Tactics for Konstrukta T-34/100 WoT from the portal aces.gg

Konstrukta T-34/100 is a Tier 7 Czechoslovakian medium tank in World of Tanks. The tank appeared in update 9.13 along with a branch of Czechoslovak medium tanks.

General performance characteristics



Walkie Talkie



A copy of the Soviet "thirty-four" adapted to Czechoslovak requirements.

However, the Czechoslovakian analogue is at level VII and has significantly more powerful weapons - a 100 mm gun with 175 mm armor penetration and one-time damage of 250 units - this determines the main competitive advantage of this vehicle, because the exchange of “shot for shot” with same-tier medium tanks will be almost always in favor of the T-34/100.


  • Weapon. The main distinguishing feature of this tank. The top weapon combines high one-time damage with a decent rate of fire. The armor penetration value of 175 millimeters makes it possible to confidently hit enemy equipment up to level VIII. In high-level battles, you will have to fire at vulnerable spots or take positions that provide an opportunity to hit your opponents in the sides or stern.
  • High one-time damage. Thanks to the high one-time damage for a Tier VII medium tank, the Konštrukta T-34/100 has an extremely high chance of winning a one-on-one duel with any same-tier medium tank, because the exchange of damage when fired will in most cases be in favor of the Czechoslovakian.
  • Damage per minute. Konštrukta T-34/100 deals approximately 1765 damage per minute. This is quite enough to deal with any opponent of equal level. And under favorable conditions, the firepower of the Konštrukta T-34/100 will bring an unpleasant surprise to high-level vehicles.
  • Review. Konštrukta T-34/100 is not only a well-armed tank, but also quite “sighted”. The viewing range is 370 meters. This is one of the highest indicators for a Tier VII medium tank. Installing the additional module “Coated Optics” is highly recommended for this vehicle, because the optics will add 10% to the amount of visibility and will bring the tank to the “ten” level in terms of visibility.

TTX T-34/100

The first thing I want to say when looking at the T-34/100 characteristics is its maximum speed. The fact is that the tank moves really well. Yes, there are faster cars, even among 7th level STs, however, we reach our maximum speed quite quickly and that’s nice.

Of course, given our weight and engine power, the specific engine power is unenviable, a little more than 15 horsepower per ton of weight, this is not very good. However, this indicator is also not the worst; the dynamics are even enough to quickly roll out, take a shot and roll away. With the armor of the T-34/100 WoT, not everything is simple either, many call the tank cardboard and they are partly right, the hull is indeed very loose, although rational bevels sometimes save the day. But we have a good turret with a large gun mantlet, and shells often ricochet from its frontal projection.

Perhaps the lowest of all our indicators is visibility; 370 meters is really not the ultimate dream, so you will have to work with this parameter.


Forehead armoring

Aircraft reservation

Stern reservation


The role of this tank in battle does not involve any complex actions. This is a simple fighting machine aimed at causing damage.

Occupying key points or breaking through to the flank at the beginning of the battle is not the main task for the Konštrukta T-34/100. The new “Czechoslovak” is a machine that prefers collective action. Especially at the first stage of the battle.

The most effective method of use would be to operate as part of groups of medium or even heavy tanks.

Excellent prospects open up for realizing your best qualities: while enemies are distracted by allied vehicles, Konštrukta does its job - inflicts damage.

The excellent balance between alpha damage and rate of fire opens up great possibilities for this.

In battles with high-level equipment, the effectiveness of actions as part of mobile groups becomes less obvious. Such use of the Czechoslovak will largely depend on luck.

In addition, with this style of combat, the consumption of premium ammunition will significantly increase. Therefore, in such battles, the best choice would be to act from the second line - occupying advantageous positions that will allow you to hit opponents in vulnerable projections: the armor penetration value of 175 millimeters makes this possible.

To summarize, we can say that the game will feature an excellent Tier VII medium tank: simple, but well armed. Good luck in your battles!

Konstrukta T-34/100. Modules Part 9


In this part, we will talk about a number of modules for the Konstrukta T-34/100 and in the future we will analyze the issues of the combined use of various modules and perks.


The first in the list of modules that we have not previously considered are radio stations - these modules usually do not cause much interest to everyone except light tanks, which need this parameter to transmit the coordinates of allied artillery. However, with a good radio station, you can completely monitor the situation on the battlefield and see what is happening even in the corners of the map. This ability, coupled with the tank’s fairly good maneuverability, will allow you to quickly move to threatening areas or, conversely, to escape from concentrations of enemy forces.

Figure 1. Radio stations for Konstrukta T-34/100

Judging by the above data, a PC type 9RM is quite enough for us, since it has a communication range of 525 meters - this is the necessary level for most cards, since we will see more than half of the map and more than the maximum viewing radius, which is enough for effective gaming. In principle, you can opt for this tank, but the next vehicles will be closer to light tanks in terms of speed characteristics, and a powerful radio station is very, very necessary there. So you should still at least research it so that on subsequent vehicles you can immediately install it on the tank.

Figure 2. Top radio RM-31T

If you are a perfectionist and want to be able to transmit data from one end of the map of the huge Westfield to the other end - where your artillery is located, then you should learn the "Inventor" skill, which will increase the radio range by another 25%, that is, your the radius limit will be greater than the length of even the largest cards in the game.

Combination of additional modules

Most often in the game, the success of your roller depends on how early you detect the enemy (the chance of the first shot and the opportunity to deal damage with a reserve) and how quickly and accurately you can send shell after shell at the enemy.

Figure 3. Recommended selection of modules for maximum damage

Rammer - this module is capable of increasing the rate of fire by 10%, which is good enough for increasing DPM. Although, in fact, the rammer doubled the rate of fire of the gun (in some models of tanks), but in our game, for the purpose of balance, this figure is underestimated, nevertheless, you can fire 1-2 extra shots per minute, which is extremely important in the case of passive light from allies and even more important in situations of direct confrontation with the enemy, when your life depends on how quickly you reduce the enemy tank's health bar to a minimum.

Reinforced aiming drives - those who have been in the game for a long time remember very well what the T-34-85 was like when we installed a 100 mm gun on it. In the case of playing defensively, it was much easier for us - there was time to target the enemy, but as soon as we set off, the circle of scatter spread across the monitor screen, like circles in the water of a quiet forest pond. In general, the main problem of the gun back then was the terribly long alignment, which was amplified by the low overall accuracy, because in those days no one had even heard of rebalancing the accuracy of fire, so it was much more difficult to hit than now (even perks that increase the stabilization of the gun in there wasn't that time). In general, it was necessary to either hit from stops, which increased the risk of receiving buns in response, or it was necessary to install reinforced aiming drives, and ventilation also helped a little. It was with this combination that the oldfags drove the 85, although the results showed good results, because unlike the Germans, the T-34-85 could hit tanks 2 levels higher head-on, which was very important in those days when the gold there was no trace of it. At times, this module was much more important than the rammer, because what was the point of the rate of fire when 2 out of 3 shells flew past the target, or hit the wrong place where you were aiming due to the fact that you simply couldn’t bring the gun up enough.

Coated optics - the importance of good is hard to deny on open maps, which are still the majority in the game. Optics will allow you to notice an approaching enemy in a timely manner and can even eliminate situations when some enemy tank with a high stealth coefficient shoots at you with impunity. After all, with it, you will notice it after the first or second shot and will be able to respond, or your allies will work on the light. Together with upgraded camouflage, this will greatly increase the tank’s survivability on spacious maps; in addition, you will receive good bonuses for highlighting opponents, since you will have better visibility than your opponents, who have focused on other modules. That is, in addition to your own damage, you will receive a bonus for passive damage, in general - a useful module, no matter how you look at it. I would even recommend you try the option for the patient - paint the tank in a camouflage set and install a camouflage net, and then choose places on open maps where there is better visibility and dense bushes. For example, coastal thickets in the Fjords, the miracle bush of Prokhorovka and the understone nychka on the Quiet Coast - in general, there are plenty of such places, you just need to not be lazy to look for “fishing spots”. Then, for 10-20 battles, behave passively, do not shoot and only illuminate, and open fire if there is no other way out. I am convinced that you will be surprised by the results of the 10-20 fights that you conduct in such a strange manner, because with a minimum of effort you will either have similar results, or these results will be head and shoulders above the usual. For example, playing on the same Achilles with a camouflage net and a stereo tube in one battle, we managed to collect more than 4 thousand damage, which is generally an unrealistic result for this vehicle, because the alpha here barely reaches 150HP. In general, the benefits of such tactics are obvious, even on the Konstrukta T-34/100 medium tank, even if it is slightly inferior in terms of innate camouflage to some same-tier tank destroyers.


So, we have considered the issues of radio reconnaissance and discussed the main selection for maximum combat effectiveness of a tank. But this is more of an ideal option, because sometimes in battle modules come to the fore, which ensure the stability of the vehicle and extend the life of the tank in battle, which is important. This could be “Wet ammunition rack” and “Anti-fragmentation lining” and even filling CO2 tanks. True, this is a different topic - the question of choosing perks, which will be discussed in the next article.

Read also:

  • Part 1. Konstrukta T-34/100. Well forgotten.
  • Part 2. Konstrukta T-34/100. Basic performance characteristics.
  • Part 3. Konstrukta T-34/100. Frontal armor
  • Part 4. Konstrukta T-34/100. Side armor. Tower.
  • Part 5. Konstrukta T-34/100. Side armor. Frame.
  • Part 6. Konstrukta T-34/100. Stern armor.
  • Part 7. Konstrukta T-34/100. Guns.
  • Part 8. Konstrukta T-34/100. Maneuverability.
  • Part 10. Konstrukta T-34/100. Perks - neither fire nor spear.
  • Part 11. Konstrukta T-34/100. Artillery protection.

Historical reference

In the early 1950s, the license-produced T-34-85 began to become obsolete, and the Czechoslovak Army issued an order to the VTU military-technical research institute to increase the tank's combat effectiveness.

One of the proposals in this program from the Slovak company Konstrukta Trencin was to install the vz. 44S (a copy of the D-10T gun produced under license in Czechoslovakia) into the T-34-85 turret.

The project was presented to the Czechoslovak Army on April 6, 1954 and received harsh criticism. The proposed version had several major drawbacks, including limited ammunition and poor gun depression angles.

The project was officially canceled on June 30, 1954. Other proposals included automated loading for the standard 85 mm gun or for the new 100 mm gun also mounted in the turret.

The projects were soon abandoned as attempts to improve the T-34 were stopped in favor of purchasing a license for mass production of the T-54.

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