Modern tactics analysis of the state and development trends

Updated July 20, 2022 682 Author: Dmitry Petrov
Hello, dear readers of the blog.

Many words that define a phenomenon or situation in a specific area often “migrate” to other areas and become universal.

This happened with the concept of “tactics”. We’ll figure out what this word means in this article.

Tactical functions[edit]

Kinetic or firepower[edit]

Beginning with the use of melee and missile weapons such as clubs and spears, the kinetic or fire function of the tactics evolved along with technological advances so that over time the emphasis shifted from close combat and missile weapons to long-range projectiles. weapon. Kinetic effects were typically delivered from the sword, spear, javelin and bow until the appearance of artillery by the Romans. Until the mid-19th century, the value of rocket firepower delivered by infantry was low, meaning that the outcome of a given battle was rarely decided by infantry firepower alone, often relying on artillery to produce significant kinetic effect. The development of disciplined volley fire at close range began to improve the lethality of infantry and partially compensated for the limited range, poor accuracy, and low rate of fire of early muskets. Advances in technology, especially the advent of the rifled musket, used in the Crimean War and the American Civil War, meant flatter trajectories and increased accuracy at longer ranges, as well as higher casualties. The increase in defensive firepower meant that infantry attacks without artillery support became increasingly difficult. Firepower also became crucial in holding the enemy in place to deliver the decisive blow. Machine guns greatly increased infantry firepower at the turn of the 20th century, and mobile firepower provided by tanks, self-propelled artillery, and military aircraft grew significantly in the subsequent century. Along with infantry weapons, tanks and other armored vehicles, self-propelled artillery, guided weapons and aircraft provide the firepower of modern armies. [2]


Mobility, which determines how fast a fighting force can move, was limited to the speed of a foot soldier for most of human history, even when supplies were carried by pack animals. With this limitation, most armies could not travel more than 32 kilometers (20 miles) per day unless they traveled along rivers. Only small elements of troops, such as cavalry or specially trained light troops, could exceed this limit. This limitation on tactical mobility remained until the final years of the First World War, when with the advent of the tank mobility improved significantly to allow decisive tactical maneuver. Despite this achievement, full tactical mobility was not achieved until World War II, when armored and motorized formations achieved remarkable success. However, large elements of World War II armies remained dependent on horse-drawn transport, limiting tactical mobility in the overall force. Tactical mobility can be limited by the use of field barriers, often created by military engineers. [3]

Protection and safety [edit]

Personal armor has been worn since the Classical period to provide a measure of personal protection, which was also expanded to include barding mounts. The limitations of armor have always been weight and bulk, and its subsequent effect on mobility as well as the endurance of humans and animals. By the 18th and 19th centuries, personal armor was largely abandoned until helmets were introduced during World War I in response to the firepower of artillery. Armored fighting vehicles gained popularity during World War II, and after that war body armor made a comeback for infantry, especially in Western armies. Fortifications, which have been used since ancient times, provide collective defense, and modern examples include trenches, road barriers, barbed wire and minefields. Like obstacles, fortifications are often created by military engineers. [3]

Shock effect[edit]

Shock is as much a psychological function of tactics as a physical one, and can be greatly enhanced by surprise. This was provided by attacking infantry, as well as chariots, war elephants, cavalry and armor, which provided impetus to the attack. It was also used defensively, such as when raining down flights of arrows by English archers at the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, causing the horses of French knights to panic. At the beginning of modern warfare, the use of tactical formations of columns and lines had greater effect than the firepower of individual formations. In the early stages of World War II, the combined effects of the firepower of German machine guns and tanks, augmented by accurate indirect fire and air attack, often overwhelmed Allied units before their attack began, or forced them to falter due to losses among key leaders. squads. In both early modern and World War II examples, the cumulative psychological shock effect on the enemy often exceeded the actual losses suffered. [4]

Universal Self-Defense System “BATMAN”

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Let's look at ourselves (even if it's not nice)

How did you feel after yet another defeat in a street conflict? Especially if there wasn’t even a fight, but you’ve already lost. Do you remember these feelings?

Today is the best time and opportunity to correct the situation. Because the knowledge that only a few previously knew about is now available to you.

What is the right result for a street fighter?

  • Success in business, personal affairs and in any activity that you do
  • A happy personal life filled with a sense of confidence in the future
  • Correct, decent and reliable environment of real trusted people
  • Always in excellent physical condition, excellent health at any age
  • Peaceful sleep for your family and friends, reliable support in any life situation

Having trained thousands of people, we have seen the main 5 reasons for your failures in street conflicts

  1. You rely on striking technique

Most people who have set themselves the task of mastering the skills of street fighting are mainly engaged in developing striking techniques, completely forgetting about the psychological component of the fight

You are confusing the theatrical with the practical

Many guys, having watched enough films with Van Damme and other “flyers”, decided that this is how street fights happen. And thus they formed an incorrect understanding of street fighting

You go to training in different types of martial arts

Almost everyone who has ever encountered problems on the street and wanted to correct this situation enrolls in different martial arts sections and learns their rules of combat, forgetting that there are no rules on the street.

You learn street fighting from athletes

In 95% of cases, trainers of different martial arts sections are athletes who teach a specific area of ​​combat sports in order to win competitions, but for the street you need to learn from a “street fighter”

Are you afraid to admit that you are afraid...

Fear is one of the most important reasons for defeat in a street conflict, but many do not recognize that fear exists and rely on physical strength and striking technique. In reality, it all starts with getting rid of fear

Development over time[edit]

The development of tactics since ancient times has involved a shifting balance between the four tactical functions, and changes in firepower and mobility have been fundamental to these changes.
Various models have been proposed to explain the interaction between tactical functions and the dominance of individual combat arms in different periods. J. F. Fuller proposed three "tactical cycles" in each of the classical and Christian eras. For the last era, he proposed the "shock" cycle between 650 and 1450, the "shock and projectile" cycle 1450–1850. And the “projectile” cycle of 1850 as applied to the war in Western and North America. [5] During World War II, Tom Wintringham proposed six chronological periods that alternate the dominance of unarmored and armored forces and highlight tactical trends in each period. [1] Development of tactics [6]

PeriodDominant fighting handTactical Trends
First unarmored period
(before the Battle of Plataea (479 BC))
- both infantry and cavalry have relatively low kinetic power, chariots provide a certain shock load.
The Egyptian, Persian and Greek armies become better organized and equipped.
First armored period
(before the Battle of Adrianople (378)
- phalanx and Roman legion, experiments with elephants for shock action have limited success.
A significant increase in armies and losses, the introduction of siege and field artillery by the Romans.
Second unarmored period
(until Charlemagne's victory at Pavia (774))
Light Cavalry
- Horse Archers and Shock Actions defeat Infantry
Mobility dominates until stopped by armored cavalry.
Second armored period
(before the Battles of Morgarten (1315), Crecy (1346) and the Battle of Ravenna (1512)
Heavy cavalry
- made easier by stirrups and armor.
Costs limit the number of armored cavalry, Swiss infantry armed with halberds, and English archers balancing the scales.
Third unarmored period
(before the Battle of Cambrai (1917))
- with ever-increasing firepower
Combined arms with predominance of artillery firepower
Third armored period
(to date)
Armored troops
are restoring mobility
Combined arms armored vehicles are opposed by military aviation and infantry anti-tank weapons

Massive volley fire from archers highlighted infantry firepower in Japanese warfare in the second half of the 13th century, even before the advent of English skirmishers. [7] The mobility and shock performance of the Oirat Mongol army at the Battle of Tumu in 1449 demonstrated that cavalry could still defeat large infantry forces. [8] In both European and Eastern traditions of warfare, the advent of gunpowder in the late Middle Ages and early modern period created a merciless shift in infantry firepower becoming a "decisive, if not dominant" hand on the battlefield, [9] exemplified by the significant impact of massed arquebusiers at the Battle of Nagashino in 1575. [10]

Basic melee technique

In boxing, close combat techniques are aimed at achieving the main goal - seizing the initiative. The main points for hitting the enemy are his body and head. Here the technical basics are:

  1. The attack is carried out instantly. Targeted strikes follow when approaching the opponent.
  2. Hands are brought into the opponent's position. His arms are moved to the sides, followed by lower and side assaults on the main targets. If your opponent wants to hit your head with a side kick, you can stop his attack at the very beginning - with your hand on his attacking hand. You can make a stand with your forearm - this will protect your head.
  3. Change your distance suddenly by taking a step back, to the left or to the right. Immediately hit your opponent with a sharp straight, lower or side boarding.
  4. With the help of feints you distract the enemy. He weakens his defenses. You quickly prepare an initial attack position on an open target. Here it is better to use a shock series.
  5. Change the direction of your gaze. Simulate an attack while doing this.
  6. Change the pace of your actions sharply. The goal is to weaken enemy defenses and hit important points.
  7. It is necessary to expose the opponent's dense defense. In this case, be based on certain of his actions. Proceed with extreme caution so as not to get an answer in your head. You can press down on his glove with your left hand. He will raise his arms, and you will crush him in the body. And in the continuation - left side to the head.
  8. If grabbed by your opponent, move either hand into the starting position between his hands. Move your shoulder sharply to the side (right or left - depending on the situation) and hit his chin with a low blow from the right. Next, quickly carry out the combination.
  9. When the enemy is in a serious clinch, keep your elbows narrow and hit his body from below until he completes the hold.
  10. If the situation becomes more complicated, escalate your tactics. Organize your position. Protect your chin. Storm the enemy with powerful combinations. This method makes sense when you have superior physique and stamina.

Combined tactics[edit]

The synchronization of different combat arms to accomplish a tactical mission is known as combined arms.tactics. One method of measuring tactical effectiveness is the degree of integration of weapons, including military aircraft, on the battlefield. A key principle of effective combined arms tactics is that to achieve maximum potential, all elements of combined arms teams must have the same level of mobility, sufficient firepower and protection. The history of the development of combined arms abundance tactics has been one of costly and painful lessons. For example, while German commanders during World War II clearly understood from the outset the key principle of combined arms tactics outlined above, British commanders were late in realizing this. Successful combined arms tactics require combatant forces to train alongside each other and be familiar with each other's capabilities. [eleven]

Counterattack and defensive techniques for close combat

In such a fight, always objectively compare your capabilities with those of your opponent. Save your energy and try to wear him down.

An important means here is a counterattack. You can get ahead of the enemy's advance by hitting his body or head. The initiative will pass to you. You secure it with an effective combination.

When approaching closely, attention is paid to the oncoming pressure. Take a step back and hit targets with lightning speed with your right low blow.

When your opponent presses and uses thrusts, step back sharply so that he falls forward. This moment is optimal for implementing your attack.

Watch your opponent's feet. From them you can understand what he is preparing. If he transfers the weight to his right leg, he launches an assault with his right hand. You can arrange a counteraction - a right boarding attack on the head.

If the opponent's right leg is set back and his weight is on it, he launches an assault with his right.

If the mass is distributed on both bent legs, a low kick is planned.

Use feints. They will provoke the opponent into a specific attacking action, against which you already have defenses and counteractions.

It is useful to use the following defensive techniques for close combat:

  1. To stop lower and side attacks, use sideways movements, use your elbows and shoulders, and squat.
  2. With the help of sudden lower slopes you will create convenient conditions for a counter-assault.
  3. Silent, reliable defense will allow you to wear down the enemy. But it only works when the opponent has a low level of work at close range. This technique should be used rarely. This is a passive technique that allows you to watch your opponent and rest a little.
  4. Half-clinch. It is especially suitable for tall boxers. The goal is the same - to wear down your opponent. Hands are placed on his arms to restrict his movements. Approach him closely to stop the development of his side attacks. Place your forearms on his elbows.
  5. Running in. The goal is to disorganize the opponent. He unexpectedly turns around and falls under a short direct attack to the head and a lower attack to the body. The first target is hit with the right hand, the second - with the left.

Impact of aviation[edit]

Beginning in the latter stages of World War I, air power brought significant changes to military tactics. World War II saw the development of close air support, which greatly increased the influence of ground forces through the use of aerial firepower, and improved tactical reconnaissance and interdiction of enemy aircraft. It also made it possible to supply ground forces by air, something achieved by the British during the Burma Campaign but unsuccessfully for the Germans in the Battle of Stalingrad. After World War II, rotary-wing aircraft made a significant impact on firepower and mobility, forming an independent combat unit in many armies. Aircraft, especially those operating at low or medium altitudes, remain vulnerable to ground-based air defense systems as well as other aircraft. [eleven]

Parachute and glider operations and rotorcraft provided significant mobility to ground forces, but the limited mobility, protection, and firepower of airlifted troops after landing limited the tactical value of such vertical envelopment or airborne operations. This was demonstrated during Operation Market Garden in September 1944 and during the Vietnam War, in the latter case despite the additional firepower provided by helicopter gunships and the ability to quickly dispose of casualties through aeromedical evacuation. [12]

But what's even worse...

We Still Don't Know a Person or a Project That Can Step by Step in the Most Clear and Effective Form Help You Get Rid of Fear and Master Really Working Street Fighting Skills

This reason became the beginning of the formation of the first USS BATMAN street fighting training program in the CIS.

Having done an analysis of the CIS market, we saw that the strategies, approaches and knowledge that we provide are no longer taught by anyone. More and more often we began to receive questions like: how do we do this and requests to train

We have decided to correct this situation

Thus began the formation of the best program in the CIS for the study of psychology, tactics and techniques of street combat. The BATMAN Universal Self-Defense System

The BATMAN system includes simple and easy-to-follow techniques. The main psychological approach of USS BATMAN is liberation from fear by acquiring knowledge that allows you to get rid of it, as well as training in the formation of individual self-defense programs.

We decided to give you the opportunity to look at life differently - more realistically and optimistically, to see the state of a person’s soul - his goals and intentions, to determine his essence from one glance at a person.

This is How We Will Rid You of Fear and Teach You the Tactics and Techniques of Street Combat Without Extra Movements...

Because you and I don’t have a lot of time and energy for mistakes, you won’t do many unnecessary actions. We have built the program in such a way that every minute of what is learned in the program is several days of real practical application to consolidate the acquired knowledge.

  • Step 1 Working with your psychological state, getting rid of feelings of fear
  • Step 2 Developing composure and aggression, learning to direct your emotions
  • Step 3 We learn strikes that do not require physical abilities, but have great power Step 4 We learn to defend ourselves in a street fight - a universal self-defense system
  • Step 5 Gain skills in punching, kicking and dealing with multiple opponents on the street


A German observation post from the First World War, disguised as a tree.

Military tactics answers questions about how best to deploy and employ forces on a small scale. [13] Some methods have not changed since the beginning of the war: assault, ambushes, skirmishes, flanking, reconnaissance, creating and using obstacles and defenses, etc. Using the ground to maximum advantage has also not changed much. Heights, rivers, swamps, passes, narrow passages and natural cover can be used in different ways. Before the nineteenth century, many military tactics were limited to the battlefield. Problems: How to maneuver units during combat in open terrain. There are now specific tactics for many situations, such as securing a room in a building.

Technological changes can make existing tactics obsolete, and sociological changes can change the goals and methods of warfare, requiring new tactics. Tactics determine how soldiers are armed and trained. Thus, technology and society influence the formation of types of soldiers or warriors throughout history: the Greek hoplite, the Roman legionnaire, the medieval knight, the Turco-Mongol horse archer, the Chinese crossbowman, or the air cavalry soldier. Each - limited by their weapons, logistics and social conditions - would use the battlefield differently, but would usually achieve the same results from their tactics. World War I brought about great changes in tactics as advances in technology rendered previous tactics useless. [14]

Gray zone tactics are also increasingly being used. These include "everything from strong-arm diplomacy and economic coercion, to media manipulation and cyber-attacks, to the use of paramilitaries and proxy forces." The name "gray zone" comes from the ambiguity between defense and offense, as well as the ambiguity between peacekeeping and war effort. [15]

Modern methods of warfare

Modern wars do not involve a clash between two warring parties (equal in military power) in the hot phase of the conflict due to the development of high-precision and highly effective long-range weapons and deterrence systems. I don’t even consider nuclear weapons and other forms of weapons of mass destruction. Nuclear weapons themselves were invented not for use, but to deter aggression. At the same time, the participation of a nuclear power in a war (with significant losses) does not imply the automatic use of nuclear weapons, as is the example of the war between the USA (Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, not counting smaller clashes) and the USSR (Afghanistan).

The development of military technologies has created conditions when a clash between two developed (militarily) countries does not imply effective advancement with minimal costs for one of the parties to the conflict, because aviation and missile attacks will be suppressed by air defense and missile defense systems, and the advance of heavy equipment will be neutralized by effective long-range artillery. Wall to wall and large-scale tank duels are history.

Global wars have given way to regional conflicts, hybrid and positional wars. At the same time, the US military doctrine assumes direct participation in wars with guarantees of the absence of a “retaliation strike.”

Roughly speaking, those conflicts where the US mainland is guaranteed to remain safe. For this reason, American military aggression always goes against countries that can never, under any circumstances, respond to the United States and cause direct or indirect damage to them. This can be called the “beating up the babies” tactic, as the most textbook example is Libya.

In this aspect, the military threat from NATO against Russia is close to zero.

The methods and standards of war have changed. The emphasis in the global confrontation is shifting towards non-lethal suppression.

Such as:

information wars (among the media);

cyber, hacker attacks (undermining IT security and disrupting the functioning of computer systems, data theft, hidden surveillance, searching for compromising evidence);

economic wars (creation of artificial trade barriers and restrictions, imposition of a moratorium on investment activity);

financial wars (closing of capital markets with the impossibility of borrowing, financial services, intermediation and settlements);

political wars (creating conditions for political isolation with all the ensuing consequences).

In addition, wars by past standards with the seizure of territory are also becoming a thing of the past. The US does not seize territory in the classical sense. So, when captured, costs are required for the maintenance and protection of these territories. This is a waste of time and resources. The United States is fighting for control over political systems, commodity and financial flows and, no less important, brains.

Regarding control over the migration of human capital. By wreaking havoc throughout the planet and creating favorable conditions for the development of human potential at home, the United States is attracting the best specialists in the world.

Gone are the days when they fought for slaves. Low-skilled work is mostly done by machines. The development of technology has led to an increase in the degree of automation of production, thereby minimizing manual labor. The United States does not need slaves, but those who design, create and maintain machines, i.e. creative class of the population. Low-skilled workers can create and maintain low-value-added industries, and the US economy is a diversified, high-value-added economy that requires the best brains in the world.

Control over financial flows is necessary to expand the dollar zone and maintain the reserve status of the dollar with all the ensuing positive aspects. In addition to commission income from ensuring settlements and receiving interest on issued debts (obligations issued to the outside world), the United States increases financial autonomy when, at the right time, it can draw on the necessary cash flow. They create a source of instability in the world and attract capital to the dollar zone to finance the budget deficit. US state budget expenditures go, in particular, to financing military bases around the world and CIA headquarters, which in turn ensures control over political systems in countries around the world.

Control over commodity flows ensures the distribution of excess profits to the US lair (for example, from excess petrodollars) + energy security + the ability to artificially simulate crises and imbalances around the world. The United States, directly or indirectly, currently controls 90%(!) of all oil production by OPEC countries, which allows them to do whatever they want with the oil.

In other words, the United States does not need territories and slaves, it needs brains and control over financial and commodity flows, and all this is impossible without subordinating the political system of sovereign countries.

Returning to Russia and the USA.

At the moment, the United States is hitting Russia with all guns at maximum intensity. All types and methods of counteraction are used in modern wars - information propaganda on a global scale, economic (including through an artificial collapse of oil), financial and political pressure.

Initially, the United States wanted to raise the top, create an oligarchic rebellion, when Putin’s inner circle would begin to put pressure on the party’s policy with calls to surrender national interests in order to ease the sanctions. It did not pass.

Now they want to raise the ranks. Create unbearable economic and social conditions (rising prices, depreciation of savings, mass layoffs, budget sequestration and other attributes of a crisis) in order to raise the people for a coup.

The United States would have applied Iranian-style sanctions against Russia long ago. Embargo on energy supplies, seizure of financial assets, ban on financial services and intermediation (Iranian banks have great difficulties in settlement and cash transactions in the dollar and euro zones).

However, the degree of integration of Russia into the EU economy and financial system is so high that the application of sanctions of this kind will create a kind of second Lehman Brothers. Shock, panic and economic collapse of European countries, which will seriously undermine the United States itself and its influence in that region.

These are the numbers. Exports from European countries to Russia amount to $150 billion (in 2014 it will drop to 125 billion), and in better times exports to Iran were only 15 billion (now just over 7 billion). Break up to 10-15 times. The direct financial participation of EU countries in the Russian economy (through INVESTMENTS of all types and types + loans) exceeds $260 billion, and in Iran it is less than 15 billion. The gap is up to 20 times.

Dependence on energy resources. In 2011 (before sanctions), Iran exported 2.4 million barrels, of which 18% or 450 million barrels went to Europe. During the embargo, the strongest blow was to Italy, Spain and Greece, because the share of Iranian oil in their imports is 13-15%, which is quite significant. In Germany and England, the share of Iranian oil in imports is only 1%, so all this was invisible to Europe. For oil it is not critical and was easily replaced by African countries, but for gas the dependence is generally zero. In Russia, on the contrary, there is over 35% dependence on gas (some countries in Eastern Europe are under 100%), and on oil it is about 25%. Iran is easily replaceable and not critical, but Russia is irreplaceable for Europe for a number of reasons. Hence there are no Iranian-style sanctions.

But what if economic and political pressure does not help, the people do not rise up for a coup? This does not mean that the US will stop pressing.

There is a lot of direct and indirect evidence that the United States is preparing Ukraine for war with Russia. The United States and NATO countries themselves will not fight with Russia, but they can set Ukraine against each other.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the overly aggressive anti-Russian propaganda and the extremely rapid growth of Russophobic sentiments. Analyzing the Ukrainian media, the propaganda machine not only demonizes the Russian government, but does much more - creates the image of an enemy from Russia, driving a reinforced concrete wedge into centuries-old friendly relations between peoples. Neurolinguistic programming creates aggressive zombies from the population of Ukraine, who fiercely hate everything connected with Russia and Russians.

This creates the ground for nationalist sentiments. In Ukraine over the past six months, many movements have been made towards infringing on the rights of Russian speakers who are close to Russian culture, traditions, and mentality. The school curriculum is changing, the interpretation of history is changing, the media format and general coverage are changing. Everyone who is loyal to Russia is an enemy of Ukraine. Everything Russian is alien and enemy.

The second thing you should pay attention to.

Refusal of the special status of Novorossiya (revocation of the law), which seems to hint that the junta does not keep promises and is not going to fulfill agreements, and all future agreements are empty and meaningless.

Rejection of the idea of ​​federalization. Which further provokes the population, especially against the backdrop of the events that have happened and are happening. The junta is demonstrating that, in principle, it is not going to reach an agreement.

Economic blockade of Donbass. I described the consequences and logic earlier.

Cynical rejection of the Russian resolution at the UN on combating neo-Nazism. The USA, Canada and Ukraine refused to accept, with a formal refusal from the EU countries, which is symbolic. Those. this refusal seems to outline a further trend in the development of events in Ukraine.

The official transfer of the country to external control. A new initiative of the fascist junta for access to the Rada of foreign representatives. Ukraine has been under external control since March, and now this will be given a “legal” form.

So, further course of events.

1. Ukraine, apparently, will not be included in NATO (with the goal that NATO countries and the United States do not interfere in an open armed conflict with Russia). However, the lack of NATO membership does not prevent the country from arming itself and building military bases, as evidenced by the example of the Middle East, when the United States has military bases there and finances, trains and controls radical Islamists.

2. The US has an incredible arsenal of weapons and equipment from Iraq and Afghanistan after a 10 year military campaign. The arsenal is so huge that there is nowhere to put it. Arms supplies will predominantly (80-90%) come from weapons (used) that participated in Iraq and Afghanistan.

3. Weapons supplies (+ further use) will begin (presumably) in April 2015 after the integration of the CIA headquarters in Ukraine and the subordination of all security forces of Ukraine under the military command. Until now, there have been no deliveries of weapons due to the fear of the Pentagon, the CIA and the administration in Washington that the weapons will go to the army of Novorossiya due to the incompetent management of the Ukrainian commanders. The initial integration of CIA headquarters usually takes place within a year (give or take a few months). The starting point is February 2014, so by March 2015 they can manage.

4. By the end of 2015, the US military-strategic complex may be deployed in Ukraine. Not a full-fledged military base, but a fortified structure where Ukrainian nationalists will be trained for the war with Russia.

5. Brainwashing through the media will only intensify. It is beneficial for the United States and Ukraine that the military conflict in Donbass continues. For the junta, this is necessary in order to attribute the economic collapse to the difficult conditions of the war and Russia (to deflect the blow), and for the United States, the war is needed to provoke and catalyze the growth of radical nationalism in Ukraine. The war will fuel aggression and irritation in society. In this regard, the cynical destruction of schools, hospitals and kindergartens will continue. The worse the picture, the better for the junta and the United States.

6. It is fundamentally important for the United States to support Ukraine in a state of economic collapse and social catastrophe. You won’t go to war well-fed and happy. War requires hungry, angry, aggressive and brainwashed offended people. So Ukraine is being made into a kind of Somalia in economic terms and Afghanistan as a hotbed of tension and terror.

7. Presumably, by the beginning of 2016 there will be about 500-600 thousand radical Ukrainians under arms, ready to kill Russians. Radicals brainwashed and pumped with drugs (which suppress the will, the instinct of self-preservation and increase aggression).

8. By May 2016, there may be an attack on Crimea and a large-scale war between Russia and Ukraine. Compared to 2014. Now Ukraine has only 50 thousand untrained semi-fighters with outdated weapons without a clear command against supposedly about 500 thousand well-trained radical terrorists at a US military base with modern weapons and command from the Pentagon.

Should not be underestimated. Let me remind you Afghan. Despite the superiority of the USSR army over the enemy in all respects many times over, we were stuck there for a long time, given the continuous industrial supply of new terrorists from the United States (with help from the Saudis), CIA intelligence and supply of the Mujahideen from the Pentagon.

9. Potential economic depression in Russia (provided that it is not possible to mobilize resources to repel the attack) against the backdrop of a bloody war with Ukraine will most likely create the ground for the collapse of the country. I repeat, it is the collapse of the country, and not just a coup. Those. According to the US plans (judging by the trends and pace), by 2018 to completely dismantle Russia, tear it apart, destroy the people and take it under external control.

Ukrainians, don't be naive fools. None of you are going to do eastern Switzerland. The United States considers the Slavs, Russians, and Ukrainians to be second-class citizens who must be destroyed. The United States needs you (Ukrainians) for only one purpose - to maintain a hotbed of tension in the region and fight with Russia. If many of you are furiously masturbating to the CIA emblem, believing that you are under US tutelage, then you are mistaken.

They are trying to pit two peoples against each other so that we can kill each other, destroying the two countries and our common civilization and culture. They (the USA) want war and are doing everything possible for this. We must not succumb to provocations and not do stupid things. For the United States, the war between Ukraine and Russia is needed primarily not in military terms, but in order to drown the people in blood, create a quarrel for many generations and finally destroy Russia.

Russia's response to such a scenario is a separate topic for discussion. However, given that there is no political solution to the conflict and cannot be (due to US intentions), the hierarchy of priorities is as follows:

1. Prevention of war between two fraternal peoples at any cost. Under no circumstances should we fulfill other people’s geopolitical ambitions by destroying each other. 2. Preventing the dismantling and collapse of Novorossiya, as the backbone of the Russian world against the background of the expansion of fascism and Russophobia in Ukraine. 3. Jewelry neutralization of the junta without dragging the people into war. This will not solve the problem between Russia and the United States, but it will roll back the integration of the CIA and Pentagon base in Ukraine, thereby blocking the supply of weapons and training of terrorists for the war against Russia.

Long-term goals: 1. Development of the country's internal potential in emergency mode. Transition to mobilization mode in all respects. 2. Expanding your own allies. 3. Dissociation of current US allies. Financing of opposition regimes in Europe. GAME on the dissatisfaction of the population and business with American oppression.

As for what is meant by jewelry work, I would not continue here)) But repelling the US attack must begin with neutralizing the junta. This is the first condition.

But what is important to note. There will be a retaliatory strike against the United States sooner or later, as an inevitable assumption of responsibility for the expansion of fascism and the outbreak of war (just as in 1945 a retaliatory strike was struck against Hitler). The retaliation strike must be inevitable, comprehensive and extremely cruel. However, of course, a non-military plan (although a nuclear strike cannot be ruled out due to US aggression). Otherwise, the American threat will drag the whole world with it into the abyss. American fascism and imperialism must be stopped at all costs.

We are not ready for this now, because... It is necessary to restore order in your own country first. But the US must respond. Victory will be ours!



  1. ^ a b Holmes et al. 2001, p. 893–894.
  2. Holmes et al. 2001, p. 894–895.
  3. ^ a b Holmes et al. 2001, p. 895.
  4. Holmes et al 2001, pp. 895–896.
  5. Jump up
    ↑ Holmes 2001, p. "Intro". sfn error: no target: CITEREFHolmes2001 (help)
  6. Holmes et al. 2001, p. 894.
  7. Haskew et al. 2008, p. 17.
  8. Haskew et al. 2008, p. 12–17.
  9. Haskew et al. 2008, pp. 7–8.
  10. Haskew et al. 2008, p. 54–62.
  11. ^ a b Holmes et al. 2001, p. 896.
  12. Holmes et al 2001, pp. 896–897.
  13. Rogers, Clifford J. (2006). "Strategy, operational design and tactics". In Bradford, James S. (ed.). International Encyclopedia of Military History
    . New York: Routledge.
  14. Paddy Griffith (1994). Battle Tactics of the Western Front: The British Army's Art of Attack, 1916–18
    . Yale University Press. paragraph 20.
  15. Bowman, Bradley; Gabel, Andrey (November 7, 2022). "Deeper partnership with Israel could help US resolve defense dilemma".
    . Foundation for Defense of Democracies.


  • Haskew, Michael; Jorgensen, Christer; McNab, Chris; Niederost, Eric; Rice, Rob S. (2008). Fighting Techniques of the Eastern World 1200-1860: Equipment, Fighting Skills and Tactics. London, UK: Amber Books. ISBN 978-1-905704-96-5.
  • Holmes, Richard; Strachan, Hugh; Bellamy, Chris; Bicheno, Hugh (2001). The Oxford Companion to Military History. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-866209-9.
  • Johnson, Rob, Michael Whitby, John France (2010). How to Win on the Battlefield: 25 Key Tactics to Outsmart, Outmaneuver, and Defeat Your Enemy
    . Thames and Hudson. ISBN 978-0-500-25161-4.CS1 maint: multiple names: list of authors (link)
  • Muhm, Gerhard. "German tactics in the Italian campaign". Archived from the original on September 27, 2007. Retrieved September 27, 2007.
  • Gerhard Muhm: La Tattica nella campagna ass d'Italia, in LINEA GOTICA AVAMPOSTO DEI BALCANI, (Hrsg.) Amedeo Montemaggi - Edizioni Civitas, Roma 1993.

Position in other hand-to-hand disciplines

Melee hand-to-hand combat techniques have some analogies with boxing methods. The tasks here are the same. Avoid the offensive, disorient the enemy, hit him. Certain actions are applied in accordance with the rules. Sometimes they don’t exist, for example, in a street fight.

In martial arts where kicking is allowed, the following principles work under close combat conditions:

  1. When approaching, a combination is immediately used: sliding front leg + sharp punches.
  2. Short steps for deceptive maneuvers are allowed.
  3. Cutting is performed. The opponent's front or supporting leg is cut off.

In such tight conditions, every fighter wants to gain the initiative, physical and moral superiority.

When approaching an opponent, you need to actively work alternately with both arms and legs, attack the head, body (these are targets for the arms), hips (targets for the legs), and make sweeps. In such limited conditions, it is necessary to organize forceful actions even more actively. Delays and overlays are used to pin down an opponent. He opens up. At this moment you can hit the hips. And then consolidate the result with punches.

Special forces sphere

Special forces and similar structures use a variety of combat techniques. Often fighters work at close range. And there are no rules here. The main task is to capture or eliminate the opponent. And he can resist in different ways, use a knife.

The close combat technique of the GRU special forces combines techniques from boxing, kickboxing, and street fighting. Fighters use them in synthesis or separately, depending on the situation.

And the matter here is complicated by the fact that he often comes to confront an armed opponent. Close combat tactics with a knife are used. In such harsh conditions, the close combat technique from Taras A.E. helps. Its basics are:

  1. Blocking and repelling the enemy's blade with your blade are excluded.
  2. A short blade is not the best defense against attack. It is better to avoid a knife attack by dodging, rapid steps or jumping.
  3. It is required to weaken the attention of the attacker: kick, wave your hand, shout loudly and move quickly.
  4. Option point 3 - sharply kick the wrist of the armed hand. Then hit the enemy’s legs, body and head.
  5. He quickly grabs the wrist, moves this hand to the side, hits it with his knee, and the opponent gets hit in the jaw, for example, with a hook.

The key principles here are: dynamics, high attack accuracy and simplicity of action.

Close combat tactics in very confined spaces come down to the same principles. You can use techniques from any discipline or a combination of techniques.

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