The Russian Federation is reducing the pace of equipping armored vehicles in 2022. The bet is on the modernization of Soviet tanks

"Armata" will be shot scientifically

At the IDEX-2021 exhibition, which ended on February 25, for the first time outside the borders of Russia there was a presentation of the T-14 tank, which aroused great interest. Several countries have already expressed a desire to purchase these machines.

The interest in the Russian tank is understandable. Only our designers managed to realize a third post-war generation tank in metal. Let us remember that the first post-war generation is the T-54 and its development, the second is the T-64 and again its development. And the T-14 is a full-fledged third generation tank.

The Armata has many differences from previous generations of vehicles. The main thing is that its turret is uninhabited; three crew members sit in a well-protected armored capsule. Under the turret shoulder straps are elements of the latest active protection. According to experts, it protects against damage not only by guided missiles, but also by sub-caliber projectiles.

It is worth repeating that the T-14 is the only third generation tank in the world. Our country remains the undoubted leader in global tank building.

The general director and chief designer of the Ural Design Bureau of Transport Engineering, where the Armata was created, Andrei Terlikov, who worked at IDEX-2021, said that deliveries of the first mass-produced T-14 tanks to the troops will begin in 2022. He also said that “state tests of this machine are underway, we expect them to be completed in the next year or two.” And this is perhaps the most important thing.

“Armata” took part in parades, and it was repeatedly said that it was being tested among the troops. However, until recently the car never started state tests. And without them, there could be no talk of any supplies to the troops. And so, according to Terlikov, the tests began.

They should be carried out not at factory or army training grounds, but at the 38th Research Testing Institute of the Ministry of Defense. Without the approval of this institute, which is located in Kubinka near Moscow, no armored vehicles can be supplied to the troops.

What is the 38th Research Institute of Armored Vehicles of the Moscow Region and what is the main essence of the priority testing of new armored vehicles?

The testing ground for “self-propelled combat vehicles” was created in 1931. This year will mark his 90th birthday. During this time, the test site became the largest in the world. Only the similar Aberdeen Proving Ground in the United States could compare with it, and not in everything.

Even foreign experts have always noted that the tests in Kubinka were much tougher than in the USA. Therefore, probably, Soviet armored vehicles in the second half of the twentieth century objectively were and remained the most reliable in the world.

Without exaggeration, the best specialists, both civilian and military, worked and served in the 38th Research Institute of Armored Military Equipment. Including completely unique test tank crews, about whom almost nothing is known in comparison with test pilots.

There was a period when, for completely unknown reasons, the world's leading armored vehicles testing center was almost liquidated as if it were unnecessary. Fortunately for our Armed Forces, this did not happen.

What will they check first at Armata? There are a lot of tests. These include the living conditions of the crew, the driving performance of the vehicle, the reliability of all its components and mechanisms, the characteristics of the power plant and transmission, and much more. One of the most critical stages is fire testing. The tank will be blown up by mines of various types and fired at with all types of the most modern ammunition.

During state tests, the T-14 will be blown up by mines and fired at with the most lethal shells

The chief designer of the Armata expressed confidence that the T-14 will begin to enter service with the troops next year. Actually, it’s known that you don’t have to say gop until you jump over. Nobody knows what the test results will be.

One can recall an almost anecdotal incident. There was a period when the leadership of the Ministry of Defense set a course for purchasing military equipment for the Russian army abroad. The then Chief of the General Staff Makarov took a liking to the Italian wheeled “tanks” Centaurio (“Centaur”) and Freccia (“Strela”). The decision to purchase was actually made.

However, one formality had to be completed - testing these machines at the Kubinka test site. What problems? "Centaur" and "Strela" were mass-produced and were in service with the Italian army. Alas, the miracle of Western military equipment literally fell apart during not very strict testing according to Russian military standards.

On the other hand, as previously reported, the Armata was tested for a long time and harshly at the Staratel training ground in Nizhny Tagil. Weaknesses were identified and eliminated. Therefore, it is quite possible that tests in Kubinka will become a mandatory, but purely formal act of passing a tank on its way to the troops. As they say, wait and see.

One of the standard high-power ammunition for the Armata is being developed by Rosatom specialists. He will also be tested in Kubinka.

Some experts have already stated that this is a sub-caliber projectile made of depleted uranium. And why? Just because the word “Rosatom” was heard? Armor-piercing shells based on depleted uranium have long been in the arsenal of tank ammunition. In this case, we are most likely talking about conventional high-explosive shells of very high power.

And this will become one of the most interesting know-how of the domestic defense industry.

What is a modern tank like?

The new tanks, which are currently in service with a number of countries, are the same heavy vehicles clad in armor, made according to the traditional design. The design still retains the traditional layout for this type of weapon - powerful armor, high maneuverability and overwhelming firepower. Technological limitations do not allow us to come up with something new to make an armored vehicle more effective and invincible on the battlefield. Weight restrictions do not allow increasing the thickness of the armor. Installing additional types of weapons on the tank will lead to the weighting of the entire structure.

Tank diagram

According to military officials and experts, tanks in modern combat last no more than 10-15 minutes. Investing huge amounts of money in creating a vehicle that can be lost at the beginning of a battle is neither cost-effective nor rational. Based on this, current designs are trying to improve the main components and elements of vehicles, increasing the firepower of the tank, improving its navigation characteristics and means of protection. The results of military conflicts, the tactics of using armored units, the development of other branches of the military and the emergence of advanced weapons left their mark on the design of the combat vehicle.

Today, the main emphasis when creating tanks is on strengthening the armor, improving sighting devices and equipping the equipment with the latest communications equipment. How successful this work is can only be shown by the use of new vehicles in a combat situation. Everything else, a comparison of the tactical and technical characteristics of vehicles produced in the USA, Russia, Germany and Ukraine is mere theory. However, despite this, against the backdrop of the ongoing arms race, it is customary to compare vehicles in service with the armies of different countries. For this purpose, ratings are regularly held, a kind of TOP of the best vehicles, in which new generation tanks participate. Based on the results of such ratings, it is possible to analyze the development of the tank building field in modern conditions and obtain a real picture of tank power today.

One T-90M “Proryv-3” for 2.5 “Abrams”

T-90M "Breakthrough - 3" on the march

The new tank retained its low silhouette, the tank was able to be contained in the body (the weight of the T-90 was preserved), the vehicle's maneuverability was improved, and mobility and firepower and firing efficiency were significantly increased. At the same time, the tank has one of the best levels of security and survivability in modern tank building, updated modern communications and ergonomics that are simply remarkable for domestic tanks, which are now at least no worse than those of the best foreign tanks.

This is where we come to the main characteristic of a modern combat vehicle - the efficiency/cost ratio.

So, according to this characteristic, the T-90M “Breakthrough - 3” is many times superior to all the best examples of world tank building. For example, our tank is almost two times cheaper than the Abrams M1A2 SEP and almost the same number of times higher in combat effectiveness than the latter.

Apr 30, 2022 admin Tags: military equipment 8211

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Discussion: 6 comments

  1. Velezarius:
    05/02/2018 at 00:28

    Good approach. But “Armata” is also needed. And "Terminator". This is also a tradition of the domestic tank building school - to have different vehicles in development and operation. For different tasks. Including gaining operating experience in different conditions.



    05/02/2018 at 01:19

    Development and mass production are two different things. Having several parallel vehicles in the army is stupid. But prototypes are a must. Thank you very much for your comment!


  • Ivan:

    08/21/2018 at 08:31

    Thank you for the article. I couldn’t understand whether the automatic loader would be upgraded for Vacuums, since to combat modern tanks (or rather their latest modifications), means of increased armor penetration are urgently needed. In the descriptions of modernizations, technical parameters are almost never indicated in full. Like on the Discovery Channel, damn it, there is such nonsense about the best plane, tank, etc. they love it, but the details, well, why do they need them for the average American, who doesn’t even have enough education to understand them (:



      08/21/2018 at 15:43

      Thank you for your comments. There is nothing specific about modernization for this type of “projectile”. It is known that the T-90 ammunition load includes a shot with a fragmentation-shrapnel projectile with an electronic remote-contact fuse, for effective combat against openly located enemy personnel, as well as against combat helicopters. BOV is difficult to classify as ammunition with increased armor penetration - it has its own specifics.


  • Wal:

    12/30/2018 at 1:34 pm

    The great merit of Russian tank builders is the low silhouette at 2 m, but on the T-90 the target designator like an anti-aircraft machine gun rises almost a meter, resulting in the tank’s height being more than 3 m.


  • Sergey:

    02/20/2019 at 22:55

    nothing is said about the armor. Secret or the same as the T-90?


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