Interior layout and best seats of the Aeroflot Airbus A319

S7 Airlines Ural Airlines Russia Czech Airlines Aurora Reviews of Airbus A319

The Airbus A319 is part of the A320 family of airliners, has a shortened fuselage and is used for passenger transportation over short and medium distances - up to 6900 km or up to 8300 km when modified by the A319LR. Onboard capacity is from 116 to 158 passengers, depending on the selected configuration.

This Airbus is popular with airlines from all over the world. The largest operator is the British low-cost airline EasyJet. In Russia, Airbus A319 aircraft are regularly operated by S7 Airlines, Ural Airlines, Rossiya, and Aurora.

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Below are diagrams of Airbus A319 cabins on the most popular airlines among Russian-speaking passengers.

S7 Airlines

On S7 airline flights, Airbus A319 aircraft have 144 seats. The layout is simple, without business class, single cabin - only economy class seats.

The best seats on the A319 are not marked for the S7, since the company does not allocate luxury seats. However, some chairs still have advantages due to their location. Thus, unofficially, passengers recognize the best seats as the seats in the 11th row near the emergency exits: their only (but also important) feature is the increased distance to the row in front, as a result, sitting is much more comfortable in the sense that you can freely stretch your legs and passengers in front do not will cause inconvenience with a lowered backrest.

Tickets to the front of the cabin (rows 1–3) are also considered successful: in this case, you will be among the first to be served food on board, you have the opportunity to leave the plane faster upon landing (no need to stand in line behind passengers who take a long time to collect their belongings), and this moment is already especially relevant for those flying with a short layover.

The worst seats are at the back of the cabin. And they have several disadvantages: these are seats near the toilets, there is less space for hand luggage on the shelf, the backs of the seats are blocked, it takes a long time to get in and out.


Aircraft characteristics

This model is suitable for covering short and medium distances. An aircraft of this class is capable of flying 6,845 kilometers without refueling . This value is an excellent indicator for an airliner, the length of which is 33.84 meters with a wingspan of 34.1 m. The developers released the first A319 in 1992, and production of the aircraft continues today. Aeroflot has 7 Airbus A319 models on its balance sheet - the Rossiya cabin layout is identical to the described modifications; there are 26 such aircraft.

The basic model of the Airbus A319 is designed for short and medium distances - the airliner flies 6,845 km without refueling

Based on the main model, the designers developed the production of several modernized aircraft of this type and the A 320 model. Moreover, individual aircraft are capable of covering distances of up to 12,000 km - as an example, let’s take the Airbus A319 Corporate Jet airliner. The fuel tanks here have been increased, and the board can accommodate 39 people. If we compare the aircraft with other modifications, among its competitors aviators name the Boeing 717. However, this airliner is no longer produced.

When designing the base model, the designers included two classes for passengers in the interior layout with a total capacity of 124 seats. Variations of the liners involve changing the number of passenger seats in the range of 116–156 units. Moreover, the share of comfortable seats here is 17%.

In this review, we will look at the Airbus A319 Aeroflot aircraft, the cabin layout, the best seats and technical parameters of which allow you to take 132 passengers on board. Here the developers took into account the installation of 12 high-comfort seats and the equipment of 120 economy-class seats. Let's study the features of the layout of such a side in order to determine which seats are appropriate to book and which are better to refuse. Let's start with an overview of the general selection rules.

Ural Airlines

The capacity of the Airbus A319 in the configuration from Ural Airlines is 134 seats, of which:

  • Business class - 8 seats at the beginning of the cabin (rows 1–2), arranged in a 2–2 pattern;
  • Economy class - 134 seats in a standard 3-3 configuration, the best seats with increased legroom are in row 10 near the emergency exits.


Differences from A320

As mentioned above, the A319 is a modified version of the A320. The differences between them are as follows:

  1. Shortened fuselage;
  2. Reducing the number of seats.

The concern also released two modifications of the A319:

  • The A319ACJ is a business aircraft capable of carrying 39 passengers in VIP conditions over a range of up to 12,000 km.
  • A319LR is a modification with an increased flight range of up to 8300 km due to the installation of additional fuel tanks.


The fleet of Airbus A319 aircraft is the largest among the fleets of domestic carriers.

There are two layout options used on aircraft. At the same time, both schemes highlight business class and economy class, as well as Space+ seats, which are the best in economy (more legroom) and require an additional payment.

Rossiya's first Airbus A319 design

  • Business class - 8 seats in rows 1–2, arranged in a 2–2 pattern;
  • Economy class - rows 3 to 22;
  • Space+ seats are located on row 9 - B, C, D, E.

Where used - names and side numbers of vessels: "Vladimir" (VQ-BAR), "Volgograd" (VQ-BCO), "Voronezh" (VP-BQK), "Zenitolet" (VQ-BAS), "Ivanovo" (VP -BIQ), “Izhevsk” (EI-EYL), “Kostroma” (EI-EZC), “Lipetsk” (VP-BIU), “Murmansk” (VP-BWG), “Novokuznetsk” (VQ-BAT), “ Novorossiysk (VQ-BAV), Perm (VP-BNN), Rostov-on-Don (VQ-BCP), Samara (VP-BNJ), Saratov (VP-BWJ), Smolensk "(VQ-BBA), "Stavropol" (VQ-BAU), "Suzdal" (EI-EYM), "Tula" (VQ-BAQ), "Ulan-Ude" (VP-BIT), "Ufa" (VP -BNB), "Yaroslavl" (EI-EZD).


Rossiya's second Airbus A319 design

The main feature of this layout option is its business-class equipment. It is in no way separated from the economy class, and even the arrangement of seats in it is based on the economy class layout, but without a middle seat in each block, as a result, all the seats are separate.

  • Business class - 8 seats in rows 1 and 2;
  • Economy class - rows 3 to 23;
  • Space+ seats: 10th row, B, C, D, E.

Names and side numbers of vessels with this configuration: “Anapa” (VP-BBT), “Pskov” (VP-BBU), “Chelyabinsk” (VP-BIS), “Omsk” (VP-BIV).



Airplane A320: cabin layout

The Airbus A319 series aircraft have 4 types of basic equipment:

  1. The basic version is A319-110 with CFM56 engines. Depending on the engine brand, there are the following models: CFM56-5A4-111; CFM56-5B5-112 and CFM56-5B6-114;
  2. The A319-130 was developed from the base model and is powered by AeroEngines V2500 bypass turbojet engines. Models 131 and 132 – V2522-A5;
  3. Modification LR – additional fuel tanks are installed, which allow increasing the flight range to 8 thousand km;
  4. Airbus Corporate Jet airliner for business aviation. This liner can carry up to 50 VIP passengers; if necessary, the cabins can be easily dismantled, which allows them to accommodate 100 people. The maximum flight range with a VIP cabin is 12 thousand km.

Interior lounge for VIPs

Production of the Airbus continues actively; flight tests of an improved version of the A319neo are already underway, which will soon replace the old model on air routes.


Although Aeroflot does not have an Airbus A319 in its fleet, this model is actively operated by its subsidiary, which operates regional and international flights from the Far East.

The total number of seats on all flights is 128.

There are two layout schemes, the main difference is in the numbering of the rows.

According to the basic scheme, the seats of increased comfort are row 9, A, B, E, F.


According to the scheme for the VQ-BWV board, such seats are located on row 10, A, B, E, F.


Airbus A319 - description of the aircraft

The A320 family of medium-range airbuses with passenger capacity appeared in the nineties of the last century. These were the first narrow-body aircraft with 150 seats created by the Airbus Industrie corporation since the Boeing 737 (1960). This includes four main models: A318, A319, A320 and A321.

Airbus Idustrie began developing the A319 program in 1992, and the aircraft made its first flight in August 1995. Compared to the base model (A320), the Airbus 319 is almost four meters shorter, but has a longer flight range. In other respects (cockpit, flight control systems, engines), both models are practically no different.

The latest technologies are used in the cockpit: digital displays, by-wire command control system (commands using electrical impulses). To reduce the weight of the liner, high-strength composite materials are used in its design.

According to pilots, the aircraft is very reliable. In 2011, at Pulkovo airport, immediately after takeoff, one of the engines of the A319 failed. Despite this, the pilots managed to land the plane successfully. In general, over all the years of existence of this model, there has not been a single case of failure of two engines at once.

The Airbus A319 has a modification with larger fuel tanks - the A319 LR. The flight range of this model is 8,350 km. The A319 LR's competitor is the Boeing 737-700ER.


After takeoff and ascent, flight attendants will offer passengers newspapers and magazines, and after half an hour they are offered a snack: a sandwich (chicken or vegetables), juices, various soft and hot drinks.

The A319 series has the largest number of aircraft with a Wi-Fi connection. The largest and richest airline in the Russian Federation, Aeroflot, uses the OnAir provider: for smartphones the price is 5-10 dollars for 3-10 MB, and for tablets and laptops – 10-30 $ for 10-40 MB. To gain access, the passenger needs to enter credit card information, the cost of the data spent is withdrawn at the end of the flight.

In Europe, the cost of connecting to the Internet is much more expensive: at Lufthansa, Air France and KLM, Wi-Fi costs almost 11 euros per hour. TAP Portugal on its flights to Europe and America allows a 4 MB connection for 6 €, and the Swiss company Swiss Air has Wi-Fi included in the price of a business class ticket.

The only airlines in the world, Turkish, Norwegian and Hong Kong Airlines, offer a similar service for their passengers free of charge.

Wireless connection in the cabin

In 2022, it will be 22 years since the Airbus A319 plows the expanses of the fifth ocean. During the indicated period, about 2,000 models of this aircraft were ordered, and 33 Airbuses from this series are in operation in Russia.

In terms of safety, the A319 ranks first: as of 2009, 1,183 copies were produced, and failures occurred on only one.

The Airbus has never been listed among the aircraft that had particularly major accidents or disasters - all emergency landings of the airliner were made for technical reasons, which are significantly influenced by timely technical inspection.

Airbus model A319 of Russia Airlines

It matters greatly what kind of aircraft the airline purchased: fresh from the factory or already used. The Airbus A319 today ranks second in popularity among the A320 family and is a worthy competitor to airliners of the same class from Boeing.

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