'"Bogatyr Ilyusha", or the Airplane of "a hundred professions". How the Il-76 passed half a century in service' width="750
Il-76 aircraft: flight performance characteristics
Assembly of the Il-76 © Nikolai Nilov/Ilyushin Design Bureau The aircraft of “a hundred professions,” as the 76th is sometimes called, is still
Weapons of the Second World War. Guns of high flight and understanding (29 photos)
Posted by zaCCCPanec August 23, 2022 1:36 pm Tags: air guns stories about weapons history pages  
Why is it too early to threaten Russia with hypersonic weapons?
The Strategic Missile Forces (Strategic Missile Forces) are currently a branch of the military consisting of
Homemade target for aerial shooting or just like at a shooting range
Targets in the form of a person Targets are produced not only in standard, but also in more original
The GAZ-3106 jeep will cost 10 thousand dollars and has already passed tests
Prototypes And even though GAZ froze it, it’s still worth a look, even if only for
FN Herstal F2000 assault rifle (Belgium)
Belgian manufacturer of firearms FN Herstal Targov name Fabrique Nationale Herstal Type SA
Threads on the barrel Saiga 12, 410, 5.45, 7.62 and 9x19
History of the creation of the Saiga 9 carbine This carbine is a representative of a large family of civilian weapons produced by the concern
Unequal tank duels. Part 3. T-34-85 against the “Royal Tigers”
Firepower Early T-34-85 tanks were equipped with an 85-mm D-5T (or D-5-T85) gun with
Guide to the Tier 4 medium tank Pz.Kpfw. III Ausf. J WoT
Hello everyone and welcome to aces.gg! Tankers and tankwomen, today we will talk about
"TOR" M1, M2, M2U and M3 - modernization of the Soviet anti-aircraft missile system
In February 1975, the Council of Ministers issued a decree that spoke about the development of the first
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