Hunting carbine MP-142K - the first Izhevsk weapon with an original function

The Izhevsk Arms Plant is known not only in Russia and the CIS, but also in many countries around the world. The designers of this enterprise are famous for their unusual developments, which help create new original weapons that have no analogues in the world. One of these developments was the MP-142K carbine. This gun, or rather a rifle, has a function unusual for a rifled weapon - the ability to replace the barrel with a barrel of a different caliber.

Review of the MP-142K hunting rifle

The carbine has one unique feature - the ability to change barrels. This approach was used for the first time on domestic rifled weapons. The modular principle helped the designers realize this idea, on the basis of which the rifle was designed.

The carbine was developed by the famous designer M.E. Dragunov, who designed the SVD sniper rifle and many other weapon models. According to its system, the MP-142K is a classic bolt gun, with a longitudinally sliding bolt type and barrel locking by turning. The barrel mount is of an original design, for which a patent was received. It was the creation of this innovative design unit that made it possible to make it so that when changing the barrel, the rifle does not need to be re-shooted. The average point of impact is stable, despite the installation of barrels of different calibers.

Since the carbine is a fairly new model, the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant continues to refine and improve it. The latest improvements are:

  • The appearance of a new detachable forend;
  • Development of a new cylindrical barrel intended for varminting.

The uniqueness of the weapon lies in the fact that this model was developed exclusively for hunting. Its creation is not just another modification of a military rifle and fitting it to the frames of hunting carbines. Currently, domestic arms companies rarely develop rifled hunting weapons from scratch, because it is much easier to take a military rifle that has been proven for decades and make a hunting carbine on its basis.

Since the MP-142K rifle is more of a sniper weapon for a hunter, when creating it, the designers were guided by the following principles:

  • Hunting in sniper mode does not involve hurricane fire, so an automatic rifle would be inappropriate in this case;
  • The killing power of one single shot should be sufficient to bring down a large animal;
  • Since hunting requires silence, the release and reloading should be as quiet as possible - in the forest, the slightest click of the shutter can frighten sensitive game.

The described weapon was created taking into account these requirements. To distinguish their new model from other classic bolt guns, the designers of the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant developed a modular system with which you can easily change barrels. Now the hunter does not need to have several carbines of different calibers. It is enough to take a carbine in which you can change large-caliber barrels to smaller ones and vice versa.

The best hunting rifles: review of models, descriptions and characteristics

  • October 19, 2018
  • Weapons and ammunition
  • Dmitry Averkin

Hunting has been and remains one of the most popular male hobbies. The strong half of humanity has been doing this since ancient times, and even a thoroughly office worker sometimes wants to go out into the forest with a gun at the ready and relieve his soul, succumbing to ancient instincts.

Hunters spend a lot of money on their favorite pastime. Here are licenses, transportation to the place, equipment and, naturally, the most important attribute - weapons. And if experienced fishermen have long ago determined for themselves the parameters and models of the best hunting rifles, then beginners have serious problems with this.

The choice is also complicated by the fact that previously there was no such variety as we now see on the shelves of domestic weapons stores. In the last century, almost the entire assortment consisted of products from the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant - IZH (MR). Today, the shelves are crowded with shotguns, rifles, carbines of all kinds and calibers from various manufacturers.

The best option for both beginners and a good half of intermediate fishermen can be called smoothbore guns for hunting. We will look at the best offers from domestic manufacturers in our article. Such weapons are mostly unpretentious in maintenance, and plus, to purchase them you do not need to have five years of experience, as is the case with rifled barrels. It is also worth clarifying that we will be considering products for the most common 12 gauge.

So, we present to your attention a rating of 12-gauge smoothbore hunting rifles, which includes the most popular models among domestic consumers. We will also consider the most notable characteristics of the participants. When compiling the list, the opinions of experts in this field and feedback from gun owners were taken into account.

The ranking of the best 12 gauge shotguns is as follows:

Let's take a closer look at the participants.

This is an old model from the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant, but this in no way prevents it from being one of the best 12-gauge hunting rifles. The series has been produced since 1964, and since 1980 it has received several modifications, where the critical difference is the caliber - from small 410 to 20.

One of the main advantages of the IZH-18 shotgun over others is its light weight.

One barrel, lightweight design of the forend with a butt - all this has a positive effect on weight, which is especially important when hunting

Characteristic features of the model are the lower release lever and the internal trigger, which adds reliability to the gun. The model will be an excellent help in fishing activities for connoisseurs of the classics.

Purpose of the MP-142K carbine

The MP-142K is a carbine that was created exclusively for hunting. The use of this weapon for sport target shooting, much less for security and self-defense, is not intended. This is due to the design features, as well as the parameters of the ammunition, which are more suitable for hunting.

When installing small-caliber barrels, the carbine is excellent for hunting fur animals or varmint. When installing a large-caliber barrel, the weapon is successfully used for hunting medium-sized ungulates. The largest caliber allows the hunter to hunt large ungulates and even bears.

The creation of the model made it possible for hunters to have only one rifled carbine, which is suitable for universal hunting of any animal.

Design features of the MP-142K

The schematically presented rifle can be divided into the following parts:

  • Receiver. It holds ammunition, the length of which can reach 85.6 mm. For a better connection between the receiver and the barrel, a receiver coupling is located between them;
  • Trunk. It is made from 50 AP steel by rotary forging. The barrel channel is not chrome-plated, which is a significant omission from the factory. Perhaps this was done so that the owner would purchase replacement barrels more often, although the manufacturer claims that chrome plating reduces shooting accuracy. The barrel is secured in the box using a patented wedge-clamp assembly. This connection has proven to be quite reliable. Immediately after installing a new barrel, it is necessary to check the locking of the lugs. It is prohibited to shoot without checking the stops to avoid accidents;
  • Gate. It securely locks the barrel due to six protrusions, which are placed in two rows. The bolt has a hexagonal shape, and the combat cylinders are replaceable. The combat cylinder is secured in the bolt due to a cylindrical lock;
  • There is a fuse on the receiver; it is located on the shank;
  • Shop. In the carbine it is removable, box-type. Depending on the caliber, the magazine can hold 3 or 4 rounds;
  • The trigger mechanism is assembled on a separate base, which greatly simplifies its removal and helps reduce time when disassembling the weapon. It is possible to adjust the trigger force to suit your preferences;
  • The stock of the carbine is solid, made only of wood. As a rule, it is beech or walnut.

The classic rear sight and front sight are used as standard sighting devices. There is a dovetail mount and a Weaver sighting rail, which is designed to mount an optical sight.

Carbine with interchangeable barrels. An ordinary user's view

04.06.2011 Author: Vadim Semashev | Photo by the author

There are probably no active hunters left who remember the times when it was possible to buy firearms in a bakery or haberdashery store simply by presenting a passport. No one is surprised anymore by the need to obtain a license to purchase; everyone humbly waits in hours-long queues for permitting departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To obtain the coveted green or pink paper, you will have to go there more than once, bringing first one certificate, then another, and often the signature of the desired boss does not mean receiving a stamp on it on the same day. On the one hand, everything is correct: terrorism does not sleep, and a medical certificate stating that the applicant is not a moron or an alcoholic is not superfluous in our age of strange relations in society. But on the other hand, given the presence of a bullet cartridge library and modern computerization of databases, how justified is the restriction on the number of rifled barrels, each of which is actually the owner’s passport?

The percentage of illegal actions using officially registered weapons has long been officially recognized as insignificant. This is not even touching on the positive experience of nearby countries as a result of the legalization of short-barreled civilian self-defense weapons. How long will the authorities be afraid of their own law-abiding citizens? Probably, every reasonable person, in one or another situation, asks himself these or similar questions, especially looking back at the more democratic Western countries in this sense, which now, after the collapse of the socialist system, it is customary to look up to.

In fact, how can a Russian (and his Belarusian brothers have it even worse, but is it worth following an example in this?) within the limit of five rifled barrels, if for the mountains you need one rifle, for varminting a completely different one, for collective driven hunting - the third, for catching foxes and raccoons from the approach - the fourth, for shooting from an ambush of a Siberian bear - the fifth, for shooting crows and other pests - the sixth, and if you dream about African pachyderms, then you will need one or two more varieties! After all, rifled weapons have a much narrower purpose due to their caliber (it’s no coincidence that such a variety of them were invented!) and design compared to smooth-bore weapons. But these thoughts remain with us, hunters, in our heads, in our hearts, on paper. Lyrics are lyrics, civilized countries are civilized, but we have to somehow get out.

Our man is used to getting out, not for the first time. What can you take as an asset? There are two options: either to design a COLLECTION of firearms, expanding the boundaries of the permitted numerical diversity at the expense of much greater hassle in terms of content and paperwork, or to infringe on your requests, agreeing to some kind of universality to the detriment of the optimal technical qualities of each individual unit. As a rule, you have to take the second path. Not all hunters have such a wide development of their passion, and not all have the financial capabilities to fully realize their aspirations. The same Western weapons manufacturers gave a hint for a compromise. Unlike American hunters, accustomed from infancy to the culture of weapons, where only the lazy have less than 10-20 types of small arms in their home, compact and small-sized Europe with cleanly swept paths for beaters in the forest came up with the “know-how”: why store and , the main thing is to buy such a mountain of stocks and stocks, moreover, made of expensive walnut, when you can save money and change only the barrels on different hunts?

Of course, it is impossible to make such a “designer” completely universal: for heavy and light calibers, not to mention “magnums”, the stock should have different weights and ergonomics, but within certain limits such a simplification has a right to life! And so a German-Austrian prefabricated carbine with interchangeable barrels, invented for completely different reasons, set out to conquer the Russian market and help out our hunters, deprived of the licensing system. So, what do we have here in the bottom line? And we have, by and large, four well-known manufacturers that produce their products with decent quality of processing and mating of parts to ensure the necessary repeatability of the barrel position: Sauer, Heym, Blaser, Mauser. I’m deliberately not going to reprint the technical specifications table here, but let’s look at them in comparison, looking at the positive and negative sides in terms of differences.


I have been hunting with pleasure with this for more than 10 years, from Kamchatka to Belarus here and all the way to Spain, the snowy mountains of Kyrgyzstan and hot African countries abroad. A classic bolt-action carbine with a rotary-locking bolt of impeccable execution, which has not caused a single problem. An excellent, reliable magazine with a single-row arrangement of cartridges, holding from two to four cartridges depending on the design (they just stick out from the stock in different ways), convenient for equipment, securely and unambiguously fixed. The technical solution of the fuse is simply ideal from the point of view of convenient location, quiet operation and safety when cutting through branches in the forest, in the mountains, when riding and any other harsh conditions. In any case, this fuse can safely be called a “highlight” of this manufacturer, clearly superior to all other systems without exception (not only those discussed in this article).

In addition to open sights, bases for quick-detachable EAW optics (in common parlance “Appel”) are standardly installed, a very reliable design that allows you to quickly and silently replace the sight by touch in the dark and clearly secure it with a latch. The carbine in magnum calibers is a little heavy for mountain hunting, but in all other respects it is close to ideal.

The “fly in the ointment” is the barrel changing system, organized by clamping the barrel with a clamp, which is part of the receiver, remaining together with the brackets for optics on the breech. The quality of this joint is very high and in practice allows you to change barrels up to three or four times without reshooting the sights, but nevertheless, a meticulous shooter, realizing that the sight and barrel are so separated, has the right to doubt it. But there are no questions about recoil, which is transmitted directly to the receiver, which is permanently mounted in the stock. To change the barrel, you need as many as three different keys included in the package. However, if you do not change barrels often, you can put up with this drawback, if not for the design of the forend, which is attached under the barrel with a long screw running along its entire length. Not only after each barrel change, but also on a daily basis during intensive use, you have to monitor the degree of tightening of this screw, which, when loosened, allows the forend to dangle, and when over-tensioned, presses it against the barrel, thereby eliminating its hanging and leading to unpredictable misses.

This is the biggest (and perhaps the only) problem with this carbine. The developers realized this and tried to eliminate the problem in the take-down version of the carbine. In any case, I liked their solution much better. This carbine can be recommended for any, including the most severe, hunting conditions. But I still wouldn’t change the barrels too often.

The carbine can be sold from the factory with one or more barrels of the following calibers: .222 Rem, .223 Rem, .22-250 Rem, .243 Win, 6.5×57, .25-06 Rem, .270 Win, 7×64, .308 Win, .30-06 Spr, 8x57IS, 9.3×62, 6.5×68, .270 Wby.Mag, 7-mm RemMag, .300 Win.Mag, .300 Wby .Mag, 8x68S, .375H&H Mag, .416 Rem.Mag, .458 Lott. Barrels are supplied in calibers that have compatible case base sizes, as well as separating magnum and conventional sets. The barrel length can vary in different designs from 51 to 65 cm.


My brother and one of my best friends, a passionate mountain hunter, have been hunting with these for several years. A bolt-action carbine with collet locking, without a detachable magazine, an example of the implementation of the ideas of progressively thinking developers. The “highlight” of this product is the design of the barrels, combined with the receiver and bases for the bracket for external optics of our own invention. The barrel is changed in a matter of seconds using a single socket wrench, attached to the stock with only two threaded joints welded into it, ensuring both unambiguous fixation of the barrel and its perfect hanging. Reshooting after changing barrels is not required by definition, since the receiver is integral with the barrel.

In addition to the barrel, it is also possible to change the cylinder in the bolt, which makes it possible to more widely diversify the configuration of one carbine with different calibers, which are incompatible with competitors. The magazine is integral and has inserts for storing cartridges of different calibers. The system for fastening the bracket for optics of our own design by turning two eccentrics is very reliable and provides for unambiguous fixation, although, in my opinion, it is doubtful in terms of the ability to quickly and silently change the sight by touch, and is especially sensitive to contamination of the mounting recesses for the eccentrics on the barrel. The collet locking of the shutter also raises doubts about the reliability of its operation in conditions of heavy contamination. Even according to a friend who is a passionate fan of this carbine, he had to pick out grains of sand with a match from the space between the shutter slats, without which it refused to lock, and the hunter actually remained unarmed at this time.

The cocking system, which does not depend on the position of the cartridge in the chamber and, in fact, replaces the safety, causes a lot of controversy and, of course, requires some getting used to, like the ultra-light trigger. Having once tried to hunt with such a carbine without any practical experience, I fired one unauthorized shot out of two several times in a row. But, in any case, this is the lightest of the carbines under consideration, which gives it an advantage for mountain hunting, as well as for hunting in civilized European conditions. There are no objective reviews yet for the new model of this manufacturer, the R8, made according to a similar concept. A detachable magazine combined with a firing mechanism (trigger mechanism) seems to some to be a positive change, but to others the opposite.

Blaser has clones, in particular, the Swiss company Christensen Arms produces this carbine in a variation with carbon barrels, but conceptually it has no differences on the topic of this article. In general, one thing can be said: in relation to Blaser, there are no indifferent hunters; there are only either ardent opponents or equally enthusiastic supporters.

The incredible breadth of variety of barrels supplied is demonstrated by the following calibers: .22 LR .222 Rem, .223 Rem, .22-250 Rem, .243 Win, 6.5×55, 6.5×57, .270 Win, 7×64, . 308 Win, ,30-06Spr, 8x57IS, 8.5×63, 9.3×62, 7.5×55, 8x68S, .270 WSM, 7-mm RemMag, 7-mm BlaserMag, .300 Win.Mag, .300 BlaserMag, .300WbyMag, .338Win.Mag, .338BlaserMag, .375 H&H Mag, .375 BlaserMag, .416 Rem. Mag, and even a single shot 10.3x40R. Moreover, as we said above, the compatibility of incompatible calibers was expanded due to replaceable inserts in the bolt and magazine. The trunk length can vary from 50 to 65 cm.

HEYM-SR21 and SR30

The first of them has a classic rotary locking bolt, the other with a collet locking mechanism, similar to that used in the Blaser. Among my family, my father has an SR21, who at 79 years old continues to hunt. I also hunted with this in Kamchatka, and it is quite common among fellow hunters of our club In my opinion, SR30 is much less common in nature. Among my friends, I know for sure that my friend in St. Petersburg has only one, though for many years now. Therefore, since, apart from the bolt locking system, the models are no different, and the collet bolt can be roughly understood as being similar to that used by the Blaser (with its advantage in convenience and speed of reloading, but at the expense of reliability and demands on dust and dirt) , I will try to concentrate on reviewing Heym carbines based on the SR21 model.

Changing barrels is done, like in Blaser, with a socket wrench from the fore-end side, only here the screws are screwed into the barrel, and not nuts are screwed onto powerful threaded rods. But the barrel, unlike the Blaser, is equipped with a welded-on, powerful transverse stop, which more reliably transmits recoil in large calibers. However, if the trunks are changed relatively rarely, over time this stop is pressed quite tightly into the wood of the stock, almost sticking to it, and care is required when dismembering. Overall I like this design. All sighting devices are also located on the barrel and the receiver combined with it, which eliminates the need to re-shoot after each replacement.

The classic butterfly valve is not fitted in place as precisely as the Sauer, but there have been no problems with its operation over the past five years, probably the tolerances were slightly exceeded deliberately, taking into account possible contamination. The fuse is located on the side, and is far from silent (if handled awkwardly, it scares away a bear from the field 80 meters away - tested). I would consider the Heym-SR21 to be a great in-between carbine that takes advantage of the Blaser's interchangeable barrel qualities without the disadvantages of a delicate collet action. I would have called it if it weren’t for the inevitable “fly in the ointment”. Heym detachable magazines, for all calibers of the same external size, are made of thin metal, almost tin, and are very susceptible to distortion and deformation. Even when equipping it at home, special skill is required so that the cartridges in the magazine do not become distorted (in any case, my father has never been able to equip it without a strong Russian word). Unfortunately, distortions of the cartridge at the moment of chambering or failure of the cartridge clamped by the walls to feed upward with the spring are just as common. You have to regularly check the geometry of the magazine box, visually or by pushing the cartridge, and if necessary, adjusting it by hand. The manufacturer tried to eliminate such a serious drawback by using higher quality material, but even the magazines replaced under warranty only partially improved their quality.

Another note can be considered the standard installation on the carbine of bases for brackets for optics of the MAK system, and not EAW, as on Sauer. Essentially they are very similar, both have a swivel type front support and a lockable rear support. But if the EAW has a latch there, which, once adjusted, fixes the sight in a unique position every time, then the MAC has a creeping “tooth” there, the degree of pressure of which is determined by the force of rotation of the crimp ring, which, by definition, is a subjective value. If I help my father attach the scope, he will no longer be able to change it on his own, and if he attaches the scope himself, then it often becomes loose simply while walking to such an extent that the scope comes out of the joint and turns to the side. Without noticing what had happened, my father once made an offensive mistake on a cleaver in a paddock in Belarus. Any subjectivity in the degree of tightening of the sight must be excluded! I know that some Heym carbines were also equipped with EAW brackets, but I am inclined to believe that these examples were made to order rather than mass-produced. In all other respects this is a good carbine.

Barrels for acquisition are available in calibers: .22-250 Rem, .25-06, .223 Rem, .243 Win, 6×62 Fr res, 6.5×55, 6.5×57, 6.5×65 RWS , 6.5×68, .270 Win., 7×57, 7×64, .270 WSM, 7 mm Rem. Mag., .308 Win, .30-06 Spr., .300 WSM, .300 Win. Mag., .338 Win.Mag., 8x57 IS, 8x64, 8x68 S, 8.5x63 Reb, 9.3x62, .375 Ruger. With a barrel length of 50 to 61 cm, but in principle the manufacturer is ready to discuss different combinations upon request. However, the range of calibers in one set is limited by the shape of the sleeve, suitable for a single bolt.


In this model, the famous manufacturer moved away from the concept of the legendary “Mauser” indestructible bolt, trying to keep up with the times and introducing a number of fundamental innovations. This is, first of all, a carbine with interchangeable barrels and, secondly, a mount for optics of its own design. The mounting bracket is somewhat reminiscent of the Blaser due to the use of eccentrics in special recesses on the barrel, only the eccentrics and the corresponding sockets are of a slightly different shape, and here they are located not on the sides, but on the top and, in my opinion, are more reliable. Changing barrels, like Blaser and Heym, is done from below using a socket wrench. The fastening is also at two points. But unlike them, Mauser made only the barrel detachable, leaving the receiver with the bases for optics on the stock separately, thereby giving up the advantage of opponents in terms of the need for reshooting. The bolt, while remaining a classic rotary type, provides for the change of cylinder heads for the base of the cartridge case not only of different calibers, but also of different groups of cartridges that differ in the diameter and shape of the base, like the Blaser. The safety on the end of the bolt, in my opinion, is not the most convenient location, and it’s not even silent, like the Heym, although it’s all a matter of habit. The magazine is detachable, with a 2-row arrangement of cartridges, which eliminates their jamming, which Heym has to deal with. The trigger is equipped with a trigger (to be honest, I never use it on any weapon with which I have hunted, but many people like it). And one more thing: by abandoning the bolt of its own name, Mauser seems to have lost its status of legendary reliability. It is possible that certain measures were taken subsequently, but during the operation of the first M03 carbines in large “African” calibers, cases of metal chipping in the locking group were recorded (this, despite as many as six lugs!), probably due to the use of an insufficiently strong alloy. In short, it turned out to be a kind of “hodgepodge” of the achievements and shortcomings of competitors. However, why not...

Democratic combination of barrels in calibers .222 Rem, .223 Rem, .22-250 Rem, .243 Win, .308 Win, 6.5×55, 6.5×57, .270 Win, 7×64, .30- 06 Spr, 8×57 IS, 8.5×63, 9.3×62, .270 WSM, .300 WSM, 7-mm Rem.Mag, .300 Win.Mag, .300 Wby.Mag, 8×68 S, .338Win.Mag, .338 BlaserMag, .375 H&H Mag, .416 Rem.Mag, .458 Lott, .404 Jeffery is provided with an interchangeable bolt face, like the Blaser. The length of the barrel in various versions can vary from 47 to 62 cm.

All four of the above “whales” in the production of carbines with interchangeable barrels can offer the discerning buyer both standard models without pretensions and frills, as well as more special ones. Among which are common versions with a plastic stock and, on the contrary, refined, prestigious ones, decorated with rich engraving, with a stock made of selected walnut model stutzen/fullstock with a fore-end the length of the barrel. And some are also “African style” with a front swivel on the barrel.


Among the models with interchangeable barrels from other manufacturers, there are several that are much less common and little tested. For example, Merkel-KR1, almost copied from Blaser-R93, with its inherent “pros” and “cons”. Or the Titan-6 model, produced by RWS-Rossler, with a rotating bolt locking type. The developer allows you to change the barrel without additional tools at all, but at the same time the receiver with the sight remains on the stock, like the Sauer (but there is no doubt about the reliability of the Sauer, and who knows how this new product will behave?). It is known that various synthetic resins, compounds, light alloys and plastics were used in large quantities in its design, due to which it was possible to significantly reduce the weight, and at the same time the price (the latter is probably the main “highlight” of this model).

Our hunters have already fallen in love with the wonderful Finnish Sako Quad rifle, but since it is equipped only with barrels of “small” calibers .22 and .17, I decided to put it at the end of the article, as an uncharacteristic solution for hunting significantly different types of prey. The bolt is a classic rotary one, changing the barrel with a socket wrench from the bottom of the forend and the base of the sighting devices on the receiver separated from the barrel - this is perhaps the main thing that can be noted here.

The Krieghoff Semprio carbine deserves special mention. The original solution to the mechanism for reloading and locking the bolt using a movable barrel combined with a stock (the shooter’s actions resemble shooting from a pump-action shotgun) looks very original. Unfortunately, regarding this “know-how” there are still more questions than answers; in any case, twitching your own optical sight in front of your eyes after each shot clearly does not seem trivial.

Model 902 from the Italian company Krico, which equips its carbines with Walther-made barrels, is very little studied. Probably, the reader, having purchased this weapon as a result of reading its name from this article, will be able to formulate the first review of its operation.

Among semi-automatic carbines, the possibility of delivery with interchangeable Benelli Argo barrels is declared, but in practice I have never seen this on sale or in my hands.

Perhaps I missed something from consideration: development does not stand still, and demand, as we know, creates supply. But, in any case, guided by the criteria raised in the article: the integrity of the barrel and sights, the method of locking, the functionality of the safety and magazine, etc., everyone will be able to approach the consideration of any unspoken model from a new height of understanding.

In my humble opinion, it makes sense for a typical Russian hunter to group the caliber options offered by the manufacturer according to their tasks, for example:

  • shooting of crows and other pests, commercial hunting for small furs, as well as, in permitted cases, hunting of game bird species: .17 Mach-2, 17 HMR, .22 LR, .22 WMR;
  • hunting raccoons, foxes, rodents, European roe deer, hunting young wild boar and even wolves, as well as when using bird jacket bullets: from .222 Rem to .243 Win;
  • hunting for average prey of the middle zone (boar up to 150 kg, deer, elk, Siberian roe deer): ideally .308 Win or .30-06 Spr, but in principle all “non-magnum” calibers from 7 to 8 mm;
  • mountain hunting: from 30-06 Spr. up to 7-mm Rem.Mag, .300 Win.Mag, .300 Wby.Mag and “short” versions like .300 WSM, etc.;
  • hunting for bear and large cleaver: 9.3 mm calibers, .375 H&H Mag, experienced hunters can afford 8 mm calibers;
  • African hunts for large and dangerous animals (eland antelope, buffalo, lion, hippopotamus, elephant, etc.): starting from .375 H&H Mag, which is recognized as the most common “African” caliber, as well as .416, the most reliable and favorite professional hunters of the “dark continent” - .458 Lott.

Surely someone will have an alternative concept of gradations, but I am voicing mine here as an example. What should I say in conclusion? It seems like there’s a lot of text, but he didn’t point his finger at “take this one”... But how could it be otherwise? Weapons are produced by serious manufacturers, and all those listed, at least in the first part, are definitely one of them. And the quality of the barrel steel in all of them is excellent, and the accuracy of fitting the parts is impeccable, and the finish and style. Any of them can bring countless happy moments to the owner of such a rifle while hunting. It’s just that everyone has a number of features that you may not hear about from the seller, but it’s better to know in advance.

Highlight your priorities, choose what you like, hold it in your hands, and - may you be happy! Break a leg!

How the carabiner works

The MP-142K is a bolt-action carbine with a longitudinally sliding bolt. Its operating principle is similar to any classic bolt gun. The operating principle is as follows:

  1. Before you start shooting, the carbine must be loaded. To do this, you need to remove the magazine by pressing the special latch, which is located on the left. After pressing, you need to remove the magazine with a downward movement. After this procedure, the magazine is loaded with cartridges. The loaded magazine must be inserted into the carbine with a click;
  2. Next, the cartridge is inserted into the chamber. To do this, you need to unlock the carbine by moving the bolt handle upward. After this, the shutter is retracted all the way back. In this case, the mainspring is compressed. After this, the shutter must be moved forward. Simultaneously with this movement, the cartridge is sent into the chamber. Then it is imperative to lock the barrel by moving the bolt handle down;
  3. As a result of these manipulations, the carbine is ready for shooting;
  4. After the shot is fired, the reloading manipulations are repeated.

After the cartridges in the magazine run out, you need to remove and reload the magazine again.

Replacing the barrel on the MP-142K

If the principle of operation of all bolt-on carbines is the same, then replacing barrels with MP-142K is a fairly new procedure for Russian hunters. To change the barrel you need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. First you need to remove the stock. To do this, unscrew the fastening screws holding it;
  2. Next, you need to partially loosen the screws securing the receiver to the barrel. After this manipulation, you need to turn the barrel clockwise and remove it from the receiver;
  3. Next, you need to change the combat cylinder, which requires releasing the latch, after which you can replace the larva itself with a new one.

All procedures for installing a new trunk and larva are carried out in reverse order.

Advantages and disadvantages of the MP-142K carbine

Although the presented carbine is a fairly new model, many users have already not only purchased this weapon, but also left their opinion on the advantages and disadvantages of this model. The undeniable advantages of the model include the following characteristics:

  • The accuracy of the carbine is at a very high level. If these indicators are traditionally high for all classic bolt-action carbines, then for weapons equipped with interchangeable barrels of different calibers, such accuracy parameters are a great achievement. However, accuracy with any barrel is high;
  • The patented barrel mounting module allows even an inexperienced shooter with a minimal set of tools to quickly replace the barrel, while stabilizing the point of impact;
  • The barrels are of high quality, their feature is the correct shape of the barrel channel;
  • To securely attach the receiver to the stock, polymer resin is used. This provides the structure with greater strength;
  • The locking system is double-row, so this unit is very durable and reliable. The shutter is made according to a design that completely eliminates its wedging in the rear position;
  • The fuse operates in three modes: “fire”, “protection” and “safe discharge”. Since the fuse is located on the upper part of the neck, it is convenient to use both right-handed and left-handed;
  • The adjustable trigger pull is a big plus as it allows the hunter to adjust the trigger pull to suit their needs.

As for sighting devices, although the carbine is equipped only with a standard rear sight and front sight, the presence of a dovetail and a Weaver rail makes it easy to equip the weapon with sights of various types.

There are also shortcomings, but since the model is new, there is a chance that they will soon be corrected by the manufacturer. According to the long-standing tradition of domestic gunsmiths, a new, improved model may appear, although this will not guarantee that the shortcomings of the previous model will disappear.

The disadvantages of the MP-142K are as follows:

  • The carbine, despite its simple design, is quite demanding on the quality of cartridges;
  • High cost, although for a modular system 80,000 rubles is not the highest price.

Otherwise, no significant shortcomings were found in the new modular carbine, although the build quality of Izhevsk weapons is traditionally not the best.

about birds - three “Snipe”, for different tastes

Bekas 12M - a pump-action shotgun from the Vyatsko-Polyansky Armory - is a pump-action shotgun produced by the Vyatsko-Polyansky Armory since 1999. Simple and reliable, it served as the basis for the design of the VPO-201-05 self-loading shotguns and its subsequent modification VPO-201M. Used for hunting and self-defense.

Description of the gun Bekas 12M

12-gauge smoothbore shotgun with pump-action reloading method. The movable forend slides along the under-barrel tubular magazine. The barrel is cold forged, with a chrome-plated channel and an extension at the muzzle, where replaceable choke nozzles are installed.

Sights - ventilated rib and bronze front sight. Installation of optics is not provided. The stock is semi-pistol, made of solid walnut wood. The delivery set may include a plastic pistol grip.

A review of the Bekas 12-M shotgun is shown in this video:

Advantages and disadvantages

This is truly the Real McCoy of the gun world. The gun is extremely unpretentious in operation and does not require excessive maintenance efforts. Due to the pump-action type of reloading, failures to fire are simply impossible.

  • The bore is chrome-plated, which makes the weapon easier to care for and improves its ballistics. It has space for interchangeable nozzles with choke constrictions of different gradations. Installing the nozzle inside the barrel guarantees perfect alignment.
  • The long chamber allows you to vary the type of ammunition depending on the intended type of hunting. Firing cartridges with short cartridge cases (70 mm) somewhat degrades the accuracy and sharpness of the fire, but is not dangerous, neither for the shooter nor for the weapon.
  • Excessively noisy for a hunting weapon, a particularly loud click occurs when the bolt cylinder wedge engages the cutout in the barrel shank.
  • The forend is long, with a well-developed notch, it is convenient for reloading, regardless of the anatomical features of the shooter.
  • Twelve-gauge cartridges are loaded with a large amount of shot, so the size of the scree makes shooting at a bird in flight very effective. However, for such a bonus you have to endure a brutal return. Not everyone can afford a gun. The instructions specifically state that shooting with a pistol grip and a long barrel is prohibited, as it can cause hand injuries.
  • Reliable locking of the barrel bore by a swinging cylinder, the wedge of which engages with a cutout in the breech shank, ensures good ballistic qualities of the weapon. Shooting with bullets of any system is accurate; the MOA value at a distance of 70 meters does not exceed 2 units.
  • There is a lever to stop the bolt frame halfway. This allows you to remove the cartridge from the chamber and not feed it from the magazine, which is convenient for transporting weapons - there is no need to empty the magazine, as well as for quickly replacing it with ammunition with a different type of equipment.
  • The semi-pistol stock made from solid walnut wood complies with all the canons of shooting art and is quite convenient for shooting from all positions for a conventional shooter with average anatomical parameters. However, the inability to adjust the height of the buttplate has led to criticism that reaching the trigger may be difficult.

Carbine Bekas 12 M (photo)


The gun is produced only in 12 gauge and with a chamber length of 76 mm. Models with a long barrel are used for hunting small and medium-sized animals, upland birds and waterfowl. The short barrel is used for self-defense and shooting bullets at short distances.


Until 2012, the Vyatsko-Polyansky Arms Plant produced 8 models of this gun with barrels of 535, 680, 720 and 780 mm in single or combined configurations. To date, only two are being produced.

  • VPO-202-04 with a 535 mm long barrel and a semi-pistol walnut stock. The delivery set includes a pistol grip and two interchangeable choke tubes – a payload and a “Paradox” (the cylinder is pre-installed in the barrel) 150 mm long.
  • VPO-202-07 Snipe RP with a set of barrels 535 and 750 mm. The set of interchangeable choke constrictions is the same.

Technical characteristics of Bekas auto 12 M are given below.

Tuning and analogues of MP-142K

Since the hunting carbine has not yet become a popular model among Russian hunters, and its design is constantly being improved, there is currently no need to talk about serious tuning. The only possible modifications are replacing the stock with an anatomical one and installing an optical sight.

Since the design is original, a complete analogue of this carbine simply does not exist. However, the idea of ​​interchangeable barrels is quite common, so interchangeable barrels are often found on smoothbore models of both domestic and foreign production.

The MP-142M carbine is a bold attempt by the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant to create an original model of a hunting weapon from scratch. However, the high price and rarity of this carbine do not allow us to fully appreciate the qualities of this weapon. Despite the small number of reviews, they are mostly positive, which suggests that the new domestic development is quite successful.

MP-155 – a new hunting rifle at highly attractive prices

Hunting carbine TOZ-17

For example, the famous Kalashnikov concern at the beginning of September 2017 announced the start of sales of the MP-155 hunting rifle. The highlight is not only in the updated design. Technically, this hunting rifle has absorbed all the best qualities of the 153rd model.

The MP-155 stock is made of walnut. The stock neck and fore-end in a thin design have improved ergonomic qualities. The butt plate has become more effective. The manufacturer also increased the magazine cover. Interestingly, the MP-155 is also perfect for left-handers.

With calibers 12/76 and 12/89, the plant offered hunting enthusiasts a wide range of barrel lengths - 61, 66, 71 and 75 centimeters. With the first specified caliber, the weight is 3 kg. 150 gr., with the second - 3 kg. 250 gr.

Prices for hunting rifles in different modifications vary, on average, from 24.6 to 37.3 thousand rubles.

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