The largest ship in Russia: “Peter the Great” and 8 other sea giants

On October 30, 1696, a decision was made in the Russian Empire, which to this day is fundamental in the country’s military strategy - the Boyar Duma, at the request of Peter I, issued a decree on the founding of a permanently operating Navy.

Sea borders have always been the gateway to world trade, a path for growth and progress. With the development of shipbuilding, the general technological equipment of the state developed. With the expansion of the fleet, confidence in the sovereignty of the country and the inviolability of the territory appeared.

Today, the Russian Navy is built on the Black Sea, Pacific, Baltic and Northern flotillas. Marine technology consists of submarines, ships and military boats. Every year the fleet is modernized and expanded, many technological solutions are used only in our country.

The 10 warships presented below are the most powerful in Russian naval service. Also pay attention to the article 10 most expensive military vehicles in the world.

Steamship "Decembrist"

Steamship "Decembrist"

The cargo steamer “Decembrist” (previously called “Anadyr”), purchased by Russia in 1904, was built in England in 1902. During the Battle of Tsushima, she became the only ship not detained by the Japanese. In 1905, the Decembrist arrived in the Baltic port of Libau (Liepaja). The ship took part in the First World War, the February Revolution of 1917 and the Ice Campaign of the Baltic Fleet.

Later, the ship repeatedly moved from one shipping company to another. During the Great Patriotic War, it was one of the largest Soviet transport ships. The ship could carry 8 thousand tons of cargo and at the same time reach speeds of up to 22 km/h. In 1942, she was carrying ammunition and other cargo from Iceland to Murmansk and was sunk by the Germans in the Barents Sea. Of all the crew members, only three survived, and they were captured. In 1957, a stone obelisk was erected on Hope Island in memory of the crew of the Dekabrist steamship.


The Severodvinsk submarine, which is 120 meters long, can also compete for the title of the most powerful submarine of the Russian Navy or Navy.

The submarine K-560, or “Severodvinsk”, was launched in 2010 and serves as part of the Northern Fleet. It is interesting that this association of the Russian Navy is the youngest, but has several of the largest ships, including submarines.

The vessel's crew consists of 90 people; its special feature is its long navigation autonomy - up to 100 days.

TARPC "Dmitry Donskoy"

Every submarine of the Russian Navy deserves to be in our TOP, especially the Dmitry Donskoy - the most gigantic of all, which makes it one of the largest submarines on the planet. For four months, the Donskoy can sail in sea waters, fully supporting a crew of more than 160 people. The battleship has a Bulava missile system with six nuclear warheads.

"Kerch" (large anti-submarine ship)

In the Black Sea Fleet, this ship is the second after the cruiser "Moscow": both in size and in armament. Being at sea for 47 days, the ship can travel up to 8,000 nautical miles. To combat the enemy, Kerch uses a large arsenal of mine and torpedo weapons, as well as anti-submarine and missile weapons. The Ka-25 helicopter on board enhances the ship's combat capability.

The largest fleets in the world for 2022

Statistics on the number of ships changes annually. Some countries, due to lack of funds for modernization, are reducing their fleets, others are building new ships. At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the Soviet Union could boast of the number of warships. There were 1,053 units of marine equipment guarding the state borders. This figure today can be compared with the number of ships of modern maritime powers of the world.

Changes in the size of the Russian submarine fleet after the collapse of the USSR and over the course of 25 years

In addition to the navy, merchant ships are important, which should also be discussed. First, let's present an assessment of the largest fleets in the world.

US Navy

As of the beginning of 2022, the number of ships in the US fleet is 289 units. In addition, the United States is the world leader in the number of aircraft carriers, there are 11 of them. The Navy flag features white and red stripes and a snake with the words "Don't Tread on Me."

The largest and most technically equipped fleet belongs to the United States.

In the US Navy:

  • Nimitz-class aircraft carriers - 10;
  • aircraft carrier "Gerald R. Ford" - 1;
  • destroyers of the URO squadron - 69;
  • missile cruisers Ticonderoga - 22;
  • patrol and other vessels - 31;
  • submarines - 71 and others.

The composition differs not only quantitatively, but also qualitatively. US ships are equipped with modern equipment. There are 332,507 people serving in the navy. They have dominant positions in the Pacific Ocean, which were secured in World War II by displacing Japan.

US Navy Guys

Chinese Navy

The fastest growing fleet in the world belongs to China. Every year the state provides an increase in units of marine equipment. Mao Zedong first spoke about the construction of this type of troops in 1949. Today the structure is divided into three fleets:

  • Northern;
  • Southern;
  • Oriental.

China's fleet ranks first in the world in terms of growth

China today confronts Japan and also raises legitimate concerns for the US government. The number of ships of various types at the end of 2022 is about 465, troops - more than 324,000 people. It ranks first in the world in a number of population parameters:

  • diesel submarines;
  • missile and patrol boats (100 units of each type);
  • landing ships.

It is important to note here that US landing craft are superior to Chinese ones in terms of tonnage and capacity. To ensure uninterrupted supply of fuel to the fleet, China is creating external bases in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Thus, for refueling under a special agreement, Chinese ships call at the ports of Gwadar (Pakistan), Victoria (Seychelles), Yangon (Myanmar) and so on.


Steamship "Izhora"

Steamship "Izhora"

The cargo ship Izhora, built in England and sailing under the British flag for the first 13 years, was bought by the USSR in 1934 for the Baltic Shipping Company. During the Great Patriotic War, the ship was shot up in the Norwegian Sea and sank with 33 crew members on board. Only first mate Nikolai Adaev survived - he was captured and subsequently died in the German concentration camp Stutthof. The message from the sinking Izhora was received by the English cruiser Kenya. This allowed a group of aircraft to be sent to destroy the German squadron, and the oncoming convoy, traveling from Reykjavik to Murmansk, to safely reach the Soviet port.

"Peter the Great"

Nuclear heavy cruiser. The world's largest operational warship, not an aircraft carrier. Length 250 m, width 25 m, height 59 m, displacement more than 23 tons. Power plant - 2 nuclear reactors, there are 2 auxiliary boilers, 2 turbines and 4 power plants, 4 steam turbine generators and gas turbine generators, 2 propeller shafts. Capable of reaching a speed of 32 knots. It can voyage autonomously for up to 60 days; this period is limited by the volume of food reserves; it may not be replenished with fuel for 3 years.

The ship can hit large targets located above water, protect naval formations from air attack and from submarine attacks. It has an unlimited cruising range and is equipped with cruise missiles with a flight range of more than 600 km.


The main task of the Admiral Kuznetsov, created under project 1143.5, was to perform a protective function. The ship provided security for nuclear submarines in combat patrol areas and air defense for escorted ships, and searched for and destroyed enemy submarine and surface forces. Also, the tasks of the aircraft-carrying cruiser included covering the landing of marine forces if necessary. Duty near foreign shores with the aim of threatening recalcitrant aircraft with an attack was not part of the functions prescribed by the creators of the largest ship of the Russian navy.

ARK "Admiral Nakhimov"

Some time ago they began to modernize this cruiser, so it is currently out of service, but still we cannot help but talk about it in our TOP. And before this, the nuclear giant was famous for its missile weapons and artillery mounts, and after the completion of the upgrades, the Navy leadership promised to purchase many modern devices and complexes. The improvements were expected to be completed by 2022. We look forward to seeing what the cruiser will amaze the whole world with!

Missile cruiser "Moscow"

The flagship of the Black Sea Fleet (Project 1164 Atlant) was also created to counter large surface targets. It is armed with 64 S-300F air defense missiles, Osa-MA short-range air defense systems, Vulcan anti-ship missile systems, anti-submarine torpedo tubes and rocket launchers, as well as 130 and 30 mm caliber artillery mounts.

Let us remind you that since 2016, the cruiser has undergone scheduled repairs, and in September of this year it began exercises. Their task is to check all the technical characteristics of the ship before the next long voyage. In 2015, “Moskva” headed the permanent operational formation of the Russian Navy in the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea, the main task at that time was to cover the Aviation Group of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria.

Aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov"

Despite the fact that the Russian Navy currently has only one aircraft carrier, it allows the country to project its military power in various parts of the world, according to a columnist for The National Interest.

“Admiral Kuznetsov” is capable of carrying an aviation group of 50 aircraft and helicopters. Their combinations can be very different depending on specific tasks; the basis of the strike power is the Su-33 and MiG-29K fighters, as well as the Ka-27 and Ka-29 helicopters.

The aircraft carrier also has powerful missile weapons, which is why it is called an aircraft-carrying cruiser. These are the same “Granites”, “Dirks” and “Daggers” available in the arsenal of “Peter the Great”.

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