Two-handed swords. Claymore, Zweihander, Flamberge and others

A little history

Many years ago, men's barbers also provided shaving. Afraid of using straight razors on themselves, men were willing to pay professionals to look well-groomed before dates and important negotiations.

Of course, close shaving has its own charm...

With the advent of double-edged razors, they were able to shave themselves at home - it was safer and easier than using a straight razor. This is where the term “safety razor” comes from.

…but anyone can use a safety razor

Characteristics of medieval swords

  • weapons were predominantly one-handed swords;
  • swords with blades were 90-95 centimeters long;
  • the blades of the blades were sharpened in a lens-shaped manner, since the swords were supposed to be used for chopping blows;
  • the weight of such a sword was 1-1.3 kilograms.

Almost all medieval one-handed swords looked the same. Although, in fact, there were 8 types of blade. Basically, all swords differed in the shape of the blade, guard and hilt. Moreover, the guard of the weapon was straight or slightly curved towards the handle. The elements of the blades and the shape of the blade sharpening also varied according to the type of weapon. Basically they differed in a slightly long or short blade.

How to use a double-edged razor

Beginners need to be patient and begin shaving with caution. It is difficult to cut yourself with standard razors with replaceable cartridges, but with these double-sided razors you can get a couple of cuts. Many people feel a little intimidated before their first attempt at shaving with a double-sided blade. It seems strange to call such a razor a safety razor, but this is only at first. To gain confidence, we recommend reading our tips. Use a razor with double-edged blades as follows.

1. Wet the brush with hot water to soften the bristles. In general, using a brush will give your shaving a new sensation (the best brush is made from badger hair). It will raise the hairs, which means the shave will be as close as possible.

The best brushes are made from badger hair

2. Shake off excess water from the shaving brush. Apply shaving cream to its wet surface. Apply the cream to your face using a brush using the same circular movements as you would apply lotion. If you end up with a beard as full as Santa Claus, you're on the right track.

Apply shaving cream generously to your face

3. Slide the razor across your cheek at an angle of approximately 30 degrees.

4. Move the razor straight down. There is no need to put in any effort - the razor handle will take care of everything itself.

When shaving, move the razor downwards at an angle of approximately 30 degrees.

5. Think about something courageous, such as the fact that you are about to cut down a tree.

6. Repeat several times.

It is recommended to make 1-2 movements along the hair growth and one light movement against it - this technique guarantees a perfectly smooth shave. Be careful when shaving against the hair growth - these are often ingrown hairs, and the first two movements along the hair growth line reduce the risk of cuts.


Bastard sword and scabbard

The length of a bastard sword is from 110 to 140 cm, (weighing 1200 g and up to 2500 g). Of these, about a meter of sword is part of the blade. The blades of bastard swords were forged in different shapes and sizes, but all of them were effective in delivering various crushing blows. There were basic characteristics of the blade in which they differed from each other.

In the Middle Ages, the blades of bastard swords were thin and straight. Referring to Oakeshott's typology: Gradually the blades become elongated and thicker in cross-section, but become thinner at the tip of the swords. The handles are also modified.

The cross-section of the blade is divided into biconvex and diamond-shaped. In the latter version, the central vertical line of the blade ensured hardness. And the features of sword forging add options to the cross-section of the blade.

Bastard swords, whose blades had fullers, were very popular. The fuller is a cavity running from the cross along the blade. It is a misconception that the fullers were used as a blood drain or for easy removal of a sword from a wound. In fact, the absence of metal in the middle of the blade made the swords lighter and more maneuverable. The fullers could be wide - almost the entire width of the blade, to more numerous and thin. The length of the dollars also varied: the entire length or a third of the total length of the bastard sword.

Hand and a half sword

The crosspiece was elongated and had arches to protect the hand.

An important indicator of a well-forged bastard sword was its precise balance, distributed in the right place. Bastard swords in Rus' were balanced at a point on top of the hilt. The defect of the sword was always revealed during the battle. As soon as the blacksmiths made a mistake and shifted the center of gravity of the bastard sword upward, the sword, in the presence of a deadly blow, became inconvenient. The sword vibrated as it struck the enemy's swords or armor. And this weapon did not help, but hindered the soldier. A good weapon was an extension of the hand of war. Master blacksmiths skillfully forged swords, correctly distributing certain zones. These zones are the nodes of the blade; if positioned correctly, they guaranteed a high-quality bastard sword.

Benefits of double blade razors

Try it, and you will say to yourself: “Nothing special. No problem". You are unlikely to cut yourself, because the safety razor fully lives up to its name: it has an anatomically calculated edge that protects against cuts in most cases.

The safety razor has an anatomically calculated edge that will protect against cuts.

You'll probably never know why men sometimes have to stick pieces of toilet paper here and there. It hasn’t come to this, but sometimes you can’t do without rough edges: here and there you will notice small imperfections from time to time, for example, sticking out hairs. Well, where is the truth, you ask? All the articles on the Internet are shouting that shaving with double-sided blades exceeds even the wildest expectations...

Over time, you will understand that no one deceived you, everyone was right, you just need to get the hang of it a little. Practice and practice again. The effect of shaving with double-sided blades will certainly be appreciated by those around you, and each time the result will seem better than the previous one. If a woman's hand touches your cheek and she likes it, you are on the right track.

Women will definitely appreciate your new shaving technique

Those who enjoy shaving with double-edged safety razors soon reach a kind of nirvana. No roughness, cuts or ingrown hairs. And of course, you will pass the skin smoothness test with the highest score.

With a safety razor - no rough edges, cuts or ingrown hairs!

It's much like the difference between a store-bought suit and a custom-made suit - until you try on one that's properly cut and fitted to you, you won't know the difference. A razor with a double-sided blade is like a suit tailored for you. This type of shaving turns a tedious task into a refreshing ritual: many can't wait to lather up the shaving brush and love the smoothness of the razor's second stroke across the skin.

Shaving with a double-sided blade and shaving brush can be an enjoyable ritual.

If you're looking to join the double-blade shaving crowd, remember that shaving with a double-edged blade takes more time, especially at first. However, once you get the hang of it, you’ll be able to compete in speed with fans of disposable cartridges.

Types of two-handed swords


Claymore. Compact Scottish weapons, among the various examples of two-handed swords, are distinguished by their relatively small dimensions. The length of the blade was about one hundred and ten centimeters

Another important distinctive feature of this sample is the special design, thanks to which a warrior could pull any weapon out of the enemy’s hands. The small size of the sword allows it to be used most effectively in combat battles; it is rightfully considered the best example among two-handed swords.


This sample is distinguished by its enormous dimensions; the length of the sword reaches two meters. The design of the sword is very specific; the paired crosspiece (guard) serves as the boundary between the double-edged blade, the hilt and the unsharpened part of the sword. Such an instance was used in battle to crush the enemy armed with spears and halberds.

Flamberge. A type of two-handed sword with a special wave-shaped blade. Thanks to such an unusual design, the effectiveness of a soldier armed with such a sword in combat battles has increased many times over. A warrior wounded by such a blade took a long time to recover, the wounds healed very poorly. Many military leaders executed captured soldiers for wearing such a sword.

A little about other types of swords.

  1. Cavalrymen often used the Estok sword to pierce through the enemy’s armor. The length of this specimen is one meter and thirty centimeters.
  2. The next classic type of two-handed sword. “Espadon” is one hundred and eighty centimeters long. It has a crosspiece (guard) of two arms. The center of gravity of such a blade is shifted to the tip of the sword blade.
  3. Sword "Katana". A Japanese copy of the sword, with a curved blade. Used by soldiers mainly in close combat, the length of the blade is about ninety centimeters, the handle is about thirty centimeters. Among the swords of this variety, there is a sample with a length of two hundred and twenty-five centimeters. The power of this sword allows you to cut a person into two parts with one blow.
  4. Chinese two-handed sword "Dadao". A distinctive feature is a wide blade, curved, sharpened on one side. Such a sword found its use even during the war with Germany in the forties of the twentieth century. Soldiers used the sword in hand-to-hand combat with the enemy.

Difference between a cassette razor and a double blade razor

There may be a situation in which you, in a hurry or even having decided to experiment with comparing a double-sided blade and a machine with three knives, agree to give the latter another chance.

In the current battle between new technologies and classic style, not everything will be smooth: the shaving process itself will probably go poorly, even the sound will seem unpleasant to you. You can shave quickly and easily, but you are unlikely to like compromising on quality.

It must be admitted that cassette razors are not such rubbish. Shaving with them will be fast, although not as fast as with an electric razor. From time to time, many people have to use them if they urgently need to travel on work matters, but there is not enough time for a quality shave. They are easy to use and safe. This is their main advantage - if you didn’t cut your throat with them as a teenager, no one should fear such an outcome.

The only worthwhile quality of a razor with replaceable cartridges is the ability to shave off serious stubble, even a beard.

A cassette razor can handle both long stubble and beards.

This is the only situation in which double-sided blades will not help: if you have not shaved for four days, they will bring you discomfort and even pain. When you return from vacation, your first shave will most likely be with a razor. Only after you get rid of the stubble can you move on to real regular shaving with a brush and a double-sided blade.

For shaving with machines, skill is not important, but they cost money: for eight Mach 3 cassettes you will pay about 800 rubles, and for just a hundred or two you can buy 100 super-thin double-sided blades!

Besides the fact that a safety razor is beautiful and effective, it is also cheap

Jokes aside, for a third of the price you can get a shave that neither you nor your girlfriend will forget!

The same goes for batteries. Do you have a battery-powered comb? No, it does a great job on its own and with the help of a high-quality hair styling gel. So the razor will do without batteries. Dot.

Usually men shave with machines using shaving cream or gel from a tube under pressure - can't you see how this substance clogs your pores? Plus it doesn't moisturize anything. I just don’t want to think about what it’s made of. But normal shaving foam or cream, which you whip up yourself, moisturizes the skin better, is cheaper, and does not cause allergic reactions.

Shaving cream does not clog pores and moisturizes the skin

Plus, shaving with a double-sided blade eliminates ingrown hairs! How? Imagine peeling a potato: the blade cuts off the top layer. What if your peeler has two blades? The second blade cuts a little more than the first: this way you cut and throw away vitamins! What if you use six blades?! Now imagine your face instead of this unfortunate potato. Most likely, one blade will be enough for you.

Handles and scabbards for Caucasian daggers

The handles were made of walrus bone or horn. The mounting of a handle made of solid horn or bone was done with rivets to the shank of the blade for reliability. The overhead handle was made from plates of the same material. They were attached to the shank on both sides and connected with washers.

Cheren was decorated with the help of metal elements. You could also often find a metal handle. They could be composed of several elements, or they could also be all-metal. To prevent the blade from dulling, the sheath was made of wood.

The outside was covered with leather, which was also decorated with metal elements. The sheath was attached to the belt on both sides. This was convenient for right-handed and left-handed people, and wealthy people could carry two daggers with them. This demonstrated the wealth of the owner of the products.

Why a double-edged razor is really cool

When a man wants to feel cool, he goes to the gym to work out his muscles. And if you want to feel like the coolest person ever, shave in your gym's shower with a real double-edged razor blade, lathering up just like you would at home. It's like increasing the load that you successfully cope with.

People always respect those who shave the classic way. Shaving with double-sided blades requires more time and effort, but the effort will come back to you in spades. If you are not able to put effort into caring for yourself and your appearance, do not expect concessions from those who are ready for such efforts.

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The blade has many interpretations united by a common message. A blade is: 1) the cutting part of a bladed weapon or knife (literary dictionary, Ushakov); 2) the cutting and piercing part of edged weapons (literary dictionary, Ozhegov); 3) strip, generally the steel part of a cold, sharp weapon (except for a bayonet) and a knife (literary dictionary, Dahl).

And yet, what concept should be the key? It would be correct to turn to the legal concept of the word blade - an extended metal warhead of a bladed weapon with an edge, with an edge and one or two blades, or with two blades, which is part of a strip, this definition is enshrined in GOST R 51215 98. This is the generally accepted understanding of the word - blade .

However, we will also derive a specific concept of blade, associated with the reality of the Zbroevy falvarak workshop, the blade of the ZF workshop is an extended metal warhead of the product, with an edge, with an edge and one or two blades, or with two blades, which is part of a strip, externally and structurally similar to edged weapons.

The main feature: the master craftsmen of the Polar Division do not make edged weapons, but make mass-sized copies).

1) Let's take a closer look at the individual parts of the hilt:

Monster Hunter Rise Dual Blades Weapon Trees

We have listed all the dual blades in MH Rise under their respective trees below.

Kamura Weapon Tree

  • Kamura Glintblades
  • Kamura Ninja Blades
  • Mud Ripper
  • Mudspout
  • Fulgur the Usurper
  • Despot Blitz
  • Blizzarioths
  • mountain blizzard
  • Desperate
  • Child
  • Khezu Daggers
  • Hezu Scards

Ore Weapon Tree

  • Matching Slicers
  • Twin daggers
  • Hurricane
  • Cyclone
  • Rex slicers
  • Morning sunrise
  • Schirmscorn
  • Daggers of Dawn
  • Kulu Pek
  • Kullu Cell
  • Thick Mind
  • Yellow soul
  • Hidden Gemini
  • Night Wings
  • Double chainsaws
  • Guillotines
  • Double hatchets
  • Double cleavers
  • Cerulean axes
  • Ashigara Axes
  • Flammenschild
  • Grating Flammenschild

Bone Weapon Tree

  • Bone hatchets
  • Wild hatchets
  • Claw carvers
  • Talon Gemini
  • Twin Flames
  • Diablos Bashers
  • Diablos Mashers
  • Yura Duo
  • Spray guns Jyura
  • Kadachi Twinblades
  • Shock Blades
  • Blazeblades
  • Hell Furies
  • Ludroth couple
  • Double dart
  • Frilled Claw
  • Illusionary frills
  • Snow slicers

Magnamalo Weapon Tree

  • Sinister Blades
  • Sinister Blades of Hunger

Rajang Weapon Tree

  • Suzuka Takamaru

Ibushi Weapon Tree

  • Elder's Azure Blades

Narva weapon tree

  • Lightning Blades

Felyne Weapon Tree

  • Felyne Claws
  • Crazy Claws
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