Modern military robots: combat systems of the future

One of the main paradigms of Western civilization today is the recognition of human life as the highest value. But such humanistic ideas come into conflict with the need to conduct combat operations and prepare military personnel for them. The death of one's own soldiers not only does not correspond to abstract values, but is also very poorly perceived by voters, to whose opinions modern politicians listen sensitively.

Modern Western armies are doing everything possible to reduce the number of casualties. The soldiers are provided with the most modern equipment, communications equipment, and body armor. The United States and its allies conduct ground operations only as a last resort, trying to limit missile or bomb strikes from the air. However, most often it is impossible to win a war without a ground operation.

The most promising solution to this issue is to replace soldiers on the battlefield with robots. Active developments in this direction are carried out in many countries, but the United States is the leader so far. Already today, automated combat systems are widely used in Afghanistan and Iraq. They are not yet very willing to trust them with lethal weapons, but robots are already quite successful in defusing mines and conducting reconnaissance and surveillance.

In 2007, robots took part in real combat for the first time in Iraq. The test was not very successful, but the American military is not abandoning the idea of ​​​​calling “terminators” into its armed forces. Work in this direction is also being carried out in Russia, but not as actively as in the West.

However, in general, we can say that the use of automated systems on the battlefield is one of the most promising areas for the development of military affairs. We are not yet very good at making mechanical assistants, but many experts believe that humanity will see a breakthrough in this area in the next decade. Unfortunately, it is likely that new technologies will be among the first to be used for war and destruction.

Types of modern military ground robots

Modern ground military robots can be divided into the following groups:

  • reconnaissance;
  • engineering;
  • combat;
  • rear

It should be noted that for many automated devices such a division is somewhat arbitrary. They are unified platforms on which certain modules are installed depending on needs. So the sapper robot can easily be turned into a combat robot.

Military robots themselves can be roughly divided into three large groups:

  • lungs;
  • average;
  • heavy.

A military robot consists of a remotely controlled device and a remote control from which it is controlled. Robotic mechanisms differ in the degree of autonomy; they can, to a greater or lesser extent, follow a nested program and do without constant human intervention. Already today there are dozens of types of purely military robots, differing in their size, body shape, chassis, and the presence of various manipulators.

When you mention military robots, the first thing that comes to mind is anthropomorphic Terminator robots from science fiction films. They have their own intelligence and can act autonomously. However, this picture does not yet correspond to reality. Similar automated systems already exist (although we are not talking about artificial intelligence yet), but their cost is enormous. Therefore, military robots these days are automated or remotely controlled platforms.

Besides the fact that modern android robots are very expensive, there are hardly any tasks on the battlefield today that they would perform better than a professional soldier. The creation of a real robot soldier, who would have intelligence to one degree or another, is associated with solving a whole range of problems in the field of cybernetics, the theory of control systems, the development of new materials and energy sources.


A special place in future plans is the practical application of the concept of mixed teams consisting of people and automated systems or Manned-Unmanned Teams (MUM-T). The concept has been developed since 1997 for army aviation, but it is new to the ground forces.

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For now, MUM-T units are experimental and designed primarily to collect data and receive feedback from soldiers. The goal of the work is to teach people to effectively interact with machines. And this is perhaps one of the most important issues now facing engineers and military personnel from different countries.

What is the problem? As it turns out, in human psychology. Working together with a machine that can, albeit to a limited extent, make independent decisions is different from the familiar remote control and is perceived by a person completely differently.

“The main reason for such close attention to the human component of mixed teams MUM-T is that the success of team interaction depends on how the person understands the system, how and why it behaves in a certain way. If a person’s expectations do not coincide with the set of behavioral models of the system, the person will begin to doubt the accuracy and effectiveness of its actions,” say American scientists.


Mission Master UGV in testing. The vehicle can move alongside soldiers using the “follow me” mode


Intelligence robots

Automated systems have long been used to collect intelligence, search for targets and target designation, and monitor the situation. For such purposes, both unmanned aerial vehicles and ground robots are used. One of the smallest reconnaissance robots used today by the US Army in Afghanistan is the Recon Scout. It weighs 1.3 kg and is 200 mm long, equipped with a conventional and infrared camera. This robot can be thrown over obstacles, but it can only move on a relatively flat surface.

Another representative of the group of reconnaissance robots is First Look 110. It weighs 2.5 kg, has tracks and is controlled from a remote control located on the operator’s wrist. The robot is equipped with four cameras and can overcome small obstacles. You can install other sensors on it: thermal imagers, indicators of biological, chemical and radiation contamination.

Another remote-controlled vehicle actively used by the US Army for reconnaissance missions is the Dragon Runner. This robot is also equipped with a tracked chassis, it is designed for the front line of combat operations. Dragon Runner is carried in a backpack and can be thrown over any obstacle.

The most popular American military robot (more than 3 thousand units produced) is TALON, developed by Foster-Miller. American soldiers love this vehicle; it has proven to be very effective in Afghanistan. This robot is perfect not only for reconnaissance, but also for neutralizing explosive devices. It was TALON that was actively used for reconnaissance of caves where the Taliban were hiding; this robot accounted for 50 thousand neutralized explosive devices. The American military even decided to give TALON weapons “as manipulators.” A modification of the robot was created, on which it was possible to install a machine gun, sniper rifle or ATGM. The robot shoots with truly sniper precision.

By the way, the Americans noted an interesting phenomenon: fighters become very attached to robots, treating them as comrades in arms or pets.

As we see, the line between different groups of military robots is often quite thin: an automated system can conduct reconnaissance, detect mines, and directly participate in combat operations.

Russia in global politics


Autonomous robotic systems, also called “combat robots,” are increasingly being put into service in various countries around the world and are increasingly used on the battlefield. Work on the creation, testing and implementation of autonomous systems is carried out not only by leading powers and their competitors, but also by non-state actors. The emergence of such technologies is changing approaches to the conduct of military operations and will have serious consequences for the personnel of the armed forces, military tactics and state policies in this area.

Recognized leaders in this area for many years, the United States and Israel, have recently experienced growing competition from countries that have begun developing autonomous military systems and have joined the technological race. These include Russia, China, Iran, Turkey and a number of smaller states. All of them conduct active research that is based on solving civilian problems in the field of high technology, computer science, software, optics and other areas. In 2022, Russian President Vladimir Putin recognized the importance of combat robots, noting that the country needs its own effective developments in the field of robotics for the Russian armed forces[1]. The emergence of new technologies renders current norms and military tactics irrelevant and raises many questions regarding how military competition will unfold in the near future.

Over the next few decades, the US military will increasingly encounter situations in which autonomous systems will be used by various entities to solve an increasingly wide range of tasks. In an effort to move beyond traditional spheres of influence, U.S. military rivals such as Russia and China, as well as other countries and non-state actors, are actively working to develop autonomous land-, air-, and sea-based robotic systems that could eventually eliminate over 20 decades years of combat superiority of the American army. In the face of uncertainty about the parameters of future wars, users of robotic systems are beginning to think about developing rules for the use of such means. At the same time, it is important to understand how the massive introduction of such new technologies will affect actions against the enemy and how such means can contribute to the resolution of conflict situations.

Consequences of the development of autonomous military systems by leading powers

Air Force

The situation in the air, where American unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) such as the Global Hawk, Predator and Reaper once reigned supreme, is changing significantly. These systems have become the gold standard for countries wishing to have similar systems capable of conducting surveillance and hitting targets, removing this function from the manned aircraft that traditionally performed these tasks. The creation of UAVs requires large financial investments and time, although the process can be accelerated, for example, through industrial espionage. It is important to note that current and future U.S. military planning envisions a key role for UAVs in combat operations as intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and strike capabilities. Since 2001, the United States has been using these technologies in the Middle East. Their experience in this area has greatly influenced their competitors.

For more than ten years, the Russian Federation has been attempting to develop similar UAVs. Despite numerous announcements about the adoption of long-range UAVs for flights at high and medium altitudes (MALE/HALE), concrete results were achieved only this year. The Russian military plans to test several UAV models at the end of 2022-2019, after which they will enter service[2]. In turn, China has made more tangible progress in the design and development of a whole line of UAVs, including long-range attack UAVs for flight at medium altitudes[3]. At the same time, he managed to conclude supply agreements to key markets[4]. Recently, Iran and Turkey have developed and tested a number of attack UAVs that have already been used in Syria.

These developments must be considered in light of the fact that the number of small drones is growing rapidly and thousands of such devices are in service with armies around the world. While long-range, high- and medium-altitude UAVs are considered a symbol of military power, cheaper, smaller, and lighter UAVs are being used extensively in combat, and their role on the battlefield is also changing. The military leadership of modern Russia views the Syrian conflict as a model that determines the future of military operations. According to the Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Valery Gerasimov, “the conflict in Syria is interpreted as a prototype of a new generation of war. […] The United States and its allies used a wide arsenal of high-tech weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic - aircraft, drones, satellites, and various robotic means. […] Western intervention in the situation in Syria is only the contours of the most likely future war”[5]. In addition, the Russian command is actively using the experience acquired during the operation in Syria, including “the creation of various reconnaissance-fire and reconnaissance-strike contours” by “combining existing modern reconnaissance and destruction means under the command of one commander and the effective use of these means”[6 ]. A key role in the “circuits” is played by unmanned systems, whose task is to collect information, surveillance and reconnaissance, or to guide Russian ground, air or sea-based assets. The Russian military is actively exploring the use of UAVs, which indicates the growing role of these technologies and their enormous importance in future conflicts.

The use of UAVs in modern conflicts is becoming a reality, as are the words of General Gerasimov that the conflict in Syria has become the prototype of a new generation of war. In the skies of Syria, the Russian military is jamming American drones[7]. Russia operates a fleet of UAVs for intelligence gathering, surveillance and targeting[8], and its bases have come under attack from “swarms” of homemade attack drones launched by anti-government forces[9]. Turkey uses UAVs to attack pro-American Kurdish forces in Syria[10]. The situation is aggravated by Iranian attack drones stationed on Syrian territory, capable of attacking Israel[11]. While all these means have not directly collided in combat - the system of interaction between UAVs in the airspace is not sufficiently developed, nevertheless, there are obvious contradictions between the forces represented in Syria, both military and political in nature.

The widespread use of drones in the coming years will pose new challenges for the military related to providing protection and “shelter” for their forces, constant tracking of UAVs of all sizes and purposes, a system for recognizing enemy and friendly vehicles, as well as solving many other problems. The proliferation of UAVs has led to the adoption of countermeasures, in particular counter-UAV technologies that are used and continue to be developed by Russia and the United States. All major military powers will need similar capabilities, which could usher in a technological race in electronics, radar identification and kinetic technologies. As the number of drones increases, the likelihood of error will also increase significantly. It will be necessary to create appropriate communication and conflict resolution channels to avoid unintentional escalation in the event of a UAV being hit “by mistake.”

Man continues to occupy a central place in modern armed forces. The widespread use of combat robots will entail a major overhaul of tactical and procedural approaches in order to effectively incorporate these new technologies. The proliferation of UAVs increases the likelihood of conflict, which may occur before formal rules similar to those of the Geneva Convention governing the conduct of hostilities from a human-centric perspective are defined. The global community is ready to consider the use of artificial intelligence in autonomous combat systems[12], but no one has yet actively proposed discussing the rules of engagement and their consequences in the face of a growing number of UAVs.

Ground forces

If the United States is a recognized leader in the use of UAVs, then in the situation with ground-based means its superiority does not seem so obvious. The United States, which widely uses small ground-based robotic systems for military purposes (GRTK) for various non-combat purposes, in its strategy takes a cautious and gradual approach to the introduction of certain types of such devices. The US Army is advocating the development of "optionally manned" vehicles along with a range of logistics models and man-machine collaboration systems, so-called "mixed convoys", in which manned vehicles would be followed by autonomous vehicles performing logistics support tasks[13] . Only when such technologies reach a certain level of maturity will the US military begin to introduce armored NRTCs. So far, none of the types of such machines being developed can be called truly “autonomous” or capable of independently moving across the battlefield and making decisions. At the moment, there is no high-tech solution that would allow such vehicles to function independently.

At the first stage, the possibility of manned control of such machines is allowed. So far, the timing of testing and commissioning has not been clearly defined[14]. The current level of development of NRTK technologies involves the performance of a significant part of combat missions by humans: from choosing the direction of movement to assessing the combat situation and making a decision to open fire. Depending on the type of NRTK, the operator may be quite close to the battlefield and be exposed to dangers that such vehicles are designed to minimize.

According to official statements, the US Army "seeks to reduce the number of remote operators per robot from two to one person, and then create a system in which one person could simultaneously control several robots, and the decision to open fire will always be made by a person." 15]. Such a scheme may conflict with current combat realities due to the multiplicity and diversity of threats, which implies the ability to instantly assess the situation and make a decision. Now the US military is experimenting with various types of support vehicles, while a combat NRTK can be created only in a few years, around 2023[16]. In addition, the US Army aims to develop technologies using artificial intelligence that allow “one person to monitor the activities of a platoon of robots.” The implementation of such a concept involves conducting “thorough testing of both technology and robots in order to protect command communication lines from hacking and disruption, teach robots to independently choose the direction of movement, understand how many robots a person can track at the same time and how to expand the coverage area and operating time of the system human-machine interaction”[17].

Caution when introducing robotics is well justified. In 2007, a robotic artillery unit malfunctioned at a test site in South Africa, resulting in the death of 9 people and the injury of 14 more military personnel[18]. In 2008, the US military used the SWORDS combat surveillance and reconnaissance system as a training platform in Iraq. After a number of minor incidents in which no one was seriously injured, rumors spread that the small arms mounted on these vehicles were not controlled by humans.[19] It is important to note that no army in the world has the software necessary to create truly autonomous NRTCs with their own “brains,” although the United States, Russia and China have announced their desire to develop military technologies in the field of artificial intelligence.

Before the widespread use of ground combat robots begins, it is necessary to conduct serious tests to find out whether such developments correspond to combat realities. In this regard, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has created a number of divisions, including the Main Research and Testing Center for Robotics, whose tasks include developing, together with enterprises of the military-industrial complex, standards for robotic systems for military purposes. In recent years, Russia has begun to compete with the United States and China in the development and testing of a wide range of military-grade non-technical systems and support vehicles: from small vehicles designed for mine clearance and unexploded ordnance removal, to tank-sized vehicles equipped with various types of weapons. It remains to develop a concept for their use in combat conditions...

The reluctance of the United States to rush into introducing a full-fledged robotic tank can be understood if we recall Russia’s admission that its Uran-9 combat multifunctional robotic complex[20] turned out to be insufficiently effective in Syria in conditions as close to combat as possible. In April 2022, the Central Research Institute of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation prepared a presentation, during which it acknowledged the shortcomings identified during the combat use of the Uran-9 multifunctional robotic complex[21]. Malfunctions were recorded in the operation of most key components of the complex, including stable control range, firepower, equipment, chassis, optics, electrical and other elements. Perhaps the main problem was the operator's inability to quickly navigate what was happening around him and make decisions. It turned out that observing the battlefield through computer monitors cannot replace physical presence in the combat zone. This calls into question the validity of the use of combat robots, which the Americans, developing their own “remotely controlled military vehicles” (RCVs), could not help but notice.

These failures indicate that this much-talked-about combat system (and possibly other Russian systems) needs significant improvements, testing, and even design revisions before it can be used in combat. Taking into account the experience of using this system in Syria, Russia has made a number of important conclusions regarding the direction of work on such complexes. The US military faces similar problems in the field of using robotics in combat conditions. It has not yet been possible to find a solution that would allow an operator located at a safe distance to understand what is happening with the NRTK in real time, comprehend this information and respond quickly. Based on the test results, it was concluded that in the next 10-15 years, Russian combat NRTCs will be used “in the assault on stationary objects and fortified areas,” which reduces their combat mission to the role of a one-time “kamikaze.” In addition, such complexes can be used in cooperation with other units to destroy enemy armored and fire weapons, but “never independently, since the failure of the NRTK can negatively affect the performance of the assigned task by combined arms units”[22]. This failure, however, did not prevent Russia from continuing work on the NRTK. Thus, it was recently announced that a new NRTC would be developed for combat operations in populated areas[23].

In an effort to keep up with competitors, China is experimenting with the use of NRTK in supply and logistics. For example, there is a project to convert an old Type-59 tank into a remote-controlled complex[24]. China has thousands of such tanks, and in future wars these vehicles will be able to significantly increase the effectiveness of autonomous weapons if an appropriate concept for the use of artificial intelligence is developed[25]. Considering the simplicity of the design of these tanks, the loss of the NRTK created on their basis will not be a significant loss for the Chinese army. The tasks of such NRTK will include overcoming enemy defenses and minimizing personnel losses. Enterprises of the Chinese military-industrial complex are also working on logistics NRTKs capable of performing combat missions[26].

So far, the largest developers have not been able to ensure complete autonomy of the NRTK, but attempts to solve this problem continue. As in the case of UAVs, as technology spreads, NRTKs will become cheaper, more accessible, and therefore easier to use. Although the use of such means will reduce personnel losses, their proliferation may mark the beginning of irreversible processes. By analogy with UAVs, the use of combat NRTKs could lead to a new dangerous arms race. Manufacturers will create models that are superior to their competitors in terms of technology and the use of artificial intelligence in operational management. Although it will take years for the international community to achieve such a technological level, the issue of the need to limit the scope of use of lethal systems with artificial intelligence has been put on the agenda and is already being actively discussed[27]. At the height of the discussion, the situation was complicated by Russia and the United States, which, despite growing mutual hostility, jointly blocked a UN resolution banning the development of combat artificial intelligence technologies[28]. In the context of the proliferation of military NRTKs, the issue of increasing their “intelligence” takes on priority importance in terms of ensuring combat superiority. Technological developments and political discussions indicate that the world community will be forced to accept the use of such weapons, although no one can predict the consequences of the use of these “smart” weapons in combat conditions.

Naval forces

Meanwhile, the most significant changes in military strategy may occur at sea, where the US Navy dominates, which has the ability to deploy assets in any part of the world's oceans and exercise control using surface, underwater, air and space systems. The US Navy is actively developing autonomous unmanned underwater and surface vehicles (UUVs and UUVs)[29], having put a number of systems into service over the past few years[30]. The American military, together with its allies, is also implementing projects[31] on the integrated use of UUVs, UAVs and UAVs. As for their adversary, they, through their autonomous unmanned underwater and surface vehicles, coupled with a variety of manned and autonomous systems, can also conduct information gathering, surveillance and reconnaissance and provide the capability to conduct combat operations far from their home shores, which poses a threat to the Navy USA.

Currently, Russia and China are developing a wide range of UUVs and UUVs capable of operating at various depths and equipped with all kinds of optical, electronic and sonar devices. Thus, Russia is creating a large underwater vehicle capable of diving to a depth of several miles, as well as groups of shallow-water autonomous reconnaissance vehicles. In addition, Russia announced plans to create a UUV equipped with warheads and capable of bypassing coast guard systems[32]. Russian engineers are working on a UUV, whose tasks include defending sea borders and conducting search and rescue operations, as well as participating in combat operations. Fifth-generation submarines can be equipped with UUVs, which will significantly expand the scope of their combat and reconnaissance activities.

The use of autonomous unmanned navigation technologies is much cheaper than the construction of manned vehicles and can significantly increase the country’s authority and expand its capabilities in the maritime space. It is not yet clear whether the United States is ready to accept the new technological reality, which, as UUVs and UPUs develop, is beginning to question their dominant role on the world's oceans. The likelihood of conflicts appears to be quite high. The Chinese Navy has already captured US UUVs[33]. For now, both sides prefer not to attach importance to these incidents, however, with the spread of autonomous unmanned systems, such cases will occur more often, which may also trigger processes that will be difficult to stop. The desire to create UUVs and UAVs is justified from the point of view of reconnaissance tasks and increasing combat potential. The development of such technologies can equalize the potential of major naval powers and countries that seek to join their ranks. Homemade remote-controlled combat vehicles are already in active use off the coast of Yemen and are capable of causing significant damage to naval combat units, which does not bode well for future conflicts at sea[34]. While the United States dominates the world's oceans, Washington could quickly lose its dominance if its competitors en masse begin to deploy autonomous unmanned systems that can effectively track the movements of the US submarine fleet and pose a threat to their surface assets.

"Future Imperfect"

A number of key concepts are at the forefront of the minds of leading powers as they seek to create increasingly sophisticated and advanced autonomous technologies. These include the concept of a “swarm,” that is, the possibility of simultaneous coordinated use of multiple autonomous vehicles to overcome enemy defenses and cause maximum losses. Experiments within the framework of this concept are being conducted in the United States and China, and Russia plans to begin developing such technologies in the near future. If an autonomous “swarm” learns to “think” using artificial intelligence or machine learning systems, then the prospect of using such weapons could trigger a chain reaction around the world with unpredictable consequences for the armed forces and the global community as a whole. In addition, major powers will seek to avoid losses in autonomous technologies on the battlefield by jamming and exploiting other enemy vulnerabilities. Thus, the inclusion of autonomous military systems in existing combat formations will be carried out taking into account possible incidents, failures and failure of such technologies. Presumably, these shortcomings will be eliminated when subsequent models of autonomous systems with improved characteristics are released. The process of incorporating breakthrough technologies into existing and established concepts and principles of warfare will generate new problems.

Moreover, even the most advanced autonomous systems, such as those deployed by the United States, do not exclude the possibility of causing collateral damage. This takes the issue into the political arena, something the military would prefer to avoid. However, the race in the field of autonomous technologies is not slowing down, despite all of the above, and will only increase in the future. The rapid growth in the number of combat robots from large manufacturers and consumers of weapons will change the framework of the political and military-tactical environment and create additional friction between supporters and opponents of the use of such technologies in today's wars and in the wars of the future.


Autonomous military technologies will change the rules of engagement and may give rise to a new type of conflict, the consequences of which are currently difficult to predict. Today, the international community is witnessing unprecedented changes. More and more countries are trying to challenge the military superiority of the United States by mastering and deploying autonomous systems. Currently, the United States maintains a leading position in this area, both from a financial point of view and taking into account the level of technological development, but its rivals are gradually closing the gap by developing their own military-political approaches. With the advent of new technologies, the need arises for the leading powers to agree on new rules of warfare, possible restrictions and means of exiting conflict situations. It is not yet clear what changes will occur in the military sphere in the next 10-15 years - but it is time for the military departments of all countries of the world to start preparing for this inevitable change in the technological paradigm.

This text reflects the personal opinion of the author, which may not coincide with the position of the Club, unless explicitly stated otherwise.

This material was published in a series of notes from the Valdai Club, published weekly as part of the scientific activities of the Valdai International Discussion Club. Other notes can be found at


[1] Putin shares his view on what Russian Army needs most // TASS. 2022. January 26. URL:

[2] Azanov R. “Scat” will surpass “Predator”. Why are they reviving the “invisible” attack drone // TASS. 2022. September 13.URL:

[3] Kania E. The PLA's Unmanned Aerial Systems: New Capabilities for a “New Era” of Chinese Military Power // China Aerospace Studies Institute. September 2022. URL:

[4] China's UAVs Proliferate in Middle East // Aviationweek. 2017. November 11. URL: dubai-air-show-2017/china-s-uavs-proliferate-middle-east?Issue=AW-021_20171111_ AW-021_21&sfvc4enews=4 2&cl=article_2&utm_rid=CPEN1000000910591&ut m_campaign =12541&utm_medium=email&elq2=b54f7a48c1 83467594eb28bddedb1454

[5] Zakvasin A. “Contours of the war of the future”: how the Russian army is preparing for conflicts of the new generation // RT. 2022. March 27. URL:

[6] Strike and reconnaissance contours of the Airborne Forces will be united under one command //Topwar. 2022. August 01. URL:

[7] Kube C. Russia has figured out how to jam US drones in Syria, officials say // NBC News, 2022. April 10. URL: figured-out-how-jam-us-drones-syria-n863931

[8] Lavrov A. Russian UVs in Syria // CAST. 2022. URL:

[9] Kozlov D., Grits S. Russia says drone attacks on its Syria base have increased // AP News. 2022. August 16. URL:

[10] Turkey flies “one of the world's most advanced” drones in Syria operations // Ahval

news. 2022. May 1. URL:

[11] Hartman B. Iranian drone launched from Syria was on attack mission, Israel says // Defense News. 2022. April 17. URL:

[12] Motoyama S. Inside the United Nations Effort To Regulate Autonomous Killer Robots // The Verge. 2022. April 27. URL:

[13] Sydney J., Freedberg J. From Google Cars to Robot Tanks: Army RCV // Breaking Defense. 2022. August 31. URL:

[14] Ibid.

[15] Sydney J., Freedberg J. From Google Cars to Robot Tanks: Army RCV // Breaking Defense. 2022. August 31. URL:

[16] Ibid.

[17] Sydney J., Freedberg J. Army Pushes Bradley Replacement; Cautious On Armed Robots // Breaking Defense. 2022. June 27. URL:

[18] White C. Robot Cannon Goes Berserk, Kills 9 // Gizmodo. 2007. October 18. URL:

[19] Weinberger S. Armed Robots Still in Iraq, but Grounded // Wired. 2008. April 15. URL: https://www.wired. com/2008/04/armed-robots-st/

[20] “Sentry” program. Combat robot "Uran-9". Issue dated 04/23/2017. URL:

[21] Problematic issues in the development of robotic systems for military purposes // BMPD Blog. 2022. June 16. URL:

[22] Problematic issues in the development of robotic systems for military purposes // BMPD Blog. 2022. June 16. URL:

[23] Sidorkova I. The head of UVZ announced the development of an alternative to the unmanned Armata // RBC. 2022. September 26. URL:

[24] Mizokami K. China Is Experimenting with Remote Controlled Tanks // Popular Mechanics. 2022. March 21. URL:

[25] Mizokami K. China Is Experimenting with Remote Controlled Tanks // Popular Mechanics. 2022. March 21. URL:

[26] CCTV [CCTV..], 'Military Technology' [………. 2018—………….. 20180929], September 29, 2022. YouTube. URL:

[27] 2022 Group of Governmental Experts on Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems (LAWS) // UNOG. 2022. URL:

[28] Chernenko E. Robots are not a wolf - they won’t run into the forest // Kommersant. 2018. September 4. URL: https://www.

[29] Keller J. Navy eyes unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) weapons payloads to stop or disable 160-foot ships at sea // Military Aerospace. 2022. May 24. URL:

[30] Wittman R. US Navy's unmanned vehicle efforts are the answer to deterring adversaries // Defense news. 2022. April 26. URL:

[31]Dr. Alexander MG Walan, “Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV) (Archived)”, .vessel

[32] Source: the Poseidon underwater vehicle will be able to carry a warhead with a yield of up to two megatons // TASS. 2022. May 27. URL:

[33] Cavas CP China Grabs Underwater Drone Operated by US Navy in South China Sea // Defense News. 2016. December 16. URL:

[34] Perper R. Drone boats filled with explosives are the new weapon in global terrorism // Business Insider. 2022. October 4. URL:

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Engineering robots

This is another large group of mechanisms that are usually controlled remotely. Engineering robots are used to clear mines and land mines, create passages in minefields, lift heavy objects and clear rubble.

An important trend in the development of such machines has been the increase in their weight, which has made it possible to attract remotely controlled machines for more serious work. In the USA, all engineering vehicles are now controlled remotely.

A typical example of such equipment is the MV-4 (or M160) engineering vehicle. Its mass is 5.32 tons, it has a tracked chassis and is used to clear ammunition and mines at a depth of up to 320 mm. The MV-4 can be controlled from a distance of two kilometers, which makes the work of sappers completely safe.

An even heavier remote-controlled engineering vehicle is the ABV (Assault Breacher Vehicle), which in its weight and armor protection is comparable to the American Abrams OBS. The ABV is equipped with a mine trawl and mine clearance charges, and can lay smoke screens. Now in the USA they are working on a fully autonomous modification of the car.

There are a huge number of small sapper robots that are actively used not only by the military, but also by the police and special services. They have already become familiar, and we often see them on TV. Indeed, why risk people if you can send a robot with a television camera and a manipulator to examine a suspicious object?

One of the most famous mine clearance robots is the MarkV-A1, created by the American company Northrop Grumman Corporation. It is equipped with several video cameras, as well as a water cannon to destroy bombs. Currently, the MarkV-A1 is used by special forces in the United States, Israel and Canada.

Network-centricity: opinions

These solutions are just the tip of the iceberg of information technologies that are currently used to solve military problems. It is difficult to exaggerate their importance, and in order to have an idea of ​​the war of the future, it is necessary to analyze in detail the American experience in Iraq and Afghanistan. Therefore, we turned to well-known military experts for comments.

Former chairman of the Public Council under the Russian Ministry of Defense, editor-in-chief of the National Defense magazine Igor Korotchenko: – The times of tank wedges are over, and now network-centric technologies should significantly help in solving new military problems. This is a qualitatively new solution that allows you to integrate existing weapons into a single information space. For the purpose of such integration, new models of military equipment will be built on the principles of open architecture. Of course, the United States has advanced the furthest in this matter, but both China and Russia do not intend to lag behind in this matter.

The advanced CUDA air-to-air missile introduced by Lockheed Martin in 2012 is a typical example of the evolution of weapons. Close in its capabilities to the famous AIM-120 AMRAAM, CUDA is several times more compact than it. If the internal compartments of the F-35 fighter can accommodate 4 AMRAAM missiles, then the aircraft can take as many as 12 units of CUDA ammunition. If the concept is realized, such a missile could greatly influence air combat tactics in the future.

If we talk about future military conflicts, network-centric warfare technologies will undoubtedly become even more advanced. Can they be considered the main difference between the wars of the future and the conflicts of past years? I don't think so. In addition to network-centric technologies for warfare, other areas of military affairs are developing rapidly today. Among them, in particular, is a sharp increase in the accuracy of guided weapons, as well as the widespread use of space satellites to solve a wide range of tasks.

Editor-in-Chief of the Geopolitics magazine, author of the monograph “Network-centric and network war. Introduction to the concept" Leonid Savin sees in "network-centrism" not only advantages, but also serious problems: - Issues of using network-centric technologies for warfare are associated with such imperatives as the speed and security of information transfer, as well as trust in people who perform specific missions . If logistics and communications issues can be improved using network-centric methods, then changing the consciousness of soldiers, key links in the military machine, seems very difficult.

This issue can still be resolved at the level of a small organization, but when it comes to the involvement of divisions, logistics support and other things, of course, the same old difficulties may arise. And in the issue of communications, nuances appear, tied to modern methods of electronic suppression and psychological warfare. Overall, future battles for hearts and minds will continue to be about strategic culture and the ability to influence the minds of civilians and enemy defense forces.

Combat robots

Of course, combat robots are of the greatest interest to the public. However, this group of ground-based automated machines is not yet very developed. Modern combat is very complex, fleeting, and decisions need to be made instantly and quickly change your position. Modern automated systems still do not do all this very well. Anthropomorphic combat robots are rather technical exotics that are being worked on in laboratories. Most combat robots today have a wheeled or tracked chassis and are controlled via a cable or radio signal.

One of the most famous combat autonomous systems is the Israeli unmanned vehicle Guardium, which is used for patrol duty, protection and escort of convoys, as well as for reconnaissance. The car is built on a buggy chassis, has good speed and maneuverability, and can be equipped with weapons. Guardium was adopted by the Israel Defense Forces in 2009.

The most widespread and very recognizable combat robot is the already mentioned TALON, or rather, the SWORDS robot created on the basis of this platform, capable of carrying a sniper rifle, grenade launcher and machine gun. The cost of one unit is $230 thousand, but the manufacturer promises to reduce the price by almost half (to $150 thousand) after the start of mass serial production.

Another robot that can fire at the enemy is Warrior, created by the American company iRobot. It can be equipped with a 7.62 mm machine gun, automatic shotgun, ATGM and other weapons. Warrior can also be used as a sapper, he can carry the wounded from the battlefield.

In 2010, Northrop Grumman presented another of its developments - the CAMEL combat robot. The customer was the American Advanced Research Projects Agency DAPRA. This is a flat platform on wheels, which, in addition to weapons, can also carry 550 kg of cargo. The wheels can be fitted with rubber tracks, which significantly increases the CAMEL's cross-country ability. The robot can accompany combat units and move autonomously, guided by GPS signals.

Another promising American robot is Crusher (“crusher” or “destroyer”). This is a wheeled vehicle weighing 6.5 tons. Its feature is its high cross-country ability and the ability to overcome significant obstacles. Crusher is equipped with several video cameras, a laser rangefinder, a thermal imager, and can be equipped with various types of weapons.

The largest combat robot today is Black Knight, developed by BAE Systems (USA). This tracked vehicle weighs 9.5 tons and is armed with a 30-mm automatic cannon and a coaxial machine gun. The robot is equipped with television cameras, thermal imagers, radar, and a satellite navigation system. The Black Knight is controlled from a special command vehicle or from a Bradley infantry fighting vehicle.

Samsung Techwin (now Hanwha Techwin), South Korea

The company was founded in 1977 under the name Samsung Techwin, as a subsidiary of Samsung. In 1979, she began making video cameras. A year later, it switched to jet engines for the South Korean Air Force (manufactured jointly with General Electric). Since then, the company has been involved in the production of helicopters, video recorders, video surveillance systems, and lenses. Together with other companies, she developed semiconductors, optical communication systems, was engaged in research activities in the aerospace industry, and worked with nanotechnology. In December 2014, Samsung announced the sale of Techwin to the South Korean conglomerate Hanwha Group. In June 2015, the acquisition was completed and the company was renamed Hanwha Techwin.

Samsung SGR-A1

- A robotic turret designed to support South Korean military forces in the Korean Demilitarized Zone. Development began in 2003, and the first prototypes appeared in 2006. Equipped with a laser rangefinder, an infrared thermographic camera, an infrared illuminator, a 5.56 mm Daewoo K3 machine gun and a 40 mm Milkor M32 semi-automatic grenade launcher. It can track and track targets both during the day (range up to 4 km) and at night (range 2 km). But to use lethal weapons, an operator is required. The weight of the structure is 117 kg, height – 120 cm, range – up to 3.2 km.

Rear robots

A separate group consists of robots designed to transport goods, including in combat zones. Such systems must accompany fighters and transport part of their ammunition, heavy weapons and other cargo. Almost all such robots can perform additional functions: reconnaissance or evacuation of the wounded.

Examples of such machines are SMSS, R-Gator and TRAKKAR. Separately, it is worth mentioning the American robot porter BigDog, which moves on four limbs and theoretically can go where wheeled vehicles are unable to move. But this development is still experimental.

Network-centric wars

There will be wars in the 21st century. And it’s not even about the level of development of modern civilization. Simply the so-called civilization covers only a sixth of the Earth's population. If this part of the people has learned to resolve issues peacefully, at least among themselves, then the situation in Africa or Asia looks completely different. However, in developing countries and in the 21st century, military conflicts are unlikely to be very different from those to which we are accustomed. In any case, until developed powers intervene in them. What technologies will the powers that be have at their disposal? Will they be able to become a decisive factor in the conduct of the war?

What do we have?

Russia has a good head start in this direction, although there is some lag in communication and control systems. The centers of domestic robotics are JSC Izhevsk Radio Plant, MSTU named after. Bauman, NITI "Progress" (Izhevsk).

At the Izhevsk Radio Plant, a universal robotic platform of the RTO was created, which, depending on the configuration, can perform various functions. This robot is small, but it has a very impressive arsenal: two grenade launchers, two Bumblebee flamethrowers, a Pecheneg or Kord machine gun. The MRK can be remotely controlled at a distance of 500 meters. The robot is equipped with a video camera, microphone, and lighting system.

This complex was originally created for units of the Strategic Missile Forces to protect ICBM launchers.

Like most other modern combat robots, the RTO is a universal platform on which additional equipment and weapons can be installed.

Another Russian automated combat system is Platform-M. It was developed at NITI Progress and was first shown to the public in 2022. The platform can be used for reconnaissance (there are video cameras, a thermal imager, a radar, a range finder), patrolling the area, and supporting assault units. "Platform-M" can be armed with an automatic grenade launcher, machine gun, and anti-tank missile system. The weight of the machine is 800 kg, the payload is 300 kg. You can control the “Platform” at a distance of up to 5 km.

There is information that this vehicle is being used by Russian troops in Syria.

The heaviest Russian robotic combat system is the Uran. The weight of this machine reaches eight tons. A fire support vehicle, a mine sweeper and a fire engine were created on the basis of the Uran. "Uran" has repeatedly taken part in various exercises.

In 2022, Rosoboronexport announced the start of promotion of the Russian automated Uran-9 complex on the global arms market.

Self-propelled universal systems

The first self-propelled systems include the German Goliaths, used during World War II, and teletanks. Self-propelled vehicles today are a growing category of military robotics. These vehicles are created directly for combat operations, equipping the models with night vision, various weapons, manipulators, video cameras, etc.

Equipment affects the purpose of the equipment, which can perform various combat missions. The Platform-M has been endowed with universal capabilities: it can transport cargo, patrol the territory, launch a smoke screen, lay mines and clear objects.

The Nerekhta robots, which are considered an impressive technical development, and the Argo robots, which are capable of swimming, have similar functions. For the first invention, more than 10 modules were created, including medical and anti-tank.

On the prospects of military robots

Robotics is receiving special attention all over the world. Over the past few years alone, the Pentagon has allocated $4 billion for the development of military robots. However, priorities in this direction are still set by the civilian sector. At present, it cannot yet be said that robotics has a strong impact on the field of defense and national security. However, things can change very quickly.

The development of automated systems is at the forefront of science and technology development. To create a truly effective combat robot, you need to solve many complex technical problems. This includes the development of fundamentally new energy sources, powerful and compact, and the creation of advanced sensors, and ensuring more reliable communications.

Currently, robots used by humans (including military ones) are more reminiscent of radio-controlled toys than the mechanisms described by Asimov and other masters of science fiction.

Guardbot, USA

This is an American engineering company located in Stamford, near New York. Specializes in the development of amphibious spherical robotic systems. However, so far she has created only one product - it repeats the company name. According to the creators, the Guardbot project was originally conceived for a mission to Mars.

– a robotic spherical system, the main purpose of which is to search for explosive devices and monitor the territory or water area. The propulsion system is based on a patented mechanism with a pendulum. The robot moves by changing the center of gravity. At the same time, it is capable of working on land, sand, water and snow. Travel speed on land is up to 20 km/h, on water – 6.5 km/h. The kit includes day and night cameras, a WMD detection sensor, and a laser scanner. The structure weighs 26 kg, the diameter in the thin part is 60 cm, in the wide part – 91.5 cm. It is equipped with two electric motors and can work autonomously for up to 25 hours. Despite the spherical design, it overcomes slopes up to 30º. Operates at temperatures from -30 °C to +40 °C.

The third part is ahead.

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