Tank T-72 "Ural": development history, purpose, modifications

After the Second World War, a significant amount of armored vehicles remained in service with many countries. In addition to the latest military developments, it also included pre-war vehicles, including captured ones. This differentiation made maintenance difficult, which required gradual replacement and unification of all tanks.

Post-war developments took into account the combat experience of large-scale warfare. Ease of operation and maintenance was taken into account. An important factor was the modernization resource, which allows the vehicle to be further improved if necessary.

T-72 "Ural" is a second generation Soviet medium tank. Became the most massively produced in this category. Its modifications are still in service with Russia and a number of countries, meeting the requirements of a modern tank.

An excursion into the history of the creation of the tank

T-72 tank
The rearmament of USSR tank formations began almost immediately after the war. In 1946-47, production of the T-54 began. In the early 60s they began to be replaced by the T-64 and its modifications. However, new research into armor, armament and engine assembly quickly made the new vehicles obsolete.

It was during this period that a change in classification began. New developments have made it possible to combine speed, protection and a powerful weapon. Accordingly, the medium tank became the main combat tank, becoming the basis of tank formations.

In this context, the development of the T-72 began in 1967, its main task was to replace the T-64A. The latter were used as tests of new B-45 engines with ejection and fan cooling. Research was also carried out to create an automatic gun loader for 22 rounds.

In 1969, testing began on the modified B-46 engine, as well as a new chassis. The first samples of such equipment received the designation “Object 172M”. The result of the development was the decree of August 7, 1973 on the adoption of new T-72 tanks for service.

The development of the car did not end there. The tank received recognition not only in the USSR and Russia, but also in many other countries. Based on it, many modifications have been developed, including modernized versions. The latter still remain in service with various armies.

A little history

The reason for the creation of the T-72 was the protracted introduction of the T-64, the new main tank of the Soviet Army. The vehicle was equipped with an original 5TDF diesel engine with counter-piston movement, for the assembly of which a special production facility was launched in Kharkov. However, the plant's potential ensured the production of vehicles only in peacetime; any increase in vehicle production led to a shortage of power plants.

As an alternative, a version of the tank with a simpler B-45 diesel engine, which was mastered by industry, began to be considered. The tank was supposed to be produced at a plant in Nizhny Tagil.

The first developments of the Morozov Design Bureau to equip T-64 tanks with the B-45 diesel engine date back to 1961. As a result, by 1967, three vehicles were built under the designation “object 436”, which underwent a series of intensive tests. After that, the engine and transmission were installed on the modernized T-64A tank.

This is how “object 438” was born, which was tested in 1967-68. Based on the Order of the Minister of Defense Industry, a batch of “Object 439” vehicles was assembled, which were slightly different from their predecessors. Tests have shown that the characteristics of vehicles with V-45 and 5TDF diesel engines are identical.

But for a number of reasons, “object 439” did not go into production in Nizhny Tagil.

One of the reasons is competition between tank builders from different design bureaus. In the Urals they decided to create a new vehicle based on the components of their own “object 167”, supplemented by an automatic loader. But some of the solutions for the hull and turret were borrowed from the T-64, although the parts were not interchangeable. The resulting vehicle received the designation “object 172M”, which became the T-72, which received the prefix “Ural”.

In 1973, Uralvagonzavod assembled the first production batch of 30 tanks, and full production began the following year. The launch of the T-72 series became possible thanks to Marshal Grechko, who actively lobbied for the interests of Uralvagonzavod. The parallel production of T-64A and T-72, vehicles of the same level and purpose, which had an extremely low degree of unification, is nonsense for Soviet military equipment.

Main goals and objectives

The T-72 is a medium tank. The main emphasis of such vehicles was on speed and good striking power, allowing them to develop an offensive and overcome weakly fortified lines. In modern classification, such vehicles are defined as main battle tanks.

The key feature of this type of equipment is versatility and multitasking. The combination of mobility, combat power and significant protection expands the tank's potential use. It can be used in large-scale offensives and local conflicts, supporting small detachments or breaking through fortified defense lines.

There are no separate combat missions or specializations for such vehicles. They are determined by the front-line situation and practical necessity. It is this aspect that is considered the key advantage of the main battle tank.

Combat unit design

Layout of the T-72
The design of the T-72 has a classic layout. The body is divided into three compartments. In the front part there is a control compartment with a driver. In the middle is the fighting compartment with the gunner and commander, located in the turret; in the hull below them is the ammunition. The engine-transmission unit is located at the rear of the tank.


Taking into account the numerous modifications and modernization of the T-72 tank, technical characteristics may vary depending on the variant and model. In this context, the performance characteristics of the base model, the first to be put into mass production, are taken as a basis.

Dimensions and weight

In terms of dimensions, the T-72 tank has the following characteristics:

  • body length - 6.67 m;
  • total length with the gun facing forward - 9.53 m;
  • width along the side screens - 3.46 m, along the tracks - 3.37 m;
  • track width - 2.79 m;
  • height - 2.19 m;
  • ground clearance - 0.428-0.47 m.

The combat weight of the T-72 is 41 tons. With a track width of 0.58 mm and the weight of the vehicle, the specific pressure on the ground is 0.83-0.87 kilograms per cubic centimeter.

Control device and crew

The crew of the T-72 tank consists of three people - a driver, a commander and a gunner. Taking into account the limitations of the automatic loader, designed for 22 shots, the functions of the loader are performed by the commander.

Control of the tank is provided by the driver in the front part of the hull. To do this, his place has access to the corresponding levers and pedals; control panels are located on the left. The driver's seat is located in the center, fuel tanks are located on both sides, and for external observation there is a TNPO-168 device with hydropneumatic glass cleaning.

The gunner conducts observation primarily through a multi-channel combined sight. There are optical and thermal imaging channels, as well as laser target designation for guided missiles. Night sighting is also provided, allowing you to recognize targets within a range of 3-3.5 km.

For the commander, a sighting and observation system of the PNK-4SR or T01-04 type is provided. Daytime recognition range is 4 km, night recognition range is 1 km. There are also two TNP-160 and one TKN-3 devices.

For external communications, the tank was equipped with an R-123M radio station, internal communications are provided by the R-124 device. An A-4 device is provided for communication with the landing force located on the tank.

Engine and internal structure

Soviet design of the T-72
The T-72 was equipped with V-shaped twelve-cylinder four-stroke B-46 engines. They belong to the category of multi-fuel diesel engines with liquid cooling and a driven centrifugal supercharger. Allowable power - 780 hp. With. at 2000 rpm.

The engine is mounted in the engine compartment across the hull. There are 9 fuel tanks for it: one in the floor of the rear part of the fighting compartment, three on both sides of the driver and five external ones on the right fender.

The tank's transmission includes a multiplier, two mechanical seven-speed (7+1) planetary-type gearboxes, and single-stage final drives. The activation is frictional, control is provided by hydraulic drives.

The T-72 suspension is torsion bar, independent. On each side, the chassis consists of six rubber-coated road wheels and three support rollers. Additionally, there are balancers and vane shock absorbers. A self-digging device is provided.

Engine life and fuel consumption

The V-46 engine provided the T-72 tank with good engine life. In terms of speed characteristics, the car is capable of reaching speeds of up to 50 km/h on the highway and up to 45 km/h on rough terrain. Fuel consumption is 260-450 liters in the combined cycle, on the highway - 240. The total volume of fuel tanks is 1600 liters, which provides a range of up to 700 km on the highway and 320-650 km over rough terrain.

The performance characteristics of the T-72 tank allow it to overcome climbs of 30 degrees, barriers of 0.85 m and ditches up to 2.8 meters wide. On the move, the tank is capable of overcoming a ditch 1.2 m deep, with preparation - 1.8 m. If equipped with underwater tank driving equipment (OPVT), the T-72 is capable of diving to 5 meters.

Main tank T-72, foreign modifications

The T-72 tank, created more than three decades ago, still remains the basis of the tank fleet of many countries around the world; many countries have developed their own T-72 modernization programs that can put it on a par with the most modern tanks. Yugoslav modernization of T-72

The upgraded M-84AB1 MBT is externally similar to its predecessor M-84A (read: T-72M1) and has a combat weight of more than 44 tons. It is equipped with a new power plant consisting of a 12-cylinder diesel engine producing 1000 hp. The transmission is identical to that installed on the T-72M tanks: two onboard planetary gearboxes with hydraulic control, but they have five forward gears and one reverse gear. In the future, it is planned to use a more powerful (up to 1200 hp) engine with a fully automatic transmission. The V-46TK engine installed on the tank is a further development of the domestic V-46 diesel engine. This powerplant reportedly allows the car to reach a maximum highway speed of 70 km/h and accelerates to 32 km/h from a standstill in 8.5 seconds.

A caterpillar track with collapsible tracks, like those used on the T-80 or Western-style vehicles, can be equipped with removable asphalt shoes.

The hull and turret of the Degman tank have improved armor protection and dynamic protection of the original design, new systems for collective protection, fire protection and prevention of fuel explosions in tanks.

The 125-mm 2A46 smoothbore gun was retained as the main armament, but new ammunition was developed for it, including an armor-piercing sabot projectile with an initial speed of 1800 m/s. The gun barrel is equipped with a heat-insulating casing and SKPDS. Additional weapons include a coaxial 7.62 mm PKT machine gun and a 12.7 mm NSVT-12.7 anti-aircraft machine gun.

The automated control system includes a combined (day/night) SGS-D gunner's sight with a built-in laser rangefinder, a digital ballistic computer and firing conditions sensors. The gunner's sight has a field of view stabilized in two planes; the night channel is equipped with a 2nd generation IR electro-optical amplifier. At the request of the customer, a TSGS-D thermal imaging sight for the gunner can be installed on the tank.

The tank commander will have at his disposal a combined (day/night) sight, a video display system monitor and control systems for the fire control system. SLA sensors will be installed at the rear of the turret. The standard equipment of the V2001 tank will include a set of OPVT and a device for self-entrenchment.

Slovak modernization of T-72

If someone decided to hold a competition for the most unusual modification of the T-72, then, probably, one of the first places would be taken by the T-72M2 Moderna. This tank was first presented at the international exhibition “Deffendory-94″, where it aroused great interest among military specialists.

The first thing that catches your eye is two 20 mm KAA automatic cannons located on the sides of the turret. With their help, it was possible to defeat both ground and low-flying air targets.

Belgian and French companies took part in the creation of this machine. In particular, the fire control system was modernized. So, instead of a standard night sight, a thermal imager was installed, previously developed for the modernization of the Belgian Leopard-1 tanks.

The tank commander received a VS580 panoramic sight from the Leclerc tank; as a result, it duplicates the functions of the gunner and can also fire from automatic cannons.

The tank was equipped with a set of dynamic protection weighing 1.5 tons, which significantly increased the anti-cumulative resistance of the frontal projection. As a result of all the innovations, the tank “plumped up” to 43.5 tons. To prevent mobility characteristics from deteriorating, an 850 hp engine was installed on the Moderna. Power reserve - up to 650 km.

The tank is equipped with a laser irradiation warning system, which is interfaced with a smoke grenade launch system. To improve crew performance, there is air conditioning. In the control compartment, the bottom was reinforced, and the driver's seat was suspended from the turret armor plate.

Ukrainian modernization of T-72

T-72AG modernization involves replacing the standard 780/840 hp engine. a new engine of the 6TD series, which was developed for the T-80UD/Oplot tanks. There are two different diesel engine options: 6TD-1 with 1000 hp. and 6TD-2 with a power of 1200 hp. Both engines provide high performance in desert conditions at ambient temperatures up to 55 degrees above zero.

To increase tactical mobility, the T-72AG can additionally be equipped with a satellite navigation system. To increase the level of protection on the T-72AG tank, additional armor modules are installed on the frontal parts of the hull and turret, built-in dynamic protection (ERA) on the hull and turret, as well as side screens with ERA in the front part of the hull. In order to increase the protection of the crew from weapons of mass destruction, a collective protection system is installed on the T-72AG tank, designed to seal the habitable compartment. Additionally, the T-72AG can be equipped with the Varta optical-electronic countermeasures system.

When upgrading the T-72AG tank, it is possible to retain the standard 125 mm 2A46 cannon. However, to increase firepower, it is advisable to replace it with a Ukrainian-made 125-mm KBA1 cannon. This gun provides the highest probability of a hit from tank weapons not only when firing from a standstill, but also when firing on the move at a moving target. In addition, there is an option to modernize the T-72 using a 120 mm cannon and NATO standard ammunition. A distinctive feature of the T-72AG is the presence of a closed-type anti-aircraft gun located on the commander's hatch. Also, the modernized T-72AG tank is equipped with a modern fire control system, which makes it possible to effectively hit stationary and moving targets both from the spot and immediately. Instead of the TPD-K1 sight, a 1G46 sight with a line of sight stabilized in both vertical and horizontal planes is installed. Instead of the TPN-1 (TPN-3) night sight, a TO1-KO1E night gunner's complex with a TPN-4E sight was installed. This sight provides a night vision range in passive mode of up to 1200 m. The new tank fire control system may include a guided weapon system.

Another option for improving the T-72 tank was a joint project to modernize this vehicle by Ukrainian, Czech and French designers, which was implemented during the creation of the T-72MP tank. This, one might say, is a further improvement of the T-72AG, but within the framework of NATO cooperation. Ukraine is represented in this project by KMDB and ZTM named after. Malyshev, Czech Republic - PSP BOHEMIA as, France - SAGEM and SFIM. A new tank modernization project could extend the service life of the T-72 by 15-20 years and will cost no more than 30% of the amount required to purchase new vehicles. In terms of cost-effectiveness ratio, the T-72MP has even better results than new tanks in some parameters. The upgrade is designed as a modular system to allow for future upgrades based on customer needs. Thanks to the use of the latest developments in the field of tank building, in terms of its combat characteristics, the T-72MP tank has come close to the latest vehicles of the leading NATO countries, such as the Leclerc, M1A2 Abram and Leopard 2A5.

The modernization of the T-72MP provided for an increase in all the main combat properties of the tank - firepower, security and mobility. The problem of increasing firepower has been solved by expanding the capabilities of detecting targets and identifying them in any conditions, reducing the reaction time to open fire after detection. This was achieved by installing a VS/MVS 580 commander’s panoramic day sight and a SAVAN-15 combined (day/night) gunner’s sight with a built-in laser rangefinder and thermal imaging camera into the tank. Both sights have independent stabilization of the aiming line in two planes. With the installation of new sights on the tank, an automated control system with a set of automatic sensors for firing conditions, including a sensor for meteorological conditions, a system for monitoring the relative position of the muzzle of the barrel and an improved gun, it was possible to significantly increase the probability of hitting with the first shot from a standstill and on the move, day and night at any weather conditions. In addition, the actions of the crew when arming the tank have been simplified.

The tank's security has been increased thanks to the installation of built-in and additional dynamic protection of a new generation. As reported in advertising brochures, it increases the armor resistance against ammunition with a cumulative warhead by a factor of two, against armor-piercing sub-caliber projectiles by a factor of 1.6, and provides protection even against ammunition with tandem warheads. The T-72MP can be equipped with an optical-electronic protection system against anti-tank guided missiles with infrared and laser guidance, similar to the Shtora-1 and Shtora-2 systems found on the Russian T-80U and T-90 tanks. The machine is also equipped with new software, diagnostics and communication systems.

The best mobility indicators of the T-72MP tank compared to the basic T-72 were achieved thanks to the use of a different power plant, which does not require modification of the hull and does not change the silhouette of the vehicle. In terms of its composition and characteristics, the T-72MP power plant is no different from that found on the T-72AG.

The Western orientation of many former Warsaw Pact partners, as well as the presence of a large number of different modifications of the T-72 tank, prompted Ukrainian tank builders to develop the “seventy-two” for NATO - the T-72-120. The main difference from the two previous Kharkov models is that this tank is equipped with a 120-mm smoothbore gun chambered for NATO ammunition of the appropriate caliber. The weapon system is equipped with a new automatic loader located in the turret niche, similar to that installed on the French Leclerc tank. The A3 transporter houses 22 unitary rounds, the remaining 20 are placed in a special niche in the rear of the fighting compartment. The fire control system, auxiliary weapons, power plant and protection of the T-72-120 are completely similar to the T-72AG tank.

Polish modernization of T-72

The Twardy tank differs from its prototype primarily in the new SKO-1M Drava fire control system, developed and manufactured in Poland.

Another new element is active armor of the Erava-1 (single-layer) and Erava-2 (double-layer) types. Soviet designers also developed similar protection against cumulative projectiles for the T-72 at one time, but Erava is located differently and protects a larger surface. In addition, the Twards are equipped with a radiation-absorbing coating, the Obra-4 system, which warns of laser irradiation of the tank, a 12-barrel 81-mm “Tucha” smoke grenade launch system and a single-barrel 80-mm “Tellur” anti-laser grenade launch system " The turret is equipped with anti-aircraft weapons of the ZU-72 model. The driver has a Radomka passive night vision device. The bottom under the driver's seat is reinforced with additional armor. At the end of 1994, with the start of mass production, the French Savan-15T fire control system began to be installed on the RT-91. The main armament, transmission and chassis were retained from the T-72, but a new Polish 12-cylinder S12U turbodiesel with a power of 625 kW (2300 rpm) was installed, with which the tank reaches speeds of up to 70 km/h, and in the future it is planned to use a more powerful one , 735-kilowatt (i.e. 1000-horsepower) unit.

The tank's mileage with one refueling reaches 650 km. RT-91 is intended primarily for the Polish army; however, if there are people interested, they can buy this tank for about 2 million dollars. The Poles are aware that the Twards are the last opportunity to at least to some extent adapt to today's requirements a design that was adopted for service back in 1972. But Poland needs a new generation tank, and work on it began in 1995 in the hope of in mid-1998, carry out sea trials of the prototype, conventionally called “Gorilla”.

Unlike the RT-91, the Gorilla will have a Western-style turret with almost vertical walls, the main armor on top should be covered with ceramic armor tiles and active armor that protect against sub-caliber and cumulative projectiles, as well as a special layer to absorb electromagnetic radiation. The engine is a diesel engine with a power of about 1000 kW. The main armament is Russian: two machine guns, a 125-mm smoothbore gun with automatic loading (can also be used to launch the 9M 119 “Svir” ATGM), hitting targets at a distance of up to 5000 m and penetrating armor up to 700 mm. Fire control systems and the power unit, coupled with the transmission, developed specifically for the Gorilla, must be computerized. The Poles are looking for the possibility of cooperation in creating this 55-ton tank with the military industry of France, Israel and South Africa.

It is difficult to say whether the replacement of the outdated RT-91 with Gorillas will begin in the future - after all, the cost of developing a new vehicle is commensurate with the costs of creating the best Western European Leopard tank. But buying a lot of modern tanks - be it in the West or in the East - is not at all cheaper, and in the latter case, your own industry suffers

Israeli modernization of T-72

T-72SIM-1, modernization carried out by the Israeli company Elbit Systems.

During the modernization, new communications equipment, a “friend or foe” system, GPS navigation equipment, and two thermal imaging cameras (in the driver’s observation device and in the gunner’s sight) were installed on the T-72 tanks. The fire control system was modified to provide the ability to fire a guided missile through the bore.

The T-72SIM1's armament is stabilized to ensure the ability to fire immediately.

The hull and turret are protected by hinged dynamic protection elements.

During modernization, a new control and command system was installed on the tanks. This is a computerized system that allows the commander and crew to obtain information about the battlefield.

The GPS navigation system provides additional information to subordinate crews via Short Message Service (SMS). The navigation system works in all weather conditions, which makes it different from other GPS systems.

The T-72 SIM-1 has a “friend or foe” system, which, if aimed at a friendly tank, warns the crew of a potential error with an alarm sound.

For the communications system, the older R173s have been replaced with the HARRIS Corporation's FALCON digital tactical radio system. It has frequency hopping, which reduces the ability to decode and provides encryption of conversations.

The radio station has the ability to communicate within a radius of up to 20 km and operates at microwave frequencies. The ability to send SMS messages is also available

Azerbaijani modernization of T-72

T-72 Aslan The modernization project was developed by the Israeli company Elbit Systems together with representatives of the Azerbaijani industry.

During modernization, tanks are equipped with a computerized fire control system to ensure automatic operations. This is a computerized system that allows the commander and crew to obtain information about the battlefield. The fire control system was modified to provide the ability to fire a guided missile through the bore.

The upgrade kit also includes two thermal imaging cameras for the driver and in the sight of the tank gunner. A set of surveillance systems allows combat operations in any weather conditions and at night.

The hull and turret of the T-72 Aslan tank are protected by mounted dynamic protection elements.

The GPS navigation system provides additional information to subordinate crews via short message service. The navigation system works in all weather conditions, which makes it different from other GPS systems.

The T-72 Aslan has a “friend or foe” system, which, if aimed at a friendly tank, warns the crew of a potential error with an alarming sound.

Kazakhstan modernization of T-72

The tank received built-in dynamic protection and anti-cumulative grilles.

The gunner's day sight remained the same, but the old active-passive night sight was replaced with a thermal imaging one. The tank commander was able to duplicate the actions of the gunner. The driver mechanic also received a new surveillance device.

New Western-made communication and navigation equipment was installed. It is possible to install an air conditioner and an auxiliary power unit.

The tank received a caterpillar track with rubber cushions.

Engine - power up to 840 hp. (mobility characteristics remained the same).

Romanian modernization of T-72

TR-125 When designing a new vehicle, the main attention was paid to enhancing the protection of the tank. As a result, its weight increased by 7 tons compared to the base model. The increase in weight entailed changes in the chassis, which on the TR-125 tank has seven road wheels on each side.

In order to maintain the necessary mobility, a more powerful 8VSA3 engine with a power of about 900 hp, developed in France, was installed on it. But it did not fit into its original MTO, so the tank also had to be lengthened by one roller, thereby obtaining a characteristic seven-leg chassis and the recognizable outlines of the MTO.

The armament of the TR-125 tank is similar to the Soviet T-72 tank, and all eight smoke grenade launchers are installed on the left side of the turret

Czech modification of T-72

The armament remained the same as on the base T-72 tank and its modifications. However, on the modernized machine, the gun is equipped with a system for monitoring the relative position of the muzzle of the barrel (SKPDS), which makes it possible to control the discrepancy between the axis of the gun bore and the optical aiming line that occurs as a result of barrel bending. The increase in the tank's firepower was achieved by increasing the accuracy of the weapon's firing at stationary and moving targets, both when firing from a standstill and when firing on the move. The effective firing range of the tank during the day and especially at night has been significantly increased. This was achieved thanks to the installation of the TURMS-T automated fire control system into the tank, which significantly expanded the capabilities of both the gunner and the tank commander to effectively detect and engage targets. The control system is combined with the weapon stabilizer and automatic loader of the base tank. It controls the operation of these systems, prepares and automatically enters the initial data for firing, automatically works out aiming angles in accordance with the initial data for firing, and also points the 2A46 cannon and the PKT coaxial machine gun at the target.

Another area of ​​increasing the firepower of the new tank is the development of new ammunition for the standard 125-mm 2A46 tank gun. Czech gunsmiths created a new shot for it with an armor-piercing sub-caliber projectile, which reportedly has better dispersion characteristics and greater armor penetration compared to existing ammunition,

Taken together, the measures taken made it possible to increase the effective fire range of the modernized tank on the move to 2000 m. The detection range of a tank-type target began to be up to 5000 m during the day and up to 4000 m at night.

Increased tank protection is provided by the DYNA-72 dynamic protection kit, manufactured by the VOP 025 plant. The DYNA-72 dynamic protection kit provides additional protection for all vital areas of the tank from all types of available ammunition. This remote sensing device is safe to use and resistant to small arms bullets and shell fragments.

The T-72 tanks of the CZ series are equipped with a laser irradiation detection and warning system LARDIS, which is connected through the TBV to the fire control system. The new generation DGO-1 smoke grenades are fired from 12 grenade launchers, located six on each side of the turret.

The modernized Czech tank is equipped with a new BUA type fire protection system, capable of detecting and eliminating emerging fires and the danger of explosion inside the vehicle. Vital areas of the tank (fighting compartment, engine-transmission compartment and control compartment) are equipped with thermal and optical sensors, as well as cylinders with environmentally friendly fire extinguishing agent DeuGen.

To protect the tank from magnetic mines, a mounted electromagnetic trawl was developed, which creates an additional magnetic field and thus causes the detonation of electromagnetic mines both in front and on the sides of a moving tank.

The problem of increasing the tank's mobility was solved in two ways, and, as a result, two types of modernized tanks were produced - T-72M3 CZ and T-72M4 CZ.

The T-72MZ CZ tank has a “native” engine and onboard gearboxes, improved in such a way that at least the mobility and maneuverability indicators are kept at the same level despite the increased combat weight of the new tank. The main feature of the V-46TK engine modernization is the installation of two turbochargers. The improvement of onboard gearboxes is to reduce the load on their main components and prevent damage in the event of improper control of the tank. In addition, the chassis of the tank has also undergone some changes.

The T-72M4 CZ tank is equipped with a new power unit - POWERPACK, which increased the mobility and maneuverability of the vehicle. Compared to standard power plants, this option greatly facilitates the control of the tank, has greater engine power, provides better acceleration characteristics and allows you to increase the average speed of the vehicle when driving in various terrain conditions. The main element of the POWERPACK power unit is a liquid-cooled four-stroke V-shaped 12-cylinder Condor CV-12 1000 TCA diesel engine with a power of 746 kW (1013 hp). The engine is equipped with a supercharger with two turbochargers.

Indian modernization of T-72

When at the beginning of the new century it became clear that the T-72M1 was increasingly no longer meeting modern requirements, India decided to rely on its own forces in modernizing these tanks.

The approach was radical, the tank completely lost the turret with the 125 mm cannon. Its place was taken by a very similar turret, but converted to a lighter chassis, with multi-layer ballistic armor. Just like the Arjun, the tank, designated "EX", was armed with a 120-mm rifled gun. Since the Indians did not automate the loading process, another person appeared in the crew.

The sights were more advanced than those on the T-72M1; the gunner, in particular, received a thermal imager, which the commander can also use in “double” mode. It, in turn, has a panoramic sight stabilized in two planes.

Since the tank became heavier compared to its original weight of 41 tons, the engine power was no longer enough, and it was necessary to install a 1000-horsepower diesel engine, which made it possible to maintain satisfactory mobility characteristics at the level of the base model.

Croatian modernization of T-72

M-84D is a Croatian upgrade of the Yugoslav M-84 MBT. It is equipped with a new 1200 hp engine. With. (895 kW) and new dynamic protection RRAK. The M-84D can be equipped with the Rafael Samson remote-controlled weapon station or the Kongsberg Protector M151 module, as well as the Fotona Omega digital ballistic computer. The turret's electric drive ensures rapid fire transfer, and a new vulnerable zone protection kit provides crew protection from biological, chemical and nuclear threats.

Advanced thermal imaging cameras provide the ability to operate in low visibility conditions - at dusk, at night, in fog, smoke, etc. All new M84D and M84A4 tanks are equipped with the latest communication kit from Racal. The cruising range of the M-84A4 and M-84D is 700 km, and the maximum speed is 65 km/h. Improvements to the automatic loader increased the rate of fire from 8 to 9 rounds per minute, and efficiency increased by 15%.

The ammunition rack is protected by anti-cumulative shields, and the engine at the rear is additionally protected by chains. To store additional ammunition, a turret basket has been added, the protection of which is reinforced with anti-cumulative shields. LAHAT ATGM and LIRD-4B laser warning system are installed.

Iraqi modification of T-72

In the late 80s, Iraq organized the release of a licensed version of the T-72M1 called “Assad Babil” (Lion of Babylon). The main difficulty in tank production was establishing the production of high-quality cannon barrels. The barrel life was 120 shots. It is not known exactly how many “Lions” were produced: according to some sources - only a few pieces, according to others - about 100.

Sources: https://bastion-karpenko.ru https://lenta.ru https://btvt.narod.ru https://armor.kiev.ua https://forums.airbase.ru


The first modernized version of the T-72A.
The T-72's armor is differentiated. The hull structure is rigid, box-shaped, assembled from sheets of rolled homogeneous armor steel. The frontal part consists of two plates converging in a wedge with combined armor. The top plate consists of an 80mm steel outer layer, a 105mm fiberglass laminate and a 20mm thick inner steel layer. The bottom plate is rolled homogeneous armor steel of 85 mm.

The given combined protection is equivalent to 305-410 mm of armor. The rest of the body is made of homogeneous rolled steel. Vertical sides - 80 mm in the front part and 70 mm in the engine-transmission part. The latter is separated from the fighting compartment by an armored partition.

The roof also consists of two armor plates, the bottom has a trough-shaped shape. On the first T-72 tanks, the turret protection was monolithic, which was considered a disadvantage of the vehicle. Later, the T-72A's turret also received combined protection. As the tank was modernized, it received additional armor.

Design Features

The crew consists of three people: a commander, a gunner and a driver-mechanic.

The classic scheme, with the help of which an armored vehicle divides the internal armored space into three zones:

  • management;
  • combat compartment;
  • the engine-transmission part, where the gunner and commander are located in the combat zone of the internal armor space.

On a note. Some modifications are equipped with special means for self-digging, located on the lower front panel. Using such a device, tankers could dig a trench in just half an hour.

Armored hull and turret

The welded structure of the hull is assembled from homogeneous rolled steel and combined armor with a textolite layer. The hull armor is differentiated (that is, it has different thickness and composition in different areas), which makes it possible to significantly lighten the design of the tank.

The rotation of the tower is carried out using a mechanical control drive and hydraulics. There is a hatch at the top. The interior space is equipped with a surveillance system, including a night vision function, a sight and other surveillance devices.

The latest models have thermal imagers available. Stabilization is carried out using a two-plane stabilizer.


The main weapon is a 2A26M (125 mm) with ammunition including sub-caliber, cumulative and high-explosive fragmentation shells. It is possible to launch guided missiles - "Svir".

The PKTM machine gun (7.62 mm) is paired with the cannon. The second machine gun, Utes, is mounted on the roof of the turret. Its caliber is 12.7 millimeters.

Tank T-72


The tank has increased maneuverability. The armored vehicle is equipped with an individual torsion bar suspension. There are three support rollers and six support rollers installed on each side. The guide and drive wheels are located at the rear.

Communication and surveillance

Different modifications were equipped with various communication and surveillance devices.

  • The T-72 is equipped with an R-123M radio station, an R-124 intercom and TPU-A and A-4 devices. The commander's turret is equipped with TNP-160 and TKN-3, as well as night and day sights.
  • The T-72A is equipped with a TPD-K1 day rangefinder sight and a TPN-1-49-23 night sight. However, this equipment was later changed to the 1A40 complex.
  • T-72B - equipped with radio station R-173. The commander version is equipped with the R-130 short-wave device. An aiming system is installed on the tank, similar to the T-72A (1A40-1). This system includes a day sight with an increased range TPD-K1 and a complex device KUV 9K120 “Svir”.

Motor and transmission

At various times, engines from the family of V-shaped 12-cylinder four-stroke engines running on various types of fuel were installed on the armored vehicle. They had a water cooling system.

The first version was equipped with a power plant marked V-46 (780 hp, 2000 rpm), the T-72A was equipped with the V-46-6 model, and since 1984 it was equipped with the V-84 (840 hp ). The T-72B was equipped with a V-84-1 power plant.

The motor is located at the rear of the armored vehicle, on a platform welded transversely to the bottom. The fuel complex includes five external (495 liters) and four internal tanks (705 liters) for fuel. Two more fuel tanks with a total capacity of 400 to 500 liters can also be attached. Diesel fuel (DL, DZ and DA), gasoline (A-66 and A-72) and kerosene (T-1, TS-1 and TS-2) can be used as fuel.

The transmission system of the T-72 and its modifications consists of:

  • 2 planetary gearboxes with friction engagement, each having 7 stages and controlled by hydraulics (at the same time used for turning);
  • a multiplier transmitting torque from the motor to the control box;
  • onboard single-stage planetary gears.

Armor protection

In the front part of this vehicle, thicker armor is installed, which consists of 2 armored plates converging at different angles (VLD - 68, NLD - 60).

VLD armor consists of 3 layers - 80 mm thick steel, 105 mm thick fiberglass, and 20 mm thick armor. The NLD is equipped only with 85 mm armored steel.

On the side parts the protection is located as follows.

  • The crew seats and ammunition stowage are protected by 80 mm steel sheets.
  • Engine compartment - 70 mm. The stern is covered by a double part.
  • For maximum effective protection, additional aluminum screens with a sheet thickness of 3 millimeters are hung from the sides of the tank. They allow you to protect your vehicle from cumulative ammunition.

On a note. Protective screens can be positioned in two positions. During combat, they are installed at an angle.

Also, the T-72 can be equipped with dynamic protection, which is implemented in the form of modifications: Contact-1, Contact-2 or Relic.

Main weapons

The main weapon of the T-72 is a 125 mm smoothbore gun. In addition to it, two machine guns are used - NSVT (Nikitina-Sokolova-Volkov tank) "Utes" 12.7 mm and PKT (Kalashnikov Tank machine gun) 7.62 mm. The first is used as an anti-aircraft weapon and can only be aimed manually with the hatch open. PKT is paired with a gun.

125 mm smoothbore gun

The T-72 uses the D-81TM smoothbore gun with the index 2A26M. The barrel length is 48 calibers. In the horizontal plane, the tank is capable of firing along the entire circumference. The vertical guidance range varies from –6°13′ to +13°47′.

Firing range and ammunition

The firing range of the T-72 gun is designed at 9.4 km. The tank's ammunition load is 39 rounds. Of these, 22 are supplied with automatic reloading, the rest are loaded manually by the commander.

Tank armament . The turret is equipped with a 125-mm D-81TM smoothbore gun (GRAU index - 2A26M) and a coaxial 7.62-mm PKT machine gun, stabilized in two guidance planes. The gun barrel consists of a pipe fastened in the chamber part with a casing, a coupling, a breech and a blowing mechanism. The mechanism for blowing the barrel bore is of the ejection type. It consists of six nozzles screwed into the holes of the barrel, and a receiver with mounting parts. The gun bolt is a horizontal wedge with a semi-automatic rolling pin type. Recoil devices consist of a hydraulic recoil brake and a hydropneumatic knurler. The recoil and retractor brake cylinders are fixed in the breech and, when fired, are mixed with the barrel, and the rods attached to the cradle boss remain motionless. The normal rollback length is 270-320 mm, the maximum length is 340 mm.

1 - nozzle; 2 - receiver; 3 — trunnion cage; 4 - seal; 5 — emphasis; 6 - traction; 7 - reservation; 8 — lifting mechanism; 9 — cover

The firing range from a cannon using a rangefinder sight is: armor-piercing sub-caliber and cumulative projectiles - 4000 m, high-explosive fragmentation projectile - 5000 m. The longest effective firing range using a night sight is 800 m. Maximum firing range of a high-explosive fragmentation projectile using a side level - 9400 m. The range of a direct shot at a target height of 2 m is: armor-piercing sabot projectile - 2100, cumulative - 960 m. The horizontal angle of fire from a cannon and coaxial machine gun is 360°, elevation angle with the stabilizer turned off + 13°47′, declination -6°13′. The elevation angle of the gun is limited by three booms welded to the armor, and the angle of descent is limited by a stop welded to the roof of the turret. Combat rate of fire with automatic loading is up to 8 rounds per minute, with manual loading - 1-2 rounds per minute.

Firing from a cannon and a coaxial machine gun is carried out using a monocular stereoscopic sight-rangefinder with independent stabilization of the field of view in the vertical plane TPD2-49. The rangefinder sight made it possible to measure the range to the target in the range from 1000 to 4000 m with an accuracy of 3-5%. For shooting at night, the TPN-1-49-23 electro-optical monocular periscopic night sight is used. An L-2AG “Luna-2” illuminator with an IR filter is used as a source of infrared light. For firing from closed positions, a side level and an azimuth indicator are used.

Installation of the TPN-1-49-23 night sight

1 - cover; 2 — sight head protection; 3 — bracket; 4 — forehead holder screw; 5 - forehead protector; 6 — handle for opening the curtain; 7 - traction

The ZU-72 anti-aircraft gun, designed for firing at air and ground targets, is mounted on the commander's cupola. Firing at air targets is carried out at ranges of up to 1500 m, at ground targets - up to 2000 m. The main elements of the anti-aircraft installation are a 12.7 mm NSV-12.7 Utes machine gun, a cradle with a recoil device, a K10-T anti-aircraft sight, handles horizontal and vertical guidance, magazine, balancing mechanism, etc. The tank is equipped with a machine gun with right feed. When firing, cartridges are fed into the receiver from a metal strip placed in the magazine. To fire the NSV-12.7 machine gun, B-32 armor-piercing incendiary cartridges and BZT armor-piercing incendiary tracer cartridges of 12/7 mm caliber are used.

The tank can accommodate a 7.62 mm AKMS assault rifle, a signal pistol and 10 F-1 hand grenades. The tank is equipped with a two-plane electro-hydraulic weapon stabilizer 2E28M “Siren”. In combination with the TPD2-49 optical rangefinder sight, the weapon stabilizer provides:

  • automatic holding of the cannon and the coaxial machine gun in a given (stabilized) position in the vertical and horizontal planes when the tank moves;
  • aiming a stabilized cannon and a coaxial machine gun in the vertical and horizontal planes with smooth control of the aiming speed;
  • aiming an unstabilized gun in a horizontal plane;
  • target designation from the tank commander to the gunner in the horizontal plane;
  • emergency rotation of the turret from the driver.

The stabilizer provides angular speeds for pointing the gun in the vertical plane in automatic mode: minimum - no more than 0.05 degrees / s, maximum - no less than 3.5 degrees / s. The horizontal guidance speeds of the gun in automatic mode are: minimum - no more than 0.07 degrees / s, maximum - no less than 6 degrees / s, transfer - no less than 18 degrees / s. The turret rotation speed when controlled by the commander is at least 18 degrees/s. Emergency rotation of the turret by the driver is also possible at a speed of at least 18 degrees/s.

Anti-aircraft machine gun installation

1 — anti-aircraft machine gun NSV-12.7; 2 - balancing mechanism; 3 - cradle; 4 — tape collector; 5 — sight box K-10T; 6 — anti-aircraft machine gun cocking handle; 7 - axle; 8 - fork; 9 — recoil damping spring; 10 — gear sector of the cradle; 11 — magazine for tape with cartridges; 12 — vertical guidance handle; 13 — trigger lever; 14 - cable; 15 — trigger key; 16 — horizontal guidance handle; 17 — middle shoulder strap stopper; 18 — flywheel brake button

The tank's ammunition consists of 39 rounds for the D-81TM cannon, 2,000 rounds for the PKT machine gun, 300 rounds for the AKMS assault rifle, 12 rounds for the signal pistol and 300 rounds for the NSV-12.7 anti-aircraft machine gun. The gun's ammunition consists of shots with armor-piercing sub-caliber, cumulative and high-explosive fragmentation shells. Of these: 22 shots are placed in the rotating conveyor of the automatic loader in any ratio; 17 - in non-mechanized installations in the hull and turret. A shot with an armor-piercing sub-caliber projectile ZBM9 consists of a arrow-shaped projectile with an additional propellant charge and a cartridge case with the main combat charge. The cartridge consists of a combustible body, pressed (with glue) into a steel pan weighing 3.4 kg. The sub-caliber projectile has a tracer with a burning time of 2-3 s. The initial speed of the sabot projectile is 1715 m/s, armor penetration at a distance of 2000 m is 140 mm at an impact angle of 60° from the normal. The initial speed of the ZBK-14 cumulative projectile is 905 m/s. Armor penetration - 200 mm. When firing all types of projectiles, a single 4Zh40 charge is used in a cartridge case with a combustible casing. After firing, the steel pan is extracted from the gun chamber.

The automatic loader (A3) used on the T-72 tank is an electromechanical complex designed to automatically load the gun. A3 includes the following main components: rotating conveyor; cassette lifting mechanism; tray removal mechanism; rammer; electric machine gun stopper; Memory device; Remote Control; loading panel; shot count indicator, etc. The rotating conveyor A3 is used to place shots and feed them to the dispensing window. It is installed on the machine body and consists of a frame, an electromechanical drive, a flooring, a mechanism for closing the dispensing window with shutters, a stopper, a manual drive, a linear device and a cassette. The frame is used to accommodate 22 cassettes and is a welded structure consisting of outer and inner rings with brackets connected to each other by tubes. The frame is bolted to the upper shoulder strap of the running device and rests on five support rollers installed on the bottom of the body.

Ammunition layout

1 - charge; 2 - projectile; 3 — cartridges for the PKT machine gun; 4 — cartridges for the AKMS assault rifle; 5 — F-1 hand grenades; 6 - stopper; 7 — bar; 8 — wing screw; 9 - latch; 10 — locking mechanism; 11 — boxes with belts for the NSV-12.7 machine gun; 12-box with belts for the NSV-12.7 machine gun; 13-cartridges for signal pistol

The running device is designed to ensure rotation of the rotating conveyor and is its main support. It consists of a glass with balls laid in raceways, an upper strap with a gear rim and a lower strap. There is one hole in the glass, and in the upper strap there are 22 holes for fixing the conveyor with a stopper. The lower shoulder strap is fixedly fixed to the bottom. The glass is connected to the tower by a driving device. In the locked position, the flooring and the cup are interlocked with the conveyor frame and rotate together with the tower relative to the lower shoulder strap, and in the unlocked position, the conveyor frame rotates relative to the cup on the balls.

The electromechanical drive serves to rotate the conveyor, is placed on its flooring and is bolted to the sleeve of the running device. The drive is a four-stage gearbox with cylindrical wheels of external gearing, a spring safety clutch and an electric motor. The output gear of the gearbox is meshed with the ring gear of the upper ring, another gear located on the same shaft transmits rotation to the output shaft of the memory device mounted on the gearbox housing. The cassette is used to accommodate any type of shot and consists of two pipes welded together, spring-loaded latches and a latch opening roller. The pipes, together with the tray located on the breech of the gun, act as guides for dispensing the projectile and charge. The charge is placed in the upper tube, the projectile in the lower.

Location of automatic loader components

1 — forwarding mechanism; 2 — cassette lifting mechanism; 3 — hatch for the pallet removal mechanism; 4 — mechanism for removing pallets; 5 — frame drive; 6 - manual drive to the rotating conveyor stopper; 7 — rotating conveyor stopper; 8 — flooring of the rotating conveyor; 9 — roller; 10 - frame; 11 — support roller; 12 — upper shoulder strap; 13 - lower shoulder strap; 14 - glass; 15 — cassette; 16 - capture

The flooring covers the conveyor and serves as the floor of the fighting compartment. It is a welded structure consisting of a ring and stamped sheets, with a window for dispensing cassettes. The rotating conveyor stopper is designed to lock it relative to the tower when turning 1/22 of a circle (one step), which corresponds to the position of the cassette in the dispensing window when it is engaged with the gripper of the cassette lifting mechanism. The stopper ensures that the conveyor frame is locked after turning it any number of full steps. It is located in the center of the running device and is attached inside the glass. The mechanism for closing the dispensing window is designed to protect the conveyor from foreign objects getting into it. The cassette lifting mechanism serves to bring the cassettes to the dispensing or loading line and then return them to their original position. It is attached to two brackets welded to the rear of the turret and consists of a cassette lifting bracket, a gripper, two chains, a gearbox, a manual drive, a locking device and a contact device. The sump removal mechanism is designed to catch the extracted sump and remove it from the tank. It consists of a catcher, a drive to the catcher, a tray stop, an ejection hatch and a drive to the ejection hatch.

The rammer is designed to send shot elements into the gun chamber. It is installed on the bottom sheet in the rear part of the tower and consists of a gearbox with a reversible electric motor, a chain with flaps and a scroll. The chain consists of internal and external links, axles and rollers hinged to each other. The chain links are made with one-way rotation on the axes. The front links are of a locking type, so when they exit the crankcase they form a rigid rod, ensuring the delivery of the shot elements into the gun chamber. On the first link of the chain, spring-loaded flaps with vulcanized corrugated rubber on the front side are hinged on axles. In the initial position, the chain is fixed in the crankcase with a spring-loaded clamp. During the reverse stroke, it is rewound by an asterisk and sent to the snail.

Rotating conveyor

1 - manual drive handle to the stopper; 2 - rollers; 3 — manual drive of the rotating conveyor; 4 - distribution box; 5 - storage device; 6 — flaps of the dispensing window closing mechanism; 7 - flooring; 8 - frame; 9 — electromechanical drive; 10 - stopper; 11 — manual drive cable to the stopper

The electric machine gun stopper is designed to reliably hold the gun at the loading angle. It is mounted on a bracket in front of the turret roof on the right side of the gun.

The storage device provides:

  • information about the loading status of the rotating conveyor cassettes;
  • electrical signaling of the approach to the window for issuing a cassette with the selected type of shot (or an empty cassette);
  • shot type mark when loading;
  • empty cassette mark when loading or unloading.

The control panel is designed to control the automatic loader. It is located on the front panel of the rangefinder sight. The number of shots indicator is used to determine the number of shots of each type loaded into the rotating conveyor, as well as the number of empty cassettes in it. It is mounted on a bracket on the left of the turret above the rotation mechanism. A milliammeter with a special scale is used as an indicator of the number of shots. The loading panel is designed to control the automatic loader in loading/unloading and manual loading mode. It is installed on the right side of the tower. The A3 operation cycle in automatic loading mode with the weapon stabilizer turned on begins with pressing the “A3 ON” button. on the A3 control panel when shots are loaded into the rotating conveyor. At the same time, the conveyor begins to rotate. When a cassette with the selected type of shot approaches the dispensing window, the rotating conveyor slows down and stops. Simultaneously with the rotation of the conveyor, the gun is brought to the loading angle and locked with an electric machine stopper. During the braking process of the conveyor with the gun locked, the frame rises. After the conveyor stops with the frame raised (or moving upward), the cassette with the shot rises to the projectile delivery line and is locked in this position. Then, with the help of a rammer, the projectile is sent into the gun chamber, and the rammer chain returns to its original position. Then the cassette is lowered and locked on the charge dispensing line. At the same time, at the end of the projectile delivery, the ejection hatch cover opens, the pallet is thrown out and the hatch cover closes. After locking the cassette, the charge is sent into the gun chamber, the bolt wedge closes, and the rammer circuit returns to its original position. The empty cassette and frame return to the lower position, and the gun, unlocking, returns to the coordinated position with the aiming line. The loading cycle is completed, the gun is ready to fire a shot.

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Tank modifications

Second modernization of the T-72B
Over more than forty years of operation, many modifications were made for the T-72. Even at the development stage in the late 60s, there were several projects whose developments were involved in further improving the tank.

Among the Soviet and Russian modifications of the T-72 tank are:

  • T-72 "Ural" - the basic version of the tank;
  • T-72K - command tank with additional navigation, improved R-130M radio station and autonomous power supply;
  • T-72A - modernization in 1979, received improved armor, additional surveillance and guidance devices, smoke grenades, B-46-6 engine with increased chassis dynamics;
  • T-72AK - command version of the modernized tank;
  • T-72M and T-72M1 - export model of the T-72A and its modernization;
  • T-72AV - a modernized tank with mounted Kontakt dynamic protection;
  • T-72B - modernization of the tank in 1985, received the Svir guided weapon system, Kontakt dynamic protection, V-84 engine, new 2A46M gun, armor increased to 570 mm;
  • T-72B1 - command version of the T-72B;
  • T-72S - an export lightweight modification, after some deliveries were disrupted, it entered service with the Russian Army;
  • The T-72B2 “Slingshot” received an improved 2A46M5 gun with increased firing accuracy, and electromagnetic protection against mines appeared;
  • The T-72B3 has several models (2011, 2014 and 2016) with modern equipment, weapons and armor.

Taking into account export supplies, modernizations and modifications of the T-72 appeared in other countries. The tank was manufactured under license in Yugoslavia (M-84), Poland (RT-91), Czechoslovakia and India; on its basis, these countries developed their own models. After the collapse of the USSR, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Azerbaijan appeared in their own versions. Israel, Romania, and Iraq also had their own modifications of the T-72.


Export modifications, including those developed by foreign companies:

  • The T-72AG is equipped with a 6TD engine, the engine protection and mechanical components have been changed, the main components of the T-80UD and T-84 tanks are used;
  • T-72-120 - a modification exported to NATO countries, equipped with a KBM-2 cannon (120 mm), a machine gun (12.7 mm) with a gun.
  • T-72MP - developed jointly with Czech and French designers. A set of sights with stabilization and a panoramic sight are installed.
  • T-72E - built at the armored plant in Kharkov. Equipped with a 5TDFE engine, air conditioning, “Knife” type emergency protection and an EA-10 autonomous power unit. Transmission replaced;
  • T-72UA1 - modernized by the mechanical repair plant in Kyiv. Motor 5TDFMA-1, DZ type “Knife”, auxiliary engine EA-10-2. The design uses elements of the T-80 chassis.
  • T-72UA4 - new sighting and observation equipment, the Varta countermeasures system is installed.
  • T-72AMT - the commander's observation system has been changed, a night vision device has been added (with a 3rd generation image intensifier), a 1K13-49 "Neman" sighting device, the chassis and remote sensing elements have been changed. Additions: anti-aircraft machine gun with remote control, radio communication "Libid-K-2RB". The vehicle is equipped with a V-84-1 engine.
  • T-72BME - changes were carried out in Belarus.
  • T-72 “Vityaz” is a Sosna-U multi-channel sight with two-plane stabilization.
  • T-72KZ - a variant developed by Israeli and Kazakh designers. The remote control and control system have been changed.
  • T-72KZ "Shygys" is a joint work of Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Israel. Fire control system of the TISAS type, equipped with sights with thermal imagers. Increased remote sensing, new navigation equipment. The tracks are equipped with pads for moving on asphalt.
  • T-72 Aslan - modernization made in Israel. Equipped with a computerized control system device, GPS navigation, “friend or foe” system, thermal imaging devices and mounted remote sensing.
  • T-72 T 21 is a joint French-Slovak effort. Changed: turret and main gun.
  • T-72M4 CZ - Czech model, CV-12 engine, XTG 4II-6 transmission. Equipped with a new remote sensing device (DYNA-72) and a fire control system (TURMS-T).
  • T-72M4 CZ-W - command tank for the Czech Republic.
  • T-72 Vruboun - Czech version. Installation of V-84 engine, anti-aircraft machine gun with remote control.
  • PT-91 Twardy - export model for Poland.
  • PT-72U - Polish version, additionally equipped with new electronic systems, air conditioning and lattice screens for protection. Anti-aircraft machine gun with remote control.
  • M-84 - variant for Yugoslavia. Equipped with new sighting devices (DNNS-2 and DNKS-2), DRHT protection, fire control device (SUV-M84) and communication devices.
  • M-84AV1 - Serbian model.
  • M-84A4 Snajper, M-95 Degman, M-84D - changes were made in Croatia.
  • TR-125 - Romanian version. The chassis and mechanical equipment have been changed. The weight has increased to 50 tons.
  • T-72SIM-1 is a joint work of Georgian and Israeli engineers. Equipped with FALCON radio communications, GPS navigation, friend-foe identification, thermal imagers and new remote sensing.
  • Tank EX is a model for India, equipped with a new turret.

Tank T-72 Aslan

Advantages and disadvantages

Operating countries of the T-72 and its modifications, former operators are marked in red.
The main advantage of the T-72 is its versatility. The optimal combination of key indicators made the tank one of the most widely produced, especially among the early models. To this day, modernized versions remain in demand.

Another advantage of the tank is that it is a good upgrade resource. The initial design turned out to be not only successful for practical use, but also made it possible to improve the machine, developing numerous modifications.

However, it was not without its drawbacks. One of the first to eliminate monolithic turret armor, replacing it with a combination one. However, problems remained with the layout and close quarters of the crew.

This aspect is complicated by the presence of fuel tanks and ammunition next to the crew. If a car explodes, it is quite difficult to leave it, especially if there is a fire or injury. This also negatively affected the crew; tanks that were still suitable for combat and repair were often abandoned due to panic.

They also pay attention to the tank’s mediocre suitability in urban combat. There are several vulnerabilities in the design and armor; the use of high-precision anti-tank weapons can quickly disable the T-72.

Attention is also drawn to the high cost of modernization, especially in relation to radio-electronic equipment. This aspect calls into question the further use of the T-72 and its modifications for modern methods of combat. Despite this, the use of such vehicles in mass battles remains relevant.

Use in combat conditions

Since its adoption, the T-72 and its modifications have been actively used by its operators in all conflicts in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, the Caucasus and Ukraine. With the use of this tank, the following operations are distinguished:

  • Iran-Iraq War 1980-88;
  • Lebanon War 1982;
  • Chadian-Libyan conflict 1987-90;
  • Gulf War 1990-91;
  • August 1991 coup in the USSR;
  • Nagorno-Karabakh conflict 1991-94;
  • Bosnian War 1992-95;
  • Civil war in Tajikistan 1992-95;
  • Chechen wars 1994-96 and 1999-2002;
  • Kosovo conflict 1998-99;
  • Iraq War 2003;
  • operation in Beslan 2004;
  • War in South Ossetia 2008;
  • Civil war in Libya 2011;
  • Border conflict in Sudan 2012

T-72s were also used in Indian peacekeeping missions in Sri Lanka and Somalia. These tanks have been used to date in Syria since 2011, as well as in the conflict in eastern Ukraine since 2014.

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