Description of the operating principle of airsoft grenades

Probably every airsoft player sooner or later thinks about the topic of airsoft grenades, namely: “where to buy? what is the price? how to make it yourself?” Everyone answers these questions differently. Some agree to store-bought items or orders from other craftsmen, while others, through trial and error, try to provide themselves with gaming grenades. Therefore, if you are from the first category of people, then this article may not be interesting to you, although who knows, maybe once you are convinced of how simple this method of making airsoft grenades is, you will change your habits and try to do this simple task yourself. I offer you my “recipe” for making a MKIII A2 pea airsoft grenade.

Principle of operation

The operating principle of airsoft grenades depends on the functional purpose of the ammunition. According to this feature, they can be dynamic, pyrotechnic or pneumatic.

Dynamic grenades for airsoft. They are presented in the form of peculiar tanks filled with paint. Such grenades do not explode on their own. The paint inside the projectile is under pressure, so the container ruptures due to impact with the surface.

Pyrotechnic grenades for airsoft. Here the main element is a firecracker, which can be set on fire in various ways. The contents of such a grenade are placed in a special plastic shell. When the wick burns completely, an explosion occurs. In this case, the device detonates, followed by rupture of the shell and scattering of the filler.

Pneumatic grenades for airsoft. In this case, the explosion occurs due to the energy of carbon dioxide, which is located in a special cylinder. When the pin is torn off, gas begins to flow out followed by an explosion. The body of such a grenade is most often designed for a delay equivalent to 4-5 s. Once the pressure in the casing begins to exceed the highest strength threshold, the shell ruptures.

Preliminary preparation

The components and tools for making the device can be found in the kitchen; the only thing you have to purchase is potassium nitrate. Fertilizer is offered in stores for gardeners and gardeners; there will be no problems with the purchase.

To make a smoke fume you will need:

  • 50 gr. potassium nitrate;
  • 10 gr. sodium bicarbonate;
  • 50 gr. sugar (allowed to replace with powdered sugar);
  • 55-65 gr. dye (available from hardware stores);
  • a small diameter cardboard tube (suitable for toilet paper), a matchbox;
  • pencil;
  • stewpan (saucepan);
  • a little tape;
  • cotton swabs;
  • fuse (carefully remove from the fireworks, soak a regular cord with saltpeter, use hunting matches).

To mix the composition, use a wooden stick or spoon.

Types of grenades for airsoft

There is another classification of airsoft grenades. In this case, we will talk about various variations of products regarding their functional features. Based on these characteristics, grenades can be smoke, flash-noise, or filled with balls. Here you should also add shells for a grenade launcher, as well as grenades with and without an active pin.


Such products are used to mask the source of fire. Through their use, it is possible to significantly limit visibility in a certain area and thus solve various tactical problems.

A smoke grenade consists of a paper body with two holes for the smoke to escape. A fire-resistant cord is used here as a moderator. These grenades can produce black or white smoke. In the first case, a car fire is simulated. Black smoke can spread over an area the equivalent of 15 m in diameter. When using white smoke, this figure increases to 20 m.

The cylindrical cardboard body of the grenade has special covers on both sides. There are holes for smoke exit at the bottom. A match inserted into the diaphragm is used as a fuse.

The smoke mixture that results from the explosion of such a grenade consists of various elements. These include:

  • naphthalene;
  • Berthollet's salt;
  • anthracene;
  • a mixture of aluminum chloride.

Manual with balls

Using an airsoft hand grenade with balls allows you to simulate the fragmentation damage caused by a classic hand grenade. The internal space of the projectile is filled with plastic balls or ordinary peas (provided that the grenade is made at home).

Hand grenades have minimal weight, as a result of which their flight range is somewhat reduced. Moreover, hitting the target becomes more problematic. In this context, it is most advisable to use such projectiles to hit the enemy at a short distance. These grenades are perfect for large games when storming buildings, as well as when knocking out an opponent from fortifications.

The standard range of a hand grenade does not exceed 5-8 meters. Along with this, the projectile is positioned as an effective instrument of mass destruction. A significant advantage of a hand grenade is its realistic appearance.

Flash and noise

Stun grenades are capable of producing sound and light effects on the enemy. Here we can also talk about the temporary psychophysiological immobilizing effect of the projectile.

If you make your own projectile, it is recommended to refrain from using chemical reagents, since a strong flash can cause significant damage to a person’s vision and hearing.

As for the functional features of such grenades, there is a delay during the removal of the pin. After this, the projectile begins to blink white. Inside the grenade there is a circuit and a battery. The body of the product is made of plastic material.

Airsoft flashbang test:

The outer part of the grenade is covered with diode strips. To achieve the highest quality fastening, high-quality adhesive-sealant is applied to such tapes. This allows us to talk about the long service life of the product in various conditions.

Grenade for grenade launcher

Airsoft grenades for a grenade launcher can have different sizes. The dimensions of the projectile will depend on the grenade launcher for which it is intended. The polyurethane foam body of the product consists of three separate parts. The grenade itself is placed in a special sleeve, which consists of a reservoir for compressed inert gas and a guide barrel.

The latter is distinguished by the presence of helical grooves that engage with the grooves on the body. Thanks to this, the grenade can rotate around its own axis during flight. Most often, a refill is included with the sleeve.

If we talk about the principle of operation, then at the initial stage the compressed gas fills the entire space of the tank and gradually puts pressure on the valve. Subsequently, he tends to shift it towards the bottom of the sleeve. At the same time, special balls acting as clamps prevent such movement. The valves remain in place thanks to the presence of a stopper.

As a result of this displacement, access to the guide barrel opens. It is this element that is responsible for pushing the grenade out of the cartridge case.

After firing the shot, the stopper, valves and grenade launcher retaining balls return to their original position under the influence of a spring. To carry out the next shot, additional gas filling must be carried out.

The operating principle of an airsoft machine. Which is the best airsoft gun to buy? We make a choice based on several models, their characteristics and price. What is the price for the VSS (special sniper rifle) Vintorez see here. Characteristics and video review of the model.

With and without an active check

Airsoft grenades can be equipped with an active pin. The presence of this element indicates that the projectile will fire only after the ring is removed and the pin is released.

The body of airsoft grenades can be made of various materials.

In most cases, we are talking about polymers that do not cause serious damage when broken.

Robust monolithic construction avoids deformation during operation. The internal filling of the product depends on the type of grenade.

The presence of an active pin makes the grenade more practical to use. A delay of 3-3.5 seconds allows you to take good aim and throw the projectile at the desired point. A significant advantage of grenades with an active pin is the exact time of operation after initialization.

Test of airsoft grenades with an active pin in this video:

Airsoft grenades without an active pin are not very popular. This trend is due to the lack of practicality when using the product. It should be noted that this grenade also has a pin, but in this case it will serve a purely decorative function.

It is very difficult to predict the exact time of operation of such a projectile, so certain difficulties may arise during its operation. Resolving tactical problems will be somewhat more complicated.

How to make a colored smoke bomb or colored smoke with your own hands

If you are into photography, then you have often had to deal with the task of diversifying the background in your photographs. There are a huge number of photo editors that can draw various elements of a smoke screen. However, such smoke is easy to distinguish from real smoke. The natural smoke screen in the photo can have different shapes and outlines; it adds mystery and fabulousness to the image and this is a definite plus. That is why the easiest way to create a curtain is with the help of modern pyrotechnics - smoke bombs or colored smoke. However, despite this, many resort to creating smoke bombs with their own hands. We will publish one of these methods on our website.

We do not recommend creating smoke bombs with your own hands!

Before using the information in this article, read the safety rules for using pyrotechnics!

Making smoke bombs with your own hands is a budget-friendly method, but not always completely safe. All ingredients are easy to get in the store, but we strongly do not recommend repeating the described methods yourself. This article is primarily for informational purposes.

To make your own colored smoke, you don't need many things.

First of all, ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate). It is available for purchase at any garden store. Ammonium nitrate is a white powder and is a fertilizer. In some countries it is prohibited for sale due to its use in the creation of explosives. However, in Russia it can be easily purchased. An analogue is potassium nitrate.

You will also need plain paper. You can take a newspaper or other paper publication.

Next, you need to pour saltpeter into a plastic bottle and dilute it in water.

One liter of water requires three hundred grams of saltpeter. It is better to use an empty 1 liter bottle.

During the process of dissolving nitrate, the temperature of the solution decreases noticeably. You will notice this. The bottle will become ice cold. The resulting foam must be removed. This amount is enough for forty sheets of paper (newspaper) or four checkers.

In order to wet the newspapers you need to take a spray bottle. He puts it on the bottle.

Next, you need to spread all the newspaper sheets and spray with the solution. Remember that saltpeter emits toxic fumes. Therefore, this cannot be done indoors. It is better to process the sheets outside or in the garage.

Each new sheet is placed on the previous one and moistened. Makes 10 layers of paper.

After you saturate 10 sheets with the solution. They need to be turned over and wait for the solution to be evenly distributed in the layers of newspaper. Wait until our design dries a little. Then we begin to assemble a new smoke bomb.

We take a sheet of paper treated with the solution in our hands and begin to bend it in half, curling it into a tube. Take the next sheet and repeat the procedure. It turns out to be a thick roll of paper, which we wrap with tape.

In order for your saber to burn slowly, it is better to take a metal cone. Take a Pepsi or beer can and cut off the top. It is important that the checker is tightly located inside the jar. After placing the checker in it, there should be 1.5 cm left from the edge of the jar. The edge needs to be bent inward.

If you want colored smoke to be released when burning, then add henna. You can also use food coloring. After setting your checker on fire, throw it away from you. Most often, a lot of smoke is produced, so it is better to use this bomb in a deserted place or in nature.

Features of self-production of airsoft grenades

If you don’t have the money to buy one, then it’s quite possible to make an airsoft grenade at home. The resolution of this issue is carried out in several stages. To achieve a positive result, it is recommended to follow a certain sequence of actions.

Preparatory stage

Here you need to prepare the tools that may be needed when making an airsoft grenade with your own hands. In most cases, the list of required equipment will look like this:

  1. PVA glue;
  2. scissors;
  3. internal filler (balls);
  4. petard;
  5. 2-3 matches;
  6. cardboard;
  7. scotch.

Housing installation

To make a homemade case, you must first select a shape. For this purpose, you can use a deodorant can or other cylindrical object. Cardboard mugs are used as the base. The body is glued from strips of newspaper in several layers.

Homemade grenade, do-it-yourself features in this video:

Using internal filler and firecrackers

Matches are attached to the head of the firecracker, and the whole thing is glued into the body of the grenade. It is necessary to ensure that the structure is as strong as possible and does not wobble. The internal space is filled with balls.

Making a wad

The wad is made of cardboard. Its diameter should be equivalent to the diameter of the grenade mold. Subsequently, the wad should be placed on the firecracker and secured well on both sides.

Proper use of a smoke bomb made from sodium bicarbonate

Using a smoke bomb is not difficult if the manufacturing process is completed correctly. Before lighting the wick, make sure that the length of the cord is at least 5 cm. A prerequisite is to use the smoke blower only outdoors!

Lighting a smoke bomb indoors can cause respiratory problems, even smoke poisoning. After lighting, discard the smoke bomb. The minimum distance at which it is recommended to stay is 5 m.

After the smoke disappears, it is not recommended to immediately approach the used smoke bomb. You must wait at least a quarter of an hour, then pick up the device. Disposal over an open fire is prohibited - it is better to throw the smoke fume into a trash container.

Method eight

A colored smoke bomb is quite difficult to make, but the resulting result is sometimes fascinating in its unusualness. For the experiment, you will need half a teaspoon of soda, half a hundred sugar, 60 grams of saltpeter, any food coloring, a saucepan for mixing reagents, cardboard tubes (you can take from paper towels), and a clothesline.

Pour sugar and saltpeter into a saucepan, place over low heat and stir so that the mixture does not burn.

When the sugar has melted and the mixture turns golden, add food coloring and baking soda. As soon as foam appears, stop stirring and turn off the heat, allowing the mixture to cool to room temperature.

Seal the cardboard tubes tightly on one side, then pour in the mixture and insert a stick, such as a toothpick, in the center

It is important that the mixture is evenly distributed and does not allow air to enter.

Place the cardboard tube in a dark place for a day.

When using, pull out the stick and insert a thread into it, which will serve as a wick.

How to make a smoke bomb out of paper

Method 1

You can make a “smoke pipe” yourself in the following simple way.

For this you will need:

  • Ammonium nitrate from the fertilizer store.
  • Thick newspapers.

Dissolve saltpeter in warm water. Take the ingredients based on 1 liter of water - 300 g of saltpeter. Cut newspapers into pieces similar in size to A4 format and immerse in the solution for several minutes. Remove and dry well.

The peculiarity of the chemical is that it absorbs moisture from the air and therefore the leaves do not dry well. To achieve complete drying, use auxiliary means, such as a radiator, iron or hair dryer.

You can also wet newspapers using a spray bottle. Dry leaves should be rolled into a tight tube and secured with tape or thick thread. The tube should not have a hole in the center.

It is not advisable to make the checker long or thick, because the saltpeter will burn unevenly. If a whole sheet of newspaper is used, it is folded along its length twice and then rolled.

A large checker, rolled from several newspapers. placed in an aluminum beer can, cut off at both ends. This is done to avoid the checker catching fire. The length of the body is cut with an allowance of 1-2 cm on each side, relative to the roll. The edge needs to be folded.

For the body, empty cans of paint or deodorant are used. The thickness of the winding is adjusted according to the opening of the can so that it fits tightly. The finished saber is set on fire at one end, waiting until it flares up and puffs of smoke emerge. Throw to the side as far as possible. Thick, white smoke is produced.

Store ready-made saltpeter-impregnated sheets in glass jars, closed with lids or sealed plastic bags with a zipper.

Method 2

It's very easy to make a smoke bomb out of paper and salt.


  • Newsprint.
  • Fine salt.
  • Scotch.

Form a tight ball from the paper. Tear the paper in one place and add salt. Wrap everything tightly with adhesive tape. Ready to use. It is not advisable to use coarse salt, because it shoots out when heated.

Smoke bomb made from laundry soap, sodium bicarbonate

An easier way to make a smoke bomb is to use sodium bicarbonate and laundry soap. The disadvantage of a smoke blower is that you cannot use dyes; the device will only produce gray puffs of smoke.

Step-by-step process for making a smoke bomb:

  1. Grate a bar of laundry soap, use a fine grater or chop it into a paste with a sharp knife.
  2. Add warm water in small portions and stir the soap grains until completely dissolved.
  3. Combine thick soap mass, sodium bicarbonate (20 g), mix.
  4. Wait half an hour and soak newspaper sheets with the mixture.
  5. Dry the paper in the sun, in a dry, hot room; the sheets must remain intact, otherwise the penetration of oxygen into the smoke oven will affect the amount of smoke.
  6. Roll the newspaper sheets into a tight roll, the diameter of the device is 5-10 cm.
  7. Secure the rolls with thin plastic wrap (it is recommended to use cling film).
  8. Leave room for a wooden rod to hold the smoke bomb.

Using a smoke blower is simple - use a lighter to set fire to newspaper sheets soaked in soapy water through a hole left near the rod.

Be sure to be careful and keep the smoke bomb at arm's length. After the first puffs of smoke appear, stick the rod into the ground and move away

Non-childish smoke blower

For the hellish, extremely dangerous non-children's smoke blower, we will need potassium nitrate, which we will make ourselves, potassium chloride, ammonium nitrate, soda and sugar, a wick, a pencil and food coloring for the smoke.

Let's start with making potassium nitrate. To do this, in a ratio of 11:9 we take ammonium nitrate and potassium chloride.

We dissolve the saltpeter in water, we try not to dilute it too much. After placing the saltpeter solution in a water bath, add potassium chloride

Stir the resulting mixture, cool in the refrigerator for two and a half hours, pour out, keeping the crystals formed at the bottom and carefully dry them in a frying pan. Collecting the resulting powder

Having collected 250 grams, we move on to creating a smoke oven.

  1. Mix the resulting powder with sugar. You need one hundred and fifty grams of sugar.
  2. Put on fire, stir all the time.
  3. Once the sugar has caramelized, increase the heat.
  4. Boil for about twenty seconds, then remove from heat and add soda. Despite the foam, stir quickly.
  5. Add dye.
  6. If the mixture sticks to the walls, stir over low heat.
  7. Cool the mixture for 5 minutes. Fill an empty tin container with it, insert a wick into the middle of the liquid and transfer it to the refrigerator
  8. Seal the top, leaving a 6mm hole for the wick. That's it, the smoke fume is ready.

Remember that you can use it away from houses. It is very effective, so it is better not to use it in enclosed spaces. Also remember about fire safety.

Smoke bombs

- this is what is really interesting to any guy at a young age. Gray checkers or checkers from newspapers have become no longer interesting; now young people are demanding something new, in bright colors. Today, you have the opportunity to create a colored smoke pipe with your own hands, so let’s not waste time and get started with our developments!

Method two

Unlike firecrackers, fireworks, and even sparklers, smoke bombs are relatively safe when used with caution. One of the easiest ways to make a smoke bomb without saltpeter is to use analgin and hydroperite.

The first drug, we are sure many of you have come across, is a popular remedy for headaches. The second is used when treating wounds, although in theory it can even be used to dye hair.

But we have not gathered here to discuss the beneficial properties of these drugs; we are interested in something else, namely their chemical reaction with each other.

These tablets are not expensive and are available in every pharmacy; the components included in the composition are not toxic, but their combined use will greatly surprise you.

Method five

In this method, we will learn how to make a smoke bomb from matches. The resulting bomb will burn purple and sparkle when interacting with fire. You will need a package of activated carbon, a couple of boxes of matches, and 30 grams of potassium permanganate powder.

Unpack the activated charcoal and turn the tablets into flour using a spoon, then pour into a bowl.

Pour thirty grams of potassium permanganate into a container with activated carbon.

Cut off the match heads and then pour them into a common bowl.

To conduct the experiment, you need to make sure that there are no people, animals, or social objects at a safe distance. Light a match and throw it into the bowl, then run away to a distance of fifteen meters. This safety measure is due to the fact that the smoke is extremely caustic, and the reaction allows splashes of up to two meters or more.

Instructions and rules of use

Using checkers it is allowed to carry out disinfestation of the following objects:

  • apartments;
  • private houses and dachas;
  • hangars and warehouses;
  • industrial areas;
  • garages;
  • gardens and campsites;
  • greenhouses and greenhouses.

Sometimes a one-time treatment is enough to completely rid your home of blood-sucking parasites. However, to achieve a guaranteed result, it is recommended to repeat the procedure after 2 weeks, since the smoke only affects adult bedbugs and larvae, but not eggs.

Security measures

Disinfestation using smoke bombs should be carried out only with personal protective equipment. They are put on before the actual use of checkers, and are removed only after the treatment of the room is completed and it has been ventilated.

Ideally, if there is an opportunity to wear a full chemical protective suit. Otherwise, you will need a respirator, rubber gloves and safety glasses. Gloves should be discarded after processing is completed.

You should wear personal protective equipment when lighting a smoke bomb.

In extreme cases, instead of a full protective kit, it is permissible to use a gauze bandage soaked in a soda solution: dilute a teaspoon of soda in one glass of water and soak the gauze with this liquid.

Preparation for processing

All windows in the room are tightly closed and ventilation holes are sealed with tape. Food, hygiene items, electronics and clothing are carefully packaged in impenetrable casings to prevent them from becoming saturated with smoke. All cabinets and drawers are opened so that smoke can easily penetrate them. Furniture is disassembled and laid out in parts on the floor. Bedding is removed from the mattresses and placed vertically, leaning against the wall. Fire safety sensors are turned off. There should be no objects left in the room that will first come into contact with smoke and then come into direct contact with human skin.

Processing process

If the checker is inside a jar and is activated by contact with liquid, this jar is filled with water to the indicated mark.

If the checker has a fuse, it is set on fire. To do this, the product is placed on a sheet of metal, inside a metal bucket, in a ceramic container, or on a brick. The burning of the checker lasts 10–20 minutes

It is important that there are no flammable objects within its reach

After this, the room is left for several hours - the exact time is indicated in the instructions for use of the checker. A maximum of 2 minutes is allotted to leave the room - this is how long it takes for the wick to burn, after which toxic smoke will begin to enter the air.

What to do after treatment?

Upon completion of the treatment, a person in a protective suit enters the room, opens the windows and leaves the house to be ventilated for at least 20 minutes. After this, a thorough wet cleaning is carried out in the house, adding soda ash to the water at the rate of 250 g per 1 bucket. If the person who entered the room to open the windows did not have a full chemical protective suit, clothing should be removed and washed thoroughly.

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