The most popular signal pistol MP-371

Signal pistols were originally produced as devices used during sports games. However, the worsening crime situation has forced citizens to think about purchasing legal means of self-defense. It is almost impossible for an ordinary citizen to purchase military weapons if he is not in the service of law enforcement agencies or is not an official who is required to carry weapons.

From the entire arsenal of self-defense means, you can choose traumatic weapons, pneumatic weapons, gas weapons, aerosol pistols and cans, stun guns or a signal pistol.

Approximately half of the listed species do not require compulsory licensing and are freely available. The only question that remains is what to choose. It all depends on the initial goal, the buyer’s capabilities, and physical fitness. Pneumatics with energy up to 7.5 J do not require a permit. In addition, a bullet from such a pistol, hitting an open and unprotected area of ​​the enemy’s body, will cause him very unpleasant sensations. But from the sound of the shot, the aggressor will quickly guess that in front of him is a victim armed with a “child’s toy.” After such an exposure, counting on the help of a pistol is simply stupid.

Signal weapons differ from traumatic, pneumatic and military weapons in that after firing a bullet does not fly out of the pistol barrel. The only consequences of the shot are noise and a bright flash. Depending on the cartridges used, one or another effect can be strengthened or weakened. When using such a weapon against an enemy, the owner must understand that he can rely solely on psychological impact. However, no one can guarantee a positive outcome.

  1. Firstly, if desired, the simulator can always be distinguished from a combat barrel.
  2. Secondly, it is almost impossible to meet a citizen armed with a live gun.
  3. Thirdly, after the first shot it will immediately become clear which pistol was used.

Nevertheless, the MP-371 signal pistol is considered a good means of self-defense. Its operating factors are its similarity to its combat counterpart, imitation of the sound of a shot, and the light effect.


The Makarov signal pistol, designated MP-371, was developed on the basis of the legendary PM combat pistol. Despite the external similarities, the MP-371 is an ordinary dummy, in which the muzzle is made similar by inserting a simulator sleeve, and the handle is borrowed from the original. We must pay tribute, the copy turned out perfect.

The model has been produced since 2010 at the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant. Many details are exactly the same as the combat PM. The pistols are even disassembled in the same way. But the very purpose of the dummy already speaks of a fundamental difference.

The manufacturer took care of the ammunition. The same plant produces special plastic capsules that look like real cartridges. These capsules, depending on the marking, may also be made of steel. All parts of the MP-371 signal pistol are made of real weapon steel. Theoretically, a pistol can be converted into a military weapon, but you should think a thousand times about the safety and legality of such an upgrade.


Data that are tactical and technical characteristics are indicated by the manufacturer. If all the data really matches, then the instance receives a certificate of conformity. It is advisable to always carry this document with you. If there is no certificate, then a law enforcement officer has the right to seize the weapon and send it for examination.

The pistol comes with a magazine and 30 rounds of ammunition. The factory provides a two-year warranty. Modifications MP-371-02 and MP-371-03 differ in the set of kits and appearance. In later modifications, a characteristic Makarov tint, better known as a “beard,” can be found on the slide. The internal structure of the bolt is also different (a different shape of the cut, which prevents conversion into a military weapon), but the pistols are identical in their technical characteristics.

The caliber of the pistol is 5.6 mm. This value is well within the framework of Russian legislation. Using a special bushing, you can simulate a muzzle cut for a 9 mm caliber. Due to the fact that almost all parts, as in the case of combat PM, are made of weapons-grade steel, the weight of the MP-371 pistol is 0.7 kg. In principle, mass is not an indicator for a signal pistol. Many even believe that the lighter the weapon, the better. However, the manufacturer has undertaken to bring the model as close as possible to a military weapon, which is why we have this indicator.

Clip capacity – 8 rounds. The ammunition used is a cartridge with a Zhevelo-N or KV-21 primer. When the primer is fired, an explosion of gunpowder occurs, which produces a characteristic pop, similar to the sound of a shot from a real pistol. The dimensions of the signal pistol are practically no different from the dimensions of the PM. Length – 163 mm, height – 127 mm, and width – 31 mm.

Main differences from PM

The signal pistol, with the exception of the MP-371-03 modification, differs in appearance from the combat prototype in the absence of a special ebb under the bolt (beard). Instead, a cut is made at the factory. It is designed to loosen the bolt when trying to convert a “toy” into a trauma or combat PM. Manufacturers are counting on the fact that when using a live cartridge, the bolt will not withstand and will burst in the cut area.

Pistols also differ in barrel design. By and large, the signal pistol does not have a barrel. Instead, a metal blank is mounted in which a groove is cut with a milling cutter. This greatly complicates the remodeling procedure. The chrome-plated chamber is adapted to install a cartridge, and the powder gases are discharged out through a special hole with a diameter of 2 mm. Limiters are also provided in the clip, so it is simply impossible to load the PM starting pistol with live ammunition.

Pistol tuning

If desired, the signal pistol can be made even more similar to a combat pistol. In particular, you can remove the plastic handle and replace it with a handle from a combat PM or from an IZH-79.

You can also give the false gun barrel the appearance of a real gun barrel. Since the cut of the barrel of the signal pistol is painted with red paint, you can wipe off this paint, after which the entire pistol will be transformed. Or, if you wish, you can replace the pseudo-barrel with a real barrel from the PM or IZH-79.

Work principles

The operation of the mechanisms of the MP-371 pistol also has characteristic differences.

  • First of all, these differences relate to automation. Firing from a dummy is carried out only in pre-cocking mode. Each time it is necessary to cock the hammer, while the simulator is removed from the chamber by moving the bolt. Only after extraction is a new simulator sent. Each shot is accompanied by a pull on the trigger.
  • There is no automatic shooting mode. But during the shot, the shutter moves. If you watch the shooter, it may seem that he is shooting from a combat pistol.

Legal changes to flare weapons

The first most popular legal modification is the implementation of the ability to automatically reload the pistol, because it is known that the MP-371, unlike its combat counterpart, has this ability deactivated. Let us remind you that automatic reloading is needed so that after each shot you do not have to cock the bolt manually, but use the energy of the powder gases for this. The weapon meets the characteristics specified in the certificate, so there is nothing illegal in this tuning.

It was not by chance that we drew attention to the certificate, since this document appears in the law on weapons. The characteristics of the pistol must comply with the certificate, otherwise it may be seized by law enforcement officials. Some modifications do not turn signal weapons into firearms, but change their performance characteristics.

As such, there is no punishment for such actions, but the gun cannot be called legal either.

First of all, we are talking about increasing the caliber. Usually the pistol is adapted for firing light-noise cartridges of 10x24 or 1-TK caliber. Here the owner has a certain temptation. To obtain a cold weapon, you will have to spend a lot of time and money, and converting a signal pistol for 10 TK cartridges provides a relatively inexpensive way to get shots that sound identical to a shot from a combat pistol.

Any examination will confirm the fact of alteration. If a citizen does not have a certificate for a pistol, this will be a reason to send the barrel to specialists. But if the articles of the criminal code are not applicable in this case, then the Code of Administrative Offenses provides for a violation of the law in this act. This means that the owner of such a trunk will have to pay a considerable amount of fine. Isn’t it better to legally acquire a traumatic or bleached weapon? This is a rhetorical question.


The golden hands of the masters will always find something to do. The idea of ​​the amateur masses is to obtain a weapon that is as similar to a combat pistol as possible at minimal cost. Some modifications that manufacturers have made can be improved independently. Such work is called model tuning.

When conducting such experiments, it is necessary to constantly think about the appropriateness and legality of actions. For example, external changes that make it possible to achieve maximum similarity with a Makarov pistol will not affect its technical characteristics in any way. Although it increases the likelihood that the enemy will believe in the authenticity of the barrel. Design changes that transform a signal pistol into a traumatic one can be expensive for its owner.

  • The first element that you can work with yourself is the pistol grip. It is made of ordinary plastic. The combat pistol uses a bakelite pad. The cover is secured with a screw, which will also have to be borrowed from its combat “brother”.
  • The muzzle cut of the barrel is also subject to alteration. The imitation is given by the end of the tube, painted red. Some hobbyists erase the paint with acetone so that the cut trunk takes on a more “severe” appearance. The final touch is installing the bushing into the barrel. Its length should not be more than one and a half centimeters.

Advantages and disadvantages of the model

The mass user model is attractive mainly because it does not require permission or a license to purchase it. These documents are also not needed for further storage or carrying of the starting pistol. Buyers of the MP-371 also like the ease of use, as well as the comfort of wearing. You can purchase a holster specifically for him, although there is no such requirement in the law. But a weapon in a holster can, by its very appearance, disrupt the enemy’s plans.

Even in the reviews, real owners note the fact that components are quite easy to find. This indicates a high degree of repairability of the barrel. The most important thing that attracts a buyer is the price. The cost of a Makarov signal pistol is 6-7 thousand rubles. This is the lower cost limit for pistols, albeit for a specific purpose.

Disadvantages include wear of the mechanism after long-term use. This model is characterized by gradually occurring shutter play. It’s rare, but jamming of mechanisms still happens. Manufacturers recommend cleaning the gun after each use. If we take into account the purpose of the pistol and accept the impossibility of inflicting a stopping effect on the enemy, then no more shortcomings have been identified in the MP-371 model.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Makarov MP-371 pistol is invariably in demand, as it has many advantages as a defensive weapon. Its disadvantages are insignificant; they can be easily prevented if you use the weapon correctly and carefully.

reliability and durability; ease of use and disassembly; availability of spare parts for repairs; lightness and compact design; ease of wearing, both in a holster and without it; impossibility of injuring the enemy; carrying and use without the need to obtain special permission; low cost gradual appearance of shutter play and jamming of functional structural elements during prolonged and intensive use; gradual accumulation of carbon deposits inside the barrel tube if the weapon is not cleaned in time

Users note that with proper care, the MP-371 lasts a long time and requires almost no repairs. Due to its compactness, the weapon can be carried not only in a holster, but also hidden in a pocket, under clothing. Although in a holster, the signal model, which looks like a real Makarov pistol, looks even more impressive.

Despite its menacing appearance, the MP-371 is completely safe; the defender will never become an accidental criminal. This is a purely psychological weapon, the purpose of which is to scare away the criminal, cause his confusion so that the potential victim can escape.

The Makarov MP-371 pistol costs about 9,000 rubles. This is a small amount for a defensive model considering the quality of this weapon.

How to buy

The absence of licensing requirements eliminates many issues associated with the purchase of a signal pistol. To buy it, you just need to choose a suitable online store where the price is the most reasonable and place an order. Let us remind you that the price of MP-371 in different stores does not differ much; it varies from 6,000 to 7,000 rubles.

Any transport company can deliver a pistol, since transportation of this type of weapon does not require paperwork.

Keep an eye on the package. The gun is placed in a plastic bag, where silica gel is placed. The package must be packed in the original box. The lack of packaging gives rise to doubt that the pistol is new. Avoid purchases on the secondary market, as you may find alterations, the storage or use of which may result in administrative penalties.

MP 371: do you need a permit for a flash-noise weapon, can you carry it with you?

Initially, the signal pistol was intended for sports competitions. But recently, due to the worsening crime situation in the country, more and more people are using this type of civilian weapon for self-defense. To purchase, you do not need to obtain a special permit, which greatly increases demand for it. As a result, manufacturers began to produce newer models and modernize existing models to suit the specifics of the scarecrow pistol.

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