Pistol - machine gun Agram 2000 and Agram 2002 (Agram 2000, Agram 2000)


During the period between the two world wars, a new class of automatic weapons began to spread more and more widely - submachine guns. The constant growth of their popularity was explained by a number of advantages: high density of fire at short distances (up to 100 m), excellent maneuverability due to their low weight and dimensions, and simplicity of design. In the post-war years, there was a tendency to create compact models suitable for concealed carry, with high firepower and the ability to select the type of fire.

Initially, small (medium) submachine guns - weighing up to 3-3.5 kg - were created mainly for the armed forces (UZI, NK MP-5, Beretta M.I2). But at the turn of the 1960-70s. their main customers are law enforcement agencies. On the one hand, the high stopping effect of a pistol cartridge and the absence of ricochets when shooting in confined spaces played a role here - qualities that are important specifically for the police, security structures, etc. On the other hand, what is even more important is that in many countries the internal situation has become more complicated (an increase in the number of partisans, terrorists, and “ordinary” criminals). Soon, light and compact submachine guns became one of the main types of weapons for law enforcement agencies (RM-63, Ingrem Mod.10/Mod.11/Skorpion M.61). At the same time, army reconnaissance and sabotage units and all kinds of special services increasingly had to solve police or similar tasks such as capturing or destroying criminal elements, releasing hostages, suppressing riots, patrol service, security, escort, etc. For these purposes, a specific weapon was needed - with the rate of fire of a submachine gun, but with a weight and dimensions close to a pistol - in order to fit in an armpit holster or on a belt under outerwear, in a small shopping bag or “diplomat” suitcase. And since such operations often take place in dense urban areas, such submachine guns, in addition to being compact, were required to provide effective fire at a range of up to 100 m.

The combination of properties of different weapons in one design was determined by the specific tasks posed to these samples, which affected primarily the weight, appearance, the presence or absence of a folding butt or shoulder rest, magazine capacity, etc. As a result, in 1980 - 90. fundamentally new small-sized submachine guns weighing up to 2 kg are appearing, often without a stock and with simple sighting devices (Mini-UZl, Micro-UZI, MP-5K, Steyr TMP/SPP, “Kedr”/“Klin”, “Kiparis” ", PP-90/93). Their features include instant combat readiness, safety in handling, the possibility of concealed carry and a fairly high accuracy of fire.

However, not only the police and intelligence agencies took advantage of the listed amenities and advantages. The power of fire and the compactness of the new submachine guns were immediately highly appreciated by “experts” from the underworld. In recent years, this weapon has become a favorite among criminals and terrorists of all stripes.

Agram 2000 submachine gun

As is known, the main peaks in the development of weapons occur during military conflicts and the post-war period.
A kind of arms race between opposing armed forces has already become an integral part of any military conflict, which is quite understandable, however, often the scope of weapons programs is significantly expanded and covers not only the military, but also the civilian population, who, even in wartime, must work in their specialty , if only to provide the same military with food. Naturally, the main industrial facilities are either well protected by military forces or evacuated to safe areas. But, unfortunately, even transporting a plant to a new location is quite problematic, and the evacuation of agricultural facilities is generally nonsense. The only way to transport cereal fields from one place to another is in a computer game, and even then not just any one, and the outcome of a military conflict sometimes even depends on how productive agriculture continues to work. Of course, there are supplies in case of war, but sometimes they are located at sufficiently large distances for transportation or, due to a number of circumstances, are simply inaccessible. Naturally, no one will protect the fields and the agricultural workers themselves; there will simply be no one to participate in hostilities - everyone will stand at their posts, and the civilian population has only one choice - to defend themselves. Typically, the state rarely cares about arming the civilian population, so it is often armed with hunting rifles, captured weapons, or, to make matters worse, even homemade ones. There is no point in scolding anyone about this, since this is a long-established tradition that has a history of more than one hundred years. Suffice it to recall the scythes rearranged in such a way that it would look like a halberd, the same agricultural forks, and if we take the national weapons of Asian peoples, then a good half of them are represented precisely by objects for agricultural work. However, every rule has exceptions, and over the centuries of history it was bound to appear. We will talk about the Agram 2000 submachine gun. This weapon was developed by Ivan Vugrek in 1991, its official use is the self-defense of the Croatian civilian population, in particular farmers, from attacks by Muslim militants and Serbian Chetniks. Let’s ignore the question of the effectiveness of using these weapons in the hands of untrained people against fully capable military units, which are also armed with full-fledged weapons, but the mere fact that someone was concerned about protecting the civilian population speaks volumes. Although you can look at this issue from a different angle. Of course, one became the owner of Agram 2000 not for beautiful eyes, but for a specific amount of money, so one can even say that they made money off the civilian population, but if we take into account that the distribution among the same farmers was small and the profit from sales was minimal, then such a thought seems absurd. Everything was completely different in the military environment, where there was an acute shortage of weapons. The Agram 2000 submachine gun actually became the main weapon for sabotage and reconnaissance units, despite the fact that it had more than modest characteristics, and it could hardly be called reliable. Subsequently, this model of submachine gun was widely distributed among terrorist organizations, the media even gave this weapon a name - “Disposable” terrorist weapon, but you and I know that “the Kalashnikov assault rifle has no analogues in the world.” On the other hand, the Agram 2000 submachine gun is a truly remarkable weapon from the point of view of its use in criminal circles, and it is not necessary that crimes involving this model be of a nationalistic or religious nature. Of the most notorious crimes in which this submachine gun was a direct participant, we can recall the murder of deputy Alexander Korobchinsky in Odessa, the murder of the head of the Azerbaijani criminal group Androkhov in Moscow, the murder of the deputy prefect of the Zelenograd district of Moscow L. Oblonsky and, of course, the most notorious murder of deputy G.V. Staravoytova in St. Petersburg in 1998 and many others. In total, more than 60 crimes were committed with the participation of the Agram 2000 submachine gun on the territory of the Russian Federation, this is of course not such a large figure in comparison with the statistical data of crimes involving domestic weapons, however, it must be borne in mind that the Agram 2000 is a “foreigner” for us and is not produced on the spot, which means it somehow crosses the border.

How to use Agran in an apartment

Any remedy for bedbugs in a residential apartment must always be used, taking all precautions. Agran has a very unpleasant odor and can have a toxic effect on humans and pets living in the house. To protect their health, it is necessary to remove children and animals from the apartment during treatment.

Before proceeding directly to disinfestation, it is necessary to prepare the room in a special way, that is:

  • Remove sheets, duvet covers, and pillowcases from beds. Remove curtains and bedside rugs, vacuum and roll up carpets. These items will then need to be washed in hot water or treated with a steam generator.
  • It is necessary to put all personal belongings, dishes and, of course, food into hermetically sealed bags or containers.
  • If possible, then outerwear and some furniture should be taken outside.
  • Before diluting the drug and processing, be sure to wear a respirator, goggles that fit tightly to your face, and rubber or latex gloves.

Diluted Agran must be applied to the following places:

  • Gaps near baseboards.
  • Window and door openings.
  • Places on the walls with peeling wallpaper,
  • Ventilation holes.
  • Joints, sides and bottoms of furniture.
  • The reverse side of the carpets.
  • Gaps in walls and floors.

The applied product is left on the surfaces until it dries completely. Then the room is ventilated and the places that the person comes into contact with are washed with water and soda. These are door handles, furniture surfaces, floors. Agran is not removed from those places in the apartment where children and pets cannot come into contact with this drug. Acting for several more days, the insecticide will destroy the entire population of bedbugs that has settled throughout the apartment.

It is safest to use Agran when you can leave home for several days - in a closed and fully treated room, bedbugs die much faster.

The effectiveness of the drug can be assessed after only two to four weeks. This is due to the fact that the remaining eggs can hatch into healthy individuals capable of biting. Therefore, if you again notice bites on your body or see small insects, then you need to carry out disinfestation again.


To get rid of bedbugs, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller

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Agram 2000


- Croatian submachine gun, created during the initial period of the civil war in Yugoslavia. It was used by self-defense units, partisan-insurgent and sabotage-terrorist formations, as well as some units of the Croatian army, but was not officially adopted [2]. The submachine gun turned out to be popular among criminals, since the weapon produced in wartime conditions was not shot for the bullet cartridge collection of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and (except for certain exhibition samples) did not even have markings.


The first samples were created in 1992, later some changes were made to the original design. The weapon is quite simple and technologically advanced to manufacture. Automation works by using the recoil energy of the free shutter. The receiver is made of steel pipe, in the front of which there are 18 ventilation holes to cool the barrel. The trigger mechanism is trigger type, firing is carried out from the front sear. The translator safety catch is located on the left side of the receiver.

The barrel is held in the receiver by a liner. On the muzzle of the barrel there are six groups of four holes in each group to reduce the pressure of powder gases when firing with a silencer. Without using a muffler, the holes are closed by a casing tube screwed onto the barrel.

The sight is open, includes a front sight and a flip rear sight with marks of 50 and 150 meters. [3]

There is no stock, its functions are partially performed by a belt loop attached to the rear of the receiver. [4]

Using anti-tick products in the countryside

The sequence of treating an area against ticks is not very different from a similar process indoors, so the instructions will be presented in abbreviated form.

  1. Wear personal protective equipment.
  2. Dilute the product using the data from the dosage table.
  3. Spray the product.
  4. Leave the area for 2-3 days.

Perhaps the most important thing when treating an area for ticks is to prevent the insects from coming back again. To do this, you can use small obstacles, as well as plants whose smell repels ticks: wild rosemary, catnip, tansy.

Precautionary measures

It is important to understand that the use of insecticides can be dangerous if precautions are not taken.

  • When processing (even using protective equipment), it is not recommended to delay the process, as this can cause poisoning.
  • You should not remain in the room after the procedure is completed.
  • Agran should be stored out of the reach of children.
  • During processing, only those people who participate in the process and use personal protective equipment should be in the apartment.
  • At the end of the treatment, you should take a warm shower and wash your clothes.
  • When treating rooms with children and pets, you should remove them from there.
  • Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from participating in the treatment (reasons below).

Recommendations for treating rooms where children live

The author warns. The best way to protect your child when treating a room with insecticidal agents is to send him to live with your relatives or friends for a while. The fact is that children are doubly susceptible to the negative effects of active substances, since, firstly, the child’s body is at the stage of active formation (and its disruption is fraught with health problems in the future), and secondly, young children always try to try something to taste. And this is not a problem under normal conditions, since in the first years of life children try to use every opportunity to explore the world around them, but this can be dangerous when processing an apartment. Since Agran has a long, prolonged effect, it is better for the child to stay away from home for about a week.

Also, the author’s opinion should be supported by factual data. Thus, studies of the effect of insecticidal agents on humans (including children) have been conducted for quite a long time and allow us to say that they have the greatest negative effect on the growing organism. This also applies during pregnancy.

The degree of exposure to humans is still unknown for certain, however, there are many studies on warm-blooded animals that indicate that when exposed to chlorpyrifos (one of the active ingredients of Agran), the growth of the fetus as a whole (especially the skull bones) slows down, but the division of heart cells accelerates and lungs.

The situation is similar with cypermethrin, but to a much lesser extent.

Recommendations for treating premises with pets

Unfortunately, it is impossible to explain to a pet why it is forbidden to taste something, but animals by their nature are much more resistant to poisons, and therefore they can be returned to the apartment after the initial cleaning is completed. Of course, if there is an opportunity to leave the animal somewhere outside the apartment, then it is better to take advantage of it. And if not, then it will be enough to thoroughly wash the floors and other surfaces treated with the product. It is also recommended to purchase a special insect repellent for your pet, since in many cases it is pets who cause various types of pests to appear in the home.

Contraindications, symptoms of poisoning, first aid

  • Childhood.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Serious illnesses.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Cramps.
  • Deterioration of vision.
  • Weakness.
  • Nausea.
  • Impaired coordination of movements.
  • Increased salivation.

If you experience at least one of these symptoms, you should urgently call an ambulance.

For various types of poisoning, the following measures should be taken:

  • If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them with water and also drip atropine.
  • If it enters the respiratory tract (for example, if a person has inhaled poisoned air), it is necessary to rinse the mouth with a soda solution and change clothes.
  • If the substance gets into the gastrointestinal tract, you should drink a 2% soda solution (several glasses) and induce vomiting. Next, you can take 10–15 tablets of activated carbon.

Summary of the Precautionary Clause

This addition is required in order to clarify some details for particularly impressionable readers. The fact is that the above facts about the potential dangers of chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin are presented solely for the purpose of conveying to the reader the reasons why it is necessary to take all precautions even when using relatively safe products like Agran. Compliance with precautions will lead to the fact that the product will not cause any harm to people, but will only become a tool with the help of which these people will get rid of a much greater danger - insects that carry a huge number of infections, and simply irritate any resident.

Crimes committed in the CIS using Agram 2000

According to A.I. Blagovestov, the submachine gun “is smuggled into the CIS and has recently been quite often used by militants of criminal groups” (at the beginning of 2002, about 60 pieces were passed through the card index of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation [7]). Among the crimes that caused public outcry are:

  • 1996 - murder of Ukrainian MP Yevgeniy Shcherban in Donetsk, Ukraine. [8]
  • 1998 - murder of deputy Galina Starovoytova in St. Petersburg. [9]
  • 2000 - triple murder near the Astoria Hotel (St. Petersburg). [10] .
  • 2001 - murder of deputy. prefect of the Zelenograd district of Moscow L. Oblonsky [11]
  • 2005 - shootout in the Yellow Submarine restaurant (Moscow) [12]
  • 2007 - murder of Ch. Akhondov, leader of an Azerbaijani criminal group (Moscow). [13]
  • 2011 - murder of deputy, leader of the Party of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs Alexander Korobchinsky (Odessa). [14]


  1. can use 32-round magazines from the “ERO” submachine gun (Croatian unlicensed copy of the UZI)
  2. “AGRAM-2000” (Croatia) // A. I. Blagovestov. What they shoot from in the CIS: Directory of small arms. / under general ed. A.E. Taras. Minsk, Harvest, 2000, pp. 270-273
  3. Sergey Monetchikov. “Disposable” terrorist weapons: AGRAM-2000 // MasterRuzhie magazine, No. 31, 1999, pp. 16-22
  4. V. P. Grigorovich, N. V. Makeeva (Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation). Features of initiating criminal cases for crimes related to illegal trafficking in weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices // “Epoch of Science” magazine, No. 9, March 2017. pp. 24-29
  5. . Ukrainian Truth (December 9, 2011). Retrieved December 10, 2011.
  6. . NEWSru (April 26, 2005). Retrieved September 20, 2010.
  7. (unavailable link). Retrieved April 4, 2011.
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