ATN-51 “Black Plague” - the newest Russian fighter

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The media have been reporting for several years that Russian designers are developing a new fighter with bomber capabilities. The car received the index ATN-51 with the ominous name “Black Plague”.

ATN-51 “Black Plague” - one of the probable concepts

For a long time, the statements were considered a bluff, but it is reliably known about the existence of similar projects in the Soviet Union. It is quite possible that the developments of USSR instructors were used to create a new generation of aircraft.

A little earlier in the USSR

At the end of the 60s and early 70s of the last century, space flights and launching satellites into orbit became the norm in a number of developed countries. The assumption that orbital fireballs could carry weapons of mass destruction was very alarming to the leadership of the USSR. To destroy such carriers, the MiG-105 orbital fighter aircraft was developed.

The satellite hunter could not get into orbit on his own.

For this purpose, the GSR hypersonic aircraft was developed, used as an accelerator. Its some characteristics are very similar to the modern ATN-51 design.

The GSR was equipped with a power plant that ran on liquid hydrogen. This type of fuel is known for its low density of 0.0898 kg/m3. Liquid hydrogen contributed to the aircraft's high cruising speed. A large number of fuel tanks allowed the vehicle to travel long distances. If necessary, some of the fuel tanks could be replaced with weapons.

In those years, with the availability of available technologies, testing a mock-up of the GSR aircraft at TsAGI on a test bench at a speed of Mach 4-6 was a real revolution in the aircraft industry. All tests ended successfully. At that time, no one knew that the new hypersonic Soviet aircraft would remain unnecessary in USSR aviation.

The potential of the “overclocker” was obvious. It could become a prototype for other aircraft. For example, they wanted to use it as a transport for delivering space and cargo modules into orbit. However, the multiple increase in the cost of launching the GSR, compared to the Soyuz-21 launch vehicle (3.2 billion rubles), put an end to further modernization. The project was closed due to unprofitability.

Everything is new, it's well forgotten old

I think someone has already guessed what will be discussed next, because even despite the fact that the ATN-51 aircraft is just a fiction, various kinds of information have been leaking for a long time, and rumors do not arise out of the blue and most likely they took them as a basis an old project that was simply impossible to implement with the technologies of the 70s and 80s of the last century. Only one project comes to mind, or rather just one part.

The picture shows the MiG-105 orbital fighter, it was he who was designed as a satellite hunter, but it’s not what we’re interested in. The MiG-105 did not take off into space directly from the ground. It was a whole complex, which consisted of three full-fledged units. It was lifted to a height of up to 30 km by the GSR - Hypersonic Accelerator Aircraft. According to its characteristics, it is the one that most closely matches the ATN-51.

  • Length – 38 m
  • Wingspan – 16.5 m
  • Empty weight – 36 tons
  • Fuel tanks – 16t
  • Fuel – liquefied hydrogen
  • Fuel tank volume - 260 cubic meters
  • Maximum Speed ​​– 6M
  • Maximum flight range at cruising speed 5M – 12,000 km
  • Crew - 2 people
  • Engines – TRD AL-51
  • Engine thrust - 4x17500 kgf

The GSR was the first aircraft to be tested at TsAGI at speeds of 4-6M, and it passed all tests very successfully. Subsequently, many models were tested at its base, including smaller reconnaissance aircraft, but running on kerosene fuel with a maximum speed of 4-4.5 Mach.

History of the development of the ATN-51 “Black Plague” aircraft

The relevance of the new combat vehicle is becoming more and more obvious, as opponents of the Russian Federation begin to lay claim to the resources located in the Arctic shelf. The Russian Federation has long confirmed the right to own the underwater continental part, but the interests of all states whose shores are washed by the Arctic Ocean are now focused on the resources of the region.

However, one can be grateful for the increase in tension, since it provoked the development of the country's military-industrial complex. The ATN-51 “Black Plague” aircraft is one of the developments that will help protect biological resources.

ATN-51 “Black Plague”, general view

The new generation must meet a number of parameters, the bar has been set high:

  • the ability to fly a significant distance without refueling;
  • the sound barrier had to be exceeded several times;
  • the vehicle must interact with modern high-precision weapons, including heavy ones, up to nuclear warheads;
  • the engine must be very powerful and reliable.

Despite the situation of the strictest secrecy, foreign militaries became aware of the development of a new generation of aircraft. “Black Plague” is the name given by Western experts to the future aircraft after studying its supposed characteristics. With the new fighter, Russia will gain an undeniable advantage in the air, as reported by Western military analysts.

“Black Plague” is not only a Russian-designed aircraft. The prerequisites for the development of a new machine appeared in the 60-70s of the last century. At that time, satellites and stations began to be regularly sent into orbit, which made the threat of installing weapons on such devices more and more real. The MiG-105 aircraft was developed to combat such a supposed enemy.

The disadvantage of the development was the inability to independently reach the planet's orbit. For this purpose, it was planned to use an “accelerator” - a hypersonic aircraft, similar in parameters to the ATN-51.

ATN-51 "Black Plague", front view

The power plant in this machine was a liquid hydrogen engine. Since this type of fuel has a very low density (0.0898 kg/m3), it was possible to significantly increase the cruising speed.

The fuselage design required the installation of a large number of fuel tanks, which, if necessary, were changed for armament.

A prototype was created and global testing was carried out under bench test conditions. The test was carried out at speeds of 4-5 MAX and turned out to be successful, which was a real breakthrough for that time.

ATN-51 "Black Plague" in battle

The machine had enormous potential, for example, it could deliver entire modules for stations into orbit. However, the hypersonic “booster” turned out to be too expensive, since its launch would cost more than the launch of Soyuz-21. The fate of the unique aircraft was given up due to unprofitability.


Why is such a super-heavy fighter needed? All resources are actively circulating that the ATN-51 will primarily guard the Arctic borders, and will also be able to fly to America. However, there are nuances here too. The modernized MiG-31BM is also excellent for border protection, the MiG-41 is actively being developed, and our other aircraft are in no way inferior to all our neighbors, and our air defense system is one of the best in the world. Flying to the USA is also a very dubious proposition without nuclear weapons on board. What's the point of flying halfway around the world to shoot conventional rockets? It's like walking at a bear with a fork.

So why do you need an aircraft with such characteristics? If over time the Russian Aerospace Forces acquire high-precision missiles of small size with a nuclear charge, then such an aircraft will be perfect for delivering strikes against any enemy, including targeted and powerful strikes. Also, due to its high speed, it can be used as an aircraft as part of air defense forces, which can shoot down almost any target.

possible appearance of a promising fighter of the future

In addition to the standard set of tasks, there are several other points worthy of attention. If you look at the orbit of any satellite, most of them will sooner or later fly over northern latitudes, or over Russia, or over the Arctic. This may sound a little strange, but such a super-heavy fighter can become a satellite hunter, the main thing is to arm it with the appropriate missiles. Moreover, a satellite hunter in the Arctic has one very important advantage - there is no air defense of a potential enemy, no one can stop him from completing the task, and even if he tries, the speed of Mach 4 will not leave anyone a chance to even get within attack range.

The second important point is the rumors about the hypersonic glider Yu-71 with a Sarmat nuclear missile. This hypersonic aircraft needs a booster aircraft that can take it to the required altitude and also gain a starting speed of 4M. And the sooner the better.

Well, the third point, which would seem to have nothing to do with it, is Elon Musk’s development of reusable rockets, which should revolutionize astronautics, raising it to a new level.

The main purpose

Since the beginning of 2022, the country has been developing new missiles for the defense complex. Among them, a special place is occupied by warheads with a nuclear charge, which are considered as a possible equipment for the “Black Plague”. This will make it possible to carry out targeted strikes of enormous destructive power deep behind enemy lines.

Due to its high speed, the aircraft will be able to perform almost any air defense mission, including the destruction of high-speed objects.

If the situation in the Arctic does not begin to clear up, the new Black Plague aircraft will be able to patrol these areas. The functionality of the machine is so high that it is considered as a satellite destroyer.

ATN-51 "Black Plague", an analogue of the drum launcher

Another possible area of ​​activity will be the acceleration and lifting of the Yu-71 Glider, which is also at the development stage, and its possible purpose is the use of Sarmat missiles.


8-12 hypersonic missiles will be used as weapons, which no one will be able to oppose. The development of these missiles has been underway in Russia since 2022, as the president of our country spoke about. These missiles will have to be equipped with both conventional and nuclear warheads. This will make it possible to carry out targeted strikes of enormous destructive power deep behind enemy lines.

The missiles will be placed in a drum installation, exactly the same as that currently installed on Russian strategic bombers.

Description of the aircraft design

It is not possible to find reliable information about the design and performance characteristics of the “Black Plague”.

However, existing data allows us to conclude that the machine will have the following features:

  • trapezoidal wings;
  • the fuselage is flat, wide, there is a clear analogy with Stealth technology;
  • The cockpit canopy is glazed only at the front, and at the rear it merges into a streamlined hull protrusion.

It is assumed that without refueling the aircraft will be able to cover 15 thousand kilometers. In practice, this will be enough to take off in the North of Russia, fly to the United States and return back without replenishing fuel.

Fuel tanks with a volume of 26-32 tons will allow achieving such indicators.

The power plant uses a pair of dual-circuit engines with thrust vector control. It is expected to accelerate to a maximum of 5400 km/h and operate at altitudes of up to 40 km.

Glider Yu-71

The weapons will be mounted on a drum-type launcher, so it is planned to place up to 10 missiles to destroy air targets.

Performance characteristics of ATN-51 “Black Plague”

It is worth noting that there are competitors, in particular, the secret US project - TR-3B Black Manta. Unfortunately, there is not even approximate data on this machine, so it will not be possible to compare them with the domestic development.

The technologies used in the American TR-3B Black Manta aircraft are more modern.

Maximum flight speed, MAX - 4.5

Practical ceiling, km - 42

Engine name - RDUVT, 2 pcs.

Maximum flight range without refueling, km - 15,000

Maximum fuel reserve, tons - 38

Number of missiles on board - Up to 14, various classes

Given the secret status of the development, the data provided may differ greatly from what the aircraft will ultimately be able to do. There is still no confirmed information.

Advantages and disadvantages

It is worth noting that in comparison with its Western rival, the domestic development uses older components and filling. Perhaps this was done to reduce the cost, because the obvious disadvantage of the aircraft is the cost. There are no exact data, but a car of this class cannot be cheap.

In my opinion, the appearance of the Black Plague reminds me of the Su-57. And perhaps the T-50 is the initial step. Although I could be wrong.

Based on materials from

Bottom line

If the ATN-51 aircraft itself is a fiction, then an aircraft with similar characteristics is definitely being developed or was being developed in our design bureaus. How far the project has progressed is unknown, but the fact that it was developed back in Soviet times and was very successful at the same time gives reason to believe that soon we may see a new class of aircraft, superior in its characteristics to all existing aircraft, and at the same time multifunctional and capable not only of military service, but participation in the space program.

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