Putin: in 2022 the fleet will receive more than 20 ships and vessels

Putin: in 2022 the fleet will receive more than 20 ships and vessels

Quote: Golovan Jack

Quote: 30 vis

Incompetent ambassadors in Ukraine and our intelligence did a poor job

Once again, Ukraine (its top, more precisely) was stupidly bought by the Americans.
In order to subsequently turn it into a “battering ram” against the Russian Federation. impossible
to compete with the printing press (to outbid) .
Therefore, I think that the only right decision was made - to cut off Crimea (the American base in Sevastopol was completely unnecessary), and to put Ukraine in some kind of awkward position, so that the thought of “ramming” would not arise. All this was accomplished. How optimal is the second question, and I don’t have enough information to judge this. In the end - “maybe, what’s possible.” Something like this: “It was not possible to compete with the printing press (to outbid)” Yes, yes. Our authorities roughly say so. Well, we don't have that much money. How far are we from the printing press? Is it really about money and not something else? (source ruposters.ru April 8, 2014): “Germany recently announced the results of research by European experts on Russian-Ukrainian relations. The conclusion is stunning. Russia in the form of unreturned, written-off, interest-free loans and borrowings, direct investments, supplies of equipment, etc. and so on. over 23 years of independence, Ukraine has invested $250 billion
Think about it: more than 10 billion dollars a year
! Russia took this crazy money from its disabled people, the elderly and children, low-income families, from its economy and gave it to the Ukrainians, who today curse the Russians for this.”

And one more thing (source May 19, 2014 - RIA Novosti): “Russia has invested $200 billion in the Ukrainian economy over the past 20 years, including artificially lowering gas prices, said the head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Alexey Ulyukaev. “Perhaps our European and American friends do not understand that we supported the Ukrainian economy <...> by artificially lowering prices for gas and other resources, providing loans to Ukraine, etc. Over the past twenty years, we have invested about 200 billion dollars there,” the minister said in an interview with Russia Today TV channel. Where did this easy money go? In the pockets of corrupt presidents, their godfathers and matchmakers, oligarchs a la Tymoshenko-Poroshenko and other evil spirits.”

But this is “to put Ukraine in some kind of awkward position, so that the thought of “ramming” does not arise.” This is a masterpiece of mental exploration. Don’t contradict yourself, just this one of yours: “Ukraine (its top, more precisely) was stupidly bought by the Americans.” So what result will we come to? Is Ukraine an independent player or is it still an American puppet? If independent, then what about the announced purchase of the top? If it’s a puppet, then what does it have to do with “putting Ukraine in some kind of awkward position, so that the thought of ‘ramming’ doesn’t arise.” Here, then, logically, the Americans need to be put in a position, since they bought and are in command. But you are writing specifically about Ukraine. In general, the result is absurdity and contradiction. Jack, using procedural subtleties, you are much more adept at interceding for the Russian authorities. Troll better as best you can, don’t get into the jungle of logic. Logic and the leadership of the Russian Federation (including politics) are incompatible things. Which is what you have just demonstrated. Something like this

The maneuvers of the Russian fleet in the Baltic Sea have excited Western countries. This information was shared by American military expert Thomas Newdick.

A few days ago, three landing ships of the Russian Navy entered the Baltic Sea and thereby caused serious concern in Sweden. The latter, in response to the maneuvers of the Russian fleet, sent additional forces to the island of Gotland. According to Thomas Newdick, the above-mentioned ships have already left the Baltic and now they can appear in the Black Sea. The Drive reports this. PolitRussia presents an exclusive retelling of the article.

“The trio of ships that left the Baltic today and are heading to an unknown destination are Project 775 Ropucha amphibious assault ships (according to NATO classification). They left the port of Baltiysk in the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad on January 15 and passed through the Great Belt, a strait connecting the Baltic Sea with the Kattegat Strait, which then leads to the Atlantic Ocean.

Sea transits to Kaliningrad and back with the participation of landing ships of the Russian Navy are not uncommon. Despite this, Swedish officials have made it clear that these maneuvers worry them. Western maritime patrol and reconnaissance aircraft are keeping a close eye on the Russian naval presence in the Baltic. A US Navy P-8A maritime patrol aircraft was spotted off the coast of Denmark over the Baltic Sea, and a Swedish Air Force airborne early warning aircraft was also operating in the same area.

wikipedia.org / United States of America MC3 Daniel J. Meshel/US Navy / Public Domain

Each of the Russian Navy's Project 775 landing ships is capable of transporting up to 10 tanks and 340 soldiers. It is unknown what cargo was on board the Russian ships that recently left the Baltic Sea.

“The recent appearance of three ships of the Russian Northern Fleet prompted Sweden to deploy hundreds of troops to Gotland late last week. The troops were delivered from the mainland by plane and passenger ferries,” stated Thomas Newdick.

Most likely, Russian landing ships are heading to the Black Sea. Last year, there were several clashes between the Russian Navy and NATO military forces in the waters close to Crimea. Since then, the general situation in the region has become even more tense, which was caused by the deterioration of relations between the Russian Federation and Western countries. The arrival of several landing ships will significantly increase the resources of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Federal News Agency / Andrey Soyustov

“Another option could be the transfer of Ropucha-class ships to the Russian port of Tartus on the Mediterranean coast of Syria. This facility has played an important role since Moscow began its Syrian campaign in 2015,” the expert suggested.

Regardless of whether they are heading to the Black Sea or the Mediterranean, Russian ships will almost certainly be forced to pass through the English Channel and cause alarm to the British military. In the past, Russian Navy warships passing through this strait have attracted close attention from Royal Navy vessels and Royal Air Force aircraft.

“Warship movements that might have been seen as fairly routine in less uncertain times are now causing some excitement,” a columnist for The Drive reported.

Earlier, PolitRussia talked about how the Russian Navy makes US Navy admirals nervous.

How Russia can easily get a new multi-purpose destroyer

Today, the main problem of the Russian Navy, in addition to the virtually complete absence (with the exception of the half-dead Admiral Kuznetsov TAVRK and two UDCs under construction) of aircraft-carrying ships, is the acute shortage of large surface ships of the 1st rank capable of operating in the far sea zone.
These problems are directly interrelated: a “pure” aircraft carrier or helicopter carrier without a cover warrant is no good in a real battle, but also a naval group that does not have anti-aircraft cover for its carrier-based aircraft and anti-submarine helicopters against fighters, destroyers and guided missile cruisers, as well as AUG multi-purpose submarines, against such an adversary will not survive. This is a dance that needs to be done together. Let's talk about multi-purpose frigates and destroyers, which are urgently needed by the Russian Navy. One of the persistently propagated theses of anti-Russian propaganda is that our country is supposedly incapable of building a ship larger than a frigate. Unfortunately, there is some truth in this, but it is not the whole truth. The loss of Ukraine and its shipbuilding enterprises was a huge blow for the domestic fleet. All significant programs of the Russian Navy were disrupted, the deadlines sharply shifted to the right due to the need to import power plants and other equipment. Nevertheless, with the Project 22350 frigates, things have moved forward, and this, without exaggeration, is a significant breakthrough.

Objectively, it is the Project 22350 frigates that should become the main “workhorse” of the Russian Navy in the far sea and ocean zone. The ships are equipped with modern missile and anti-submarine weapons and air defense systems. At the same time, the project is constantly being refined and improved. Thus, the fifth and sixth frigates in the series will each receive 32 vertical launchers of the UKSK complex instead of 16 on the first four, which will double their strike potential.

However, a frigate is a frigate, and the fleet also needs a destroyer. The easiest way seems to be upgrading the original project to the 22350M level. " Poliment-Redut" with 64 cells for anti-aircraft missiles, two helicopters instead of one and two UAVs in deck hangars. This will be a very serious warship, corresponding to the destroyer class.

There is only one “but”. The first “superfrigate” of Project 22350M will be laid down only in 2024, as USC head Vladimir Korolev recently stated:

In 2024, we will begin construction of the lead modernized frigate. We realize that a modern frigate with a large displacement and armament is very much needed by the fleet. This issue is currently being actively studied by the Ministry of Defense.

That is, the Russian Navy will have to wait quite a while even with the bookmark. Plus construction time. Let us remind you that frigates are being built in a large series at the Severnaya Verf shipyard in St. Petersburg. Is there a way to replenish our fleet with new powerful multi-purpose destroyer-class ships in a shorter time?


Here it is necessary to remember about the largest series of large anti-submarine ships of projects 1155 and 1155.1, which still remain in the Russian Navy in the amount of eight pieces.
The total displacement of the BOD is 7620 tons, which is almost equal to modern destroyers. Project 1155 ships were created specifically to combat enemy submarines, while their disadvantages rightly included weak anti-aircraft and artillery weapons and the lack of anti-ship missiles. To compensate for this, the BODs were forced to operate in tandem with Project 956 Sarych destroyers, which de facto belonged to the class of light cruisers. Separately, we note and emphasize that most of the shortcomings of the original project were eliminated in its modernized version 1155.1, according to which only one BOD “Admiral Chabanenko” was built. Having retained anti-submarine warfare capabilities, it received powerful artillery and anti-ship missiles, as well as two Ka-27P anti-submarine helicopters instead of one. Perhaps its last relatively weak point is the lack of effective medium- and long-range air defense systems. In general, “Admiral Chabanenko”, despite its age, even today is almost a full-fledged destroyer, to which it is classified in the Western classification. Experiencing an acute shortage of large surface ships in the far sea zone, the Russian Navy began a planned modernization of the remaining Project 1155 BODs in service. The first was the Admiral Shaposhnikov, but the experiment is considered not entirely successful. On the one hand, the anti-submarine ship turned into a frigate by receiving 16 universal launch cells capable of carrying Caliber, Onyx or Zircon missiles, a more powerful A-190-01 artillery mount and 8 Uran anti-ship missiles. On the other hand, for some reason it retained the outdated and bulky ChTA-53 torpedo tubes, the ineffective Kinzhal air defense system, and virtually no anti-torpedo weapons. That is, the former BOD became formally more powerful, but remained almost as defenseless as before against enemy aircraft and submarines.

The Russian Navy decided to work on the errors on another Project 1155 ship, Admiral Vinogradov. It is stated that instead of 16, the newly-minted “frigate” will receive 32 missiles, and the number of anti-ship “Urans” will increase from 8 to 16. The modern air defense system “Shtil-1” will be responsible for air defense, and the GAS “Polinom”, the complex “Packet” will be responsible for anti-submarine defense. , Answer missiles, as well as an air group of two Ka-27P anti-submarine helicopters. Now this is a completely different matter! The result will be either a destroyer or a light cruiser. Obviously, for a similar modernization project it is necessary to run all existing BODs. And this is the right decision.

But let's not forget about age. Already, the average age of Soviet anti-submarine soldiers is 30-40 years. Modernization will extend it by 15 years. What then? “Superfrigates” of Project 22350M? It will be good if all shipbuilding plans are implemented and do not fail. But perhaps there is another option.

Resumption of production?

As you can see, Project 1155 represents a very extensive area for modernization; its main problem is only the old age of the ships.
But what if we simply resume their production immediately according to a modernized design? Now the production of Tu-160M ​​strategic missile carriers has begun in Kazan, so why not apply this approach to the fleet? Let us remember how good Project 1155.1 was, and “Admiral Chabanenko” has not lost its relevance even today. The ships of this series were built not in St. Petersburg, but in Kaliningrad, that is, orders for it can be filled not with the Northern Shipyard, but with another shipbuilding enterprise. What might an updated and modernized destroyer, created in Russia from scratch, look like?


, the updated ship should be increased in size, bringing the total displacement to 9,000 tons, which will allow more weapons to be crammed into it, and the hull will be made using stealth technologies.


, in terms of power plant, it needs to be unified with the Project 22350M frigate by installing the M90FR gas turbine engine. This will increase the series of engines, reduce the cost and simplify their subsequent maintenance.


, on a larger ship it will be possible to install from 60 to 80 universal launch cells, placing them in the bow and on the sides. This will practically equalize the Russian destroyer with the American Arleigh Burke in terms of striking power.


, as an air defense system it will be possible to use the more powerful Poliment-Redut anti-aircraft missile system, as well as the Pantsir-M air defense system.


, to combat submarines it is possible to combine a modern GAK, the Package-NK anti-submarine defense and anti-torpedo defense complex, as well as two Ka-27P anti-submarine helicopters.

In other words, with minimal modifications to Project 1155.1, Russia can get an excellent modern multi-purpose destroyer. All technical documentation and component base are already available, there is a new import-substituted engine for the ship. This means that the Russian Navy can receive, in a more adequate time frame, frigates of Project 22350, “super frigates” of Project 22350M, built at the Severnaya Verf, and powerful destroyers based on Project 1155.1, and the Kaliningrad shipbuilding company will only be happy with such an order.

Maybe it's worth thinking about?

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