New Il-112V aircraft: tests have almost been completed, mass production will begin soon

Il-112V is a modern military transport aircraft of a new generation. The developer is AK named after S.V. Ilyushin, produced in Voronezh at aviation). It is planned to replace the old fleet of An-24 and An-26 aircraft with the improved Il-112V. The start of operation of the Il-112V modification for aviation is planned in 2022.

Advantages of IL-112V

The model was developed by leading experts in advanced technologies and has modern on-board systems. During production, components and assemblies manufactured at Russian enterprises were used, which significantly reduces the cost. The model is equipped with TV7-117ST engines with a power of 3100 hp. With. The engines have predominantly economical fuel consumption. The aircraft has twice the transport characteristics of the An-26.

Cruising speed is 470 km/h. Flight range with maximum load during takeoff is 1200 km (from unpaved airfields).

The aircraft wing has a special design, which does not consist of two consoles, it is one-piece. Previously, such a wing design had not been used in domestic aircraft.

The main advantage of the new model is the ability to take off and land at small, poorly equipped airfields with a landing strip surface (concrete, soil, asphalt). The aircraft is capable of operating at extremely low temperatures.

With Rolls-Royce (and with everyone) everything was very good with us then. R&R did not take on the Airbus projects and therefore they would be very happy to thank this company through the Tu-204. The problem was different: MOSCOW, February 9. Engines for four Tu-204-120SE aircraft supplied under contract to Chinese airlines have not yet been purchased. This was reported by a source in the field of scientific and technical cooperation with foreign countries. “Despite the delivery to China of the first of five Tu-204-120CE cargo aircraft ordered by Chinese airlines, engines have not yet been purchased not only for all the remaining four aircraft, but even for the second aircraft,” he said. The stumbling block in the implementation of the program to produce even five aircraft is, in particular, the fact that the exclusive seller of Tu-204-120 aircraft is the Egyptian entrepreneur Ibrahim Kamal, who owns the airline Sirocco Aerospace International. The contract with Chinese airlines was initiated by Kamal, who for the Tu-204-120 must purchase RB-211-535E4-B-75 aircraft engines, an inertial navigation system and TCAS and EGPWS systems from Honeywell.

According to the terms agreed upon at the time with Kamal, the purchase of engines and Western avionics should be made for the next aircraft only after the next aircraft is delivered to the customer. “Thus, after the delivery of the first Tu-204-120SE, Kamal must finance the purchase of aircraft engines and on-board equipment for the second aircraft, but to date such financing has not been carried out,” the agency’s interlocutor said. According to him, having shipped the first aircraft to a Chinese airline, the aircraft developer, Tupolev OJSC, must receive from Kamal a certain amount of money, which has also not yet been transferred.

The Tu-204-120SE cargo aircraft is based on the Tu-204-120 medium-haul passenger aircraft and is equipped with RB211-535 engines manufactured by Rolls Royce and an English-language cockpit. The aircraft received a certificate from the Chinese aviation authorities in July 2007. On October 8, 2008, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) issued a European type certificate for the Tu-204-120CE aircraft, which opens up additional opportunities for promoting the aircraft on the European market. …

This is the last message from 2010, then the traces of Comrade Ostap Bender from Egypt in the Russian open spaces are lost. Before that, he tried to subdue the Tatars in Kazan in the same way, but, probably, he failed to subdue the Muslim brothers and the story was not continued. The contract with China was never fulfilled. The funds spent by the design bureau and the enterprise to finance the pyramid named after him remained with them in the form of debts and are slowly being written off. The “invisible hand of the market” was at work.

IL-112V at the testing stage

Il-112V is an aircraft project started in 2014 and resumed in 2022. The first flight and trial operation took place in Voronezh on March 30, 2022. As a result, it was revealed that the aircraft did not comply with the technical specifications; it turned out to be overweight by tons.

Then all the IL-112V systems were modified and the weight of the aircraft was significantly reduced. On March 30, 2022, after modifications, tests of the military transport Il-112V were continued and carried out successfully.

The history of the creation of the Il-112 aircraft

The development of the project began in the early 90s; initially they planned to produce a passenger vehicle. Was involved in financing the project. They wanted to start serial production in 1994 at the Kumertau APO. These plans were never implemented. As a result, serial production was transferred to the Voronezh ASO.

This project was presented to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in 2004, after which they planned to create a working aircraft in 2006. But this too was not implemented due to further delays in the development of the project. Financing was provided by the Ilyushin Design Bureau, and this device was included in the state defense order until 2015.

IL-112V modification view here

The Ministry of Defense suspended funding in the summer of 2010, despite the fact that four Il-112s had already been partially built. To fully upgrade these machines, 800 million rubles are missing.

Ultimately, VASO prepared four prototypes of the aircraft, and two of them are flightable. Manufacturers plan to produce 18 such machines per year. Another problem was the refusal of the Ministry of Defense from transport variants of the Il-112 in 2011 in favor of the An-140. For this reason, development of the Il-112 transport aircraft was discontinued.

In the winter of 2014, Ilyushin’s company entered into a new agreement with the Ministry of Defense, which deals with the further development of the Il-112 transport vehicle. It is planned to be manufactured in 2016, and serial production is planned to begin in 2022.

Is the IL-112 overweight? Everything is lost?

The problem of overload is not new. She haunted Ila engineers throughout the development. But this fact was also not hidden from the customer and a weight reduction plan was developed. And in general, for an experimental aircraft some discrepancy with the declared characteristics is common. And this is true not only in the aircraft industry. The same tanks in prototype form and in production can have fundamental differences.

(Photo: Armen Gasparyan / Press service of PJSC Il)

Experimental aircraft are often rebuilt and redesigned many times. Take, for example, the thorny path that the fifth-generation fighter F-35 went through to reach a production vehicle, so much so that the price per unit, taking into account the R&D, rose to a very serious amount. Russia, unfortunately or fortunately, is not so rich. Therefore, the allocations for a modest transport worker amount to several billion... rubles.

Can't he carry five tons? How to lose weight?

Weight is a political thing. Some say he’s fat, and some say he’s body positive. The Soviet An-26s as part of the Russian Aerospace Forces are not even young - some are over 40, while others are smoothly moving towards 50. During this time, each one underwent major overhauls, which constantly added several hundred kilos due to the strengthening of the aging structure, reducing so much same in carrying capacity. So for a long time he has been transporting not his passport 5.5 tons, but much less.

With the IL-112, everything is exactly the opposite - a larger safety margin was built in, so there is room for maneuver. The military wanted a universal vehicle for transporting as wide a range of cargo as possible. The choice of the T-shaped tail, traditional for the Ilyushin design school, added weight - it provides less strict piloting and increases control safety.

(Photo: Armen Gasparyan / Press service of PJSC Il)

It is possible to reduce the weight of some elements, lighten the equipment, and use composites in non-power elements. The ramp at the rear of the aircraft adds serious weight, which is necessary for convenient and quick loading and unloading and landing of personnel and equipment, but this cannot be avoided, although it can also be “dried out.” You may have to reduce the range due to a smaller fuel supply.

All this will be implemented on the next flight models, which are promised to begin construction by the end of 2022. Not to say that the situation is absolutely ordinary, but one cannot say that “this has never happened, and here it is again.”

(Photo source)

Compared to its classmates, the IL-112 wins in the parameters of the cargo compartment, which was made as high as possible for transporting various oversized cargo and even light equipment like a UAZ loaf, a Niva with a machine gun, a buggy or a couple of ATVs.

Why is it needed, let's fly on An, Il-76 helicopters, tiltrotors?

“Ilyushin” tiltrotors for transporting combat walkers, as in Oleg Divov’s book “Technical Support,” have not yet been developed, but the An-26 is in service with hundreds and a half.

Heavy tiltrotor "Ilyushin"

Airplanes, of course, are well-deserved, but time treats past achievements with contempt and looks skeptically at the lifespan of engines and metal structures. The resource cannot be extended indefinitely, and from the mid-2020s, according to all expert calculations, their number will begin to decrease sharply. Something will have to change.

Only five tons? Let's transport everything on the IL-76! Yes, the carrying capacity of the Il-76MD is 48 tons, and the Il-76 MD-90A has 60 tons. What if you need to send a special forces detachment to the battlefield or send several tons of canned food and ammunition from the main base to a remote checkpoint? It is not only unprofitable to fly the IL-76 (the army also has a finite amount of money), but it is simply irrational. You wouldn’t hire a KamAZ truck to transport a couple of chairs, would you?

Landing of a BMD from an Il-76MD (photo source)

A light transport aircraft will be more economical and faster than a helicopter of similar payload. Compared to a heavy one, it is not only quieter (sometimes in such operations extra noise is not needed), but it can also land on short strips with almost any surface.

But we also need a medium plane. There are only a few operational An-12s left. His replacement is now being chosen between the Il-276 and Tu-330.

In NATO, similar functions are performed by two aircraft: the American-Italian C-27J Spartan and the Airbus CASA C-295, which were put into service in the first decade of the 21st century. If it were not for the economic situation, the Il-112 would have appeared a little later. “Spartan” is closer to average in terms of carrying capacity and is “tailored” for landing, while CASA C-295 plays more of the role of an air truck for transporting cargo.

Italian Air Force C-27J Spartan (photo source)

In general, it is pointless to compare characteristics, because the likelihood that Russia will buy Western-made aircraft is extremely low. The main thing is that we need a working line of military transport aviation in the form of light-medium-heavy-super-heavy aircraft.

The first sample, of course, was not without birth defects and shortcomings. The reason for this is a bunch of objective and subjective factors. But it’s too early to pronounce “the project is a failure.” To do this, we need the conclusions of state commissions based on the results of the entire flight program and complete data on tests at TsAGI, and not murky insights in the media from the junior assistant of the senior assembler.

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