Revolver "Thunderstorm": photos, reviews. Revolver "Groza R-02S"

“Groza” revolvers, reviews of which are left by so many people who have dealt with these weapons, are quite powerful and reliable devices that have already proven themselves as weapons for self-defense. There are plenty of modifications in the company’s model range, as well as simply different models. In fact, the “Groza” revolver, a photo of which can be found without much difficulty, is quite widely used in our country by civilians due to its good characteristics.

Look and feel

The “Groza” R-02S revolver, reviews of which were left on the resource, turned out to be very, very convenient for the buyer to use. What is the first thing people who are experienced in this topic pay attention to? Of course, on the quality of workmanship, as well as on the quality of finishing of the weapon. To be honest, when handling the “Groza” there is no feeling that it is not a real pistol.

For example, if you purchase not just a signal, but even a traumatic analogue of the PM, you feel it from all sides, so to speak, you can quickly feel that this is a model not intended for firearms. When handling models from the “Groza” series series, such sensations do not arise. Even a small sensation is not observed.

Getting permission

To begin with, it must be said that according to the law of Russia, or more precisely in Art. Criminal Code No. 222 states that there is no criminal liability for improper compliance with the rules for purchasing, storing and carrying trauma equipment.

Failure to comply with this law is punishable by administrative punishment (fine, rarely arrest).

Since the Thunderstorm pistol is considered a civilian traumatic firearm of limited use, a permit is required to purchase, carry and use it. It is given by supervisory authorities, and has a certain procedure for obtaining it.

To obtain a license you will need:

  • collect and present all required documentation to the OLRR (licensing and permitting department) at your place of residence;
  • undergo a medical examination;
  • pay the state fee;
  • come to an appointment with the local police officer and get a signature for the permit;
  • take training courses on the use of weapons.

A medical report implies an examination by a therapist, narcologist, psychiatrist, or ophthalmologist. A license to purchase trauma medications will not be given to people who are registered with a psychiatrist or narcologist.

To obtain a permit, you must collect and present the following documentation to the OLRR:

  • copy of civil passport;
  • a statement in a special form indicating the type of weapon;
  • 2 photos 3x4;
  • certificate in form 046-1;
  • referral to the local police officer;
  • receipt for payment of state duty;
  • referral to training courses.

To obtain a certificate of completion of training courses, you need to contact the training center with a referral.

It must be said that not every person can obtain a license to purchase trauma equipment. The following categories of citizens may be denied:

  • people who have a criminal record;
  • with serious psychological disorders or poor vision;
  • minors;
  • citizens who have been brought to administrative responsibility more than twice.

The purchase of trauma equipment must be approached with full responsibility:

  • You need to pay attention to where you bought the gun. A gun store or online resource must have a license to sell this type of product;
  • there is no need to purchase pistols at a greatly reduced cost. Most often, a significant difference in price indicates a fake; this can be fraught with unpleasant consequences, especially for the health of the owner of the weapon;
  • We must not forget that when buying a weapon on the Internet, the pistol must be sent only by the special communications service of the Russian Federation and nothing else;
  • Also remember that no one can sell handguns or ammunition without a permit.

Weapons have always been a source of fascination, and when purchasing this product for yourself as entertainment, you must not forget that this is, first and foremost, a pistol, and it can be dangerous. When buying a traumatic weapon for specific purposes, you also need to remember all the operating rules.

Revolver philosophy

Revolvers themselves are a kind of classic of the genre. Let us remember the same Colt revolver, which very quickly conquered not only the United States, but the whole world. Yes, the police knew how to use it, and many modern collectors show revolvers among the best models. In general, the appearance of “Groza” as a representative of the classic style of firearms (and traumatic, respectively) weapons is at a high level. If not to say that at the highest.

There is such wisdom among gunsmiths and weapon lovers that the revolver is a whole philosophy. It is for this reason that “Thunderstorm” also becomes a weapon that requires thoughtful, unhurried, balanced and thoughtful, and most importantly, careful use from its user.

We can draw another analogy. This time - with a mechanical watch. The whole point is that quartz seems to be better, more accurate. But that was not the case, however.

History of pistol development

1990Start of development of a new pistol for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
1995The first production batch of Fort pistols
1997Completion of testing of the Fort-12 pistol
1998Start of full-scale mass production
1999Release of the traumatic modification Fort-12R
year 2009Release of the Russian analogue Groza-02
since 2010Release of various modifications of the Groza pistol

If we talk about the history of the Groza-02 traumatic pistol, we must start with the appearance of its Ukrainian copy, Fort, and its combat analogue.

In 1990, the government of Ukraine decided to change the service weapons of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, namely Makarov pistols, due to their moral and technical obsolescence. It was this year that the development of a new nine-millimeter weapon began - the Fort pistol.

See also the article Makarov traumatic pistol and its history

In 1995 , after completing a series of tests, the Fort-12 nine-millimeter combat pistol entered service in a limited batch with the Ministry of Internal Troops of Ukraine. The first production batch was released for testing in real conditions.

In 1997 , upon completion of testing of the first batch (and it is worth noting - successful completion), the installation of factory lines for mass production of the Fort-12 pistol began.

In 1998 , upon completion of the installation of factory lines, full-scale serial production of the Fort-12 pistol began and its introduction into the ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

In 1999 , upon completion of the rearmament of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, production of the civilian version of the Fort-12 pistol, namely the Fort-12R traumatic pistol, began.

In 2009, assembly of the Groza-02 pistol began in Russia from Ukrainian components. This pistol is an exact copy of the Fort-12R and, in fact, its combat counterpart, the Fort-12.

The Russian analogue of Groza-02 was so popular with customers that the manufacturing company decided to launch a line of modifications of the Groza-02 pistol. The year 2010 can be considered the beginning of the production of pistol modifications, which continues to this day.

Pistol Groza-02 V4

Contents of delivery

The “Groza” R-02S revolver is supplied in a case made of plastic. There you can find several things at once that will be useful during the operation of the weapon. This, of course, is a user manual, in which everything is described in detail in the language appropriate for the delivery set, a cleaning rod that is useful for cleaning the barrel. There are also two clips into which cartridges will be inserted. They are made of metal materials. By the way, you need to take them seriously if you don’t want to pay extra money. The thing is that you can, of course, buy a new clip (or, as it is also called in English, a “moon clip”). But it only costs, by different standards, from 700 to 1000 rubles.

The Groza R 03S traumatic revolver will be a good replacement for our model, which we are reviewing now. But why did we talk not about him, but about “P-02C”? The thing is that it is quite compact, but at the same time powerful weapon. And these are not all the advantages. This can also easily be attributed to ease of use, which even a child can handle (this is just a comparison, not a call).


In general, this weapon is intended not only for effective self-defense in the event of emergency situations of a criminal nature, but is also suitable for sports shooting. It won't even fit, but it will fit perfectly. All this became possible thanks, among other things, to the high strength of the revolver, as well as its long service life. Of course, a weapon will not save you from a simultaneous attack by 10 hooligans, but for such purposes only a machine gun is suitable. And so the revolver demonstrates very decent characteristics, which, in fact, justify its popularity.


This “Thunderstorm” model is also designed for effective self-defense. Traumatic cartridges made from rubber materials are used as ammunition. The caliber of cartridges is 9 millimeters.

The “Groza R-03S” revolver is a modern weapon, which is manufactured at the plant in accordance with technology. High-quality weapons-grade steel is used in the manufacturing process. That is why such weapons have a long service life and high reliability. Among other advantages of the pistol, it is worth noting its large resource.

Why you should choose a trauma from the “Thunderstorm” series

The main advantages of assembling pistols of the “Groza” family:

  1. Manufacturing the barrel using the new EVO technology - designing a non-coaxial drilling sleeve to prevent the use of metal bullets. This also reduces the load on the weapon and extends its service life.
  2. High shooting accuracy and accuracy.
  3. High-quality weapons-grade steel - the reliability and durability of the pistol.
  4. Almost all models have spacious magazines.
  5. Ability to operate trauma equipment using cartridges of different types and power.
  6. Easy assembly and disassembly of the weapon.
  7. Comfortable handle and comfortable operation.

Make the right choice and provide the highest level of protection for yourself and your loved ones!

Advantages of the model

The revolver has average (one might even say standard) dimensions, thanks to which it fits perfectly into a holster and does not create any discomfort for the civilian who operates the weapon.

As mentioned earlier, traumatic ammunition of 9 mm caliber is used as cartridges. Thanks to such ammunition, the user of the weapon (if appropriate situations arise) has the right to use the weapon and provide an effective response.

By the way, the use of a pistol provides not only self-defense when attacked by criminal elements, but also when attacked by dangerous animals. In other cases, we recall, when the use of traumatic weapons is not regulated by regulatory documents, the use of traumatic weapons is prohibited.

Thanks to some of its qualities, the “P-03C” model of the serial model range of “Groza” revolvers for traumatic purposes becomes a very valuable weapon, which, by the way, can be used not only for defense purposes, but also for sporting purposes. For example, for sports target shooting. These properties include the classic appearance of a pistol, the balance of a revolver, as well as an excellent combination of shooting and ballistic parameters (dimensions - power - accuracy). Thanks to everything previously mentioned, the “P-03C” model can rightfully be called a unique and versatile weapon.

Use in real situation

The use of traumatic weapons is permissible in case of self-defense or for sports shooting. The Thunderstorm traumatic pistol should be used only in cases of extreme necessity, if life or health is in danger. In the case of self-defense, it is worth choosing medium-power ammunition that will only temporarily disarm the attacker, but will not cause him significant harm. Before operating the pistol, it is necessary to train with the least powerful cartridges that are intended for this purpose. This will prepare and reduce the likelihood of causing injury to third parties or yourself.


The design of the pistol is very, very reliable. Which, in turn, allows you to fire 6 shots, each of which will be carried out. It should be noted that due to some design features, as well as technical aspects, the reliability of shots does not depend on the quality of the cartridges used as ammunition. Automation also does not affect the reliability of the weapon, and this cannot but be noted as an obvious advantage of the series model.

The reloading process occurs very quickly, which allows you to quickly replace cartridges and continue continuous shooting at targets. This was largely possible thanks to the use of special clips (they are also called clips). Each clip allows you to place up to 6 rounds of various types of 9mm caliber.

To remove spent cartridges, as well as insert new cartridges into the clip, just press the drum extractor just once. It is worth noting that the factory equipment here is similar to that of the Groza R-02S. That is, the revolver itself also comes with two clips.


Sighting is carried out before using a new weapon or a pistol after repair. To do this, at a certain distance (approximately 7 m) it is necessary to secure a target (with a circumference of at least 35 cm). The weapon is mounted on a special machine.

Zeroing is required to adjust the correct relationship between the sighting device and the target. This will allow the user to shoot accurately with minimal errors. At home, it is very problematic to properly zero a weapon, and most often this is not required. If you still need this, it is best to contact specialists.

TTX “Groza R-03S”

For firing, 9 mm caliber ammunition is used. Cartridges - traumatic action (rubber). The barrel length is 76 millimeters. Moreover, the entire length of the revolver is about 217 millimeters. The height of the weapon reaches 148 millimeters, and its width is 37 millimeters. Weight – less than 1 kilogram (to be more precise, 890 grams). The drum holds up to 6 rounds of the appropriate caliber inside. The pistol is made of black blued stainless steel.

Model features

In general, there are no differences between the previously mentioned models. This is the same “Thunderstorm”, intended for conducting defensive actions in the event of emergency situations. But its tactical and technical characteristics were slightly changed during the development of the pistol, which played some role in the use of weapons. Otherwise, among the areas of application of the pistol one can name not only self-defense from criminal elements and dangerous animals, but also the possibility of sporting target shooting. For this purpose, ammunition of the appropriate (9 mm) caliber is used.

Earlier we talked about some changes in the design. Now let's talk about them in a little more detail. So, the pistol has adjustable sights. They are adjustable in two planes at once: displacement is possible both in the horizontal plane and in the vertical. Thanks to the ability to adjust the sighting device, the pistol has fairly high accuracy.

In this case, it does not matter which manufacturer’s cartridges are used for firing from a revolver. An ideal option for using the “R-04S” model of the “Groza” series of revolvers would be to practice shooting skills. The weapon is suitable for beginners in this matter, and even for amateurs. It is worth noting that during shooting competitions, athletes are often given these exact models of weapons.

There is no particular need to carry a pistol concealed, and in case of an emergency it can be used for self-defense.

Main characteristics

In the production of model 051 pistols, manufacturers use innovative technologies, which, in particular, relate to the manufacture of barrels. These technologies are embodied in products that are designated “EVO”. Trauma gun owners should be aware that the earlier versions of the V4 and V4.1 barrels have gradually begun to be replaced. This trend can be seen among other manufacturers as well.

“EVO” barrels are distinguished by the presence of special partitions. These partitions make it impossible to fire a pistol with live ammunition. Also, these barrels provide a high accuracy rate.

The Thunderstorm pistol is based on real military weapons of 9x17 mm and 9x18 mm caliber, therefore it has the same components. Only the barrel, as stated above, is intended only for rubber bullets. The use of polymer materials has its positive aspects:

  • the weight of the pistol is reduced;
  • comfort when holding or constantly wearing;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • corrosion protection.

The Groza pistol is chambered for 9 mm caliber cartridges. Such cartridges are considered the most common, as they are relatively inexpensive in cost. It is possible to choose energy characteristics when purchasing cartridges from different manufacturers.

The weapon is designed not only for shooting with rubber bullets, but also for using gas cartridges. With such a variety of cartridges, for the optimal choice you will need to know the range of uses of the weapon. Accuracy and speed are two indicators that are mutually opposite. That is why it is recommended to choose low-energy cartridges for sporting pistol models.

According to Russian law, a traumatic pistol magazine cannot contain more than 10 rounds. But with special registration, you can increase the magazine capacity, as the manufacturer allows it.

Due to the low mass of the shutter, return springs are installed in the device. To make it easier to work with the shutter, there is a notch on its sides. The trigger mechanism is self-cocking. The fuse has two positions and is located on the left side of the product. The rear sight is adjustable only on models 021 and 031. Other versions of Groza have non-adjustable sighting devices.

Design advantages

The reliable design of the revolver provides the ability to fire six guaranteed shots, regardless of the quality of the cartridges or the operation of the automation. Quick reloading of the revolver and continuation of continuous shooting is carried out through the use of clips (clips) of six cartridges each. Loading the revolver with six cartridges and removing six spent cartridges is carried out simultaneously by pressing one button on the revolver drum extractor. The revolver is equipped with two clips (clips).

The first shot after charging is possible using a pre-cocked hammer, as well as using self-cocking. The trigger mechanism is based on the double action principle.

The pistol can be upgraded. For this purpose, replaceable handles are used. They are made from different materials and also have different sizes. Thus, the pistol can be adapted to any shooter.

It should be noted that another characteristic feature of this model is weight reduction. It made it possible to achieve increased convenience when shooting, as well as simple operation and carrying.

To do this, engineers used special alloys made of reinforced materials (partially) to make the frame. Reinforced inserts are integrated into areas of the frame that are most often subject to increased loads. All other parts - the trigger, the pistol barrel and its drum - are made of high-strength weapons-grade steel. An excellent replacement weapon would be the Groza R 06S revolver


Reviews from pistol owners will be very useful for those who are currently looking for a suitable model. In order not to give examples of individual reviews, we have highlighted recurring aspects that characterize the model from a positive or negative side.

First of all, buyers are attracted by the fact that the material used to make the weapon instills confidence in its reliability and durability. This is a special blued steel, which is used in the manufacture of real combat samples. Despite its weight and dimensions, the gun holds quite confidently and comfortably in the hand. This is facilitated by a well-made handle. Many compare the severity of Groza with Makarych, although the latter has a clip capacity of only 10 rounds.

The quality of the processing of parts and the assembly of the barrel are also noted. The most important thing is that the pistol does not require additional tuning. Immediately after purchase you can start shooting. In terms of impact characteristics, Groza also turned out to be at its best. The accuracy of the shot is noted even at a distance exceeding 10 meters. Thanks to this, the Model is used for sports.

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