What is the modern Lobaev sniper rifle?

general information

These small arms do not represent any one fixed model. Depending on what requirements and wishes are put forward by the customer, the caliber of the weapon, as well as other technical characteristics, will depend. Watch this video in the following video:

This rifle is divided into two classes of sniper weapons, namely: OVL and SVL. Popular among avid hunters, collectors and simply connoisseurs of small arms, OVL is currently widely available for use by private clients. SVL is intended for the work of special forces. The SVDK and SVU sniper rifles are also used by special forces. Air rifle users will be interested in reading about the best air rifles without a license.

The highest accuracy, about 0.2-0.3 MOA, makes the Lobaev sniper rifle almost irreplaceable as a sporting and hunting weapon. It is also worth noting that it is also used by the Russian presidential security service.

At the moment, there are six models of the main type among the SVL model range, and in addition to this, even more advanced rifle models are being actively developed. US large-caliber sniper rifles are trying to compete with domestic weapons. Of particular note are the PCP rifles. Read more about the SVD sniper air rifle. If you don’t know which air rifle is the best, then see the rating of air rifles here.

Modular approach and high performance. Experimental rifle Lobaev Arms DXL-5 Havoc

Experimental 12.7 mm rifle DXL-5

Last year, the Russian arms company Lobaev Arms announced its new development in the field of high-precision long-range rifles - the DXL-5 Havoc. To date, this project has reached the stage of manufacturing and testing a prototype. A few days ago, the prototype rifle was shown to the public, and in addition, they talked about its features and new capabilities.

Ultra-long-range sample

The name DXL-5 was first revealed in June last year by the general director of the development company, Vladislav Lobaev.
Then he said that the company was working on a promising sniper system consisting of a rifle and a cartridge with improved precision fire range characteristics. It was planned to provide confident shooting at a distance of 3 km and a maximum range of up to 6-7 km. Due to the pandemic, it was impossible to give an exact time frame for completing the work. The new rifle could appear and go into testing by early 2021 or later. Unfortunately, the development really took a long time. So, at the beginning of July this year, V. Lobaev said that work on DXL-5 is still ongoing. At the same time, he noted the possibility of starting factory tests in October or November.

Such plans were successfully implemented. At the end of October, Lobaev Arms published a short video with individual parts of an experimental rifle, which demonstrated the ease of movement of the bolt. In the near future, it was planned to complete a full assembly of the experimental DXL-5, connecting the shown parts with others.

Weapons at the manufacturing stage

On November 19, the experimental rifle was shown assembled for the first time. They also revealed the key features of the project and its new capabilities. The tactical and technical characteristics of the product were not mentioned. At the same time, they reported that the rifle was ready for testing. The test will take place in several stages, which will allow you to consistently test several versions of the weapon.

Unfortunately for domestic fans of high-precision shooting, the new DXL-5 is currently intended only for export deliveries. However, from the comments of the developers it may follow that in the future such weapons will be released onto the Russian market.

Multi-caliber system

It was previously reported that the DXL-5 rifle will be able to use a new specially developed cartridge and will have improved range characteristics.
According to the latest news, the project has even more interesting features that will also have a positive impact on the final performance. The main idea of ​​the DXL-5 project in its current form is to create a multi-caliber sniper system capable of using different types of ammunition. Thus, the first prototype is capable of using the Soviet / Russian 12.7x108 mm cartridge and the foreign 12.7x99 mm / .50 BMG cartridge. The development company notes that the DXL-5 became the first domestic sniper rifle for .50 BMG. In addition, it turns out to be the first model in the world capable of using 12.7 mm cartridges of Soviet and American types.

Lobaev Arms writes that the Havoc project involves the use of a total of six different ammunition. Two of them, with a caliber of 12.7 mm, are standard. It is also expected to develop four “much tastier and never-before-seen” calibers.

Technical features

Externally and in its design, the new Havoc rifle is similar to other products of the “counter-sniper” DXL series from Lobaev Arms.
This is a long-barreled weapon of a traditional layout with magazine ammunition and manual reloading. It is possible to install various sights and other equipment, for which there are rails. Also used is a folding stock typical for rifles in the series with several degrees of adjustment. The DXL-5 rifle is built on the basis of a large and durable receiver with a complex shape. It has mounts for the barrel, guides for the bolt, as well as a magazine well. The barrel is locked by turning the bolt. The trigger mechanism is a trigger type and has traditional controls.

The Havoc project involves the use of interchangeable barrels for different ammunition. Such barrels must have similar external geometry and unified means of fastening in the receiver. How exactly the barrel is connected to the box has not yet been reported. The barrels differ from each other in the size and shape of the chamber, as well as the caliber and rifling of the bore. The shown prototype received a muzzle brake-compensator and, probably, such devices will be used on barrels of all calibers.

How the compatibility of the bolt group with different cartridges is ensured is unknown. Probably a common shutter with replaceable cylinders is used. The latter should have cups of different sizes for each cartridge used.

Thus, the ability to use different calibers/cartridges is provided by replacing just a couple of key parts. However, the developer has not yet specified how quickly and easily such a replacement is carried out.

Promising solutions

The new development of Lobaev Arms is of interest, at least from a technical point of view.
Multi-caliber systems capable of using different types of ammunition do not appear too often, and each such example naturally attracts attention. In addition, there is already a rather interesting selection of cartridges, and new calibers and ammunition are promised. It should be noted that the multi-caliber scheme is not an end in itself for the DXL-5 project, but is considered as a means of obtaining new capabilities and maximum combat characteristics. Thus, a universal platform was developed, on the basis of which weapons can be created for a specific cartridge with the required parameters. This ensures a high degree of unification, which to a certain extent simplifies and reduces the cost of production.

From an operational point of view, the DXL-5 complex is interesting in its ability to select ammunition that best suits the tasks and requirements of the customer and/or shooter. The rifle is already capable of using two main large-caliber cartridges, and the development company does not plan to stop there. Thus, the rifle's flexibility in terms of use will increase.

It has not yet been announced which calibers will be introduced in the new modifications. At the same time, we should remember the news from last summer, when for the first time they talked about “unseen before” ammunition. Then it was reported that a completely new cartridge of increased size with increased bullet speed would be created for the rifle. According to some estimates, a bullet from such ammunition will be able to reach hypersonic speeds, which will provide a significant increase in accuracy and range characteristics.

Apparently, it is the new cartridge that will allow the Havoc rifle to fire at a record 6-7 km. Other cartridges, starting from 12.7x108 mm or .50 BMG, have more modest characteristics, but will also allow you to shoot at significant distances. Accordingly, rifles in different versions will cover a wide range of ranges, depending on current needs and combat missions.

However, we should not forget that versatility does not always pay off. Combining different functions and capabilities in one sample can lead to specific disadvantages and problems. The DXL-5 rifle has so far been made in only one caliber and is still undergoing first tests. She has yet to show her performance and effectiveness in all planned options.

Another problem may be the “hypersonic” cartridge being developed, which will ensure the highest possible performance. Developing a new ammunition is always quite a complex matter and is rarely without difficulties and problems. However, the expected increase in performance and new combat capabilities will fully justify all the efforts and costs.

In the process of implementation

Thus, the leading domestic manufacturer of high-precision systems has developed another interesting model of weapon and has already brought it to testing.
Unfortunately, the appearance of the experimental DXL-5 rifle was noticeably behind the previously announced deadlines, but the long wait was worth it. Previously, Lobaev Arms only spoke about its intention to increase the maximum firing range, but now we are talking about a modular architecture rifle with the widest capabilities. At the moment, the first version of the DXL-5 Havoc has entered testing and is demonstrating its capabilities in the original 12.7 mm caliber for two different cartridges. In the near future, new modifications for other ammunition are expected to appear, incl. for a previously announced product with record parameters. Each stage of testing will take some time, which will understandably affect the timing of the entire project. However, if successful, all the time and effort will be completely worth it.

Lobaev rifle models

Next, we will consider the variations of rifle models, their specifics and technical characteristics.

At the moment, there are only a few dozen excellent long-range sniper rifles in the world.

As for the cost of rifles of this type, they are of course high; for example, see the price of the SVLK 14s here.

Read the description and characteristics of the Barrett m82a1 sniper rifle at:



Record range and high accuracy make it one of the most powerful weapons of our time. Lobaev's ultra-long-range rifle at 14s also exceeds all accuracy indicators.

Size by length1.430 m
Along the trunk0.780 m or 0.680m, 0.740m, 0.800m, 0.840m, 0.870m, 0.920m
Typical barrel contourSuperHeavyGun. HeavyGun and Cylinder
Rifle capacity0.96 m
Rifle height0.175 m
Type of ammunition.408 CheyTac, .338LM and .300WM cartridges
Type of combat foodsingle shot rifle
Trigger force500-1500 g
Maximum shooting range level2.3 km
Accurate detection of shooting shots0.3 at 100 m (center distance 9 mm)
Bullet speed0.9 km/s
Weight1000 g
Temperature RangeFrom – 45 to +65



This variation of the rifle is particularly compact and has optimal accuracy.

Size by length1.350 m
Along the trunk0.680-0.740 m
Typical barrel contourHeavyGun and also SuperHeavyGun possible
Rifle capacity0.62 m
Rifle height0.218 m
Type of ammunition338 Lapua Magnum cartridges
Type of combat foodFive-round box magazine
Trigger force500-1500 gr
Maximum shooting range level1.4 km
Accurate detection of shooting shotsMOA 0.4 (12 mm between centers)
Bullet speed0.9 km/s
Weight6500 years
Temperature Range-45 to +65



This Lobaev rifle is a separate variation of a large-caliber sniper weapon.

Length size during stock folding1.290 m
Length size when folding stock0.916 m
Barrel size0.76 m
Typical barrel contourhg
Height0.218 m
Volume0.62 m
Type of combat foodFive-cartridge detachable magazine
Bullet speed0.9 km/s
Maximum shooting range level2.1 km
Accurate detection of shooting shotsMOA 0.4(12mm center to center)
Trigger force500 – 1500 gr
Temperature Range-45 to +65
Weight6500 gr

For athletes, airsoft sniper rifles are considered more attractive.



Lobaev's special sniper rifle is designed for particularly stringent operating conditions. It is optimal among all presented models.

Length size during stock folding1.35 m
Length size when folding stock1.076 m
Barrel size0.74 or 0.680-0.78 m
Typical barrel contourHeavy Gun and Heavy Gun – Cylinder possible
Height0.21 m
Volume0.43 m
Type of ammunition:cartridges 338 LapuaMagnum, as well as .300 WinMag
Type of combat food5-round detachable box magazine
Trigger force500-1500 kg
Maximum shooting range level1.6 km
Accurate detection of shooting shotsMOA 0.35 (10.5 mm between centers)
Bullet speed0.9 km/s
Weight7200 gr
Temperature Rangefrom - 45 to +65



A model with an integrated and significantly shortened bolt and folding stock, which increases the level of portability of the rifle several times.

Caliber6.5-.284Win and .308Win
Length size during stock folding1.05 m
Length size when folding stock0.776 m
Barrel size0.68-0.71 m
Contour barrel type:lj
Height0.21 m
Volume0.43 m
Type of combat food5-round detachable box magazine
Trigger force500-1500 gr
Bullet speed0.9 km
Accurate detection of shooting shotsMOA 0.35 (10.5 mm between centers)
Effective range1.2 km
Temperature Range-45 to +65
Weight5200 g



This rifle is a modern development, released in 2015. It is intended for all kinds of combat and non-combat missions. Copes perfectly with targets located at long and very long distances.

Caliber.408CheyTac and .375CheyTac
Length size during stock folding1.4 m
Length size when folding stock1.076 m
Barrel size0.78 m
Height0.21 m
Volume0.43 m
Effective range2.2 km
Accurate detection of shooting shots0.45 (13.5 mm between centers)
Bullet speed0.9 km/h
Temperature Range-45 to +65
Weight8500 g



Special small arms designed to solve extremely complex strategic tasks that require special determination of accuracy and range. The lightest and very compact rifle with excellent tactical and technical characteristics.

CaliberFor service weapons 40 Lobaev Whisper (.40LW); 338LW; 9x39 mm.
For civilian use308Win (7.62 NATO),6.5×47 Lapua
Length dimension during stock folding and stock folding1.004 m 0.73 m
Height0.226 m
Volume0.62 m
Barrel size0.4 m
Trigger force500-1500 g
Accurate detection of shooting shotsMOA 0.5 (15 mm between centers)
Effective shooting range0.6 km
Weight4100 g (not including sight)

Lobaev's sniper space

At the beginning of October 2022, TV channels and news agencies unanimously delighted readers and viewers with the news of the latest achievement of Russian shooters - a record sniper shot at a distance of more than four kilometers, or more precisely, since we are talking about snipers, where accuracy is indispensable - at 4210 meters. What was the shooter armed with?

It is difficult for a person far from high-precision shooting to imagine how fantastic the achieved result is, but it can be mentioned that two years before this, a similar record was 3400 meters - and this also seemed incredible to many. A dozen years earlier, even experts did not believe reports of successful shooting at 1300 and 1600 meters. We can say that such a result is, first of all, an indicator of the quality and capabilities of the weapon used, but, as always, behind the triumph of technology there are always people, through whose efforts success was achieved.

Rifle SBLK-14 “Twilight”, which set a record at a distance of 4210 meters (https://www.facebook.com/LobaevArms)

In the past, a fairly strong school of sports bullet shooting developed in the Soviet Union, one of the disciplines of which was shooting from a large-caliber rifle. However, it was not very good with long distances at sporting competitions: they shot at 600 meters at the Olympics only in 1920 and 1924, and later the main distance even for military and free rifles with a caliber of up to 8 mm became the 300-meter mark. In particular, it is 300 meters that people shoot at competitions of the International Rifle Union and the International Army Union. However, there were other shooting competitions that had completely different distances.

In 1996, Vladislav Lobaev, a graduate of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University, who worked in a detective agency, during a business trip to the United States, received an invitation to undergo an internship in the police special unit SWAT, an analogue of the Russian SOBR (Special Weapons And Tactics - special weapons and tactics). On site, it turned out that for some snipers, high-precision shooting is not just a job, and Vladislav became acquainted with benchrest shooting - point-blank shooting over long distances.

"Formula 1" of the weapons world

In the USSR, and then in the Russian Federation, the accuracy of rifles for many years remained only one of the parameters included in the weapon’s passport. Even for custom-made sports barrels, there were enough indicators that allowed us not to go beyond the target “ten” at the above-mentioned 300 meters. The military was ready to agree to less, provided it was reliable in the field and adaptable to mass production.

“Custom” ultra-long-range sniper rifle based on SVLK-14C in preparation for a record shot

Meanwhile, overseas, at the beginning of the last century, tests of finished barrels for technical accuracy led first to very interesting research in the field of ballistics, and then to the emergence of a fundamentally new sport. Benchrest, with its task of “assembling” a group of the smallest possible size on a target with a series of shots in shooting sports, is an approximate analogue of Formula 1 in car racing. In “short” benchrest, at distances of 100 and 200 meters, only the group sizes seem fantastic. Already in the middle of the last century, at these competitions it was necessary to introduce a tape recording the number of shots moving behind the target - simply because the capabilities of the weapon and the shooters made it possible to “put a bullet in a bullet.”

In this case, this is not a metaphor - in a closed shooting range, benchrest rifles usually produce groups with a distance between the centers of holes of no more than 2 mm. It actually looks like a single bullet hole with slightly ruffled edges. “Usually” is because record results can be about tenths of a millimeter, and such “shaggyness” at the edges is difficult to detect not only with the eye, but also with measuring instruments. In “long-distance” benchrest, in addition to incredible accuracy by the standards of ordinary shooters, an incredible distance is added: already in the early 2000s, benchrest competitions for a mile (1600 meters) began to be held in the United States.

The markings on the barrel of the weapon from the previous photo are made by KBIS, cartridge .408 Cheyenne Tactical

The comparison with Formula 1 also has another meaning: benchrest is a technical sport. Just as in Formula, both the skill of the pilot and the quality of the racing car, as well as many “little things”, are important for the result, so in benchrest, victory at world-class competitions can only be achieved by a combination of outstanding abilities of the shooter and an equally elite rifle, as well as bullets , gunpowder, optics, etc. Otherwise, even if the driver were Schumacher at least three times, his place in the standings will be first from last. Finally, just like in Formula 1, you can’t just walk into a store and buy a car.

The range of manufacturers of “competitive” rifles is even narrower than automakers, and, as a rule, these are Americans. A competition barrel is a consumable material; “hot” cartridges with an increased charge very quickly wear it out to a level that, although exceeding the dreams of any average shooter, no longer leaves a chance for victory. As a result, the “champion” barrel, which gives a chance for a prize, will not be sold to just anyone - “you need such a cow yourself,” and a line of eminent shooters will immediately line up behind it.

DVL-10 M2 "Urbana" - a lightweight high-precision rifle for a wide range of sniper tasks (https://www.facebook.com/LobaevArms)

On the other hand, as Vladislav Lobaev found out from his own experience, many of the best Western shooters are enthusiasts who are ready to share their knowledge and skills with those who really want to become one of them. Of course, one can assume that even without the help of American gunsmiths, world-class benchrest rifles could have appeared in Russia over time, but, most likely, this path would have taken longer.

The winding path of a straight trunk

In any case, the experience of collaborating with the world's outstanding gunsmiths - Speedy Gonzalez, Clay Spencer, George Kelbly, John Giles, Bill Sheehane and Doug Sheehane - came in very handy. Although the events of 2014 and the introduction of sanctions against Russia were still far away, already in the 2010s the export of weapons and their components from the United States began to be limited. Under these conditions, Vladislav and his comrades in the hobby of precision shooting could only remember the old truth: “If you want something done well, do it yourself.”

. This is how the first private armory appeared in Russia.

TSVL-8 "Stalingrad" - a new tactical sniper rifle with a folding stock chambered for .338LM (https://www.facebook.com/LobaevArms)

Initially, production at the Tsar Cannon was based on methods and technologies learned from the Americans. High-precision machines and other equipment were purchased from the USA, and at first some components were also purchased.

American gunsmiths, as mentioned above, have reached great heights in the production of high-precision rifles, although in this case the term “art” is much more appropriate. Most of the operations were performed by hand, and rifles from Speedy Gonzalez or Clay Spencer can easily be compared to paintings from the Louvre or the Hermitage. Each barrel that comes out of their hands is a unique masterpiece.

Workplace of one of the employees involved in the finishing and control of valves

It is not difficult to understand that this approach also has its disadvantages, the main one of which is obvious - the small possibilities of mass production. Of course, the market for elite rifles is not so large, and the military and hunters’ requirements are not so stringent, but in any case, a line soon lined up for Lobaev’s barrels, and sometimes it was necessary to ask private clients to wait a little to fulfill an order from the security forces.

It is all the more surprising that in 2010, Tsar Cannon suddenly lost its license to produce weapons - even ready-made rifles in the warehouse were banned. At that moment, it seemed to many that the success story had ended, and, alas, in a rather traditional way for Russia - without becoming a “prophet in his fatherland,” the creator of unique rifles and his team found application for their abilities outside of Russia.

Barrels and barrel blanks are carefully marked and preserved to prevent damage

Fortunately, time has shown that the story is not over at all. Although this forced “internship” also provided useful experience, it turned out that the new employer - the Arab Tawazun Advanced Defense Systems - did not have the desire, nor the technical ability, to produce weapons of the level that the Tsar Cannon was aiming for. As a result, after working abroad for three years, Lobaev and most of the former Tsar Cannon employees returned to Tarusa. Fortunately, in 2013, the Russian license was issued again - about as suddenly as it was taken away, and a new company, now called Design Bureau of Integrated Systems LLC (KBIS), again began producing rifles.

Factory: machines and people

It’s quite difficult for someone visiting KBIS for the first time to believe that this is where some of the best (or simply the best) sniper rifles in the world are made. The plant is located on a fairly small area. When you go inside and see that most of the premises are still under construction, and the actual production of rifles is carried out in several workshops, and several dozen people are engaged in this, the surprise only increases. At the same time, hello to the sanctions, KBIS has mastered almost the full cycle of creating both rifles and ammunition, including cartridges of its own design. Only some semi-finished products and raw materials are purchased “outside”, for example, gunpowder or blanks for barrels - fortunately, the same sanctions forced steel manufacturers to listen more carefully to customers with batch volumes of less than a hundred tons at a time.

Rifles prepared for delivery to customers and Vladislav Lobaev with one of his creations in his hands

Some of the questions are removed as we get to know each other better. For example, when you see high-precision robotic machines, where the workers’ function is to load the workpiece and monitor the normal operation of the control systems. While people are just starting to talk about the digital economy from high stands, KBIS is building “digital production” at full speed.

However, there is an even more important point, which is not visible in the photo, but is clearly felt in a conversation with everyone - from Lobaev himself and engineers to ordinary workers. People work here who like what they do and who are interested in moving forward - shooting further, shooting more accurately, unraveling the reasons why some guns shoot more accurately than others - in general, doing what in Rus' has long been called “creating” . It’s just that the inscriptions on the weapons are now a little different: instead of “This squeal was made by Aspid of the summer of 7098, Ondrei Chokhov made it” - “KBIS, Lobaev.”

And we can confidently say that there will be a lot more news about these rifles.

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