Guide to American light tank tier 5 M24 Chaffee WoT

Hello to all fans of dynamic battles and welcome to! Today we will talk about a wonderful, moderately strong, but very interesting machine, an American light tank of the fifth level - this is M24 Chaffee guide


This device was capable of many things in battle before, that is, not only shining light, but also shooting. And with the release of update 0.9.18, which brought the LT-10 to the game, as well as balance changes, our little M24 Chaffee WoT

stopped throwing eights into battles, that is, his life became easier, more colorful, but to realize the potential of this firefly, it is important to know as much as possible about him.

TTX M24 Chaffee

We will begin our acquaintance with this American with the fact that even by the standards of his classmates he is endowed with a low margin of safety, as well as a good viewing radius of 350 meters for the fifth level.

As befits a light tank, the M24 Chaffee has the characteristics

reservations are very mediocre and all equipment from the fifth level to the seventh will penetrate you without any difficulties.

But still, the 52-mm VLD and the extreme edges of the frontal projection can sometimes catch ricochets from vehicles of level 5 and lower, for example, if an M24 Chaffee tank

at the last moment he will successfully turn his body or play carefully against the terrain. Of course, there is no point in hoping for such accidents, so in general it is better not to even try to play with armor; you must exercise maximum caution.

Camouflage for M24 Chaffee World of Tanks

very decent, like all fireflies, but still this device has quite impressive dimensions, mainly a high silhouette, so in terms of stealth it is far from the best.

As for driving performance, this is truly the American’s strong point. M24 Chaffee light tank

is the owner of a good top speed, an excellent ratio of horsepower per ton of weight, as well as enviable maneuverability, which makes it a very dynamic and nimble car.


Armament is always worthy of special attention, because the gun is the main part of any tank and I must say, in our case, everything is quite decent in this matter.

Let's start with the fact that the M24 Chaffee has a gun

It has an alpha strike that is not a record, but decent by LT-5 standards, and also has a good rate of fire, so you will be able to deal about 1500 units of damage per minute.

Penetration indicators of M24 Chaffee tank

It also doesn’t have a record; standard armor-piercing shells are enough to penetrate even level seven vehicles into vulnerable hounds and sides. But it’s not worth going into battle without at least a small number of gold sub-calibers, since there are serious heavy loads that you just can’t handle.

In terms of accuracy, the situation is controversial. The fact is that M24 Chaffee WoT

has a wide spread, however, our information is very fast and the stabilization is decent, so the process of dealing damage will be comfortable.

The last thing worth mentioning is the vertical aiming angles, which will please all owners of this firefly. American light tank M24 Chaffee

can lower the gun 10 degrees down, this makes it possible to play from the terrain without any problems.

Variants and related vehicles[edit]

M19 Twin 40 mm gun motor carriage

Spanish Army M37 105mm self-propelled howitzer.

M41 Gorilla at the US Army Ordnance Museum.

Carriage for several T77 .50 caliber guns.

  • Light tank T24

The original prototype. Tested at Aberdeen Proving Ground in January 1944. Ultimately standardized as the Light Tank M24. [5]

  • Light tank T24E1

Prototype with Continental R-975-C4 engine and Spicer torque converter transmission. One vehicle was converted from the original T24 prototype and tested in October 1944. The car had better performance than the M24, but suffered from transmission reliability problems. [5]

  • Carriage with several M19 cannons

Developed on the basis of the 40 mm GMC T65 (anti-aircraft gun on an extended M5 chassis). Extended M24 hull with engine moved to the center, two 40 mm Bofors anti-aircraft guns mounted in the rear of the hull (336 rounds). 904 were ordered in August 1944, but only 285 were built by the end of the war.[17]

  • M37 105 mm howitzer with carriage motor

Developed in 1945. Had a 105 mm M4 howitzer (126 rounds). Intended to replace the 105 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M7. 448 ordered, 316 delivered. Saw service in the Korean War. [18]

  • M41 Howitzer Motor Carriage

The engine is moved to the center of the hull, the 155 mm M1 howitzer is installed in the stern. 250 ordered, 85 produced. Participated in the Korean War, some exported to France [18]

  • Multi-motor carriage for T77 pistols

Had six +0.50 (12.7 mm) caliber machine guns mounted in a newly designed turret. [18]

  • T42, T43 Truck tractors

Based on the T33, the T42 had the torque converter transmission from the M18 Hellcat. The M43 was a lighter version of the T42. [18]

  • T9

A bulldozer kit was installed.
[19] Additionally, a prototype M38 Wolfhound armored car was experimentally equipped with an M24 turret. [18]

Advantages and disadvantages

Of course, knowledge of the characteristics of a tank and the parameters of its weapons are very important, but in battle a tanker will be able to feel much more confident if he has a clear idea of ​​what the strongest and weakest aspects of the M24 Chaffee World of Tanks are

, so it makes sense to highlight them separately. Pros: • Good viewing range by LT-5 standards; • Excellent mobility (dynamics, maximum speed, maneuverability); • Decent alpha strike and DPM; • Comfortable reduction and stabilization indicators; • Very comfortable vertical aiming angles. Cons: • Frankly weak reservation; • Quite large dimensions; • Frequent crits of the ammunition rack (located on the sides under the turret); • Large spread over 100 meters.


  • Austria
  • Bangladesh
  • Great Britain - 289 tanks under the Lend-Lease program
  • Vietnam - several tanks. South Vietnam
  • Greece
  • Iraq
  • Iran
  • Italy - more than 500 tanks
  • Cambodia
  • Canada - 1 tank transferred for testing under the Lend-Lease program.
  • Republic of China (Taiwan) - 230 tanks, as of 2007.
  • Laos
  • Norway - 72 tanks.
  • Pakistan
  • Portugal
  • Russia (USSR) - 2 tanks transferred for testing under the Lend-Lease program
  • USA
  • Thailand
  • Türkiye
  • Uruguay - 16 tanks, as of 2010.
  • France - about 1200 tanks.
  • South Korea
  • Japan
  • Equipment for M24 Chaffee

    In order to make playing on any tank more comfortable and to be able to fully unleash the potential of a combat vehicle, it should be properly equipped with additional modules. In our case, there is one truly correct configuration option, that is, equipment for the M24 Chaffee tank

    We put the following: 1. – the module is always necessary, because it increases the rate of fire, therefore, allows you to deal more damage. 2. is an excellent addition to the kit, thanks to which you can deal damage much more effectively on the move. 3. – without it, it is better for a light tank and also a firefly not to go into battle at all, because a lot depends on the review.


    M24 operators

    Ex-Bangladesh Army M24 Chaffee on display at Birsreshto Shaheed Jahangir Gate of Dhaka Cantonment.

    Former operators

    • Austria - 46 M24, in service from 1956 to 1966. The turrets of decommissioned M24 tanks were secured in Austrian bunker systems. Purchased through NATO. [12]
    • Bangladesh - 10 used M24 Chaffee captured from Pakistan Army during the Bangladesh Liberation War. [23]
    • Belgium - 224 were purchased through NATO. [12]
    • Cambodia - 36 pieces. [12]
    • Canada - 32 purchased by the Canadian government in 1947 along with 294 M4A2E8 (76 mm) Shermans. [12]
    • Chile
    • Denmark - 63 were purchased through NATO. [12]
    • Ethiopia - 34 purchased. [12]
    • France - 1254 vehicles were purchased through NATO. [12]
    • Greece - 170 were purchased through NATO. [12]
    • Iran - 180 units purchased. [12]
    • Iraq - 78 pieces. [24] [12]
    • Italy - 518 pieces were purchased through NATO. [12]
    • Japan - entered service in 1952; the latter were decommissioned by 1974 [12]
    • Laos - Four were purchased. [12]
    • Netherlands - about 50 in use until 1962 [25] [26]
    • Norway - 123 entered service in the 1950s, the last Chaffees were withdrawn from service in 1993 [12].
    • Pakistan - 132 pieces. [27] [12]
    • Philippines - Seven Chaffees assigned to Reconnaissance Company, 10th BCT, PEFTOK during the Korean War. Two famous ones were put on static display in Lingayen, Pangasinan. [12]
    • Portugal - 16 were purchased through NATO. [12]
    • South Korea - 30 Chaffees were used for training in the early 1950s for a short period of time and were then transported to Taiwan.
    • Saudi Arabia - 52 pieces. [12]
    • South Vietnam - 137 pieces. [12]
    • Vietnam - capture from South Vietnam
    • Spain - 31 was purchased through NATO. Used during the Ifni War. [12]
    • Thailand - 20 pieces purchased. [12]
    • Taiwan
    • Türkiye - 238 were purchased through NATO. [12]
    • Great Britain - 302 units purchased. [5]
    • Uruguay - 17 modernized, withdrawn from armored infantry and replaced by 25 M-41Cs recently donated by Brazil.
    • USA [5]
    • Soviet Union - Received two M24s under Lend-Lease. [12]

    Tactics for playing M24 Chaffee

    Of course, the tank in our hands is really strong, but there is little understanding of this fact, because in order to realize the potential of the vehicle, it is necessary to use its strengths and weaknesses. Without further ado, I want to say that since the American light tank M24 Chaffee

    has excellent mobility, visibility and good camouflage; its main task is reconnaissance.

    To provide your team with intelligence, it is important to be able to choose the right direction, to be able to play from sight and camouflage. However, you can do things a little simpler - M24 Chaffee World of Tanks

    is capable of simply cutting across the entire map, closer to the middle line, and you are guaranteed to discover enemy after enemy.

    Here it is only important to understand that you need to drive chaotically and wisely in order to reduce the likelihood of hits on your tank. Take advantage of the folds of the terrain, various obstacles in the form of stones, houses and even fences, but also the M24 Chaffee tank

    should periodically disappear from light, so you will protect yourself even more and be able to create a factor of surprise.

    But for M24 Chaffee tactics

    scout is not the only possible scenario, because we have a good weapon, thanks to which we can inflict a lot of damage. To do this, it is better to fire from the second line, without getting caught in the light, it is much safer.

    And for those who want adrenaline and love a dynamic fighting style, you can act more boldly. M24 Chaffee WoT

    can play from the terrain, taking advantage of excellent UVN, and thanks to dynamics and stabilization, you can not only deal damage while moving, but also carousel opponents, especially if no one is covering them.

    In other words, this is more than creative, depending on the situation you can play very versatile, but remember the lack of armor and act carefully.

    Combat effectiveness

    The M24 Chaffee cannot be equipped with a high explosive, like the VK2801, and it does not have the speed and maneuverability of the T-50-2. But it has excellent visibility and penetration of a top gun. This allows you to perform the following roles in battle:

    Tank-interceptor of enemy fireflies. The vertical aiming stabilizer allows you to hit at close ranges. The high rate of fire makes it possible to shoot down tracks and crit engines.

    Tank supporting attacks of allied STs. This option is possible and preferable until you install a top-end engine. Its engine allows you to accompany the T-54 across the map. This approach increases your chances of survival than if you were playing alone. Secondly, when encountering enemy TTs, you can try to spin them and divert attention to yourself, helping your allies deal with them. Thirdly, if the attack of the allied medium tanks flounders, you can illuminate the enemy with it.

    Passive light will be another option. But the high visibility of the top M24 turret and the muzzle brake on the T94 gun make this task somewhat difficult. But, if you go this route, then be sure to take camouflage as your first crew specialty.

    Active light is difficult due to Chaffee's low top speed. But if you have the option, if you are the only firefly on the team, then take on this role yourself. It is unlikely that you will quickly reach the desired position. And you are unlikely to be able to make the enemy panic like the T-50-2.

    Hunting for enemy artillery at the very beginning of a battle is usually doomed to failure. You will definitely be met and punished for such insolence.

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