Actions with weapons according to commands given by the shooting range director when shooting from a pistol

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You can learn how to use a weapon at a shooting range or at a special training ground. The procedure for firing a pistol is determined by the training director. You must follow commands and follow safety rules.

When shooting, you must follow safety precautions.

Fire training is carried out at special sites. Exercise areas are demarcated. Each zone has its own name and functions:

  1. The starting point is the territory where the training group gathers and undergoes preliminary training. From here to the training place there should be at least 5 m.
  2. The firing line is the area from which shooting is conducted. It changes depending on what exercise is being performed.
  3. A combat feeding point is an area where students receive and hand over ammunition. Located deep in the rear. There must be at least 3 m from it to the starting line.
  4. Target inspection area, located 1-2 m from the targets. This is where the results are assessed.
  5. Space for blank shots. Set up in a safe place opposite an earthen rampart or bulletproof wall. In this case, the possibility of rebound must be excluded.

Each boundary is indicated by signs and markings. Lines 5-10 cm wide are drawn on the floor.

If classes are held at firing ranges or open shooting ranges, the boundaries of these areas are marked with warning signs. Shields are being installed on roads and trails leading to the landfills. They should be visible from afar. Sometimes the boundaries of the shooting range are dug in with trenches.

How to behave in class

When starting to learn the basics of pistol shooting, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the structure of the weapon, as well as master first aid skills.

When coming to pistol shooting training, you must follow all the teacher’s commands and follow the safety rules:

  1. You must be sober for class. It is prohibited to take alcohol, drugs or medications that affect the psyche the day before.
  2. The weapon must be handled as if it already had shells in it. It is unacceptable to point the gun at other people or yourself, even as a joke.
  3. When you pick up a gun, you immediately need to check whether it is loaded or not. This is done before shooting, cleaning and other procedures.
  4. The muzzle should always be pointed only towards the target or to a safe place, such as the floor or wall, with minimal risk of ricochet. It is best to leave the pistol in a holster outside of training. You need to be extremely careful when practicing with obstacles.
  5. Before shooting, you need to inspect the target, as well as the area in front of it and behind it. There is always a risk that the bullet will pierce the target. If there is a person there at this time, there is a high probability of an accident. It is important that there are no dents on the surface of the shield, because... this causes a ricochet.
  6. You can only put your finger on the trigger when the barrel is pointed towards the target. While moving around the shooting range or reloading, you must not touch the device that activates the trigger.

During pistol shooting practice, you must use personal protective equipment: glasses, headphones. This applies not only to the shooters, but also to all people nearby. Following the rules will help avoid risk and save lives.

The pistol must be pointed towards the target or to a safe place.

Weight and workouts

— A small-caliber pistol weighs from 1.2 to 1.6 kilograms, a pneumatic one - a little less. An air rifle used to shoot from 10 meters weighs up to 5.5 kilograms - this is the permitted weight, and almost all athletes have weapons of the maximum weight. A small-caliber rifle, which is used in 50-meter shooting, weighs up to 6.5 kilograms for girls, and up to 8.5 kilograms for boys. At the same time, from 50 meters, athletes shoot not only while lying down, but also standing and kneeling. - It happened! Now our athletes are provided with weapons. But, firstly, it cannot be stored at home - weapons are kept in warehouses in safes. Secondly, there are periods when the movement of weapons throughout the country is prohibited. But athletes are responsible people and understand that they need to train at any time. For this purpose, dummies of weapons are made. The base of future pistols and rifles is usually carved out of wood, and then it is weighted so that the weight of the dummy is similar to that of a conventional weapon. Previously, a lot of people were engaged in shooting, and not everyone could afford a dummy - so yes, they held an iron, which was quite suitable in weight.

Weapon preparation

Before training, you need to inspect the weapon and make sure it is in working order. This procedure will ensure its proper operation and the safety of people. Preparing a pistol for shooting includes:

  1. Disassembled inspection. Every detail of the mechanism is assessed. Make sure they are free of scratches, rust, dirt and other defects. All parts have the same number. The bore is inspected from both sides.
  2. Checking in assembled condition. The fuse must switch smoothly and without difficulty and be securely fixed. The feeder in the store moves easily. All parts of the mechanism work properly.
  3. Assessment of the condition of ammunition. It is necessary to make sure that there is no dirt, dents or foreign deposits on the sleeves. Training and combat items for hitting a target must be stored separately.
  4. Loading the magazine with cartridges. To do this, it is removed from the handle, equipped and inserted back. Then the fuse turns off.

Immediately before firing, the bolt is pulled back and released. After this, the weapon is ready for use.


— Resilience helps to show good results. In addition, the suit allows you to save your health. Even when shooting while lying down, it is much more comfortable to shoot in it: for example, the elbow on which you lean, and the shoulder into which the butt plate of the rifle rests, does not hurt so much. The suits are made of leather and very dense, “stiff” fabric. Ideally, they should be made to order according to the individual measurements of the athletes. A good suit weighs 4.5-5 kilograms. Now we count: a rifle, a suit, various devices - in the end, when an athlete goes to the shooting range, he is “hung” with only 13 kilograms. In this regard, it is easier for pistol pilots: they do not have special suits, but they, like riflemen, can use special shoes with flat soles - for stability. Their boots are different: for riflemen they “hold” the ankle, but for pistol men this is prohibited - shooting shoes are short.

1988 Olympic champion 50-year-old Nino Salukvadze performs with her son 21-year-old Tsotne Machavariani

Workout progress

Pistol shooting classes proceed in the following order:

  1. A group of students gathers at the starting point.
  2. The instructor assigns a task to each team member.
  3. The head of the ammunition station issues cartridges.
  4. Trainees check the condition of weapons and shells, place them in the magazine and holster the pistol. The object that hits the target is not sent into the chamber.
  5. Next, the group acts at the command of the instructor.

When teaching sport shooting and training in law enforcement agencies, there are sets of standard training to practice different types of pistol shooting. At the same time, I distribute all the distances in advance and place the targets.

The set of control shooting exercises includes:

  1. Firing from a location in the daytime at a fixed target - 1 US. Performed at a shooting range or training ground. 6 shots are fired, of which the first three are test shots, the second are test shots.
  2. Shooting at a target that appears and disappears. A simulator appears in front of the person three times - target No. 7 (waist figure). When preparing in the dark or in low diffuse lighting, use target No. 8 (full height). This exercise is called 2 UUS.
  3. Shooting from a place from different positions with a time limit - 1 UCS. It is performed at a shooting range or shooting range from a standing, lying or kneeling position.
  4. Firing at an emerging target with a short stop in the dark and daylight - 2 UKS. Target #7 is used.

Shooting teams

During practical training in shooting from a PM pistol, the following commands are used:

  1. “Give out ammo” - the dispenser supplies the group with ammunition.
  2. “Equip the store” - the student inserts objects that hit the target.
  3. “To the firing line - march” - the group enters the specified zone.
  4. “Prepare to shoot” - the cadet hides the magazine in a special section of the holster, takes out the pistol, inspects the chamber, pulls the trigger and turns on the safety.
  5. “Charge!” — the magazine is inserted into the handle, the weapon is put away in the case.
  6. "Fire!" - the pistol is drawn and a shot is fired. Upon completion, the trainee reports to the supervisor.
  7. “Unload!” — the cartridge is removed from the weapon and placed in the holster.
  8. “Weapon for inspection” - the magazine is removed, the pistol is checked by the supervisor.
  9. “Step to the targets - march” - the group inspects the targets and reports on the results.

Fire training for police officers. Tests with answers (2021) - option 21

content .. 19 20 21 22 ..

Question No. 1

Purpose of the return spring: 1. Serves to actuate the hammer, cocking lever and trigger rod. 2. Serves to lock the barrel bore when firing. 3. Serves to return the shutter to the front position after firing

(+) Question No. 2
Is this a direct shot? 1. A shot whose bullet trajectory exceeds the height of the target. 2. A shot whose bullet trajectory does not exceed the height of the target above the aiming line throughout its entire length. (+)

3. A shot whose bullet trajectory does not exceed the height of the target above the aiming line at the beginning of the bullet’s flight.
4. A shot whose bullet trajectory does not exceed the target height above the aiming line at the end of the bullet’s flight. Question No. 3
Purpose of the fuse: -To press it with a finger. -To perceive the trigger blow. -To hold the firing pin in the bolt. -To ensure safety when handling the gun

(+) Question No. 4
In what form, after the end of the shooting, does the employee report to the director (assistant director) of the shooting? 1. Police “Sergeant” Ivanov finished shooting. 2. “Sergeant” Ivanov finished shooting. 3. “Sergeant” Ivanov finished shooting. 4. Police “Sergeant” Ivanov finished shooting. (+)

5. The police “sergeant” finished shooting.
Question No. 5
In what form, after inspecting the targets, does the employee report to the shooting director (assistant director) about the results of the exercise? 1. Police “Sergeant” Ivanov finished shooting, hit the target with three bullets - rating “good”. 2. Police “Sergeant” Ivanov hit the target with three bullets – “excellent” rating. 3. Police “Sergeant” Ivanov finished shooting, hit the target with three bullets - the rating was “satisfactory.” 4. “Sergeant” Ivanov finished shooting, hit the target with three bullets - the rating was “satisfactory.” 5. Police “Sergeant” Ivanov hit the target with three bullets – rating “satisfactory”

(+) Question No. 6
What is the minimum number of points required for a non-police officer to qualify for a master? -33 -36 -28 (+)

-24 -27
Question No. 7
Actions on the command “Weapon for inspection”: -Hold the weapon in the direction of the target, remove the magazine from the base of the pistol handle and place it under the thumb of the hand holding the pistol, with the feeder 2-3 centimeters above the bolt. -Turn off the safety, remove the magazine from the base of the handle, and place the bolt on the slide stop. -Hold the weapon in the direction of the target, turn off the safety, move the bolt to the rearmost position and put it on the slide stop, remove the magazine from the base of the pistol handle and place it under the thumb of the hand holding the weapon so that the magazine feeder is 2-3 centimeters higher shutter

Question No. 8
Type of hand grenade (RGN)? 1. Offensive. (+)

2. Defensive.
3. Signal. Question No. 9
What can happen when firing a pistol if the nose of the sear crumbles? -The trigger will not reach the firing pin when descending; there will be no shot. -The trigger will not stay cocked; automatic shooting is possible. (+)

-The spring may come off the sear;
When firing, a misfire is possible. -The trigger will not be held on the safety cock. -It will be impossible to turn on the fuse. Question No. 10
What is the radius of dispersion of lethal fragments of a hand grenade (RGD-5)? -25 meters (+) -70 meters -40 meters -100 meters

Question No. 11

Purpose of the trigger guard: -To hold the bolt in the rearmost position. -For attaching the trigger. -To protect the trigger from accidental pressing. (+) -To limit the movement of the shutter to the rear extreme position.

Question No. 12

What does Standard No. 2 of the Firing Course provide for? 1. Equipment for the machine gun magazine. 2. Assembling the pistol after partial disassembly. 3. Incomplete disassembly of the pistol. (+)

4. Incomplete disassembly of the machine.
Question No. 13
What does standard No. 6 of the shooting course provide for? 1. Incomplete disassembly of the pistol. 2. Assembly after partial disassembly of the pistol. 3. Pistol magazine equipment. 4. Changing magazine from different positions

(+) Question No. 14
What is the radius of dispersion of lethal fragments of a hand grenade (RGN)? — 25 meters (+) — 100 meters — 140 meters — 50 meters

Question No. 15

What is the minimum number of points a police officer must score to qualify for second class? -thirty -26 (+)

-33 -36 -22
Question No. 16
What is the purpose of incomplete disassembly of the Makarov pistol? 1. For cleaning and lubricating the gun. 2. For cleaning, lubricating and repairing the gun. 3. For cleaning, lubricating and inspecting the gun. (+)

Question No. 17

Purpose of rifling in the bore of small arms: -To increase the stability of the bullet during flight. -To increase the range of the bullet. -To increase the penetrating effect of the bullet. -To increase the lethal effect of a bullet. -To give the bullet rotational motion

(+) Question No. 18
Purpose of the bolt: -To cock the hammer. -To remove the cartridge. -To lock the bore when firing. -To hold the sleeve. -To feed a cartridge from the magazine into the chamber. -For all of the above. (+)

Question No. 19

Type of hand grenade (RGO)? 1. Offensive. 2. Defensive. (+)

3. Signal.
Question No. 20
What is the minimum number of points required for a police officer to qualify for first class? -26 -33 -36 -28 (+) -24

Question No. 21

What is included in the main parts and mechanisms of the Makarov pistol? 1. Barrel. 2. Shutter stop. (+) 3. Trigger. 4. Ejector.

Question No. 22

Which answer correctly lists the parts included in the main parts and mechanisms of the 9 mm Makarov pistol? -Frame with barrel and trigger guard, bolt with firing pin, ejector and safety catch, mainspring, trigger, handle with screw, bolt stop. -Frame with barrel and trigger guard, bolt with firing pin, ejector and safety catch, return spring, trigger mechanism, handle with screw, bolt stop, magazine. (+)

-Frame with barrel and trigger guard, bolt, trigger, return spring, handle with screw, bolt stop, magazine.
Question No. 23
What is the initial speed of a bullet? 1. The speed of a bullet moving in the bore of a weapon. 2. The speed of the bullet at the muzzle of the barrel. (+)

3. The maximum speed of a bullet in space.
Question No. 24
How many parts does the trigger mechanism consist of? 1.Four 2.Five 3.Six (+) 4.Seven 5.Eight

Question No. 25

Combat rate of fire when firing single shots from an AK-74: A. 40 rounds per minute; B. 50 rounds per minute; B. 60 rounds per minute. (+)

Question No. 26

What is the width of a 9mm Makarov pistol? 1. 31 mm. 2. 34 mm. (+) 3. 30.75 mm. 4 .25 mm.

Question No. 27

Purpose of the Makarov pistol: 1 It is a personal weapon of attack and defense, designed to defeat the enemy at short distances. (+)

2 It is a personal weapon of attack and defense, designed to defeat the enemy at long distances.
3 It is a personal weapon of attack and defense, designed to defeat the enemy in close combat. Question No. 28
What delay in firing a pistol can occur if the ejector spring breaks? - Seizing (pinching) of the cartridge case by the bolt. (+)

-Uncovering the cartridge with the bolt.
-Failure to advance the cartridge from the magazine into the chamber. - Failure to feed a cartridge from the magazine into the chamber. Question No. 29
Actions of the student on the “Load” command: 1. Remove the pistol from the holster, insert the loaded magazine into the base of the handle, insert a cartridge into the chamber and conduct aimed fire. 2. Remove the pistol from the holster, insert the loaded magazine into the base of the handle, put the pistol into the holster, fasten it and report readiness to fire. (+)

3. Move to the firing line, remove the pistol from the holster, turn off the safety, insert a cartridge into the chamber and conduct aimed fire in accordance with the conditions and order of the exercise.
Question No. 30
What is called a shot. 1. A shot is the ejection of a bullet (grenade) from the bore of a weapon by the energy of gases formed during the combustion of a powder charge. (+)

2. A shot is the passage of a bullet (grenade) through the bore of a weapon using the energy of gases formed during the combustion of a powder charge.
3. A shot is the moment when a bullet (grenade) begins to move in the barrel until it takes off, using the energy of gases formed during the combustion of a powder charge. Question No. 31
From what moment is it considered that a weapon was used? 1. Removing from the holster. 2. Shouting: “Stop. I will shoot!” 3. Aimed shot

(+) Question No. 32
How will a broken slide stop reflector affect pistol shooting? -After the shot, the cartridge case will not be thrown out, but will remain sandwiched between the bolt and the breech end of the barrel. (+)

-After the shot the cartridge case will not be removed from the chamber;
the next cartridge will hit it with its bullet. -Failure of the shutter stop reflector will not affect the shooting process. -Automatic shooting is possible. Question No. 33
How many riflings does the barrel of a 9 mm Makarov pistol have? 1. Five. 2. Three. 3. None. 4. Six. 5. Four. (+) 6. Two.

Question No. 34

Time to complete the “satisfactory” rating of fire training standard No. 4? 1. No more than 11 seconds. 2. No more than 20 seconds. (+)

3. No more than 25 seconds.
4. No more than 17 seconds. 5. No more than 23 seconds. Question No. 35
Do you study internal ballistics? 1. Phenomena occurring in the trigger mechanism after a shot. 2. Phenomena occurring in the barrel after a shot. 3. Phenomena occurring in the barrel during a shot. (+)

4. All options are correct.
Question No. 36
Is it permissible to use weapons against women with visible signs of pregnancy? 1. Allowed. 2. Not allowed in any case. 3. Permitted if they offer armed resistance that threatens people’s lives

(+) Question No. 37
Time to complete the “satisfactory” rating of fire training standard No. 5? -No more than 12 seconds. (+)

-No more than 20 seconds.
-No more than 25 seconds. Question No. 38
Purpose of the pistol strap: -To secure the pistol to the waist (trouser) belt. (+) -For the convenience of carrying PM in a holster. -To prevent loss of the PM and its falling out of the holster.

Question No. 39

What conditions must a police officer provide before using firearms? 1. Will strangers be harmed by the shots? 2. Is the use of weapons legal? 3. Both points are correct

(+) Question No. 40
What is the bore caliber of a rifled small arms called? 1. The distance between two opposite grooves. 2. Inner diameter of the bore. 3. Distance between fields and grooves. 4. Distance between two opposite fields.

Question No. 41
Which of the named parts is not included in the main parts and mechanisms of the Makarov pistol? 1. Trigger mechanism. 2. Shutter stop. 3. Barrel. (+) 4. Return spring.

Question No. 42

What is the height of a 9mm Makarov pistol? 1. 126 mm. 2. 126.75 mm. (+) 3. 161 mm. 4. 161.75 mm

Question No. 43

By what command does the employee move forward to inspect the targets? 1. “Change to the targets.” 2. “Change to the target inspection line with a step (run) march.” 3. “Change to the targets by walking (running) - marching.” (+)

Question No. 44

Sighting range when firing from a 9 mm Makarov pistol? — Up to 350 m. — Up to 50 m. (+) — Up to 500 m. — Up to 70 m.

Question No. 45

What is the capacity of the auger magazine of the Bison-2 submachine gun? -20 rounds -30 rounds -64 rounds (+)

Question No. 46

What does Standard No. 1 of the Firing Course provide? 1. Incomplete disassembly of the pistol. 2. Assembling the machine after partial disassembly. 3. Pistol magazine equipment. 4. Preparing for shooting from various positions

(+) Question No. 47
In order for a police officer to receive a satisfactory rating after completing Exercise No. 4 of the Shooting Course, it is necessary: ​​1. Do not exceed the time allotted for completing the exercise by hitting the designated kill zone with three or more bullets. (+)

2. Hit the designated kill zone with four bullets.
3. Do not exceed the time allotted for performing the exercise by hitting the designated affected area with two bullets. Question No. 48
The supply of cartridges when firing from an AK-74 is carried out from a box-shaped magazine with a capacity of: - 30 rounds; (+) - 35 rounds; - 40 rounds.

Question No. 49

What should a police officer use a weapon against a criminal do if the cartridge case is pinched by the bolt? -Reload the pistol and continue shooting. -Push the bolt forward with a push of your hand and continue shooting. -Discard the stuck cartridge case and continue shooting. (+)

-Replace the faulty magazine and continue shooting.
-Cock the trigger and fire a shot. Question No. 50
What is the aiming point? 1. The point on the target (outside it) at which the shooter is looking. 2. The point on the target (outside it) at which the weapon is aimed. (+)

3. Both options are correct.
Question No. 51
What is the trajectory of a bullet? 1. The angle at which the weapon is pointed. 2. The line along which the bullet (projectile) moves. (+)

3. Movement of a bullet (projectile) in space.
Question No. 52
What disassembly of the pistol must be done if it is exposed to rain? Complete. (+) Incomplete. Partial.

Question No. 53

Which of the following malfunctions can lead to a misfire when firing a pistol? -Wear of the spout of the sear or cocking of the trigger. - Severe contamination of the barrel chamber. -Kinks on the striker. (+)

-Deformation of the upper edges of the magazine body.
-Contamination of the shutter cup. Question No. 54
What is the minimum number of points required for a non-police officer to qualify for first class? -30 -26 (+) -33 -22

Question No. 55

What precautions should be taken before using a weapon? 1. Shout: “Stop! I will shoot!” 2. Fire a warning shot upward. 3. Both points are correct

(+) Question No. 56
What is the aiming line? 1. A straight line running from the shooter’s eye through the middle of the sight slot (at the level with its edges) to the front sight. 2. A straight line running from the shooter’s eye through the middle of the sight slot (at the level with its edges) to the aiming point. 3. A straight line running from the shooter’s eye through the middle of the sight slot (level with its edges) and the top of the front sight to the aiming point

(+) Question No. 57
What should a police officer use a weapon against a criminal do if a cartridge does not feed from the magazine into the chamber? -Cock the trigger and continue shooting. -Push the bolt forward with a push of your hand and continue shooting. -Replace the faulty magazine and continue shooting. (+)

-Turn off the safety and continue shooting.
Question No. 58
Weight of a hand grenade (RGN)? -210 grams -310 grams (+) -280 grams -600 grams

Question No. 59

Purpose of the mainspring: -To activate the trigger. -To operate the cocking lever. -To activate the trigger rod. -For all of the above. (+)

Question No. 60

Is it prohibited to wear earphones and safety glasses when shooting? 1. Correct, remove them with a weapon in your hands. (+) 2. Correct with a weapon in your hands. 3. Everything is allowed.

Question No. 61

Which answer correctly lists the items included in the 9 mm Makarov pistol? 1. Holster, 16 rounds, spare magazine, cleaning rod. 2. 16 rounds, cleaning rod, holster, spare magazine, pistol strap. 3. Pistol strap, spare magazine, holster, wipe.

Question No. 62
What should a police officer use a weapon against a criminal do if the bolt has not reached the forward position? -Reload the pistol and continue shooting. -Push the bolt forward with a push of your hand and continue shooting. (+)

-Replace the faulty magazine and continue shooting.
-Cock the trigger and fire a shot. Question No. 63
What happens when firing from a 9 mm Makarov pistol if the shooter forgets to replace the trigger guard? 1. After firing, the bolt will break off the frame and fly back. 2. After firing, the bolt will break off the frame and fly forward. (+)

3. The shutter will remain in the middle position after firing.
Question No. 64
What delay when firing a pistol can be caused by contamination of the grooves of the pistol frame? -Catching the cartridge case with the bolt. -Uncovering the cartridge with the bolt. (+)

-Infringement of the cartridge case by the bolt.
-Failure to advance the cartridge from the magazine into the chamber. - Failure to feed a cartridge from the magazine into the chamber. Question No. 65
Purpose of the sear with a spring: -To release the hammer from the cocking position. -To keep the trigger cocked. -To hold the trigger on the combat and safety cocks. (+) -To keep the trigger on the safety cock.

Question No. 66

As a result of which of the following malfunctions can a cartridge case be caught by the bolt when firing a pistol? - Breakage of the feeder tooth. - Broken shutter tooth. - Damage to the shutter stop reflector. (+)

-Breakage of the spring whispered.
-Breakage of a tooth whispered. Question No. 67
Completion time for a “satisfactory” rating of fire training standard No. 3. 1. No more than 7 seconds. 2. No more than 9 seconds. 3. No more than 11 seconds. 4. No more than 8 seconds. 5. No more than 10 seconds. (+)

6. No more than 12 seconds.
Question No. 68
What is the caliber of the PP-93 submachine gun? -5.45 mm. -7.62 mm. -9 mm. (+)

Question No. 69

The AK-74 assault rifle can fire: A. single; B. automatic; B. a and b. (+)

Question No. 70

The rate of fire from an AK-74 assault rifle is the following number of rounds per minute: A. 600 rounds; (+) B. 800 shots; B. 900 shots.

Question No. 71

What is the length of the 9 mm Makarov pistol cartridge? - 35 mm. - 10 mm. - 30 mm. - 25 mm. (+) - 20 mm.

Question No. 72

What is prohibited during shooting? 1. Shoot without a cartridge (dry) at the firing line. 2. Load weapons with live or blank cartridges without the command of the firing director (assistant director). (+)

3. Cock and lower the firing mechanism at the firing line.
Question No. 73
How to properly remove the return spring from the barrel of a Makarov pistol? -Gently pull it from the barrel until it is completely removed. -Rotate the spring towards you and give it forward movement until it is completely removed. (+)

-By any of the above methods.
Question No. 74
What disassembly of the pistol must be done if it gets into water? 1. Incomplete. 2. Complete. (+)

Question No. 75

How many main parts and mechanisms does the 9 mm Makarov pistol consist of? 1.Four 2.Five 3.Six 4.Seven (+)

5. Eight
Question No. 76
To what distance is fire from a 9 mm Makarov pistol most effective? 1. Up to 350 m. 2. Up to 500 m. 3. Up to 50 m. (+) 4. Up to 70 m.

Question No. 77

What is this ballistics? 1. The science of the movement of bodies. 2. The science of the trajectory of bodies. 3. The science of the movement of bodies thrown in space

(+) Question No. 78
What is the weight of a 9 mm bullet from a Makarov pistol cartridge? -9 g. -10 g. -9.1 g. -6.1 g. (+)

-6 g.
Question No. 79
Purpose of the wide feather of the mainspring: -To actuate the cocking lever with the trigger rod. -To operate the trigger. -To activate the trigger

(+) Question No. 80
What is the initial speed of a 9 mm Makarov pistol bullet? 1. 715 m/sec. 2. 730 m/sec. 3. 810 m/sec. 4. 315 m/sec. (+) 5. 350 m/sec.

Question No. 81

In what cases is it permissible to use weapons during an attack on a police convoy? 1. If the attackers are minors. 2. To suppress attempts to forcibly release persons detained on suspicion of committing a crime; persons in respect of whom detention has been chosen as a preventive measure; persons sentenced to imprisonment. (+)

3. In any case.
Question No. 82
What is the barrel length of a 9 mm Makarov pistol? 1. 95 mm. 2. 85.75 mm. 3. 75 mm. 4. 93 mm. (+) 5. 126.75 mm.

Question No. 83

Is it permissible to use firearms in necessary defense if the danger comes from an armed minor? 1. Yes. 2. No. 3. Only if there is a threat to life

(+) Question No. 84
Purpose of a pistol barrel: 1. Serves to direct the flight of a bullet. (+) 2. Serves to put a return spring on it. 3. Serves to place a cartridge in it. 4. Serves to impart rotational motion to the bullet.

Question No. 85

Which of the following is prohibited during shooting? 1. Leave weapons, ammunition or grenades at the firing line or anywhere else, as well as transfer them to other persons without the permission of the director (assistant director) of the shooting. (+)

2. Release the trigger in the direction of the target at the command of the shooting director “Inspected”.
3. Put the bolt on the bolt stop at the command of the shooting director “Weapons for inspection.” Question No. 86
What can happen when shooting a pistol if its magazine becomes very dirty? -Automatic shooting. -Misfire. -The bolt will reach its forward position, but there will be no cartridge in the chamber. (+)

-After the shot, the cartridge case will not be thrown out through the window in the bolt and will become wedged between the bolt and the breech end of the barrel.
Question No. 87
Time provided for performing exercise No. 4 of the PM shooting course: 1. 25 seconds. 2. 15 seconds. 3. 30 seconds. 4. 12 seconds. 5. 10 seconds. (+)

Question No. 88

What disassembly of the gun must be done if it is heavily soiled? 1. Complete. (+) 2. Incomplete.

Question No. 89

Purpose of the feeder tooth: -To turn on the bolt delay after all the cartridges from the magazine have been used up. (+) -To hold the bolt in the rear position after all the cartridges from the magazine have been used up. -To hold the feeder in the magazine body.

Question No. 90

Which of the following is prohibited during shooting? -Open and fire without the command of the firing range director (assistant director), in dangerous directions, with the white flag (lantern) raised at the command post of the shooting range (range, shooting range), from a faulty weapon. (+)

-Release the trigger in the direction of the target at the command of the shooting director “Inspected”.
-Place the bolt on the bolt stop at the command of the shooting director “Weapons for inspection.” -Put on and adjust headphones at the starting point. Question No. 91
Which of the following pistol malfunctions can lead to automatic firing? - Thickening of the lubricant or contamination of parts of the firing mechanism. (+)

-Contamination of the shutter cup.
-Thickening of lubricant in the store. -Thickening of the lubricant in the gun ejector. Question No. 92
Liability for the unlawful use of weapons? 1. Moral. 2. Disciplinary. 3. Administrative. 4. Criminal or administrative, depending on the consequences. 5. Criminal

(+) Question No. 93
Actions of the student on the “Unload” command: 1. Remove the magazine from the base of the pistol handle, turn off the safety, remove the cartridge from the chamber, turn on the safety, put the weapon in the holster. 2. Remove the pistol from the holster, insert the loaded magazine into the base of the handle, insert a cartridge into the chamber and conduct aimed fire. 3. Remove the magazine from the base of the pistol grip, turn off the safety, remove the cartridge from the chamber by moving the bolt back, turn on the safety, put the weapon in the holster, remove the cartridges from the magazine. (+)

4. Move to the starting point, remove the pistol from the holster, turn off the safety, pull the bolt back, remove the cartridge from the chamber, remove the cartridges from the magazine.
Question No. 94
Weight of a hand grenade (F-1)? -500 grams -600 grams (+) -530 grams -420 grams

Question No. 95

What is the length of a 9 mm Makarov pistol? - 161.75 mm. - 126 mm. - 126.75 mm. - 161 mm. (+) - 106 mm.

Question No. 96

What can happen when shooting a pistol if the bolt cup becomes very dirty? -Catching the cartridge case with the bolt. -Uncovering the cartridge with the bolt. (+) -Infringement of the sleeve by the bolt. -Failure to advance the cartridge from the magazine into the chamber.

Question No. 97

What is the weight of a 9 mm Makarov pistol with a magazine loaded with eight rounds? 1. 830 g. 2. 710 g. 3. 815 g. 4. 810 g. (+) 5. 730 g.

Question No. 98

What is the combat rate of fire of a 9 mm Makarov pistol? - 10 rounds per minute. - 30 rounds per minute. (+)

- 40 rounds per minute.
— 20 rounds per minute Question No. 99
What is prohibited during shooting? 1. Point the weapon, whether loaded or not, towards where people are or in the direction they may appear. (+)

2. Shoot without a cartridge (dry) at the firing line.
3. Put on and adjust headphones at the starting point, when the weapon is in the holster. Question No. 100
Which of the named parts is included in the trigger mechanism of the Makarov pistol? 1. Drummer. 2. Mainspring valve. (+) 3. Fuse. 4. Feeder.

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— Temperature is also important. It’s comfortable to shoot at 20 degrees - in such conditions it doesn’t sting from the cold (and the arrows freeze quickly because they practically don’t move during the exercise) and sweat doesn’t pour out. In the heat, even if riflemen wear shorts under their suit, leather ammunition is very hot

But during a certain period of time, athletes only shoot outside, and it doesn’t matter what the temperature is outside the window. All records in shooting from 25 and 50 meters are counted only in open and semi-open areas, where athletes and sometimes targets are located under a canopy.

And according to recently changed rules, the finals of all shooting exercises take place only indoors.


— Choleric people, sanguine people, phlegmatic people, melancholic people... Temperament matters, but among shooters there are representatives of all types.
For an athlete to be successful, proper coaching is important: each shooter needs to choose the rate of fire, the exercise in which he will perform, and the type of weapon. It may seem logical to someone to meet calm phlegmatic and melancholic people at the shooting range, but choleric people, and successful choleric people, exist in our history. For example, Olympic champion Konstantin Lukashik is a bright representative of this temperament. — To be honest, I don’t even understand how the guys shoot in such an environment, because in order to make a good and accurate shot, you need to concentrate, and any extraneous noise is distracting. It’s easier for young people - they adapt quickly, but older shooters have a much more difficult time. Now I notice that our sport has become younger - very few shooters who competed 10 years ago participate in competitions.

Riflemen's suits are made of leather and thick fabric, and such ammunition weighs 4.5-5 kilograms

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