Description and characteristics of pomegranate: is it a fruit or a berry?

It often happens that names and nicknames, as well as titles, are assigned by us to anything very arbitrarily. The example of America, named after Amerigo Vespucci, and not in honor of its discoverer Columbus, has become a textbook example. But it turns out that in military affairs there are also many such oddities. The history of the lemon grenade, which became an extremely popular weapon in the 20th century, is very indicative in this regard.

History of pomegranate

In ancient times, pomegranate was considered a symbol of fertility and a remedy for infertility.
The word “pomegranate” is translated from Latin as “grainy,” which is explained by its structure. The pomegranate is native to North Africa and Central Asia. Now this plant is grown in all countries with a subtropical climate.

Dyes for fabrics are produced from pomegranate flowers, as they contain a bright red pigment. The crusts are used for various medicinal decoctions.

In ancient times it was called the Punic, Carthaginian or pomegranate apple due to the similarity of shape and color. Some believe that the pomegranate was the very forbidden fruit that Eve was tempted by.

general characteristics

Pomegranate is a deciduous shrub, the fruits of which biologists classify as berries. Its ripe fruit is red in color, ranging from 5 to 12 cm in diameter and weighing about 200 g. The peel of the fruit is thick and inedible.


  • general characteristics
  • The oldest food?
  • Useful components
  • Importance for the body
  • What can be treated with pomegranates
  • Possible dangers
  • How to choose and store pomegranate correctly
  • How to clean
  • Use in cooking
  • Application in cosmetology

The interior is divided into “compartments” by thin white partitions that taste bitter. Ripe seeds are very juicy and sweet, usually raspberry in color. This plant is believed to be native to Persia or Northern India. It can reach up to 8 meters in height. Today they are grown as a fruit crop and as ornamental plants. They tolerate drought and moderate frosts well. For industrial purposes, pomegranate is cultivated in India, Iran, Transcaucasia, Mediterranean countries, and American California [1].

Benefits of pomegranate

Pomegranate seeds contain many vitamins: C, B6, B12, P. The concentration of microelements is also high: calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, iodine, iron, sodium.

Pomegranate juice is saturated with plant acids: citric, malic, tartaric, oxalic, succinic. Thanks to them, this fruit stimulates the appetite and helps digestion with low stomach acidity.

Pomegranate is useful for the cardiovascular system: it strengthens blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, promotes hematopoiesis, active synthesis of hemoglobin and red blood cells. Therefore, pomegranate juice is often prescribed for B12 anemia, low hemoglobin and general weakness during the recovery period after illness and surgery. Useful for all older people as a prevention of heart and vascular diseases.

Harm of pomegranate

Grains in small quantities will not cause harm, but you should be careful with undiluted juice. “Pomegranate juice is contraindicated for peptic ulcers and gastritis with high acidity. You can only drink it diluted, as it is very acidic and can irritate the mucous membranes - for the same reason, juice should not be given to small children. After drinking the juice, you should rinse your mouth, otherwise it will corrode your tooth enamel. Pomegranate can be strong, so it should be limited to people suffering from constipation. Sometimes medicinal decoctions are made from the peel or bark of pomegranate and you should not get carried away with them. After all, pomegranate peel contains poisonous alkaloids,” advises Alexander Voinov , nutrition and wellness consultant at the WeGym fitness club chain.


  1. 12
    [ Pocket William. “History of firearms from ancient times to the 20th century”]
  2. Bortab // Military Encyclopedia: [in 18 volumes] / ed. V. F. Novitsky [and others]. - St. Petersburg. ; [M.]: Type. t-va I.V. Sytin, 1911-1915.
  3. Bomb // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg, 1890-1907.
  4. Clint Emerson, 2016, p. 204.
  5. [ Yuri Veremeev, Anatomy of the Army. Pomegranate Arithmetic]

Use of pomegranate in medicine

Almost all parts of the plant are used in medicine: peel, flowers, bark, seeds, pulp. Various preparations, tinctures and decoctions are made from them to treat anemia, diarrhea and inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.

The white bridges that are inside the fruit are dried and added to hot herbal infusions. This helps balance the nervous system and get rid of insomnia.

Substances that have anti-inflammatory properties and also stimulate intestinal motility are extracted from the seeds. Pomegranate oil, rich in vitamins F and E, is also obtained from the seeds. They promote rejuvenation and are a preventative against cancer. This allows us to recommend this product to people working in conditions of high radiation.


Pomegranate juice is an effective prevention of scurvy, as it contains high concentrations of vitamin C.

Pomegranate seeds are recommended to be included in the diet of hypertensive patients, as it helps lower blood pressure. This fruit generally has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, as well as hematopoiesis.

Pomegranate juice can help with diarrhea, because it has strengthening properties. A decoction of the peel is used for the same purpose.

“Pomegranate is low in calories, so it can also be used as a dietary food. However, it is worth remembering that it stimulates appetite and the effect may be the opposite,” warns Alexander Voinov.

Pomegranate juice contains many amino acids. Half of them are found only in meat. Therefore, pomegranate is indispensable in the diet of vegetarians.

Manifestation of diseases and pests on fruits

Cracking of pomegranates during their ripening period indicates that the soil is too moist. Various pests can appear on fruits. Among them :

  • whitefly, the presence of which is expressed in yellowing and deformation of leaves;
  • scale insects, the presence of which is manifested in yellowing and falling leaves;
  • spider mite, the presence of which is accompanied by blackening or discoloration of leaves;
  • aphids, the presence of which is expressed in curling and discoloration of leaves;
  • powdery mildew, the presence of which manifests itself in the form of a brown coating on the leaves.

Pomegranates are susceptible to some diseases. More often they are affected by fruit rot or moniliosis . Its development is indicated by the appearance of white pustules on pomegranates. Fruits are also susceptible to scab. It causes spots and ulcers to appear on the pomegranate.

Use of pomegranate in cooking

Pomegranate seeds are mainly consumed fresh and added to various salads and desserts. But they also use grains and pomegranate juice to prepare fried, stewed and boiled dishes, jam and marshmallows. Pomegranate is universal and goes well with both meat and sweet fruits.

In Caucasian cuisine, boiled pomegranate juice is prepared, which serves as a sauce for various dishes. Pomegranate seeds are dried and used as a seasoning for vegetables in Indian and Pakistani cuisine. This spice is called anardana.

To quickly remove seeds from the fruit, you need to cut off the “cap” of the fruit at the top and bottom and make vertical cuts along the segments. Hold the fruit over a bowl and tap the peel firmly with a spoon to release the grains.

Salad with pomegranate and Chinese cabbage

This salad is suitable for dietary nutrition - it is low in calories, and at the same time contains a lot of nutrients. Adding eggs increases the satiety and calorie content of the dish. Instead of chicken eggs, you can use a couple of quail eggs.


Pomegranate seedsa handful of
Chinese cabbage2-3 sheets
Chicken breast small0.5 pcs.
Egg1 PC.
Parsleya few twigs
Olive oil, lemon juice1 tbsp each
Ground black pepper, salttaste

Boil skinless chicken breast in salted water. Boil a chicken egg. Cool and cut into cubes. Chop cabbage and greens. In a bowl, mix oil, pepper, salt, lemon juice. Combine all ingredients in a salad bowl, season and mix.

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Kuchmachi in Georgian

A hearty snack for the holiday table and for every day. It is prepared from meat by-products, which are extremely beneficial for the body. You can use any giblets and combine them to your taste. You can add dry red wine.


Chicken stomachs, hearts, liveronly 300 g
Pomegranate seedsa handful of
Pomegranate juice100 ml
Bulb onions1 PC.
Garlic, bay leaf, peppercorns, barberryseveral pieces of each
Khmeli seasoning - suneli1 tsp
Vegetable oil1 tbsp.

Prepare offal: rinse, peel, cut into several pieces. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the giblets for 5 minutes. Pour in the pomegranate juice (you can add a little red wine at this stage) and simmer covered for 15 minutes. Add chopped onion, garlic, spices and simmer for another 15 minutes. When serving, sprinkle the appetizer with pomegranate seeds and herbs.

Useful components

Pomegranate is a real storehouse of nutrients. But among them there are two, perhaps the most important - punicalagins and punic (or pomegranate) acid. Punicalagins are powerful antioxidants found in pomegranate juice and peel. Their effectiveness is 3 times higher than the beneficial properties of red wine and green tea. Pomegranate acid is mainly concentrated in the peel of the fruit and also has powerful biological properties [2].

Researchers estimate that pomegranates contain more than a dozen beneficial polyphenols, which makes the juice from these fruits much healthier than a drink made from grapes or blueberries.

This healthy fruit contains almost no calories (100 g contains a little more than 80 kcal), which is almost identical to the calorie content of an apple [3].
It contains no cholesterol or saturated fat, but is an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber (providing approximately 12% of the daily value). It is a good source of vitamin C, making it useful as an immune booster. Regular consumption of the fruit provides the body with vital B vitamins, as well as many macro- and microelements [4]. Nutritional value per 100 g [5]

Calorie content83 kcal
Squirrels1.7 g
Fats1.2 g
Carbohydrates19 g
Cellulose4 g
Thiamine (B1)0.07 mg
Riboflavin (B2)0.04 mg
Niacin (B3)0.3 mg
Pantothenic acid (B5)0.15 mg
Pyridoxine (B6)0.09 mg
Folic acid (B9)39 mcg
Vitamin C10 mg
Vitamin E0.8 mg
Vitamin K16.5 mcg
Potassium235 mg
Sodium3.2 mg
Calcium12 mg
Iron0.35 mg
Copper0.16 mg
Manganese0.13 mg
Magnesium11 mg
Zinc0.32 mg
Phosphorus33 mg
Selenium0.4 mcg

How to select and store pomegranate

When choosing a pomegranate, you should pay attention to the peel. A ripe fruit has a slightly dried out crust that is hard and in some places repeats the shape of the grains inside. If the peel is smooth and the petals of the fruit are green, the pomegranate is unripe. Ripe pomegranate is usually large and heavy.

The soft pomegranate was clearly damaged during transportation or was frozen, which negatively affects the shelf life and taste.

Pomegranates are one of the most suitable fruits for long-term storage. They can last 10 or 12 months. The ripest fruits are sold in November.

For long-term storage in a cool place (underground or refrigerator), pomegranates should be wrapped in parchment to avoid evaporation of moisture from the fruit. Pomegranates can also be frozen, whole or grains. At the same time, it practically does not lose its beneficial properties.


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