Ammunition for combat smooth-bore weapons (cartridges for tactical rifles - shotguns)

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/ Ammo

Ammo (Ammo)

- an essential element for the operation of firearms, crossbows and hunting bows. Take care of them, because this is another valuable resource, in addition to food and water. Some types of ammunition are divided into several types: high-velocity, incendiary, explosive and smoke.

You can switch between different types of ammunition by holding down the [R] key.


Arrows are used when shooting from a crossbow and a hunting bow. Stacks 64 arrows.

Wooden Arrow An arrow for a hunting bow or crossbow. x25


High Velocity Arrow A lightweight arrow flies faster but deals less damage. x40


Bone Arrow An arrow with a large bone tip, making it easier to hit the target while sacrificing damage. x25


Fire Arrow An arrow with a tip impregnated with a flammable substance. Light it by pointing it at the source of fire. x20



The shotgun cartridges sold in stores are multi-colored. It means something?

It means absolutely nothing. The color of the cartridge case does not correlate in any way with its contents. A manufacturer can make ammunition with the same characteristics, but in very different colors. Or even specifically choose a color if a specific customer wants it. In my opinion, the most practical sleeves are translucent. You can immediately clearly see what is inside.

The cartridges for American military rifles have a discreet gray-green casing and a blued bottom - but translucent ones are still more practical

By the way, even old multi-colored spent cartridges can be useful: if you have accumulated a lot of them, you can make a very cute garland for the Christmas tree for the New Year.

Of course, it is simply unrealistic to answer absolutely all questions in detail. There are so many subtleties in the manufacture of rifle ammunition that thick volumes have been written about it. But if you are seriously interested in something, ask - we will answer in the comments.

9mm cartridge (Pistol Bullet)

A small-caliber type of ammunition used in firearms such as semi-automatic pistols, Thompson, SMG, etc. Stacks 64 rounds each.

Pistol Bullet Cartridges for pistols. x10


Pistol Ammo (High Velocity Pistol Ammo) High Velocity Pistol Ammo has better persistence and does more damage. x10


Incendiary Pistol Bullet Slow-moving ammo that deals fire damage. There is a small chance of setting the target on fire. x10




Hunting cartridges and ammunition

Below are options for using different sizes of shot:

No. 12 and No. 11 - such ammunition is used extremely rarely by professional hunters. For example, with the help of such a warhead you can successfully hunt quail or spearfish, and then only at close range. Quite often, experienced hunters always load larger sized shot into one of the barrels so that, if necessary, they can shoot over a long distance.

No. 10 and 9 - Shot is widely used for hunting birds such as great snipes, snipes and others belonging to the breed of waders.

No. 8 and No. 7 are the best option for the beginning of the autumn hunting season. With the help of such a shot you can successfully hunt birds (for example, grouse or hazel grouse). It is also suitable for hitting a duck with a separation from the water surface.

№6; №4 — in the first period of the autumn hunting season it will be in demand for shooting at juvenile capercaillie, black grouse, and varieties of ducks in migratory flocks. An experienced hunter will hit a fox or hare with it from a fairly large distance.

In winter, feathered and fur-bearing animals tolerate injuries much more calmly and it will not be difficult to miss prey. The fact is that by this time they had updated their plumage and dressed in winter “warm coats”, which significantly reduced the striking power of the weapon. And besides, you have to shoot from a fairly long distance, since the forest inhabitants have gained experience and it is no longer easy to shoot game from a few steps. For this reason, for hunting in the winter-spring period, it is better to choose a shot a couple of sizes larger than for tracking prey in the first weeks of autumn.

Hunting shot ranging in size from 0 to four-zero is called half-buckshot by experienced hunters. This type of ammunition is used when hunting large waterfowl with hard plumage (wild geese), as well as medium-sized artiodactyls and other animals of medium weight. It is worth going out against a wolf armed with buckshot with a cross-section of five to eight millimeters. In some cases, wild boar are hunted with large-sized buckshot (9 millimeters), but basically, hunting such a wild animal is carried out using bullets.

The best option for hunting is to use matched buckshot, that is, one that can be placed in the muzzle of the barrel and the cartridge in dense rows. It is highly not recommended to use steel balls or other particularly hard materials as striking elements. In this case, you can easily damage the gun and in general it is very dangerous for the shooter.

In the process of loading cartridges, it will be important to know that increasing the mass of hunting shot by 1 gram significantly increases the pressure created during a shot. So in a twelve-gauge gun it can increase in the range from 5.5 to 15 kg/cm2, in a sixteen-gauge barrel this figure will vary from 7.5 to 18 kg/cm2. If you use a cartridge with a powerful primer, the pressure will increase to 100 kg/cm2 and even higher. A charge of smokeless powder increased by just 0.05 grams will create a pressure approximately 17 kg/m2 greater than usual, and will also give the ammunition a velocity of 5 meters per second higher. If you add 1 gram of shot and do not increase the mass of gunpowder, then the initial speed will decrease by 3.3 meters per second.

In some cases, there is a need to increase the accuracy of the battle. This can be achieved by sprinkling the shot with potato flour or using concentrators in the form of paper cylinders and other means. For a more extensive dispersion of ammunition, a cross made of thick paper is inserted into the cartridge case with shot or the charge is divided into several layers, laying it with wads about 3 millimeters thick (cardboard or felt).

The mass of the charge directly depends on the caliber and weight of the weapon. The fact is that the movement is acquired not only by the woven charge, but also by the gun itself, that is, recoil occurs and if it is too strong, the shooter can receive significant injury, in the form of a fracture or dislocation of the collarbone.

Practice has shown that the optimal ratio of ammunition flight speed and recoil is achieved at the following values:

  • 12 gauge barrel - from 1/100 to 1.94.
  • 16 gauge shotgun - 1/100.
  • Weapons with 20 caliber - 1/112.
  • 24 gauge - 1/122.
  • 28 gauge - 1/136.
  • 32 caliber barrel - 1/148.

5.56 rounds (5.56 Rifle Ammo)

The most popular type of ammunition. Used in rifle models such as the rifle, assault rifle, M249 machine gun, and also in the automatic turret. Stacks 100 rounds each.

5.56 mm cartridge (5.56 Rifle Ammo) Rifle ammunition (5.56 mm). x10


5.56 mm (High Velocity) 5.56 Rifle Ammo High Velocity ammo has better persistence and does less damage than regular ammo. x10


Incendiary 5.56 Rifle Ammo Incendiary ammo has a low velocity but has a small chance of setting the target on fire. x10




Explosive 5.56 Rifle Cartridge These cartridges explode on contact, causing minor damage to nearby objects. x10



Which sleeves are better - metal, plastic or paper?

All shells are fine as long as they fit your gun. The walls of the folder and metal sleeves are very different in thickness: 0.8-1 mm of cardboard versus 0.3 mm of brass. Therefore, the chambers of the guns for them differed. If you are using a domestic shotgun that is several decades old, look at the barrel pads: there, among other information, it may say what cartridge case it was made for. “BOOM” - paper (folder), “MET” - metal (other options are possible).

The inscription “BOOM” on top means that the gun was made for use with a paper sleeve

Modern sleeves with plastic walls have a wall thickness less than that of a folder sleeve, but greater than that of a brass sleeve - 0.5-0.7 mm. So current cartridges can be used in fairly old guns, but with one very important exception.

Shotgun Ammo

12 mm cal. Used in homemade and pump-action shotguns, homemade pistols, etc. Folds into a stack of 64 rounds.

Handmade Shell A homemade cartridge with a small amount of shot. x5


12 Gauge Buckshot Shotgun cartridges. x5


12 gauge slug (12 Gauge slug) Shotgun cartridges. x20


12 Gauge Incendiary Shell An incendiary shell for a shotgun.

Is it possible to shoot modern cartridges from old guns, and vice versa?

But this is a very serious moment. Our country still has quite a lot of weapons imported immediately after the Great Patriotic War. These are German, French, Belgian, and occasionally British double-barreled shotguns and “tees” (guns with three barrels). Often their owners become completely ignorant people - for example, heirs. Meanwhile, many of these guns have short chambers, designed to use a cartridge case 65 millimeters long rather than 70 millimeters.

The German Sauer with the 12/65 mm stamp on the barrel pads is not intended for firing modern mass-produced cartridges

You should absolutely not shoot modern cartridges with a 70 mm cartridge case (not to mention magnums) from them. It is fraught with damage (or even destruction) of the gun; the shooter may suffer serious injuries. If the new owner passionately wants to use the gun for hunting, he will have to master the independent loading of cartridges, use only short cartridges and be very careful with the powder and shot loads.

If you have a completely modern gun, but somehow you got a dozen or two obviously old cartridges... You know, it’s better not to mess with it. Firstly, all this is quite doubtful from a legal point of view. Secondly, often such old ammunition is an illiterate “roll-your-own”, assembled “on the knee” by someone unknown and when. It is not known how much (and what kind) of gunpowder is poured there, what kind of wad is placed and whether there is one at all, what the mass of the shot charge is... In addition, old, dry folder cartridges can burst when fired.

Or even the bottom might tear off. Do you need it? The cost of one lousy old cartridge is not comparable to the cost of your weapon, and especially your health. Spit out the shit, hand it over to the police, or destroy it yourself: carefully cut off the bottom, put the gunpowder in the toilet, and the rest in the trash can. You should only shoot with ammunition that you are confident in and that exactly fits your weapon.


Rockets are used to fire from a rocket launcher.

Rocket Ammunition for the rocket launcher. x80



Rocket (High Velocity Rocket) A high-speed, but low-power rocket. x80



Smoke Rocket When hit, creates a thick smoke screen. Note: the missile has WIP[1] status. x80



Incendiary Rocket Sets nearby objects on fire when hit. x80




Anti-aircraft guided missile (SAM Ammo) Ammunition for an anti-aircraft turret. The missile contains a rudimentary guidance system that helps it navigate even through strong winds.

Necessary tool

This aspect scares off many novice hunters. Indeed, the selection of equipment and necessary tools makes the process of loading cartridges labor-intensive and confusing.

If you approach this issue wisely, you need to start by preparing the room. A garage, shed, or workshop are quite suitable for this. The main thing is to comply with a number of fundamental requirements:

  • access to the premises should be limited as much as possible (entry by unauthorized persons and children is not allowed);
  • the air must be dry so that the gunpowder does not become damp;
  • the work area must be equipped with a workbench with drawers that can be locked with a key.

The main device at the disposal of a commercial hunter is a machine.

Rolling machine

The advantage of this simple device, reminiscent of an ordinary vice, is the fast, high-quality, convenient preparation of cartridges. Thanks to special clamps, it can be easily installed on a workbench or any flat surface. The bottom flat screw needs to be screwed all the way in and tightened as tight as possible (just be careful not to overdo it to avoid stripping the threads).

The main tasks of this machine include:

  • rolling of cartridges (can be round or in the form of an asterisk);
  • pressing of shot/powder.

When choosing a machine, take into account individual preferences: someone, for example, likes the “star” better. Make sure that all machine components are made of strong, wear-resistant steel, are as smooth as possible and move easily in the plane.

At first, it is not advisable to purchase an expensive machine that has many auxiliary functions. For normal loading of 16-gauge cartridges, a standard machine from the Soviet period is suitable. The main thing is that all its parts are intact.

If you purchased a used machine, but of good quality, clean it of debris/carbon deposits/dust, and then renew the lubricant. Both regular machine oil and fuel oil will do.

Choosing scales

The best choice would be electronic pharmacy scales. Praise be to technological progress! Modern commercial hunters can forget about the times when it was necessary to measure the mass of gunpowder/shot on ordinary scales.

Make sure the device gives accurate readings (this is important). Standard steel weights weighing a few grams are suitable for testing (the range can be quite wide) . The main thing is that the scales must accurately measure the mass in milligrams.

Under no circumstances should you use a device that produces an error. Remember that even 1 extra gram of gunpowder can lead to very serious consequences for both the shooter and those around him.

It is recommended to pour gunpowder and shot into metal containers. Buy a bowl made of steel that will not interact with chemicals. Install it on an electronic scale, reset the readings to zero and you can start weighing the components.

Capsule extractor

It greatly simplifies the process of removing primers from cases, and also helps avoid damaging them in the process. When purchasing this device, make sure it is easy to use. You can check this directly in the store, and if you have any difficulties, ask the seller for advice.

Update Log

  • [07/22/2016] The speed of projectiles is no longer randomized (now there will be no random damage from them).
  • [07/22/2016] Now the damage from projectiles will decrease linearly depending on the distance. However, there will be an initial distance with maximum damage, after which the damage will begin to decrease.
  • [04/14/2016] Low quality fuel is now used as flamethrower fuel.
  • [06/03/2015] New ammunition has been added: 12-gauge bullet.
  • [06/03/2015] New ammunition has been added: 5.56 mm cartridge (Explosive).
  • [06/03/2015] Added new ammunition: Pistol cartridge (Incendiary).
  • [06/03/2015] New ammunition has been added: 5.56 mm cartridge (Incendiary).
  • [06/03/2015] Added new ammunition: Rocket (Incendiary).
  • [05/31/2015] Added new ammunition: High-speed arrow.
  • [05/31/2015] New ammunition has been added: 5.56 mm cartridge (High-speed).
  • [05/31/2015] Added new ammunition: Pistol cartridge (High-speed).
  • [05/25/2015] Added new ammunition: Rocket (Speed).
  • [05/25/2015] Added new ammunition: Rocket (Smoke).
  • [04/22/2015] Added new ammunition: Rocket.
  • [01/14/2015] The trail of a flying bullet is now more visible.
  • [01/08/2015] Fixed bugs with traces of bullets in the air.
  • [07/04/2014] An update was released on the experimental branch, in which traces from bullets and shells, just like from shots from a bow, will have their own “weight” in the game world. That is, they will be not just a trace in the air, but a full-fledged game object, capable of quite naturally crashing into something or changing its trajectory under the influence of gravity.
  • WIP (abbr. Work in progress) - the item is in development and is present in the game, but is available only to server administrators through the console command or from the recipe panel.

What is the fraction "five"?

As with the calibers of hunting weapons, with shot it is also not immediately clear. Shot is used to kill small game and comes in different sizes. The smaller the hunting object, the smaller the shot. It will be easier to show in the picture.

Fraction numbering (size in millimeters)

Thus, the size of shot No. 5 (five), so popular among “duck” hunters, is three millimeters. However, it is almost impossible to find a fraction smaller than “nine” and larger than “0000”. Actually, in Russia, a size of 5.5 millimeters is already considered buckshot.

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