anti-squeeze pins and grooves on the arc; the existing lock blocks their further advancement, which prevents excessive tightening. The latch is activated by pressing the pin with a special pin on the key.
  2. Model No.-100. Widely used for games. This type of bracelets does not cause any injury. Easily opened with folded paper, even when your hands are behind you.
  3. No.-3000 with loops. This type has a more rigid fixation of the wrists. The lock on them can be located on the front, which makes opening it easy, but if you try to open them from the back, then skill will be required.
  4. Iron-Masters (Iron Lords). There is a complex lock built in that you just can’t open. They are massive; the long chain provides greater freedom of action.
  5. Darby – translated as “hand shackles.” It is known that the appearance of these ancient handcuffs served as an example for all manufacturers for about 300 years. In some states of America, they are still used in police work. They close without a key, but they open by screwing it in; they cannot be opened quickly, even if the offender has the key. At first they were produced without fitting to the wrists, in various sizes, for men, women and children. However, not all men were suitable for men's types of handcuffs. Nowadays they use mainly universal ones.
  6. Game handcuffs. Most often used for sexual games. They are sold in adult stores and, of course, permission is not required.

The history of handcuffs

Sig sauer p226: history of appearance

It is believed that handcuffs first appeared during the invention of metalworking. Then these were heavy shackles that were closed and removed only in the forge. These were so-called “handcuffs” without a key. Before this, ropes or other suitable objects were used to tie the hands of the detainees. All of these items had many shortcomings. Revolutionary changes occurred at the beginning of the 20th century, when a reusable mechanism in the form of bows was invented. They rotated freely, and the handcuffs themselves were adjusted to the size of people’s wrists.

In Russia, private security companies are currently allowed to use certain types of handcuffs: “BR-S” and “BR-S2”, as well as “BCS-1” and “BOS”. A special case for handcuffs is used for wearing on a belt.

How to put on handcuffs for a grade 4 exam

Foreign experience will play into the hands of those who spend their time in a foreign country usefully and take promising, interesting ideas and developments from there. But it is often used in business practice. The flow of transmitted information from the camera to a remote receiving point is interrupted and recorded in a file with interference.

The person being checked selects a ticket with the exercise number. Completing this exercise counts as successfully passing the test of practical skills in using special equipment. The person being tested is located near a table with protective helmets of class 1 and 3. Positive result: A protective helmet of the appropriate class is worn and fastened within the specified time.

The history of shackles

Saber: history of appearance and diversity of species

Shackles appeared, presumably, with the beginning of metal processing by humans. The first shackles were made of bronze, in Rome and the Middle Ages they began to use iron, and with the development of metalworking in modern times, steel shackles appeared. Subsequently, the steel shackles were replaced by handcuffs. It is possible that some kind of shackles were used before the Bronze Age, but there is no archaeological evidence of this, and it is difficult to imagine what shackles could have been made of before the advent of metal. The first shackles appeared in the Bronze Age, most likely in the Assyrian kingdom. They were actively used in Ancient Greece, not only as a means of keeping prisoners in custody, but also for keeping slaves and prisoners.

Shackles in the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, slavery, due to new economic realities, and shackles turned into an instrument of torture and detention of prisoners. And they remained so until the beginning of the 20th century, when handcuffs with a lock came into use, which were more convenient to use and easy to put on and take off. Nowadays, shackles are used in some countries, such as the United States, to transport especially dangerous prisoners. Of course, such shackles are handcuffs, but the full complex limits the prisoner’s movement no worse than in past centuries. Handcuffs for transportation come in the following types:

  • ordinary handcuffs that fit on the hands;
  • handcuffs attached to the belt in various ways, crosswise, “hands at the seams” and others, to limit the prisoner’s ability to manipulate the lock;
  • handcuffs connected to the handcuffs by a chain to restrict freedom of movement when walking, although the prisoner can still take a normal step.

How to put on special bracelets correctly

When closing, the size of the rings is formed; thanks to a special mechanism, it does not increase or decrease. After fixing the rings on the hands, the tightness of the clamping is checked to prevent pinching of the wrists.

How to open special equipment

Most of these designs have a lock out of the reach of the offender's hands, which are in bracelets. There are models with a lock located on both sides, and this increases the possibility of hacking. Usually the device is opened with a key, but this can also be done using improvised means:

1 of the above law, private detective and security activities are defined as the provision of services on a paid contractual basis to individuals and legal entities in order to protect legal rights and interests.

Psychological torture

(Moscow Ministry, Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Investigative Committee, Federal Penitentiary Service)

A beating is organized in the next office, and the screams and noise coming from the person are told that these are his relatives, and they may also threaten to rape his relatives and friends.

The serviceman is told that his comrade was taken to be shot.

A person, naked, handcuffed or uncuffed, wearing a collar, is taken out into public view or left in the open. For example, Nina Ponomareva (“Mother’s Right”): “They stripped me naked, made collars from belts, and stood me naked on the parade ground in front of the whole unit. Then during the day they were led around the entire unit in this form.”

Coercion to perform impossible actions is also recognized as psychological torture. For example, in the Investigative Committee, one detainee was forced to familiarize himself with 100 volumes of a criminal case, while being handcuffed with handcuffs and legs. In the zones, prisoners may be forced to do “housework” such as cleaning the toilet with a toothbrush.

(See also “Chaining”, “Execution”, “Listen to music”, “Occupational therapy”)

Flagellation process

For the first experiment it is not necessary to use professional tools. Due to your inexperience, you may inadvertently hurt your partner. Your palm is a good place to start. You need to spank backhand, but adjusting the force of the blow. The sound will be resonant, marks of passion will appear on the skin, which will disappear in about half an hour. A comfortable position during flagellation plays an important role.

The most comfortable position is to place your partner on the bed with their back up, placing a pillow under their hips to slightly raise their buttocks.

During spanking, you can lightly humiliate your partner to make the game more vivid. Flagellation is a process of domination of the moral, not the physical. Once you have mastered the skill of using your palm, you can buy a whip. There are quite a few varieties, but you still need to start with a flogger.

A flogger is a whip with at least 40 tails. They look very menacing, but the blows are quite soft and leave virtually no marks. You can hit the back, stomach, legs, buttocks. Experienced craftsmen use this type of whip for warming up.

You can also use an officer's belt for spanking - it is much tougher than a flogger, so you should calculate the force of the blow and never use a buckle. The blows with the belt are short-term and sporadic.

The pain from them is much stronger than from any other lashes. For inexperienced people, these devices can cause considerable harm.


A few secrets will help make caresses perfect and a woman become a sex goddess for her partner:

Pay attention to foreplay. American scientists claim that the male sex reacts to physical touch in the same way as the female sex, but more slowly. Tease him

When the guy is already on the edge, caress less intensely, so you can prolong the pleasure. Talk to him. When caressing, a man likes to hear compliments and praise from a woman. You can talk about your wishes, ideas and emphasize what turns you on about him. Dirty words deserve special attention; they excite many. When orgasm is close, you need to put pressure on the prostate gland - this will delay ejaculation and prolong the process. Maximum sensations are provided by positions in which partners feel each other, so missionary sex is always relevant. You shouldn’t start right away with caressing the penis. Each guy has his own erogenous zone, which will excite him to an incredible state.

Affection is as important for a man as it is for a woman. If a girl wants to build a trusting and happy relationship, then she needs to learn how to give pleasure and caress her beloved. Using special techniques, partners will learn to truly dissolve in each other.

Use of handcuffs by guards and civilians

The use of special equipment (handcuffs) by private security guards and detectives is legally regulated by the Law of the Russian Federation “On private detective and security activities in the Russian Federation” and Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 587. The legislation gives the right to use handcuffs to a private security guard in the following situations:

1) in the event of an attack on him and protected persons, when their life and health are exposed to a real threat;

2) in relation to offenders who encroach on the property they protect and offer physical resistance.

An attack is an act of entering a protected facility, an attempt to seize (theft, destroy) all types of property, as well as an attack on security personnel. Special means (handcuffs) must be used by private security guards in compliance with:

1. A certain procedure

First, you should warn about the use of special equipment. After using special equipment, if necessary, the offender must be provided with first-aid assistance. It is mandatory to notify the police about the incident.

2. Rules for keeping a detainee

The security guard is required to monitor the condition of the detainee until the police arrive.

Private security guards and detectives are prohibited from using handcuffs:

a) when pregnant women are detained;

b) disabled people;

c) minors (under 18 years of age).

Outside a protected facility (in a situation where he is a witness to the commission of a crime), a private security guard or detective can also use special equipment (handcuffs), but as a private individual. His actions will be qualified by law as necessary defense (Article 37 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) or detention of a criminal (Article 38 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

How to properly handcuff a detainee

Handcuffs are special means of passive action, which are used by law enforcement agencies and security structures to restrict the movement of people. In handcuffs, a person with minimal physical force is not able to make full movements of his arms.

Handcuffing a detained criminal

How to properly handcuff a detained criminal:

  1. Place one arm of the detainee behind his back, with his palms facing outward;
  2. Bring the handcuffs in a moving arc to the wrist;
  3. Press the bracelet so that the arc passes through and wraps around the wrist;
  4. After putting on the handcuffs, you need to adjust the pressure on the wrist using the clamp on the side of the handcuffs.

Carry out the same operation with the other hand.

An important point when handcuffing is put on is that the keyhole is located towards the elbows of the detainee. Also, when putting on handcuffs, you should not carry out sharp blows with a movable arc on the wrist, which can lead to a broken arm.

Exercise 1. “Using a protective helmet”

  1. Before putting on handcuffs, the rings should be fully opened so that your hands can fit into them.
  2. Often, when putting handcuffs on, it is necessary to neutralize the enemy or limit his freedom, since in order to securely fix the handcuff rings on the wrists, the attacker’s hands must be as close to one another as possible. It is recommended to place your hands behind your back - in this position there is the least opportunity for attempting to open the handcuffs yourself.
  3. When putting it on, you should tightly wrap the rings around your wrists: this will not cause harm to your hands, but the fixation will be the most reliable. Only after checking that the material of the handcuffs is tightly connected to the skin of your hands can you slam them shut.
  4. The device is closed automatically, which ensures minimal time spent on neutralizing the attacker. At the same time, when closing, the size of the handcuffs is also formed, which are mainly fixed according to the “shark tooth” principle: a special mechanism does not allow increasing the size of the rings to a larger one.

Availability of active latch

Handcuffs, representing a convenient and reliable way of fixing a person’s hands for any, even quite a long time, have become popular and in demand today. Surely each of us has thought about the need to ensure both our own safety and the safety of our loved ones.

Testing a security guard for knowledge and use of special equipment is one component of the periodic inspection of a security guard. Although many will say at first glance that it is not so difficult, but judging by surveys, 85% of security guards who could not pass the test the first time fail on this test. Why is this happening? The reason is very simple. When you answer the theoretical tickets of the qualifying exam here, everything is simple, you just need to know the correct answer. In testing for knowledge and use of special equipment, tickets are also used, but you have to answer practically and here the marketing frequency of the inspectors is turned on, who often each have their own interpretation of the correct execution of a practical question, which often differs from the interpretation of execution set out in the orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Another reason is the guard’s lack of knowledge of special equipment, who cannot, for example, distinguish a PR-K from a PR-73M. Let's consider these questions in more detail:


(Ministry of Internal Affairs, SK)

Simulated extrajudicial execution. The detainee, without witnesses, is lowered into the basement with a blindfold or an opaque bag on his head, taped with tape. After this, they lower the person to his knees, unblind his eyes and fire several shots in his direction above his head from a pistol. Shots must be fired at close range so that their sound is deafening, and the flashes from the flame from the barrel are blinding. A similar option is to carry out torture in the open air, away from populated areas. In this case, instead of a short-barreled weapon, a machine gun is used. The lack of witnesses, along with loud shots, gives a terrifying effect and additional infliction of psychological torment.

In the famous incident, when the head of the Investigative Committee, Alexander Bastrykin, took the editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta, Sergei Sokolov, into the forest, it was not proven that he threatened the journalist with execution, but the mise-en-scène itself indicated that threatening staging is a common technique in the arsenal of law enforcement officers, which the head of the Investigative Committee does not disdain (See also “Psychological torture”).


(FSIN, Ministry of Internal Affairs)

Forced sexual intercourse of a sadistic nature to cause physical pain and moral humiliation, especially popular among employees of the administration of places where the Federal Penitentiary Service serves a sentence, but also used by the police. There are known cases of prisoners being forced to rape each other, but much more often homosexual criminals who collaborate with the administration are used for this purpose. The officers themselves prefer to use oblong objects for rape. For example, in the famous case of the Kazan Department of Internal Affairs “Dalny” they used a champagne bottle, as well as rubber batons, mops and other objects. In 2012, Yevgeny Nazarov, a detainee at the Dalny police department, was raped with a bottle and died from a ruptured rectum. Rape can be filmed for subsequent blackmail of the “omitted” (See also “Omit”, “Black Grisha”).

Caring Against Depression

Many girls who practice DDLG have faced psychological problems. A popular YouTube blogger under the nickname Princess Taysharni shares in one of her videos that she was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. In the public diary of “baby” Sai, the following posts often appear: “My mental state has worsened, I’m taking pills.” On the forum of DDLG fans, bottoms openly talk about their disorders: bipolar, depressive, anxiety. “Daddy” Ivan confirms that each of the four “babies” with whom he tried to build a relationship had at least one mental illness.

Rules for putting on such special equipment such as handcuffs

Handcuffs can be placed on offenders in standing, lying down or kneeling positions. In this case, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Before handcuffing, using force or threatening to use a weapon, force the offender to take a position convenient for the guard, excluding the possibility of an attack on his part;
  • The offender must be pressed with his body close to the surface of the ground, floor, wall, etc.;
  • To put on handcuffs, one by one bends the arm behind the back with a painful effect;
  • Avoid the possibility of locking mechanisms getting caught on elements of the offender’s outer clothing or body;
  • Put handcuffs on the side of the offender, out of reach of his feet;
  • Do not place the product on only one limb of the offender while holding the other in your hand. Being in this position, the offender will be able to deliver an unexpected blow without much difficulty.

Qualification exam questions for private security guards 4th category

The person being tested is 1.5 meters opposite the dummy. The rubber stick is suspended on a belt. At the inspector’s command: “Start the exercise!” the person being tested removes the rubber stick from the suspension and strikes the dummy (at least six) in various areas allowed for impact with the rubber stick. After this, the person being tested reports: “I have finished the exercise.”

The employee being inspected is located near the table with protective vests of class 1 and 5. At the command of the supervisor, the inspected employee puts on a protective vest of the specified class and reports: “The protective vest of class 1 (or class 5) is on.” The exercise time is 20 seconds.

The mysterious mimeme "shibari"

It is not at all necessary to immediately try to knit malicious robbers. With all that, binding can be applied in other areas of our lives, a hundred times more peaceful and pleasant. This practice, for example, will help diversify your sex life.

Almost all over the world, the Japanese ancient art of bondage, which is called “shibari”, or “sibari” in a different manner, is no longer a secret. Initially, it was used to limit the prisoner’s mobility, but then migrated to intimate existence (perishable). Shibari is now one of the key techniques for fixing a partner’s body with ropes and bandages. This technique has not only aesthetic qualities, but also a meditative beginning. Thanks to bonding during sexual intimacy, both partners can experience completely new emotions, discover new feelings, and it also promotes rapprochement, because it requires maximum trust in the friend.

In order to become a master of shibari and masterfully knit the most intricate knots, devoid of any doubts, it will take time and practice, but simply fixing, for example, the hands of a partner, there should be no problems. How to tie a girl’s hands with a belt, read after a while.

“Call a Friend”, “Call Putin”, “Internet”

(Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB)

Torture with electricity using the field telephone “TA” - also known as “Tapik”. To generate ringing voltage, the device is equipped with a miniature manually driven dynamo. The exposed wires are screwed to the detainee's fingers or genitals, after which a folding handle on the side of the device is rotated to generate ringing voltage. It is possible to use conventional dynamos or conventional stun guns. the head of the “Committee against Torture” Igor Kalyapin, “since the current strength is small, there are almost no burns left - only electric marks - small black dots, they heal quickly” (see also “Electro-Rememberer”).

Despite all the sophistication, this is a fairly common torture, and FSB and Ministry of Internal Affairs investigators most often resort to it. Here is what Zafar Tukiev said about torture at the FSB Directorate for Moscow and the Moscow Region:

“They attached metal clothespins to both of my feet; they were attached to three fingers—the ring, middle, and index fingers. I started to move, twist, they pressed their foot on me from above, someone told me not to move and that I didn’t understand in a good way. Then there was a grinding sound and an electric current was sent through my body. I felt unbearable pain. My calf muscles began to shake, my whole body arched from tension. When the current stopped, the man holding the rag shouted: “Do you know what this is for?” I answered: “No.”

He gave the order to continue the torture. This time the current was held longer. I screamed a lot, my throat hurt from screaming. During the break between blows, I asked why they were doing this, but no one answered me. When they shocked me, I couldn’t speak, I could only scream, I called the investigator, Maxim Petrovich Vedyaev. With each new blow it became more and more painful. They asked me: “Why do you say in court that you are innocent?” You are guilty! Do you know that only 6 minutes have passed? We can keep you here for two days."

Previously, electric torture was actively used by the NKVD in 1937 and during the war.

Macrame belt pattern

A woven belt will make your look more modern and unusual. It will take a little time to make it (from 2 days to a week). When making belts, the threads need to be tightened sufficiently tightly, this way you will be able to increase the strength and service life of the product.

Master class on making a belt using the macrame technique:

  • Make 7 pieces of thread 4 meters long. Hang the remaining 6 pieces onto one of the threads, folding each in half and passing the ends into the resulting loop.
  • Count 7 threads to the left and 7 threads to the right, and attach the middle of the structure with a pin to a horizontal or vertical surface.
  • We count the 8th thread from the left and weave a diagonal bridle on it with rep knots using all the free threads to the left of it.
  • We count the 7th thread from the right and weave a diagonal bridle on it with rep knots using all the free threads to the right of it.
  • We make one more such row on the left and right sides. You should end up with a kind of Christmas tree consisting of 3 rows.
  • We take the 4 threads in and tie them into a square knot.
  • Divide the 4 threads coming out of the square knot in half (you should end up with 2 threads on the left and 2 on the right). We take the 2 left threads and add 2 more adjacent threads to them, tie them into a square knot.
  • We perform the same operation with the right threads.
  • To weave the third row of square knots, you need to take one thread to the sides, located on the edge of the right and left sides. Using the next 12 strands, weave a row of 3 square knots.
  • In the next row, pull out 3 outer threads on the left and right sides. From the remaining threads, weave a horizontal structure consisting of 2 square knots.
  • Now take 5 threads from each side and weave one square knot from the remaining 4 threads in the center.
  • On the first thread on the left side, weave a briddle of 6 rep knots to the right side.
  • Now weave the same bridle on the right side, but it should consist of 7 rep knots.
  • Make another row of left and right brids.
  • Take the 4 central threads and make a column of 2 square knots from them. You should have 5 free threads left on the left and right sides.
  • Take the left free threads and tie 4 rep knots to the left on the thread closest to the center. You should end up with a horizontal bridge.
  • Now do the same on the right side.
  • Take the thread on the far right and tie a briddle of 4 rep knots on it to the left side, close to the previous row.
  • Take the thread on the far left and tie 4 rep knots on them to the left.
  • The next row should start from the 5th thread on the right edge and knit knots on it to the right side at some distance from the previous row.
  • Tie the brid on the left side in exactly the same way.
  • The next left and right row are knitted in the same way, but right next to the previous row.
  • Now tie the left and right brids a short distance from the previous row.
  • Then make one more left and right row next to the previous one.
  • Count the 7th thread on the left side and tie a bridle of 6 rep knots on it to the left.
  • In the same way, tie the bridle on the right side.
  • Make another row of brids on each side.
  • Repeat the above steps, starting from step 6, until the belt reaches the desired length.

The end of the belt should be equal to the width of the buckle. When the work is finished, the remaining threads need to be set on fire with a soldering iron or lighter and the buckle must be attached. You can buy a belt holder, or you can make it yourself by weaving it with square knots.

Is it necessary to wear handcuffs when taking the 2022 exam: latest news, changes, tips

As always, we will try to answer the question “Do I need to wear handcuffs when taking the 2020 exam?” You can also consult with lawyers for free online directly on the website without leaving your home.

The person being tested performs both exercises in any order. A positive result of both exercises is counted as a successful test of practical skills in the use of civilian self-defense weapons.

The person being tested is 1.5 meters opposite the dummy. The rubber stick is on the belt (in the PR suspension).

At the command of the supervisor, “Start the exercise,” the person being tested takes the rubber stick out of the suspension and warns of his intention to use it: “Stop, I’ll use special equipment.”

Applies blows to the dummy (at least six) in various areas allowed for impact with a rubber stick. After this, the person being tested reports: “I have finished the exercise.”

Typical exercises for testing practical skills in the use of civilian self-defense weapons - FOR GUARDS 5 and 6 RANKS

A mock-up of the aerosol device is located on a table 2 meters from the mannequin. The person being tested is located at the table, opposite the dummy. The leader announces the direction of the wind relative to the one being tested (right or left) and gives the command “Start the exercise.”

The person being tested takes the aerosol device, makes it ready for use and warns of his intention to use it, “Stop, I’ll use a weapon.” Sprays a gas mixture (imitation) in the direction of the mannequin's face from the leeward side for 3 seconds.

After this he reports: “I’ve finished the exercise.”

To successfully pass the qualification exam, a security guard must answer all questions in the theoretical part (one mistake is allowed) and successfully pass the test of practical skills in handling special equipment. Therefore, test takers often receive an unsatisfactory grade precisely when passing the internship.

Typical exercises for security guards

Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated August 22, 2011 N 959 Moscow “On amendments to the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 15, 2005 N 568 and the Regulations approved by this order”

October 7, 2011 Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation September 30, 2011 Registration No. 21932

Amend the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated July 15, 2005.

N 5681 “On the procedure for the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation to conduct periodic inspections of private security guards, private detectives (detectives) and employees of legal entities with special statutory tasks for suitability for action in conditions associated with the use of firearms and special means” and Regulations on the conduct by bodies Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation periodic inspections of private security guards, private detectives (detectives) and employees of legal entities with special statutory tasks for suitability for action in conditions associated with the use of firearms and special means in accordance with the attached List. Minister General of the Army R. Nurgaliev

A number of changes have been made to the Appendix regarding the repurposing and reorganization of divisions and structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The theoretical knowledge of private security guards will be tested using survey cards containing 7 questions for a 4th grade security guard, 9 questions for a 5th grade security guard, 10 questions for a 6th grade security guard, 10 questions for a 6th grade security guard, one of which is correct.

The concept of “first aid” has been replaced by “first aid”. The form of the Notification of delivery (sending) of an invitation to undergo an initial (scheduled, repeated) periodic inspection has undergone changes.

Typical exercises for the practical use of special means, the implementation of which is intended for private security guards and employees of legal entities with special statutory tasks when undergoing periodic testing for suitability to act in conditions associated with the use of special means

Exercise N 1. Using a protective helmet Procedure for performing the exercise: The person being tested is located near a table with protective helmets of 1 - 3 protection classes.

At the inspector’s command: “Put on a protective helmet of class 1 - 3!” The person being tested puts on a protective helmet of the specified class and reports: “I have finished the exercise.” The exercise time is 20 seconds.

Positive result: A protective helmet of the appropriate class is worn and fastened within the specified time.

Exercise N 2. Using a protective vest Procedure for performing the exercise: The person being tested is located near the table with protective vests of grades 1 - 5.

At the inspector’s command: “Put on a protective vest of class 1 - 5!” The person being tested puts on a protective vest of the specified class and reports: “I finished the exercise.” Exercise time: 20 seconds.

Positive result: The protective vest of the appropriate class is correctly worn and fastened within the specified time.

Exercise N 3. Using a rubber stick Procedure for performing the exercise: The person being tested is 1.5 meters opposite the dummy. The rubber stick is suspended on a belt.

At the inspector’s command: “Start the exercise!” the person being tested removes the rubber stick from the suspension and strikes the dummy (at least six) in various zones allowed for impact with the rubber stick. After this, the person being tested reports: “I have finished the exercise.” Exercise time: 20 seconds.

Positive result: Delivering at least six blows with a rubber stick on the dummy, without touching the parts that conventionally correspond to areas of the human body that are prohibited from using rubber sticks on them.

Exercise N 4. Use of handcuffs Procedure for performing the exercise: The person being tested is 1.5 meters opposite the dummy. The handcuffs are on the belt in a case. At the inspector’s command: “Put handcuffs on the front (or back)!” the person being checked takes the handcuffs out of the case, approaches the dummy and puts on the handcuffs depending on the command given.

After that he reports: “The handcuffs are on.” Exercise time: 20 seconds. After checking the correctness of putting on the handcuffs, at the examiner’s command: “Remove the handcuffs!”, the person being tested removes the handcuffs. Positive Result: Handcuffs were correctly applied within the specified time and then removed.

General requirements for performing exercises 1. When performing exercise No. 1, a protective helmet is worn in compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards (use of the person being tested’s personal headgear, napkins, liner). 2. Exercises No. 3 and No. 4 are performed on a mannequin, which should follow the contours of the human body.

In this case, the upper limbs should imitate the structure of the hand and have 3 degrees of freedom to ensure the execution of the exercise. 4. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to perform exercises No. 3 and No. 4 on a partner with his written consent.

In this case, during exercise No. 3, the partner must wear a protective vest. 5. When performing exercise No. 3, blows must be applied firmly, without using excessive force that could damage the dummy or injure a partner. 6.

Exercise No. 4 is considered to be performed correctly if, when worn, the handcuffs rotate freely and securely fix the limb.

Evaluation of the implementation of exercises for the practical use of special means Exercises for the practical use of special means are considered completed if positive results are obtained from them.”

Types of handcuffs for use by private security guards

The specifics of the application are the determining criterion when choosing the type of handcuffs. Current legislation defines four main types permitted for use by security personnel

Before characterizing each of them, let us draw your attention to one important point. At the time of writing this article (early 2022), the restriction exists only on wearing and using

  • Handcuffs BKS-1 (“Tenderness”). Special convoy bracelets are equipped with a ratcheting mechanism that operates on the “shark tooth” principle. This model is classified as universal handcuffs for convoys and is characterized by increased wear resistance. Also in practice, two varieties of BKS-1 are used - “Prikol” bracelets, equipped with a stationary mount to the wall, and “Bouquet” handcuffs, designed for escorting a group of detainees of up to five people.
  • Handcuffs BR-S. Standard bracelets are the main model used by private security guards. Their design feature is a high-complexity lock, which reduces the chances of attackers opening it. This type of handcuffs is gradually being replaced by a modified BR-S2 “Crab” model, in which the procedure for closing/opening the lock is optimized.
  • Handcuffs BOS "Tenderness-2". Special operational bracelets differ in the way the bracelets are connected. Instead of a standard chain, a design with three metal earrings is used here. Therefore, this model is classified as handcuffs with a rigid fastening system. They are used in special cases when ordinary handcuffs for detention may not be reliable enough.

In the arsenal of a professionally trained security officer, as a rule, there are different types of handcuffs. Experienced specialists independently navigate in choosing the required type, depending on the situation.

Security guard training

  • applicant's passport;
  • certificates issued by an educational institution;
  • conclusion of a medical examination (certificate in form 002 O-U, as well as a document in form N003-O/u from a narcologist and a psychiatrist’s report);
  • 2 photographs measuring 4x6 cm;
  • receipt of payment of state duty. According to paragraphs. 112 clause 1 art. 333.33 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the amount of the state duty for performing this action is 2000 rubles.
  • who are not citizens of the Russian Federation;
  • under 21 years of age;
  • those who have been convicted of committing an intentional crime or who have been charged with committing a criminal offense (until a court decision);
  • recognized by the court as incompetent or partially capable;
  • have not passed the medical examination;
  • who have not undergone special professional training;
  • suspended by the court from working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or any branch of government;
  • former civil servants dismissed on compromising grounds;
  • whose license was canceled due to violation of the legislation on security activities and less than a year has passed since the cancellation;
  • who were denied permission to work based on the results of an inspection conducted by the Department of Internal Affairs or the FSB;
  • have not passed the mandatory fingerprint examination;
  • registered with health authorities for mental illness, alcoholism or drug addiction.

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How to handcuff

Basically, handcuffs are placed on the wrists from the “hands behind the back” position. However, when delivering offenders in vehicles, “bracelets” can be worn with the hands in the front position. The actual process of handcuffing should occur after a warning command to the offender that force may be used against him in the form of hand-to-hand combat techniques or special equipment. In cases of malicious disobedience, even the use of weapons is possible.

Before use, the case for handcuffs is opened, in which the locking device of the product remains unlocked in its primary position.

  1. In order to put on handcuffs, you need to hold them with your hand in the area of ​​the locking device. Next, applying the sector to the offender’s wrist, press the locking device so that the sector rotates along its axis one hundred and eighty degrees and passes into the locking device. Then, pressing the sector in the direction of movement with such force that possible removal of the hand or excessive compression of the wrist, which can lead to disturbances in blood circulation, is excluded, put on a handcuff;
  2. After putting on the handcuffs and after establishing the required size (the bracelets should fit tightly around the wrists, and the hands should be easy to turn and fit snugly against the secured handcuffs), the locking mechanisms are moved to fixed positions. For these purposes, in handcuffs of the BR type, a key is inserted into the locking mechanism, which is turned clockwise, and in handcuffs of the BR-S type, the tail part of the key must lock the pusher.

How to open and remove handcuffs without a key

A lock built into the welded chain of links is responsible for opening the handcuffs. It may differ for similar models, but the main principle of its operation should be considered an increased level of secrecy: the possibility of its unauthorized opening largely depends on this. A key is usually included in the kit, but two keys may also be included. However, if you have only one key, you should make a duplicate of it: this will help avoid an unpleasant situation if the key is lost and difficulties arise in removing the handcuffs.

Most often, the design of handcuffs is such that the lock is located beyond the reach of the attacker’s hands while handcuffed. This is done from the point of view of protecting against the possibility of unauthorized opening of the handcuffs. If the lock is located in such a way that it can be accessed from both sides (through lock), then such a lock will have an increased degree of possibility of breaking.

The handcuffs are opened using a key. However, there are several ways to free yourself from handcuffs without using the included key. Let's consider the main stages of “liberation” from them.

  1. To make it more convenient to free yourself from handcuffs, you must first try to make sure that your hands are in front. Of course, doing special gymnastics or yoga will help in this case, but not everyone can have special physical training for such exercises. And yet, to safely free yourself from handcuffs, you first need to place your hands in front.
  2. Now you need to find an available tool for picking the lock. This can be any fairly hard object pointed at one end: a paper clip, needles, a small sharp nail, or even a match. However, according to numerous surveys of those who have already had experience in opening the lock of handcuffs using improvised means, rigid thin wire is recognized as the most effective, since non-metallic objects can break when opening the lock if the skill is insufficient.
  3. Next, it is recommended to bend the wire at a right angle. This will allow you to penetrate into the lock mechanism without causing serious damage to it and at the same time ensuring the tightest possible grip. The bend of the wire should be done at a distance of approximately 4-5 mm from its end. A flat metal plate can be considered an ideal option for such purposes: when exposed to the lock, it undergoes minimal deformation and is the most durable.
  4. Now, depending on the model of handcuffs, you can proceed to the main goal: opening the lock. Since they differ in the mechanism and fixation device, the opening method differs.

Lock without active latch

The presence of a locking device is determined by visual inspection of the handcuffs. Typically, there is a lever on the flat surface of the underside of the lock mechanism that is recessed into a hole. If the latch is not observed in the hole, it means that it is not active. In a number of models in this case it is completely absent.

And in order to be able to open handcuffs of this model using improvised means, you should imagine the mechanism for burying the handcuffs when they are fixed on the hand. The teeth located on the lower moving part, when they come into contact with the grip, set the lock pawl in motion, it falls and closes the handcuffs. When the key is used, the teeth are caught and raised, allowing the lock to be opened.

This video will show you how to open and remove handcuffs without a key using a paper clip:

Availability of active latch

To open such models, you must first disable the latch, otherwise the lock will slip and will not open. To do this, when the wire penetrates the lock, feel it and turn it counterclockwise. You must act as carefully as possible, otherwise there is a high probability that the latch will operate.



Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Moscow Region, Federal Penitentiary Service)

Deprivation of food, drink, and light for a long period of time (about three weeks). The Perm Public Monitoring Committee, in particular, stated that prisoners were deprived of food and drink, as well as basic hygienic conditions. This is one of the most common types of torture, which does not require much imagination from law enforcement officers.

“…“Torture” means any act by which severe pain or suffering, physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person in order to obtain from him or a third person information or a confession, to punish him for an act which he or a third person has committed, or which he is suspected of having committed, or to intimidate or coerce him or a third person, or for any reason based on discrimination of any nature, when such pain or suffering is inflicted by or at the instigation of a public official or other person acting in an official capacity, or with their knowledge or acquiescence.”

From the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1984.

How to put on handcuffs for a grade 4 exam

Directly next to the guard there was a separate tree with a diameter of 30 cm, five meters to the right there was a hillock 1.5 meters high, and twenty steps behind the guard there was a stone building. Which type of firing should the guard choose? What concept is defined as “a set of jointly operating technical means that make it possible to automatically or manually issue alarm signals to the monitoring station (to the duty station) in the event of a robbery attack on an object during its operation”?

  • In addition, tickets to confirm the qualifications of a private security guard of the 4th category include questions on Russian legislation.
  • During testing, it is necessary to establish exactly how ready potential security guards are to perform their job duties and use Russian legislation during their professional activities.
  • The implementation of the additional professional training program is carried out in strict accordance with Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 680 of August 2022: “Regarding the approval of the requirements for the minimum content of the additional professional training program, increasing the level of qualifications of private detectives and the requirements for the minimum content of the additional training program for increasing the level of qualifications of private security guards” It was registered with the Russian Ministry of Justice No. 25946 dated November 2021.
  • The program was introduced with the aim of carrying out educational activities on the issue of improving the qualifications of private security guards.
  • The issue under consideration includes many nuances that you need to know about in order to minimize the risks of various misunderstandings.
  • It is for this reason that we will consider confirmation of qualifications in more detail.

Pulling out nails


FSIN, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Chechnya
In 2010, relatives of the convicted Vitaly Buntov, who is in the Tula penal colony-1, brought nail plates to human rights activists as evidence of torture (at the same time, the colony administration stated that the prisoner was left without nails due to a fungus, but could not prove this , and the European Court forced Buntov to pay compensation) .

Not the most popular of Russian tortures in the FSIN, as it leaves obvious traces, however, according to human rights activists, it is actively used in Chechnya. “They took me to some basement, they crucified me there. Two masked men said that if I don’t confess, they will beat testimony out of me,” Political Critique magazine quotes Mahmud, a refugee from Chechnya, who was punished by Kadyrov’s men for participating in hostilities in the Donbass on the side of Ukraine. “Then they started pulling out my toenails. I can show it, there are no nails even now. At that moment I was ready to confess even to the murder of Lincoln.”

Historically, nail pulling is one of the most common tortures, which was used both in the ancient world and by the NKVD and Gestapo.

Illegal use of handcuffs, liability

The use of handcuffs by police officers in violation of the law of the Russian Federation is grounds for criminal, civil and disciplinary liability. The person affected by such actions has the right to compensation for material damage and moral damage. According to independent experts, the number of illegal detentions by police in the Russian Federation ranges from 17% to 19%, and only about 2% of citizens seek protection of their rights. The detainee may be subject to physical, property and moral harm. The legislation provides for the possibility of appealing against the actions of a police officer:

1. To a higher official (ineffective, the applicant will receive a formal reply).

2. In the prosecutor's office (the period for consideration of the application is 30 days, the result depends on the level of relations between the police and the prosecutor's office)

3. Court.

It is worth going into more detail about going to court. Which court should I go to? There are two options: at the place of residence or at the place of legal address of the police. What are the prospects? They depend on the practicing lawyer, the financial condition of the applicant, and, most importantly, the desire to bring the case to a victorious end. What are the requirements for a lawyer? This must be a specialist in this category of cases. A generalist lawyer will be of no use. How to check the “quality” of a lawyer? It is necessary to ask him about his previous cases and check the declared success against the database (register) of court decisions of the Russian Federation. Before going to court, you should be aware that bringing police officers to criminal liability is a fairly rare phenomenon, and for the use of special equipment (handcuffs) is in the realm of the obvious and the incredible. But, as an analysis of judicial practice shows, this still happens. Typically, the actions of a police officer contain signs of a crime under Art. 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (violence not dangerous to life or health). Material compensation for physical harm caused can only be provided in the event of consequences dangerous to health. This could be a health disorder, injuries or disability that will have to be proven in court.

The offending police officer may be subject to civil penalties. It is worth knowing and remembering that in civil proceedings the burden of proof (collecting and presenting evidence to the court) lies with the victim himself (the applicant and his lawyer).

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation regulates compensation for moral damage, as well as the amount of compensation in a situation where the applicant has suffered moral damage. The amount of compensation to the applicant is determined by the court. It depends on the moral suffering and physical suffering caused to the victim. In practice, the court assesses the degree of guilt and damage in the actions of the police officer. A practicing lawyer can advise you on the correct amount of financial compensation claimed. Compensation for moral damage to the applicant is carried out in monetary terms.

The most effective way to obtain monetary compensation from the offender (police officer) is to file a claim in court for compensation for damage caused by the police officer when he used special equipment (handcuffs), which resulted in bodily harm to the victim - the applicant.

The statement of claim, which a lawyer will help you prepare, must be accompanied by a medical report indicating the severity of the injuries, and also indicate what kind of property damage was caused (damage to things, shoes, etc.). The application must indicate the amount of damage in monetary terms that must be recovered from the defendant (territorial police agency) for harm caused to health and, separately, damage caused to property. The following must be attached to the statement of claim: medical certificates, doctors’ reports on the state of health, certificates of property damage, testimony of witnesses will be valuable, be sure to attach a receipt for payment of the state duty. It is almost impossible to independently collect all the necessary documents and properly prepare for the trial, so you will have to resort to the services of a lawyer.

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