Double-barreled vertical shotgun for hunting and sports Franchi Instinct

The Franchi Instinct double-barreled shotgun is used in a wide variety of applications. It is used by hunters, athletes, law enforcement officers, and it is also suitable for self-defense. Franchi Instinct SL is made according to classical canons, which is emphasized by its shape. The ergonomics of the vertical gun are very good, which becomes clear immediately when you pick up the gun. The Frankie Instinct gun is easy to use and reliable in operation.

The Frankie Instinct 12-gauge double-barreled shotgun with vertical barrels 76 cm long, made in Italy, sold in America, was recognized in 2012 as the “Gun of the Year”.


The Franchi company is one of the oldest Italian companies with an interesting history, which has experienced ups and downs and real technical victories, surprising its competitors with numerous editions of products. I had to go through difficult periods in my own development. The main victory, thanks to which the Franchi company was talked about at the world level, was the worldwide recognition by the arms concern Beretta Holding, after which the company stood on the same level as the most famous arms companies.

On the eve of its anniversary since its founding, the Franchi company launched a serious program to saturate its hunting assortment with rifled weapons, while not forgetting to pay attention to smoothbore guns.

Strong arguments from French gunsmiths. Hunting rifles from Chapuis Armes

10.30.2012 The appearance on the Russian arms market of a French company producing premium class weapons is a significant event, confirming that not all arms companies worthy in all respects have yet paid attention to our country.

It so happened that over the past hundred years, many families of hunters in Russia, who own, along with domestic, weapons from well-known foreign companies, have mostly guns of Belgian or German production. These are weapons from different companies, of different quality and price, but they were equally popular among hunters of all classes - from the imperial court to representatives of the then intelligentsia. This state of affairs was not changed by the efforts of individual arms trading firms, for example, A. A. Bitkov in Moscow, who focused on the “French”. However, it cannot be said that Russian hunters of that time were not aware of the products of French gunsmiths. There were brands such as Gastine-Renette, FourelePage or Pirlet, serial products of the Saint-Etienne Manufacture (later Manufrance) or Verney-Carron, also located in Saint-Etienne. Shotguns of unique design were represented by Bretton and Darne.

Since that time, the situation has not changed much - guns from companies in Italy, Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Finland and even the USA are quite widely represented on the domestic market, and there are almost no guns from France. Perhaps this is why two niches of hunting weapons, traditional for Russian hunting, still remain unoccupied. The first is a hunting weapon for women (“ladies’ hunting rifle”) and teenagers. The “historical” experience of even one individual hunting family speaks quite eloquently about this. The second niche is a hunting rifle for summer-autumn hunting of swamp and meadow game with a pointer or spaniel.

Noticeable steps in the restoration and development of hunting dog breeding in the country are helping to awaken renewed interest in these hunts and aggravate the issue of purchasing a suitable gun. Both the first - ladies' and teenagers' guns, and the second - "snipe" - are specialized guns with special requirements for weight, size, length and drilling of barrels, fit, caliber and other characteristics. In this situation, it is reasonable to pay attention to the work of French gunsmiths, for example, (Chapuis Armes) from the town of Saint-Bonnet-le-Chateau, located about 100 km from one of the oldest capitals of French gunsmiths - the city Saint-Etienne.

France has a developed hunting industry, with more than 3,000,000 hunters. In terms of the number of hunters per 1000 inhabitants, it ranks third in Europe (after Finland and Italy), and in terms of the number of hunters per 100 km of territory (there are such statistics) it ranks second after Italy. Even the most cursory glance at the range of hunting weapons produced by Russia allows us to say that it potentially deserves a prominent place in the Russian arms market. This is primarily evidenced by quality. The art of French gunsmiths has long acquired its own national style and has become synonymous with high craftsmanship, a brilliant combination of originality and reliability of design, and special French elegance and beauty. French hunters hunt a lot in the pen, where they use light, planted and maneuverable guns, so necessary for running hunts in meadows, swamps, ponds and forest thickets. In the category of expensive high-class smoothbore weapons, Chapuis Arm guns occupy sixth place from the top in the unofficial ranking table. This does not take into account the fact that the basis of the product is still rifled hunting weapons. Therefore, the above rating can be attributed to only one third of the company’s total products - smoothbore shotguns. On the other hand, in recent years the company has made a colossal leap in its development and many of its products, especially the “Artisan”, “Grand Lux” categories, rare elite hunting weapons with padlocks on the side boards, are rapidly approaching the highest quality French models produced , "Gastinn-Renette" or "Foret le Page". Today, models of double-barreled shotguns, double-barreled shotguns, rifles and carbines produced by Chapuis Arm can satisfy the tastes and personal requirements of any category of hunters - from connoisseurs of aesthetic properties, the splendor of the decoration of guns and the style of their engraving to lovers of special elegance, purity and perfection of lines. The same qualities as posadism, adaptability, reliability, durability and faithful combat are inherent in all models of this company, without exception, be it the mass-produced vertical C-30 series SuperOrion with Blitz system locks or the most prestigious fittings of the GrancLux - President categories, with overhead side boards or Safari - Savane, decorated with complex engraving, including in the “bulino” style, the block of which is reinforced by the side smoothly curved tides of the shield and pillows.

The ancestral (and production) roots of Chapuis Arm go back to the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th centuries, when Andre Chapuis, the grandfather of the current general director, made blocks and locks for breech-loading guns assembled at factories in Saint-Etienne in his home workshop.

His son Jean Chapuis continued the family tradition and began assembling guns, which he produced under his own name. Then shareholders appeared, and by the end of the 20th century, production came under the control of Rene Chapuis and his sons, Vincent and David Chapuis. Officially, the founding date of the Chapuis Armes company is 1950, when it began its own production of hunting weapons. Over half a century, the company has developed more than ten basic models of smooth-bore and rifled guns. But production began in full force in 1990, when Rene Chapuis acquired a new enterprise in Saint-Bonnet-le-Chateau, equipped with the latest technology and weapons technology. Today, Chapuis Arm is one of the most famous young, actively developing arms companies in Europe, producing modern high-class hunting weapons that are affordable to most hunters, including in Russia.

The annual production of Chapuis Arm weapons is up to two thousand units. Almost all of it is intended for the French market and only 10-15% of all production goes abroad, mainly to the USA, Germany, Great Britain, Belgium, and now to Russia. I want to share my impressions of meeting some of the “Chapuis” models in person at the Moscow salon “Okhotnik on Golovinsky” with the reader.

In 1974, the company created one of the modern models - a horizontal rifle with double under-barrel hooks. This entire series has the general name Progress. The most original design difference in this weapon is the connection of the barrels with the block and the locking system. On the bottom of the breech of the barrels there is a kind of block of double under-barrel hooks: two parallel front hooks are combined with one wide rear hook. This innovation is the company's own development. The front hooks in this design are widely spaced and placed under the longitudinal axes of the trunks, and in the block they rest on a hinge bolt of increased diameter. At the end of the rear combined hook there is a transverse groove into which the locking bar fits when locking the barrels. The pad cushion has a wide cutout in the shape of a block of under-barrel hooks, at the bottom of which, in a longitudinal groove, cockers of the hammers and mainsprings are located. The company believes that with this design of the shutter, only single locking is sufficient. The locking safety factor here is ensured by the presence of a wide rear hook (its width is 17.6 mm), which is more than twice the width of conventional designs. The total width of the front hooks is also twice the width of a regular hook. The specific load when fired is distributed over the supporting surfaces of the total width of two front and one wide rear hook and there is no need for top locking. There are practically no lateral loads, which certainly arise in a conventional design, with under-barrel hooks installed in the middle between the barrels. Therefore, Progress shotguns with horizontally mounted barrels, of course, have a significantly longer firing life before the barrels become loose in the block compared to a conventional design.

The ejector mechanism serving both barrels is mounted between the front hooks. Blitz type locks with spiral cylindrical springs are placed in the block. Fire pipes for a three-point wrench are mounted on the block guard. They are secured with small, deep-set screws. The triggers are rebound, so the strikers are recessed flush with the pad shield. The shoulders of the block are well defined; they are equipped with transverse screws with a through axial channel with a diameter of 1.5 mm, which serves to remove powder gases. On the outside, locks may have plaques that decorate the gun and increase the area for engraving. The upper locking lever has a stopper protruding beyond the shield at the top of the block. The design of the ejector drive in these guns is very carefully developed. Their rods have a split design and a triangular cross section. A comfortable long and wide forend covers the barrels from the sides to the middle. Engravers, as a rule, leave a free medallion on the safety bracket, which is decorated to order, for example, with the owner’s initials.

Chapuis Arm smoothbore shotguns with horizontally positioned barrels are made for the most popular calibers: 12x70, 16x70 or 20x76 magnum. The bores are chrome plated. The stock is predominantly straight-necked, the butt plate is applied, and is made of hard wood. It uses rosewood wood, which is distinguished by its high density and hardness. After treatment and impregnation, the color of the rosewood buttplate remains brown or dark brown and matches well with the grain pattern of the walnut stock. An overlay butt pad on such guns is a forced step. To attach the block to the stock with a longitudinal bolt, a through channel is made in the butt. In addition, excess wood is sometimes removed from the butt of the stock to balance the gun. To close these grooves, an overlay butt plate is installed on the end.

The sighting bar is low, and on some models it is recessed. This is a tribute to the old traditions of French gunsmiths and a certain charm for older hunters. According to the length of the barrels, the Progress series shotguns can be divided into three groups: Plaine, ToutesChasses and Becassier. For long-range shooting in open spaces, Plaine shotguns with a barrel length of 700 mm and choke constrictions of 1/4 and 3/4 choke are used. The weight of Progress shotguns is slightly related to caliber and mainly depends on the length of the barrels. For example, an RPPlaine double-barreled shotgun (smooth 700 mm barrels, applied decorative side boards and an ejector) weighs from 2.8 kg (!), while shotguns with shorter barrels - from 2.7 kg. ToutesChasses shotguns with 660 mm long barrels and “cylinder” and “half-length” choke constrictions are considered the most universal for many hunts. I examined one such gun, moreover, of the Artisan category (with improved finishing), especially carefully.

Shotgun caliber 12×70, barrel length 660 mm, stock length 385 mm, center of gravity of the gun is located approximately 60 mm from the breech end of the barrel, non-automatic safety, two conventional triggers, straight stock, bore diameter -18.3 mm, system locks “blitz”, the sighting rib is low, tapering towards the muzzle, barrel drilling is 1/4 and 3/4 choke. The weight of the barrel block is 1,113 grams, the weight of the gun is 2.8 kg. The block material is steel. Of particular interest to hunters who enjoy hunting swamp game are Becassier shotguns with 600 mm barrels and “cylinder” and “poluchok” choke constrictions.” A special “supra” drill for firing a caliber bullet at rifle distances is also possible here. Still, I was amazed by the RGPBecassier 20×76 caliber shotgun. With a barrel length of 600 mm, it weighs only 2.65 kg (!). Its price in August was 84,000 rubles. There is simply no better gun for women and teenagers!

A special place in the Chapuis Arm range of hunting weapons is occupied by models of smooth-bore shotguns and fittings with vertical barrels, which, like in the Progress group, have modified under-barrel hooks. This is a very important indicator of how the company strives to maximally improve the design of weapons in accordance with the increasingly complex requirements of modern technology. As a result, a successful design of its own appears, further increasing the survivability of the entire gun. These are vertical guns of the SuperOrion series, the barrels of which at the breech are connected by a coupling made as a single unit with the upper barrel. The rear part of the coupling is a modified single rear hook and encircles the breech of the lower barrel with a wide ring. When closing the gun, the front end annular surface of the rear hook engages with a transverse rib installed at the bottom of the block. The rib is removable, made of especially strong steel, fixed with two longitudinal screws and can be replaced if necessary. The front modified hook has a complex design and is also part of the barrel coupling. But the whole point is in locking the barrels. They are locked by two side bolts, which, when closed, move out of the block and enter into cutouts made in the ends of the barrel extractors. The extractor pushers have to withstand the load not only when extending spent cartridges, but also when firing, since they are elements of the locking system.

Artisan produces guns with vertically positioned barrels, models C 135 (700 mm barrels) and C 165 (600 mm), and with applied decorative boards - C 140 (700 or 660 mm) and C 145 with 600 mm long barrels. In this and other more expensive categories, all guns are equipped with ejectors. Blitz system locks. The next category of vertical shotguns in the Grand Luxe version includes models C 235, C 265 and C 240, C 245 with applied decorative boards. These side flints are the most expensive and prestigious.

Naturally, such important issues as the joint activity with the Norma company on the production of OryxChapuis cartridges, the transition to the manufacture of barrels for firing steel shot, the manufacture of fittings and collection samples remained outside the scope of this article - we will consider all this in the following materials.

Half a century of experience in the production of hunting weapons and constant technical improvement of products have ensured the outstanding success of the Chapuis Arm rifles. Their appearance on the Russian market is a big step forward with the most favorable consequences for hunters and gunsmiths of both countries. The arguments of the Chapuis Arm hunting weapon are too powerful to ignore.

Description of Franchi Instinct

The Franchi Instinct 12 gauge smoothbore shotgun with a vertical barrel arrangement is an excellent option for sports, clay pigeon shooting and hunting. Frankie Instinct is easy to use. Weighing 2.85 kilograms including chokes, the double-barreled shotgun is several times lighter than standard 20-gauge shotguns. The use of light alloy materials has allowed Franchi Instinct to become the unsurpassed leader among lightweight verticals.

The bolt of the Frankie Instinct shotgun is made of a light silver alloy; the company has achieved the required hardness and strength of the materials used, while maintaining light weight. Spending a long time in the fields in search of prey, with a Franchi double-barreled shotgun you will not get tired.

All parts of the side flap are perfectly adjusted, the ergonomics are worked out to the smallest detail. Easy aiming and raising of the gun is ensured. The double-barreled shotgun is equipped with an automatic ejector.

The Franchi Instinct sideflint has proven popular and is now available in 28 and 410 calibers with 28-inch shotgun barrels. The receiver is made of steel and has a gold engraved engraving on the right side.

The main difference in the design is the automatic type fuse, located on the butt neck, which simultaneously functions as a barrel selector. The attractive appearance is completed with a gold-plated trigger mechanism.

Franchi Instinct is a universal classic, or at least that's the impression it leaves.

The stock of the vertical shotgun in the “Prince of Wales” version is made of polished walnut of the 2nd class, followed by oil treatment. The laconic shape of the handle with notches does not slip and fits perfectly in the hand. Elegance of execution, nickel-plated receiver combined with dark walnut emphasize the unique style of Italian guns. The flat rubber butt pad provides comfort when shooting. The fiber optic front sight allows you to aim even at dusk.

The kit includes interchangeable choke tubes that allow you to adjust the shot discharge. This set expands the functionality of the gun. Franchi Instinct can be used as both a hunting weapon and a sporting rifle.

The length of 760 mm is used for flyover hunting; the gun is ideal for hunting birds and other waterfowl.


The Franchi Instinct 12 smoothbore shotgun is an excellent solution for sporting, hunting and clay pigeon shooting. It is easy to handle, since the double-barreled shotgun is several times lighter than the usual 20-caliber shotguns. Light alloys were used for manufacturing, which allowed this weapon to take a leading position among guns with large masses.

The bolt is made of a lightweight silver compound, and here the company was able to achieve the required hardness and strength of the original materials, while maintaining the overall weight of the product. You will not get tired even if you spend the whole day searching for game.

Every detail is perfectly fitted, all ergonomics are thought out to the last detail, the ejector is automatic.

The wooden parts are made of walnut material, polished and oiled. The butt pad is made of high-quality and elastic rubber material, flat and streamlined, which provides a comfortable feeling while shooting. The front sight is fiber optic, allowing for rapid aimed fire even at dusk.

Franchi is one of the oldest companies in Italy

The Franchi shotgun comes with interchangeable choke tubes that regulate the spray of shot, which only expands the functionality of the 12-gauge double-barreled shotgun with a barrel length of 76 cm.

The instinct bowflint has proven popular and is now available in 28 and 410 calibers with 28-inch shotgun barrels.

The receiver is made of steel and has a gold engraved engraving on the right side.

The main difference in the design is the automatic type fuse, located on the butt neck, which simultaneously functions as a barrel selector. The attractive appearance is completed with a gold-plated trigger mechanism.

Technical characteristics of Frankie Instinct

Main performance characteristics of Franchi Instinct:

  • Brand, model, series - Franchi instinct SL.
  • Country of origin: Italy.
  • Number of barrels: double-barreled weapon, type: side-lift.
  • Caliber - 12 by 76.
  • Number of cartridges – 2 pcs.
  • The weight of the gun is about 2.85 kg, the weapon is suitable for hunting and fishing for most shooters, the weight will not be too burdensome.
  • Barrel length – 760 mm.
  • The length of the gun is 1130 mm.
  • Chamber 76 mm.
  • Butt material: walnut.
  • The principle of operation is a turning point.

The cost of a Franchi Instinct shotgun in hunting stores is about 120-130 thousand rubles. The cost of a gun depends on the markup, body kits, equipment and model range. Some stores hold promotions - at this time you can count on a 10-15% discount.

Advantages and disadvantages of Franchi Instinct

The Franchi Instinct smoothbore shotgun guarantees ease of aiming and throwing. The handle has special notches that prevent slipping in the hand when aiming and firing. The nickel-plated receiver combined with a dark walnut shade emphasizes the unique style of the Italian-made shotguns.

The Franchi instinct vertical double-barreled shotgun is perfect for hunting waterfowl and participating in sports competitions. It is possible to install an optical sight.

The gun perfectly reflects modern solutions to the classics, combines the best principles of Italian gunsmiths' craftsmanship, advanced innovations that give the product excellent appearance, convenience and excellent characteristics, both for target shooting and for hunting.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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