
Education of the Strategic Missile Forces.

The story about the Strategic Missile Forces, whose history is firmly connected with the development of ballistic missiles and related equipment, will logically begin with the creation of a new type of weapon. The confrontation with the allies in the Anti-Hitler Coalition at the end of World War II, which marked the beginning of the Cold War, also served as a powerful impetus for domestic science to make a giant qualitative leap in nuclear physics and rocket science.

The development of the Strategic Missile Forces would have been impossible without such a powerful technological breakthrough. In May 1946, a decree “On the development of jet technology” was adopted, and already in August the first of the Strategic Missile Forces units was created - the “Special Purpose Brigade of the Supreme High Command Reserve” as part of the GSVG became rather the first approximation of the future strategic forces of the Strategic Missile Forces. Until the mid-50s, 5 more brigades of a similar format were created - such formations were armed with the first domestic ballistic missiles R-1 and R-2 - the chief designer of which not only wrote his name in the history of the Strategic Missile Forces, but also became the founder of practical astronautics. We are talking about one of the most important scientists and people for the 20th century - Sergei Korolev.

Today's flag of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation was approved in June 2004, in accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense, from that moment to this day it has been the main symbol of the Strategic Missile Forces of our state. The flag is a blue panel with a red stripe at the bottom, in the center of the composition is the emblem of the Strategic Missile Forces - a golden shield, sword, crossed arrows.

The flag of the Strategic Missile Forces is presented on the pages of the online military store Voenpro in various variations - from a large double-sided banner of strategic troops to souvenir, table and car flags. All thematic products are presented in the “ Strategic Missile Forces ” section of our military trade. Well, you can buy flag of the Strategic Missile Forces by simply following the direct link (just “click” on the image below).

After 1955, formations of the new format were renamed into engineering brigades of the RVGK, 18 engineering regiments were created in aviation. In the second half of the 50s, intercontinental ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads appeared at the disposal of the Soviet Strategic Missile Forces. In general, the build-up of nuclear potential is proceeding at a very good pace - atomic bombs are being supplied to the troops in ever-increasing quantities, in 1956 the first training center of the Strategic Missile Forces began to function in Arzamas-16, and major military training events are taking place.

In 1958, the Strategic Missile Forces formation "Angara" was created in Plesetsk, equipped with intercontinental ballistic missiles. In parallel, work is underway to create five more ICBM complexes of the Strategic Missile Forces, the famous R-7 and R-7A missiles are ready for combat duty. The need to separate the Strategic Missile Forces into a separate department is becoming obvious. The history of the Strategic Missile Forces of the USSR, as an established branch of the military, begins in 1959 - on December 17, a corresponding resolution of the Council of Ministers was signed.

The first officer to head the command of the Strategic Missile Forces was M.I. Nedelin: since May 1959, Chief Marshal of Artillery, since 1955, Deputy Minister of Defense for Missiles and Special Weapons - in fact, one of the main creators of the USSR Strategic Missile Forces.

Mitrofan Nedelin served as commander of the Strategic Missile Forces until his tragic death - also a rather symbolic story. The head of the USSR strategic forces passed away during the tragic events of October 24, 1960 at Baikonur - in history, the explosion of the R-16 ballistic missile, which took the lives of almost hundreds of Strategic Missile Forces officers, is known as the “Nedelin disaster.”

At that time, the Strategic Missile Forces troops were very hasty with the tests, this mistake was very costly - a situation where they had to learn from their own, very painful mistakes. Information about that tragedy at Baikonur was kept for a long time in the “Central Archive of the Missile Forces” under the heading “secret”, only becoming public knowledge in 1989. The cosmodrome of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces on the territory of Kazakhstan by this time had become one of the most famous bases for strategic troops in the world.

The official emblem of the strategic forces of the Russian Federation, described above, is by no means the only recognized symbol of the Strategic Missile Forces of our country. One of the no less familiar signs is the image of a taking off ballistic missile; this is precisely the composition at the heart of the chevron on the Strategic Missile Forces uniform. The same familiar symbol is used as the basis for the composition of some souvenir products from the “ Strategic Missile Forces ” section. We are talking, for example, about a military ID cover made in the classical style and symbols of the Strategic Forces.

Let's return to our story - the structure of the Strategic Missile Forces is formed in the shortest possible time, quite quickly turning into a workable mechanism - the international situation leaves no choice. Already on December 21, 1959, the General Staff of the Strategic Missile Forces and all directorates were formed - the creation of new formations began. In February 1960, the command and entire headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces were located in the village of Vlasikha, Odintsovo district, and are still stationed here today.

The Strategic Missile Forces Museum in the village of Vlasikha is the largest institution of its kind; in addition to a lot of different information material, it houses a unique collection of artifacts from the entire period of the history of the Strategic Missile Forces. It all starts in the hall of K.E. Tsiolkovsky, the exhibition here is dedicated to the works of the great scientist and domestic rocket science of the pre-war period. The next hall is dedicated to the development of the Strategic Missile Forces troops during the arms race, after which the visitor moves on to the exhibition of silo launchers (SPU of the Strategic Missile Forces) - among other things, it displays the most interesting life-size models of domestic equipment. Well, the exhibition ends with the hall of space technologies and today's strategic forces. And, since we are talking about culture, we recommend visiting the Strategic Missile Forces Museum in Balabanovo - the best examples of domestic equipment are collected on the territory of the military unit.

The current system of dividing the Strategic Missile Forces troops into missile armies and divisions began to take shape back in the early 60s. The first missile armies of the Strategic Missile Forces were created in 1960 - the headquarters of the 43rd and 50th RA were based in Vinnitsa and Smolensk. Subsequently, the number of missile launchers in the strategic forces of the Soviet Union was increased to six; in 1970, 27, 31, 33, 53 missile armies of the Strategic Missile Forces were created. The number of missile divisions that made up the largest armies reached sixty - in total, more than a hundred military units of the Strategic Missile Forces were formed in the 60s.

The accumulation of offensive weapons became the basis of Soviet and American policy until the end of the 80s - nuclear disarmament of the USA and the Russian Federation began only after the collapse of the USSR, the first treaty on the reduction of strategic offensive weapons (START-I) was signed in 1991. The course to reduce nuclear weapons arsenals logically led to the disbandment of many parts of the Strategic Missile Forces.

In recent history, the 59 Strategic Missile Forces RD (2005), the Strategic Missile Forces divisions in Kansk, Drovyanaya, Yasnaya (2007) were disbanded. It was planned to disband several more formations, for example, 28 RD in Kozelsk - the Strategic Missile Forces were not touched in this case; by personal decree of the president, the famous division of the Strategic Missile Forces “remained in service.” However, in Russia today there are more than a dozen abandoned units of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces. As a rule, during disbandment, “non-mobile” equipment was also destroyed - silo launchers of the Strategic Missile Forces were simply blown up. Thus, the strategic missile forces of the Russian Federation today include the three largest 27th, 31st and 33rd armies with the headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces in Vladimir, Orenburg and Omsk.

The Voentorg online store “Voenpro” not only strives to provide its customers with the opportunity to purchase traditional souvenirs or flags of military branches, but also to include in the product range unique banners and paraphernalia with the symbols of the best army formations that are interesting to a limited circle of people.

Strategic Missile Forces section also presents custom-made personalized flags for missile armies and divisions of domestic strategic forces. Of course, there was a place here for the flags of all active units of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces, in addition, the banners of the legendary, but today non-existent formations of the missile forces are also presented. The latter also includes the flag of the 43rd Missile Army - the first RA in the Russian Strategic Missile Forces (click on the image to go to the product page).

Strategic troops of the Soviet Union in the conditions of the arms race.

Let's return to the history of the Strategic Missile Forces. Already in the early 60s, our country had a fairly clearly functioning system of Strategic Missile Forces - despite the fact that the United States was still superior to the USSR in the development of nuclear potential, we were already able, if not to dictate terms, then to talk on equal terms. The explosion of the largest hydrogen “Tsar Bomb” on Malaya Zemlya in November 1961 became the starting point for the next round of the arms race; the strategic forces of the USSR and the USA begin the construction of silos of launchers (silos of the Strategic Missile Forces).

The bottom line is that the possibility of the USSR Strategic Missile Forces receiving thermonuclear weapons of such strength practically eliminated the US superiority in nuclear warheads. The Soviet Union demonstrated that in order for our Strategic Missile Forces troops to destroy not only the entire nuclear potential, but also the entire territory of the United States, it was enough to deliver one warhead to the North American continent. From this moment, the active movement of the arsenal of the Strategic Missile Forces “underground” begins; the first launch of a ballistic missile from a silo in the USSR was carried out back in 1959 at the Kapustin Yar training ground of the USSR Strategic Missile Forces. The upgraded R-12 rocket was used as a charge carrier.

One of the first formations of the Strategic Missile Forces of the USSR to begin working with systems for launching ballistic missiles from silos in operational mode was the 14th division of the Strategic Missile Forces Yoshkar-Ola - the Dvina silos arrived here in 1963. One of the guards divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces began combat duty in 1962; from the beginning of work to the present day, 61 combat training launches have been carried out here.

Two years later, units of the Strategic Missile Forces began to receive a similar silo launcher “Chusovaya”, configured to launch R-14 missiles - the first unit to work with this system was 13 RD Strategic Missile Forces Yasny. The first silo systems of the Strategic Forces of the Soviet Union, long removed from combat duty, belonged to the lowest class of nuclear protection - but the first missile of the USSR Strategic Missile Forces, for which a launcher with an increased level of protection was developed, was the R-36M, some details about which a little later. Today, residents of Russia have a unique opportunity to visit a unique museum of the Missile Forces in Kozelsk - one of the first generation silo launchers has been turned into it; here there is an opportunity not only to visit the command post, but also to go down into the mine.

Unlike the outdated combat installations of the Strategic Missile Forces, the above-mentioned formations of the Strategic Missile Forces still exist today. In the line of personalized flags of the Strategic Missile Forces units presented in our military store, of course, there is a place for the banner of each active missile army or division. The order is available on the corresponding pages.

Let's return to our story about the Strategic Missile Forces: 1962 could well have been the last year in the history of not only the Strategic Missile Forces, but also of humanity, and this is not an exaggeration - the concept of the “Carribean Crisis” is still considered a household word today. In the summer of 1962, the USSR transferred its army contingent, including some parts of the Strategic Missile Forces, to Cuba, this provoked an increase in tensions in relations with the United States to an amplitude level. The delegation, consisting of the commander-in-chief and leading generals of the Strategic Missile Forces, previously visited the “Island of Freedom”, having secured the support of Fidel Castro.

As part of Operation Anadyr, ballistic missiles R-12 and R-14 of the USSR Strategic Missile Forces, equipped with nuclear warheads, were delivered to Cuba. The conflict was then avoided; the United States limited itself to a naval blockade of Cuba and Kennedy’s famous speech. However, on October 24, USSR ships violated the blockade, calling it an act of aggression - this caused the escalation of the conflict. The troops of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Soviet Union and the United States were brought to a state of full combat readiness; on October 25, an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council was held with, perhaps, the most famous speech by N.S. Khrushchev. The degree of tension was such that war seemed inevitable - in this situation the only correct decision was made: the USSR strategic troops in Cuba were removed from combat duty, in response to which the United States guaranteed the “non-invasion” of its armies on the island.

In the early 70s, the expected situation developed in the world - tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union, in general, did not subside, but the combined nuclear potential of the Strategic Missile Forces of both superpowers became so great (while the powers of the opponents were approximately equal) that open confrontation would lead to a global catastrophe. The so-called “nuclear parity” was established; it turned out that stability on the planet was based on the equality of the forces of the Strategic Missile Forces of the two states - a rather shaky peace.

The need for a constructive dialogue on the topic of control of the Strategic Missile Forces seemed obvious - in 1972, the first bilateral SALT-I treaty was signed between the USA and the USSR. It was stipulated here that the Strategic Missile Forces of both countries should remain at the level of power that they had reached at the time the agreement was signed. Later there were additional agreements, then the direction towards disarmament was outlined, but the first step towards mutual control of the Strategic Missile Forces was taken precisely in 1972.

The famous motto of the Strategic Missile Forces troops “After us there is silence” was born back in the 60s of the last century, but even today does not lose its relevance. The essence of the statement, extremely simple and clear even to a schoolchild, may seem harsh to some, but the Russian Strategic Missile Forces do not think so.

You can find a phrase reflecting the purpose of the Strategic Missile Forces (in extreme situations, of course) on many souvenirs and flags in the thematic section of the Voentpro military trade store. For example, we recommend paying attention to this original flag of the strategic forces of the Russian Federation (click to go to the page with the product).

If the actual accumulation of nuclear power in the Strategic Missile Forces was suspended, then rocket technology continued to move forward by leaps and bounds. On December 25, 1974, the legendary third-generation missile system of the Strategic Missile Forces “Satan” (R-36M) entered combat duty. Fully used in units of the Strategic Missile Forces since the end of 1975, the first Soviet missiles with multiple warheads with individual guidance units (RGCH IN) and silos for them were developed and tested for four years.

The first high-frequency Strategic Missile Forces, equipped with the latest type of weapons of the domestic Strategic Forces at that time, became part of the 13th RD regiment in the village of Dombrovsky, then the R-36M received the Saratov Strategic Missile Forces unit, and were subsequently deployed at all points of permanent deployment. More modern modifications of the Satan missile (according to NATO classification) are still on combat duty as part of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces. The video below shows the launch of the R-36M ICBM as part of the 2009 Strategic Missile Forces exercises.

In anticipation of the subsequent narration, we note that even a serious increase in the level of nuclear protection of the Strategic Missile Forces' stationary silo launchers could not ensure their resistance to a direct hit from nuclear warheads. The doctrine of “inevitability of retribution” was subjected to further tests (after the invention of the hydrogen bomb). In the conditions of the deployment of the Strategic Missile Forces known to the potential enemy and the presence of high-precision guidance systems, the need has arisen to create mobile missile systems for strategic forces.

As a small lyrical digression, let us recall another well-known motto of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces, once again not without a dose of black humor: “If we fall asleep, you will not wake up.” No matter how this phrase sounds, the message is justified: the modern world is structured in such a way that nuclear strategic forces are both a source of danger and a guarantor of stability.

The assortment of the online military trader Voenpro includes, among other things, a line of products with the famous, albeit unofficial, motto of the Strategic Missile Forces and an image of a nuclear explosion. The symbolism is close to both veterans of the Strategic Missile Forces and military personnel of our day.

Perhaps the most formidable weapon of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Soviet Union, the legendary missile train became the first mobile missile corps in history, and to this day is considered one of the most powerful weapons of the Strategic Forces. At first, the task set by the country’s scientific leadership and the command of the Strategic Missile Forces seemed impossible, judge for yourself:

  • it was necessary to place a 150-ton rocket and place it in a standard railway car with a standard carrying capacity of 50-60 tons - note that the Strategic Missile Forces train must move along standard tracks;
  • the standard size of the rocket simply did not allow it to be placed in a carriage; to solve the problem, fundamentally new design solutions were adopted: the nozzles were able to fit inside the body, and the nose fairing was made foldable;
  • with the standard scheme for launching the warheads of the BZHRK of the Strategic Missile Forces, it would be enough for exactly one use - when the rocket was launched, the rails would simply melt, and the train itself could not withstand the load. A solution was again found: a pre-launch powder system was designed, with the help of which the rocket first rose to a small height, where the main engines were turned on.

Here is only an incomplete list of unique advanced solutions used in the creation of the combat railway missile system of the USSR Strategic Missile Forces - it was the most powerful technological breakthrough of its time. The domestic Strategic Missile Forces received a unique type of weapon at their disposal, the main problem of the Strategic Missile Forces was solved - now a potential enemy cannot determine where the missile forces, or more precisely, the launchers, are located at a certain point in time.

The first Scalpel was adopted by the Strategic Missile Forces in 1987, the last of twelve ghost trains in 1992. BZHRKs were on combat duty as part of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces until 2005; today they are subject to the START III treaty, but there is still talk of resuming the operation of ghost trains of the Strategic Forces of the “Molodets” system.

Strategic Missile Forces in modern Russia

The period of the modern history of the Strategic Missile Forces began in the early 90s, along with the collapse of the USSR and the beginning of large-scale elimination of capacities within the framework of the START agreements - a sore subject for many. The policy pursued in relation to the Strategic Missile Forces by the leadership of the USSR and Russia in the late 80s and early 90s is regarded by many, not without reason, as a betrayal. One way or another, the Strategic Missile Forces troops were preserved - this alone cannot but rejoice.

The difficult period for the country and the army and in the troops of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces did not pass without losses, but there was also room for bright victories. The first mobile missile systems in the history of the Strategic Missile Forces of our country were developed and put into service back in Soviet times.

But one of the main achievements of our country during the formation of the Russian Federation was the creation and placement on combat duty in units of the Strategic Missile Forces of Russia of the unique Topol-M MRK. On December 30, 1998, the “Taman Division of the Strategic Missile Forces Svetly” was the first in the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation to take up combat duty with the fifth-generation Topol-M mobile missile system. Since 2000, Topols have been adopted by the Strategic Missile Forces formations in Yurya-2 and Teykovo, and then every year the number of the latest missile systems in the army grew. As of the end of 2012, the strategic forces of the Russian Federation were armed with 60 silo-based Topol-M missiles and 18 MRKs.

The Strategic Missile Forces today is an established system with a fairly clear functioning of all mechanisms; in the period until 2001, this type of strategic forces also included the Space Forces, which are now separated into a separate department. There are about six hundred carriers on combat duty in the Russian Strategic Missile Forces with a total capacity of one and a half thousand nuclear warheads.

If before 2012 the power of the Missile Forces was invariably declining, then over the past year we could observe the opposite picture. Of course. On a scale that does not contradict the START treaties. The Strategic Missile Forces are still controlled from the village of Vlasikha, with three RAs subordinate to the command. The armies are made up of the RD, among which there are four Guards Red Banner Missile Divisions.

Before moving on to the final part of the story, let us draw your attention to another class of thematic products in the Voenpro online military trade section - we are talking about textile products with the symbols of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces. For example, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the T-shirts of the Strategic Missile Forces; in order to go to the page with the product, just “click” on the image below.

Service in the Strategic Missile Forces today

Strategic troops, by virtue of their purpose, are elite troops without any reservations, hence the extremely strict selection of military personnel in the Strategic Missile Forces. At the dawn of the existence of strategic missile forces, soldiers and officers in the Strategic Missile Forces came from other branches of the military, and retraining courses were organized at military educational institutions and training grounds. Of course, such a system did not last long - technology and military science developed, and the requirements for military personnel of the Strategic Missile Forces grew.

As part of the development of the Strategic Missile Forces, educational institutions were created in which they began to train extremely qualified personnel for the strategic missile forces. Universities that train officers of the Strategic Missile Forces of Russia today operate in several constituent entities of the Russian Federation - the head educational institution is the Higher Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great in Moscow. The Strategic Missile Forces Academy also has its own branches, including a separate division in Serpukhov.

In addition to the institutes of the Strategic Missile Forces and military schools of the missile forces located in Moscow, Rostov, Novosibirsk, the training of qualified personnel is carried out in specialized training centers. The largest training center of the Strategic Missile Forces in the city of Ostrov-3 in the Pskov region is military unit 35700 (previously 35600). The history of the most famous “training” of the Strategic Missile Forces goes back 87 years (established in 1926) - don’t be surprised, at first specialists for the Air Force were trained here.

The training course for Strategic Missile Forces military personnel today takes four months, and here they take the oath, subsequently heading to their places of service. Soldiers who have successfully completed the training course have the opportunity to choose their unit of the Strategic Missile Forces independently.

Completing conscript or contract service in the Russian Strategic Missile Forces is an exciting and responsible activity; it is no coincidence that the most intellectually developed conscripts end up here. Officers who graduated from universities of the strategic forces are not only professional military men, but also competent technical specialists.

Units of the Strategic Missile Forces are located in the European part of Russia and beyond the Urals. It is characteristic that the divisions included in the missile army of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces can be located at a very serious distance from the headquarters: for example, the 42nd division of the Strategic Missile Forces, part of the 31st RA with headquarters in Orenburg, is located in Nizhny Tagil.

In Siberia, taking into account the vastness of the region, everything is even more interesting: the headquarters of the 33rd Missile Army is located in Omsk - to the Strategic Missile Forces divisions in Pashino or Sibirsky, which are part of the 33rd RA, it takes more than a day by train. However, considering what type of troops we are talking about, these are all trifles - let’s not forget that the Topol-M, launched from the Strategic Missile Forces base in Partizansk, for example, will reach New York in about 30 minutes.

We remind veterans of the Strategic Missile Forces, active military personnel and simply caring people that our store’s assortment includes flags, souvenirs, and textile products with the symbols of the Strategic Missile Forces.

And, of course, in preparation for the upcoming holiday of the Strategic Forces, a line of individual flags to order has been launched for sale - the banners of the active missile armies and divisions of the Strategic Missile Forces are presented. In order to purchase, for example, the flag of the 35th division of the Siberian Strategic Missile Forces, it is enough to place an order on the appropriate page (to go to it, just click on the image below).

At the end of the conversation about the Russian Strategic Forces, a little about the pressing matter. Over the past twenty-five years, the Strategic Missile Forces troops have undergone very strong changes: all warheads with multiple warheads have been removed from service, the overall capacity has been reduced several times, but the biggest problem is that a very serious percentage of the Strategic Missile Forces missiles on combat duty are on the verge of end of service life.

However, in the last few years we have witnessed a turning point - the state has finally begun to invest serious funds in improving the technical equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces. A new generation of missile attack warning systems have been created and are operating, the Oko attack warning orbital satellite is operating on the Strategic Missile Forces, an increase in the number of Topol-M complexes in service with the Strategic Forces, testing of new Yars and Rubezh missiles.

The decision of 2008 to not disband the Kozelsky division of the Strategic Missile Forces and plans to revive the BZHRK were generally perceived by our US partners as a return to the Cold War. This, of course, is a very serious exaggeration of American politicians who are very prone to such exaggerations - we are only observing the proper attitude towards the defense capability of the state.

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New auxiliary equipment for the Strategic Missile Forces

The re-equipment of the strategic missile forces continues. In addition to missile systems, the Strategic Missile Forces are receiving new types of auxiliary equipment. So, last year, missile force units began to receive 15M69 engineering support and camouflage vehicles (MIOM) and 15M107 “Foliage” remote mine clearance vehicles (MDR). This technology is intended to increase the survivability and maneuverability of various types of mobile ground-based missile systems, including the latest Yars. Construction of engineering support and camouflage vehicles began in 2009. Last year, 2013, deliveries of MIOM vehicles to the Teikov Missile Division were completed. The three regiments of this formation received a total of nine new vehicles. In addition, last year three 15M69 vehicles were delivered to the 39th Missile Division and two to the 42nd Missile Division. This year the supply of MIOM machines will continue. Within a year, seven units of this equipment will be transferred to the engineering units of the 39th and 42nd missile divisions. Thus, in the foreseeable future the number of divisions fully equipped with 15M69 vehicles will reach three. In the future, the construction of this equipment will continue: new auxiliary vehicles will be supplied to other formations of the strategic missile forces.

MIOM 15M69 at the Teikovsky missile formation, July 2012 (

At the beginning of autumn last year, reports appeared about the completion of testing of a new auxiliary vehicle for the Strategic Missile Forces. The 15M107 “Foliage” remote mine clearing vehicle is designed to search and destroy mines laid along patrol routes of mobile launchers of the Topol, Topol-M or Yars missile systems. As reported in September 2013, at that time the Russian defense industry was completing the development of the new MDR and preparing for its mass production. The start date for deliveries of these vehicles to the Strategic Missile Forces was not announced. Now it has become known about the first deliveries of “Foliage” vehicles to the missile forces. By the end of 2014, two similar vehicles will be delivered to the Teikov missile division. In the future, obviously, the construction of this equipment will begin for other formations of the Strategic Missile Forces.

The 15M69 engineering support and camouflage vehicles are capable of performing several functions that facilitate the combat operation of mobile launchers. MIOM machines are equipped with a set of various equipment designed to examine and, if necessary, change the environment. Thus, a set of sensors allows the crew of the 15M69 vehicle to examine the roads or bridges along the way and determine their characteristics. Thus, MIOM determines whether the launcher can pass along this route or not. In addition, on the roof and sides of the engineering support and camouflage vehicle there are special frames with sensors, the dimensions of which correspond to the size of the mobile launchers. These frameworks make it possible to determine whether a vehicle with a rocket can pass a certain section of the path, for example a narrow clearing.

Dimensional frames in working position on MIOM 15M69. Teykov missile formation, July 2012 (

Containers Ts45-69 and crane on MIOM 15M69. Teykov missile formation, July 2012 (

Grader for masking tracks/ruts on a country road on MIOM 15M69. Teykov missile formation, July 2012 (

Other special equipment for MIOM 15M69. Teykov missile formation, July 2012 (

For camouflage, the 15M69 machine has a set of special graders. With this equipment, she can literally erase traces of the launcher or other vehicles in the missile complex. In addition, the available equipment allows you to leave a false trace of the launcher on the desired dirt road. In the cargo compartment of the MIOM vehicle, decoys simulating launchers are transported. In the infrared and radar ranges, decoys look the same as mobile launchers. According to available data, one 15M69 engineering support and camouflage vehicle is capable of supporting the operation of a division, which includes six mobile launchers. The MIOM complex allows you to survey the route, erase real traces and make false ones, and also place equipment simulating equipment in the right places.

The 15M107 “Foliage” remote mine clearing vehicle, like the 15M69 MIOM, is designed to provide combat duty for mobile ground-based missile systems, but has other tasks. On the wheeled chassis “Product 69501” (KAMAZ plant) a complex of radio-electronic equipment is installed, as well as a set of antennas and emitters of a characteristic type. A parabolic antenna is mounted on the roof of the base vehicle, and a movable frame on telescopic rods is mounted on the engine hood. The purpose of these units is not completely clear. The front frame is likely used to search for explosive devices, and the antenna on the roof serves as an “electromagnetic gun” and is designed to destroy the electronics of the detected ammunition. However, it may turn out that a parabolic antenna is used to search for mines, and the front frame with emitters is needed to destroy them.

According to open data, the electronic equipment of the MDR "Foliage" is capable of searching for mines at a distance of up to 100 meters from the vehicle in a sector 30° wide. As follows from previously published data, the combat operation of the “Foliage” vehicle is as follows. Ahead of the vehicles of the Topol, Topol-M or Yars missile system, at some distance from them, is a remote mine clearance complex. Using radar, he surveys the road and looks for mines. When enemy ammunition is detected, the crew of the "Foliage" informs the missilemen about it and stops the vehicle. The MDR 15M107 crew, based on the available information, must decide on the demining method. Depending on the type of explosive device, two sappers, a member of the vehicle crew, or an operator of radio-electronic systems can deal with its neutralization. In the latter case, the machine moves to a safe distance and turns on the microwave emitter. If the found explosive device contains electronic elements, the radiation literally burns them and renders the mine unusable.

To protect against explosive devices controlled via radio using civilian electronics (mobile phones, walkie-talkies, etc.), the “Foliage” vehicle carries a special radio transmitter that simulates the corresponding signals. In this case, the remote-controlled mine will explode as soon as it enters the range of the Foliage vehicle’s systems. According to available data, such a suppression system operates within a radius of 70 meters.

The construction and supply of new auxiliary equipment for strategic missile forces should lead to an increase in their combat effectiveness. Two types of equipment, 15M69 and 15M107, will be able to solve two important tasks. Thus, engineering support and camouflage vehicles will help missilemen check movement routes and camouflage their positions, and remote mine clearance vehicles will be able to secure movement along patrol routes. Thus, two types of equipment will be able to simultaneously protect mobile missile systems from both reconnaissance and saboteurs of a potential enemy. As follows from the available information, the Strategic Missile Forces formations will be fully equipped with MIOM 15M69 and MDR “Foliage” by the end of the current decade. The total needs of the troops can be estimated at several dozen vehicles of both types.

Based on materials from the sites:

Strategic Missile Forces


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"Strategic Missile Forces"

Strategic Missile Forces.

On May 13, 1946, a decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was published, which marked the beginning of the formation of the first missile formation armed with R-1 ballistic missiles - a special-purpose brigade of the reserve of the Supreme High Command. Its task was to: conduct test launches together with the testing units of the Kapustin Yar test site; accumulation of experience in operating missile weapons; development of basic provisions for the combat use of missile units and subunits. In 1950, the second special purpose brigade of the RVGK was formed, and during 1952-1953 four more brigades were formed. They received the R-2 ballistic missile complex into service. Subsequently, they were reorganized into engineering brigades, and armed with a missile system with an R-5M IRBM. The number of engineering teams has increased. The command has already assigned specific combat missions to the personnel of these brigades in the event of a nuclear war to defeat large enemy groups in the European Theater of Operations. At the same time, it was planned to transfer one missile brigade to operational subordination to each front.

After the engineering brigades of the missile system with the R-12 MRSD entered service, their purpose changed significantly. Now their use was planned to be carried out strictly centrally, only by decision of the Supreme High Command. At the same time, the formation of new organizational structures began - the engineering regiments of the RVGK, which were armed with four missiles.

In September 1958, a demonstration of rocket technology to members of the CPSU Central Committee and the Soviet Government took place at the Baikonur test site. It began with the launch of R-12 missiles. All launches were successful. Then Chief Marshal of Artillery M.I. Nedelin and the chief of staff of the jet units, Lieutenant General M.A. Nikolsky reported on the combat capabilities of the new weapon and the prospects for its further development. They scientifically substantiated the need to create a special type of troops capable of ensuring strategic stability. During the analysis of the show N.S. Khrushchev uttered a significant phrase, saying that missiles can and should become a formidable weapon and a reliable shield for the Motherland. Thus, for many years he determined the main path for the development of the strategic nuclear forces of the Soviet Union.

By the end of 1959, the Soviet Armed Forces had one formation of intercontinental missiles, several engineering brigades and more than 20 RVGK engineering regiments armed with medium-range missiles. Half of these regiments were part of the Air Force Long-Range Aviation. Thus, missile units and formations were subordinate to two different commanders, which significantly hampered their effective use and further development.

On December 17, 1959, by decree of the Government of the Soviet Union, a new branch of the Armed Forces was created - the Strategic Missile Forces. They were entrusted with the tasks of daily operation of missile systems with ballistic missiles in peacetime, preparing and conducting missile launches by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief in the event of war breaking out. The first Commander-in-Chief of the Strategic Missile Forces was M.I. Nedelin.

In 1959, the massive deployment of missile regiments armed with the R-12 IRBM began in the western regions of the USSR, and the construction of two launch stations for launching the R-7 ICBM was completed. At the same time, intensive work was carried out to test new rocket technology, which was not without tragedies. During preparations for the first launch of the R-16 ICBM, an explosion occurred. Among the dead was Chief Marshal of Artillery M.I. Nedelin.

In 1961, missile systems (RC) with ground launches from the R-14 MRBM and R-16 ICBM entered service with the Strategic Missile Forces. The combat capabilities of the Missile Forces have increased significantly. They created two groups: medium-range missiles and intercontinental-range missiles. They were intended to prepare and deliver a nuclear missile strike on strategic targets within missile range.

A permanent system of combat readiness was introduced in the Missile Forces. In peacetime, combat readiness was established. In the event of a real threat of outbreak of war, units of the Strategic Missile Forces were transferred to the following levels of combat readiness. The highest of them is. Each degree of readiness corresponded to a certain technical state of the rocket technology, the main indicator of which was the time before the rocket launch from the moment the launch command arrived (combat readiness of the RK). Very quickly, this indicator, along with the survivability indicator, became one of the determining factors in assessing strategic missile systems.

The first Soviet combat missile systems (BMK), which entered service in 1959-1963, were characterized by low levels of combat readiness (up to several hours) and survivability, as well as low firing accuracy and difficulty of operation. According to these indicators, they were inferior to American complexes with ICBMs, and. Nevertheless, they successfully played the role of a deterrent during the Cuban missile crisis, even despite their small numbers. In 1962, the Strategic Missile Forces had only 30 launchers for the R-16 and R-7A ICBMs, and the United States had 203 launchers.

In order to transform the Strategic Missile Forces into a reliable one, work was launched to develop and test new missile systems with second-generation ICBMs. At the same time, the main goals were considered to be increasing the indicators of combat readiness, security, the likelihood of orders being communicated to executive levels, and simplifying and reducing the cost of operating the DBK. It was planned to put the new missiles on combat duty only in silo launchers.

For the speedy deployment of new ballistic missile systems, the government decided, even before the end of joint tests of missiles and other systems of the complex, to begin the construction of silos, command posts and other infrastructure elements necessary to ensure the daily activities of missile units. This made it possible to quickly put new missile technology on combat duty. Thus, in three years from 1966 to 1968, the number of deployed ICBMs increased from 333 to 909, and by the end of 1970 - to 1,361.

After the entry into service of missile systems with the R-36 and UR-100 ICBMs, which significantly increased the combat power and effectiveness of the group of intercontinental missiles, the Strategic Missile Forces firmly occupied the main place in the structure of the Soviet strategic nuclear forces. They were entrusted with the main tasks of hitting the strategic targets of a potential enemy in the first nuclear strike. In 1970, the share of ICBMs amounted to 74% of the total number of all strategic carriers.

By this time, the system of combat control of troops and weapons of the Strategic Missile Forces had received significant development. The command posts were equipped with an automated system that made it possible to implement the principle of strict centralization of the use of nuclear missile weapons and eliminate possible cases of unauthorized missile launches. The reliability of communicating orders from the High Command to executive levels has increased significantly. Automated systems for monitoring the technical condition of missiles and missile systems were introduced. The Strategic Missile Forces became the most advanced branch of the Soviet Armed Forces.

The emergence of ICBMs with individually targetable MIRVs made it possible to dramatically increase the combat power of missile weapons without further increasing the number of carriers. Following the path of achieving strategic parity with the United States, the Soviet Union also began to create similar missiles. New ballistic missile systems with ICBMs R-36M, UR-100N and MR UR-100 began to be put on combat duty in 1974. At the same time, in accordance with the Soviet-American Agreement on the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms (SALT-1), which put an end to the quantitative increase in the number of carriers, the decommissioning of missile systems with R-9A and R-16U ICBMs began. In the mid-70s, the USSR finally achieved approximate nuclear parity with the United States.

In the second half of the 70s, the process of modernizing missile systems with MRBMs began. A mobile rocket launcher with a solid-fuel RSD-10 missile equipped with a MIRV began to enter service. At the same time, all R-14 and R-12U were removed from combat duty. Although the total number of missiles and the total TNT equivalent of nuclear warheads have decreased, the combat effectiveness of the group as a whole has increased.

Since the late 70s, two factors began to have a serious impact on the development of the Strategic Missile Forces. First, the Soviet government made a political statement that the Soviet Union would not be the first to use nuclear missile weapons. Secondly, the restrictions laid down in the Soviet-American SALT-2 Treaty began to apply (although American legislators did not ratify it, the parties stated that they would adhere to its provisions) on the modernization and creation of new missile systems.

The refusal to use nuclear weapons first for the Rocket Forces meant that in the event of a surprise nuclear attack by the enemy, they would have to operate in extremely difficult conditions. To ensure the solution of the tasks of delivering retaliatory and, even more so, retaliatory nuclear strikes against the aggressor, it was necessary to significantly increase the survivability of missile systems as a whole, the resistance of missiles to the damaging factors of a nuclear explosion, and the reliability of combat control and communications systems.

Carrying out the entire range of work to modernize the DBKs in service required significant financial and material costs. At the same time, work was underway to create mobile missile systems, the main purpose of which was to participate in a retaliatory nuclear strike. The first to enter service was the DBK with ground-based self-propelled launchers and the RT-2PM ICBM. At the end of the 80s, the RT-23U missile, intended for railway and silo missile systems, entered service. With their placement on duty, the combat capabilities of the Strategic Missile Forces increased noticeably. By this time, this branch of the USSR Armed Forces had become the most advanced in terms of technical equipment with highly intelligent automated systems for various purposes.

In 1988, the process of eliminating an entire class of nuclear missile weapons began—medium-range ballistic missiles. At the beginning of 1988, the Missile Forces had 65 R-12 missiles and 405 RSD-10 missiles on combat duty. All of them, as well as the missiles that were in storage, were subject to destruction before the summer of 1991.

It should be noted that with the advent of M. Gorbachev to the leadership of the USSR, the process of gradual concessions to the United States and NATO began in matters of arms reduction, including nuclear ones. Without any justification, the thesis was put forward about the advent of a new era in international politics and primacy (what this is in the West was never known, as in other things in our country). The leadership of the Soviet Union, instead of taking real measures to improve the economy, began talking about reforms and shirking from one concept of a way out of the impending crisis to another.

All this affected the Armed Forces of the state in general, and the Strategic Missile Forces in particular. By the end of 1990, there were seven types of different missile systems on combat duty, and even more missile modifications. About 40% of all ICBMs were second-generation missiles and required replacement. At the same time, the arrival of new samples was slow.

In 1991, the Soviet-American Treaty on a 50% Reduction of Strategic Offensive Arms (START-1) was concluded. The Treaty established equal limits for the parties on the total number of nuclear weapons carriers - 1,600 units each with the number of nuclear warheads on them up to 6,000. Sub-levels were introduced for certain types of weapons. Thus, the total number of warheads on ICBMs and SLBMs should not exceed 4900 units, of which 1100 on mobile-based missiles and 1540 on heavy ICBMs (154 RS-20). The total throwable weight of the missiles was also limited. The treaty prohibits the creation of new types of heavy ICBMs, mobile launchers for existing heavy missiles, and devices for high-speed reloading of ICBM launchers.

The Americans managed to impose on the Soviet side restrictions on the number of non-deployed mobile-based intercontinental missiles and launchers of such missiles. It is allowed to have 250 such missiles, including 125 for BZHRK, and 110 launchers (18 for BZHRK). At the same time, the number of non-deployed SLBMs is not limited.

In accordance with the provisions of the Treaty, the Soviet Union was required to reduce, within a specified time frame, 36% of deployed ICBMs and SLBMs (approximately 400 of the former and 500 of the latter) and 41.6% of all nuclear warheads. The USA - respectively 28.8% of strategic delivery vehicles and 43.2% of nuclear warheads.

In the fall of 1991, Gorbachev announced new steps towards disarmament. Even before the START I Treaty is considered by the legislative bodies of the state, it makes far-reaching decisions. The build-up and modernization of railway-based ICBMs is being stopped, and 503 ICBMs are being removed from combat duty, including 134 of which are equipped with individually targeted MIRVs. Thus, it was planned that the number of warheads on Soviet strategic offensive weapons would be reduced to 5,000 (51.3%). And then came the collapse of the Soviet Union.

108 heavy ICBMs, 46 of the latest silo-based RT-23U and 130 UR-100NU, on which 2,320 nuclear warheads were installed, ended up outside the territory of the Russian Federation. Very soon it became clear that all of them were irretrievably lost to Russia and would have to be included in the number of those being liquidated.

In the summer of 1992, during B. Yeltsin’s visit to the United States, the Framework Agreement on the further reduction of strategic offensive arms was signed and a statement was made that the presidents of the two countries would give instructions to quickly prepare a new treaty in the spirit of the signed agreements. On January 3, 1993, in Moscow, Presidents D. Bush and B. Yeltsin signed the START-2 Treaty. Almost immediately, heated debates arose about its acceptability for Russia.

At first glance, everything looks very attractive and equal. Each side limits its ICBMs, SLBMs, launchers associated with them, and heavy bombers so that by January 1, 2003, the sides have on their carriers from 3,000 to 3,500 nuclear warheads at their discretion. Intermediate sublevels are provided for the period of reduction. ICBMs with MIRVs and class missiles must be completely eliminated.

The treaty allows for a reduction in the number of warheads on land-based and sea-based missiles, with the exception of heavy ICBMs, and this issue is linked to certain provisions of the START I Treaty. For non-American ICBMs, the number of such missiles cannot exceed 105 units. At the same time, the old platform from the MIRV remains on the rocket. It is allowed to convert no more than 90 silo launchers of heavy missiles to accommodate light ICBMs with a monoblock warhead.

Each heavy bomber is counted as having the number of nuclear warheads for which it is actually equipped. It is authorized to repurpose up to 100 strategic bombers not equipped for long-range ALCMs to solve non-nuclear missions with subsequent reorientation to nuclear missions.

If the START-2 Treaty comes into force, the Strategic Missile Forces will have to eliminate 359 missiles with MIRVs deployed on the territory of Russia and 280 missiles from the territories of Ukraine and Kazakhstan (about 5900 warheads), which form the basis of their grouping. The United States will eliminate 50 ICBMs (500 warheads) and reduce the number of warheads on missiles (total 550 units) from three to one (to 1100 warheads). As can be seen from these figures, Russia will reduce MIRVed ICBMs by 12.8 times more than the United States and 4 times more nuclear warheads. In addition, if the parties withdraw from the Treaty after the reductions are completed, the United States can quickly reinstall the maximum number of warheads on all its ICBMs (the further fate of removed nuclear warheads is not controlled, which, in principle, allows them to be left in storage, not to mention about the possibility of reproduction), and Russia will be able to restore only 105 missiles.

The structure of Russian strategic nuclear forces will undergo significant changes. In 1992, the distribution of carriers and warheads on them looked as follows. The Strategic Missile Forces in the overall structure had 51.2% of carriers and 56.8% of warheads, naval strategic nuclear forces (NSNF) - 44.7% of carriers and 37.1% of warheads, aviation strategic nuclear forces (ASNF) - 4.1% and 6.1% respectively. If the START II Treaty is implemented, these indicators may look something like this. Strategic Missile Forces - 75.5% of carriers and 25.6% of warheads, Strategic Nuclear Forces - 19.5% of carriers and 47% of warheads, ASNF - 5% of carriers and 27.4% of warheads. At the same time, in order to reach the level of 900 ICBMs, Russian industry will need to produce over 450 missiles. Otherwise, the shares of the naval and aviation components of the strategic nuclear forces will increase even more. Obviously, the main burden is transferred to the Russian RPK SN, of which there will be only 13 units left.

Specialists of the Strategic Missile Forces have calculated that the counterforce potential of this component of Russia’s strategic nuclear forces after the elimination of ICBMs with MIRVs will decrease by more than 8 times, the counterforce potential of all strategic nuclear forces will decrease by 2.2 times, and the effectiveness of a retaliatory strike will decrease by almost 1.5 times. And this is provided that the industry copes with the plan to deploy a group of new monoblock missiles, and the United States will not deploy elements of the missile defense system within the framework of SDI. Some of them have already been tested, and the short-range mobile anti-missile system has been put into service.

Naturally, such prospects gave rise to fierce debate about the advisability of Russia’s ratification of the START II Treaty. NATO's decision to advance the bloc's military structure to the East by admitting new countries to its membership also contributed to this. In conditions when the Russian economy is not able to ensure the replenishment of the Armed Forces with new types of weapons, a sharp reduction in the Strategic Missile Forces can completely undermine the country's defense capability.

Currently, the combat strength of the Missile Forces continues to decline. By the beginning of 1996, the decommissioning of missile systems with ICBMs RT-2P, UR-100K, MR UR-100 and MR UR-100U was completed. The elimination of 154 missiles continues. At the same time, several dozen RT-2PM mobile missiles were introduced into service, the production of which continues.

In 1994, development began on a modification that should become the basis of the Strategic Missile Forces grouping in the 21st century. But its development is proceeding very slowly and its entry into service will not take place soon.

Although the Strategic Missile Forces continue to play a major role in the structure of Russia's strategic nuclear forces, their prospects are not entirely clear and depend on many factors, as well as other components of strategic nuclear forces.

Sergei Karakaev: “Nuclear shield of the highest reliability”

Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel General Sergei Karakaev / Photo: Press service of the Russian Defense Ministry

On December 17, the Strategic Missile Forces will celebrate the 60th anniversary of its formation.

The commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel-General Sergei Karakaev, talks about the historical path of the most devastating branch of the Armed Forces, which represents the main component of the Strategic Nuclear Forces of Russia, ensuring military-strategic parity, the ongoing rearmament and development prospects.

– Sergey Viktorovich, what are the Strategic Missile Forces today, what is their structure? – Today, the Strategic Missile Forces include: the command and headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces, three missile armies, 12 missile formations, of which four are stationary divisions with silo launchers and eight are mobile divisions with mobile ground-based missile systems. In addition, the Strategic Missile Forces include arsenals, the 4th State Central Interspecific Test Site in the Astrakhan Region and the 10th Sary-Shagan Test Site in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

– What systems are in service? – Currently, the Strategic Missile Forces have seven types of missile systems in their combat composition, which make it possible to effectively respond to any challenges of the time. Among them are four types of stationary (mine)-based missile systems: Voevoda, Stiletto, Topol-M and Yars. The mobile-based group includes the Topol, Topol-M and Yars mobile ground-based missile systems.

In accordance with the plans for the modernization of the Strategic Missile Forces, today work is actively underway to re-equip the group with the Yars missile systems, and work on putting the Avangard missile system into service in the village of Dombarovsky, Orenburg Region, is nearing completion. Preparations are underway for flight testing of a new missile system with the Sarmat missile, which is planned to be placed on combat duty at the Uzhur missile formation in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In the near future, it is planned to gradually re-equip all missile formations with the new Yars, Avangard and Sarmat missile systems.

– How many ICBMs do we have? Can we talk openly about the number of warheads? – We can only speak openly about the maximum threshold for the number of ICBMs and warheads determined for the grouping of the Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces and the US National Nuclear Forces by the 2010 START-3 Treaty. These are 700 deployed launchers and 1,550 warheads. At the same time, the Strategic Missile Forces comprise about 60 percent of the total number of carriers and warheads of strategic nuclear forces.

– Are Russian enterprises ready to produce new missile systems, including heavy ones, in the required volume? – The current production rates of strategic missile systems fully satisfy the needs of the Strategic Missile Forces. However, in the near and medium term, the Strategic Missile Forces will have to carry out a large-scale rearmament of their group with new heavy-class complexes. I mean "Sarmat". Measures are being taken to modernize the production base of industrial enterprises, primarily the Krasnoyarsk Machine-Building Plant, and in this regard we look to the future with confidence.

– Is there any average warranty period for the operation of rockets? – Today, the warranty period for most modern missile systems is 15 years. However, taking into account the reliability of our missiles, their operation for such a short period of time would be economically unjustified and would lead to a significant overexpenditure of government appropriations. Therefore, the most preferable operating periods for modern missile systems are the longest possible periods, subject to compliance with nuclear and environmental safety guarantees and ensuring acceptable levels of reliability and combat effectiveness.

The Missile Forces' plans to extend the service life of fourth-generation (Soviet-made) missile systems to the maximum possible period are based on their high technical excellence, embedded in the design and technological solutions during their creation, are ensured by high quality in production and are implemented through the operation system.

– You have repeatedly spoken about the deep modernization potential of the Voevoda missile system. Tell me, when do you expect this potential to be exhausted? What are the fundamental differences between “Sarmat” and “Voevoda”? – Yes, the truly unique military-technical characteristics of the Voevoda missile system, the reliability margin laid down by the creators of this missile system, still allow it to be part of the Strategic Missile Forces group. “Voevoda” still has no equal in the world practice of combat rocket science. The deep modernization potential of the missile system is primarily determined by the high energy characteristics of the missile, which ensure that it is equipped with a significant payload mass. The computing capabilities of modern control systems, built on Russian element base, make it possible to optimally use these capabilities to solve a very wide range of problems.

Unfortunately, the operational life of this complex is expiring, but it will be in combat service of the Strategic Missile Forces during its extended service life, which is determined based on the results of development work carried out by industry specifically for these purposes.

The main executor of this R&D project, the Makeev State Missile Center joint-stock company, plans to ensure combat duty with the Voevoda missile system until the missile regiments are re-equipped with the promising Sarmat heavy-class missile system.

The new Sarmat missile system with a heavy missile, created by domestic industrial cooperation, will not be inferior to its predecessor, and will significantly surpass it in many characteristics. For example, the Sarmat complex provides for the possibility of installing, in addition to existing types of warheads, a wide range of promising ones, including new generation hypersonic units.

– What is the current share of modern systems in the overall combat strength of the Strategic Missile Forces? – In 2022, as part of the State Armament Program, about 100 new basic types of weapons and military equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces were purchased. This made it possible to complete the rearmament of three missile regiments with Yars missile systems and begin the rearmament of another missile regiment with the Avangard missile system. Due to this, the share of modern missile systems in the Strategic Missile Forces group will be increased to 76 percent by the end of the year.

In 2024, the share of modern missile systems is planned to be increased to 100%, that is, the Strategic Missile Forces will cross the line beyond which there will be no obsolete Soviet-made missile systems left in service.

– To what extent do the capabilities of the Strategic Missile Forces allow the ground group of Russia’s Strategic Nuclear Forces to solve the problems of nuclear deterrence? – The Strategic Missile Forces occupy a key place in the nuclear triad. Today, the Strategic Missile Forces contain about two-thirds of the total number of nuclear weapons carriers available in the arsenal of the Strategic Nuclear Forces. The missile forces have the widest range of combat equipment, more powerful warheads of strategic missiles, covered by modern systems for protecting and overcoming missile defense. This allows the Missile Forces to provide solutions to a significant share of strategic nuclear deterrence tasks.

– The Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, in his Address to the Federal Assembly in February of this year, announced the start of mass production of Avangards and that this year, in accordance with plans, the first regiment of the Strategic Missile Forces will be equipped with them. Sergey Viktorovich, can you name the date the first regiment of the Strategic Missile Forces was put on combat duty with the Avangard complexes? In the future, will “Avangard” complement “Yarsy” or replace them, like “Sarmat” “Voevoda”? “The Avangard missile system will effectively complement the structure of the Strategic Missile Forces’ weapons system, expand the group’s combat capabilities, and also create conditions for the development of new types of combat equipment for modern and promising strategic missiles. The silo-based missile systems "Avangard" and "Yars" are of completely different classes. Their capabilities can only complement each other when performing combat missions. The installation of the first missile regiment with the Avangard missile system in the Dombarovsk missile division is planned before the end of 2022.

– When will the Sarmat missile system enter service with the Strategic Missile Forces? Is the relevant infrastructure of the unit ready to put the new complex on combat duty? – Currently, industrial enterprises continue to prepare for state flight tests. Already today, to ensure the rearmament of the first formation, work has begun on this complex to prepare the lead missile regiment for rearmament. The Strategic Missile Forces are fully prepared to put the new missile system on combat duty. Moreover, the properties, design, and characteristics of the complex have been studied in our leading military universities for more than three years.

– Which Strategic Missile Forces formations will go on combat duty in December? – In addition to the planned entry into combat duty of the Avangard missile system, a solemn ceremony took place for the entry into combat duty of the first regiment of the Barnaul formation in the Altai Territory, as well as the next regiment in the Irkutsk missile formation, equipped with the Yars PGRK.

– In determining the prospects for the development of the Strategic Missile Forces, it is necessary to take into account changes in the US nuclear missile potential. Sergei Viktorovich, will this potential change after the creation of new MRBMs overseas? Tell me, what kind of rockets are these? Is this the “reincarnation” of the Pershing? And can they be classified as strategic? When the Americans say that their new medium-range ballistic missiles will not carry nuclear warheads, are they lying? – The impact of the consequences of the US withdrawal from the INF Treaty, the subsequent deployment of American medium-range missiles in Europe and the associated new threats and dangers are undoubtedly taken into account when planning tasks to ensure Russia’s national security. At the same time, the list of tasks of the Strategic Missile Forces to ensure nuclear deterrence will not change. If the United States takes these steps, those countries that have agreed to the deployment of American weapons will be in greater danger of receiving a retaliatory strike.

The United States has plenty of areas and possibilities for creating medium-range missiles. For example, this is the development of medium- and shorter-range missile systems based on Mk-41 launchers, including a mobile version. Today, an anti-missile system with universal Mk-41 launchers is being deployed in Poland and Romania, from which it is possible to launch not only Standard-3 anti-missile missiles, but also Tomahawk sea-launched cruise missiles, which should be classified as land-based cruise missiles. range.

By the end of 2022, the United States plans to test two new ground-launched medium-range missiles: a cruise missile with a range of more than 1,000 km and another with a range of more than 3,000 km. In addition, attack unmanned aerial vehicles can be classified as short- and medium-range strike weapons. Moreover, no one today can guarantee that these complexes cannot be equipped with nuclear weapons.

“We are increasing the selection criteria and requirements for potential candidates for military service under contract”

– How many missile launches did the Strategic Missile Forces carry out in 2022, how many launches are planned for 2022 and what are their features?

– In 2022, five launches of strategic missiles were carried out, which confirmed the high reliability of missile systems. Three launches from the 1st State Test Cosmodrome Plesetsk and two more from the 4th State Central Interspecific Test Site Kapustin Yar.

In 2022, it is planned to carry out six launches of ICBMs, five of them from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

– Do we inform the United States about upcoming launches? Are US specialists conducting inspection activities at Strategic Missile Forces facilities? – The Russian Federation, through the national Center for Nuclear Risk Reduction, informs the American side of any planned launch of ICBMs and SLBMs.

In accordance with the 1988 Launch Notification Agreement between the USSR and the US and within the framework of the current START Treaty, the Russian Federation notifies the US at least 24 hours before any launch of an ICBM or SLBM. Such a notification shall indicate the planned launch date, launch location and area where the warheads will fall.

As part of the START Treaty, US specialists inspect facilities where strategic offensive weapons are located. The share of inspections carried out at Strategic Missile Forces facilities is about 70%. 18 inspections are carried out annually to confirm the accuracy of declared data on strategic offensive weapons and ensure compliance with the provisions of the Treaty.

– Sergei Viktorovich, what will be our response to the US withdrawal from the Treaty on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms START-3, if Washington decides to do so? – President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin called the START-3 Treaty the last remaining document limiting the arms race in the modern world, and if the treaty is not extended, then there will be no tools left in the world that can prevent the buildup of offensive weapons. On December 5 of this year, the President of the Russian Federation confirmed Russia’s readiness to extend this agreement.

However, a clear position of the United States has not yet been stated. All this creates additional uncertainty in the area of ​​nuclear weapons limitation. We hope common sense will prevail...

– Can we say that the 2022 Strategic Missile Forces exercises surpassed all previous ones in character and scale? “More than 200 exercises of various levels have been conducted this year, and we can say with confidence that they have surpassed all previous ones in character and scale. Among them are command-staff exercises, special exercises on types of comprehensive support, tactical-special exercises with tactical-level units, in which knowledge of the operational characteristics of missiles and special equipment, systems and means of combat control and communications is developed, the skills of commanders in managing units, and knowledge is consolidated launch calculations during combat training launches.

In general, exercises with troops are a unique tool in the hands of a military leader, allowing in practice to evaluate the operational and combat capabilities of troops and weapons, the degree of readiness of missile units to carry out combat missions. On the other hand, this is one of the forms of training that makes it possible to test the established techniques and skills of military command and control bodies in leading troops.

If we take into account the role of the Strategic Missile Forces in ensuring the military security of Russia, we can understand our careful attitude to organizing interaction with other types and branches of the military, primarily in matters of protecting strategically important objects from enemy aerospace attacks. Taking into account the fact that the positional areas of the Strategic Missile Forces are located on the territory of 21 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the actions of troops during exercises have their own characteristics and special conditions that require careful study of the forms and methods of using heterogeneous groupings of troops and organizing interaction.

– How will approaches to exercises change next year? The troop training system is being improved from year to year. There is no doubt that with the introduction of new mobile-based missile systems into the grouping, which have improved tactical and technical characteristics, application features, approaches to conducting exercises with regiments and divisions that have them in service will be changed. Already now, during maneuver operations of missile regiments on combat patrol routes, joint tasks with military units and formations of military districts are being practiced, the range of tasks in the exercises is expanding significantly and to a greater extent affects the issues of reconnaissance, camouflage, covering position areas, solving problems of radiation, chemical and biological protection, engineering, logistics and medical support. The practice of conducting special exercises with missile formations by type of combat support will continue in the next academic year.

– How many exercises are planned to be held in 2020? – This year, as I already said, strategic missile specialists conducted more than 200 exercises at various levels. I believe that this quantity is optimal and allows us to achieve an increase in the field training of personnel. That is why in 2020 the number of exercises will remain unchanged.

They will be carried out with the involvement of interspecific interacting forces and assets from military districts, branches of the Armed Forces and branches of the armed forces. The intensity of the exercises will change significantly, while the general tendency is to maintain their duration.

– What are the new approaches for the Strategic Missile Forces in organizing combat training of troops? – There are no plans for radical changes in the organization of troop training. We will talk about the intensity of field trips and other significant events.

They will, first of all, be aimed at maintaining the basic principles of combat training of the Strategic Missile Forces. And new approaches will be introduced into the training process during the re-equipment with new SSBNs with the widespread involvement of promising weapons and new equipment in the exercises. For example, in 2022, exercises were held in the Bologovo and Yuryansk missile divisions, during which the issues of bringing missile regiments of mobile ground-based missile systems onto combat patrol routes were tested, and tasks of all types of support were also practiced. Particular attention was paid to the protection and defense of facilities, the conduct of anti-sabotage warfare, as well as practical issues of organizing interaction. During the exercise, the Teikov missile division solved the problem of establishing a crossing with the help of attached pontoon-bridge units and practically passing columns of heavy-duty equipment with a maximum load of 120 tons.

The level of combat training of the troops is confirmed by the results of inspections by commissions of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, as well as the results of training in managing the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation under the leadership of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In 2022, such training was carried out with a combat training launch of the Yars intercontinental ballistic missile from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

– What is unique about the Kapustin Yar test site? What tasks does it perform today, how is the training ground equipped with the latest technology? Why has the intensity of testing at the Kapustin Yar test site increased in recent years? – The Kapustin Yar test site is a unique scientific, technical and social complex, the activities of which are associated with many of the most important events in the annals of world and domestic rocket science. It is rightfully one of the leading training grounds in our country.

Currently, the 4th State Central Interspecific Test Site is a unified scientific testing and research complex with a developed experimental testing base. The test site carries out the tasks of comprehensive testing and joint testing of various weapons in the interests of all types and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The Kapustin Yar training ground is rightly called not only the oldest, but also the wisest. The powerful intellectual forces of the Motherland's missile shield are concentrated here. “Without measurements there are no tests” is a slogan born at the test site from the experience of several generations. It is the measurement information that makes the test launch of missiles truly meaningful and expedient.

In 2022, the Strategic Missile Forces completed the modernization of the range measuring complex to support testing of the rocket launchers. As part of this work, the test site has been completely re-equipped with modern measuring equipment, a test information and measurement support system has been created, which makes it possible to provide reporting and reference and analytical information in real time about the progress of pre-launch preparation and flight of the missile to the Central Command Post of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Particular attention is paid to a scientifically based approach to solving problems in testing new technology. The test site specialists are constantly conducting scientific research aimed at improving the test site testing methodology, developing methods and methods that improve the characteristics of the tested samples, and improving the experimental testing base.

– Could the test site become a cosmodrome in the future? – Actually, the Kapustin Yar training ground is often called a cosmodrome. And indeed it is. The history of the test site began in May 1946, and until 1957 Kapustin Yar was the only testing site for Soviet ballistic missiles. Even during the first series of launches in 1947, Kapustin Yar began to be used as a launch site for geophysical rockets, and in March 1962 it turned from a missile test site into a cosmodrome. On that day, the Cosmos-1 satellite was launched. Small research satellites were launched from the Kapustin Yar cosmodrome, launched using low-power launch vehicles. Kapustin Yar took on the role of a cosmodrome for “small” Earth satellites of a research plan.

This specialization remained until 1999, when two artificial Earth satellites were launched: the German Abrixas and the Italian Megsat. Launches into such an orbit are impossible from other Russian cosmodromes, since after launch the first stages of the rockets fall in densely populated areas. When launched from Kapustin Yar, separated parts of the carriers land in the desert near the Aral Sea.

The landfill has always worked with great intensity. The work carried out by enterprises of the military-industrial complex to re-equip the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with modern weapons is at the stage of flight tests.

Today, the 4th State Medical Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has been given new serious tasks, and with such huge potential, the main advantage of which is people, they are achievable. A developed infrastructure and data transmission system, a modern experimental and testing base and quite serious capacities of the information and computing center of the test site ensure the conduct of all types of tests.

“More than 200 exercises of various levels have been conducted this year, and we can say with confidence that they have surpassed all previous ones in terms of dynamism and scale.”

– How reliable is the anti-aircraft missile cover of the Strategic Missile Forces now?

– Strategic Missile Forces facilities have reliable anti-aircraft missile cover from air attack weapons. It is carried out by anti-aircraft missile regiments of military districts armed with modern S-300PM and S-400 systems. We do not stand still, we soberly assess the increase in the capabilities of air attack weapons, including unmanned aerial vehicles in various versions. Research and design work is being actively carried out to equip Strategic Missile Forces facilities with new and promising air defense systems based on various physical principles of operation.

– During the exercises, the Strategic Missile Forces repeatedly transported autonomous launchers via a pontoon bridge across rivers, but is it possible to transfer Yars launchers from one region to another using An-family aircraft? Have such exercises ever been conducted? – Of course, it is technically possible to transfer an autonomous launcher from one region to another with the help of military transport aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces. The weight and dimensions of the launcher allow this to be done.

So far we have not conducted such exercises, but if necessary, we will take this idea into service...

– What is an automated combat control system and how is it being improved? Will the Strategic Missile Forces be able to abandon duty shifts in the future due to the automation of the combat control system? – In connection with the introduction into service of the Strategic Missile Forces of the 5th generation missile systems, the introduction of new information and telecommunication technologies, the transition to a modern element base and the modular principle of constructing equipment, the introduction of fiber-optic data transmission systems in positional areas, the troops are receiving a new modernized variant of an automated combat control system. The creation of a new integrated automated combat control system is being completed, and we are preparing to conduct state tests of it.

This system will have an expanded set of control commands along with solving the traditional tasks of communicating orders to weapons, collecting reports on their implementation and monitoring the status of missiles and launchers. New systems and communications will ensure high survivability and noise immunity for the delivery of orders in this system.

It will most likely be impossible to completely abandon duty shifts due to the automation of the combat control system in the near future. Firstly, you need to understand that the system for conveying combat orders to weapons is automated, but not automatic, and the presence of a person is still required in it. Secondly, we must not forget that in the hands of the missile men there are strategic nuclear weapons that require constant human attention, excluding their unauthorized use.

We can probably only talk about refusing to perform certain routine operations performed by duty shifts. Thus, this was done when creating a system for remote control and monitoring the state of command posts and launchers, which significantly reduced the load on duty shifts for collecting and summarizing this data.

– Does the current technological level of robotic equipment allow us to ensure information and physical security of equipment and personnel? – The introduction of robotic systems is a relatively new direction in the Strategic Missile Forces and required additional research on many issues that are being carried out according to research plans. Among them are issues of group (joint) use of heterogeneous robotic complexes (RTC) and their control with provision of navigation and identification functions in a complex interference environment, including issues of creating and unifying control channels and data transmission of RTC.

Solving this problem also required research in such an important area as the creation of RTK with elements of artificial intelligence, methods and algorithms for their operation.

A separate area of ​​this work is the study of the use of complexes with unmanned aerial vehicles as part of an automated system for protecting Strategic Missile Forces facilities. The most important and complex part of this work was the determination of the principles for identifying detected objects on the basis of “friend or foe” as part of the RTK, including those based on neural networks.

Research in these and other relevant areas of robotics creation was carried out by research teams, mainly the 4th Central Research Institute of the Russian Ministry of Defense and universities of the Strategic Missile Forces, as well as individual industrial enterprises. Some of the results of these studies have already been tested in practice in military conditions at command and staff exercises and will be used in the future in the creation of the RTK in the interests of the Strategic Missile Forces and in the guidance documents of the Strategic Missile Forces headquarters on the combat use of these complexes.

– How do you see a mobile robotic security system for PGRK complexes in the future? – The Strategic Missile Forces have defined a whole range of tasks that can be solved when the PGRK enters combat patrol routes with the involvement of robotic systems (RTC). First of all, conducting the entire scope of reconnaissance in the positional areas of missile formations and fire support of units. Studies of these issues, carried out in military conditions, have shown that such a future mobile RTK should be equipped with optical-electronic and radar reconnaissance equipment and be able to detect, track and hit targets in automatic and semi-automatic modes when the PGRK is in field positions and on combat routes. patrolling.

A significant influence on the effectiveness of the use of the future RTK to solve the problems of protecting PGRK complexes is provided by the compliance of the design and characteristics of the future RTK with the requirements imposed on them, taking into account the specifics of application and operation in the Strategic Missile Forces weapons system.

The main ones of these requirements include, firstly, the exclusion of the possibility of influencing the battle formations (personnel and units of missile systems) of one's own troops. Secondly, maintaining the operability of robotic systems and the crews operating them under conditions of fire, radio-electronic and information influence, including under conditions of RCB contamination. Thirdly, the ability to simultaneously control all RTKs performing diverse tasks in autonomous and manual modes. Fourthly, the ability to carry out round-the-clock combat duty in the combat duty system of the Strategic Missile Forces. Fifthly, compatibility and a high degree of unification of communications equipment and hardware and software of RTK control points with similar means of control and communication systems of the Strategic Missile Forces. Sixth, ensuring protection against interception of control of the robotic complex. There are other requirements as well.

This list will be continuously supplemented as experience in the development and operation of RTKs in the Strategic Missile Forces accumulates. Another factor that determines the requirements for the Strategic Missile Forces RTK is the continuous development of world-class robotics and the emergence of new areas for its improvement.

– In our conversation, we have not yet touched upon another important issue – personnel. Sergey Viktorovich, how are things going with the recruitment of contract military personnel? Is the selection getting tougher? – Over the past five years, the number of contract servicemen in the Strategic Missile Forces has increased significantly. Steady positive dynamics are observed in almost all formations of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Currently, the Strategic Missile Forces number 18 thousand contract servicemen - I'm talking about warrant officers, sergeants and soldiers.

The troops continue to recruit conscripts for military service under contract. This year, contracts have been concluded with 800 military personnel who have previously proven themselves to be positive. In addition, more than 1,000 citizens in the reserve chose the Strategic Missile Forces for further service. In fact, there are many more people who want to connect their fate with the Missile Forces, so every year we increase the selection criteria and requirements for potential candidates for entering military service under a contract.

– What unique training systems are being supplied to the Strategic Missile Forces? Do they allow you to conduct tactical training according to a single plan? How many military personnel can be simultaneously involved in them? – Modern training facilities are widely used in training missilemen of both mobile and stationary groups of the Strategic Missile Forces. All of them are unique in their own way and allow you to improve the skills of any specialist, both individually and as part of departments.

The latest training systems provide not only the preparation of duty shifts of missile regiments for taking up combat duty, but also other units, including security and reconnaissance, allowing training buildings to practice solving complex tactical problems.

The Strategic Missile Forces have fully completed the creation of training facilities for the Yars missile system. The software and information content of the latest simulators are identical to those equipped with real combat vehicles. They allow you to simulate in virtual space the dynamics of vehicle movement in any extreme conditions, taking into account the terrain, various road surfaces and obstacles. Moreover, for each type of weapon supplied to the Strategic Missile Forces, its own simulators are created, which are combined into one training network.

Over the past five years, about 500 of the latest simulators have been supplied to formations, universities and training centers of the Strategic Missile Forces.

– How many simulators will the Strategic Missile Forces receive by 2020? – By the end of this year, mobile units of the Strategic Missile Forces will be fully equipped with unique, unparalleled simulators for training driver mechanics of autonomous launchers of the Yars missile system. At the same time, each missile regiment will be supplied with training equipment for mastering auxiliary vehicles. If in the 1980–1990s an entire missile formation consisted of 10 to 15 training facilities, now we have much more of them in our missile regiments.

– Taking this opportunity, from the pages of “Red Star” you can congratulate your subordinates, as well as veterans of the Strategic Missile Forces and, of course, the creators of missile systems in the defense industry on the anniversary of the Strategic Missile Forces... – On behalf of the Military Council of the Strategic Missile Forces and myself personally, I warmly and cordially congratulate the personnel, Happy holiday to veterans, scientists, designers, workers and employees - the 60th anniversary of the formation of the Strategic Missile Forces!

Over these years, the Strategic Missile Forces have gone through difficult stages of their formation and development: from the first units and formations capable of solving operational tasks, to the main component of Russia's Strategic Nuclear Forces. Over the course of 60 years, several generations of rocket scientists have changed, who have mastered various missile systems, combat control and communications systems, and improved the system of combat duty and training of troops.

Today, like many years ago, the Strategic Missile Forces are the guarantor of our country’s national security, and their role in deterring possible aggression against Russia and its allies is only growing.

Strategic missilemen are on combat duty in constant readiness to carry out assigned tasks, improve their knowledge and practical skills, successfully master new types of missile weapons, demonstrate decent training of personnel, and the stable functioning of the combat control system.

I wish all personnel, veterans, creators and testers of rocket technology, your families good health, happiness and prosperity, confidence in the future, high achievements in service and work for the benefit of our great Motherland.

Interviewed by
Alexander Tikhonov,
MOSCOW, newspaper “Red Star”

History of creation

Man began to launch rockets into the sky a very long time ago, almost immediately after the invention of gunpowder. There is information about the use of rockets for salutes and fireworks in Ancient China (from about the 3rd century BC). They tried to use missiles in military affairs, but due to their imperfections, they did not achieve much success at that time. Many prominent minds of the East and West were engaged in missiles, but they were more of an exotic curiosity than an effective means of defeating the enemy.

In the 19th century, Congreve missiles were adopted by the British army and were used for several decades. However, the accuracy of these missiles left much to be desired, so they were eventually replaced by cannon artillery.

Interest in the development of rocket technology reawakened after the end of the First World War. Design teams in many countries were engaged in practical work in the field of jet propulsion. And the results were not long in coming. Before the start of World War II, the USSR created the BM-13 multiple rocket launcher - the famous “Katyusha”, which later became one of the symbols of Victory.

In Germany, the development of new rocket engines was carried out by the brilliant designer Wernher von Braun, the creator of the first V-2 ballistic missile and the “father” of the American Apollo project.

During the war, several more examples of effective missile weapons appeared: a rocket-propelled grenade launcher (the German Faustpatron and the American Bazooka), the first anti-tank guided missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, and the V-1 cruise missile.

After the invention of nuclear weapons, the importance of rocket technology increased many times: rockets became the main carrier of nuclear charges. And if initially the United States could use strategic aircraft stationed at air bases in Europe, Turkey and Japan to launch nuclear strikes on Soviet territory, the Soviet Union could only rely on its strategic missiles in the event of a conflict.

The first Soviet ballistic missiles were created on the basis of captured German technologies; they had a relatively short flight range and could only perform operational tasks.

The first Soviet ICBM (flight range 8 thousand km) was the R-7 of the famous S. Korolev. It first started in 1957. With the help of the R-7, the first artificial Earth satellite was launched into orbit. In December of the same year, units with long-range ballistic missiles were separated into a separate branch of the military, and brigades armed with tactical and operational-tactical missiles became part of the Ground Forces.

In the 1960s, work on creating new types of artillery and missile systems for the Ground Forces was somewhat slowed down, since it was believed that they would be of little use in a global nuclear war. In 1963, operation of the new BM-21 Grad MLRS began, which is still in service with the Russian Armed Forces today.

In the 60-70s, the USSR began to deploy second-generation ICBMs, which were launched from highly protected launch silos. By the early 70s, at the cost of incredible efforts, nuclear parity with the Americans was achieved. During the same period, the first mobile ICBM launchers were created.

At the end of the 60s, the USSR began developing several self-propelled artillery systems, which later made up the so-called “flower” series: self-propelled guns “Akatsia”, “Gvozdika” and “Peony”. They are still in service with the Russian army today.

In the early 70s, an agreement was signed between the USSR and the USA to limit the number of nuclear weapons. After the signing of this document, the Soviet Union significantly surpassed the United States in the number of missiles and warheads, but the Americans had more advanced technologies, their missiles were more powerful and more accurate.

In the 70-80s, the Strategic Missile Forces received third-generation ICBMs with multiple warheads, and the accuracy of the missiles also increased significantly. In 1975, the famous “Satan” missile, the R-36M, was put into service, which for a long time was the main striking force of the Soviet Strategic Missile Forces, and then the Russian Missile Forces. In the same year, the Tochka tactical missile system was adopted by the Ground Forces.

At the end of the 80s, mobile and stationary systems of the fourth generation (Topol, RS-22, RS-20V) entered service with the missile forces, and a new control system was introduced. In 1987, the Smerch MLRS was adopted by the Ground Forces, which for many years was considered the most powerful in the world.

After the collapse of the USSR, all ICBMs from the former Soviet republics were removed to Russian territory, and the launch silos were destroyed. In 1996, the Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation began to receive stationary-based fifth-generation ICBMs (Topol-M). In 2009-2010, regiments armed with the new Topol-M mobile complex were introduced into the Strategic Missile Forces.

Today, the replacement of obsolete ICBMs with more modern Topol-M and Yars complexes continues, and the development of the Sarmat heavy liquid-propellant missile continues.

In 2010, the United States and Russia signed another treaty regarding the number of nuclear warheads and their delivery vehicles - SALT-3. According to this document, each country can have no more than 1,550 nuclear warheads and 770 carriers for them. Carriers mean not only ICBMs, but also missile-carrying submarines and strategic aircraft.

Apparently, this treaty does not prohibit the production of missiles with multiple warheads, but at the same time it does not limit the creation of new elements of the missile defense system, which is what the United States is currently actively doing.

New in blogs

Russia's nuclear shield is being improved at an accelerated pace

On December 21, 2022, the annual extended meeting of the board of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was held at the National Defense Management Center. Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in it.

At the open part of the event, information was made public about the level of equipment of the Russian Armed Forces with modern equipment.

As of now, the share of modern weapons in general purpose forces has reached 71.2%.

As Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu noted: “The level of modernity in the nuclear triad has been brought to the highest level in the entire history of its existence - 89.1%.”

Let me remind you that the Armed Forces of the USSR had a level of modernity of weapons for general purpose forces of 54%, and for strategic nuclear forces (SNF) - within 65-70%.

The Russian Armed Forces had very poor indicators of the modernity of weapons in 2000: for general purpose forces - 12%, for strategic nuclear forces - 35%.

Thus, the current data is impressive. And all this was done in a fairly short period of time—twenty years.

According to paragraph 16 of the “Fundamentals of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Field of Nuclear Deterrence,” nuclear deterrence forces include land-based, sea-based and air-based nuclear forces.

Let us dwell on the renewal of Russia's ground-based nuclear forces—the Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces). Undoubtedly, the Strategic Missile Forces play a key role in nuclear deterrence.

They account for more than 60% of the delivery vehicles and nuclear warheads of the Strategic Nuclear Forces of the Russian Federation, which allows the Strategic Missile Forces to fulfill most of the assigned tasks of nuclear deterrence.

According to the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces Sergei Karakaev, currently the share of modern missile systems in the ground component of the strategic nuclear forces is 83%, and in 2011 this figure was 38%.

In the next few years (previously the date was 2024), there will be no aging Soviet-made missile systems left in service, i.e. the level of modernity of weapons in the Strategic Missile Forces will reach 100%.

The Strategic Missile Forces have two groups of missile systems: stationary and mobile.

The stationary one involves a silo deployment option, and the mobile one - in the form of mobile ground-based missile systems (PGRK).

Stationary and mobile groups have approximately equal numbers of carriers. At the same time, the stationary one, due to the presence of heavy and medium class missiles, has a slightly larger number of warheads.

The silo deployment option allows for a faster missile launch due to its higher readiness.

However, the coordinates of all missile silos are known to the potential enemy, which makes them targets for a preventive strike by the enemy.

At the same time, mobile complexes, provided that measures to ensure their secrecy are properly organized, become invisible.

Additional stealth and survivability of the PGRK is now provided by the Peresvet combat laser systems.

Since December 1, 2022, they have been carrying out combat duty in the positional areas of mobile ground-based missile systems with the task of covering their maneuvering actions.

The Strategic Missile Forces are currently equipped with stationary (mine)-based missile systems "Avangard", "Voevoda", "Stilet", "Topol-M", "YARS" and mobile ground-based missile systems "Topol", "Topol-M" and "YARS" "

The Minister of Defense of Russia, at an extended meeting of the department’s board on December 21, 2022, stated that in 2022, 21 launchers with intercontinental ballistic missiles “YARS”, “Avangard” and “Sarmat” are planned to be put on combat duty in the Strategic Missile Forces.

As part of the renewal of the Strategic Missile Forces, all Topol and Topol-M PGRKs will be replaced with YaRS.

In addition, as the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces said on December 17, 2022, a new mobile ground-based missile system is being developed.

The silo-based complexes "Stilet" and "Topol-M" will be replaced by "YARS" and "Avangard".

And the promising Sarmat missile system will replace the Voyevoda silo-based missile system.

Sergei Karakaev said that the phased withdrawal from the Strategic Missile Forces of the Voevoda heavy-class stationary missile system and its replacement with the Sarmat will begin in 2022.

One missile regiment in the Uzhur missile formation with this missile system should be on combat duty in 2022.

It should be noted that the start of flight tests of Sarmat was scheduled for 2022, but was postponed to 2022.

An interesting situation is developing regarding the Avangard missile system, a new type of intercontinental strategic weapon.

The UR-100N UTTH ballistic missile is used as a carrier in this missile system.

Each missile is equipped with one gliding hypersonic warhead 15YU71.

The speed of the gliding warhead is 20 times the speed of sound, i.e. equal to Mach 20.

In 2022, the re-equipment of the first missile regiment with the Avangard missile system was completed, i.e., six launchers were put on combat duty.

According to the commander of the Strategic Missile Forces, in 2022, another missile regiment with the Avangard complex, i.e., six more launchers, should be put on combat duty.

In addition: twelve launchers.

It turns out that the Avangard missile system will be fully deployed by the end of 2022.

Previously, it was planned to complete the deployment of two regiments by 2027.

It must be assumed that the accelerated equipping of the Strategic Missile Forces with Avangards will compensate for some of the delay in putting into service the heavy Sarmat ICBM.

Thus, it can be stated that in the matter of rearmament of the Strategic Missile Forces, as well as strategic nuclear forces in general, Russia is demonstrating outstanding success.

Never before in the history of the strategic nuclear forces of the USSR-RF has the level of equipment with modern technology reached 89.1%. And this is not the limit.

Russia's nuclear triad. Guarantee of Peace in the World.

The nuclear triad of Russia refers to the components of nuclear weapons, due to which the optimal performance of the state is ensured. This is necessary for cases of probable attacks by opponents. Optimal composition of the triad Each state has traditional components of the triad. According to current data, Russia’s nuclear triad includes: Strategic naval forces. Naval component Russian multi-purpose nuclear submarines act as the main carrier of ballistic intercontinental missiles on the water. This technique has excellent covert maneuvering capabilities and is also characterized by high autonomy. Movements are limited only by the vastness of the World Ocean. Missile launches can be carried out from any point when the boat itself is underwater. Some types of surface ships can be equipped with nuclear-armed cruise missiles. It also strengthens the protection of the state. Armament of the naval component of the Russian Federation triad The composition of the Russian nuclear triad is constantly being supplemented, updated, and improved. Test runs are being carried out. Thus, the components of the nuclear triad were recently tested - a launch was carried out from the Vladimir Monomakh vessel, which is an SSBN submarine missile cruiser. All tests passed normally. The launch was carried out underwater. The Russian Navy will soon receive a new, third cruiser, which is part of the Borei project. In accordance with the existing plan, by 2022 it will be replenished with eight SSBN-class vessels, each of which will carry 16-20 full-fledged ballistic missiles capable of hitting a target at a distance of up to 9 thousand kilometers from the launch site. Strategic Missile Forces of the Russian Federation. Land component Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles, deployed in mobile or stationary versions, form the basis of the land component of the nuclear triad. They are characterized by: a high degree of security for stationary structures, that is, launchers located deep in the mines; dispersion in the area; quick change of positioning in the case of mobile installations; resistance to nuclear explosions of medium strength. That is, they are extremely difficult to disable, due to the difficulty of detection and high-quality security. Strategic aviation weapons. It is important to note that such a triad never includes a country’s tactical nuclear warheads. Air Component The strategic aviation of the Russian Federation is capable of carrying nuclear bombs along with air-borne cruise missiles with nuclear warheads. Modern strategic bombers are designed for long flights when patrolling airspace. They can deal a serious blow to the enemy when hostilities begin. Due to the capabilities of modern technology, the country has the ability to attack almost any corner of the world. The nuclear triad includes various types of nuclear weapons operating in air, sea or land space. Due to the peculiarities of the nuclear strategic forces of the Russian Federation, the country is one of the most powerful militarily among the states of the world. Besides it, only the United States has a nuclear triad. The peculiarity of the structure of the nuclear triad of the Russian Federation is that all the nuclear warheads the country has are divided between the main types of its troops that have a strategic purpose. This ensures that in the event of unforeseen circumstances, the existing weapons will not be completely destroyed - they are not collected in one place. Thus, Russian multipurpose nuclear submarines never collect everything in one place. Additionally, this is a guarantee of proper flexibility in the use of nuclear weapons, based on the need for their practical use. That is, if, due to a surprise attack by the enemy, one or even two basic components of the triad are destroyed, the possibility of a retaliatory strike remains. Concept for the development of the strategic nuclear forces of the Russian Federation The main features of the development of nuclear weapons of the Russian Federation are reflected in the report recently submitted to the country's Security Council. The President of Russia decided that until the end of the established period of operation, the heavy missiles in the country's arsenal would not be removed. At the moment, the operational period for these types of weapons is three decades, so the missiles will remain on combat duty and, as necessary, will take part in testing the nuclear triad until 2030.

Missile system R-36M "Voevoda" or "Satan"

Missile system R-36M , code RS-20A, according to the classification of the US Department of Defense and NATO - SS-18 Mod.1,2,3 Satan (" Satan ") - a third-generation strategic missile system, with a heavy two-stage liquid, ampulized intercontinental ballistic missile for placement in a silo launcher of increased security type.

A missile system with a multi-purpose heavy-class intercontinental missile is designed to destroy all types of targets protected by modern missile defense systems in any combat conditions, including multiple nuclear impacts in a positional area. Its use makes it possible to implement a strategy of a guaranteed retaliatory strike.

The Strategic Missile Forces spoke about the increase in supplies of modern equipment to engineering units

As of last year, formations of the Strategic Missile Forces use eight “Foliage” remote mine clearing vehicles, as well as over 50 engineering support and camouflage vehicles. The head of the engineering service of the Strategic Missile Forces, Colonel Vladimir Khoroshunov, spoke about this.

Thanks to the Foliage MDR, it was possible to significantly increase the speed of engineering reconnaissance designed to check traffic routes for the presence of mine-explosive obstacles.

“The universal wide-area search module, located in the front of the vehicle, allows for reconnaissance across the entire width of the roadway. The electromagnetic complex of pulsed electromagnetic impact equipment makes it possible to disable radio-electronic devices for remote detonation of explosive objects,” the colonel described.

In addition, according to Khoroshunov, engineering support and camouflage vehicles have proven themselves well among the troops and have significantly reduced the time it takes to complete tasks. These units combine the capabilities of solving problems of preparing combat patrol routes and camouflaging units, provide testing of the bearing capacity of soils on combat patrol routes, the cross-country corridor of missile system equipment at a field position in a wooded area, and so on.

In addition, as part of the re-equipment of engineering units in 2021, the Kozelskoye, Yoshkar-Olinsk and Barnaul missile formations received SKO-10K integrated water purification stations. Such stations allow you to purify water from mechanical particles, colloidal compounds, suspensions and toxic substances. It is possible to purify 8-10 cubic meters of water per hour.

“The supply of modern equipment to the engineering units of the Strategic Missile Forces has increased,” the colonel noted.

The head of the engineering service of the Strategic Missile Forces recalled that in December last year the 47th Interspecific Regional Training Center of the Strategic Missile Forces celebrated its 95th anniversary. Today it provides training in 14 military specialties, including new modern models of military equipment.

“Some of the most sought-after graduates of the training center in engineering departments are truck crane operators and track-laying driver mechanics,” he pointed out.

Khoroshunov also spoke about the use of mine-detecting teams with dogs in the Strategic Missile Forces, which are especially often in demand in places where significant events are held. For example, in the command support center of the Strategic Missile Forces there is a department of service dog handlers.

“The dog can detect ammunition installed at a depth of up to one and a half meters, as well as in shallow sections of rivers,” Krasnaya Zvezda quotes the colonel.

In order to consolidate and develop the dogs' search skills, the animals undergo regular training with more difficult conditions. Also in 2022, it is planned to train military personnel of the Strategic Missile Forces Command Support Center in the specialty “Organization of a mine detection service and the procedure for using MRS crews when searching for explosive objects.”

In 2022, the main activities for engineering units will be activities to carry out engineering support tasks for maneuverable actions of the Strategic Missile Forces mobile group during combat duty on combat patrol routes and field positions. And the test of professionalism will be large-scale exercises, which the Missile Forces conduct with enviable regularity.

Material prepared by Anna Berestovaya and Yuri Khvedchin

Russia's nuclear shield will be halved by 2022.

The modern Russian military-industrial complex will not have time to replace 400 intercontinental missiles, which are over 25 years old, within 8 years.

According to the headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN), the longest service life of missiles is about 25 years. After this period, all missiles must be disassembled at the factory.

Most of the Russian Strategic Missile Forces are represented by RS-12M Topol missile systems, their number reaches about 170 units. The “youngest” of these complexes is manufactured in 1994. Until 2019, not a single Topol should remain in the Strategic Missile Forces. Missile units in Teiku, Nizhny Tagil, Yoshkar-Ola, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Vypolzov and Barnaul will remain without them.

At the same time, the weapons manufacturer, the Votkinsk plant, is not capable of producing 170 new missiles in 7 years. That is why, in addition to the Topol, by 2022, about 50 more RS-20 Voevoda (Satan) ICBMs and 70 UR-100N Stilettos are planned to be removed from service and dismantled.

Depending on their year of manufacture, missiles are disposed of in whole batches. When they reach the age of 25, they are removed from the combat composition of the Strategic Missile Forces and transferred for disposal. Some of the missiles are neutralized (especially "Satan"). They launch satellites into space, which are installed instead of nuclear warheads (Dnepr program). “Topol” is used to test new breeding blocks for identical “Bulava” and “Yars” missiles.

The headquarters of the Strategic Missile Forces are not worried about the fact that by 2022 Russia’s nuclear shield will be reduced.

For us there is no question of a purely arithmetical replacement of a certain number of old missiles with the same number of new ones. After all, our task is to inflict unacceptable damage on our opponent in the event of an attack. And if at least one missile copes with this task, consider that the goal has been achieved,” explained the representative of the Strategic Missile Forces.

A member of the Council on Foreign and Defense Policy, retired GRU officer Vitaly Shlykov, believes that the reduction of strategic nuclear delivery vehicles will not lead to fatal consequences for Russia.

There is no reason to panic. The number of missiles that remain is more than enough to guarantee the destruction of the enemy, Shlykov is sure.

However, Deputy Director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis Alexander Khramchikhin estimated that at the current rate of production in Russia, about 50-60 Yars will be manufactured by 2022, each of which is capable of carrying up to three warheads. Almost 50 modernized Topol-M missiles with one warhead each will remain in service.

As a result, by 2022, Russia will have less than 100 strategic missiles with 200 warheads, which, according to the expert, may not be enough to protect against several nuclear powers at once. A way out of this situation could be a rapid increase in the production of intercontinental missiles.

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