Anschutz 525 carbine: the most characteristic differences from analogues

Modern automatic small-caliber rifles, offered by various manufacturers, combine unique shooting quality indicators and maximum convenience, justified by maintaining consistency in the shapes and sizes of the model. And among the most successful, both in terms of its technical characteristics laid down by the manufacturers and in the reviews of the owners, we should dwell specifically on the automatic small-caliber carbine Аnschutz 525. Its affordable cost, the ability to make certain changes to the design and attractive external design have become the reasons for the high level of interest from buyers.

Convenient to use, attractive in appearance, created taking into account modern technologies, the Anschutz 525 model carbine has proven itself in field tests. Resistance to environmental influences due to the use of materials with increased resistance to both temperature changes and high humidity, as well as due to the maximum balance of the rifle body, makes it possible to use it not only for professional hunting, but also for accuracy training in sports competitions.

Review of the Anschutz 525 carbine

When reviewing any type of weapon, both the first impression of the model and its performance during field and practical tests are taken into account. The stylish design attracts buyers even at the first glance at the carbine of the Anschutz 525 model. However, even after a more careful examination, one is left with the impression of a high-quality weapon that has been maximally modified by the manufacturer, the reliability of which is determined by the quality of each design detail and the use of modern technologies.

Good shooting performance in terms of such indicators as aiming and accuracy, as well as range, attract both beginners in firearms shooting and professionals. And the Anschutz 525 model, having become one of the best options for self-loading carbines with excellent characteristics today, boasts both an attractive “appearance” and capabilities for use.

Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages allows us to get the most complete picture of the model under consideration.

Anschutz 525 carbine (photo)

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of the carbine model include its compactness, which makes it easy to transport. The small size also determines the relatively light weight of the model, and this can be considered a plus when using the carabiner by women.

The ergonomic design allows you to place the weapon in your hand with the greatest convenience, and the slight recoil when firing does not cause discomfort during operation.

The advantages of the model include the following characteristics:

  • the use of natural wood in the external design of the carbine body, while its special processing guarantees long-term preservation of the attractive appearance of the weapon;
  • the use of simple systems in the design that ensure ease of use;
  • quick disassembly and the possibility of tuning;
  • protection against moisture penetration into key components: such a system provides for the full use of weapons even in particularly difficult conditions, with sudden and significant changes in temperature and humidity levels.

The disadvantages of the Anschutz 525 model include only its high cost, but the combination of excellent technical characteristics, ease of use and modern design of the carbine explains this cost indicator.


This model is used for hunting small fur-bearing animals and birds. It can also be used for entertainment, terrain training, and even participation in shooting competitions.


Today there are several varieties of the Anschutz 525 model carbine on sale, which differ in the ability to use different types of cartridges. Varieties include:

  1. Anschutz 525 KL carbine , for which .22 LR cartridges can be used.
  2. Model Anschutz 525 KV in .22LR caliber.

Both varieties are similar in appearance and shooting performance.


The logo of this weapons company is familiar to everyone who at least occasionally watches broadcasts of biathlon or shooting competitions. Of course, according to the most conservative estimates, every third sports shooter of our time shoots from an Anschutz rifle. At the same time, it happens quite regularly that the entire pedestal is occupied by shooters using Anschutz weapons. However, today this company successfully competes not only in the market of small-caliber sporting rifles, but has also quite loudly declared itself in the market of large-caliber hunting carbines. But first things first.

The Anschutz arms company was founded in 1856 by Julius Gottfried Anschutz, who came from a family of German gunsmiths that had been producing weapons since 1563. Modest at first, Gottfried's workshop began to repair pistols and rifles, and also produce popular then-popular shotguns chambered for Flaubert, Lancaster muzzle-loading pistols, and pocket pistols. Flaubert cartridges, in which a primer was used to accelerate the bullet, were the first rimfire cartridges, the predecessors of modern small cartridges and were then used for hunting all sorts of small birds and animals. It would seem, who needs this? But no, almost every zealous farmer considered it his duty to have such a gun - to protect gardens and arable land from annoying thrushes, sparrows and other jackdaws. So the business of the small German company went uphill and by 1896 the company already employed 76 workers, and it itself moved to a new workshop and began to be called a factory. Buy Anschutz weapons in the online store>

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Gottfried's sons significantly expanded and enlarged their father's enterprise. An Anschutz air rifle, an Anschutz carbine, and also pistols and hammerless revolvers were added to the range. It just so happened that the gunsmiths Anschutz - first Otto and Fritz, then Max and Rudolf - were themselves keen on sports shooting. Therefore, all innovations in the field of sporting firearms and pneumatic weapons were invariably applied to their products. So even before the Second World War, Anschutz weapons began to gain fame as sports weapons. But the war changed everything.

For the needs of the front, the company completely switched to the production of receivers for Mauser K98 carbines, missile parts and other military products. A year after the surrender of Germany, the factory was nationalized, the equipment was completely dismantled, and Rudolf Anschutz was sent to forced labor. It would seem that everything... But no, in 1950, under the name “JG ANSCHÜTZ GmbH”, the company resumed work in the city of Ulm in Germany. And in 1953 it appeared - the Anschutz rifle model Match 52. This was a turning point in the history of the company. In just a few years, Anschutz small-caliber rifles have collected a huge number of shooting sports awards around the world, and the company itself has gained worldwide fame, and with it global demand.

Nowadays, JG ANSCHÜTZ GmbH continues to firmly hold world positions in almost all types of small-caliber sporting rifles. In addition, the small Anschutz has become very popular for hunting. The list of the company's hunting assortment is quite large: these include bolt-on Anschutz 1416 and Anschutz 1710 chambered for .22LR, Anschutz 1516 chambered for the more powerful .22WRM. At one time, the semi-automatic small-caliber carbine Anschutz 525 aroused great interest. Moreover, the Anschutz small carbine was never something prohibitive; you could buy an Anschutz for not much more than the same ChZ.

Relatively recently, Anschutz confidently moved into more powerful calibers. First on the market was the Anschutz 1770 bolt gun in .223 Rem caliber. Produced in several modifications that have already become standard for Anschutz (D - trigger without freewheel, E - single-shot, HB - heavy barrel, etc.), it aroused considerable interest among the hunting community. Indeed, an excellent sport-accurate barrel, precise operation of the bolt and trigger, a perfect stock (including a version for a left-handed shooter) - how will all this work outside shooting ranges and shooting ranges, in real hunting conditions? But it’s not without reason that since 1975, the words “biathlon” and “Anschutz” have practically become synonymous, because to this day the bulk of gold at the Olympics and world championships is won by Anschutz weapons - weapons that are not only accurate, but trouble-free and reliable in all weather conditions. View Anschutz weapons in the online store>

In 2012, a real large-caliber Anschutz carbine finally came to Russia - model 1780, produced in calibers from .308 to 9.3x62. It is made on a well-developed base - the same, only reinforced longitudinally sliding bolt with six lugs and a rotation angle of 60 degrees, a removable adjustable trigger in versions with and without free play of the trigger, excellent barrels made on modern equipment using the latest technologies high-precision sports shooting. But the company did not stop there - Anschutz transferred another important component of the weapon from sport to hunting, namely the anatomical stock. Such stocks greatly facilitate and increase the accuracy of shooting handheld and from awkward positions, and now several other leading arms companies, such as Blaser and Sauer, have begun to make “stocks with a hole.” Isn't this recognition of the Anschutz company as a world-class manufacturer of hunting rifles? Buy Anschutz weapons in the Hunter online store>


In order to get the most detailed picture of the model’s capabilities, you should analyze such indicators as the initial speed of the bullet, the ratio of the length of the barrel and the butt, as well as the material of the barrel, magazine capacity and the total weight of the device.

Below in table form is the data included by the manufacturer in the model in question.

Specifications Anschutz 525 carbine
Manufacturer country Anschutz
Purpose Hunting, sport shooting
View Self-loading automatic carbine
Ammo capacity 10, 20, 30
Overall body length 1,020 mm
Barrel length 406 mm
Model height 202 mm
Weight 4.89 kg
Width 57 mm
Type of trunk Cold forged, oxide coated

Hardwood, specially treated, gives the carbine a more refined appearance, and the presence of devices such as a shock absorber and a notch increases the degree of comfort when using the weapon.

Anschutz for hunters

The Anschutz brand has long been synonymous with precision weapons chambered for 5.6 mm caliber cartridges. For almost a hundred years, such carbines have been produced by JG Anschutz GmbH&Co. KG, one of the most reputable arms companies in Germany. The first were affordable production models in .22LR caliber, followed by ergonomic examples with well-designed designs. In recent years, the range of calibers has expanded significantly, and carbines with different bolts have appeared.

A characteristic feature of any Anschutz model, old or new, is a massive, thick-walled barrel, and all of them, despite the small caliber, are very respectable weapons. The first trademark was the initials of the founder JGA; they remained forever on the company's carbines.

In Germany, the company is revered as very old: back in 1856, the hereditary gunsmith Julius Gottlieb Anschüts and his wife Louise opened it in the town of Melis near the German arms center of Suhl. For more than a century and a half, the company has experienced a lot, but the status of a family-owned, and quite large, enterprise has still been preserved. The company is led by a representative of the next generation of the Anschutz dynasty. Production began with the release of low-power shotguns of the Flobert system for the cartridges of the same name and pocket pistols, designed for a wide range of consumers - from teenagers to farmers. And already in the 1900s, the company became famous in Germany and neighboring countries. She worked in her “small homeland” until the middle of the 20th century, and in 1950 she was forced to start all over again with a small production facility in Ulm.

At the new location, the company initially repaired weapons, and later began producing sports carbines. Significant success is associated with the international competition in 1972, in which athletes with Anschutz carbines won their class. Later, in confirmation of the company’s merits in the development and production of sports weapons, the motto “Die Meister Macher” (“Creator of Champions”) was introduced into the trademark, which turned into a kind of symbol of branded carbines. Over the past four decades, athletes from different countries have won the majority of medals in Olympic shooting disciplines and biathlon with Anschutz carbines.

The current company JG Anschutz GmbH&Co. KG is a large enterprise with the latest technology, including a computer-aided design stage. The main part - the barrel - is manufactured on a rotary machine using cold forging technology. Manual labor during assembly ensures the impeccable quality of each piece. Modern weapons continue the age-old traditions of the company: these are solid bolt-action carbines. There are many hunting and sporting models, all divided into groups depending on the type of shutter. Some models are designed to fire .22 LR and .22 Hornet cartridges. Many are chambered for the well-known smaller caliber .17 HMR cartridges; there are carbines chambered for the common .22 WMR cartridges.

In the second half of the 2000s, the new Anschutz 1770 carbine in .223 Rem caliber with its own bolt transformed the Anschutz series of small-bore weapons familiar to hunters and sportsmen. He opened a new direction in proprietary technology - the production of traditional hunting weapons of various calibers. With this model under a common cartridge, the company entered a new sector of the market, where it had to face tough competition. However, by that time the company had already accumulated solid experience in the production of weapons chambered for a cartridge of similar caliber .222 Rem - it produced the Anschutz 1740 B repeating carbine and the heavy single-shot Anschutz 1742E model. Despite their undoubted advantages, they were equipped with a long-established, albeit very reliable, shutter of the Anschutz 54 system according to internal classification.

The Anschutz 1770 carbine is a very solid weapon, made in the company’s unchanging traditions of quality, reliability and elegance. It was created for accurate shooting over long distances, so it has a massive thick-walled barrel with a length of 550 mm and a diameter of 18 mm. The muzzle, which plays an important role in external ballistics, deserves special attention: it is recessed, and the outer ring rim reliably protects it. The steel bolt box in combination with this barrel and a stock made of dense walnut wood determined its substantial mass - approximately 3.5 kg. The newly designed bolt has a significantly larger contact area when chambering; it has 6 lugs arranged three in two rows, which engage with protrusions directly in the barrel. To reload, it is enough to turn the shutter handle at an angle of only 660 degrees. A bolt of this design makes it possible to create more powerful weapons, and with the Anschutz 1770 carbine, the company moved on to the production of new models.

This example turned out to be the Anschutz 1780 carbine chambered for completely unusual for the company, but very common hunting cartridges in the popular calibers .308 Win, .30-06 Sprg, 8x57 JS and 9.3x62. This model has only appeared in recent years. It is equipped with the same bolt as the Anschutz 1770 carbine, but that is where the similarities end. The main difference is that it has a completely different bolt box, made from a forged billet aluminum alloy. The cartridges are quite powerful, so the bolt box is large, although it largely repeats the geometry of the box of the previous model. Like the Anschutz 1770, the Anschutz 1780's bolt locks the barrel's chamber when rotated through just 60 degrees. This ensures optimal shutter speed during reloading. Six lugs are arranged three in two rows, ensuring reliable engagement with the corresponding protrusions in the barrel. The design does not allow firing when the bolt is not fully closed. The fuse, mounted on the right side of the bolt box, locks the sear, preventing an unintentional shot. This model is equipped with a 560 mm long barrel with an annular muzzle rim. As a result, the Anschutz 1780 carbine weighs approximately 3.2 kg (such a relatively small weight is explained by the material of the bolt box - aluminum alloy). On top of the box itself there are mounting sockets for modern supports for optical sights. The standard equipment of the carbine includes a front sight and rear sight on separate bases. The triangular rear sight slot is marked with three reflective elements for aiming in low light conditions.

The Anschutz 1780 carbine was tested under various conditions before test firing, including pre-conditioning in a chamber at a temperature of -25? C. In total, tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition were fired from it during testing, and only after positive results it was put into mass production. With consistent brand quality, this carbine performs well in its market sector.

Now at the disposal of the company JG Anschutz GmbH&Co. KG has four different actions, including the Anschutz 54 and Anschutz 64 systems, as well as the Anschutz 1770 and Anschuetz 1780 actions. Modern carbines based on them have the same market prospects as the famous previous small-bore models.

Evgeniy Kopeiko Basic instinct, 07 - 2011


The simplicity of the design of the Anschutz 525 model implies the absence of difficulties during its operation. The main structural part of any modern one is the barrel and butt. Their optimal ratio in the Anschutz 525 model can be called the most thoughtful, since it makes it possible to ensure shooting range and a high degree of efficiency of each shot.

It should be noted that after installing the optical sight, it is better not to reinstall it, since the installed front sight may become dislodged. The adjustable sight and front sight with limiters allow you to better aim and hit the selected target. On the bolt box there is a base for mounting an optical sight, which significantly increases shooting efficiency.

Anschutz 525 KL carbine

Anschutz 1761 multi-caliber rifle

From March 8 to 11, the famous weapons exhibition IWA Outdoor Classic 2022 was held in Nuremberg. Traditionally, for many weapons manufacturers it has become the main platform for presenting new products. In this article we will talk about one of the premieres of the exhibition - a new multi-caliber rifle from the German company Anschutz 1761.

So, the Anschutz 1761 is a bolt-action small-caliber carbine designed for hunting small game. At the moment, the rifle is produced in calibers 22 LR, 22 WMR and 17 HMR. One of the main features of the carbine is two types of barrels that can be installed on one weapon alternately, which makes it multi-caliber for three types of cartridges of caliber 22 LR, 22 WMR and 17 HMR. Let's take a closer look at the design of the new product.

Technical characteristics and design features

The main feature of the Anschutz 1761 rifle is its adjustable bolt chambered for 22 LR, 22 WMR and 17 HMR calibers and the presence of two interchangeable barrels. By purchasing one rifle, you have the opportunity to fire three different types of cartridges.

The Anschutz 1761 is available with a stock made of walnut wood, the barrel and receiver are made of high-quality steel, and the trigger guard is made of polymer alloys. The single-stack magazine holds 5 rounds - its body is made of stainless steel with a base made of durable polymer. It is possible to install an optical sight.

The rifle is equipped with two types of barrels:

– 457 mm long barrel with threaded end for installation of additional muzzle devices. – Barrel length 515 mm without thread in the muzzle.

Changing barrels can be easily done at home. The barrels are fixed using two clamps, so that after each change the ideal accuracy of the weapon is maintained. The weight of the classic rifle with a 457 mm barrel is 2.88 kilograms.

The receiver design is inspired by Anschutz target rifles. They feature high rigidity, a flat bearing surface and an integrated return spring. The matte surface of the metal does not glare when aiming and retains its appearance for many years.

The adjustable single-stage trigger is factory set at 1000 grams and can be adjusted from 800 to 1200 grams. The rifle's bolt is equipped with a small bearing, which makes its movement smooth and soft. This allows you to quickly reload the carbine and fire again without losing sight. The external parts of the shutter are treated with a special QPQ coating, which provides additional protection against corrosion and mechanical damage. Thanks to this, the rifle can withstand even the most unfavorable weather conditions.

Model variations

The rifle is available in two versions:



The simple design of the model in question is the key to disassembling the weapon as easily as possible. Disassembly may be necessary during routine inspection of the weapon, during its repair and cleaning.

Dividing the receiver into two parts makes disassembly more convenient. One part is made of metal, the other is made of polymer material, and due to the high structural rigidity and ease of connections, disassembly can even be carried out independently.

This video shows zeroing the Anschutz 525 22lr:

Product prices

The cost of the Anschutz 525 rifle is considered by many to be quite high. However, due to the balance of its high technical capabilities and attractive appearance, which determine the final price of the product, this cost indicator can be called quite reasonable.

Today, the Anschutz 525 self-loading rifle is sold in specialized hunting stores at prices ranging from 25,252 to 27,450 rubles.

Anschutz 525 Color


With the help of feedback from both buyers and owners, you can get a complete picture of both the capabilities and the main advantages of the rifle. According to the majority of owners of this rifle, its capabilities pleasantly surprise even experienced professionals who have significant experience working with firearms from various manufacturers. Ease of use, ergonomic shapes and compactness with a high rate of fire, excellent aiming and the ability to improve the model ensure constant and justified interest from buyers.

Modern design and ease of control, the ability to customize the carbine according to the main criteria for a specific user, as well as good aesthetic qualities have made the Anschutz 525 model one of the most popular today.

German pneumatics for hunting

The new rifle will definitely be of interest to anyone who loves air rifle hunting. Moreover, this is the first pneumatic model of the famous Anschutz brand, designed specifically for hunters. But even those who love hunting with firearms may be interested in the new product as a training weapon. The rifle's weight and size are quite similar to its light firearm counterparts and is excellent for training beginners. It allows you to save ammunition and hone the basic elements of shooting technology at almost any shooting range.

But still, the main purpose of the new product is hunting small game. Therefore, in the design of the rifle, the emphasis is placed not only on shooting accuracy, but also on practicality when used “in the field.” The stock consists of a polymer fore-end and a wooden butt. The handguard is made of durable plastic with a relief textured surface and follows the cylindrical shape of a gas cylinder. The lightweight stock is made of oiled walnut, equipped with a small wooden comb and a soft rubber butt pad.

The 9015 models are equipped with high-precision match barrels manufactured by Anschutz. Free-floating barrels with 12 rifling have a pitch of 420 millimeters. The muzzle of the barrel is equipped with a thread, with which you can install various additional devices on it.

A metal tank with compressed air, which is located under the barrel, is used as a source of energy for firing. The tank is equipped with a built-in pressure gauge and is designed for a pressure of 90 bar (can withstand up to 200 bar). A full charge is enough for 100 shots. A device for bleeding/inflating air into the cylinder is supplied with the rifle.


  • Models with similar technical capabilities and basic parameters include Heckler&Koch, Vepr-15 and Vepr-KM carbines.
  • They are not analogues, but also popular are such self-loading carbines as Benelli Argo, Saiga MK, BAR Mark II Safari, Vepr Hunter, TOZ-99, Remington 750, Remington 7600, MP-161K, Executive Browning,

Shooting from the Anschutz 525 carbine is shown in the video below:

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