Review of the main varieties of Japanese swords, the history of their appearance

From Hollywood action films in the late eighties, many first learned about the legendary ninja weapon - the ninja sword. On the screen, sinister ninjas jumped on the roofs of skyscrapers and cut down crowds of enemies using their swords. At a distance, enemies were killed no less famously with shurikens. After these films, many people had the impression of the ninja as a superweapon forged from star steel, passed from master to student.

The reality, as usual, is far from this.

Direct or not?

Today, the Internet is full of assurances that the ninja sword was curved, and the straight blade, familiar to everyone from the films, is nothing more than an invention of Hollywood directors.

In fact, the traditional ninja sword was straight, and the technique of wielding it was based precisely on piercing blows, which cannot be effectively delivered with a curved sword. There were also curved blades and cane swords, but the classic ninja had a straight shape. This photo was taken at the Ninja Museum in Japan. It should be recalled that in a black suit, ninjas “worked” only at night, on secret missions. The rest of the time they disguised themselves as ordinary people, and the presence of strange weapons would definitely attract unnecessary attention.


Contrary to popular belief, ninjas did not adhere to a code of honor. Their priority was results. Ninjas are spies and saboteurs, which means they required reliable methods of conspiracy. They blended in with the crowd, pretending to be ordinary people. Therefore, ninja weapons were not combat-oriented. It was supposed to provide silent and instant killing. The most compact and inconspicuous, which would fit organically into the suit and would not arouse suspicion - this is exactly what the ninja weapon was, the photo of which is presented below. These are not all the items used by killers.

The most significant of them:

  • Ninjato.
  • Nunchakus.
  • Shurikens.
  • Shikomizue.
  • Sai.
  • Kusarigama.
  • Tanto.
  • Tanto in disguise.
  • Gyoku-ro and Dagarashi-yaku poisons.

Difference from katana

The ninja sword differs from the katana primarily in the goals that were set for the samurai and the ninja. In ancient times, a real katana cost a fortune, which is why the cult of the sword appeared, according to which it was considered the soul of a warrior. Drawing a sword not for a duel was considered shameful and unworthy.

The straight blade was ideal for tight spaces, when the katana fighting technique is based on sweeping chopping blows that require space. For ninjas, the sword was primarily a tool for solving various combat and everyday tasks during secret missions. The quality of the steel was worse, the finish was rougher, but such a sword was easier to make and would not be a shame to use in any situation.

Shuriken from the disk

How to make ninja weapons not from paper so that they last longer? This is where old CDs come in handy. Surely every house has a lot of these spoiled items lying around that are perfect for this purpose. You will need the disk itself, strong scissors, a ruler and a marker. The shuriken will turn out to be quite sharp, so when testing the weapon it is better not to aim at either people or animals.

You need to draw two lines crosswise on the disk. This is the basis. Now you need to draw the corners of the surken. It's better to make a four-pointed star. You can increase the number of rays, but cutting will become more difficult.

Now it's the turn of the scissors. Carefully, trying not to damage the disk or get hurt on sharp edges, cut out the shuriken shape. Once it's ready, use a file to blunt the edges of the disc.

The finished shuriken can be painted in any color using nail polish, gouache, watercolor or acrylic paint for this purpose.

Ninja sword elements

Like any other sword, the ninja consists of three elements (plus the sheath):

  1. Blade;
  2. Garda;
  3. Handle.

The ninja blade, unlike the polished katana blade, was either matte or blackened. The practice was to wrap the blade in silk and then burn the fabric directly on the blade. A sword burned in this way became invisible in the dark. The owner did not have to fear that the shine of the blade would reveal his presence.

The sword guard (or tsuba) was square in shape, with a long side of about eight centimeters and had considerable strength. It was used as a step, as a hook to catch on a ledge, and sometimes throwing stars were attached under the guard.

The shape of the handle resembled its samurai counterparts, but performed different functions. The gasira (a metal cap at the end of the handle) hid a hiding place in the hollow handle, and the cap itself often had a knife on the back. Secret documents, blinding mixtures or even gunpowder were stored in the cavity of the handle.

The sheath of a ninja sword was a multifunctional device. They were 10-15 centimeters longer than the sword and ended in a hiding place in which documents or additional weapons could be stored. In addition, the tip of the scabbard often ended in a removable pencil case with a throwing knife at the end. By inserting this pencil case into the sheath with the knife facing outward, they obtained a short analogue of a spear.

In addition, the sheath was used as a breathing tube under water, as a blowgun, and even as a cradle-perch on which a ninja could hang for days on end, tracking down his prey.

The cord on the scabbard was several times longer than on the samurai, and was used in various situations. From tying up the enemy and making traps, to making coded node ciphers that the ninja left in hiding places.

Origami shuriken

Shurikens were one of the ninja's favorite weapons. They were used for throwing and hitting targets at a distance. So, how to make ninja weapons out of paper? Shuriken is easy to perform; you only need 20 minutes of free time, scissors and 2 sheets of paper.

If you follow this origami pattern exactly, making a ninja weapon is very easy. As you can see, to assemble the model you can take sheets of paper of different colors, then the shuriken will turn out to be original. It is important to remember that the stronger the paper used, the better the quality of this model.

It is a known fact that ninjas were ardent fans of mysticism and often applied symbols and signs to their weapons. So, if you wish, decorate your creation with some symbol. After finishing the work, you can start throwing weapons.

Making a ninja sword with your own hands

Before you try to make a ninja sword, you need to know that the manufacture of edged weapons is punishable by law, so your product should not have the parameters of edged weapons. Usually, when making a sword using technology, with hardening and so on, it is simply not sharpened.

If you are not a blacksmith, forging a sword blade will be quite difficult. It is better for these purposes to find a strip of steel grade 65g, about five millimeters thick. After drawing the shape of the blade on it, start cutting it out. To do this you will need a grinder and a couple of metal circles. Be sure to wear safety glasses, otherwise sparks may damage your eyes.

Having received the workpiece of the desired shape, begin to remove the slopes on the blade. This is the most difficult procedure, especially if you do not have a grinder (a special device for making descents on blades). Draw a long strip along the entire length in the middle of the future edge of the blade and begin the process of removing excess metal. You need to remove it gradually from both sides, bringing out the shape of the blade.

Modern replica ninja swords are usually polished, but if you want complete identity, you can limit yourself to just polishing the blade. Subsequently, it can be subjected to a bluing procedure or set on fire by wrapping it in silk.

Next, a square tsuba and a wooden handle are made, with a cavity in the last third. The blade is attached to the handle using pegs that are driven in on both sides.

Making a sheath is a rather complicated process if you want a multi-functional tool. Usually the scabbard is made simple, with a stash at the end, but if you want complete identity, the scabbard can take twice as long to create as the sword itself.

Special Weapons

Nunchakus are a rather specific ninja weapon, the ancestral home of which is China. These are two sticks that are connected by a rope or chain. A very formidable weapon, capable of causing severe injury. Ninjas used nunchucks as a choking or stunning tool.

Shurikens are a very special weapon that combines darts and throwing stars. Traditional hira shuriken were often made from coins. The shape of the swastika on shurikens was explained by the fighting qualities of this weapon. With their help, a ninja could easily neutralize an enemy in open space, of course, if he was not wearing heavy armor.

Kusarigama is also a rather specific version of the weapon, the prototype of which was an ordinary rice sickle. Outwardly, it resembles a klevet, but without the hammer part, and is equipped with a chain with a counterweight, which allows you to knock the enemy down, deliver crushing blows and deprive him of weapons.

Ninjas often used poisons, which they lubricated with edged weapons. This helped him continue his work when the ninja was revealed. It was also possible to fake an accident using poisons. Two types of poison were used: zagarashi-yaku killed instantly, but gyoku-ro poison took some time, which allowed the killer to escape from the scene of the crime.

Only popular ninja weapons are described here. In fact, absolutely any object could become a murder instrument.

Application technique

The technique of fencing with a ninja sword is noticeably different from working with a katana. Since the task of the ninja was to sneak in unnoticed and steal information or kill the enemy, the sword fighting technique was based on one quick and invisible blow. If a spy was discovered and the alarm was raised, the ninja's task was to deliver a series of instant piercing blows to several opponents and quickly escape.

If you master the fencing technique of any sword, learning the specifics of ninjas will not be difficult, because the ancient ninjas were never skilled swordsmen and usually lost to samurai in an open fight. The emphasis in ninja sword fighting techniques was on the use of various “ungentlemanly” blows, spitting with needles, and throwing sand into the opponent’s eyes. If for a samurai death in battle was an honor, then a ninja had to win at any cost, thereby further benefiting his clan.

Ninjas are a specific weapon of ancient spies. A multifunctional item, a transforming weapon that faithfully served its owner in various situations. Despite the huge amount of information (often incorrect), few people know about the real purpose of this sword. Ninjas, going on long, dangerous missions, simply could not afford highly specialized weapons designed only for killing.

Kunai - paper knife

Kunai made of paper are absolutely safe. They can complement your look or simply add to your collection. So, this is paper origami - the weapon of the modern ninja, kunai. It's easy and quick to do, and looks like a real knife.

Take a square piece of paper and fold it diagonally. You will get a right triangle. It needs to be folded in half. The figure unfolds to its original position, then each corner is folded so that the edge is level with the center fold line. The figure is again folded in half along the center line.

The ends of the paper need to be tucked into the resulting “pocket” on one side of the figure. We get the tip of the dagger.

Now you need another sheet of paper. It needs to be twisted into a thin tube and pushed into the “pocket” about ¾ of the way. The remaining part of the tube is smoothed out. Now you need to form the tip of the handle. The second end of the tube is bent four times at an angle of 90 degrees. The tip must either be tucked into the first fold or secured with a drop of glue. We get ninja weapons made using origami technique. It can be used for cosplay or just for playing.


The guard (tsuba) of the shinobi-gatana, as already mentioned, was square with a side of about 8-10 cm and a thickness of about 5 mm. This simple form better suited the specifics of the work of ninjas, who used the guard as a step when climbing. In addition, a large square guard with sharpened edges and corners could slash an enemy’s face in close combat, and the steel knob of a kojiri scabbard could pierce his chest or knock out an eye. True, such unusual guards and kojiri could not help but catch the eye and had to constantly attract attention.

Important points

The length of the blade and handle are important, but not the only parameters. Before you start making a sword, you need to find out what the following parameters will be for the future weapon:

  1. Blade section shape. There are a huge number of options, but for a wooden sword the most suitable are a rectangle with pointed or rounded edges or a diamond.
  2. Handle shape. The best option is an oval handle, since in this case the weapon will be comfortable to hold in your hand. A round shape is not acceptable (the sword will rotate). You should also pay attention: the handle is usually made thinner than the blade.
  3. Point shape. It is arbitrary, but if you are making a sword for a child, then it is better to make its end rounded. For an adult, you can make a point, the two sides of which form an angle of 45 degrees.
  4. Garda. The widest part of the sword. Its width should be enough to protect the hand, and the sword should be comfortable to hold.
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