Description of the operating principle of airsoft grenades

A flash-noise grenade is a type of non-lethal weapon, the main purpose of which is to inflict shrapnel damage or light and sound effects on a person. Such ammunition is in service with all special services, the army, and law enforcement agencies. Mainly used to temporarily incapacitate an enemy by stunning them with loud sound and blinding them. Rubber buckshot is sometimes used to cause damage to the soft tissues of the human body.

Briefly about the design

All modern flash-noise grenades are equipped with pyrotechnics. The body is most often made of metal. During an explosion, it does not explode and therefore does not form fragments. The housing has many small holes for gases to escape. In addition, sometimes light and sound grenades are made from cardboard and plastic. This material has high kinetic energy and is ideal for such ammunition, since, like metal, it does not produce life-threatening fragments. To ensure a traumatic effect, some grenades are equipped with rubber buckshot. After the explosion, the enemy is not only blinded and stunned, but also additionally injured. We can say that a flash-noise grenade is used where it is necessary to capture the offender alive.

Protests are taking place in Minsk and Brest after the presidential elections.

In the Belarusian capital, one action is taking place at the intersection of Masherov and Pobediteley avenues; about 300 young people have gathered there. Clashes began between protesters and riot police. Security forces used stun grenades and several casualties were reported.

Another protest action is taking place in the center of Brest; riot police began to disperse it. In addition, protesters are detained in the center of Vitebsk.

Army photos on Shutterstock: Army and military photos.

Let us remind you that today presidential elections were held in Belarus. According to the national exit poll, Alexander Lukashenko gains 79.7% of the votes, Svetlana Tikhanovskaya comes in second with 6.8%. Three more candidates did not get even three percent. And according to the results of counting votes in five regions of Belarus, Lukashenko gains 82.08% of the votes.

Let us note that the head of the Central Election Commission of Belarus has already called on the losing candidates to calmly accept defeat and congratulate the winner.

Based on materials: RIA Novosti.

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Damage to humans

As noted above, the main effect of flash-noise grenades is to stun and blind the enemy. Thus, the offender will not be able to resist for some time. The closer the face was to the center of the explosion, the longer the disorientation effect will last. Conditionally damaging factors can be divided into two types:

  • Psychophysiological. This includes blinding, which lasts in most cases from 20 to 30 seconds. It is also the sound of an explosion, which leads to complete hearing loss for 3-4 hours.
  • Mechanical influences. Excessive pressure is the main factor that causes damage to the inner ear in humans. However, this happens very rarely: of the total mass - approximately 1% of cases. If excess pressure is applied to children, the risk of injury is slightly greater. In addition, it is worth highlighting mechanical injuries and bruises. It often ends in subcutaneous hematomas or soft tissue damage.

Interesting facts Edit

  • In CS:GO, the flashbang is based on the real-life M84.
  • In real life, flashbang grenades can cause minor damage when they explode.
  • Allies also receive the blinding effect, even if friendly fire is turned off.
  • A flashbang can kill with a direct hit to the body in CS: Source and CS:GO if the enemy has 1 unit. health. The same applies to all other grenades, even if they did not explode (fragmentation, incendiary/Molotov cocktail, decoy, smoke).
  • Unlike other grenades, in competitive mode you can buy 2 light grenades.
  • In real life, a flashbang is a law enforcement weapon, so it was reasonable to believe it was a special forces weapon. It is possible that terrorists obtain flash grenades on the black market.
  • In CS: Source and CS:GO, when blinded, you cannot see the scoreboard, and the player interface is also not visible.

About the effect of disorientation and mortality in an explosion

It is impossible not to say a few words about the fact that in addition to blinding and stunning, the enemy is often completely lost in space. In most cases, the offender is lost for a period of time from a few seconds to several minutes, depending on many factors. For example, the best disorientation effect can be obtained in a dark, enclosed space. In addition, if a grenade explodes in the air, for example, between the target and a solid object (a wall), the duration of the effect increases. The type of ammunition also plays a big role.

As for the occurrence of death as a result of the explosion of a supersonic grenade, it all depends on the circumstances. If there are a large number of small objects (nuts, nails, bolts) in the immediate vicinity of the explosion, then the risk of serious damage increases several times. In addition, some types of grenades are powerful enough that people with weak hearts cannot stand it and get a heart attack.

Gameplay Edit

Tactics Edit

  • Use the flashbang in narrow places, corridors and corners. Blinded enemies become easy targets, and it is also possible that they may become confused and go in a completely different direction due to their blindness.
  • Great weapon against campers - blinded campers are easy to kill.
  • Before attacking, throw a flashbang in the direction where you can hear shots or footsteps, as blinded enemies are easy to eliminate.
  • Don't pull out a flashbang if you hear enemies approaching you. You will be easily killed, even if you threw it during the assault, since the grenade explodes a few seconds after being thrown.
  • During the throw, turn away if you threw the grenade crookedly. Your main task is to blind not you, but your opponents.
  • When assaulting, when you come around a corner, use a close throw to blind the enemy suddenly.
  • Use a flashbang while retreating.
  • Don't think that just because you threw a flashbang, there is no danger and the enemy is blinded. Experienced players can easily turn away from the grenade and avoid being blinded. Throw a second grenade immediately after the first, but a sudden one (through a close throw).
  • Glare is also possible in smoke. To do this, make a smoke “wall” and throw a flash grenade at it so that the opponents cannot turn away and the “flash” blinds them suddenly.
  • In CS:GO you can combine a flash grenade with a fake one, because you can easily fool inexperienced players with it, since the fake grenade looks the same as the flash grenade.
  • However, on XBOX consoles the decoy grenade looks different, so it’s unlikely to deceive the enemy.

Counter-tactics Edit

Retreat if you are blinded, go to cover and reload, the enemy can attack at any moment.

It is important to be able to turn away; if you see a flash grenade flying out from somewhere, turn sharply in the opposite direction, and if you are in a narrow room, then turn towards the wall.

Listen. This is how you can hear the enemy throwing a grenade based on the "bouncing" sounds of the flashbang (if it is pushed off the ground and not flying in the air)

This way you can easily avoid being blinded.

You can easily kill an enemy who has a flashbang in his hands, or who has just thrown one. After the throw, he will need time to draw his weapon, so shoot such opponents immediately.

What types of grenades are there?

Light and sound ammunition can be divided into several large groups:

  • A hand grenade is the most common type of flash and sound ammunition. To activate such a weapon, the safety trigger must be activated. Then, using a hand throw, the grenade is delivered closer to the offender.
  • Grenade launcher shots. For this type of shooting, hand-held or under-barrel grenade launchers are most often used. The caliber of the projectile is usually 40-50 mm.
  • Gun ammunition. They are currently used in Western countries. Thus, the caliber 12 mm and 23x81 mm - “Stars” for the carbine are especially popular.
  • For civil defence. There is ammunition that is designed for use in traumatic weapons for civilians for self-defense.

Call of Duty: GhostsEdit

Holding a grenade in your hand for a long time creates more flashes to blind the enemy.
A fully prepared 9-Bang creates an EMP effect that stuns electronics ” - Description in the menu

Squad Points 6
Starting ammunition 4 (SP)1 (MP)2 (Additional tactical)
A country


is a tactical grenade in Call of Duty: Ghosts. In this part, it completely replaces the Flash Grenade. Unlike the previous part, in Ghosts the number of flashes depends on the time you hold the grenade in your hands, but the maximum number is still 9.

Single playerEdit

This grenade is given to the player in almost all missions, starting with the Return mission. The principle of operation of the grenade is similar to the grenade from Modern Warfare 3 - the grenade leaves enemies incapacitated for some time. Unlike multiplayer, the grenade only explodes once.


This grenade was introduced into the online game. It is a hybrid of a flash drive and an EMP grenade. When a grenade explodes, it blinds all enemies within a certain radius, with the exception of enemies with the Unflappable perk. However, the glare from 9-Bang is noticeably weaker than from the flash grenade from the previous part, but thanks to the large number of flashes, it will last longer. In addition, a fully charged grenade creates an electromagnetic pulse that temporarily disables all electronics and disables the electronic sights interface of players caught in the affected area. At the end of charging, you can hear a click, which will allow you to determine the end of charging on Hardcore. Even if this is not a full-fledged EMP from the previous parts, it will be very useful as a bonus to blinding.

Application tacticsEdit

  • This grenade is not effectively used to weaken enemies, since the blinding from it is not as strong as from the Flash one. To weaken it, it is better to replace it with Stun or Thermobaric.
  • In combination with the Scout perk, your team will be able to see the blinded enemy much longer than with other grenades.
  • You can use the 9-Bang as a replacement for an EMP grenade, in which case the Strong Hands perk will come in handy, as it will speed up the accumulation of the EMP charge.
  • Using the Extra perk. tactical will allow you to use the grenade twice.

Counteraction tacticsEdit

  • Using the Unflappable perk will protect the player from both blinding and the EMP effect. However, this perk will not save the installed equipment; it will be disabled if the grenade was fully charged.
  • Active defense and the Owl Drone will destroy all types of grenades.

Flash-noise grenade "Zarya"

When carrying out assault operations on the territory of the Russian Federation and a number of other countries, they use the Zarya grenade, as well as the Zarya-2 modification. The diameter of the product is 64 mm, and the length with a grating fuse is 130 mm. If you use a universal fuse, then the length is 120 mm and the weight is about 400 grams. The sound pressure within the effective range is 172 dB, and the flash brightness is about 30 million candelas. As noted above, the Zarya grenade was improved to Zarya-2. The grating fuse was replaced, which did not provide the required safety. The affected area is 10 meters. This type of hand ammunition is fireproof. The greatest effectiveness is achieved when used in a confined space, vehicle, etc. In addition, there are no fragments from the grenade, and no buckshot is provided.

Light and sound ammunition developed in the Russian Federation

  • Multi-element light and sound hand grenade "Torch"
    . Effective range, m - 20
  • Number of ejected elements, pcs - 6
  • Luminous intensity of each element, cd - 10 million
  • Sound pressure at a distance of 10 m, dB - not less than 145
  • Single-element light and sound hand grenade "Fakel-S"
    " The grenade is fireproof and does not produce fragments when triggered. Can be used in rooms of limited volume, as well as in airplanes, trains, and cars.
      Effective range, m - 5
  • Number of light and sound elements, pcs - 1
  • Luminous intensity of the element, cd - not less than 10 million
  • Sound pressure at a distance of 10 m, dB - not less than 145
  • Weight, kg — 0.1
  • SPS systems produced by the Federal Research and Production Center "Research Institute of Applied Chemistry"

    • Fragment-free flash-and-sound grenade "Zarya-2"
      Height with PPM, mm - 130
    • Diameter, mm - 70
    • Weight, kg - 0.175
    • Sound pressure at a distance of 10 m, dB - up to 180
    • Luminous intensity, cd - up to 30 million.
    • Deceleration time, s — 4+1
  • Hand-held flash-and-sound non-fragmentation grenades GSZ-T, GSZ-Sh
      Weight, kg - 0.56
  • Height, mm - 95
  • Diameter, mm - 55
  • Sound pressure at a distance of 10 m, dB - 130
  • Luminous intensity, cd - 2 million
  • Deceleration time, s — 4+1
  • Number of shrapnel elements, pcs. - 44
  • Multi-focal light and sound grenade "Vzlyot-M"
    . Designed for psychological impact on the enemy (criminal) by releasing 4 light and sound elements, which provides temporary suppression of psychological stability by acoustic and light and sound effects and reduces his combat ability.
  • Specifications:

    • Product weight, kg - 0.4
    • Number of ejected elements, pcs - 4
    • Mass of the composition in one element, g - 15
    • Maximum luminous intensity of one pulse, cd - 2x10 million
    • Sound pressure level of one pulse (10 m), dB - 150±15
  • Stationary light and sound grenade "Flame"
    — is triggered by electric current supplied to its contacts.
      Length, mm - 84
  • Diameter, mm - 75
  • Weight, kg — 0.2
  • Stationary light and sound grenade "Plamya-M" ("Plamya-M2")
    . Equipped with an electric (for the "Plamya-M" grenade) or safety-launching (for the "Plamya-M2" grenade) mechanism.
      Weight, kg - up to 0.2
  • Height with electric igniter, mm - 95
  • Height with PPM, mm - 120
  • Diameter, mm - 75
  • Sound pressure at a distance of 15 m, dB - up to 170
  • Luminous intensity, cd - over 60 million
  • Operation current - over 0.5 Ampere
  • A little about smoke grenades

    Hand smoke grenades are used to camouflage individual firing points, blind the enemy, simulate a fire, etc. The most common in the Russian Federation are RGD-2, which were created back in the Soviet Union. In most cases, a cardboard case and an igniter - a match - are provided. The ignition time of such ammunition is approximately 15 seconds, and the burning duration is a little more than a minute. Quite often, a smoke grenade is used to indicate the landing site of helicopters, as well as to indicate the strength of the wind and its direction. Approximately 5-15 seconds after being touched, the device may explode. People within a one meter radius may suffer burns. There are modifications with the addition of tear gas to smoke out the enemy.

    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege Edit

    An explosive device that stuns and blinds the enemy.
    — In-game description

    Flashbang grenade

    is a minor gadget introduced in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege. Used by attacking operatives to incapacitate opponents.

    Description Edit

    In Siege, a flashbang grenade explodes 1 second after it hits any surface. Blinds and stuns any operator who looks at the explosion for several seconds. The blindness gradually subsides.

    Fortified walls reflect light from the explosion. When a flash-noise grenade explodes, it produces a not very loud sound, which, however, is clearly audible over a long distance.

    If a grenade explodes within 3 meters of a player, it will completely blind them, regardless of whether they turn away or not.

    As with any thrown item, throwing a flashbang directly at someone will take away 5 health.

    Distance Blind Time Edit

    DistanceComplete blindnessPartial blinding
    Up to 3 meters2.95 seconds6.4 seconds
    4 meters2.75 seconds6.2 seconds
    5 meters2.65 seconds6.15 seconds
    6 meters2.45 seconds5.9 seconds
    7 meters2.3 seconds5.77 seconds
    8 meters2.1 seconds5.61 seconds
    9 meters1.9 seconds5.35 seconds
    10 meters1.8 seconds5.25 seconds
    11 meters1.5 seconds4 seconds
    12 meters0 seconds3.75 seconds
    13 meters0 seconds3.75 seconds
    14 meters0 seconds3.5 seconds
    15 meters0 seconds3.25 seconds
    From 16 meters0 seconds0 seconds

    List of changes Edit

    3.0May 10, 2016Thermite received stun grenades.
    4.2May 10, 2016Thermite no longer wields flashbang grenades.
    2.1.0February 7, 2022IQ no longer wields flashbang grenades.
    2.2.1June 7, 2022Fuze and Jackal no longer have flash grenades. Ash and Thermite received flashbang grenades.
    3.2.2July 23, 2022Finka no longer wields flashbang grenades. Dokkaebi received stun grenades.
    Standard equipment and gear in Rainbow Six: Siege
    Assault squadDrone • Hook • Telephone • Breach Charge • Flash Grenade • Smoke Grenade • Frag Grenade • Claymore Mine
    DefendersFortified Wall • Barricade • CCTV Camera • Telephone • Barbed Wire • Mountable Shield • C4 Explosives • Impact Grenade • Bulletproof Camera

    Where and when are flash and sound grenades used?

    Currently, this type of ammunition is most often used by law enforcement agencies. For example, if you need to disperse a crowd of aggressive people, then a flash and sound grenade is the best means of suppressing effective resistance. Most operations to free hostages, as well as to capture a criminal alive, involve the use of blinding and stunning means. These also include a smoke grenade, which can be used to remove prisoners from a building, etc. Flash grenades are often used to create optimal conditions for firing from small arms during anti-terrorist operations by special forces.

    Achievements Edit

    Blind resistanceKill 25 enemies blinded by a flashbang.
    Blind furyKill an enemy while blinded by a flashbang.
    With my eyes closedKill two enemies while blinded by a flashbang.
    Way to hellThe player you blinded kills his teammate.
    Blind resistanceKill 25 enemies blinded by a flashbang.
    Blind furyKill an enemy while blinded by a flashbang.
    Shoot and prayKill two enemies while blinded by a flashbang.
    Road to hellBlind a player, who will then kill his teammate.

    Magic fire

    Probably, the first victims of light-sound weapons appeared long before its concept itself was born: at the beginning of the 20th century, photographers used magnesium powder to illuminate the picture, and those who were photographed were often blinded by the bright flash. It is difficult to say when the development of such weapons began (according to various sources, in the 1960-1970s), but the general public learned about it after one famous case.

    The Wasp has no mechanical parts other than the trigger. The ammunition is initiated by an electrical impulse through a contact at the end of the cartridge.

    In the fall of 1977, a group of Palestinian terrorists hijacked a Lufthansa plane flying from Palma de Mallorca to Frankfurt and demanded the release of imprisoned members of the German terrorist group Red Army Faction. There were 86 passengers and four crew members on board the plane (crew commander Jürgen Schumann was killed). After four days of flights between Middle Eastern airports, the terrorists landed in Mogadishu (Somalia), where they decided to await the release of the Faction members by the German government. On the night of October 18, soldiers of the German anti-terrorism group GSG 9, together with soldiers of the British SAS, stormed the plane. The whole operation took a few minutes: three terrorists were killed, one was seriously wounded. One GSG 9 fighter and a flight attendant were injured, all other hostages were unharmed. The operation, called Feuerzauber (“Magic Fire”), was included in all special operations textbooks and became the greatest triumph of the German anti-terrorist group. The fighters of the anti-terrorist front owed part of this success to light-sound grenades, which, although not completely, still incapacitated the terrorists, winning a few saving seconds for the liberators, which turned the tide of the operation. Since then, light-sound ammunition has been a mandatory part of the arsenal of any assault anti-terrorist group.

    Call of Duty 4: Modern WarfareEdit

    Call of Duty 4
    Damage 1 (15 direct hit) (MP)
    Maximum ammunition 4 (SP), 1 (3 with Special Grenades x3) (MP)
    Range 18 meters
    Used All factions

    Single playerEdit

    Flash grenades are available in single player. You can replenish your supplies by picking up luggage with grenades. Can be useful when passing at the veteran level. The enemy will not be able to throw the grenade back and, when flashed, will be blinded for some time. At the epicenter of the flash, the enemy may even fall to his knees and will not be able to fire.


    The flash drive is introduced as a special grenade, and only one copy is available. When using the perk Special grenades x3, you can multiply the number of flash-noise grenades in the player’s inventory to three. When hitting an enemy, the flash does not deal

    damage, unlike a stun grenade.

    Having caught an enemy with a flashbang grenade, it is worth throwing another flashbang at him to consolidate the blinding effect, either in a row or before carrying out an attack.

    If blinded by this grenade, the character will not be able to run or move the barrel of the weapon freely for some time. With severe blinding, the character is practically unable to move and move the barrel.

    Description Edit

    A flash grenade consists of pyrotechnic components, magnesium, aluminum and an oxidizing agent - potassium perchlorate. In real life, a flashbang can even kill, the explosion can injure, and the heat generated by the explosion can ignite flammable substances.

    When an explosion occurs, the device emits a blinding flash and an explosive deafening sound. If the player is hit by such a flash, they will be blinded for up to 5 seconds. The "side" glare will give a slight glare for a few seconds. Glare is also possible in smoke.

    In addition, a player who is apparently blinded will cover their eyes with their hand (). This does not affect their ability to shoot or throw grenades. Also, the player himself does not see this, but is only visible from the 3rd person. Spectators watching the player (not dead allies, but spectators of the match) will see a special icon on the screen - “Blinded”, but they themselves will not be blinded.

    The movement speed with a grenade is 250 u/s in CS and 245 in CS:GO.

    In the PC version of CS:GO, all grenades can be thrown at three different distances. I use long-range throw LMB

    , the grenade will be thrown at a long distance.
    Using a close-range RMB
    , the grenade will be thrown a short distance next to you.
    If you simultaneously press LMB
    , the grenade will be thrown at a medium distance.

    Capable of killing an enemy with 1 unit. health in case of direct contact with the body.

    Benefits Edit

    • Blinds enemies
    • Creates a stun
    • You can take 2 pieces (in competitive mode)
    • It's cheap
    • A stunned enemy cannot hear footsteps (CS: Source and CS:GO)

    Disadvantages Edit

    • Blinded enemies can still use weapons
    • Blinded enemies often shoot blindly to avoid being killed, making approaching them risky
    • There is a high chance that you can blind yourself or your allies
    • No explosion damage
    • Ineffective against enemies at long range (will be blinded for 1 second)
    • Ineffective over large spaces

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Edit

    This section of the page requires significant improvement.
    This section of the article needs to be expanded. Please finish it and remove this message.
    Flashbang grenade
    Damage 1 (15 direct hit)
    Opens Level 1
    Maximum ammunition 4 (SP)2 (MP)

    Single playerEdit

    Stun grenades are used in single-player games by Yuri and Burns, as well as by Task Force 141 and SAS, respectively. Frost and the rest of the Delta Force use cluster flash grenades.


    The “flash drive” returns to MW3 and is opened with class creation access. You can now “mark” enemies on the radar using the Scout perk. However, the “marking” radius is less than the blinding radius, i.e. the enemy can be blinded, but not "marked". It is worth noting that it is no longer possible to replenish the supply of grenades with the Carrion Man.

    Now used more often than Stun Grenade due to its larger radius (otherwise grenades are the same).


    In Survival it costs $1000 and is sold in the equipment arsenal. Effective against Juggernauts and crowds of enemies. Great for retreating from them. It's worth buying from waves 7 to 10.

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3Edit

    Stun Grenade
    Opens 4th level

    The Stun Grenade returns in MW3. The icon remains the same ( as in MW2

    ), however the characteristics have changed greatly: now the grenade throw time has increased greatly (a fraction of a second faster than the flashbang), the radius has greatly decreased (as with all explosives, except C4 and Javelin), and players with the Impenetrable-pro perk will receive a small stun, but there will be no 1HP damage (however, there will still be a hitmarker). Also, you cannot replenish their supply with the Carrion. Now the grenade can “tag players” using the Scout perk, but here it loses to the Flash Grenade (the latter has a larger damage radius).

    These factors made the Stun Grenade less effective than in previous games in the series. Now the flashbang grenade has become more commonly used due to the same throw time (and in Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops, the fast throw was one of the few, but the most useful properties of the jammer), larger radius and stronger impact on players with Impenetrable-pro.

    Some tactics for using a stun grenade. As soon as the throw is made, you must either run away or take cover so as not to get stunned yourself. If the enemy is standing around the corner, then you must try (if there is a wall in front of the enemy) to hit him with a ricochet. Usually people immediately look at the falling grenade, and when it explodes, it is very difficult for them to turn around quickly. Immediately after the explosion, you need to quickly look around the corner and neutralize the enemy.

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2Edit

    Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
    Damage 1 (15 direct hit) (MP)
    Opens Level 4
    Maximum ammunition 4 (SP), 2 (MP)
    Range 7-10 meters
    Used All factions

    Single playerEdit

    The flashbang grenade is used in almost all campaign missions and special operations. You can have a maximum of 4 of them in stock. It completely disorients enemies for a short period of time (depending on the NPC’s range from the grenade explosion), allowing you to deal with them. Best used when storming rooms (for example, in the Washington DC campaign). It is worth remembering that, unlike multiplayer, here the effect of flash drives lasts much longer (and for the player himself).

    The flash drive will be very useful in the special operation Breakthrough and clearing and will be the only assistant in the rush against the shield fighters. Flash drives will also be very helpful in case of a sudden meeting with juggernauts.


    The flashbang grenade unlocks at level 4 and is available for some standard classes. You can have a maximum of 2 stun grenades.

    This grenade blinds the player - there is a strong ringing sound - and also deafens. Depending on the range of the explosion, the effect of the grenade can vary: if the grenade hits only the edge, then it will simply cause 1 damage and will not even leave a ringing sound, but if the player happens to be close to or right at the site of its explosion, then the screen turns white for 4 seconds. 5, and the ringing will last for 6-7 seconds.

    The process of throwing a flashbang grenade takes much longer than a stun grenade, so in case of a sudden head-on meeting with an enemy, it is better not to use it. Contrary to opinions that a grenade does not cause any damage at all, it should be noted that a simple explosion of a grenade causes only 1 damage, but a direct hit on the enemy causes 15 damage.

    Call of Duty: Modern WarfareEdit

    Reduces the speed at which the victim moves and aims.
    — In-game description.
    Stun Grenade
    Starting ammunition 1
    Maximum ammunition 2
    Range 6 meters
    Inventory icon

    Stun Grenade

    appears in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

    It has a negative effect within a radius of 6 meters, disorienting the player for about 5 seconds. At this moment, the player sees a double picture and moves extremely slowly and looks around. The further away the stun grenade explodes from the player, the shorter the effect will last. The explosion causes damage to the player, so a heavily wounded character can be killed. It is a useful equipment for slowing down someone, since the enemy cannot move and react quickly while under the effect. This type of grenade is useful for rushers who like to flank the enemy. In case you need to smoke out a camper from a favorite position, it is better to use another grenade, since a completely blinded enemy has a much lower chance of killing the player than a stunned one. A stunned enemy who is looking at the player will still see the target and will be able to fire at you, but blindness will have a more serious impact.

    In special operations, it is an excellent equipment to raise a fallen comrade among opponents.

    A good countermeasure is the Veteran perk. It will noticeably reduce the effect of the grenade, but will not be able to completely neutralize it. The effect on the player will last 2.15 seconds.

    The ideal countermeasure is a field modification of active protection.

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