Review of Konštrukta T-34/100 - will put even Soviet STs to shame

T-34-100: Soviet premium medium tank rank 4 The Soviet medium tank T-34-100 is one of the most interesting premium tanks. On it you can not only earn a lot of research points, crew experience and silver, but also get the opportunity to play on one of the most comfortable battle ratings in War Thunder. Don't know which premium tank is better? There is an opinion that this is a T-34-100, and it is difficult to dispute it.

TTX Konštrukta T-34/100

Unlike the Soviet T-43, the Czechoslovakian tank received a 100 mm cannon at its disposal. Therefore, the firepower is significantly superior to the Soviet modernization of the T-34-85. One-time damage is at the level of the average level 8 ST, and penetration with gold cumulative is even superior to many of its classmates. The basic armor-piercing one penetrates 175 mm, which is also pretty good.

Ammunition characteristics:

But other than that, the pronounced advantages end there. Stabilization is mediocre, and vertical guidance angles are -5...+20°. The price for penetration and alpha was low damage per minute, since reloading takes a lot of time, so it’s difficult for him to shoot anyone using DPM.

In terms of armor, it is almost a complete copy of the T-34-85, but with a slightly stronger turret and a larger gun mantlet. Due to the rational angles of the armor, ricochets are sometimes possible, but in general the armor is weak and will penetrate everything at a right angle.

armor scheme Konštrukta T-34/100

Good top speed, but low power density, so acceleration isn't fast. The visibility is not bad, but due to the size of the car, the stealth coefficient is low, so it is rare that it will spot someone first.

Start of creation

The task of mounting a 100 mm caliber gun on a thirty-four turret was assigned to the design bureau workers of Plant No. 183. The work, which began in July 1944, was carried out in two departments: Nos. 92 and 520. In department No. 92, under the leadership of A. Savin, a 100-mm ZIS gun (Stalin Plant), created on the basis of a similar weapon, was installed on a medium tank 85 mm.

At the plant, simultaneously with the design work on the thirty-four, the T-44B was also being designed. A. Morozov became the head of department No. 520. They were asked to use the already designed T-44V turret to mount the gun in the T-34-100.

Selection of equipment for Konštrukta T-34/100

Installing additional modules will primarily help increase firepower, smoothing out the consequences of shortcomings:

  • gun rammer - will significantly speed up reloading and increase damage per minute;
  • reinforced aiming drives - we aim faster and, accordingly, have a higher chance of effective shooting;
  • coated optics will add 37 meters to the viewing radius.

As an alternative to slot 3, you can take improved ventilation if you have already upgraded your review perks and are willing to spend money on a consumable with +10% to the crew’s skills.


In March 1945, samples of the T-34-100 were sent to the Sverdlovsk and Gorokhovetsky training grounds. The tested vehicles demonstrated low firing accuracy. In addition, it was noted that the designers and developers were not able to completely reduce the load on the transmission. The military leadership considered these shortcomings to be insignificant and demanded that the designers improve all the weak points. However, during further modifications it was not possible to correct the low accuracy of fire and the strong recoil on the transmission. This Soviet medium tank required a completely new gun.

Crew training

The T-34/100 has five tankers, although previously there were only four. At the same time, at the ninth level there will be four of them again. For this model, a separate role of the loader is added, it is he who will remain in the composition until the end of the branch, and a little later the commander will take over the radio operator’s skills.

Taking into account this situation, we offer the following option for learning skills:

Considering that this is only level 7, you definitely won’t get beyond 2 perks without buying a tutorial, so we’ll proceed from that.

First, let's improve the stabilization of the gun, visibility and durability of the ammunition rack. Next, through a skill reset, we will give all tankers the Combat Brotherhood in order to increase all the parameters of the vehicle. Considering the poor accuracy, you will have to play actively + slightly better security than at level 6. Therefore, it makes sense to play actively, so you should take care of the Repair speed.

However, if you prefer a safer playstyle, you can take Disguise at level 3.

What difficulties did you encounter during the design?

Workers of the 92nd department noted strong recoil while operating the new gun. In order to reduce it, the designers tried to install a slotted muzzle brake in the designed tank. But this did not bring the desired result. The chassis and transmission needed replacing. But with radically altered components, the tank would be considered a completely new vehicle.

Before installing the gun on the tank's turret, engineers in the 520th department noted that the T-34's turret length was 160 cm, while that of the T-44V was 170 cm. Consequently, the Soviet T-34-100 tank must be equipped with a completely new tower structure. To achieve this, the hull of the production T-34 had to be redesigned. As a result of the changes, the frontal machine gun was removed from the tank, and the crew was reduced by one person. The designers also had to reduce the thickness of the bottom and the cover above the engine, and the fuel tanks had to be moved to the control compartment. The changes also affected the seat for the driver-mechanic: it was slightly lowered. After all the modifications, this model began to be listed as the T-34-100 tank.

Advantages and disadvantages

We see in front of us a premium tank, whose characteristics are almost completely identical to the T-44. Let's list all the strengths and weaknesses to choose effective equipment and crew skills.


  • armor, considering that this is a medium tank;
  • maximum speed, dynamics and maneuverability;
  • UVN;
  • good camouflage indicator;
  • scattering and mixing.


  • armor penetration;
  • DPM;
  • stabilization.

Use of the tank LB-1

At the end of 1944, the workers of OKB No. 92 and the Special Design Bureau developed the 100-mm LB-1 cannon. To do this, the designers placed a pipe with a diameter of 100 mm on an 85 mm tank gun. LB-1 contained a monoblock tube, a screw-on breech and a muzzle brake.

Named after Lavrentiy Beria, this weapon was intended to be used as an alternative to the T-34-100. Arming the model with this gun was supposed to give significantly reduced recoil when firing. The tank equipped with LB-1 acquired an increased length - over 9 meters. The gun was 3 meters 34 cm larger than the dimensions of the tank, which negatively affected its maneuverability.


The armor reserve here is different from the T-44. It is increased by 50 units and amounts to 1,350 units.

The most protected part is the vehicle's turret. It has the correct streamlined shape, which allows you to catch ricochets. Turret armor – 190/130/100 mm.

Hull armor – 90/75/45 mm. The VLD of this tank is not bad, again due to the correct tilt. It is better to cover the NLD and the sides, and this is obvious. The difference between this tank and the upgraded T-44 is the 6-millimeter screens along each side. This additionally protects the vehicle from cumulative projectiles; rational tilts also catch ricochets.


The role of this tank in battle does not involve any complex actions. This is a simple fighting machine aimed at causing damage.

Occupying key points or breaking through to the flank at the beginning of the battle is not the main task for the Konštrukta T-34/100. The new “Czechoslovak” is a machine that prefers collective action. Especially at the first stage of the battle.

The most effective method of use would be to operate as part of groups of medium or even heavy tanks.

Excellent prospects open up for realizing your best qualities: while enemies are distracted by allied vehicles, Konštrukta does its job - inflicts damage.

The excellent balance between alpha damage and rate of fire opens up great possibilities for this.

In battles with high-level equipment, the effectiveness of actions as part of mobile groups becomes less obvious. Such use of the Czechoslovak will largely depend on luck.

In addition, with this style of combat, the consumption of premium ammunition will significantly increase. Therefore, in such battles, the best choice would be to act from the second line - occupying advantageous positions that will allow you to hit opponents in vulnerable projections: the armor penetration value of 175 millimeters makes this possible.

To summarize, we can say that the game will feature an excellent Tier VII medium tank: simple, but well armed. Good luck in your battles!


  • Karpenko A.V.
    Medium and main tanks // Review of domestic armored vehicles (1905-1995). - St. Petersburg: Nevsky Bastion, 1996. - P. 225. - 480 p. — 10,000 copies.
  • Solyankin A.G., Pavlov M.V., Pavlov I.V., Zheltov I.T.
    1.3 Medium tanks // Domestic armored vehicles 1941-1945. Volume 2. - "Exprint", 2005. - P. 150, 151, 205. - 441 p.

Medium tanks T-34 T-34-57 A-43/T-34M

· T-34-85 · T-44 ·

Heavy tanks KV-1 · KV-2 · T-150

· KV-1s ·
· KV-85 ·
· IS-1 · IS-2 ·
Object 244
Object 245
Object 248
· IS-3 ·

Flamethrower and chemical tanks KV-6

· KV-8 · OT-34 ·

Surrogate tanks NI-1 ·
Light self-propelled guns ZIS-41

76.2 mm assault support gun
· SU-76 ·
Tank destroyer (MVTU project)

Medium self-propelled guns U-34

· SG-122 · SU-122 ·

· SU-85 ·
· SU-76i ·
· SU-100 ·
SU-101 · SU-102

Heavy self-propelled guns KV-7

· SU-152 ·
· ISU-152 · ISU-122 · ISU-122S ·

· -
ISU-152 model 1945

Surrogate self-propelled guns ZIS-30 · HTZ-16

· ZSU-37

MLRS BM-8-24 BM-13-16 BM-8–48 BM-13N BM-31-12
Armored cars LB-62

· · BA-64

Armored personnel carriers TB-42


Armored tractors Object 42


Combat snowmobiles and snowmobiles TsAGI-AHT-IV · NKL-16 · 02SS

· NKL-26 · RF-8 (GAZ-98) ·

Torpedo wedges ET-1-627

experimental samples and those that did not go into mass production were identified

TTX T-44-100 (R)

This tank is not much different from the upgraded T-44. Its viewing radius is 380 meters. Quite a good result, which can always be upgraded using modules.

The mobility of this tank, like the T-44, is a big advantage. The weight of this machine is 33.50/37 tons, and the specific engine power is 22.69 hp/t.

From here we have an excellent top speed of 52 km/h. As well as a rotation speed of 51 degrees/s, a turret rotation speed of 48 degrees/s. This tank not only has an excellent maximum speed, but also develops it quickly thanks to the good engine power of 760 horsepower.

Combat tactics on the T-44-100

This technique is a classic of medium tanks. It’s definitely not worth going into close combat, and even alone. This tank is a great ally. And you can shoot safely only when rolling out from behind cover or a powerful beam.

The T-44-100 must constantly move in battle. This is its main advantage over other tanks. He can easily move from flank to flank, go on the offensive with his allies, or return to base to shoot down a capture. Shooting from the second line will not only be useful, but also easy, given the good accuracy of the gun.

Many adhere to the tactic of looking out for lonely heavy tanks, tank destroyers and, driving into their side or stern, attacking. This is an irritating moment for the enemy, and the main thing for you is to make sure that his allies are not nearby.

Always monitor your safety margin, look for advantageous positions, occupy them before everyone else, follow the development of the battle and do not forget about the mini-map.

Chassis design

As a result of the use of a gun with increased power, the T-34-100 chassis was subject to minor changes. The suspensions for the first three road wheels were identical. Five-roller wheels were used as drive wheels. The weight of the tank increased to 33 tons. The design features of the power transmissions prevented firing from a tank gun on the move.

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