December 8, 2020 Equipment Denis Serezhin Since the time of the first hunters who used wooden spears, technology
How Pakistan became a nuclear power Uncontrolled chain reaction of fission of heavy nuclei and thermonuclear reaction
What is a spring-piston pneumatic? A spring-piston pneumatic is a type of weapon that ejects a bullet using
Closest relatives and species composition “Drozd” is the most famous and, perhaps, the most successful option
Pistol Type 54, 54-1, NORINCO / NORINKO model 201, model 213, NP10, NP17 (PRC)
VAG-73 - Gerasimenko pistol. Device. Weight. Dimensions VAG-73 - an experimental automatic pistol for an experimental one
General provisions 91. Firing from a machine gun can be carried out from various positions and from any
Finnish semi-automatic anti-tank rifle This article requires additional references for verification. Please, help
Every year, the next batch of recruits aged 18-27 is recruited, capable of joining the mobilization lists.
The history of the creation of the grenade This simple device for the infantryman’s defense has gone through an interesting path.