6 Pistol Shooting Tips for Beginner Shooters

"Practical Shooting Academy"

Photo: apsrus.ru
Do you want to develop accuracy, attentiveness, speed of reaction and master the skills of self-defense, proper and safe handling of weapons? Training at the Practical Shooting Academy club will help you free yourself from stress, become more confident and balanced. There are no restrictions on gender and age: among the members of the shooting club there are both men and girls, and the youngest shooters are only 6 years old. "Academy" offers a wide range of small arms, among which there are such examples as CZ, Glock, Heckler&Koch, SIG-Sauer and Alfa-Para. There are also more than 10 courses aimed at shooters of different skill levels.

Lubyansky Prospect, 27/1, building 1 View on map



Tactical shooting as the main element of combat training

Along with sports shooting, where a clear sequence of actions by the athlete is an important aspect, the combat use of a pistol differs in the behavior of the shooter. When performing live shooting, it is imperative to take into account the shooter’s level of training, his skills in handling weapons and knowledge of his combat capabilities.

Combat shooting is all about accuracy, speed and close combat tactics. It is rare that in combat conditions a shooter has enough time to prepare for accurate shooting. The current situation requires instantaneous adoption of the right decision. This applies to a greater extent to those persons whose profession is constantly associated with the risk of using personal weapons for combat purposes.

Two pistols

Only in movies and detective novels can you see how masterly rangers, gangsters and policemen shoot pistols. In reality, it is far from easy to master a weapon perfectly. In order to use a pistol as a fire weapon with maximum efficiency, you need to learn the simplest techniques to the point of automaticity. Only by knowing the basics, techniques and rules of pistol shooting can you further work on improving the art of owning a personal weapon.

Sports training only from afar resembles combat techniques during shooting from a combat pistol. During tactical shooting, the main thing is not only to hit the target, but also to protect yourself from enemy fire. A regular sports stance will not help here. The position from which it is necessary to fire to kill is often associated with a person’s natural and instinctive desire to take cover from return fire. During a real collision, literally everything that can affect the effectiveness of the combat use of firearms is taken into account. In addition to the psychological effect, when shooting from a pistol, you need to take into account the distance to the visible target, the presence of interference for a direct shot, atmospheric conditions and time. Shooting at different times of the day, day or night, in the morning or evening leaves an imprint on the shooter’s behavior. In modern conditions, combat with the use of firearms is fleeting.

For example: The standards during which fire fighting techniques are practiced using PM pistols give the time for a duel no more than 2.8 seconds. To achieve a result, no more than three shots are allotted to defeat the enemy. The distance for effective fire from a pistol during combat clashes rarely exceeds 10-15 m. Up to 75% of fights with firearms, according to the Russian Police Department, take place at distances of no more than 10 m. In such a situation, it is not so much the shooter’s stance that is important, how much is his reaction? You have to shoot from any position, from your knees, while lying down. Shooting with two hands is quite a rare phenomenon today and is mainly practiced during clay pigeon shooting.

Combat shooting
The tactical shooting training technique is based on the fact that the shooter can fire from any weapon, with a change of position, at a moving or stationary target. During training sessions, a pistol shooting stance is practiced, as well as other body positions from which one has to fire. The following factors are taken into account:

  • the shooter must fire effectively from both the right and left hands;
  • use both eyes to aim;
  • be able to fire two pistols simultaneously;
  • control the required rate of fire depending on the current situation.

If in sports shooting the most important aspect of achieving a result is aiming, then during training for the combat use of firearms the main focus is on training muscle memory. The ability to carry out a double shot with the same accuracy sometimes becomes a decisive factor for survival during a fight with the enemy.

Sports complex of the Military Hunting Society

Photo: sskvoo.ru

This is the oldest Moscow shooting complex today, the shooting range of which is located in the south-east of the city, in the picturesque Kuzminki forest park. Beginning shooters and Olympic champions train here, and amateur hunters hone their shooting skills before the opening of the hunting season. The sports complex has a round stand, a trench stand, a double trap, a sporting compact and much more.

st. Golovacheva, 2A

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Shooting tutorial

Photo: Vladimir Motkova
Saturday - Sunday, meeting hunting friends, memories and plans for future outings, a pleasant pastime, and also useful if it is spent not at home at the table, but at a stand, restoring lost shooting skills or learning to shoot correctly . A shooting range is a place where you can get practical advice from an experienced mentor, test in practice what you have achieved as a result of home training, and just shoot for fun and chat with fellow hunters.

Usually, a beginner, when he gets to the stand, even under the guidance of an experienced shooter-athlete, as a rule, misses a lot, and rare hits, which are more of a random nature, do not bring pleasure. I immediately remember the statements of “seasoned” hunters that stand shooting is nonsense, stand shooters are still bastards at hunting and you can forget about skeet shooting.

The mistake of a novice shooter-hunter who heeded such advice is undeniable, as is the mistake of his mentor, who conducts classes purely according to sports methods: to immediately instill the skills of correct stance and sports shooting. Of course, the result in the end will most likely be good, unless a bad start discourages you from continuing your studies.

The first lesson in shooting a hunting rifle should be carried out in such a way as to get pleasure from shooting and breaking plates, and to gain confidence in your abilities. Here it is more appropriate to underestimate your capabilities than to take on tasks that are obviously impossible.

Nowadays in large cities many people hire a “personal trainer” and, under his guidance, learn the science of high-flying shooting. Most people cannot afford this, and they “hone” their skills on their own, exchanging acquired experience, skills and impressions with friends. Let me immediately note that these recommendations are primarily addressed to hunters who want to learn how to shoot game more successfully.

For hunting, it is not necessary to completely follow the rules of the initial stance, especially on a round stand, although the correct position of the legs and body significantly affect the results of shooting. In hunting, especially during hunting, when the game always flies out unexpectedly, you have to shoot from a rather uncomfortable position, when the position of your legs clearly interferes with the correct handling of the target. T

So the first piece of advice: position yourself so that you can stand comfortably. But inserting the gun into the shoulder, which can sometimes be difficult to do at first, will have to be done absolutely correctly. The gun rests tightly with the butt plate in the shoulder, touching its entire area, the head is not tilted down excessively, the cheek touches the ridge of the butt, the gaze is directed, if possible, directly, and not from under the brows, through the middle of the sighting bar and the front sight. It is not recommended to tilt your head to the side.

There are two possible troubles here: the first is that the stock does not fit, the second is the lack of skill to control your body. Both of these troubles can be solved if there is a desire. But let's get back to shooting. It is better to make the first shots at a stationary plate in 30–40 steps. Attach the clay pigeon and shoot, carefully maintaining the aiming line.

Photo: Vladimir Motkova

Five shots, and you already have a complete idea of ​​how the front sight “looks” relative to the target, and, as a rule, a 100% result will add confidence in further shooting on the bench. For a hunter, it is easier and clearer to start training on a round stand, and not with practicing the throw and leashes, but with simple shooting at a stolen target. The platforms of the round stand are designed in such a way that the direction of flight of the plate is determined by control poles, and there is no difficulty in getting ready in the right direction.

Shoot from a gun placed in your shoulder. Almost the same shot as at a stationary target, only with a time limit for aiming. The clay pigeons began to fly apart one after another, do not rush to complicate shooting, take a break, let the skill “settle down”, after 15–20 minutes repeat the approach and, if the targets hit successfully, you can move on to the next stage of training.

Shooting on a round skeet is carried out at shorter distances than on a trench skeet, and is easier to perceive, which is why it is better to conduct the first lessons on a “circle” and preferably in weakened flights.

First complication. The gun is in the shoulder, but the head is raised, the gaze is directed along the line of flight of the target. After the skeet takes off, place your cheek on the ridge of the stock, catch the target with the fly - and you're done, the skeet will fly into pieces. It turns out that shooting this way is no more difficult, but even easier; the flight of the target is better perceived. Five, ten shots at most, and take a break for at least 20 minutes. Then repeat; If you are successful, having smashed 7-8 targets out of ten, you can rest assured that even on a hunt, the most stolen game when shooting from under the dog’s stance will be yours.

Next complication. The gun is not placed in the shoulder, the butt is slightly lowered down by 10–15 cm; after the skeet takes off, try to have time to put the butt plate into your shoulder, put your cheek to the comb, catch the target with the front sight and shoot. Before starting this stage, it is better to practice a little while empty. At first, do not lower the butt lower than the size of the butt plate, and the ends of the barrels can be left at the same level as before. The right hand is more involved in lifting the gun than the left (for a right-handed person).

If the plates continue to beat, you are on the right track and there is no doubt about your further success. Make the exercise more difficult by lowering the butt by the amount of two butt plates and when throwing up, make sure that the barrels do not nod down. If from this position the targets continue to be hit just as confidently, then such a stance is more than sufficient for hunting and there is no need to lower the butt lower.

Finally, you can completely “deal” with hijacked targets. When preparing, point the barrels a little to the left and then to the right of the target's flight path. After throwing up, move the gun towards the plate with a movement of the body and shoot, it should work, if you also don’t “aim”. As soon as the plate is on the front sight, pull the trigger. At first, make minor deviations, then increase them, but do not forget about safety precautions: do not unnecessarily turn inside the shooting area.

Photo: Vladimir Motkova

If the trunks are aimed at the outer edge of the opposite high booth (tower), this is the maximum that can be allowed, but this deviation is more than enough. If, with the same deviation from the target's flight to the right, the stolen plate hits in two out of three attempts, then everything goes well. Of course, there is a desire to shoot from other places, but be prudent, you need to postpone the training until next weekend or another day.

Skills, no matter how simple they are, must “settle down”, and automatism in performing techniques will appear as if unexpectedly, when the connection between the shooter’s consciousness issuing a command to perform actions to process the target and its accurate execution is “established”. This is why you need a break.

Start the second lesson and subsequent ones by repeating the previous exercises, and if shooting does not go well right away, do not try to correct the situation with the number of cartridges fired. Take a break, consult with experienced comrades or try to analyze your shooting (mistakes). A little cold training and back to the shooting range. Everything should fall into place.

In conclusion, about safety precautions - the gun on the stand must be open and unloaded, load the gun only at the shooting station, keep the barrels pointed only at the shooting zone, when leaving the shooting station, do not forget to remove unused cartridges and spent cartridges from the barrels. Conduct dry training only on the shooting range with all precautions as if the gun were loaded.

Yuri Konstantinov February 11, 2014 at 00:00

Shooting club "Vystrel"

Photo: vistrel.club

Here they practice practical shooting - an interesting and dynamic type of shooting sport that combines high-speed shooting from military weapons with rapid movements around the site. Accuracy, speed, coordination, self-confidence and a powerful adrenaline rush - all this can be found in the Shot club. The club has two galleries at 25 and 50 meters, good lighting and ventilation, unique sand bullet catchers that save the lungs from lead, as well as a rich arsenal of long-barreled and short-barreled weapons.

st. Selskhozyaystvennaya, 20, bldg. 3

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Sports and shooting club "Paratrooper"

Photo: ssk-desantnik.ru

A 10-meter shooting range, an interactive laser tag range, equipment for paintball and airsoft, two unique climbing walls - open and closed, and crossbow shooting areas are located on the territory of the Paratroopers club. Here everyone will find entertainment to their liking: master shooting from various types of weapons, learn how to handle them safely, or improve their skills. The shooting range has both short-barreled and long-barreled weapons, as well as the legendary Maxim machine gun.

Shchapovskoye settlement, Kuzenevo village

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Training citizens in handling weapons At MGSSC DOSAAF Russia, everyone will find entertainment to their liking: you will be able to shoot from various types of weapons, learn how to handle them safely and improve your shooting skills. We provide training in shooting and safe handling of weapons for everyone! By completing a full course of training, you will not only gain valuable knowledge on how to properly and safely handle various types of weapons, but also protect yourself and your loved ones from an accident. The entire arsenal of our shooting range is at your service.

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Contact phone number: main ext.2 additional,

Periodic inspection of citizens Our shooting sports club provides the following service - renewal of a weapons license. The question of renewing a license is relevant for many people and organizations: private security companies, hunting clubs and hunters, as well as for people who work in law enforcement agencies and departments or simply have a weapons license.

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Contact phone number: main ext.2 additional,

Security guard training The shooting club conducts training and professional training courses for private security guards, group and individual lessons. The training of security guards at the shooting range includes the most modern methods and training technologies, and thanks to the highly professional instructors of our organization, students will be able to perfectly master the material received. We also conduct specialized classes for everyone who wants to join the FPSR (Russian Practical Shooting Federation)

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Contact phone number: main ext.2 additional,

Advanced training for managers of private security company Shooting Club conducts advanced training courses for managers of private security organizations.

The purpose of the training is to obtain new competencies necessary for the professional activities of managers of private security organizations. Persons with higher professional education are allowed to master the curriculum.

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Contact phone number: main ext.2 additional,

Shooting training for adults (18+) At a picnic with friends, you can impress all the women and cause the burning envy of men by demonstrating your accuracy and ability to handle weapons. There is something primal and attractive about it. It is absolutely necessary for hunters to hone their shooting skills. When encountering a wild animal that has previously been hunted and hunted for several hours, the hunter sometimes only has a split second to pull the trigger.

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Contact number: 8(903)969-11-67

Bullet shooting section for children Dear children and parents!

In our shooting range on Poklonnaya Gora, a children's and youth preparatory group for practical shooting training and two children's and youth sections on bullet shooting (pistol, rifle) have opened!

At the moment, an additional recruitment of girls and boys from 12 years of age is underway (exceptions by age are possible, the conditions are clarified with the coach) for shooting training in Moscow.

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Sign up for groups by phone: 8(495)969-11-31

Practical shooting section for children Dear parents!

In our shooting range on Poklonnaya Gora, a practical shooting section for children and youth has been organized. Classes are conducted by qualified trainers and instructors of the Practical Shooting Federation. Girls and boys over 12 years old are accepted (exceptions based on age are possible, conditions are clarified with the coach).

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Sign up for groups by phone: 8(495)969-11-31

Courses for those wishing to join the Practical Shooting Federation Every month, courses for those wishing to join the Practical Shooting Federation are held on the basis of the MGSSC DOSAAF. Shooting training courses include studying the rules of the sport of “practical shooting” with a pistol, rules for safe handling of weapons, studying technical shooting elements: grip, stance, snatching a weapon from a holster and high-speed reloading. Practical classes will be conducted using Viking and Glock 17 sport pistols.

Course fee:

  • 3000 rub. - 100 pieces. cartridges* (30 RUR/9×19 Luger) (payment on the spot)
  • 3000 rub. – instructor services (payment on the spot in cash)
  • pay the entrance and membership fee to the FPSR

* During training at the shooting range, you must fire at least 100 rounds of ammunition.

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Sign up for groups by phone: 8(495)969-11-31

Shooting club "Izmailovo"

Photo: tir-izmailovo.ru

At your disposal are two 50-meter galleries (10 directions in each), a large selection of firearms, zeroing of civilian weapons and sights, and training in safe handling of weapons. There are sports sections for bullet shooting for adults and children (from 11 years old) and specially equipped areas for shooting with a crossbow or bow. The club's weapons arsenal includes more than 200 weapons, both historical and modern.

Izmailovsky Prospect, 11, building 2

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Contents of PM pistol shooting exercises

Shooting exercises


Shooting from a stationary target during the day

Target: chest figure with circles (target No. 4) on a shield 0.75 x 0.75 m, installed at eye level, motionless.

Range to target: 25 m.

Number of cartridges: 6 (2 series of 3).

Time to shoot: 5 min.

Shooting position: standing, hand held.

Score: “excellent” - knock out 25 points; “good” - knock out 21 points; “satisfactory” - knock out 18 points.

Features of the exercise. The exercise is performed at a shooting range or at a military shooting range. The first three shots are test shots, the second three shots are test shots.


Shooting at an emerging target

Target: shooter - waist figure (target No. 7) appears 3 times for 6 -8 s, with the first display of the target being made when the trainee reaches the line 50 m from the target; the last display of the target is made when the student is no closer than 25 m from the target.

When performing the exercise at night, instead of a waist figure (target No. 7), a life-size figure (target No. 8) is used, which is illuminated with diffused light.

Range to target: 50 - 25 m.

Number of cartridges: 6 (two series of 3).

Shooting position: at each display from different positions (standing, kneeling, prone, one-handed or two-handed).

Rating: “excellent” - hit the target on the first display; “good” - hit the target on the second display; “satisfactory” - hit the target on the third display.

Features of the exercise. After the first series of shots, the shooting director at the site, together with the trainee, examines the targets and points out to the trainee any mistakes made. The first three shots are test shots, the second three shots are test shots.

Control shooting exercises

1 UKS Shooting from a place at a target in a limited time from various positions

Target: chest figure (target No. 6c). Time: 18 sec.

Range to target: 25 m.

Number of cartridges: 3.

Shooting position: standing (kneeling, prone) as directed by the senior shooting director (inspector).

Rating: “excellent” - hit the target with three bullets, with two bullets in the designated circle; “good” - hit the target with two bullets, with one bullet in the designated circle; “satisfactory” - hit the target with two bullets outside the designated circle or with one bullet - inside the designated circle.

Features of the exercise. The exercise can be performed both at a shooting range and at a military shooting range. At the point of opening fire, the shooters do not use headphones.

The next shift lines up at the designated location at the starting line.

The shooting director determines the direction and position for shooting for each shooter, and orders the head of the ammunition supply point to issue ammunition to the next shift. By decision of the shooting director (inspector), the exercise can be performed in gas masks.

Trainees receive ammunition, inspect it, load the magazine, and insert it into the pistol. Without chambering the cartridge, place the weapon in the holster.

At the command of the leader “Shift - to their directions - FORWARD”, the shooters turn in the direction of shooting, run (at an accelerated pace) move to the line of opening fire to perform the exercise - with their backs (right or left side) to the direction of fire and report their readiness to perform the exercise " Captain Ivanov is READY for battle.”

The shooting director, having made sure that all trainees are in the specified position to perform the exercise, gives the command to open fire “Enemy on the left (right, behind) - TO FIGHT”, displays the targets, and checks compliance with standard No. 1 for fire training.

At this command, the servicemen turn towards the targets, remove the pistol from the holster, turn off the safety, chamber a cartridge and independently open fire on the target.

Firing is stopped by each shooter with the end of the display of the target or upon the command of the shooting director in the “Shift - STOP” section. With the completion of shooting, the trainees, holding the pistol at an angle of 45-60°, take the position of a drill stand facing the target and report: “Captain Ivanov has finished shooting.”

If the serviceman did not manage to use all the cartridges during the allotted time of the exercise, then the firing supervisor at the site gives the command “First (second, etc.) direction - UNLOAD” or “Captain Ivanov - UNLOAD”, checks compliance with standard No. 2 for fire training .

Next, for all military personnel, the firing supervisor at the site gives the command “Shift - UNLOAD”, “Weapon - FOR INSPECTION”, and inspects the weapon. Gives the command “Collect cartridges” and directs the shift to inspect the targets using the command “Shift - step towards the targets - MARCH”.

After examining the targets, the servicemen report to the shooting supervisor at the site (inspector) the results of the shooting, for example: “Comrade Major, Captain Ivanov performed the first control shooting exercise with a Makarov pistol. When shooting, I observed: target No. 6, hit (not hit) by three (two, one) bullets, while the designated circle was hit by three (two, one) bullets, the ammunition was completely used up, there were no delays during shooting (there were delays...).”

After listening to the trainees’ reports, the shooting director at the site makes a brief analysis of the exercise, in which he draws the trainees’ attention:

on the actions of trainees when preparing to fire, the correct execution of techniques and methods of shooting;

to comply with the exercise conditions and safety requirements.

After the debriefing, the shooting supervisor at the site announces the grades and orders the shift to proceed to the next training site.


Shooting at an emerging target from a short stop day and night


the waist figure (target No. 7) appears no more than three times for 6-8 s, with the first display of the target carried out when the shooter reaches 50 m from the target, the last display of the target is carried out when the shooter is no closer than 25 m from the target.

When performing the exercise at night, instead of a waist figure (target No. 7), a life-size figure (target No. 8) is used; The target is illuminated with diffuse electric light at each display.

Range to target: 50 - 25 m.

Number of cartridges: 3.

Shooting position: from a short stop (standing, kneeling, lying down, as directed by the inspector without repetition at other stages).

Rating: “excellent” - hit the target with three impressions; “good” - hit the target with two impressions; “satisfactory” - hit the target during one of the displays.

Features of the exercise. The exercise is performed at one of the sections of the military shooting range. The next shift is lined up in the designated place at the starting position. The shooting director determines the shooting direction for each shooter, sets tasks and orders the head of the ammunition supply point to issue ammunition to the next shift. Trainees receive ammunition, inspect it and load magazines, after which the loaded magazine is placed in a pocket for a spare magazine in the holster.

At the command of the shooting director “Shift, to your directions - FORWARD”, the trainees at the starting line take their directions for shooting. Having made sure that the shooters are ready and that the conditions for shooting are safe, the leader gives the command: “Shift - FOR FIGHT.” At this command, the shooters, having reached the point of opening fire, independently load their weapons and report, for example: “Lieutenant Petrov is ready for battle.” At the command of the shooting director “Attack - FORWARD”, the trainee begins to move in the previously indicated directions. When targets appear, they take the established position for shooting, fire a shot at the target and, at the command of the leader “Shift - FORWARD”, continue to move at an accelerated pace in their directions until the next appearance of the target.

The first display of the target is carried out when the shooter reaches the line 50 m from the target, the second at the line 35-40 m, the third - when reaching the line no closer than 25 m. At each line only one shot is fired, the raising and lowering of the targets is carried out automatically.

After completing the exercise (the third display of the target), the shooters report: “Lieutenant Petrov has finished shooting.”
At the command of the firing supervisor “Shift - CEASE FIRE”, “UNLOAD”, the trainees unload the weapon, the firing supervisor inspects it and returns the shift to its original position. The trainees report to the firing supervisor the results of the exercise: “Comrade Major, Lieutenant Petrov performed the 2nd test firing exercise with a pistol. When shooting, I observed: target No. 7 (target No. 8) was hit at the first (second, third) display, the ammunition was completely used up, there were no delays during shooting (there were delays...).” Tags: fire training

Underground Club "Labyrinth"

Photo: strelclub.ru

“Labyrinth” is a place where you can not only shoot from various types of firearms and traumatic weapons, but also test pneumatic “guns”, fire a line at an imaginary enemy from a cold machine gun or “Kalash”, and also accurately shoot at targets with a bow or crossbow . An experienced instructor will teach you how to throw axes and knives precisely at a target, and paintball and laser tag will become the thematic center of any children's or corporate event.

st. Samokatnaya, 4 building 1

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UNIBOS Federation

Photo: Shutterstock

Do you want to master shooting using modern shooting tactics? Then this is definitely the place for you. The main pride of the “Universal Combat System” club is its instructors (although the technical equipment here is also okay). Experienced instructors will teach sports and combat shooting from a rifled carbine, large-caliber pistol and sniper rifle. UNIBOK will tune your personal weapon and help you zero it (don’t forget to take permission to own and carry it). The club is also focused on teaching hand-to-hand and knife fighting, applied self-defense and self-defense using improvised objects.

w. Varshavskoe, 14, building 3

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Tactical shooting

In practical shooting classes, there are ready-made schemes and procedures for hitting several targets. For a combat training course in shooting rules, this approach is unacceptable for a number of reasons:

  • The diagrams include the static position of the athlete, that is, in a real combat situation, this is a direct stand for the enemy’s shot;
  • targets in competitions are stationary, real opponents can move every second using pistols as a team.

Scheme of hitting targets from an ambush

Tactical shooting uses a different principle of analyzing targets and the order of their destruction - the closest enemy is most dangerous. Combat tactical movement training should be carried out after sports shooting training, when the standards have already been passed. In order for shooting training to be guaranteed to bring results, it is necessary to pay attention to the psychological preparation of the fighter.

Thus, you can learn pistol shooting in several ways, depending on the tasks being solved. Sports and practical shooting competitions are regularly held. Combat shooting is available to citizens of the Russian Federation only from a traumatic pistol for self-defense.

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