Border patrol ship "Provorny" project 22460

On June 26, 2009, Russian border guards celebrated a significant event - the launching of a new border patrol ship of Project 22460 (code “Okhotnik”), called “Rubin”. Often this vessel is simply called “Project 22460”. The descent took place at the shipbuilding facilities in St. Petersburg. This vessel was ordered by the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation. On November 13, 2009, it passed state tests and was accepted into the ranks of the Black Sea-Azov PU. Today we will get to know this ship in more detail and find out how it differs from its predecessors.


Thanks to the high quality of preparation and technical documentation developed by Severnoye PKB, high rates of construction of the vessel were ensured. Its construction took a little over two years. This design bureau actively uses the FORAN system in its developments, which allows for three-dimensional design. The system has been actively used for surface combat vessels since 1998. Previously, there were no analogues of the Project 22460 ship in Russia.


The main distinguishing feature of the Rubin vessel is the presence of a takeoff and landing pad for a light helicopter. A hangar can be equipped for it on the ship. It's amazing that all this fits on a ship with a displacement of up to 700 tons. For example, the Swedish ship Visby, of similar displacement, which has long been considered the smallest combat vessel, can only boast of having a helicopter on board, without a hangar.

The most important feature of the ship is that in its stern there is an inclined slip on which a high-speed inflatable boat can be installed. Such boats are used, for example, to deliver searchers to a ship that has violated certain rules. 2 boats and a helicopter on board greatly expand the capabilities of the vessel.

The Project 22460 patrol ship is also distinguished by a high level of modernization resource. Thanks to the use of three-dimensional modeling technologies at all stages of design, the developers managed to place mechanisms and systems in the case as rationally as possible. This ensures high maintainability and the possibility of rapid modernization. The Project 22460 vessel looks very modern. Its appearance embodies stealth technologies. Visibility in all radiation ranges is minimal, as is the level of physical fields.

The designers took into account that the vessel will be operated in different climatic conditions. The maximum it is capable of is working in broken ice no more than 200 mm thick.

Border patrol ship "Provorny" project 22460

PSKA "Provorny", Azov Shipyard PSKR "Provorny" and "Izumrud" PSKR "Provorny" returns from testing

PSKR "Provorny", at the quay wall

PSKR "Provorny", launching PSKR "Provorny", rolling into the Floating Dock-455

"Agile", exit from the boathouse

Keel laying ceremony for PSKr, serial number 506

The border patrol ship "Provorny" of project 22460, serial number 506, is the sixth ship that is being built at JSC Shipbuilding for the Coast Guard of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia. The lead ship is the PSKr "Rubin" (built in November 2009), the second "Brilliant" (July 2012), the third "Pearl" (September 2012), the fourth "Izumrud" (June 2014), the fifth "Amethyst" ( October 2014).

Project 22460 PSKr are designed to protect the state border, territorial waters, continental shelf, to carry out emergency rescue operations, as well as to carry out environmental control and eliminate the consequences of natural disasters. Along with border protection, the mission of ships of this class increasingly includes operations to combat terrorism and maritime piracy.

One of the main features of the ships of this project is the presence on board of a take-off and landing pad for a light helicopter, as well as the presence in the stern of the ship of an inclined slip on which a high-speed rigid-inflatable type boat is installed, intended, for example, for quickly delivering an inspection party to the ship -violator.

Project 22460 ships can operate in young and broken ice up to 20 centimeters thick.

Main characteristics of the ship of project 22460: Standard displacement 630 tons. The maximum length is 62.5 meters, the maximum width is 12 meters. Maximum speed up to 30 knots, cruising speed 21 knots, economic speed 12 knots. Cruising range 3500 miles at 12 knots. Sailing autonomy is 60 days. The crew consists of 24 people.

Engines: Diesel engines.


Artillery: 1 × 30 mm AU AK-630, 2 × 12.7 mm Kord machine gun.

Missile weapons: Possibility of installing Uran-U anti-ship missiles, with the X-35U missile (up to 260 km).

Aviation group: 1 Ka-226 helicopter or Gorizont G-Air S-100 UAV, folding deck shelter hangar.

On June 27, 2014, the laying of the PSKr keel, serial number 506, as well as serial number No. 508, took place. In November 2015, it became known that the new patrol ships of this project, intended for the FSB border service, will receive Chinese-made diesel engines instead of the previously used German ones. May 06, 2016 launched. On August 31st I went for sea trials. According to a message dated November 11, 2016, after the successful completion of sea and state tests, an acceptance certificate was signed.

Board number: 506 (since 2016), 406 (since 2016).

On June 18, 2022, it arrived at its home port of Balaklava and entered service with the border department of the FSB of Russia in the Republic of Crimea. According to a message dated June 21, Azov Shipyard JSC dismantled the technological towing stops on the ship.


Already during the first tests it became clear that the vessel has very good seaworthiness. The German MTU engine, which is equipped with the Project 22460 border ship, is considered the best in its class. Together with the successful design of the hull contours, it allows the vessel to maintain a decent speed over a long period of time. With waves of 4-5 points, it is about 25 knots. In the absence of waves, the ship can reach a speed of 30 knots. At the same time, the ship’s run-out from full speed to “stop” is about two and a half hundred meters. And for the ship to go from full forward to full reverse, it takes only 90 seconds.

Description of the patrol ship "Admiral Ugryumov"

The Project 22120 patrol ship code "Purga" (serial number 055) is a high-speed multi-purpose ice-class coast guard ship capable of keeping watch in ice.

The ship's hull is equipped with ice reinforcement, allowing it to overcome ice more than half a meter thick.

Maximum speed - 24 knots. economic - 14 knots. The economical cruising range reaches 6,000 miles, autonomy is 20 days, and the crew size is 16-25 people, up to 14 people as passengers.

There is a site for basing a Ka-226 helicopter. It is possible to install a 30-mm AK-306M artillery system.


The controllability of the vessel is at a very high level. The circulation diameter at full speed is 4.5 ship lengths. A minute is enough for him to turn 360 degrees. When turning, a thruster is used. At speeds of up to 5 knots (at low speeds), the vessel is controlled using a special joystick. An important parameter is the ability to hold the ship at one point. This is very convenient for rescue and inspection operations.

Another significant advantage of the Rubin ships was their automation class. Thanks to the modern TRIMS bridge system, the developers managed to bring the level of automation to class A1. This made it possible to reduce the number of crew on watch in the guardhouse to three people. At the same time, they will be able to control all systems and mechanisms of the vessel. Of course, each crew member must be a professional.

Forty years ago, on February 17, 1981 , the first raising of the naval flag of ships and vessels of the border troops of the KGB of the USSR on the border patrol ship "Izmail" took place in Balaklava, which became the beginning of its maritime border service. The ship had a difficult fate - it had to guard the borders of two states, sail under the flags of three different departments, change its name and end its service as a naval ship under the same name. However, for many sailors who passed through this ship, service on it became a real school of life, a place where they received real sea training.

PSKR "Izmail" was laid down in the boathouse of the shipbuilding plant named after. Gorky in Zelenodolsk on September 12, 1978. Launched on June 22, 1980 under serial number 777. The ship was named in honor of the city of Izmail and in memory of the capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail by Russian troops on December 11, 1790 Its occupancy by the first crew took place in the summer of 1980, after which the ship was transferred by tugs from the city of Zelenodolsk to the Black Sea along the Volga and Don, followed by passage through the Sea of ​​Azov.

Here is how one of the members of the first crew of the ship, Boris Kalinaichev, who served as a navigational electrician on it, described this transition: “By train to Zelenodolsk, life in the barracks of a brigade of ships under construction, and in October they moved to the ship in the already filled dock of the plant. Preparations, bunkering and forward along the Volga in tow. The mast was piled onto the aft superstructure, the “egg” (fairing) of the Argun sonar rode separately, and so did the propellers. A river latrine (a container with plywood bulkheads and a water supply) was installed between the spardeck and the aft superstructure. Power supply from 200 centurion, supply of food, diesel fuel and water. The weather was exceptional. After two or three weeks we approached the Volga-Don Canal. And they were stuck at the entrance for a week. The river tug left us; we were waiting for a pushing tug to pass through the locks. As a result, a whole flotilla of warships gathered at the entrance to the canal: us, the TFR, a submarine in the floating dock, the Jeyran, torpedo guns. Everyone stretched out along the river, waiting for the lock. The passage of the canal lasted two days, there was a combat alert, few people slept. The locks go up, moor at each lock, then descend. Beautiful, interesting, you can’t describe it all. Then the Don, two gateways to the Don and Azov. The first wave in the sea. Everyone was exhausted. The wave is small, short and very nasty. In Azov, the mast was raised using a screw jack. Then Kerch and transfer to Sevastopol in the South Bay for completion. An “egg”, propellers, and hull protection protectors were installed in the dry dock. In November, commissioning and then sea trials began. After the New Year - state. tests, and raising the flag in Balaklava. The whole journey to the plant in Sevastopol took a month and a half, an experience that will last a lifetime.”

The first crew of the PSKR "Izmail" in Zelenodolsk. 1980

The AK-725 stern gun mount was missing when the ship left the factory and was installed only in the summer of 1983. In addition, the Izmail PSKR became the first Project 1124P ship to leave the factory with a second work boat. Upon arrival in Sevastopol, the PSKR "Izmail" stood at the pier of the outfitting and delivery base of the Zelenodolsk Shipyard named after. A. M. Gorky in South Bay to carry out finishing work. In November 1980, the ship passed adjustment and sea trials, and in December 1981, state tests, based on the results of which on December 28, 1980, an act of acceptance of the ship from state industry was signed. After passing demagnetization, KIMS and measuring mile PSKR "Izmail" moved to its home base in Balaklava, as part of the 5th separate brigade of border patrol ships (5 OBSKR).

This is how the flag was raised on the ship, according to the same Boris.

“17.02. 1981 The raising of the flag on the Izmail happened somehow unexpectedly for everyone. In the morning, the brigade command arrived with our flag without any warning, at least to the crew. After my watch at the gangway from 23:00 to 03:00, I was resting and, going out on deck after 09:00, I was extremely surprised by the flag on the flagpole. Apparently, the owners of the cameras (at least those on duty) were not ready either. I suspect these are the only photos of that moment. I don’t remember who made them. But, thank God, they exist!”

Before the first flag raising.

The crew of the ship passed the first course task K-1 “Securing the state border with a single ship” almost immediately upon joining the brigade, after which they passed the course task K-2 “Conducting combat operations with a single ship.” During the delivery of the first course task K-1 on the PSKR "Izmail", an inspection was carried out by the commission of the Main Directorate of Border Troops of the KGB of the USSR, based on the results of which, in early May 1981, the ship was noted in the order of the Directorate as having been successfully commissioned. Having entered service, Izmail became one of the best and most popular ships of the 5th Obskr, and was also repeatedly awarded the title of “Excellent Ship of the Unit”. After joining the brigade for the period from 1981 to 1989. he was in service for more than 2,000 days, which was five and a half years, of which 1,053 days (about three years) were in combat service. Here are just a few episodes of the ship's combat work. In the fall of 1981, a radiogram was received on board the PSKR "Izmail", which was guarding the state border, from a coastal technical observation post about the movement of unidentified targets near the coast. And about. The ship's commander A.I. Lukyanchenko decided to use a cutting maneuver in order to prevent border violators from leaving towards neutral waters. They turned out to be three foreign fishing schooners that approached the coast, where valuable species of fish were found, and began predatory fishing. When inspection groups headed by senior assistant commander V.I. Kirichenko and political officer V.I. Nikorenkov , selected nets, freshly caught fish and other evidence of illegal fishing were discovered. For the operation to detain these schooners, A.I. Lukyanchenko was awarded a government award - the medal “For Military Merit”. In January 1982, the PSKR "Izmail" under the command of V. A. Semenov , while patrolling near the edge of territorial waters, discovered a foreign ship, which first followed parallel and opposite courses in neutral waters, and then entered the territorial waters of the USSR. Having allowed the vessel to go deeper into territorial waters, the PSKR “Izmail”, in conditions of heavy fog, cut off the intruder vessel’s return to the border, after which it was detained. This vessel turned out to be the Turkish schooner Mustafa Captain. When an inspection group headed by political officer V.I. Nikorenkov landed on the schooner, it was established that she was not engaged in fishing, all the nets were dry, and there was no fish in the holds. After the schooner "Mustafa Captain" was convoyed to the nearest Soviet port, a search was carried out on it, as a result of which a number of evidence was revealed on the schooner, irrefutably indicating that it entered the territorial waters of the USSR for reconnaissance purposes, with the intention of assignment from one of the Western intelligence services.

PSKR "Izmail" guarding the border.

Twice – 03/13/1986 and 02/12/1988 – PSKR “Izmail” as part of the KPUG (ship search and strike group) together with the ships of the KChF and 5 OBSKR took part in displacing a detachment of Navy ships from the territorial waters of the USSR USA: guided missile cruiser Yorktown and destroyer Caron. In April 1986, following the guidance of the radio technical units of the KGB, a detachment of warships consisting of PSKR "Izmail", "PSKR-629" (project 205P) and "PSKR-105" (project 133) moved to the area of ​​​​Cape Tarkhankut to search for a working foreign-made radio transmitter . 20 miles from Cape Tarkhankut, the ships made contact with an unidentified submarine and launched anti-sabotage grenade launches. After this, together with the anti-submarine aviation of the Red Black Sea Fleet, border ships escorted an unidentified foreign submarine for 22 hours. The ships that left the base for guarding the water area, located in the area of ​​the lake. Donuzlav, contact with the submarine could not be confirmed. As it later turned out, the border violator was the Turkish submarine Ildir, which was in combat service in the territorial waters of the USSR for 25 days. In August 1986, the PSKR “Izmail”, together with the oil ore carrier “Gamal Abdel Nasser”, prevented a USSR citizen who had landed at sea on a rubber boat from the ship “Moldavia” in the Anapa area from going abroad. In 1989, in the area of ​​Cape Opuk, hydroacoustics of the PSKR "Izmail" detected the noise of an unidentified submarine. The Project 1124M Komsomolets Armenii MPK, which came to the rescue, confirmed contact with the foreign submarine. Two hours later, the MPK Kievsky Komsomolets (1124M) and the MPK Komsomolets Georgia (1124) again discovered an unidentified submarine in the area and escorted it to the port of Eregli. In February 1991, for illegal fishing in the economic zone of the USSR, the PSKR "Izmail" detained the Turkish schooner "Canakci Ogullari", as a result of which, by decision of the people's court of Yalta, a fine of 44,300 foreign currency rubles was imposed on the captain of the schooner Hassan Canakci. with confiscation of nets and illegally caught fish. In April 1991, the PSKR "Izmail", performing the functions of the flagship of the united detachment of border patrol ships, took an active part in the detention in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe island. Snake 14 Turkish schooners engaged in predatory fishing for flounder, which was listed in the Red Book. This operation, called “Kalkan,” which lasted 5 days, involved border patrol ships 5 OBSKR and 18 OBSKR (Odessa), aviation of the Red Banner Western Border District, two vessels of the state fishing inspection “Krasnoznamensk” and “Bagerovo”. As a result of the successful operation, 6416 networks were selected, the total length of which was about 640 km. They caught more than 18 thousand individuals of flounder. The nets included 194 dolphins, 11 beluga sturgeons, 27 sturgeons, 401 Katrans, and 1,359 stingrays. The amount of the fine imposed on the owners of Turkish schooners was 110,000 foreign currency rubles, and the amount of damages was 514,535 rubles. in currency. Based on the results of the operation, a number of officers and midshipmen of the PSKR "Izmail" were awarded state awards: the medal "For Distinction in Protecting the State Border of the USSR" was awarded to senior assistant commander S.V. Koryak and political officer Yu.I. Ivanov, the medal "For Distinction in military service" II degree - chief boatswain P. F. Byvaltsev . For the impeccable performance of special tasks for the protection from the sea of ​​the resting places of members of the CPSU Central Committee, the Soviet government, leaders of the communist parties of the countries of the socialist camp and other important guests vacationing on the southern coast of Crimea in the summer, including escorting ships and special service boats on board the above persons, the crew of the PSKR “Izmail” were repeatedly expressed gratitude. Among the important guests who visited the PSKR “Izmail” were two-time Olympic champion V. F. Borzov (1982), Deputy Minister of National Defense of Czechoslovakia Grushevsky (July 1985), Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada L. M. Kravchuk (July 1991) and many others. With the collapse of the USSR, when the entire 5th brigade of border patrol ships went to Ukraine, the PSKR "Izmail", like other ships of the brigade, left the naval units of the USSR border troops and became part of the naval forces of the border troops of Ukraine, after which it served for several more years state border protection service. With the onset of the economic and fuel crisis in Ukraine, the load on the ship for border guard duties was greatly reduced, and it remained at the base almost all the time. At the end of 1995, a decision was made to transfer Project 1124P border ships from the Sevastopol maritime border formation to the Ukrainian Naval Forces. On January 19, 1996, the PSKR “Izmail” and the PSKR “Dnepr” were transferred to the Ukrainian fleet. On this day, the Naval flag of Ukraine was raised on them. PSKR "Izmail" was reclassified as a corvette and renamed "Chernigov" in honor of the Ukrainian city of the same name, which began to provide patronage assistance to it. The ship was given a new hull number U205. The name “Izmail” was transferred to the artillery boat “AKA-397” (project 1204 “Shmel”), which was previously part of the 116th BRChK of the Danube Military Flotilla, which became part of the Izmail detachment of the Maritime Guard of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine as PSKR (and then KrMo) “Izmail” ( BG84).

Corvette of the Ukrainian Navy "Chernigov".

With the transition to the Ukrainian Navy, a new period began in the life of the ship. From April 16 to April 20, 1996, the corvette “Chernigov” under the command of O. P. Grebenyuk made a business visit to the Bulgarian port of Varna under the flag of the deputy commander of the Ukrainian Navy, Rear Admiral A. A. Ryzhenko. In the period from 07/21 to 07/28/1996, the ship took part in the international exercises “Cooperative-Partner-1996”, and in the period from 07/31 to 08/01/1996, the corvette “Chernigov” took part in exercises “Sea-1996” (outer roadstead of Sevastopol, Balaklava Bay). In the period from 31.08 to 09.09.1996, a detachment of ships of the Ukrainian Navy, consisting of the corvettes "Chernigov" and "Vinnitsa", made a business visit to the port of Constanta, Romania as part of the international exercises "Classics-1996". 08/01/1997, the corvette “Chernigov” took part in the first parade of ships in honor of Ukrainian Navy Day in Sevastopol. In the period from April 15 to April 17, 1998, the corvette “Chernigov” took part in a special gathering of ships of the Ukrainian Navy and the Russian Black Sea Fleet. In August 1998, while sailing along the South Coast from the area of ​​Cape Ayu-Dag towards Sevastopl, one of the main engines broke down on the Chernigov corvette, which required serious and expensive repairs. After this, the ship was not involved in active service and spent most of the time at the pier. Due to lack of funding and the impossibility of docking and repairs, the ship was withdrawn from the Ukrainian Navy in 2005 and decommissioned. Shortly before its decommissioning, it regained its former name - “Ishmael”. The name “Chernigov” was transferred to the minesweeper “Zheltye Vody” (formerly MTSH “Zenitchik”), Project 266M, and the tail number U205 was given to the corvette “Lutsk” (project 1124M). Until the last moment, the ship's crew made every effort to bring it into service. Thanks to his efforts, the ship looked clean and well-groomed until it left the Ukrainian Navy.

One of the last crews of the corvette "Chernigov". Ship day. February 2004. Sevastopol.

After decommissioning, “Izmail” remained for almost 5 years in the village of Novoozernoye on Lake Donuzlav, in the Southern Naval Base 5 BrNK of the Ukrainian Navy, awaiting cutting for scrap metal. Some of the weapons and equipment were removed from it, which were transferred to other ships of the Ukrainian Navy. In May 2008, the already decommissioned and disarmed ship was visited by several people who had previously served on it. Here's how they described their visit:

“Ships, like people, tend to be born, leaving the stocks into a big life seething with stormy waves, having finished their service, they, just like people, retire to a well-deserved rest and in the end, they, just like people, die. To our great regret, the time has come for our legendary PSKR “Izmail” to retire. We will not go deeper into the circumstances and reasons why this happened. We just came to say goodbye to the ship, our comrade in arms. We had the opportunity to walk along its steel decks, and despite the fact that the ship was disarmed and everything that could be used in the repair of other ships was removed from it, it is still beautiful, well-built and emanates nautical chic. Therefore, we experienced wonderful feelings from meeting our ship! More than once we had the desire to take hold of the railings that no longer exist and run along its ladders. But the absence of such did not deter the desire to visit inside the ship, walk through its silent quarters, go to their combat posts, and climb to the wheelhouse. We can proudly say that we were the last of the ship's crew to walk on its deck! Thank you, “Ishmael”, you will forever remain in our hearts!”

In March 2010, during an attempt to dismantle individual structures, the seal of the ship's hull was broken, as a result of which it quickly sank. It was subsequently brought ashore and cut up for scrap, which was completed in October 2010.

The ship was commanded at different times by: PSKR "Izmail": Vasily Alekseevich Semenov (1980 - 1987); Mikhail Mikhailovich Divizinyuk (1987 – 1995); corvette "Chernigov": from December 29, 1995: Oleg Petrovich Grebenyuk (December 1995 - October 1997; September 2002 - November 2004); Valery Vasilievich Mikolaets (October 1997 – September 2002).

Commander of PSKR "Izmail" Vasily Alekseevich Semenov

Commander of the PSKR "Izmail" Mikhail Mikhailovich Divizinyuk.

The command staff of the first crew of the PSKR "Izmail" Ship commander Vasily Alekseevich Semenov , senior assistant commander Vitaly Alekseevich Aleksakhin , deputy commander for political. unit Vitaly Ivanovich Nikorenkov , commander of warhead-1 V. A. Tertychny , commander of warhead-2-3 Vladimir Ivanovich Kirichenko , commander of warhead-5 Alexander Vasilyevich Kozyrev .

chief boatswain V.I. Borodin , foreman of the artillery team Vladimir Viktorovich Novikov , foreman of the hydroacoustic team Vitaly Nikolaevich Vetyutnev , foreman of the communications team Sergei Ivanovich Kutsenko , foreman of the electrical team A.P. Generalov , foreman of the turbo engine team V. Krayutsa , senior paramedic Yuri Ivanovich Fisa k , senior battalion Nikolai Mikhailovich Fedosenko .

The article was prepared based on materials from the book “The Real Ship” (S.N. Mashensky, G.S. Dmitriev, S.N. Pankov), the newspapers “Flag of the Motherland” and “Soviet Border Guard” (provided by V.I. Pavlutsky), as well as according to the recollections of members of the first crew of the ship: N.M. Fedosenko, B.N. Kalinaicheva, I.G. Pleshkana, Yu.P. Sysoev and others.


IT news

Living conditions

The Project 22460 patrol ship has very comfortable living conditions. There is even a sauna and swimming pool. The crew is accommodated in comfortable block cabins with ergonomic furniture. Each cabin has a private bathroom with shower and air conditioning. A desalination plant operates to provide the vessel with fresh water. Hot water is supplied around the clock.

The video surveillance system allows you to record all actions inside the ship and carry out external surveillance, for example, of the approach and landing of helicopters.

Watchmen and hunters | USA

Hunter "PCS-1387"

Hunter "PCS-1388"
Hunter "PCS-1401"

Hunter "PCS-1405"

Hunter "PCS-1455"

In 1942, based on the wooden hull of a YMS type minesweeper, 59 were built (PCS-1376-1392; PCS-1396,1397; PCS-1399-1405; PCS-1413,1414; PCS-1417-1426; PCS-1429 -1431; PCS-1441, 1442; PCS-1444-1446; PCS-1448-1452; PCS-1455; PCS-1457-1461; PCS-1464, PCS-1465) hunters, of which 22 became training ships, 13 became control ships , 5 are rescue, and 2 are auxiliary. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement – ​​251 tons, full displacement – ​​278 tons; length – 39.6 m, width – 7.5 m; draft – 2.3 m; speed - 14 knots; power plants – 2 diesel engines; power – 1000 hp; cruising range - 3 thousand miles; crew - 57 people. Armament: 1x1 – 76 mm gun; 1x1 – 40 mm anti-aircraft gun; 2x1 – 20-mm anti-aircraft guns; 2 bomb releasers; 4-bomb launcher; RBU "Mousetrap".

Hunters "SC-330", "SC-412" and SC-64"

Hunter "SC-102"

Hunter "SC-431"
Hunter "SC-437"

From a series of ships with a wooden hull of the “SC 110-ft” type built in 1917-1919. 12 units took part in the war (“SC-64”, “SC-102”, “SC-103”, “SC-185”, “SC-229”, “SC-231”, “SC-330”, “ SC-412", "SC-431", "SC-432", "SC-437", "SC-440"). Hunter "SC-185" was lost in 1940, the remaining ships were decommissioned in 1945-1946. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement – ​​75 tons, full displacement – ​​85 tons; length – 33.5 m, width – 4.5 m; draft – 1.7 m; speed – 18 knots; power plants - 3 gasoline engines; power – 660 hp; fuel reserve - 8.2 tons of gasoline; cruising range - 900 miles; crew - 27 people. Armament: 1x1 - 76 mm gun; 2x1 – 7.62 mm machine gun, bomb launcher.

Hunter "SC-497"

Hunters "SC-669" and "SC-508"
Hunters "SC-1056"

Hunter "SC-757"
Hunter "SC-1072"

The series of ships of the "110 SC" type consisted of 441 units ("SC-497" - "SC-508"; "SC-511" - "SC-541"; "SC-628" - "SC-775"; "C -977" - "SC-1076"; "SC-1266" - "SC-1375"; "SC-1474" - "SC-1512" and "SC-1517"), built in 1941-1943. During the war, 14 ships were lost, 57 hunters were transferred to France under the Lend-Lease agreement, the USSR - 77, Brazil - 2. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 98 - 121 tons, full displacement - 117 - 136 tons; length – 33 m, width – 5.2 m; draft – 2 m; speed – 16-21 knots; power plants - 2 gasoline engines; power – 1 – 2.4 thousand hp; fuel reserve - 18 tons of gasoline; cruising range - 1.5 thousand miles; crew - 27 people. Armament: 1x1 - 76 mm gun or 1x1 or 2x1 - 40 mm anti-aircraft gun; 2x1 – 12.7 mm machine guns, 2 bomb releasers; 14 depth charges.

Coast Guard Ship WPG-49 Northland

The large cutter Northland was built at the Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Corporation shipyard and commissioned in 1927. The ship was intended for service in Arctic waters and was equipped with an anti-ice belt. In 1938-1939 the ship underwent modernization and rearmament. The auxiliary sails were removed and the mast was rebuilt. The ship was decommissioned in 1948. Performance characteristics of the ship: total displacement - 2.2 thousand tons; length – 61 m, width – 12 m; draft – 4.2 m; speed – 12 knots; power plants – diesel-electric installation; power – 1 thousand hp; cruising range - 12 thousand miles; crew - 107 people. Armament: 2x1 - 57 mm guns; 4x1 – 20 mm anti-aircraft gun; 2 bomb releasers; 2 bomb launchers; seaplane.

Coast Guard Ship WPG-45 "Haida"

Coast Guard Ship WPG-46 "Modoc"

Large multi-purpose cutters Haida, Modoc, Mojave and Tampa were built at the Union Construction Company shipyard and commissioned in 1921-1922. The ships were intended for operations in the North Atlantic and were decommissioned in 1947. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 1.8 thousand tons, total displacement - 2 thousand tons; length – 73 m, width – 12 m; draft - 5.4 m; speed – 15 knots; power plants – turboelectric installation and 2 steam boilers; power – 1 thousand hp; cruising range - 5.5 thousand miles; crew - 122 people. Armament: 3x1 - 76 mm guns; 4x1 – 20 mm anti-aircraft gun; 4 bomb launchers; 2 bomb releasers; 2 RBU "Mousetrap".

Coast Guard Ship WPG-32 Campbell
Coast Guard Ship Bibb

Coast Guard Ship WPG-46 "Modoc"

Coast Guard Ship WPG-35 Ingham

The Treasury series of large cutters consisted of 7 units (Bibb, Campbell, Duane, Hamilton, Ingham, Spencer, Taney), built at the Charleston Navy Yard and commissioned in 1936-1937. The ships had hull reinforcements for sailing in broken ice. In 1941 and 1942 they went through rearmament. Since 1944 they were used as headquarters ships. "Hamilton" was lost in 1942. "Bibb", "Campbell", "Duane" and "Spencer" were decommissioned in 1980-1983. The ships "Ingham" and "Taney" were converted into museums in 1988. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 2.2 thousand tons, full displacement - 2.7 thousand tons; length – 100 m, width – 12.5 m; draft - 3.8 m; speed - 19 knots; power plants – 2 steam turbine units and 2 steam boilers; power – 6.2 thousand hp; fuel reserve - 561 tons of oil; cruising range - 9.5 thousand miles; crew - 125 people. Armament: 2x1 - 127 mm guns; 3x2 – 40 mm anti-aircraft gun; 4-8x1 – 20 mm anti-aircraft guns; 2 bomb releasers; 4 bomb launchers; 2 RBU “Hedgehog”; seaplane.

Coast Guard Ship WPG-39 Owasco

Coast Guard Ship WPG-40 Winnebago

Coast Guard Ship WPG-41 Chautaqua

Coast Guard Ship WPG-70 "Ponchartrain"

The series of large cutters of the Owasco type, put into operation before the end of the war, consisted of 5 units (Owasco, Winnebago, Chautaqua, Mendota, Ponchartrain). The ships were built at the Western Pipe & Steel and US Coast Guard Yard shipyards and commissioned in 1944, and excluded in 1974. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 2.2 thousand tons, gross - 2, 7 thousand tons; length – 77.7 m, width – 13.1 m; draft - 4.9 m; speed - 19 knots; power plants – steam turbine unit and 2 steam boilers; power – 4 thousand hp; fuel reserve - 390 tons of oil; cruising range - 6.2 thousand miles; crew - 143 people. Armament: 2x2 - 127 mm guns; 2x4 - 40 mm and 4x1 - 20 mm anti-aircraft guns; 6 bomb launchers; 2 bomb releasers; RBU "Hedgehog".

Coast Guard Icebreaker Staten Island (Northwind) (WAG-278)

Coast Guard Icebreaker Eastwind (WAG-279)
Coast Guard Icebreaker Southwind (WAG-280)

A series of large cutters of the “Wind” type were armed icebreakers and consisted of 5 units (“Staten Island” (Northwind), “Eastwind”, “Southwind”, “Westwind”, “Northwind”), built at the Western Pipe & Steel shipyard "and was commissioned in 1942-1945. In 1944, "Northwind" (WAG 278), in 1945, and "Southwind" and "Westwind" under the Lend-Lease agreement were transferred to the USSR, where they served under the names "North Wind", "Admiral Makarov" and "Northern pole". In 1950-1952 The icebreakers were returned to the United States. The ships were decommissioned between 1972 and 1989. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 3.5 thousand tons, full displacement - 6.5 thousand tons; length – 82 m, width – 19.2 m; draft – 7.9 m; speed – 16 knots; power plants – diesel-electric plant; power – 12 thousand hp; fuel reserve – 1.4 thousand tons of diesel fuel; cruising range - 50 thousand miles; crew - 316 people. Armament: 2x2 - 127 mm guns; 4x3 - 40 mm and 6x1 - 20 mm anti-aircraft guns; 2 bomb releasers; 6 bomb launchers; 2 bomb releasers; 1x24 – 178 mm RBU “Hedgehog”; seaplane.

Coast Guard Ship WPG-75 Algonquin
Coast Guard Ship WPG-77 Escanaba

Coast Guard Ship WPG-79 Onondaga

Coast Guard Ship WPG-80 Tahoma

The series of cutters of the “165-ft” type consisted of 6 units (“Algonquin”, “Comanche”, “Escanaba”, “Mohawk”, “Onondaga”, “Tahoma”), built at the shipyards “Pusey & Jones”, “Defoe” and commissioned 1932-1935. The ship "Escanaba" was lost in 1943, the rest were decommissioned in 1948-1954. Performance characteristics of the ship: total displacement - 1 thousand tons; length – 45.7 m, width – 11 m; draft – 3.7 m; speed – 12.5 knots; power plants – steam turbine unit and 2 boilers; power – 1.5 thousand hp; fuel reserve - 156 tons of oil; cruising range - 3.3 thousand miles; crew - 61 people. Armament: 2x1 - 76 mm guns; 4x1 - 20 mm anti-aircraft gun; 4 bomb launchers; 2 bomb releasers; 2x4 – 178 mm RBU “Mousetrap”.

Coast Guard Ship WPG-52 Tallapoosa

The cutter Tallapoosa was built at the Newport News Shipbuilding shipyard and commissioned in 1915. The ship underwent modernization and rearmament in 1942. Decommissioned in 1945. Performance characteristics of the ship: total displacement - 964 tons; length – 50.5 m, width – 9.8 m; draft – 3.6 m; speed – 12 knots; power plants - steam engine unit and 2 boilers; power – 1 thousand hp; cruising range - 3.5 thousand miles; crew - 122 people. Armament: 2x1 - 76 mm guns; 4x1 - 20 mm anti-aircraft gun; 2 bomb launchers; 2 bomb releasers; RBU "Mousetrap".

Coast Guard Ship WPC-126 "Agassiz"

Coast Guard Ship WPC-131 "Cahoone"

Coast Guard Ship WPC-132 "Cartigan"

Coast Guard Ship WPC-140 "General Greene"
Coast Guard Ship WPC-157 "Cayahoga"

The 125-ft cutter series consisted of 33 units: Active, Agassiz, Alert, Antietam, Bonham, Boutwell, Cahoone, Cartigan, Colfax, Crawford ", "Diligence", "Dix", "Ewing", "Faunce", "Frederick Lee", "General Greene", "Harriet Lane", "Jackson", "Kimball", "Legare", "Marion", " McLane", "Morris", "Nemaha", "Pulaski", "Reliance", "Rush", "Tiger", "Travis", "Vigilant", "Woodbury", "Yeaton", "Cayahoga", built at the shipyard "American Brown Boveri Electric Corp" and commissioned in 1927. The ships "Antietam" and "Jackson" were lost in 1944. The remaining ships were decommissioned mainly in the 80s. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement – ​​220 tons, full displacement – ​​290 tons; length – 36.6 m, width – 7.1 m; draft – 2.1 m; speed - 13.3 knots; power plants – 2 diesel engines; power – 600 hp; cruising range - 2.5 thousand miles; crew – 50 people. Armament: 1x1 - 76 mm gun; 1x1 – 40 mm anti-aircraft gun; 2x1 - 20 mm anti-aircraft gun; 4 bomb launchers; 2 bomb releasers; 2x4 – 178 mm RBU “Mousetrap”.

Coast Guard Ship WPC-101 "Ariadne"

Coast Guard Ship WPC-107 "Dione"

Coast Guard Ship WPC-111 "Nemesis"

Coast Guard Ship WPC-113 "Pandora"

Coast Guard Ship WPC-114 Perseus
Coast Guard Ship WPC-115 "Thetis"

Coast Guard Ship WPC-116 "Triton"

The series of cutters of the “165-ft” type consisted of 17 units (“Argo”, “Ariadne”, “Atlanta”, “Aurora”, “Calypso”, “Cyane”, “Daphne”, “Dione”, “Galatea”, “ Hermes", "Icarus", "Nemesis", "Nike", "Pandora", "Perseus", "Thetis", "Triton"), built at the shipyards "John Mathis", "Lake Union", "Bath Iron Wks" , "Manitowoc SB", "Marietta" and entered service in 1931 - 1934. The ships were decommissioned in 1948-1969. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement – ​​334 tons, full displacement – ​​370 tons; length – 50 m, width – 7.2 m; draft – 2.3 m; speed – 16 knots; power plants – 2 diesel engines; power – 1.3 thousand hp; cruising range - 1.6 thousand miles; crew – 50 people. Armament: 2x1 - 76 mm guns; 2x1 - 20 mm anti-aircraft gun; 2 bomb launchers; 2 bomb releasers; 2x4 – 178 mm RBU “Mousetrap”.

Hunter type "83ft"

Hunter type "CS-11" (CG-83316)

In 1943, the United States transferred 12 83-ft hunters to Cuba, which were built at the Wheeler shipyard.
The ships included (Cuban/US designation): CS11 (CG-83316), CS-12 (CG-83317), CS-13 (CG-83350), CS-14 (CG- 83351), "CS-21" (CG-83384), "CS-22" (CG-83385), "CS-23" (CG-83385), "CS-24" (CG-83395), "CS- 31" (C-56189), "CS-32" (C-56190), "CS-33" (C-56191), "CS-34" (C-56192). In 1945 the ships were renamed "GC". Okhotnik CS-13 died in 1943. The remaining ships were decommissioned in the 1960s. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 45 tons; length – 25.4 m, width – 5 m; draft – 1.6 m; speed - 20.6 knots; power plants - 2 gasoline engines; power – 1.2 thousand hp; fuel reserve - 7 tons of gasoline; cruising range - 380 miles; crew - 14 people. Armament: 1x1 - 37 mm gun; 2x1 – 7.62 mm machine guns, 2 bomb releasers; 14 depth charges. Share to:

Big Brothers

The vessels created by Severny Design Bureau have long established themselves on the positive side among Russian border guards. Back in 1983, the first PSKR project 11351 (code “Nereus”) became part of the KGB PV of the USSR. This series of vessels was intended to protect an economic zone with a length of 200 miles, based on the lead ship of Project 1135. Thanks to the abandonment of the anti-submarine missile system, the designers were able to place a hangar on the deck in which the Ka-27PS search and rescue helicopter was permanently based. In general, the Project 11351 vessels turned out to be very successful: high seaworthiness, strong weapons, and operability in almost any conditions. Project 22460 "Okhotnik" ships will primarily protect the territorial waters of the Russian Federation.

The most advanced ship of the Russian Coast Guard

Today, the largest ships of the Russian maritime border service are the ships of Project 22100 “Ocean”.
These ice-class vessels are classified as border patrol ships of the 1st rank (PSKR). In Russia, Project 22100 patrol ships are the first ships of this type that were developed and designed in full accordance with the requirements of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia. They are an alternative to the 1st rank patrol ships of Project 11351, the last of which, Vorovsky, was decommissioned back in 2022. Unlike their predecessors, the new border ships have a cruising range increased several times, are capable of patrolling in Arctic latitudes and are better suited for solving the tasks that Russian border guards face today. Ships are built in a series of five units. Two vessels are already in service. These are the PSKR "Polar Star" and "Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky". The third ship "Anadyr" has already been launched and is currently under construction. The conclusion of contracts for the two remaining ships in the series has been postponed to 2022. The construction of ships of this project is carried out by the Zelenodolsk plant named after A. M. Gorky, the project itself was developed by specialists of the famous JSC Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau. The laying of the lead border patrol ship of Project 22100 “Ocean” took place in Zelenodolsk (Republic of Tatarstan) on May 30, 2012. The contract for the construction of the second and third ships of Project 22100 was concluded in April 2015. The construction of each ship costs Russian taxpayers 8.66 billion rubles (in 2015 prices).

Project 22100 "Ocean"

The task of updating border ships in the far sea zone has been brewing in Russia for quite some time. The last ships of this project were designed back in the USSR. We are talking about 1st class border patrol ships of Project 11351. These ships are an evolution of the Project 1135 TFR, which until 1977 were classified in the fleet as large anti-submarine ships. The most modern Russian ship of Project 11351 was launched back in 1990 and remained in the service of maritime border guards until 2022. The last ship of this project remaining in service today is the flagship of the Ukrainian Navy, Hetman Sahaidachny, which, for obvious reasons, has very limited combat value.

Previously, most border guard ships, especially when it came to such large vessels, were conversions of warships developed for the interests of the Navy.
A distinctive feature of the border models was a significantly reduced set of offensive and defensive weapons. The Project 22100 border patrol ship code “Ocean” breaks this practice; from the very beginning this ship was created on the instructions and under the control of the Coast Guard of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia. The vessel has no analogue ships for military purposes in the Russian Navy. The main tasks for the 1st rank PSKR of project 22100 “Ocean” are the protection of the Russian exclusive economic zone, suppression of smuggling, illegal migration and the fight against maritime piracy. Moreover, the ships are multi-purpose. All Project 22100 PSKRs can be used for search and rescue operations at sea, rescuing crew members and passengers, vessels, aircraft, and various watercraft in distress from the surface. Ships can also be used to extinguish fires on board other ships, tow and evacuate damaged and distressed ships to safe shelters. A separate task of PSKR “Ocean” is to assist the special forces detachment of the FSB of Russia in the fight against terrorism. As can be seen from the project code itself, these are ships capable of operating in the far sea zone; their navigation area is oceanic. In fact, the navigation area of ​​these ships is unlimited by anything except autonomy.

The new ships of Project 22100 differ from the border patrol ships of Projects 11351P and 97P in that they are ice-class ships. This vessel can be operated in Arctic latitudes. The declared Arc4 ice class allows the PSKR to sail independently in rarefied first-year Arctic ice, reaching a thickness of up to 0.8 meters during summer-autumn navigation and up to 0.6 meters during winter-spring navigation. The ship can also navigate in the channel behind the icebreaker in first-year Arctic ice up to 1 meter thick during summer-autumn navigation and up to 0.7 meters during winter-spring navigation. Experts include a closed tank and stern among the positive solutions that the designers applied on the ships of Project 22100 Ocean; thanks to this technical solution, the new Russian PSKR will be able to avoid icing.

According to representatives of the manufacturer of the new Russian ship for the Coast Guard, there are currently no analogues to this vessel in Russia, since Project 22100 Ocean ships are distinguished by a very high degree of automation. The crew of the ship, with a total displacement of more than three thousand tons, consists of only 44 people. For comparison, the crew of Russian small rocket ships with a displacement of 1000 tons consists of approximately 60 people. According to the developers, modern PSKR is one big “server”. For clarity, they note that more than 500 kilometers of cable are laid in the ship, which makes it easy to control a wide variety of processes on board the ship, right down to the opening and closing of individual valves.

Separately, it can be noted that the ships are endowed with great autonomy, which reaches 60-70 days. Experts note that autonomous navigation is one of the main functions and features of the ship, which can spend up to 7 days on the way to the patrol site alone. Considering the duration of the voyage, including in Arctic latitudes, the project developers paid great attention to the comfort of the crew’s accommodation, trying to create the most favorable conditions for the crew and assigned personnel. According to the developers, the cabins of the new Russian ice-class border patrol ship are designed to accommodate two people, with each cabin having a separate bathroom. Thanks to the presence of two modern desalination plants on board the Coast Guard ship, the crew will be provided with cold and hot water around the clock throughout the entire service. The service and living quarters on the patrol ship are also designed to achieve the highest possible level of comfort during service.

Technical features of Project 22100 ships

Border patrol ships of Project 22100 “Ocean” are quite large ships. The length of the ship is 91.8 meters, width - 14.8 meters. Standard displacement is 2700 tons, full displacement is up to 3200 tons. In terms of size and displacement, the border patrol ships of Project 22100 are larger than multi-purpose warships of the 2nd rank - corvettes of Project 20380 (total displacement 2200 tons), but are inferior in displacement to modern Russian frigates of the far sea zone of Projects 22350 (total displacement 5400 tons) and 11356 ( total displacement 4035 tons). The maximum speed of the Project 22100 “Ocean” PSKR is 21 knots (approximately 39 km/h), and its navigation endurance is 60 days. The maximum cruising range is 12,000 nautical miles. Estimated service life is up to 40 years.

Navigation bridge PSKR project 22100 "Ocean"

The armament of the Project 22100 Ocean PSKR is exclusively artillery and small arms. The main caliber and striking power of the ship is the 76.2-mm universal artillery mount AK-176M, which allows you to hit surface and ground targets at a distance of up to 15.6 km, and air targets at an altitude of up to 11.6 km. In this case, the maximum rate of fire of the installation is up to 120 rounds per minute. In addition, on board the border patrol ships of Project 22100 there are two large-caliber 14.5-mm Vladimirov machine guns, located on a special marine pedestal machine gun mount MTPU. Such machine guns allow you to fight surface, coastal, air and lightly armored targets at a distance of up to 2000 meters. Also at the stern of the PSKR there is a helipad and a hangar, which are designed for take-off, landing and storage of Ka-27PS helicopters; it is also possible to launch Gorizont G-Air S-100 drones from the ship.

Separately, it is worth noting the fact that the technical specifications for the development of the ship stipulated the possibility of installing strike missile weapons on board the ship. According to the assurances of the chief designer of Almaz Central Marine Design Bureau JSC Boris Leikis, this possibility has been preserved. In an interview with the Vesti-Tatarstan channel, Boris Leykis noted that if necessary, the PSKR could be converted into an attack missile ship in a short time.

Norwegian border ship "Barenshaf" and Russian PSKR "Polar Star" in Murmansk
The power plant of the first ship of the series was equipped with German MTU diesel engines. After the introduction of sanctions against Russia, engine supplies were stopped. The second and third ships of Project 22350 received domestic marine diesel engines produced by the Kolomna plant. In June 2022, in an interview with Russian media, the general director of the Zelenodolsk plant claimed that the Project 22100 PSKR are already 100 percent produced from only Russian-made components. For example, in March 2022, news appeared that all production ships of this project will receive telescopic gates for a domestically produced helicopter hangar.

origin of name

The tradition of naming frontier ships with gemstones began in the early twentieth century and continued after World War II. In the mid-70s, a series of Project 1124P vessels were built specifically for the border troops. It included such ships as “Emerald”, “Pearl”, “Amethyst” and others. When the question arose about the name of the new ship of the reviving border fleet, it was decided to continue the old tradition.

Service and prospects

The Project 22460 border patrol ship (code “Okhotnik”) has been serving in the vast Black Sea since 2010. In 2014, he took part in the protection of coastal waters during the Olympic Games in Sochi. According to the latest data from the Russian FSB border service, project 22460 will be implemented by at least 25 patrol vessels. Following the lead “Rubin”, several more vessels of the project were built. The first of them was “Diamond”. It was launched on November 25, 2011. After a series of tests and completion, the ship went to serve as part of the Caspian Border Department.

In May 2012, two vessels were laid down for this project - “Sapphire” and “Coral”. This time construction was organized at the Vostochnaya Verf enterprise. Meanwhile, by July 2014, he built two more ships - “Pearl” and “Emerald”. At the moment, construction of several more vessels is underway as part of the state order “Project 22460 “Okhotnik””. The developers and builders of the Rubin ship and subsequent ships of the project are confident that the ships will bear their names with honor.

FSB: Coast Guard priority in helicopter-carrying vessels

Statistics show that the overwhelming number of Russian and foreign ships are still detained in the seas of the Far East (in 2022 - 28 ships, or 85% of the total number of detained ships). But if the number of Russian courts detained in this region has decreased by 2.5 times since 2016 (from 35 in 2016 to 14 in 2018), the number of detained foreigners has remained almost at the same level (in 2016 - 16, in 2017 -15, in 2018 - 14).

In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, ship captains and their shipowners are subject to administrative or criminal liability. The amounts of administrative fines amount to millions of rubles. Vessels flying the flags of Sierra Leone, Togo and Tanzania (so-called vessels flying flags of convenience) have been confiscated by the courts to the benefit of the state.

As for certain blacklists, I want to reassure everyone involved in fishing. By definition, such lists cannot exist, since everyone is equal before the law.

At the same time, vessels engaged in illegal fishing, including illegal harvesting of crab, which is a valuable species of aquatic biological resources, are under special control. In particular, in the Far East, from year to year, due to its high cost in the domestic and foreign markets, crab remains an object of desire for poachers. Other objects of poaching are sturgeon and salmon species, squid, shrimp, sea cucumber, pollock, and cod.

In the interests of decriminalization of fishing, the Coast Guard is conducting targeted activities at the departmental, interdepartmental and international levels. For example, in all regions, employees of the Coast Guard of border authorities, taking into account the situation, carry out operational and preventive measures to combat the illegal fishing of valuable and especially valuable species of fish (sturgeon, some types of salmon, omul, nelma, pike perch and others). Joint raids are carried out with Rosrybolovstvo and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia during periods of fish spawning. In 2022, 1,432 such raids were carried out.

In 2022, in cooperation with the US and Japanese coast guards, two vessels flying flags of convenience involved in illegal fishing were detained. Every year, joint operational and preventive measures are carried out with the Coast Guard of the Border Service of Kazakhstan to combat poaching in the Caspian Sea. Last year, the Azerbaijan Coast Guard became another participant in these events.

In addition to offenses in the field of fishing, we identify violations of the border regime and the state border regime at sea.

— Are weapons often used during arrests?

“Unfortunately, it is not always possible to stop the illegal actions of violators of Russian legislation without force. Sometimes you have to operate in conditions of open physical confrontation, hours of pursuit of violators and their failure to comply with legal requests to stop, as well as dangerous maneuvering in relation to Coast Guard ships, which often endangers the life and health of border guards.

In such cases, when all possibilities for detaining violators have been exhausted, Coast Guard officers are forced to use weapons within the framework of their legal authority.

It is important to note that over the past three years the number of such cases has decreased by 4.5 times (from 32 cases in 2016 to seven in 2018).

“But at sea, rescue actions are often needed. Is the Coast Guard involved in rescuing lost crews?

— One of the important areas of our work is the participation of forces and assets of the Coast Guard units of border authorities in solving the problems of searching and rescuing people, ships and objects in distress at sea, in interaction with emergency rescue services of federal executive authorities within the framework of a unified search system -rescue support (RSS) for maritime activities of the Russian Federation.

Every year, sometimes at risk to health and life, in difficult hydrometeorological conditions, Coast Guard employees, independently or in cooperation with search and rescue services, provide assistance to people and ships in distress at sea. There are many examples. I will give just a few of them.

In April last year, in the Barents Sea, the border patrol ships Syktyvkar and Kizlyar provided assistance to four Russian citizens in distress on two small vessels. The crew members were picked up and taken to the cities of Severomorsk and Polyarny.

In June, in the Sea of ​​Japan, the border patrol vessel Andrei Evdokimov was the first to come to the aid of the Russian fishing vessel Poseidon-2 in distress, whose two holds were partially filled with water, which posed a threat of sinking the vessel. The crew was evacuated to the Andrei Evdokimov by an onboard craft of a border patrol vessel. In September, in the East Siberian Sea, the border patrol ships Sakhalin and Volga rescued a resident of the city of Pevek, who was fishing in a rubber boat and was carried out to the open sea by a storm.

Last October, in the Sea of ​​Azov, the crew of the border patrol vessel Parus responded to a request from the captain of the bulk carrier Nile, flying the flag of Togo, which had received a hole below the waterline. Seven Ukrainian sailors were taken from the cargo ship on board the patrol vessel.

And these are not all the examples when Coast Guard ships and patrol vessels came to the rescue. In 2022, in the Barents, Azov, Black, Caspian, Japanese and East Siberian seas, during search and rescue activities, 30 ships were assisted, 193 people were rescued, of which 167 were foreign citizens.

— This is also the topic of cooperation with foreign colleagues?

— Undoubtedly, these issues are discussed with colleagues from the coast guards of other countries.

This year, the Russian Federation assumed the chairmanship of the North Pacific Border Agencies/Coast Guard Forum. In April, a meeting of experts from working groups, including in the field of maritime security, emergency response, and joint operations, took place in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. In May, training on information interaction was held in Vladivostok. The event, held in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Vladivostok, was attended by delegations from Canada, China, the Republic of Korea, the USA, and Japan.

As for the Arctic Coast Guard Forum, a meeting of the heads of departments participating in the forum took place from March 31 to April 4. One of the elements of the meeting was the holding of a multilateral exercise to rescue people from a ship in distress in the ice, “Polaris-2019” (Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea). The border patrol ship “Nadezhny” took part from Russia. During the exercise, four coast guard ships (Russia, Norway, Finland, Sweden), three helicopters (Finland - two, Norway), two aircraft (Denmark, Iceland) and MRCC worked out the search and rescue of people from a ship in distress.

The exercise headquarters organized actions to evacuate the ship, search for and lift 286 people from the water (volunteers from Finnish citizens acted in their role). PSKR "Nadezhny" found and lifted 15 people from life rafts. The actions of the Russian ship received a positive assessment during the analysis of the exercise.

At the plenary meeting, all parties confirmed the need to develop the practical aspects of cooperation. In addition, the heads of the delegations of Denmark, Norway and Sweden noted that the activities of the forum should not be politicized.

— Does the tradition of exchanging visits by Coast Guard ships with foreign countries continue?

— The entry of a ship into a foreign port is not the main goal that we pursue when planning bilateral and multilateral events. Each international campaign is accompanied by exercises, during which ships, aircraft and control bodies of the parties learn to jointly effectively solve problems relevant to each region. In 2018, nine joint international exercises were held, four of them were accompanied by visits of border ships to the ports of the Republic of Korea, Japan, Norway and the Republic of Azerbaijan. Colleagues from Kazakhstan, the Republic of Korea and Japan came to us.

This year, exercises are planned with the coast guards of Norway, Finland, Estonia, Sweden, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkey, and the Republic of Korea.

— Last year, the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea was signed in Kazakhstan. Will this add newness to relations with colleagues from the Caspian states?

— Last year, during the Fifth Caspian Summit, an intergovernmental Protocol on cooperation between border agencies on the Caspian Sea was also signed. It is intended to summarize the capabilities of all five Caspian states in the fight against illegal activities, including poaching. This year we plan to invite experts and heads of border agencies solving problems in the Caspian Sea in order to discuss further steps to develop multilateral cooperation in the region.

— In addition to protecting the maritime borders of the Russian Federation, the tasks of the Coast Guard also include the fight against terrorism at sea and maritime piracy. And last year was marked by an incident with a provocative attempt at unauthorized passage of Ukrainian military vessels through the Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal, bypassing the current navigation rules. How prepared is the Coast Guard to deal with such incidents?

— In order to counter terrorism, together with the apparatus of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee, the system of countering terrorist activities in the maritime space is being improved. On the basis of border authorities in Murmansk, Simferopol, Kaspiysk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, operational headquarters in maritime areas (basins) to counter terrorism have been deployed. On a regular basis we take part in anti-terrorism exercises (trainings) in sea areas (basins).

Border agencies are being equipped with the material and technical means necessary to conduct counter-terrorism operations, anti-terrorism exercises and training.

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