MP-43: cheap and high-quality hunting double-barreled shotgun

The IZH-43 shotgun is one of the most popular smoothbore shotguns with horizontal twin barrels, manufactured by the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant. The design of this model is based on the classic double-barreled shotgun IZH-58.

The IZH-43 double-barreled shotgun is considered one of the most common and is still produced under the abbreviation MP-43. The name MR appeared in the nineties for weapons produced for export. Mechanical Plant - Mechanical plant.

IZH-43 is a simple, reliable and relatively inexpensive weapon; its price in stores starts from 15 thousand rubles.

History of the creation of the gun

According to numerous reviews, this is a very high-quality hunting weapon. Moreover, it is perhaps the cheapest among all domestic hunting rifles. Value for money are the main conditions that make the MP-43 shotgun one of the most popular hunting rifles both in Russia and abroad.

As the name suggests, the gun was produced by Izhevsk gunsmiths. The first samples of the MP-43 shotgun (which, we repeat, was then called IZH-43) appeared back in 1984. This gun is a classic double-barreled shotgun with horizontally positioned barrels. It arose on the basis of several hunting rifles that were produced earlier: the IZH-58 hunting double-barreled shotgun, designed on the basis of another, even earlier double-barreled shotgun, the IZH-54.

Based on these versions of domestic weapons, gunsmiths were able to produce a new modification of the gun, which, firstly, turned out to be more technically advanced than its “progenitors”, and secondly, much cheaper than the same “progenitors”. First of all, two main mechanisms were improved in the new gun - ejector and safety. This is how the MP-43 gun appeared.

It is clear that with this combination, the gun went to the people literally with a bang. The MP-43 shotgun is still produced in various modifications to this day. From which it follows that its popularity among hunting enthusiasts has not diminished at all.


The IZH-43 shotgun was created on the basis of the well-known IZH-58 shotgun, which in turn was created on the basis of a high-quality, but too expensive for a Soviet hunter, IZH-54 shotgun.

Design work to create a new IZH-43 gun began in 1984, and already in 1986 its mass production began.

By 1986, the IZH-58 gun had been in production for more than 30 years, so it was considered obsolete. The designers were tasked with reducing the cost of the gun and improving some of its components and mechanisms.

For the IZH-58 gun, locking was carried out using three under-barrel hooks; for the IZH-43 gun, the number of under-barrel hooks was reduced to two. Practice has shown that this amount is quite sufficient to securely lock the gun.

The protrusion on the barrel coupling of the IZH-43 gun was removed, which increased the tightness of the barrels to the gun block. The gun's safety mechanism has been improved.

The modification of the IZH-43 shotgun with the IZH-43E ejector mechanism had a seriously modernized ejector: the girth of the case flanges was increased, one ejector spring was replaced with two independent ones, and the cartridge extension was increased by 6 mm. All these improvements significantly increased the reliability of the gun's ejector, which previously had many complaints from the owners of the IZH-58MAE gun.

The reliability of the IZH-43 gun has increased significantly; the guaranteed firing of the gun according to the passport began to be at least 15,000 shots.

The IZH-43 shotgun was awarded the Gold Medal of the Leipzig Fair in 1986.

From 1986 to 1995, the plant produced about 300,000 IZH-43 rifles.

Since 2004, the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, under a contract with an American company, has been selling the IZH-43 shotgun in the USA under the name Remington Spartan 220 and the IZH-43-1S shotgun under the name Remington Spartan 210.

In the 90s of the last century, the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant decided to enter the international weapons market and new weapon models began to be designated by the abbreviation in Latin letters MP, which stands for Mechanical Plant. Since 2008, the plant decided to completely bring the weapon designation system to a single form and all models began to have the MP designation in their name. The IZH-18 and IZH-27 guns began to be designated MP-18 and MP-27, the IZH-43 gun was renamed MP-43.

The production of IZH-43 (MR-43) shotguns of various modifications and in the most variants continues to this day. The IZH-43 (MR-43) shotgun is the most popular horizontal rifle currently produced in our country.

MP-43: review of design features

Any weapon is primarily valued for its characteristics. This also applies to the MP-43 shotgun. So what are its characteristics?

It has already been mentioned that the gun has two barrels arranged horizontally with double locking by means of lower latches. The basic version of the gun had internal triggers. However, one of the modifications of this hunting weapon, the MP-43KN, has external triggers. Although at first the gun was produced with two triggers, which operated according to the traditional system for hunting rifles: when the shooter pressed the front hook, the right barrel fired, when he pressed the rear, the left one.

Currently, single trigger versions are produced, which have a special button located on the trigger. By pressing this button, the shooter can choose which barrel to fire the first shot from. The stock of the gun is semi-pistol type, beech or walnut. There is, however, a model that has a straight (so-called English) stock. The butt of the gun is also wooden, made of the same types of wood as the stock.


The IZH 43 hunting rifle has the following performance characteristics:

  • production is established in two calibers - 12 and 16 mm;
  • chamber length, mm – 70 and 76;
  • gun weight – within 3.6 kg;
  • trunk length, mm – 660, 720 and 750;
  • fired - from 15,000 shots;
  • assembled gun length, mm – no more than 1,300.

The IZH 43 barrels are removable type, with a horizontal arrangement, their connection is made by means of a sighting and lower strip. The breech of the head is connected by a coupling and pressed into place with an incoming pin.

Double closing of the barrels is carried out by a locking bar on two under-barrel hooks. Shotguns are available with or without selective ejectors. In the second option, the ejector does not work; the cartridges are removed by hand.

If you compare the IK-43 with the IZH-58, then in general you can see that it has become much more convenient to load and remove cartridges from the gun. The reliability of the IZH-43 has increased significantly, now firing at least 15,000 rounds.

The detachable forend is attached to the hinge post using a lever-type latch. Both the latch and the hinge are secured in the grooves of the forend with screws. Since the IZH-43 does not have a groove on the upper plane of the forend, the contact area of ​​the cutout to the hinge post increases.

Double locking of the barrel occurs by sliding the locking bar onto two under-barrel hooks. The locking lever itself is secured with a screw on the head of the locking bar lever. A special spring acts on this bar through a cam. When you turn the locking lever to the right, the gun barrel is unlocked.

The trigger mechanism IZH-43 is hammer-type with an internal arrangement of hammers, which have a release mechanism and safety cocks. Both the firing pins and the rebound springs are inseparably connected to the triggers. The screw mainsprings and stop are assembled into a separate block, which is secured with a pin and is removable. The trigger mechanism itself is located on a separate cylinder. It is equipped with two triggers that are self-contained. A trigger guard is attached below the hooks. Since the triggers are spring-loaded to the heels of the sear, they have no play. There are protrusions on the triggers that prevent a shot from being fired when the barrels are not completely closed, which makes using the IZH-43 safer.

An automatic safety locks the triggers and sears. In order to perform a shockless release of the triggers on the safety cocks, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. Fully open the barrels;
  2. The safety button must be moved to the forward position;
  3. Using two fingers, simultaneously press two triggers;
  4. Close the gun with a smooth movement.

The fuse itself is a flat-shaped part that is mounted on the shank of the receiver. It is spring-loaded and secured to the box by an axle. If you compare the IZH-43 safety button with the IZH-58 safety button, then on the 43 model the safety button is locked with a ball in the upper position.

Since the stock of the IZH-58 was not ergonomic enough, they decided to modernize it a little in the new model. The radial end of the IZH-58 butt was replaced with a new contour end, which had a right angle and an internal radius. Thanks to this change in the shape of the butt, the movement of the weapon during shooting was noticeably reduced.

Advantages and disadvantages of a gun

Let's talk in more detail about the advantages and disadvantages. First, about the advantages:

  • This type of weapon is one of the highest quality domestic hunting rifles;
  • In fact, this is an almost trouble-free gun: according to the testimonies of the owners of the gun, it is capable of shooting in any weather and under any conditions;
  • The gun can fire any cartridges suitable in caliber: factory-made, self-made, with cartridges made of plastic, brass or cardboard;
  • Due to the fact that the barrel block can be locked with two latches, you can safely fire reinforced ammunition from the gun;
  • The gun is equipped with barrels that make it possible to shoot different types of shot - including steel;
  • The gun is equipped with replaceable choke constrictions;
  • There are several modifications of the gun with different calibers, including less common ones (28th, 32nd, 410th);
  • The MP-43KN model, which has external triggers, is one of the safest hunting rifles. According to user reviews, an accidental shot from such a gun is impossible under any circumstances.

This concerns the advantages of the gun. Now about the disadvantages, there are relatively few of them, but they still exist:

  • The stock of the gun is made rather roughly, which adds to the weight of the weapon. However, this is a disadvantage that, in a certain situation, can be considered an advantage. In case of emergency, you can use a gun to protect yourself from a wounded animal;
  • There is no shock absorber on the butt plate. In principle, such a butt, if desired, can also be turned into an advantage of the weapon. With a hard butt it is easier to defend against a predator (in the absence of cartridges), and, in addition, you can finish off the game without wasting extra charge.

You can use the weapon to hunt, compete in shooting, and also use it in self-defense.

Compact horizontal: rare IZH-43

Let me remind you that MP-43 is the new name for the good old horizontal plane IZH-43.

The name MR appeared in the nineties, as they say, for weapons produced for export, and this, of course, is not MR, but MP, which means Mechanical Plant, that is, Izhmekh (“Izh” is poorly transcribed into English, and it had to be remake).

Subsequently, the name stuck with us. But at the first stage, this was the designation for weapons that were specially made for export. According to legend, it was distinguished by the best quality of both the metal and the fit of the wood.

This is easy to believe, since foreign partners, without sentimentality or hesitation, canceled the shipment when they discovered “crooked” or low-quality guns in it. In general, among hunters such weapons are of high quality and desirable.

IZH-43 was a simple, reliable and relatively inexpensive weapon, and today the MP-43 has inherited these qualities. Its price in stores starts from 15 thousand rubles.

This is inexpensive, given the fact that a double-barreled horizontal shotgun is by no means an easy weapon to manufacture.

Its box is milled from a solid casting, and the barrels must not only be made with high quality, but also soldered smoothly.


The design of the weapon is simple, reliable and time-tested. The barrel block is locked in the box using a Perde frame; The locking is double, with two hooks located on the barrel block.

This locking is one of the oldest and most reliable, the only condition is a good fit of the parts of the box and the barrel block.

In IZH-43, all this has been worked out for decades. In fact, the 43rd supplanted and replaced all the classic horizontal planes precisely because it was simple and reliable.

It’s a pity, of course, that we lost the Griner bolt, an additional top locking with a transverse bolt, which increased the rigidity and durability of the structure, but this is the price to pay for an inexpensive gun.

By the way, time has shown that this was completely justified from the point of view of technology and reliability, but completely unjustified from the point of view of beauty and tradition.

Other nodes are just as simple and reliable. The weapon has hidden triggers, and, by the way, their design was slightly different at different times. So, there were variants of triggers with a striker and an option when the strikers were located separately.

Today, guns with separate strikers are produced. The mainspring is coiled, which is easier both to use and to replace. The safety is automatic with interceptors, that is, the triggers are intercepted and a shot is impossible unless the trigger is pulled, which is positive for the safety of handling the weapon.

There can be either two or one trigger; in the latter case, it can be switched to change the order of firing from the barrels.

When comparing a box of 20 gauge to a box of 12 gauge, the difference is not as impressive as holding two guns in your hands at the same time. Photo by the author.

In general, the MP-43 has many options. The design, execution, and equipment changed, and in a very wide range.

If an ordinary gun can differ in barrel length, stock shape and design, then the 43rd can be either with internal hammers, external false cockers, or with real external hammers, although the latter option is not without its drawbacks. But more on that next time.

Today we will talk about a rather unusual model, which was developed for export and even received its own name - MP-220. This is a classic double-barrel horizontal shotgun in 20 gauge with short barrels, the length of the latter is only 51 centimeters.

Let us note right away that if you want to find a hunting rifle with horizontally positioned and short barrels, as I tried to do, then you will quickly see that, as they say, the cat is crying out for such weapons.

All old guns have very long barrels, in the “Germans” or “Belgians” they will be under 70 centimeters, and even the gun itself will be 16 gauge and, possibly. with 65 mm chambers.

On the right is a 12-gauge box, on the left is a 20-gauge box, here the difference is more noticeable. Photo by the author.

I have nothing against the 16-caliber, but our industry stubbornly refuses to make ready-made cartridges in this wonderful caliber, and it is almost impossible to find cartridges with a 65 mm sleeve. They are made by only one manufacturer, and in small batches.

By the way, they are more expensive than 12 gauge precisely because of their small editions. Therefore, I was looking for a short-barreled 12-gauge shotgun and, as a contender for this role, I considered the MP-43KN - a shotgun with external triggers, which for my purposes is rather a minus.

The triggers in the MR are implemented extremely inconveniently; they hit not the firing pin itself, but the protrusion on it, which, with hard primers, leads to misfires. The problem is that there are simply no regular MP-43s with short barrels on sale.

Having turned the 12 gauge in my hands, I was convinced that with short barrels the gun was heavy and somewhat bulky, although, admittedly, it was not without brutal power.

I didn’t like the automatic safety either—why is it on the trigger? And I concluded that the hammer should be taken from TOZ BM or TOZ-66 as the closest to the ideal hunting rifle. The only question that remains open is how to legally saw off the trunks.

The extractor power seems excessive. Photo by the author.

After listening to my arguments, the seller advised me to look at the MP-220, this is the same, as he said, MP-43, but 20 caliber and with short barrels. Indeed, an interesting model.

Judge for yourself: the gun is made on an independent 20-gauge block, which is quite a bit smaller than the standard one, but at the same time the gun immediately looks miniature and light. In addition, as we like, this is an export model, made specifically for the American market, apparently not getting there due to sanctions.

Please note: the marks indicate that the gun was made in 2013.

Thanks to the American order, we received an interesting combination of short barrels and a 20-gauge cartridge for a 76 mm case, that is, a “magnum”. This combination has all the advantages of a small and light shotgun that is practically a 12 gauge, since the 20 magnum loads are close to a regular 12 gauge.

Of course, the range of 20-gauge cartridges is significantly less than 12-gauge, but much larger than 16-gauge, so, in my opinion, the twenty is quite suitable for my purposes.

The 20-gauge shotgun (in the foreground) looks much sleeker. Photo by the author.

The gun looks neat; This is a classic double-barreled horizontal shotgun, grippy and lightweight, especially when compared with the IZH-43KN. Caliber 20x76; high aiming rib between the barrels; medium quality nut, neatly fitted to the block; everything is polished and smooth.

I was a little surprised by the extractor, massive, occupying more than a third of the circumference of the chamber, completely incomparable with the openwork extractors of old Tozkas. Then everything is traditional: two triggers, locking on the lower Perde frame, an unusual angular key at the top of the box, which, however, looks stylish.

The fuse is automatic and turns on when the unlocking key is removed; the rod that moves it can be removed, and then it will become normal, not automatic.

The gun's equipment is unusual, including replaceable chokes and a key for replacing them. It’s interesting that short barrels have replaceable chokes, but I think this is a plus.

In addition, the kit includes a plastic plug for the trigger guard, which cannot be called a lock, since it is locked not with a key, but with a screw, which can only be unscrewed with a specially shaped screwdriver.

The replacement chokes are an unexpected but pleasant surprise. Photo by the author.

In general, it turned out to be an interesting and, in my opinion, a working model of a hunting weapon, on the one hand, a classic double-barreled shotgun with horizontally positioned barrels, on the other, a magnum caliber, which allows us to cover most of our hunts, from small birds to elk .

This is exactly how I imagine an all-purpose hunting rifle; in my opinion, it looks much better than the semi-automatic and other store-bought guns of various designs and types that fill the shelves.

Of course, before recommending this weapon, you need to thoroughly test it for build quality and ease of use. It doesn’t make much sense to talk about the quality of the design; it has been tested by time and with a circulation of tens, if not hundreds of thousands of copies.

And, interestingly, the question of only bottom locking and its reliability was completely removed when the Artemis was created on the basis of the IZH-43 - a fitting for rifled calibers, including such powerful ones as .30-06 or .45- 70. In general, everything needs to be tested in practice, since “practice is the best criterion of truth.”


In conclusion of the article, I would like to return to the caliber of the weapon. Since many modern hunters do not recognize any other caliber than the 12th, our industry has concentrated all its efforts on producing cartridges of this particular caliber. Very sad!

After all, we have almost lost the 16 gauge, which not so long ago was more widespread than the 12 gauge. Paradoxical and surprising as it may seem, we owe the revival of the 20-gauge not to hunters and lovers of proper hunting, but to Izhmash and his not at all a hunting rifle - the Saiga-20.

It was the appearance of Saiga-20, or rather its popularity, that contributed to a sharp increase in demand for cartridges of the appropriate caliber. And it is doubly surprising that Izhmash made a gun in 20 magnum caliber, spurring the production of suitable cartridges.

So, thanks to the revival of the 20-gauge, the MP-220 double-barreled shotgun appeared, followed by the MP-155 semi-automatic. So the fate of the 20-gauge looks optimistic.

Sergey Smolnin April 1, 2022 at 1:30 p.m.

More about the types of guns

Currently, the manufacturer produces the following varieties of these weapons:

  • MP-43, which is the basic modification. The used cartridge case is removed here using an extractor;
  • MP-43-1S. This modification has one trigger. The cartridges are removed using an extractor;
  • MP-43E. Its difference is the complete ejection of the used cartridge case;
  • MP-43E-1S. Here, the cartridges are also ejected using an extractor, but along a rather unfortunate trajectory, and can hit the person who shoots the gun in the face or eyes;
  • MR-43KN. This version has external triggers, the body is engraved, and the triggers may also be gilded.

The price of a particular model depends on its type. For obvious reasons, the most expensive model is the MP-43KN.

Tuning at home

One of the main advantages of the IZH-43 over its competitors is that the weapon can be easily modified at home. Tuning is usually divided into three categories:

  1. Technical - modifications that make changes to the performance characteristics of the weapon or correct manufacturer defects. For example, a common problem is the failure of the ejector to work. You can solve the problem using a file - you just need to slightly trim the barrel channel in which the cartridges are located. Well, to increase the power of the shot, you can cut the barrel by 150 millimeters (reduces the accuracy of the fire).
  2. Operational - installation of various body kits, which simplifies the process of using the weapon. For example, hunters often install a collimator sight or an open rear sight with a fiber-optic thread on a dovetail sighting bar. Also included in this category is the attachment of an under-barrel “body kit” - a laser pointer (laser designator), a bayonet-knife or an under-barrel flashlight.
  3. Visual - an upgrade that affects only the appearance of the weapon and does not make any changes to its operation. Most often, owners sand wooden parts with medium-grain sandpaper or cover the stock with a layer of varnish. Connoisseurs can ask craftsmen to put personalized engravings on the metal or even make silver or gold inserts in the weapon.

The MP-43 with the IZH-43 collimator sight
is one of the most successful smoothbore guns produced by the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant. In terms of its characteristics, the model is not inferior to foreign analogues, and high reliability and an excellent security system force potential buyers to give preference to the domestic manufacturer.

More about gun calibers

Currently the gun is produced in the following calibers:

  • 12 gauge The chamber length of a gun of this caliber is 70 mm. There are also versions of MP-4312 with a chamber length of 76 mm;
  • 16 gauge Chamber length – 70 mm;
  • 20 gauge The MP-43 20 caliber has a chamber length of 76 mm;
  • 410 cal. The chamber length here is 76 mm.

As for the length of the barrels, a 12 gauge shotgun has a barrel length of 750 mm. For other versions, the barrel can be from 510 mm to 710 mm long.

Options and modifications

Over the almost 30 years of existence of the IZH-43 gun, quite a lot of interesting modifications have come out, making some changes to the design or appearance of the weapon. Here are just the most common of them:

  1. The IZH-43E is an ejector model of a standard 12-gauge smoothbore shotgun that ejects the used cartridge when the barrel is opened—an extremely useful system for those who hunt in the cold.
  2. IZH-43-1S - instead of two triggers, this model uses one “petal”, and switching between barrels is carried out using a mechanism located in the upper part of the receiver.
  3. IZH-43K is a standard 12-gauge shotgun with two false skins. The weapon was developed for export to the States, but Russian hunters also became interested in it due to the fact that the model is characterized by quick removal of barrels.
  4. IZH-43KN is a version of the gun with full external triggers. Available only in 12 gauge and used for hunting large game. Both “petals” are protected from an accidental shot by an automatic safety device.

IZH-43KN with external triggers

There are still many modifications: IZH-43M, IZH-43EM - however, they are not much different from the original, so they are not as popular as the four above. You can also give preference to 20 or 16 gauge models. There are also individual samples that have a unique appearance.

Branded gun packaging

To date, no counterfeit guns of this model have been observed. However, you should know in what form the gun arrives at Russian retail establishments. The gun must be packed in branded packaging - a blue cardboard box.

The box must contain the inscription “Baikal”. In addition to the disassembled gun itself, the package should also contain three replacement choke tubes, as well as a key. In addition, the weapon's passport and instructions are placed in the box.

DIY tuning

It was already mentioned above that the gun, for all its advantages in terms of its appearance, is still not particularly elegant, so there is a lot of work for home tuning enthusiasts here. Let's talk about how you can improve the design of your gun.

Perhaps the most common defect in the MP-43 is poor impregnation and processing of the wooden parts of the gun - the forearm and butt. In this case, many weapon owners polish and impregnate both the fore-end and the stock themselves. Sometimes the ejector of a gun may fail. In this case, it is brought into working condition using a file.

According to some users, the trigger guard is also an annoying drawback of the gun. Or rather, its design is not very well thought out. Often for this reason, shooters injure their fingers when shooting. Tuning can help here: the bracket is either remade or covered with a protective material.

Gun owners also have a lot of complaints about the quality of the anti-corrosion coating. In this case, folk craftsmen advise additionally lubricating the weapon - especially when hunting. And, of course, the gun must be cleaned regularly.


Reviews from hunters about the IZH-43 (MR-43) gun are generally positive. All owners of this gun talk about the good price/quality ratio that this gun is characterized by. Almost all owners mention in their reviews the shortcomings of this gun, which we also listed.

According to many hunters, IZH-43 shotguns produced during the Soviet Union are distinguished by higher quality manufacturing and assembly. According to these same people, guns made in the 1990s are of the lowest quality. The main drawback of many domestic guns is the careless processing of both metal and wooden parts of the gun, which is why there are recommendations for buying guns from the Soviet period, when quality was better monitored.

The main competitors of domestically produced shotguns are inexpensive Turkish shotguns. Which gun to buy, Soviet, modern Russian or Turkish, each hunter must decide for himself, depending on his own preferences and financial capabilities.

In any case, inexpensive shotguns IZH-43 (MR-43), which also have quite acceptable quality, find their fans. We can only wish that the Kalashnikov Concern, which now includes the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant, will pay more attention to both the quality of the guns produced and their appearance and finish, then the popularity of domestic weapons will only grow every year.

As a final word

Despite some shortcomings, most gun owners, as well as specialists, speak very highly of this weapon. The gun is disassembled simply and quickly. Caring for it is also not particularly problematic.

The gun has good accuracy, it is capable of shooting both in the heat and in severe frosts. The ammunition here is also in perfect order: the gun can fire both branded and homemade charges. This gun may be the first hunting weapon for a novice hunter, but at the same time, even experienced hunters treat the MP-43 with respect.

Advantages and disadvantages of IZH-43

Strengths of the gun:

  • The main advantage of the IZH-43 (MR-43) is the low cost of the gun with fairly good quality. A hunter can purchase either a new MP-43 gun at a gun store or a used gun in excellent condition for 6-9 thousand rubles.
  • The design of the gun is simple and reliable, the gun is unpretentious in operation, easy to disassemble, and easy to repair.
  • With correctly selected cartridges, the gun shows good accuracy and sharpness of the shot.
  • The gun has good balance, it is easy to throw up and has good grip.
  • Good safety of the gun is ensured by the presence of a safety lock and the design of the firing mechanism, which eliminates the possibility of an accidental shot.

Weak sides:

  • The production quality of IZH-43 (MR-43) shotguns is extremely unstable. The hunter can get either a specimen of excellent or disgusting quality. If you do not have sufficient knowledge and experience, then when choosing a gun it is better to contact a knowledgeable person.
  • Gun owners often complain about the quality of processing of the wooden parts of the gun: the butt and fore-end. This drawback can be eliminated both by the hunter himself and by a specialist to whom the owner of such a gun can turn. The wooden parts of the gun are sanded and then treated with a special impregnation.
  • On some shotguns, a poorly made safety guard causes damage to the shooter's fingers. This drawback can be eliminated by polishing its sharp edge or even slightly changing its shape.
  • The ejector mechanism of some guns does not work well; the problem can be solved by processing the ejector parts with a small needle file.
  • Blueing the barrels of the IZH-43 (MR-43) gun does a very poor job of preventing rust; to avoid its appearance, experienced owners recommend wiping the gun with a dry cloth and covering it with a thin layer of gun oil immediately after hunting.

The overwhelming majority of hunters believe that in terms of the quality of guns, ease of use and combat accuracy, a better specimen than the IZH-43 cannot be found. The guns are easy to use, can be quickly disassembled, are fully repairable and are capable of firing self-loading ammunition. In addition, even climatic conditions and changes in temperature conditions do not affect the performance of IZH-43.

The weapon deserved worthy attention, especially the first models produced in single-piece versions. They differed slightly from the basic version, but the design changes made aroused awe and respect among hunters.

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