Russian special forces in questions and answers

Special forces and the army are two inseparable structures. It is very difficult to get into the special forces troops, because the selection is quite strict. The main task of special forces soldiers is to carry out assigned combat missions and carry out operations to capture strategic objects, destroy bandit formations or terrorist groups. Special forces soldiers are the backbone of the Russian army; only they are trusted to carry out the most complex and responsible tasks. What are the selection criteria for special forces troops and how to get there? Let's try to figure it out.

What is special forces and its distinctive features

Spetsnaz troops in the Russian army are combat units that carry out special-purpose missions, while taking enormous risks to their lives. Similar special purpose units are currently operating all over the world.

The distinctive features of special forces soldiers are as follows:

  • High level of training. All soldiers have the highest level of physical fitness, are psychologically stable, and have a high level of motivation to serve;
  • Perform assigned tasks even in the most extreme conditions. Special forces are used in situations where a simple soldier cannot cope. Every day soldiers put their lives at risk;
  • They are fluent in all types of weapons. Depending on the task assigned to the soldier, the equipment and type of weapons change accordingly. Therefore, all fighters must be fluent in all types of weapons;
  • Professional status. Special forces are considered an elite unit of the army; not everyone can join such troops. This is associated with a great risk to life and huge costs for the training of special forces by the state.

How special forces train

It’s not for nothing that Russian soldiers are called “superhumans” who can get injured, get up and continue to carry out a combat mission. Burn, but rise. Doing things that ordinary people cannot do. The elite units of the GRU, “Alpha”, “Maroon Berets” are living legends who literally went through all the circles of hell on earth. Below you can imagine an ordinary day for elite special forces soldiers, and compare it with the special forces of the army, police and even the FSB.

For several years - military training of special forces at the limit of physical and moral strength. Only 4 hours are allocated for sleep. The rest of the time the fighters spend preparing for military action.

The morning of a special forces soldier begins with a jog. If the commanding staff woke up on the wrong foot, it would be 10 km in full gear (with a load of 50 kg) over rough terrain. When soldiers are less fortunate, running can continue until the commander's mood improves or until a distance of 40-50 km has been covered. The fighters are given less than an hour for the ten-kilometer distance. Those who did not reach the finish line on time receive an additional 5-10 km the next day, depending on the commander. Often an entire company is punished in this way because of one soldier.

Then the special forces perform exercises on horizontal bars, uneven bars and an obstacle course, a set of exercises to increase endurance, shooting from anything that can be shot, and hand-to-hand combat. After meals - either routine work or classes to develop intellectual abilities, theory and combat tactics.

Basic skills that a special forces soldier must develop:

  • force;
  • speed;
  • dexterity;
  • endurance;
  • coordination of movements;
  • fast recovery.

“12 circles of hell” - every six months

Every year, sometimes several times, exams are held that allow more than half of each group to be eliminated. They include an endurance test - cross-country. Fully equipped: body armor, weapons, spare magazines, knives, first aid kit, dry rations, change of clothes, for signalmen - communication equipment, for sappers - means for mining and demining, things to carry out the assigned combat mission (flame throwers, MANPADS, interchangeable uniform etc). In 5-6 days, the group must cover hundreds of kilometers, moving almost without stopping to sleep. Through forests, swamps, lakes, in any weather, with a minimum amount of supplies, without communication and rest.

A special forces soldier must not only be resilient, but also attentive. Therefore, the entire tactical field for conducting training tests is crammed to the brim with all sorts of traps and dummies: mines, trip wires, traps, nets. In open areas, snipers await the group, and swamps often have to be passed under a hail of blank shots.

The next stage of the exam is special forces stress physical training. If all of the above was a test of the physical fitness of special forces, moral skills are tested here. The command staff simulates combat situations in which a fighter needs to survive. This could be the capture of a building with terrorists, reconnaissance in force of an airport against superior enemy forces, or carrying a wounded comrade out of the line of fire. Eyewitnesses spoke of cases where a soldier was locked in a room with a hungry rat, and he could only leave after killing it with his bare hands.

Situations are simulated to simultaneously test not only stress resistance, but also the fighter’s ability to assess the situation and make the right decision. For example, during a combat mission, superior enemy forces emerge from the forest, there are no cartridges, but there is a fake mine in the clearing - the further development of events depends on the training of the specialist.

The final stage is testing hand-to-hand combat and shooting. In the first case, the role of a sparring partner is either the owner of a maroon beret (the highest distinction of a special unit fighter who has passed the most stringent selection) or an instructor, which often coincides. To win, you are allowed to use improvised items. Because specialists of this class do not enter into battle with their bare hands. The fire training of special forces is tested over 7-8 hours of continuous shooting from “enemies”, among whom local residents are disguised, from a huge number of different firearms. The task of the fighters is not to injure the “local residents”, eliminating only the enemy fighters. This exercise allows you to test the reaction speed and response of special forces, the ability to identify and destroy the enemy in a split second.

Police or army special forces standards

When testing the physical fitness of the average fighter, quite gentle frameworks are used:

  1. Cross 3 km in 10-12 minutes.
  2. The hundred-meter distance is 10-11 seconds.
  3. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar - at least 20.
  4. Lift-over - at least 12 times.
  5. Dips - 35.
  6. Push-ups - at least 60.
  7. The bench press is no less than the fighter's weight - 10-12 times. —
  8. Hand-to-hand combat, fire.

To meet such standards, superhuman loads are not needed, but even with such requirements, training takes up a soldier’s entire time. The daily routine remains the same as in the cases described above, but the intensity of the classes is less:

  • 4 km run in full gear;
  • parallel bars exercises;
  • routine work or tactical exercises;
  • set of exercises;
  • hand-to-hand combat and fire.

Intellectual training of special forces is an important part, accounting for almost half of the time of general physical training. At such classes, fighters are given tasks, ways to solve them, and possible options for action are considered.

Main tasks of the unit

Military service in the special forces is quite difficult, both physically and mentally. This is a lot of hard daily work on the path to perfection.

The main tasks of special forces:

  • Fighting enemy saboteurs;
  • Reconnaissance operations in areas under the control of gangs or terrorists, enemy troops;
  • Active participation in the elimination of terrorist groups and dangerous criminals;
  • Protection of important strategic government facilities;
  • Protecting the lives of important government officials;
  • Escort and capture of dangerous criminals;
  • Perform all dangerous and difficult tasks that are beyond the capabilities of ordinary units.

Criteria for selecting recruits to special forces

Who is taken into special forces in the army, and who is not? As already mentioned, becoming a special forces soldier is very difficult and for this, first of all, a young person must undergo a thorough selection and try with all his might to prove to the commission that they cannot find a better candidate for special forces.

The main selection criteria are excellent physical fitness, good health and complete absence of bad habits.

The main requirements for candidates include:

  • Completion of compulsory or contract service in the army (preferably as an officer or warrant officer);
  • Availability of categories in martial arts;
  • Absence of surgical interventions and the presence of chronic diseases;
  • Age up to 28 years;
  • Having a higher education or undergoing special training at military faculties.

Many people wonder why it is necessary to undergo military service to get into special forces? And all because soldiers who have completed military service understand perfectly well what can await them in special forces and consciously go there, putting their lives at risk.

To enroll in special forces, young people must have the following physical characteristics:

  • Body weight from 75 kg to 100 kg;
  • Height is not lower than 175 cm and not higher than 185 cm;
  • Age range – from 19 to 28 years.

In some cases, selection may occur with small “indulgences” in terms of physical parameters, for example, if 1-2 cm of height is missing, but a person has well-developed intellectual abilities, then he may be enlisted in the special forces or the GRU.

Also, during the medical examination, a thorough examination of the body of the candidate for special forces is carried out, necessary to ensure the absence of tattoos, piercings and other similar things.

Among other things, people with speech impediments, such as stuttering, are not allowed into the special forces. In other words, a special forces soldier should have absolutely no defects or special features by which the enemy could identify him.

What is special forces

In the media you can often hear about military operations in different areas on the world map with the participation of special forces. The importance of these units is enormous, and since the technical means in the army have long been at a high level, its service personnel must not only be physically and morally prepared, but also be literate. And in the special forces there is a contingent intended to carry out non-standard, specific events, using special tactics and means. These include divisions:

  1. Intelligence.
  2. Operational.
  3. Borderline.
  4. Presidential Service.
  5. Ministry of Internal Affairs

The military of this unit have a special status in each sectoral department. Their functions correspond to their regulations. And the activity requires special equipment:

  1. Specific weapons.
  2. Equipment.
  3. By transport.

Combat training is conducted in reinforced training bases in separate centers. Basically, groups are formed from contract soldiers, as required by the high level of training of the elite unit. There are exceptions to the rules when units are made up of conscripts.

To get into special forces it is not enough to be physically strong. The young man goes through various checks and commissions . It all starts with submitting documents to the military registration and enlistment office at your place of residence. In the area, a local medical examination is prescribed, which confirms the absence of pathologies and mental stability. The future warrior must be morally strong and withstand any load. Good physical preparation provides a chance for appointment to an elite unit, but in addition you must have:

  1. Excellent health.
  2. Psychological endurance.
  3. Various skills.

After passing a set of tests, the command makes a verdict on the recruit’s readiness for special forces or permanently closes this direction.

Special forces on a contract basis

Contract service in special forces is possible only if the young man has already completed military service. Preference will first be given to those candidates who have an officer rank and a sports rank in boxing or other types of martial arts.

In order to get a contract after military service, you need to contact the unit commander and tell him about your desire. After this, the soldier will be expected to pass physical standards and various tests to identify psychological instability, if any. After passing all the tests, the young man will be given a special permit, with which he appears at the military commissariat at his place of residence. Only after this can you begin collecting the necessary documents, passing the commission and concluding a contract.

At the end of all procedures, the young man can be considered a special forces soldier.

Conscript service in special forces

You can get into military service in special forces, but not in the FSB or intelligence service. This is because the FSB special forces recruit candidates from the officer ranks and only with a good recommendation from current law enforcement officers.

Getting into intelligence is also not very easy. The main selection criterion is the presence of a maroon beret.

Upon urgent conscription, a young man can be assigned to the following special units:

  • Airborne troops. To get into this type of troops, you must have a mark on your military ID indicating the fitness category “A” or “B1”. If, after enlisting in the troops, a young man shows himself only on the positive side, then he will have a chance to serve in special forces under a contract;
  • Marines. For these troops, the same requirements are put forward as for the Airborne Forces. By approaching the service responsibly, you can be noticed by the command and expect to receive an offer for work under a contract.

Who do they take?

Each unit has its own specifics, which depend on the affiliation of the special forces detachment to a specific ministry or department. But in general, the practice in special forces is that the main personnel consists of contract soldiers. A contract is concluded with them for a period of at least 3 years.

Why October 24?
It was on this day, October 24, 1950, that the Minister of War, Marshal of the Soviet Union Alexander Vasilevsky issued a directive on the formation of a special deep reconnaissance unit in the USSR.

Who has a chance to join the special forces elite? >>

The main thing: the candidate must be physically developed, have excellent health and be ready to perform responsible service and combat missions. But not only! A high level of moral and psychological qualities is important for a special forces soldier.

Here is one example of “trial tests” - in this case, for candidates for enrollment in the Vityaz special forces detachment. They must pass tests for:

— strength endurance: continuous running for 12 minutes + complex strength test , consisting of 4 exercises (while performing them, the certified person must try to complete the maximum number of approaches) + pull-ups on the bar;

speed qualities : you need to run 10 segments of 10 meters each in a minimum period of time;

flexibility : the candidate performs 4 exercises, including longitudinal and transverse splits!;

- agility : the test consists of 5 exercises, including, for example, 7 somersaults forward and backward or the need to walk 7 meters on your hands;

courage : training fights according to the rules of boxing.

The main reasons for refusing to serve in special forces

Since the selection for special forces troops is quite strict, there are plenty of reasons for being refused. There are selection criteria that young people cannot pass due to certain circumstances.

People can refuse to serve in a special unit for the following reasons:

  • Non-compliance with the required physical parameters;
  • Lack of education;
  • Presence of chronic diseases;
  • Presence of a criminal record in your biography;
  • Failed psychological testing.

Advice for those who dream of serving in special forces

In order for the dream of serving in special forces to come true, it is necessary to engage in physical training from early childhood. First of all, you need to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and exercise daily. It is also worth creating your own daily routine and sticking to it, thus developing willpower.

Since the conditions for selection into special forces imply the presence of education, it is worth taking a responsible approach to this issue in advance. In parallel with education, it is necessary to attend the gym to improve combat skills. It could be boxing or another martial art.

It is necessary to prepare for service in special forces from school, only in this way will a young man have a chance to fulfill his dream and be selected for a special unit.

Thus, we told you how to get into special forces in the army. But no matter what troops the young man joins, this will in any case be a big plus for him, because military service is honorable. In order to have the opportunity to serve in the elite troops, you need to go a long way, starting from school. It is necessary to do daily physical exercise, strengthen your body, eat right and not have bad habits. Only with the right approach to your health and physical fitness can you achieve the desired result.

What methods are used for training?

Complexes of exercises are used to form the most important resource of a special forces soldier. Most specialists do not need strength, but endurance to perform a monotonous load for a long time. For example, to carry out combat missions it is necessary to cover distances of hundreds of kilometers on the march (running). To do this, the body must have a good resource.

The main methods for developing this skill are:

  • continuous load with varying intensity;
  • repeating exercises at different intervals;
  • circuit training;
  • competitive methods.

The training of a special forces soldier has one main principle - continuity. Deterioration in results is observed after 4-5 days of break. Therefore, systematic, daily exercises contribute to the formation of a significant resource of endurance, necessary for specialists. We offer you to get acquainted with several sample programs and exercises for special forces units.


Such physical exercises are most effective in building endurance, explosive strength and hatred of command staff. The number of repetitions depends on the initial physical preparation and the desire to get results. The more repetitions you can do, the better. A typical complex includes:

  • finger push-ups - 20-30 times
  • jumping from a sitting position with clapping - 20-30;
  • push-ups on fists - 30;
  • jumping - 20-30;
  • again raising the body up on fingers 10-15;
  • jumping - 10-15;

Next, by analogy, there are push-ups on fists, jumps, on fingers. Between each exercise there can be a run of 10 or 100 m. When the point is reached, perform squats, jumps, push-ups, press, throw stones, run again. Circular special forces training is limited only by the degree of humanity of the officer conducting the training.


For training you will need a barbell, dumbbells or weights. The army didn’t come up with anything supernatural; the whole complex can be easily performed in the gym or at home if you have the equipment:

  • lifting a weight (with one, two hands, alternately), squatting with it on the shoulder, tossing, throwing, jumping;
  • exercise with weights for all muscle groups lying on a bench (complicated version, legs raised and holding a weight on each, arms spread to the sides and up with dumbbells;
  • lifting and pushing the barbell, bench press, lunges, bends.

Exercises on the horizontal bar play a special role; they are included in special forces training during morning exercises: pull-ups, lift-inversions, aerial presses. Exercises on the uneven bars also help in developing strength.


This includes a huge number of different exercises: running, stretching, strength, coordination. They are performed with variable intensity. The starting point is static exercises in place: jumping, push-ups, squats, etc. Next, run 10-30 meters. At the finish point, exercises are again performed on the spot. Static ones alternate with acceleration and dynamic ones.


  • finger push-ups;
  • speed running;
  • squats with a bag over your shoulders;
  • to the next point in Plastun style;
  • jumping up from a sitting position;
  • acceleration;
  • kickboxing with shadow;
  • run;
  • fist push-ups.

Then there can be circular repetitions, the main thing is that the intensity of the execution constantly alternates. This will allow the body to become more resilient and improve speed performance. At the same time, the workload in the army is constant to achieve results.

The training of the GRU and other special forces uses the principle “the tougher the better.” The more intense and powerful the preparatory exercises are, the greater the soldier’s chances of surviving in real combat conditions. Psychological pressure must be included during exercise. Instructors can cover the personnel with selective curses, openly provoke, the passage of the lane can be accompanied by traps, burning points and much more. Exercises are constantly conducted in conditions close to combat, where the use of both force and firearms with blank charges is permitted.

Everything is aimed at ensuring that the fighter can survive and complete the assigned combat mission, although for the average person this seems real sadism. “Any place, any time, any task” is the motto of the special forces, which fully describes a soldier who has gone through heavy daily pressure and “12 circles of hell on earth” during preparation for dangerous service.

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