Review and characteristics of the MP-371 signal pistol, its pros and cons

Description of the MP-371 signal pistol

Production of the MP-371 signal model started at the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant in 2012 and continues to this day. The kit, in addition to the pistol itself, includes accompanying documentation, a magazine, and 30 plastic cartridges that imitate real cartridges.

In design and materials, the signal model is practically no different from the combat Makarov. All structural elements of the MP-371 are made from high quality weapons-grade steel. The exception is the brown plastic trim on the handle. The bolt frame is movable. The trigger is adjustable, the trigger is double cocked, the shot is semi-automatic.

The differences between combat and signal pistols are as follows:

  • In the signal model, the lower front part of the bolt is devoid of a “beard” - a weighting lining. Instead, you can see a small depression. Its purpose is to exclude the possibility of installing homemade devices on the bolt that allow the use of live ammunition. Some unfortunate craftsmen remake the bolt itself, but this idea is fraught with serious consequences: when fired, there is a high probability of destruction of the bolt, causing injury to the shooter.
  • The MP-371 signal pistol does not have a barrel as such. It is replaced by a simple metal pipe. Moreover, the fastening of the stem tube is not reliable. And this is not a defect, but a well-thought-out feature, which also does not allow “sculpting” a signal weapon into a combat weapon.

Requirement to obtain permission

The question is very often asked: “Can a signal weapon be used without a license?” or “do I need a permit for a signal weapon, including the MP 371 signal pistol?” The free acquisition and storage of light and smoke signal weapons with a caliber of up to 6 mm, as well as permitted (those that cannot be used as projectiles for firearms and gas models) cartridges for them are regulated by Art. 13 Federal Law “On Weapons”.

The admissibility of a specific type of cartridge for signal weapons is checked and confirmed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and a corresponding conclusion is made.

Pistols and revolvers with a barrel diameter of more than 6 mm, that is, models suitable for the use of military projectiles similar to those used for gas and firearms, require a permit.

Important: the fact is that after some modification, such weapons can be used as full-fledged civilian pistols and revolvers.

As for the sale of light/smoke models, they, being civilian weapons, are subject to mandatory certification. It is permitted to purchase signal pistols and revolvers only in gun stores that have a certification certificate as the basis for the sale of weapons with cartridges for them.

As self-defense weapons, signal pistols/revolvers, accompanied by certificates, are contained in the Russian state cadastre. The sale of such goods is permitted only to citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached 18 years of age.


Here is an overview of the technical characteristics of the Makarov MP-371 signal pistol:

Weapon length16.2 cm
weapon height12.7 cm
weapon width3.1 cm
barrel length9.3 cm
weight700 g
caliber5.6/9 mm
shop8 rounds
cartridgesnoise KV-21, “Zhevelo-N”

The MP-371 pistol, released from the factory assembly line, is equipped with a certificate of compliance with the specified technical characteristics and a passport. These documents must be carried along with the weapon, even though it is not a combat weapon. In the absence of a certificate, the policeman has the right to pick up the pistol and then send it to an expert to assess the purpose of the seized weapon.

Starter weapon for self-defense

The signal replica of the Smersh RK-1 revolver, with a drum for 6 rounds, is lightweight and small in size, so it is perfect for a girl. When a shot is fired, a sheaf of sparks flies out of the barrel, which completely simulates a combat shot.

MP 371 is bought exclusively for self-defense. The model is absolutely not suitable for attacking or shooting at targets.

Citrus fruits are powerful antidepressants. But not everyone can eat them. After all, this is the strongest allergen. If you put a cut lemon on the bedside table, you will be able to inhale the aroma of the fruit.

Standard of reliability. Shpagina submachine gun, quenched PPSh-41 SKh PPSh-SKhP. Rarely preserved from the war years!

A license to store and carry a signal pistol is issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the owner’s place of residence. The validity period of such a license is usually up to five years.

Principle of operation

Being a semi-automatic model, the MP-371 has nothing in common with the combat Makarov in terms of mechanics.

The signal pistol is fired by self-cocking. When the weapon fires, the shooter must pull the trigger again. The used cartridge is removed from the chamber through the bolt. The next noise cartridge in the magazine automatically enters the chamber after pressing the trigger and removing the spent cartridge.

During the firing process, the MP-371's bolt moves. In this way, a signal pistol is similar to a combat pistol. And the similarity with the Makarov combat model enhances the ignition of signal cartridges as they fly out of the barrel tube.

How to shoot a pistol

Let us remind you that the pistol’s fire mode is semi-automatic. At the same time, the MP-371’s automation is significantly different from the automatics of the combat Makarov.

A noise pistol can only be fired by self-cocking. After the shot is fired, the hammer must be cocked again, and the used blank charge is removed from the chamber using the bolt. Only after the hammer is cocked and the used charge is ejected, a new charge is automatically sent from the magazine to the chamber.

Just like the combat PM, the Makarov MP-371 has a bolt movement when firing. In addition, noise charges ignite during a shot. Thanks to these two conditions, from the outside one might think that the shooting is not from a signal Makarov, but from a combat one.

Possible tuning

To further scare an attacker, many users try to make the signal weapon look like a military weapon. Here you can work on the handle and pipe simulating the barrel. Usually, it is by the plastic handle that criminals determine that the weapon is not a military weapon. Therefore, you can equip the pistol with the handle of a combat Makarov. The handle from IZH-79 will also work.

The second factor by which you can determine the status of a pistol is the cut of the receiver tube. It has red paint applied to it, indicating that the weapon is a signal weapon. This coating is easy to scrape off, after which the MP-371 will take on a much more brutal appearance.

MP-371 is a defensive model, which is most often converted for live, blank and traumatic cartridges. This is an illegal type of tuning, which has become widespread in recent years, because on the black market for weapons, a converted MP-371 is one of the cheapest goods.

The difference between the cooled R-411 and the PM

Secondly, in any case, the employees of the store where you are going to purchase this pistol will be able to help you.

The product has modern markings in accordance with current legislation and the manufacturer’s specifications.

Modern signal pistols can be of various types, ranging from complete copies of combat models (such as the TT-S starting pistol or Makarov pistol), to electronic models of the original type, which are completely different from classic short-barreled weapons.

Signal weapons can be divided into several groups:

  • Mechanical pistols and revolvers;
  • Electronic starting analogues.

In addition to signal weapons, which completely copy combat models, you can purchase various triggering devices designed to send signals accompanied by a flash.

This situation is considered as a protection of the individual or his rights in the event of any illegal attack. In other situations, firing a signal weapon is strictly prohibited and is punishable by law.

Standard holster for PM Made in Russia, 2006. (Makarov pistol) dark brown, genuine leather, ...

Oblige V.A. Serdtsev during the probationary period, do not change your permanent place of residence without notifying the specialized state body that carries out the correction of convicted persons, and periodically appear at the specified body for registration.

Please advise a store where you can buy it. Wherever I don’t get along, toys are sold everywhere.

As for the permit for signal weapons, a license is not required for signal revolvers and pistols with a caliber of no more than 4.5 millimeters. Citizens of the Russian Federation can freely purchase signal weapons without mandatory licensing.

I am selling a completely new model of an AK-74 mmg assault rifle with a simulator of an under-barrel grenade launcher (GP-34). Production - IzhMash. The handguard, pad and stationary butt are wooden, there is a side rail for installation...

However, now the relevance of vegetable gardens is becoming a thing of the past; many city residents who go to their dachas for the weekend just want to relax, lying in a hammock with a book or having a picnic in their own garden. Accordingly, most of their plots are occupied by lawns or lawns.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Makarov MP-371 pistol is invariably in demand, as it has many advantages as a defensive weapon. Its disadvantages are insignificant; they can be easily prevented if you use the weapon correctly and carefully.

reliability and durability; ease of use and disassembly; availability of spare parts for repairs; lightness and compact design; ease of wearing, both in a holster and without it; impossibility of injuring the enemy; carrying and use without the need to obtain special permission; low cost gradual appearance of shutter play and jamming of functional structural elements during prolonged and intensive use; gradual accumulation of carbon deposits inside the barrel tube if the weapon is not cleaned in time

Users note that with proper care, the MP-371 lasts a long time and requires almost no repairs. Due to its compactness, the weapon can be carried not only in a holster, but also hidden in a pocket, under clothing. Although in a holster, the signal model, which looks like a real Makarov pistol, looks even more impressive.

Despite its menacing appearance, the MP-371 is completely safe; the defender will never become an accidental criminal. This is a purely psychological weapon, the purpose of which is to scare away the criminal, cause his confusion so that the potential victim can escape.

The Makarov MP-371 pistol costs about 9,000 rubles. This is a small amount for a defensive model considering the quality of this weapon.


Simulator cartridges for this model come in 2 types: plastic and steel. They completely copy the appearance of a real cartridge. The first ones are designed to give a single signal; after each shot, the pistol has to be reloaded. Unlike them, steel ones can be used like “real” ones; after firing, cock the hammer and shoot until the clip is empty.

You can buy in the store any blank signal weapon that suits your price and meets its basic characteristics. Pay attention to the size - for a woman’s hand you need to choose a small pistol that is easy to handle. Design Features One of the most popular is the Makarov pistol, with automatic transmission, designed for 8 brass cartridges. Please tell me how much a fully finished PM-371 with an automatic shutter and other modifications will cost? My cell number is 89832960202.

Types of signal weapons

Signal weapons are included in the civilian category, and in order to carry them, you must obtain a certificate of conformity. This document is the basis for the sale of such pistols and the ammunition needed for them.

All noise weapons are conventionally divided into two types:

  • electronic pistols;
  • weapons using gunpowder.

The first type is becoming more and more popular during sports competitions. This is due to the reliability and accuracy of the pistol.

Starting weapons that use gunpowder to fire are divided into two types:

  • store;
  • revolver type.

Let's look at the super compact "Retay P114 Black".

Cartridges that are suitable for it:

  • light;
  • light and noise;
  • noise

Cartridges used to produce a sound and light signal are effective at night and have found their use in signal flares. Using a flare gun in an emergency can save its owner's life.

Area of ​​use:

  • repelling animals;
  • reconstruction of military actions;
  • weapons training;
  • signal for help;
  • sound signals.

The nuances of using noise (starting) pistols

The demand for signal weapons can be explained by the wide range of their applications. It is worth noting the following options for using such weapons:

  • for personal protection. Thanks to the noise shot, it is possible to inform about an attack or scare the bandits;
  • during the competition. When athletes begin a race, they must hear a certain sound signaling the start of the competition. The pistol is equipped with noise cartridges that also emit a light flash during a shot. Thus, participants in sports competitions receive a signal about the start of the race, and timekeepers can start counting the time in time;
  • for self-defense. Although the signal pistol is not a military weapon, it can be used to scare away dogs or intruders.

There are new, small-sized models of noise guns. Due to the small diameter and weight of the weapon, it can even be carried in a woman’s handbag.

Types and purpose

Light and sound weapons can only fire signal cartridges, say, sound, light or smoke.

It will not help you fight off a gang of criminals, however, shooting in the air or towards the offender will help you gain time and escape.

We must not forget that most models are created as an exact copy of an existing military weapon and therefore can be used for bluffing in the event of an attack.

Even a conscientious, sober person will not be able to immediately navigate the speed of the attack, let alone an alcoholic, drug addict or homeless person, who most often pose a danger to a city dweller.

Such a scarecrow is extremely effective in a situation where one loud sound or flash of light is enough to avoid an attack, say, if we are talking about a pack of dogs. For these purposes, there are even special models of light and sound weapons “Antidog”.

Important: registration of anti-dogs, tourist flare guns, sports signal pistols, as well as flash-noise weapons with a caliber of less than 0.4 mm is not required.

In their shape, they most often resemble rocket launchers. For lovers of dangerous tourism, there are special models. Their power is enough to force even a wolf or a bear to retreat. Also, many of these models can be used as tourist rocket launchers, but for this you will have to acquire special cartridges.

A rocket launcher without a license or a gap in the legislation?! Let's try to figure it out.

Hello! In this article I would like to touch upon the rather paradoxical situation that has developed on the civilian weapons market. On the one hand, the possession of weapons by citizens is strictly regulated, an entire Federal Law “On Weapons” has been adopted, which quite clearly states: what weapons a person can own, at what age, what certificates need to be collected, what training to undergo and how to store these weapons. But there is one sample that, by all indications, falls under the category of firearms, but to acquire it you don’t need anything other than money, I’m talking about a “rocket launcher”.

So, what is a “rocket launcher”.

In fact, the “rocket launcher” is a single-shot, smooth-bore, fourth-caliber pistol, or in other words 26 mm caliber, the official name is “Signal Pistol.” Can you imagine a sawed-off single-barreled shotgun?! This is about the same thing, only the caliber is larger! As the name suggests, the pistol is designed to provide light and smoke signals depending on the type of ammunition, of which quite a large number have been developed. An ordinary signal cartridge is not much different from a cartridge for a hunting rifle, the only difference being that instead of a bullet or shot charge, a lighting or other composition is charged, which ignites when fired and continues to burn during flight.

In general, the range of 4th caliber ammunition is quite wide; in addition to signal and smoke cartridges, there are shotgun and traumatic 4th caliber cartridges, as well as gas cartridges equipped with a small gas grenade with tear gas “Cheryomukha-4”. True, this ammunition was developed for the KS-23 Drozd carbine, which is used by special forces, and is not intended for use in a signal pistol, but it is not difficult to fire them from a rocket launcher. A completely exotic ammunition for a rocket launcher is a silent cartridge developed by Yugoslav gunsmiths.

The signal cartridge has a charge weight of about 30 grams. and the charge lifting height is up to 120m. And when such a charge hits a person, the latter’s chances of survival tend to zero, that is, in fact, we have a lethal firearm,

Noise pistol "Stalker"

The main purpose is for sports and recreational shooting and mastering the skills of handling pistols. At the same time, the design of the Stalker signal pistols is so realistic and repeats the model of a military weapon that at first glance, inexperienced users will mistake it for a combat model. Polymer materials and metal alloys are used for manufacturing, which ensures excellent product quality.

The advantage of this type of weapon is its small size. It easily fits into a belt holster, carried in a bag, backpack, and so on. All models of signal pistols are supplied for sale exclusively in the factory version. Do not forget that any unauthorized change in design involves criminal liability.

Starting revolvers are considered multi-shot weapon models.

They are often used during competitions. This weapon is more reliable.

The weapon's drum rotates using the shooter's muscular strength, and if it misfires, a second shot can be fired immediately. Signal revolvers are usually equipped with various devices and backup cartridges.

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