Five of the most reliable machines in the world
Five of the most reliable machines in the world
Automatic is a rather domestic concept. In foreign qualification, as a rule, this is an assault rifle
Advantages, disadvantages, purpose of the Benjamin Trail NP XL 1500 air rifle
Crosman Benjamin Trail NP XL 1500 air rifle - good quality at a reasonable price
Review of the air rifle Benjamin Trail NP XL 1500 Chinese model works on the spring-piston principle
Amusing troops of Peter the Great: the color and glory of Russian soldiers
Amusing regiments of Peter I: war games with human sacrifices
Amusing troops were provided to the young Tsarevich Peter in 1682, when the boy turned 10
Helicopter "Santa Barbara": Tatar brother-in-law on the Mi-38, Buryat son-in-law on the Mi-171A3
JSC "National Center for Helicopter Engineering named after M. L. Mil and N. I. Kamov" Type Joint Stock
History of creation
One of the most powerful missiles of the 20th century - the Satan missile
Today, the most powerful rocket on Earth is the RS-36M or SS-18 “Satan” (according to the classification
How to renew a permit for a hunting weapon 2022: documents, deadlines, state duty, renewal rules
A previously obtained hunting rifle license must be renewed once every five years. For
Korovin submachine gun - Russian Stan
Korovin - domestic talent with a Belgian accent
Korovin submachine gun - Russian Stan It is not always those samples that go into mass production
Landing on Sicily
Allied landing in Sicily: how a husky bit Hitler
Allied landing in Sicily (or Operation Sicilian, or Operation Husky) - World War II operation
Nagan system revolver 7.62 mm caliber
Nagant revolver: from 1886 to the present day
Nagan system revolver, revolver (7.62 mm Nagan revolver model 1895, GRAU index - 56-N-121)
Carbine KK Saiga 12K use 033 pipe stock pls 12x76 330mm
Saiga is the iconic civilian embodiment of the equally iconic Kalashnikov assault rifle. It's been a long time since
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